Aligned printing of tuples of expressions on CameLIGO.

This commit is contained in:
Christian Rinderknecht 2020-06-01 19:17:59 +02:00
parent db3533bcd4
commit b12e9a5baa

@ -356,7 +356,18 @@ and pp_selection = function
FieldName _ -> string "TODO:pp_selection:FieldName"
| Component cmp -> cmp.value |> snd |> Z.to_string |> string
and pp_tuple_expr tuple = pp_par (pp_nsepseq "," pp_expr) tuple
and pp_tuple_expr {value; _} =
let head, tail = value.inside in
let rec app = function
[] -> empty
| [e] -> group (break 1 ^^ pp_expr e)
| e::items ->
group (break 1 ^^ pp_expr e ^^ string ",") ^^ app items in
let components =
if tail = []
then pp_expr head
else pp_expr head ^^ string "," ^^ app ( snd tail)
in string "(" ^^ nest 1 (components ^^ string ")")
and pp_fun_call {value; _} =
let lambda, arguments = value in