Added simplifications of Ligodity for lambdas, sequences and
conditionals. Enabled in parser a type annotation on lambda parameter, and lifted the existing type annotation in patterns to become that type annotation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ and let_in = {
and fun_expr = {
and fun_expr = {
kwd_fun : kwd_fun;
kwd_fun : kwd_fun;
param : variable;
param : variable;
p_annot : (colon * type_expr) option;
arrow : arrow;
arrow : arrow;
body : expr
body : expr
@ -736,9 +737,13 @@ and print_let_in (bind: let_in) =
print_expr body
print_expr body
and print_fun_expr {value; _} =
and print_fun_expr {value; _} =
let {kwd_fun; param; arrow; body} = value in
let {kwd_fun; param; p_annot; arrow; body} = value in
print_token kwd_fun "fun";
print_token kwd_fun "fun";
print_var param;
(match p_annot with
None -> print_var param
| Some (colon, type_expr) ->
print_token colon ":";
print_type_expr type_expr);
print_token arrow "->";
print_token arrow "->";
print_expr body
print_expr body
@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ and let_in = {
and fun_expr = {
and fun_expr = {
kwd_fun : kwd_fun;
kwd_fun : kwd_fun;
param : variable;
param : variable;
p_annot : (colon * type_expr) option;
arrow : arrow;
arrow : arrow;
body : expr
body : expr
@ -131,9 +131,32 @@ let norm_fun_expr patterns expr =
let fun_expr = {
let fun_expr = {
kwd_fun = ghost;
kwd_fun = ghost;
param = var;
param = var;
p_annot = None;
arrow = ghost;
arrow = ghost;
body = expr}
body = expr}
in EFun (ghost_of fun_expr)
in EFun (ghost_of fun_expr)
| PTyped p ->
let pattern = p.value.pattern
and type_expr = p.value.type_expr in
let fresh = Utils.gen_sym () |> ghost_of in
let clause = {pattern; arrow=ghost; rhs=expr} in
let clause = ghost_of clause in
let cases = ghost_of (clause, []) in
let case = {
kwd_match = ghost;
expr = EVar fresh;
opening = With ghost;
lead_vbar = None;
closing = End ghost} in
let case = ECase (ghost_of case) in
let fun_expr = {
kwd_fun = ghost;
param = fresh;
p_annot = Some (p.value.colon, type_expr);
arrow = ghost;
body = case}
in EFun (ghost_of fun_expr)
| _ -> let fresh = Utils.gen_sym () |> ghost_of in
| _ -> let fresh = Utils.gen_sym () |> ghost_of in
let clause = {pattern; arrow=ghost; rhs=expr} in
let clause = {pattern; arrow=ghost; rhs=expr} in
let clause = ghost_of clause in
let clause = ghost_of clause in
@ -149,6 +172,7 @@ let norm_fun_expr patterns expr =
let fun_expr = {
let fun_expr = {
kwd_fun = ghost;
kwd_fun = ghost;
param = fresh;
param = fresh;
p_annot = None;
arrow = ghost;
arrow = ghost;
body = case}
body = case}
in EFun (ghost_of fun_expr)
in EFun (ghost_of fun_expr)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
lhs_type in
lhs_type in
let%bind rhs = simpl_expression ?te_annot:type_annotation let_rhs in
let%bind rhs = simpl_expression ?te_annot:type_annotation let_rhs in
let%bind body = simpl_expression body in
let%bind body = simpl_expression body in
return (mk_let_in (variable.value , None) rhs body)
return @@ mk_let_in (variable.value , None) rhs body
| Raw.EAnnot a -> (
| Raw.EAnnot a -> (
let (expr , type_expr) = a.value in
let (expr , type_expr) = a.value in
@ -206,8 +206,37 @@ let rec simpl_expression :
@@ npseq_to_list c.value.cases.value in
@@ npseq_to_list c.value.cases.value in
let%bind cases = simpl_cases lst in
let%bind cases = simpl_cases lst in
return @@ E_matching (e, cases)
return @@ E_matching (e, cases)
| _ -> failwith "XXX" (* TODO *)
| EFun lamb ->
let%bind input_type = bind_map_option
(fun (_,type_expr) -> simpl_type_expression type_expr)
lamb.value.p_annot in
let body, body_type =
match lamb.value.body with
EAnnot {value = expr, type_expr} -> expr, Some type_expr
| expr -> expr, None in
let%bind output_type =
bind_map_option simpl_type_expression body_type in
let%bind result = simpl_expression body in
let binder = lamb.value.param.value, input_type in
let lambda = {binder; input_type; output_type; result = result}
in return @@ E_lambda lambda
| ESeq s ->
let items : Raw.expr list = pseq_to_list s.value.elements in
(match items with
[] -> return @@ E_skip
| expr::more ->
let expr' = simpl_expression expr in
let apply (e1: Raw.expr) (e2: expression Trace.result) =
let%bind a = simpl_expression e1 in
let%bind e2' = e2 in
return @@ E_sequence (a, e2')
in List.fold_right apply more expr')
| ECond c ->
let c = c.value in
let%bind expr = simpl_expression c.test in
let%bind match_true = simpl_expression c.ifso in
let%bind match_false = simpl_expression c.ifnot in
return @@ E_matching (expr, (Match_bool {match_true; match_false}))
and simpl_logic_expression ?te_annot (t:Raw.logic_expr) : expr result =
and simpl_logic_expression ?te_annot (t:Raw.logic_expr) : expr result =
let return x = ok @@ make_option_typed x te_annot in
let return x = ok @@ make_option_typed x te_annot in
match t with
match t with
@ -1 +0,0 @@
(lang dune 1.6)
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