[LIGO-168] Add the while loop to CameLIGO
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ module Simplify = struct
("List.map" , "LIST_MAP") ;
("List.fold" , "LIST_FOLD") ;
("Loop.fold_while" , "FOLD_WHILE") ;
("continue" , "CONTINUE") ;
("stop" , "STOP") ;
("Operation.transaction" , "CALL") ;
("Operation.get_contract" , "CONTRACT") ;
("int" , "INT") ;
@ -563,6 +567,25 @@ module Typer = struct
let%bind () = assert_eq_1 ~msg:"res init" res init in
ok res
(** FOLD_WHILE is a fold operation that takes an initial value of a certain type
and then iterates on it until a condition is reached. The auxillary function
that does the fold returns either boolean true or boolean false to indicate
whether the fold should continue or not. Necessarily then the initial value
must match the input parameter of the auxillary function, and the auxillary
should return type (bool * input) *)
let fold_while = typer_2 "FOLD_WHILE" @@ fun init body ->
let%bind (arg, result) = get_t_function body in
let%bind () = assert_eq_1 arg init in
let%bind () = assert_eq_1 (t_pair (t_bool ()) init ()) result
in ok init
(* Continue and Stop are just syntactic sugar for building a pair (bool * a') *)
let continue = typer_1 "CONTINUE" @@ fun arg ->
ok @@ t_pair (t_bool ()) arg ()
let stop = typer_1 "STOP" @@ fun arg ->
ok (t_pair (t_bool ()) arg ())
let not_ = typer_1 "NOT" @@ fun elt ->
if eq_1 elt (t_bool ())
then ok @@ t_bool ()
@ -641,6 +664,9 @@ module Typer = struct
map_find_opt ;
map_map ;
map_fold ;
fold_while ;
continue ;
stop ;
map_iter ;
map_get_force ;
map_get ;
@ -726,6 +752,13 @@ module Compiler = struct
("MAP_FIND_OPT" , simple_binary @@ prim I_GET) ;
("MAP_ADD" , simple_ternary @@ seq [dip (i_some) ; prim I_UPDATE]) ;
("MAP_UPDATE" , simple_ternary @@ prim I_UPDATE) ;
("FOLD_WHILE" , simple_binary @@ seq [(i_push (prim T_bool) (prim D_True)) ;
prim ~children:[seq [dip i_dup; i_exec; i_unpair]] I_LOOP ;
i_swap ; i_drop]) ;
("CONTINUE" , simple_unary @@ seq [(i_push (prim T_bool) (prim D_True)) ;
i_pair]) ;
("STOP" , simple_unary @@ seq [(i_push (prim T_bool) (prim D_False)) ;
i_pair]) ;
("SIZE" , simple_unary @@ prim I_SIZE) ;
("FAILWITH" , simple_unary @@ prim I_FAILWITH) ;
("ASSERT_INFERRED" , simple_binary @@ i_if (seq [i_failwith]) (seq [i_drop ; i_push_unit])) ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(* Test loops in CameLIGO *)
let aux_simple (i: int) : bool * int =
if i < 100 then continue (i + 1) else stop i
let counter_simple (n: int) : int =
Loop.fold_while n aux_simple
type sum_aggregator = {
counter : int ;
sum : int ;
let counter (n : int) : int =
let initial : sum_aggregator = { counter = 0 ; sum = 0 } in
let out : sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while initial (fun (prev: sum_aggregator) ->
if prev.counter <= n then
continue ({ counter = prev.counter + 1 ; sum = prev.counter + prev.sum })
stop ({ counter = prev.counter ; sum = prev.sum })
) in out.sum
let aux_nest (prev: sum_aggregator) : bool * sum_aggregator =
if prev.counter < 100 then
continue ({ counter = prev.counter + 1 ;
sum = prev.sum + Loop.fold_while prev.counter aux_simple})
stop ({ counter = prev.counter ; sum = prev.sum })
let counter_nest (n: int) : int =
let initial : sum_aggregator = { counter = 0 ; sum = 0 } in
let out : sum_aggregator = Loop.fold_while initial aux_nest
in out.sum
@ -805,6 +805,24 @@ let for_fail () : unit result =
let%bind () = expect_fail program "main" (e_nat 0)
in ok () *)
let loop_mligo () : unit result =
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/loop.mligo" in
let%bind () =
let input = e_int 0 in
let expected = e_int 100 in
expect_eq program "counter_simple" input expected
let%bind () =
let input = e_int 100 in
let expected = e_int 5050 in
expect_eq program "counter" input expected
let%bind () =
let input = e_int 100 in
let expected = e_int 10000 in
expect_eq program "counter_nest" input expected
in ok ()
let matching () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/match.ligo" in
let%bind () =
@ -1152,6 +1170,7 @@ let main = test_suite "Integration (End to End)" [
test "big_map (mligo)" mbig_map ;
test "list" list ;
test "loop" loop ;
test "loop (mligo)" loop_mligo ;
test "matching" matching ;
test "declarations" declarations ;
test "quote declaration" quote_declaration ;
Reference in New Issue
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