Alpha: Remove dead code
This commit is contained in:
@ -327,10 +327,6 @@ module Make_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
I.to_path i []
I.to_path i []
let len_name i =
let len_name i =
len_name (I.to_path i [])
len_name (I.to_path i [])
let rec is_len_name = function
| [] | [ "" ] -> false
| [ last ] -> Compare.Char.(=) (String.get last (String.length last - 1)) '$'
| _ :: rest -> is_len_name rest
let consume_mem_gas c =
let consume_mem_gas c =
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost
let existing_size c i =
let existing_size c i =
@ -423,58 +419,28 @@ module Make_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
| None -> remove s i
| None -> remove s i
| Some v -> init_set s i v
| Some v -> init_set s i v
let data_name = "TODO remove" (* This is some rebasing artefact and should be removed *)
let fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init ~f =
let fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init ~f =
let rec dig s i path acc =
let rec dig i path acc =
if Compare.Int.(i <= 1) then
if Compare.Int.(i <= 1) then
C.fold s path ~init:(ok (s, acc)) ~f:begin fun k acc ->
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (s, acc) ->
match k with
match k with
| `Dir _ -> return (s, acc)
| `Dir _ -> Lwt.return acc
| `Key file ->
| `Key file ->
if is_len_name file then
match I.of_path file with
return (s, acc)
| None -> assert false
| Some path -> f path acc
match I.of_path file with
| None ->
fail (Raw_context.Storage_error (Corrupted_data file))
| Some path ->
f path (s, acc)
C.fold s path ~init:(ok (s, acc)) ~f:begin fun k acc ->
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (s, acc) ->
match k with
match k with
| `Dir k -> dig s (i-1) k acc
| `Dir k -> dig (i-1) k acc
| `Key _ -> return (s, acc)
| `Key _ -> Lwt.return acc
end in
end in
dig s I.path_length [] init >>=? fun (s, acc) ->
dig I.path_length [data_name] init
return (C.project s, acc)
let fold_keys s ~init ~f =
let keys_unaccounted s =
let f path (s, acc) =
fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
consume_mem_gas s >>=? fun s ->
f path (s, acc) in
fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init ~f
let clear s =
let f path (s, total) =
consume_remove_gas C.delete s path >>=? fun s ->
existing_size s path >>=? fun prev_size ->
C.delete s (name path) >>=? fun s ->
Lwt.return (C.record_bytes_stored s (Int64.of_int ~-prev_size)) >>=? fun s ->
return (s, Z.add (Z.of_int prev_size) total) in
fold_keys_unaccounted s ~f
let fold s ~init ~f =
let f path (s, acc) =
consume_read_gas C.get s path >>=? fun s ->
C.get s (name path) >>=? fun b ->
let key = C.absolute_key s (name path) in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b) >>=? fun v ->
f path v (s, acc) in
fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init ~f
let bindings s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p v (s, acc) -> return (s, (p, v) :: acc))
let keys s =
fold_keys s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p (s, acc) -> return (s, p :: acc))
let () =
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let open Storage_description in
@ -486,7 +452,7 @@ module Make_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
get_option c k >>=? fun (_, v) ->
get_option c k >>=? fun (_, v) ->
return v)
return v)
~list:(fun c -> keys c >>=? fun (_, l) -> return l)
~list:(fun c -> keys_unaccounted c >>= return)
C.description I.args)
C.description I.args)
@ -891,46 +857,6 @@ module Make_indexed_subcontext (C : Raw_context.T) (I : INDEX)
match v with
match v with
| None -> remove s i
| None -> remove s i
| Some v -> init_set s i v
| Some v -> init_set s i v
let clear s =
fold_keys s ~init:(ok (s,
~f:begin fun i s ->
Lwt.return s >>=? fun (s, total) ->
let remove c k = Raw_context.remove c k >>= return in
consume_remove_gas remove (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
existing_size (pack s i) >>=? fun prev_size ->
remove (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (Raw_context.record_bytes_stored (pack s i) (Int64.of_int ~-prev_size)) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
return (s, Z.add total (Z.of_int prev_size))
end >>=? fun (s, total) ->
return (C.project s, total)
let fold s ~init ~f =
fold_keys s ~init:(ok (s, init))
~f:(fun i acc ->
Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (s, acc) ->
consume_read_gas Raw_context.get (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Raw_context.get (pack s i) >>=? fun b ->
let key = Raw_context.absolute_key (pack s i) in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b) >>=? fun v ->
f i v (s, acc)) >>=? fun (s, v) ->
return (C.project s, v)
let bindings s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p v (c, acc) -> return (c, (p,v) :: acc))
let fold_keys s ~init ~f =
fold_keys s ~init:(ok (s, init))
~f:(fun i acc ->
Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (s, acc) ->
consume_mem_gas (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Raw_context.mem (pack s i) >>= function
| false -> return (s, acc)
| true -> f i (s, acc)) >>=? fun (s, v) ->
return (C.project s, v)
let keys s =
fold_keys s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p (s, acc) -> return (s, p :: acc))
let () =
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let open Storage_description in
@ -282,36 +282,6 @@ module type Indexed_carbonated_data_storage = sig
include Non_iterable_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
include Non_iterable_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
(** Empties all the keys and associated data.
Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost] per deleted key.
Returns the total freed size. *)
val clear: context -> (Raw_context.t * Z.t) tzresult Lwt.t
(** Lists all the keys.
Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost] per returned key. *)
val keys: context -> (Raw_context.t * key list) tzresult Lwt.t
(** Lists all the keys and associated data.
Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost <size of the value>] per returned key. *)
val bindings: context -> (Raw_context.t * (key * value) list) tzresult Lwt.t
(** Iterates over all the keys and associated data present in the
initial context (keys added or removed during the iteration are
not taken into account).
Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost <size of the value>] per iterated key. *)
val fold:
context -> init:'a ->
f:(key -> value -> (context * 'a) -> (context * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
(Raw_context.t * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t
(** Iterate over all the keys present in the initial context
(keys added or removed during the iteration are not taken into account).
Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost] per iterated key. *)
val fold_keys:
context -> init:'a ->
f:(key -> (context * 'a) -> (context * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
(Raw_context.t * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t
module type Indexed_data_snapshotable_storage = sig
module type Indexed_data_snapshotable_storage = sig
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