Vendors: upgrade ocaml-ledger-wallet
* Use result instead of exceptions * Support newer versions of the companion Tezos/TezBake Ledger apps
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ build: [ "jbuilder" "build" "-j" jobs "-p" name "@install" ]
build-test: [ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
build-test: [ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
depends: [
depends: [
"jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta16"}
"jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta16"}
"result" {>= "1.3"}
"rresult" {>= "0.5.0"}
"cstruct" {>= "3.2.1"}
"cstruct" {>= "3.2.1"}
"hidapi" {>= "1.0"}
"hidapi" {>= "1.0"}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(public_name ledgerwallet)
(public_name ledgerwallet)
(modules (Apdu Transport))
(modules (Apdu Transport))
(synopsis "Ledger wallet library for OCaml: common parts")
(synopsis "Ledger wallet library for OCaml: common parts")
(libraries (result cstruct hidapi))))
(libraries (rresult cstruct hidapi))))
((name ledgerwallet_tezos)
((name ledgerwallet_tezos)
@ -3,15 +3,75 @@
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
open Rresult
open Ledgerwallet
open Ledgerwallet
module Version = struct
type app_class = Tezos | TezBake
let pp_app_class ppf = function
| Tezos -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "Tezos"
| TezBake -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "TezBake"
let class_of_int = function
| 0 -> Tezos
| 1 -> TezBake
| _ -> invalid_arg "class_of_int"
type t = {
app_class : app_class ;
major : int ;
minor : int ;
patch : int ;
let pp ppf { app_class ; major ; minor ; patch } =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a.%d.%d.%d"
pp_app_class app_class major minor patch
let create ~app_class ~major ~minor ~patch = {
app_class ; major ; minor ; patch
type Transport.Status.t +=
let () = Transport.Status.register_string_f begin function
| Tezos_impossible_to_read_version ->
Some "Impossible to read version"
| _ -> None
let read cs =
let app_class = class_of_int (Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 0) in
let major = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 1 in
let minor = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 2 in
let patch = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 3 in
R.ok (create ~app_class ~major ~minor ~patch)
with _ ->
~msg:"" (R.error Tezos_impossible_to_read_version)
type ins =
type ins =
| Version
| Authorize_baking
| Get_public_key
| Get_public_key
| Prompt_public_key
| Sign
| Sign
| Sign_unsafe
| Reset_high_watermark
| Query_high_watermark
let int_of_ins = function
let int_of_ins = function
| Version -> 0x00
| Authorize_baking -> 0x01
| Get_public_key -> 0x02
| Get_public_key -> 0x02
| Prompt_public_key -> 0x03
| Sign -> 0x04
| Sign -> 0x04
| Sign_unsafe -> 0x05
| Reset_high_watermark -> 0x06
| Query_high_watermark -> 0x08
type curve =
type curve =
| Ed25519
| Ed25519
@ -26,13 +86,18 @@ let int_of_curve = function
let wrap_ins cmd =
let wrap_ins cmd =
Apdu.create_cmd ~cmd ~cla_of_cmd:(fun _ -> 0x80) ~ins_of_cmd:int_of_ins
Apdu.create_cmd ~cmd ~cla_of_cmd:(fun _ -> 0x80) ~ins_of_cmd:int_of_ins
let get_version ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Version) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_version" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>=
let write_path cs path =
let write_path cs path =
ListLabels.fold_left path ~init:cs ~f:begin fun cs i ->
ListLabels.fold_left path ~init:cs ~f:begin fun cs i ->
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 0 i ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 0 i ;
Cstruct.shift cs 4
Cstruct.shift cs 4
let get_public_key ?pp ?buf h curve path =
let get_public_key_like cmd ?pp ?buf h curve path =
let nb_derivations = List.length path in
let nb_derivations = List.length path in
if nb_derivations > 10 then invalid_arg "get_public_key: max 10 derivations" ;
if nb_derivations > 10 then invalid_arg "get_public_key: max 10 derivations" ;
let lc = 1 + 4 * nb_derivations in
let lc = 1 + 4 * nb_derivations in
@ -40,14 +105,32 @@ let get_public_key ?pp ?buf h curve path =
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init 0 nb_derivations ;
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init 0 nb_derivations ;
let data = Cstruct.shift data_init 1 in
let data = Cstruct.shift data_init 1 in
let _data = write_path data path in
let _data = write_path data path in
let msg = "Tezos.get_public_key" in
let msg = "get_public_key" in
let apdu = Apdu.create ~p2:(int_of_curve curve)
let apdu = Apdu.create
~lc ~data:data_init (wrap_ins Get_public_key) in
~p2:(int_of_curve curve) ~lc ~data:data_init (wrap_ins cmd) in
let addr = Transport.apdu ~msg ?pp ?buf h apdu in
Transport.apdu ~msg ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun addr ->
let keylen = Cstruct.get_uint8 addr 0 in
let keylen = Cstruct.get_uint8 addr 0 in
Cstruct.sub addr 1 keylen
Cstruct.sub addr 1 keylen
let sign ?pp ?buf h curve path payload =
let get_public_key ?(prompt=true) =
let cmd = if prompt then Prompt_public_key else Get_public_key in
get_public_key_like cmd
let authorize_baking = get_public_key_like Authorize_baking
let get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_high_watermark) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun hwm ->
Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 hwm 0
let set_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h hwm =
let data = Cstruct.create 4 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 data 0 hwm ;
let apdu = Apdu.create ~lc:4 ~data (wrap_ins Reset_high_watermark) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"set_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>|
let sign ?pp ?buf ?(hash_on_ledger=true) h curve path payload =
let nb_derivations = List.length path in
let nb_derivations = List.length path in
if nb_derivations > 10 then invalid_arg "get_public_key: max 10 derivations" ;
if nb_derivations > 10 then invalid_arg "get_public_key: max 10 derivations" ;
let lc = 1 + 4 * nb_derivations in
let lc = 1 + 4 * nb_derivations in
@ -55,8 +138,8 @@ let sign ?pp ?buf h curve path payload =
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init 0 nb_derivations ;
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init 0 nb_derivations ;
let data = Cstruct.shift data_init 1 in
let data = Cstruct.shift data_init 1 in
let _data = write_path data path in
let _data = write_path data path in
let cmd = wrap_ins Sign in
let cmd = wrap_ins (if hash_on_ledger then Sign else Sign_unsafe) in
let msg = "Tezos.sign" in
let msg = "sign" in
let apdu = Apdu.create ~p2:(int_of_curve curve) ~lc ~data:data_init cmd in
let apdu = Apdu.create ~p2:(int_of_curve curve) ~lc ~data:data_init cmd in
let _addr = Transport.apdu ~msg ?pp ?buf h apdu in
let _addr = Transport.apdu ~msg ?pp ?buf h apdu in
Transport.write_payload ~mark_last:true ?pp ?buf ~msg ~cmd h ~p1:0x01 payload
Transport.write_payload ~mark_last:true ?pp ?buf ~msg ~cmd h ~p1:0x01 payload
@ -3,22 +3,77 @@
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
open Ledgerwallet
module Version : sig
type app_class = Tezos | TezBake
val pp_app_class : Format.formatter -> app_class -> unit
type Transport.Status.t +=
type t = {
app_class : app_class ;
major : int ;
minor : int ;
patch : int ;
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type curve =
type curve =
| Ed25519
| Ed25519
| Secp256k1
| Secp256k1
| Secp256r1
| Secp256r1
val get_public_key :
val get_version :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> Cstruct.t
Hidapi.t -> (Version.t, Transport.error) result
(** [get_public_key ?pp ?buf ledger curve path] is [0x02 || pk] from
(** [get_version ?pp ?buf ledger] is the version information of the
[ledger] at [path] for curve [curve]. *)
Ledger app running at [ledger]. *)
val get_public_key :
?prompt:bool ->
?pp:Format.formatter ->
?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Transport.error) result
(** [get_public_key ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path] is [0x02 ||
pk] from [ledger] at [path] for curve [curve]. If [prompt] is
[true] (the default), then a prompt on Ledger screen will ask user
confirmation. *)
val authorize_baking :
?pp:Format.formatter ->
?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Transport.error) result
(** [authorize_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path] is like
[get_public_key] with [prompt = true], but only works with the
baking Ledger application and serves to indicate that the key from
[curve] at [path] is allowed to bake. *)
val get_high_watermark :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> (int32, Transport.error) result
(** [get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger] is the current value of the
high water mark on [ledger]. This works with the baking app
only. *)
val set_high_watermark :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> int32 -> (unit, Transport.error) result
(** [get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger hwm] reset the high water
mark on [ledger] to [hwm]. This works with the baking app only. *)
val sign :
val sign :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter ->
Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t
?buf:Cstruct.t ->
(** [sign ?pp ?buf h curve path payload] is [signature], signed from
?hash_on_ledger:bool ->
[ledger] with key from curve [curve] at [path]. *)
Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list ->
Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t, Transport.error) result
(** [sign ?pp ?buf ?hash_on_ledger h curve path payload] is the
signature of [payload] (or its hash if [hash_on_ledger] is [true],
the default), signed on [ledger] with key from curve [curve] at
[path]. *)
Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff
Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff
@ -3,13 +3,21 @@
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file.
open Rresult
let packet_length = 64
let packet_length = 64
let channel = 0x0101
let channel = 0x0101
let apdu = 0x05
let apdu = 0x05
let ping = 0x02
let ping = 0x02
let check_buflen cs =
let cslen = Cstruct.len cs in
if cslen < packet_length then invalid_arg
("HID packets must be 64 bytes long, got " ^ string_of_int cslen)
module Status = struct
module Status = struct
type t =
type t = ..
type t +=
| Invalid_pin of int
| Invalid_pin of int
| Incorrect_length
| Incorrect_length
| Incompatible_file_structure
| Incompatible_file_structure
@ -21,6 +29,7 @@ module Status = struct
| Ins_not_supported
| Ins_not_supported
| Technical_problem of int
| Technical_problem of int
| Ok
| Ok
| Unknown of int
let of_int = function
let of_int = function
| 0x6700 -> Incorrect_length
| 0x6700 -> Incorrect_length
@ -34,10 +43,14 @@ module Status = struct
| 0x9000 -> Ok
| 0x9000 -> Ok
| v when v >= 0x63c0 && v <= 0x63cf -> Invalid_pin (v land 0x0f)
| v when v >= 0x63c0 && v <= 0x63cf -> Invalid_pin (v land 0x0f)
| v when v >= 0x6f00 && v <= 0x6fff -> Technical_problem (v land 0xff)
| v when v >= 0x6f00 && v <= 0x6fff -> Technical_problem (v land 0xff)
| v -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Status.of_int: got 0x%x" v)
| v -> Unknown v
let string_fs = ref []
let register_string_f f =
string_fs := f :: !string_fs
let to_string = function
let to_string = function
| Invalid_pin i -> Printf.sprintf "Invalid pin %d" i
| Invalid_pin i -> "Invalid pin " ^ string_of_int i
| Incorrect_length -> "Incorrect length"
| Incorrect_length -> "Incorrect length"
| Incompatible_file_structure -> "Incompatible file structure"
| Incompatible_file_structure -> "Incompatible file structure"
| Security_status_unsatisfied -> "Security status unsatisfied"
| Security_status_unsatisfied -> "Security status unsatisfied"
@ -46,8 +59,15 @@ module Status = struct
| File_not_found -> "File not found"
| File_not_found -> "File not found"
| Incorrect_params -> "Incorrect params"
| Incorrect_params -> "Incorrect params"
| Ins_not_supported -> "Instruction not supported"
| Ins_not_supported -> "Instruction not supported"
| Technical_problem i -> Printf.sprintf "Technical problem %d" i
| Technical_problem i -> "Technical problem " ^ string_of_int i
| Ok -> "Ok"
| Ok -> "Ok"
| Unknown i -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown status code 0x%x" i
| t ->
List.fold_left begin fun a f ->
match f t with Some s -> failwith s | None -> a
end "Unregistered status message" !string_fs
with Failure s -> s
let show t = to_string t
let show t = to_string t
@ -56,58 +76,142 @@ module Status = struct
module Header = struct
module Header = struct
type t = {
type t = {
cmd : [`Ping | `Apdu] ;
cmd : cmd ;
seq : int ;
seq : int ;
and cmd = Ping | Apdu
let cmd_of_int = function
| 0x05 -> Some Apdu
| 0x02 -> Some Ping
| _ -> None
module Error = struct
type t =
| Header_too_short of int
| Invalid_channel of int
| Invalid_command_tag of int
| Unexpected_sequence_number of { expected : int ;
actual : int }
let pp ppf = function
| Header_too_short i ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Header too short (got %d bytes)" i
| Invalid_channel i ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid channel (%d)" i
| Invalid_command_tag i ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid command tag (%d)" i
| Unexpected_sequence_number { expected ; actual } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected sequence number (expected %d, got %d)"
expected actual
let fail_header_too_short i = R.error (Error.Header_too_short i)
let fail_invalid_chan i = R.error (Error.Invalid_channel i)
let fail_invalid_cmd i = R.error (Error.Invalid_command_tag i)
let fail_unexpected_seqnum ~expected ~actual =
R.error (Error.Unexpected_sequence_number { expected ; actual })
let read cs =
let read cs =
let open Cstruct in
let cslen = Cstruct.len cs in
if BE.get_uint16 cs 0 <> channel then
begin if cslen < 5 then
invalid_arg "Transport.read_header: invalid channel id" ;
fail_header_too_short cslen
let cmd = match get_uint8 cs 2 with
else R.ok ()
| 0x05 -> `Apdu
end >>= fun () ->
| 0x02 -> `Ping
let channel_id = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 0 in
| _ -> invalid_arg "Transport.read_header: invalid command tag"
let cmd = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 2 in
let seq = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 3 in
let seq = BE.get_uint16 cs 3 in
{ cmd ; seq }, Cstruct.shift cs 5
if channel_id <> channel then
fail_invalid_chan channel_id
else R.ok ()
end >>= fun () ->
begin match cmd_of_int cmd with
| Some cmd -> R.ok cmd
| None -> fail_invalid_cmd cmd
end >>= fun cmd ->
R.ok ({ cmd ; seq }, Cstruct.shift cs 5)
let check_exn ?cmd ?seq t =
let check_seqnum t expected_seq =
begin match cmd with
if expected_seq <> t.seq then
| None -> ()
fail_unexpected_seqnum ~actual:t.seq ~expected:expected_seq
| Some expected ->
else R.ok ()
if expected <> t.cmd then failwith "Header.check: unexpected command"
end ;
begin match seq with
| None -> ()
| Some expected ->
if expected <> t.seq then failwith "Header.check: unexpected seq num"
type transport_error =
| Hidapi of string
| Incomplete_write of int
| Incomplete_read of int
let pp_transport_error ppf = function
| Hidapi s -> Format.pp_print_string ppf s
| Incomplete_write i ->
Format.fprintf ppf "wrote %d bytes, expected to write 64 \
bytes" i
| Incomplete_read i ->
Format.fprintf ppf "read %d bytes, expected to read 64 \
bytes" i
type error =
| AppError of { status : Status.t ; msg : string }
| ApduError of Header.Error.t
| TransportError of transport_error
let app_error ~msg r =
R.reword_error (fun status -> AppError { status ; msg }) r
let apdu_error r =
R.reword_error (fun e -> ApduError e) r
let pp_error ppf = function
| AppError { status ; msg } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Application level error (%s): %a"
msg Status.pp status
| ApduError e ->
Format.fprintf ppf "APDU level error: %a" Header.Error.pp e
| TransportError e ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Transport level error: %a" pp_transport_error e
let check_nbwritten = function
| n when n = packet_length -> R.ok ()
| n -> R.error (TransportError (Incomplete_write n))
let check_nbread = function
| n when n = packet_length -> R.ok ()
| n -> R.error (TransportError (Incomplete_read n))
let write_hidapi h ?len buf =
R.reword_error (fun s -> TransportError (Hidapi s))
(Hidapi.write h ?len Cstruct.(to_bigarray (sub buf 0 packet_length))) >>=
let read_hidapi ?timeout h buf =
R.reword_error (fun s -> TransportError (Hidapi s))
( ?timeout h buf packet_length) >>=
let write_ping ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h =
let write_ping ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h =
check_buflen buf ;
let open Cstruct in
let open Cstruct in
BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ;
set_uint8 buf 2 ping ;
set_uint8 buf 2 ping ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 3 0 ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 3 0 ;
memset (sub buf 5 59) 0 ;
memset (sub buf 5 59) 0 ;
match Hidapi.write h (to_bigarray (sub buf 0 packet_length)) with
write_hidapi h buf
| Error msg -> failwith msg
| Ok nb_written when nb_written <> packet_length -> failwith "Transport.write_ping"
| _ -> ()
let write_apdu
let write_apdu
?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length)
?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length)
h p =
h p =
check_buflen buf ;
let apdu_len = Apdu.length p in
let apdu_len = Apdu.length p in
let apdu_buf = Cstruct.create apdu_len in
let apdu_buf = Cstruct.create apdu_len in
let _nb_written = Apdu.write apdu_buf p in
let _nb_written = Apdu.write apdu_buf p in
begin match pp with
begin match pp with
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
| Some pp ->
| Some pp ->
Format.fprintf pp "-> %a@." Cstruct.hexdump_pp apdu_buf
Format.fprintf pp "-> REQ %a@." Cstruct.hexdump_pp apdu_buf ;
Format.pp_print_flush pp ()
end ;
end ;
let apdu_p = ref 0 in (* pos in the apdu buf *)
let apdu_p = ref 0 in (* pos in the apdu buf *)
let i = ref 0 in (* packet id *)
let i = ref 0 in (* packet id *)
@ -120,48 +224,44 @@ let write_apdu
BE.set_uint16 buf 5 apdu_len ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 5 apdu_len ;
let nb_to_write = (min apdu_len (packet_length - 7)) in
let nb_to_write = (min apdu_len (packet_length - 7)) in
blit apdu_buf 0 buf 7 nb_to_write ;
blit apdu_buf 0 buf 7 nb_to_write ;
begin match Hidapi.write h (to_bigarray (sub buf 0 packet_length)) with
write_hidapi h buf >>= fun () ->
| Error msg -> failwith msg
| Ok nb_written when nb_written <> packet_length ->
failwith "Transport.write_apdu"
| _ -> ()
end ;
apdu_p := !apdu_p + nb_to_write ;
apdu_p := !apdu_p + nb_to_write ;
incr i ;
incr i ;
(* write following packets *)
(* write following packets *)
while !apdu_p < apdu_len do
let rec inner apdu_p =
if apdu_p >= apdu_len then R.ok ()
else begin
memset buf 0 ;
memset buf 0 ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ;
set_uint8 buf 2 apdu ;
set_uint8 buf 2 apdu ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 3 !i ;
BE.set_uint16 buf 3 !i ;
let nb_to_write = (min (apdu_len - !apdu_p) (packet_length - 5)) in
let nb_to_write = (min (apdu_len - apdu_p) (packet_length - 5)) in
blit apdu_buf !apdu_p buf 5 nb_to_write ;
blit apdu_buf apdu_p buf 5 nb_to_write ;
begin match Hidapi.write h (to_bigarray (sub buf 0 packet_length)) with
write_hidapi h buf >>= fun () ->
| Error err -> failwith err
incr i ;
| Ok nb_written when nb_written <> packet_length ->
inner (apdu_p + nb_to_write)
failwith "Transport.write_apdu"
| _ -> ()
end ;
inner !apdu_p
apdu_p := !apdu_p + nb_to_write ;
incr i
let read ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h =
let read ?pp ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h =
check_buflen buf ;
let expected_seq = ref 0 in
let expected_seq = ref 0 in
let full_payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in
let full_payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in
let payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in
let payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in
(* let pos = ref 0 in *)
(* let pos = ref 0 in *)
let rec inner () =
let rec inner () =
begin match ~timeout:600000 h
read_hidapi ~timeout:600_000 h (Cstruct.to_bigarray buf) >>= fun () ->
(Cstruct.to_bigarray buf) packet_length with
begin match pp with
| Error err -> failwith err
| None -> ()
| Ok nb_read when nb_read <> packet_length ->
| Some pp ->
failwith (Printf.sprintf " read %d bytes" nb_read)
Format.fprintf pp "<- RAW PKT %a@."
| _ -> ()
Cstruct.hexdump_pp (Cstruct.sub buf 0 packet_length) ;
Format.pp_print_flush pp ()
end ;
end ;
let hdr, buf = buf in
apdu_error ( buf) >>= fun (hdr, buf) ->
Header.check_exn ~seq:!expected_seq hdr ;
apdu_error (Header.check_seqnum hdr !expected_seq) >>= fun () ->
if hdr.seq = 0 then begin (* first frame *)
if hdr.seq = 0 then begin (* first frame *)
let len = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 buf 0 in
let len = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 buf 0 in
let cs = Cstruct.shift buf 2 in
let cs = Cstruct.shift buf 2 in
@ -180,40 +280,37 @@ let read ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h =
(* pos := !pos + nb_to_read ; *)
(* pos := !pos + nb_to_read ; *)
expected_seq := !expected_seq + 1
expected_seq := !expected_seq + 1
end ;
end ;
if Cstruct.len !payload = 0 then
match Cstruct.len !payload, hdr.cmd with
if hdr.cmd = `Ping then Status.Ok, Cstruct.create 0
| 0, Ping -> R.ok (Status.Ok, Cstruct.create 0)
| 0, Apdu ->
(* let sw_pos = Bytes.length !payload - 2 in *)
(* let sw_pos = Bytes.length !payload - 2 in *)
let payload_len = Cstruct.len !full_payload in
let payload_len = Cstruct.len !full_payload in
Status.of_int Cstruct.(BE.get_uint16 !full_payload (payload_len - 2)),
let sw = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 !full_payload (payload_len - 2) in
Cstruct.sub !full_payload 0 (payload_len - 2)
else inner ()
(Status.of_int sw,
Cstruct.sub !full_payload 0 (payload_len - 2))
| _ -> inner ()
inner ()
inner ()
let ping ?buf h =
let ping ?pp ?buf h =
write_ping ?buf h ;
write_ping ?buf h >>= fun () ->
match read ?buf h with
read ?pp ?buf h >>|
| Status.Ok, _ -> ()
| s, _ -> failwith ((Status.to_string s))
let apdu ?pp ?(msg="") ?buf h apdu =
let apdu ?pp ?(msg="") ?buf h apdu =
write_apdu ?pp ?buf h apdu ;
write_apdu ?pp ?buf h apdu >>= fun () ->
match read ?buf h with
read ?pp ?buf h >>= fun (status, payload) ->
| Status.Ok, payload ->
begin match pp with
begin match pp with
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
| Some pp ->
| Some pp ->
Format.fprintf pp "<- %a %a@." Status.pp Status.Ok Cstruct.hexdump_pp payload
Format.fprintf pp "<- RESP [%a] %a@."
Status.pp status Cstruct.hexdump_pp payload ;
Format.pp_print_flush pp ()
end ;
end ;
match status with
| s, payload ->
| Status.Ok -> R.ok payload
begin match pp with
| status -> app_error ~msg (R.error status)
| None -> ()
| Some pp ->
Format.fprintf pp "<- %a %a@." Status.pp s Cstruct.hexdump_pp payload
end ;
failwith ((Status.to_string s) ^ " " ^ msg)
let write_payload
let write_payload
?pp ?(msg="write_payload") ?buf ?(mark_last=false) ~cmd ?p1 ?p2 h cs =
?pp ?(msg="write_payload") ?buf ?(mark_last=false) ~cmd ?p1 ?p2 h cs =
@ -225,11 +322,12 @@ let write_payload
| true, true, None -> Some 0x80
| true, true, None -> Some 0x80
| true, true, Some p1 -> Some (0x80 lor p1)
| true, true, Some p1 -> Some (0x80 lor p1)
| _ -> p1 in
| _ -> p1 in
let response = apdu ?pp ~msg ?buf h
apdu ?pp ~msg ?buf h
Apdu.(create ?p1 ?p2 ~lc ~data:(Cstruct.sub cs 0 lc) cmd) in
Apdu.(create ?p1 ?p2 ~lc
if last then response
~data:(Cstruct.sub cs 0 lc) cmd) >>= fun response ->
if last then R.ok response
else inner (Cstruct.shift cs lc) in
else inner (Cstruct.shift cs lc) in
if Cstruct.len cs = 0 then cs else inner cs
if Cstruct.len cs = 0 then R.ok cs else inner cs
Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff
Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
module Status : sig
module Status : sig
type t =
type t = ..
type t +=
| Invalid_pin of int
| Invalid_pin of int
| Incorrect_length
| Incorrect_length
| Incompatible_file_structure
| Incompatible_file_structure
@ -17,34 +18,65 @@ module Status : sig
| Technical_problem of int
| Technical_problem of int
| Ok
| Ok
val register_string_f : (t -> string option) -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val to_string : t -> string
val show : t -> string
val show : t -> string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Header : sig
module Error : sig
type t =
| Header_too_short of int
| Invalid_channel of int
| Invalid_command_tag of int
| Unexpected_sequence_number of { expected : int ;
actual : int }
type transport_error =
| Hidapi of string
| Incomplete_write of int
| Incomplete_read of int
type error =
| AppError of { status : Status.t ; msg : string }
| ApduError of Header.Error.t
| TransportError of transport_error
val app_error :
msg:string -> ('a, Status.t) result -> ('a, error) result
val pp_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val write_apdu :
val write_apdu :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> Apdu.t -> unit
Hidapi.t -> Apdu.t -> (unit, error) result
(** [write_apdu ?pp ?buf ledger apdu] writes [apdu] to [ledger]. *)
(** [write_apdu ?pp ?buf ledger apdu] writes [apdu] to [ledger]. *)
val read : ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> Status.t * Cstruct.t
val read :
(** [read ?buf ledger] reads from [ledger] a status response and a
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> (Status.t * Cstruct.t, error) result
(** [read ?pp ?buf ledger] reads from [ledger] a status response and a
payload. *)
payload. *)
val ping : ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> unit
val ping : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
(** [ping ?buf ledger] writes a ping packet to [ledger], optionally
Hidapi.t -> (unit, error) result
containing [buf]. *)
(** [ping ?pp ?buf ledger] writes a ping packet to [ledger],
optionally containing [buf]. *)
val apdu :
val apdu :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?msg:string -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?msg:string -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> Apdu.t -> Cstruct.t
Hidapi.t -> Apdu.t -> (Cstruct.t, error) result
(** [apdu ?pp ?msg ?buf ledger apdu] writes [apdu] to [ledger] and
(** [apdu ?pp ?msg ?buf ledger apdu] writes [apdu] to [ledger] and
returns the response. *)
returns the response. *)
val write_payload :
val write_payload :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?msg:string -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?msg:string -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?mark_last:bool -> cmd:Apdu.cmd -> ?p1:int -> ?p2:int ->
?mark_last:bool -> cmd:Apdu.cmd -> ?p1:int -> ?p2:int ->
Hidapi.t -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t
Hidapi.t -> Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t, error) result
(** [write_payload ?pp ?msg ?buf ?mark_last ~cmd ?p1 ?p2 ledger
(** [write_payload ?pp ?msg ?buf ?mark_last ~cmd ?p1 ?p2 ledger
payload] writes the [payload] of [cmd] into [ledger] and returns
payload] writes the [payload] of [cmd] into [ledger] and returns
the response. *)
the response. *)
Reference in New Issue
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