More cases added.
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,9 +72,14 @@ and pp_c_app Region.{value; _} =
and pp_some Region.{value; _} =
string "Some" ^/^ pp_pattern (snd value)
and pp_int Region.{value; _} = string (fst value)
and pp_nat Region.{value; _} = string (fst value)
and pp_bytes Region.{value; _} = string (fst value)
and pp_int Region.{value; _} =
string (Z.to_string (snd value))
and pp_nat Region.{value; _} =
string (Z.to_string (snd value) ^ "n")
and pp_bytes Region.{value; _} =
string ("0x" ^ (snd value))
and pp_ppar Region.{value; _} =
let {lpar; inside; rpar} = value in
@ -141,13 +146,100 @@ and pp_expr = function
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
and pp_case_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_case_expr"
and pp_cond_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_cond_expr"
and pp_annot_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_annot_expr"
and pp_logic_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_logic_expr"
and pp_arith_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_arith_expr"
and pp_string_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_string_expr"
and pp_list_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_list_expr"
and pp_case_expr Region.{value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
string "match " ^^ pp_expr expr ^/^ string "with" ^/^ pp_cases cases
and pp_cases Region.{value; _} =
let cases = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value
and sep = break 1 ^^ string "| "
in separate_map sep pp_clause cases
and pp_clause Region.{value; _} =
let {pattern; rhs; _} = value in
pp_pattern pattern ^^ string " ->" ^/^ pp_expr rhs
and pp_cond_expr Region.{value; _} =
let {test; ifso; kwd_else; ifnot; _} = value in
let if_then = string "if " ^^ pp_expr test
^/^ string "then " ^^ pp_expr ifso in
if kwd_else#is_ghost then if_then
else if_then ^/^ string "else " ^^ pp_expr ifnot
and pp_annot_expr Region.{value; _} =
let expr, _, type_expr = value.inside in
string "(" ^^ pp_expr expr ^^ string " :"
^/^ pp_type_expr type_expr ^^ string ")"
and pp_logic_expr = function
BoolExpr e -> pp_bool_expr e
| CompExpr e -> pp_comp_expr e
and pp_bool_expr = function
Or e -> pp_bin_op "||" e
| And e -> pp_bin_op "&&" e
| Not e -> pp_un_op "not" e
| True _ -> string "true"
| False _ -> string "false"
and pp_bin_op op Region.{value; _} =
let {arg1; arg2; _} = value
in pp_expr arg1 ^/^ string (op ^ " ") ^^ pp_expr arg2
and pp_un_op op Region.{value; _} =
string (op ^ " ") ^^ pp_expr value.arg
and pp_comp_expr = function
Lt e -> pp_bin_op "<" e
| Leq e -> pp_bin_op "<=" e
| Gt e -> pp_bin_op ">" e
| Geq e -> pp_bin_op ">=" e
| Equal e -> pp_bin_op "=" e
| Neq e -> pp_bin_op "<>" e
and pp_arith_expr = function
Add e -> pp_bin_op "+" e
| Sub e -> pp_bin_op "-" e
| Mult e -> pp_bin_op "*" e
| Div e -> pp_bin_op "/" e
| Mod e -> pp_bin_op "mod" e
| Neg e -> pp_un_op "-" e
| Int e -> pp_int e
| Nat e -> pp_nat e
| Mutez e -> pp_mutez e
and pp_mutez Region.{value; _} =
string (Z.to_string (snd value) ^ "mutez")
and pp_string_expr = function
Cat e -> pp_bin_op "^" e
| String e -> pp_string e
and pp_list_expr = function
ECons e -> pp_bin_op "::" e
| EListComp e -> pp_injection pp_expr e
and pp_injection printer Region.{value; _} =
let {compound; elements; _} = value in
let elements = pp_sepseq ";" elements in
match pp_compound compound with
None -> elements
| Some (opening, closing) ->
string opening ^^ elements ^^ string closing
and pp_compound = function
BeginEnd (start, _) ->
if start#is_ghost then None
else Some ("begin", "end")
| Braces _ -> Some ("{","}")
| Brackets _ -> Some ("[","]")
and pp_sepseq sep elements =
let exprs = Utils.sepseq_to_list elements
and sep = string ";" ^/^ break 1
in separate_map sep pp_expr exprs
and pp_constr_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_constr_expr"
and pp_record_expr _ = string "TODO:pp_record_expr"
and pp_projection _ = string "TODO:pp_projection"
@ -176,7 +268,7 @@ and pp_cartesian Region.{value; _} =
and pp_variants Region.{value; _} =
let variants = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value
and sep = string " |" ^^ break 1 in
and sep = break 1 ^^ string "| " in
separate_map sep pp_variant variants
and pp_variant Region.{value; _} =
@ -184,7 +276,7 @@ and pp_variant Region.{value; _} =
match arg with
None -> pp_string constr
| Some (_, t_expr) ->
pp_string constr ^^ string " of" ^/^ pp_type_expr t_expr
pp_string constr ^^ string " of" ^/^ pp_type_expr t_expr
and pp_fields Region.{value; _} =
let fields = value.ne_elements in
Reference in New Issue
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