Client: proper error on unknown global flag
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ type 'arg command =
type error += Bad_argument of int * string
type error += Unterminated_command : string list * 'ctx command list -> error
type error += Command_not_found : string list * 'ctx command list -> error
type error += Unknown_option : string * 'ctx command -> error
type error += Unknown_option : string * 'ctx command option -> error
type error += Option_expected_argument : string * 'ctx command option -> error
type error += Bad_option_argument : string * 'ctx command option -> error
type error += Multiple_occurences : string * 'ctx command option -> error
@ -641,21 +641,23 @@ let make_args_dict_consume ?command spec args =
match args with
| [] -> return (acc, [])
| arg :: tl ->
if TzString.Map.mem arg arities
let arity, long = TzString.Map.find arg arities in
check_help_flag ?command tl >>=? fun () ->
match arity, tl with
| 0, tl' ->
make_args_dict completing arities (add_occurrence long "" acc) tl'
| 1, value :: tl' ->
make_args_dict completing arities (add_occurrence long value acc) tl'
| 1, [] when completing ->
return (acc, [])
| 1, [] ->
fail (Option_expected_argument (arg, None))
| _, _ ->
raise (Failure "cli_entries: Arguments with arity not equal to 1 or 0 not supported")
if String.length arg > 0 && String.get arg 0 = '-' then
if TzString.Map.mem arg arities then
let arity, long = TzString.Map.find arg arities in
check_help_flag ?command tl >>=? fun () ->
match arity, tl with
| 0, tl' ->
make_args_dict completing arities (add_occurrence long "" acc) tl'
| 1, value :: tl' ->
make_args_dict completing arities (add_occurrence long value acc) tl'
| 1, [] when completing ->
return (acc, [])
| 1, [] ->
fail (Option_expected_argument (arg, None))
| _, _ ->
raise (Failure "cli_entries: Arguments with arity not equal to 1 or 0 not supported")
fail (Unknown_option (arg, None))
else return (acc, args)
in make_args_dict false (make_arities_dict spec TzString.Map.empty) TzString.Map.empty args
@ -917,7 +919,7 @@ let find_command tree initial_arguments =
| [] -> return (command, args_dict, initial_arguments)
| hd :: _ ->
if String.length hd > 0 && String.get hd 0 = '-' then
fail (Unknown_option (hd, command))
fail (Unknown_option (hd, Some command))
fail (Extra_arguments (unparsed, command))
@ -1218,7 +1220,7 @@ let pp_cli_errors ppf ~executable_name ~global_options ~default errs =
Format.fprintf ppf
"Unexpected command line option @{<opt>%s@}."
option ;
[ Ex command ]
Option.unopt_map ~f:(fun command -> [ Ex command ]) ~default:[] command
| Extra_arguments (extra, command) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Extra command line arguments:@, @[<h>%a@]."
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