Added support for -I CLI option (same behaviour as CPP).
Comments are now recognised in accordance with the file extension.
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let help () =
printf "Usage: %s [<option> ...] <input>\n" file;
printf "where <input> is the source file,\n";
print "and each <option> (if any) is one of the following:";
print " -I <paths> Library paths (colon-separated)";
print " -I <paths> Inclusion paths (colon-separated)";
print " --columns Columns for source locations";
print " -h, --help This help";
exit 0
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type error =
| Parse_error
| No_line_comment_or_blank
| Invalid_symbol
| File_not_found of string
val format :
?offsets:bool -> error Region.reg -> file:bool -> string Region.reg
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ val format :
exception Error of Buffer.t * error Region.reg
val lex : Lexing.lexbuf -> Buffer.t
val lex : EvalOpt.options -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Buffer.t
(* Evaluation of boolean expressions *)
@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ type state = {
offset : offset;
trace : trace;
out : Buffer.t;
incl : in_channel list
incl : in_channel list;
opt : EvalOpt.options
(* ERRORS *)
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ type error =
| Parse_error
| No_line_comment_or_blank
| Invalid_symbol
| File_not_found of string
let error_to_string = function
Invalid_directive name ->
@ -163,6 +165,8 @@ let error_to_string = function
"Line comment or whitespace expected."
| Invalid_symbol ->
"Expected a symbol (identifier)."
| File_not_found name ->
sprintf "File \"%s\" to include not found." name
let format ?(offsets=true) Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value
@ -186,18 +190,18 @@ let fail error state buffer = stop error state (mk_reg buffer)
let reduce_cond state region =
let rec reduce = function
[] -> stop Dangling_endif state region
| If mode::trace -> trace, mode
| If mode::trace -> {state with mode; trace; offset = Prefix 0}
| Region::_ -> stop Open_region_in_conditional state region
| _::trace -> reduce trace
in reduce state.trace
(* The function [reduce_reg] is called when a #endregion directive is
(* The function [reduce_region] is called when a #endregion directive is
read, and the trace needs updating. *)
let reduce_reg state region =
let reduce_region state region =
match state.trace with
[] -> stop Dangling_endregion state region
| Region::trace -> trace
| Region::trace -> {state with trace; offset = Prefix 0}
| _ -> stop Conditional_in_region state region
(* The function [extend] is called when encountering conditional
@ -222,6 +226,22 @@ let rec last_mode = function
| (If mode | Elif mode)::_ -> mode
| _::trace -> last_mode trace
(* Finding a file to #include *)
let rec find base = function
[] -> None
| dir::dirs ->
let path = dir ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ base in
try Some (open_in path) with
Sys_error _ -> find base dirs
let find dir file libs : in_channel option =
let path = dir ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ file in
try Some (open_in path) with
Sys_error _ ->
let base = Filename.basename file in
if base = file then find file libs else None
(* Copying the current lexeme to [stdout] *)
@ -267,9 +287,9 @@ let expr state buffer : mode =
let directives = [
"if"; "else"; "elif"; "endif"; "define"; "undef";
"error"; (*"warning";*) "line"; "region"; "endregion";
"define"; "elif"; "else"; "endif"; "endregion"; "error";
"if"; "include"; "line"; "region"; "undef" (* "warning" *)
@ -303,10 +323,10 @@ let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
directives read so far.
The first call is [scan {env=Env.empty; mode=Copy; offset = Prefix
0; trace=[]}], meaning that we start with an empty environment,
that copying the input is enabled by default, and that we are at
the start of a line and no previous conditional directives have
been read yet.
0; trace=[]; incl=[]; opt}], meaning that we start with an empty
environment, that copying the input is enabled by default, and that
we are at the start of a line and no previous conditional
directives have been read yet. The field [opt] is the CLI options.
When an "#if" is matched, the trace is extended by the call [extend
lexbuf (If mode) trace], during the evaluation of which the
@ -405,7 +425,7 @@ let directive = '#' (blank* as space) (small+ as id)
Important note: Comments and strings are recognised as such only in
copy mode, which is a different behaviour from the preprocessor of
GNU GCC, which always does.
rule scan state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf;
@ -422,14 +442,18 @@ rule scan state = parse
match id with
"include" ->
let line = Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum)
and file = Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_fname)
|> Filename.basename
and incl_file = scan_inclusion state lexbuf in
and file = Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_fname) in
let base = Filename.basename file
and dir = Filename.dirname file
and reg, incl_file = scan_inclusion state lexbuf in
print state (sprintf "# 1 \"%s\" 1\n" incl_file);
let incl_chan = open_in incl_file in
let incl_chan =
match find dir incl_file state.opt#libs with
Some channel -> channel
| None -> stop (File_not_found incl_file) state reg in
let state = {state with incl = incl_chan::state.incl} in
cat state (Lexing.from_channel incl_chan);
print state (sprintf "# %i \"%s\" 2\n" (line+1) file);
print state (sprintf "# %i \"%s\" 2" (line+1) base);
scan state lexbuf
| "if" ->
let mode = expr state lexbuf in
@ -454,9 +478,8 @@ rule scan state = parse
if old_mode = Copy then mode else Skip
in scan {state with mode; offset = Prefix 0; trace} lexbuf
| "endif" ->
let () = skip_line state lexbuf in
let trace, mode = reduce_cond state region
in scan {state with mode; offset = Prefix 0; trace} lexbuf
skip_line state lexbuf;
scan (reduce_cond state region) lexbuf
| "define" ->
let id, region = variable state lexbuf in
if id="true" || id="false"
@ -497,10 +520,7 @@ rule scan state = parse
let msg = message [] lexbuf
in expand_offset state;
print state ("#" ^ space ^ "endregion" ^ msg ^ "\n");
let state =
{state with offset = Prefix 0;
trace = reduce_reg state region}
in scan state lexbuf
scan (reduce_region state region) lexbuf
| "line" ->
expand_offset state;
print state ("#" ^ space ^ "line");
@ -529,7 +549,17 @@ rule scan state = parse
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
in_block_com (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
if state.opt#lang = EvalOpt.ReasonLIGO then
reasonLIGO_com (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| "(*" { if state.mode = Copy then
expand_offset state;
copy state lexbuf;
if state.opt#lang = EvalOpt.CameLIGO
|| state.opt#lang = EvalOpt.PascaLIGO then
cameLIGO_com (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf
scan {state with offset=Inline} lexbuf }
| _ { if state.mode = Copy then
@ -546,7 +576,7 @@ and variable state = parse
in skip_line state lexbuf; id }
and symbol state = parse
ident as id { id, mk_reg lexbuf }
ident as id { id, mk_reg lexbuf }
| _ { fail Invalid_symbol state lexbuf }
@ -561,19 +591,19 @@ and line_indicator state = parse
match id with
"default" | "hidden" ->
print state (id ^ message [] lexbuf)
| _ -> fail (Invalid_line_indicator id) state lexbuf }
| _ { fail No_line_indicator state lexbuf }
| _ -> fail (Invalid_line_indicator id) state lexbuf }
| _ { fail No_line_indicator state lexbuf }
and end_indicator state = parse
blank+ { copy state lexbuf; end_indicator state lexbuf }
| nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| eof { copy state lexbuf }
blank+ { copy state lexbuf; end_indicator state lexbuf }
| nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| eof { copy state lexbuf }
| "//" { copy state lexbuf;
print state (message [] lexbuf ^ "\n") }
print state (message [] lexbuf ^ "\n") }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf;
in_string (mk_reg lexbuf) state lexbuf;
opt_line_com state lexbuf }
| _ { fail End_line_indicator state lexbuf }
opt_line_com state lexbuf }
| _ { fail End_line_indicator state lexbuf }
and opt_line_com state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
@ -584,11 +614,11 @@ and opt_line_com state = parse
(* New lines and verbatim sequence of characters *)
and skip_line state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| blank+ { skip_line state lexbuf }
| "//" { in_line_com {state with mode=Skip} lexbuf }
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf }
| blank+ { skip_line state lexbuf }
| "//" { in_line_com {state with mode=Skip} lexbuf }
| _ { fail No_line_comment_or_blank state lexbuf }
| eof { () }
| eof { () }
and message acc = parse
nl { Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
@ -604,11 +634,17 @@ and in_line_com state = parse
| _ { if state.mode = Copy then copy state lexbuf;
in_line_com state lexbuf }
and in_block_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; in_block_com opening state lexbuf }
and reasonLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*/" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_comment state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_block_com opening state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_comment state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
and cameLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*)" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_comment state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
(* Include a file *)
@ -623,19 +659,21 @@ and scan_inclusion state = parse
| '"' { in_inclusion (mk_reg lexbuf) [] 0 state lexbuf }
and in_inclusion opening acc len state = parse
'"' { mk_str len acc }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
'"' { let closing = mk_reg lexbuf
in Region.cover opening closing,
mk_str len acc }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
| _ as c { in_inclusion opening (c::acc) (len+1) state lexbuf }
(* Strings *)
and in_string opening state = parse
"\\\"" { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
"\\\"" { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
@ -645,14 +683,15 @@ and in_string opening state = parse
the trace is empty at the end. Note that we discard the state at
the end. *)
let lex buffer : Buffer.t =
let lex opt buffer : Buffer.t =
let state = {
env = Env.empty;
mode = Copy;
offset = Prefix 0;
trace = [];
out = Buffer.create 80;
incl = []
incl = [];
} in
let state = scan state buffer in
let () = List.iter close_in state.incl
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m\n%!" msg
let options = ();;
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ match open_in options#input with
let () =
buffer.lex_curr_p <-
{buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = options#input} in
match Preproc.lex buffer with
match Preproc.lex options buffer with
pp -> print_string (Buffer.contents pp)
| exception E_Lexer.Error err ->
let formatted =
E_Lexer.format ~offsets:options#offsets ~file:true err
in highlight formatted.Region.value
| exception Preproc.Error (out, err) ->
| exception Preproc.Error (_out, err) ->
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:options#offsets ~file:true err in
print_string (Buffer.contents out);
(* print_string (Buffer.contents out);*)
highlight formatted.Region.value
Reference in New Issue
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