Alpha/Test: added voting tests for quorum
Co-authored-by: Eugen Zalinescu <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,12 +63,16 @@ let find_alternate pkh =
let dummy_account = new_account ()
let generate_accounts n : (t * Tez_repr.t) list =
let generate_accounts ?(initial_balances = []) n : (t * Tez_repr.t) list =
Signature.Public_key_hash.Table.clear known_accounts ;
let amount = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn 4_000_000_000_000L in
|||| (fun _ ->
let default_amount = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn 4_000_000_000_000L in
let amount i = match List.nth_opt initial_balances i with
| None -> default_amount
| Some a -> Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn a
|||| (fun i ->
let (pkh, pk, sk) = Signature.generate_key () in
let account = { pkh ; pk ; sk } in
Signature.Public_key_hash.Table.add known_accounts pkh account ;
account, amount)
account, amount i)
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ val add_account : t -> unit
val find: Signature.Public_key_hash.t -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val find_alternate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t -> t
(** [generate_accounts n] : generates [n] random accounts with
|||| tz and add them to the global account state *)
val generate_accounts : int -> (t * Tez_repr.t) list
(** [generate_accounts ?initial_balances n] : generates [n] random
accounts with the initial balance of the [i]th account given by the
[i]th value in the list [initial_balances] or otherwise
|||| tz (if the list is too short); and add them to the
global account state *)
val generate_accounts : ?initial_balances:int64 list -> int -> (t * Tez_repr.t) list
@ -231,8 +231,9 @@ let init
?(initial_balances = [])
n =
let accounts = Account.generate_accounts n in
let accounts = Account.generate_accounts ~initial_balances n in
let contracts = (fun (a, _) ->
Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract Account.(a.pkh)) accounts in
@ -107,4 +107,5 @@ val init:
?preserved_cycles:int ->
?endorsers_per_block:int ->
?commitments:Commitment_repr.t list ->
?initial_balances: int64 list ->
int -> (Block.t * Alpha_context.Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
open Proto_alpha
open Test_utils
(* missing stuff in Alpha_context.Vote *)
let ballots_zero = Alpha_context.Vote.{ yay = 0l ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l }
@ -32,6 +33,22 @@ let ballots_equal b1 b2 =
let ballots_pp ppf v = Alpha_context.Vote.(
Format.fprintf ppf "{ yay = %ld ; nay = %ld ; pass = %ld" v.yay v.nay v.pass)
(* constantans and ratios used in voting:
percent_mul denotes the percent multiplier
initial_qr is 8000 that is, 8/10 * percent_mul
the quorum ratio qr_num / den = 8 / 10
the participation ration pr_num / den = 2 / 10
note: we use the same denominator for both quorum and participation rate.
supermajority rate is s_num / s_den = 8 / 10 *)
let percent_mul = 100_00
let initial_qr = 8 * percent_mul / 10
let qr_num = 8
let den = 10
let pr_num = den - qr_num
let s_num = 8
let s_den = 10
(* is "PrihK96nBAFSxVL1GLJTVhu9YnzkMFiBeuJRPA8NwuZVZCE1L6i" *)
let protos = (fun s -> Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn s)
[| "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha61322gcLUGH" ;
"ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphabc2a7ebx6WB" ;
@ -55,8 +72,27 @@ let protos = (fun s -> Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn s)
"ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaeec52dKF6Gx" ;
"ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha841f2cQqajX" ; |]
let test_voting () =
Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
(** helper functions *)
let mk_contracts_from_pkh pkh_list =
|||| (Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract) pkh_list
(* get the list of delegates and the list of their rolls from listings *)
let get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b =
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l ->
return ((mk_contracts_from_pkh ( fst l)), snd l)
(* compute the rolls of each delegate *)
let get_rolls b delegates loc =
map_s (fun delegate ->
Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh ->
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l ->
match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" loc
| Some (_, rolls) -> return rolls
) delegates
let test_successful_vote num_delegates () =
Context.init num_delegates >>=? fun (b,_) ->
(* Because of a minor bug in the initialization of the voting state, the
listings are not populated in the very first period. After that they get
@ -87,9 +123,9 @@ let test_voting () =
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* quorum starts at 80% *)
(* quorum starts at initial_qr *)
Context.Vote.get_current_quorum (B b) >>=? fun v ->
Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ 8000 (Int32.to_int v) >>=? fun () ->
Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ initial_qr (Int32.to_int v) >>=? fun () ->
(* listings must be populated in proposal period *)
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? begin function
@ -97,6 +133,10 @@ let test_voting () =
| _ -> return_unit
end >>=? fun () ->
(* beginning of proposal, denoted by _p1;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p1, rolls_p1) ->
(* no proposals at the beginning of proposal period *)
Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps ->
begin if Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps
@ -110,9 +150,10 @@ let test_voting () =
| Some _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected proposal" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in
let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in
let props = (fun i -> protos.(i)) (2--Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate) in
let del1 = List.nth delegates_p1 0 in
let del2 = List.nth delegates_p1 1 in
let props = (fun i -> protos.(i))
(2 -- Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate) in
Op.proposals (B b) del1 ( >>=? fun ops1 ->
Op.proposals (B b) del2 [] >>=? fun ops2 ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops1;ops2] b >>=? fun b ->
@ -120,18 +161,9 @@ let test_voting () =
(* proposals are now populated *)
Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps ->
(* compute the rolls of each delegate *)
map_s (fun delegate ->
Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh ->
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l ->
match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__
| Some (_, rolls) -> return rolls
) delegates >>=? fun rolls ->
(* correctly count the double proposal for zero *)
let weight = Int32.add (List.nth rolls 0) (List.nth rolls 1) in
let weight = Int32.add (List.nth rolls_p1 0) (List.nth rolls_p1 1) in
match Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.(Map.find_opt zero ps) with
| Some v -> if v = weight then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Wrong count %ld is not %ld" __LOC__ v weight
@ -154,7 +186,7 @@ let test_voting () =
| _ -> false
end >>=? fun () ->
(* skip to vote_testing period
(* skip to testing_vote period
-1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b ->
@ -177,6 +209,10 @@ let test_voting () =
| _ -> return_unit
end >>=? fun () ->
(* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) ->
(* no proposals during testing_vote period *)
Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps ->
begin if Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps
@ -191,13 +227,12 @@ let test_voting () =
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* unanimous vote *)
(* unanimous vote: all delegates --active when p2 started-- vote *)
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del Vote.Yay)
delegates >>=? fun operations ->
delegates_p2 >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
(* voting twice for the same proposal is not allowed *)
Op.ballot (B b) del1 Vote.Nay >>=? fun op ->
Block.bake ~operations:[op] b >>= fun res ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function
@ -206,7 +241,7 @@ let test_voting () =
end >>=? fun () ->
fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc))
0l rolls >>=? fun rolls_sum ->
0l rolls_p2 >>=? fun rolls_sum ->
(* # of Yays in ballots matches rolls of the delegate *)
Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v ->
@ -223,7 +258,7 @@ let test_voting () =
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__
| Some (_, Vote.Yay) -> return_unit
| Some _ -> failwith "%s - Wrong ballot" __LOC__
) delegates
) delegates_p2
end >>=? fun () ->
@ -276,6 +311,10 @@ let test_voting () =
| _ -> return_unit
end >>=? fun () ->
(* beginning of promotion_vote period, denoted by _p4;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p4, rolls_p4) ->
(* no proposals during promotion_vote period *)
Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps ->
begin if Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps
@ -290,24 +329,19 @@ let test_voting () =
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* unanimous vote *)
(* unanimous vote: all delegates --active when p4 started-- vote *)
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del Vote.Yay)
delegates >>=? fun operations ->
delegates_p4 >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
fold_left_s (fun acc delegate ->
Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh ->
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l ->
match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__
| Some (_, rolls) -> return (Int32.add acc rolls)
) 0l delegates >>=? fun rolls ->
fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc))
0l rolls_p4 >>=? fun rolls_sum ->
(* # of Yays in ballots matches rolls of the delegate *)
Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v ->
Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ ballots_equal "Unexpected ballots" ballots_pp
v Vote.{ yay = rolls ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l } >>=? fun () ->
v Vote.{ yay = rolls_sum ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l } >>=? fun () ->
(* One Yay ballot per delegate *)
Context.Vote.get_ballot_list (B b) >>=? begin function
@ -319,7 +353,7 @@ let test_voting () =
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__
| Some (_, Vote.Yay) -> return_unit
| Some _ -> failwith "%s - Wrong ballot" __LOC__
) delegates
) delegates_p4
end >>=? fun () ->
(* skip to end of promotion_vote period and activation*)
@ -332,21 +366,199 @@ let test_voting () =
let test_period1 () =
Context.init 10 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
(* given a list of active delegates,
return the first k active delegates with which one can have quorum, that is:
their roll sum divided by the total roll sum is bigger than qr_num/qr_den *)
let get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum active_delegates active_rolls =
fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc))
0l active_rolls >>=? fun active_rolls_sum ->
let rec loop delegates rolls sum selected =
match delegates, rolls with
| [], [] -> selected
| del :: delegates, del_rolls :: rolls ->
if den * sum < qr_num * (Int32.to_int active_rolls_sum) then
loop delegates rolls (sum + (Int32.to_int del_rolls)) (del :: selected)
else selected
| _, _ -> [] in
return (loop active_delegates active_rolls 0 [])
let get_expected_quorum ?(min_participation=0) rolls voter_rolls old_quorum =
(* formula to compute the updated quorum as in the whitepaper *)
let get_updated_quorum old_quorum participation =
(* if not enough participation, don't update the quorum *)
if participation < min_participation
then (Int32.to_int old_quorum)
else (qr_num * (Int32.to_int old_quorum) +
pr_num * participation) / den
fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc))
0l rolls >>=? fun rolls_sum ->
fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc))
0l voter_rolls >>=? fun voter_rolls_sum ->
let participation = (Int32.to_int voter_rolls_sum) * percent_mul /
(Int32.to_int rolls_sum) in
return (get_updated_quorum old_quorum participation)
(* if not enough quorum -- get_updated_quorum < qr_num/qr_den -- in testing vote,
go back to proposal period *)
let test_not_enough_quorum_in_testing_vote num_delegates () =
Context.init num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
(* Because of a minor bug in the initialization of the voting state, the
listings are not populated in the very first period. After that they get
correctly populated. An empty listing means no proposals will be accepted. *)
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in
let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in
(* proposal period *)
let open Alpha_context in
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
Op.proposals (B b) del1 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops1 ->
Op.proposals (B b) del2 [protos.(1)] >>=? fun ops2 ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops1;ops2] b >>=? fun b ->
let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in
Op.proposals (B b) proposer [] >>=? fun ops ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to vote_testing period
-1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing_vote -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
Context.Vote.get_current_quorum (B b) >>=? fun initial_quorum ->
(* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) ->
get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p2 rolls_p2 >>=? fun voters ->
(* take the first voter out so there cannot be quorum *)
let voters_without_quorum = voters in
get_rolls b voters_without_quorum __LOC__ >>=? fun voters_rolls_in_testing_vote ->
(* all voters_without_quorum vote, for yays;
no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *)
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del Vote.Yay)
voters_without_quorum >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to testing period *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we remain in the proposal when there is no winner *)
(* we move back to the proposal period because not enough quorum *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* check quorum update *)
get_expected_quorum rolls_p2
voters_rolls_in_testing_vote initial_quorum >>=? fun expected_quorum ->
Context.Vote.get_current_quorum (B b) >>=? fun new_quorum ->
(* assert the formula to calculate quorum is correct *)
Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ expected_quorum
(Int32.to_int new_quorum) >>=? fun () ->
(* if not enough quorum -- get_updated_quorum < qr_num/qr_den -- in promotion vote,
go back to proposal period *)
let test_not_enough_quorum_in_promotion_vote num_delegates () =
Context.init num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
(* Because of a minor bug in the initialization of the voting state, the
listings are not populated in the very first period. After that they get
correctly populated. An empty listing means no proposals will be accepted. *)
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in
Op.proposals (B b) proposer ([]) >>=? fun ops ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to vote_testing period
-1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing_vote -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) ->
get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p2 rolls_p2 >>=? fun voters ->
let open Alpha_context in
(* all voters vote, for yays;
no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *)
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del Vote.Yay)
voters >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to testing period *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we move to testing because we have supermajority and enough quorum *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* skip to promotion_vote period *)
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Promotion_vote -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
Context.Vote.get_current_quorum (B b) >>=? fun initial_quorum ->
(* beginning of promotion period, denoted by _p4;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p4, rolls_p4) ->
get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p4 rolls_p4 >>=? fun voters ->
(* take the first voter out so there cannot be quorum *)
let voters_without_quorum = voters in
get_rolls b voters_without_quorum __LOC__ >>=? fun voter_rolls ->
(* all voters_without_quorum vote, for yays;
no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *)
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del Vote.Yay)
voters_without_quorum >>=? fun operations ->
Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to end of promotion_vote period *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
get_expected_quorum rolls_p4 voter_rolls
initial_quorum >>=? fun expected_quorum ->
Context.Vote.get_current_quorum (B b) >>=? fun new_quorum ->
(* assert the formula to calculate quorum is correct *)
Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ expected_quorum
(Int32.to_int new_quorum) >>=? fun () ->
(* we move back to the proposal period because not enough quorum *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
@ -354,8 +566,106 @@ let test_period1 () =
let test_multiple_identical_proposals_count_as_one () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
let test_period2_supermajority supermajority () =
(* Because of a minor bug in the initialization of the voting state, the
listings are not populated in the very first period. After that they get
correctly populated. An empty listing means no proposals will be accepted. *)
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let proposer = List.hd delegates in
Op.proposals (B b) proposer
[;] >>=? fun ops ->
Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b ->
(* compute the weight of proposals *)
Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps ->
(* compute the rolls of proposer *)
Context.Contract.pkh proposer >>=? fun pkh ->
Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l ->
begin match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__
| Some (_, proposer_rolls) -> return proposer_rolls
end >>=? fun proposer_rolls ->
(* correctly count the double proposal for zero as one proposal *)
let expected_weight_proposer = proposer_rolls in
match Alpha_environment.Protocol_hash.(Map.find_opt zero ps) with
| Some v -> if v = expected_weight_proposer then return_unit
else failwith
"%s - Wrong count %ld is not %ld; identical proposals count as one"
__LOC__ v expected_weight_proposer
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__
(* assumes the initial balance of allocated by Context.init is at
least 4 time the value of the tokens_per_roll constant *)
let test_supermajority_in_proposal there_is_a_winner () =
Context.init ~initial_balances:[1L; 1L; 1L] 10 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
Context.get_constants (B b)
>>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_cycle; blocks_per_voting_period; tokens_per_roll} } ->
let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in
let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in
let del3 = List.nth delegates 2 in
map_s (fun del -> Context.Contract.pkh del) [del1; del2; del3] >>=? fun pkhs ->
let policy = Block.Excluding pkhs in
Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 3) del1 tokens_per_roll >>=? fun op1 ->
Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 4) del2 tokens_per_roll >>=? fun op2 ->
if there_is_a_winner
then Test_tez.Tez.( *? ) tokens_per_roll 3L
else Test_tez.Tez.( *? ) tokens_per_roll 2L
end >>?= fun bal3 ->
Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 5) del3 bal3 >>=? fun op3 ->
Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[op1; op2; op3] b >>=? fun b ->
(* to avoid the bug where the listings are not initialized, we let
one voting period pass; we make sure that the three selected
delegates remain active and their number of rolls do not change *)
let amount = let open Test_tez in Tez.of_int 10 in
fold_left_s (fun b _ ->
Op.transaction (B b) del1 del2 amount >>=? fun op1 ->
Op.transaction (B b) del2 del3 amount >>=? fun op2 ->
Op.transaction (B b) del3 del1 amount >>=? fun op3 ->
Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[op1; op2; op3] b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b
) b (1 --
(Int32.to_int (Int32.div blocks_per_voting_period blocks_per_cycle))) >>=? fun b ->
(* make the proposals *)
Op.proposals (B b) del1 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops1 ->
Op.proposals (B b) del2 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops2 ->
Op.proposals (B b) del3 [protos.(1)] >>=? fun ops3 ->
Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[ops1;ops2;ops3] b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_n ~policy ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we remain in the proposal period when there is no winner,
otherwise we move to the testing vote period *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing_vote ->
if there_is_a_winner then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing_vote" __LOC__
| Proposal ->
if not there_is_a_winner then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Testing_vote, obtained Proposal" __LOC__
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let test_supermajority_in_testing_vote supermajority () =
Context.init 100 >>=? fun (b,delegates) ->
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
@ -368,7 +678,7 @@ let test_period2_supermajority supermajority () =
Block.bake ~operations:[ops1] b >>=? fun b ->
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we remain in the proposal when there is no winner *)
(* move to testing_vote *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Testing_vote -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
@ -381,21 +691,21 @@ let test_period2_supermajority supermajority () =
| None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* majority/minority vote depending on the [ok] parameter *)
(fun del ->
Context.Contract.pkh del >>=? fun pkh ->
|||| (B b) pkh >>=? fun {deactivated} -> return (not deactivated))
delegates >>=? fun active_delegates ->
(* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, _olls_p2) ->
let num_delegates = List.length active_delegates in
let num_nays = num_delegates / 5 in
let num_yays = num_nays * 4 in
(* supermajority means [num_yays / (num_yays + num_nays) >= s_num / s_den],
which is equivalent with [num_yays >= num_nays * s_num / (s_den - s_num)] *)
let num_delegates = List.length delegates_p2 in
let num_nays = num_delegates / 5 in (* any smaller number will do as well *)
let num_yays = num_nays * s_num / (s_den - s_num) in
(* majority/minority vote depending on the [supermajority] parameter *)
let num_yays = if supermajority then num_yays else num_yays - 1 in
let open Alpha_context in
let nays_delegates, rest = List.split_n num_nays active_delegates in
let nays_delegates, rest = List.split_n num_nays delegates_p2 in
let yays_delegates, _ = List.split_n num_yays rest in
map_s (fun del ->
Op.ballot (B b) del proposal Vote.Yay)
@ -414,16 +724,55 @@ let test_period2_supermajority supermajority () =
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing" __LOC__
| Proposal ->
if not supermajority then return_unit
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing_vote" __LOC__
else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Testing_vote, obtained Proposal" __LOC__
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
(* test also how the selection scales: all delegates propose max proposals *)
let test_no_winning_proposal num_delegates () =
Context.init num_delegates >>=? fun (b,_) ->
(* Because of a minor bug in the initialization of the voting state, the
listings are not populated in the very first period. After that they get
correctly populated. An empty listing means no proposals will be accepted. *)
Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period} } ->
Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b ->
(* beginning of proposal, denoted by _p1;
take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *)
get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p1, _rolls_p1) ->
let open Alpha_context in
let props = (fun i -> protos.(i))
(1 -- Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate) in
(* all delegates active in p1 propose the same proposals *)
(fun del -> Op.proposals (B b) del props)
delegates_p1 >>=? fun ops_list ->
Block.bake ~operations:ops_list b >>=? fun b ->
(* skip to testing_vote period
-1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *)
Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b ->
(* we stay in the same proposal period because no winning proposal *)
Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function
| Proposal -> return_unit
| _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__
end >>=? fun () ->
let tests = [
Test.tztest "voting" `Quick (test_voting) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 1" `Quick (test_period1) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 2, with supermajority" `Quick (test_period2_supermajority true) ;
Test.tztest "voting: test period 2, without supermajority" `Quick (test_period2_supermajority false) ;
Test.tztest "voting successful_vote" `Quick (test_successful_vote 137) ;
Test.tztest "voting testing vote, not enough quorum" `Quick (test_not_enough_quorum_in_testing_vote 245) ;
Test.tztest "voting promotion vote, not enough quorum" `Quick (test_not_enough_quorum_in_promotion_vote 432) ;
Test.tztest "voting counting double proposal" `Quick test_multiple_identical_proposals_count_as_one;
Test.tztest "voting proposal, with supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_proposal true) ;
Test.tztest "voting proposal, without supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_proposal false) ;
Test.tztest "voting testing vote, with supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_testing_vote true) ;
Test.tztest "voting testing vote, without supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_testing_vote false) ;
Test.tztest "voting proposal, no winning proposal" `Quick (test_no_winning_proposal 400) ;
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