Node: switch the prevalidator to Tezos_worker

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Canou 2017-11-30 18:34:22 +01:00 committed by Grégoire Henry
parent d50402c27b
commit 98ec3393b6
25 changed files with 638 additions and 360 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
-open Tezos_node_updater
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base
-open Tezos_node_p2p
-open Tezos_node_shell_base
-open Tezos_node_shell

View File

@ -108,6 +108,12 @@ let default_shell = {
prevalidator_limits = {
operation_timeout = 10. ;
max_refused_operations = 1000 ;
worker_limits = {
backlog_size = 1000 ;
backlog_level = Logging.Info ;
zombie_lifetime = 600. ;
zombie_memory = 120. ;
} ;
timeout = {
block_header = 60. ;
@ -257,19 +263,45 @@ let log =
(opt "rules" string)
(dft "template" string default_log.template))
let worker_limits_encoding
default_zombie_memory =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { Worker_types.backlog_size ; backlog_level ; zombie_lifetime ; zombie_memory } ->
(backlog_size, backlog_level, zombie_lifetime, zombie_memory))
(fun (backlog_size, backlog_level, zombie_lifetime, zombie_memory) ->
{ backlog_size ; backlog_level ; zombie_lifetime ; zombie_memory })
(dft "worker_backlog_size" uint16 default_size)
(dft "worker_backlog_level" Logging.level_encoding default_level)
(dft "worker_zombie_lifetime" float default_zombie_lifetime)
(dft "worker_zombie_memory" float default_zombie_memory))
let timeout_encoding =
Data_encoding.ranged_float 0. 500.
let prevalidator_limits_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let uint8 = conv int_of_float float_of_int uint8 in
(fun { Node.operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations } ->
(operation_timeout, max_refused_operations))
(fun (operation_timeout, max_refused_operations) ->
{ operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations })
(fun { Node.operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations ; worker_limits } ->
((operation_timeout, max_refused_operations), worker_limits))
(fun ((operation_timeout, max_refused_operations), worker_limits) ->
{ operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations ; worker_limits})
(dft "operations_timeout" uint8
(dft "operations_request_timeout" timeout_encoding
(dft "max_refused_operations" uint16
let timeout_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

View File

@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
((name tezos_node_services)
(public_name tezos-node-services)
(libraries (tezos-base
(flags (:standard -w -9+27-30-32-40@8
-open Tezos_base__TzPervasives
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base))))
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base
-open Tezos_node_shell_base))))
((name runtest_indent)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
open Logging.Node.State
open State
let mempool_encoding = State.mempool_encoding
let mempool_encoding = Mempool.encoding
let genesis net_state =
let genesis = Net.genesis net_state in
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let mem net_state hash =
type data = State.chain_data = {
current_head: Block.t ;
current_mempool: mempool ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let locked_set_head net_state chain_store data block =
block (State.Block.max_operations_ttl block) >>= fun (live_blocks,
live_operations) ->
Lwt.return { current_head = block ;
current_mempool = State.empty_mempool ;
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
live_blocks ;
live_operations ;
locator = lazy (State.compute_locator net_state block) ;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ val locator: Net.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
(** All the available chain data. *)
type data = {
current_head: Block.t ;
current_mempool: mempool ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;

View File

@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
| Get_current_head net_id ->
may_handle state net_id @@ fun net_db ->
Mempool.get net_db.net_state >>= fun (head, mempool) ->
State.Current_mempool.get net_db.net_state >>= fun (head, mempool) ->
(* TODO bound the sent mempool size *)
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(flags (:standard -w -9+27-30-32-40@8
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
-open Tezos_rpc_http
-open Tezos_node_services
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base
-open Tezos_node_shell_base
-open Tezos_node_p2p
-open Tezos_node_updater))))

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ and worker_loop nv =
else begin
Chain.set_head nv.net_state block >>= fun previous ->
broadcast_head nv ~previous block >>= fun () ->
Prevalidator.flush nv.prevalidator block ; (* FIXME *)
Prevalidator.flush nv.prevalidator block_hash >>=? fun () ->
may_switch_test_network nv block >>= fun () ->
Lwt_watcher.notify nv.new_head_input block ;
lwt_log_notice "update current head %a %a %a(%t)"

View File

@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ and timeout = Net_validator.timeout = {
and prevalidator_limits = Prevalidator.limits = {
max_refused_operations: int ;
operation_timeout: float
operation_timeout: float ;
worker_limits : Worker_types.limits ;
let may_create_net state genesis =

View File

@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ and timeout = {
and prevalidator_limits = {
max_refused_operations: int ;
operation_timeout: float
operation_timeout: float ;
worker_limits : Worker_types.limits ;
val create: config -> timeout -> prevalidator_limits -> t tzresult Lwt.t

View File

@ -7,7 +7,78 @@
(* *)
open Logging.Node.Prevalidator
open Prevalidator_worker_state
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float ;
worker_limits : Worker_types.limits ;
module Name = struct
type t = Net_id.t
let encoding = Net_id.encoding
let base = [ "prevalidator" ]
let pp = Net_id.pp_short
module Types = struct
(* Invariants:
- an operation is in only one of these sets (map domains):
pv.refusals pv.pending pv.fetching pv.live_operations pv.in_mempool
- pv.in_mempool is the domain of all fields of pv.prevalidation_result
- pv.prevalidation_result.refused = Ø, refused ops are in pv.refused
- the 'applied' operations in pv.validation_result are in reverse order. *)
type state = {
net_db : Distributed_db.net_db ;
limits : limits ;
mutable predecessor : State.Block.t ;
mutable timestamp : Time.t ;
mutable live_blocks : Block_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
mutable live_operations : Operation_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
refused : Operation_hash.t Ring.t ;
mutable refusals : error list Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable pending : Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable mempool : Mempool.t ;
mutable in_mempool : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable validation_result : error Preapply_result.t ;
mutable validation_state : Prevalidation.prevalidation_state tzresult ;
mutable advertisement : [ `Pending of Mempool.t | `None ] ;
type parameters = limits * Distributed_db.net_db
include Worker_state
let view (state : state) _ : view =
let domain map =
(fun elt _ acc -> Operation_hash.Set.add elt acc)
map Operation_hash.Set.empty in
{ head = State.Block.hash state.predecessor ;
timestamp = state.timestamp ;
fetching = state.fetching ;
pending = domain state.pending ;
applied =
( (fun (h, _) -> h)
state.validation_result.applied) ;
delayed =
(domain state.validation_result.branch_delayed)
(domain state.validation_result.branch_refused) }
module Worker = Worker.Make (Name) (Event) (Request) (Types)
open Types
type t = Worker.infinite Worker.queue Worker.t
type error += Closed = Worker.Closed
let debug w =
Format.kasprintf (fun msg -> Worker.record_event w (Debug msg))
let list_pendings ?maintain_net_db ~from_block ~to_block old_mempool =
let rec pop_blocks ancestor block mempool =
@ -48,103 +119,6 @@ let list_pendings ?maintain_net_db ~from_block ~to_block old_mempool =
Lwt_list.fold_left_s push_block mempool path >>= fun new_mempool ->
Lwt.return new_mempool
type 'a request =
| Flush : State.Block.t -> unit request
| Notify : P2p.Peer_id.t * Mempool.t -> unit request
| Inject : Operation.t -> unit tzresult request
| Arrived : Operation_hash.t * Operation.t -> unit request
| Advertise : unit request
type message = Message: 'a request * 'a tzresult Lwt.u option -> message
let wakeup_with_result
: type t.
t request ->
t tzresult Lwt.u option ->
(t request -> t tzresult Lwt.t) ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
= fun req u cb -> match u with
| None ->
cb req >>=? fun _res -> return ()
| Some u ->
cb req >>= fun res ->
Lwt.wakeup_later u res ;
Lwt.return (res >>? fun _res -> ok ())
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float
(* Invariants:
- an operation is in only one of these sets (map domains):
pv.refusals pv.pending pv.fetching pv.live_operations pv.in_mempool
- pv.in_mempool is the domain of all fields of pv.prevalidation_result
- pv.prevalidation_result.refused = Ø, refused ops are in pv.refused *)
type t = {
net_db : Distributed_db.net_db ;
limits : limits ;
canceler : Lwt_canceler.t ;
message_queue : message Lwt_pipe.t ;
mutable (* just for init *) worker : unit Lwt.t ;
mutable predecessor : State.Block.t ;
mutable timestamp : Time.t ;
mutable live_blocks : Block_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
mutable live_operations : Operation_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
refused : Operation_hash.t Ring.t ;
mutable refusals : error list Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable pending : Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable mempool : Mempool.t ;
mutable in_mempool : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable validation_result : error Preapply_result.t ;
mutable validation_state : Prevalidation.prevalidation_state tzresult ;
mutable advertisement : [ `Pending of Mempool.t | `None ] ;
type error += Closed of Net_id.t
let () =
register_error_kind `Permanent
~title:"Prevalidator closed"
"An operation on the prevalidator could not complete \
before the prevalidator was shut down."
~pp: (fun ppf net_id ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Prevalidator for network %a has been shut down."
Net_id.pp_short net_id)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "net_id" Net_id.encoding))
(function Closed net_id -> Some net_id | _ -> None)
(fun net_id -> Closed net_id)
let push_request pv request =
Lwt_pipe.safe_push_now pv.message_queue (Message (request, None))
let push_request_and_wait pv request =
let t, u = Lwt.wait () in
(fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.push_now_exn pv.message_queue (Message (request, Some u)) ;
| Lwt_pipe.Closed ->
let net_id = ( (Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db)) in
fail (Closed net_id)
| exn -> fail (Exn exn))
let close_queue pv =
let messages = Lwt_pipe.pop_all_now pv.message_queue in
| Message (_, Some u) ->
let net_id = ( (Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db)) in
Lwt.wakeup_later u (Error [ Closed net_id ])
| _ -> ())
messages ;
Lwt_pipe.close pv.message_queue
let already_handled pv oph =
Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.refusals
|| Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.pending
@ -153,7 +127,7 @@ let already_handled pv oph =
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.in_mempool
let mempool_of_prevalidation_result (r : error Preapply_result.t) : Mempool.t =
{ Mempool.known_valid = fst (List.split r.applied) ;
{ Mempool.known_valid = fst r.applied ;
pending =
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
@ -184,7 +158,7 @@ let merge_validation_results ~old ~neu =
(filter_out neu.applied old.branch_delayed)
neu.branch_delayed }
let advertise pv mempool =
let advertise (w : t) pv mempool =
match pv.advertisement with
| `Pending { Mempool.known_valid ; pending } ->
pv.advertisement <-
@ -195,10 +169,10 @@ let advertise pv mempool =
pv.advertisement <- `Pending mempool ;
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 0.01 >>= fun () ->
push_request pv Advertise ;
Worker.push_request_now w Advertise ;
let handle_unprocessed pv =
let handle_unprocessed w pv =
begin match pv.validation_state with
| Error err ->
pv.validation_result <-
@ -211,13 +185,9 @@ let handle_unprocessed pv =
Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
Lwt.return ()
| Ok validation_state ->
if Operation_hash.Map.is_empty pv.pending then
Lwt.return ()
begin match Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pv.pending with
match Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pv.pending with
| 0 -> Lwt.return ()
| n -> lwt_debug "processing %d operations" n
end >>= fun () ->
| n -> debug w "processing %d operations" n ;
Prevalidation.prevalidate validation_state ~sort:true
(Operation_hash.Map.bindings pv.pending)
>>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
@ -247,13 +217,13 @@ let handle_unprocessed pv =
~neu:validation_result ;
pv.pending <-
Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
advertise pv
advertise w pv
(mempool_of_prevalidation_result validation_result) ;
Lwt.return ()
end >>= fun () ->
pv.mempool <-
{ Mempool.known_valid =
fst (List.split pv.validation_result.applied) ;
List.rev_map fst pv.validation_result.applied ;
pending =
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
@ -262,33 +232,29 @@ let handle_unprocessed pv =
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
pv.validation_result.branch_refused @@
Operation_hash.Set.empty } ;
Mempool.set (Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db)
State.Current_mempool.set (Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db)
~head:(State.Block.hash pv.predecessor) pv.mempool >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return ()
let fetch_operation pv ?peer oph =
debug "fetching operation %a" Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
let fetch_operation w pv ?peer oph =
debug w
"fetching operation %a"
Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
pv.net_db ?peer oph () >>= function
| Ok op ->
push_request pv (Arrived (oph, op)) ;
Worker.push_request_now w (Arrived (oph, op)) ;
| Error [ Distributed_db.Operation.Canceled _ ] ->
debug w
"operation %a included before being prevalidated"
Operation_hash.pp_short oph >>= fun () ->
Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
| Error _ -> (* should not happen *)
let clear_fetching pv =
(Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db)
let on_operation_arrived pv oph op =
debug "operation %a retrieved" Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
let on_operation_arrived (pv : state) oph op =
pv.fetching <- Operation_hash.Set.remove oph pv.fetching ;
if not (Block_hash.Set.mem pv.live_blocks) then begin
Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db oph
@ -299,9 +265,8 @@ let on_operation_arrived pv oph op =
let on_inject pv op =
let oph = Operation.hash op in
log_notice "injection of operation %a" Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
begin if already_handled pv oph then
if already_handled pv oph then
return pv.validation_result
Lwt.return pv.validation_state >>=? fun validation_state ->
@ -332,10 +297,8 @@ let on_inject pv op =
failwith "Injected operation %a is not in prevalidation result."
Operation_hash.pp oph
end >>= fun tzresult ->
return tzresult
let on_notify pv peer mempool =
let on_notify w pv peer mempool =
let all_ophs =
(fun s oph -> Operation_hash.Set.add oph s)
@ -344,16 +307,15 @@ let on_notify pv peer mempool =
(fun oph -> not (already_handled pv oph))
all_ophs in
debug "notification of %d new operations" (Operation_hash.Set.cardinal to_fetch) ;
pv.fetching <-
pv.fetching ;
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation ~peer pv oph))
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation w pv ~peer oph))
let on_flush pv predecessor =
let on_flush w pv predecessor =
~from_block:pv.predecessor ~to_block:predecessor
@ -372,9 +334,8 @@ let on_flush pv predecessor =
validation_state ~sort:false [] >>= fun (state, result) ->
Lwt.return (Ok state, result)
end >>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
lwt_log_notice "flushing the mempool for new head %a (%d operations)"
Block_hash.pp_short (State.Block.hash predecessor)
(Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pending) >>= fun () ->
debug w "%d operations were not washed by the flush"
(Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pending) ;
pv.predecessor <- predecessor ;
pv.live_blocks <- new_live_blocks ;
pv.live_operations <- new_live_operations ;
@ -393,48 +354,43 @@ let on_advertise pv =
pv.advertisement <- `None ;
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_head pv.net_db ~mempool pv.predecessor
let rec worker_loop pv =
handle_unprocessed pv >>= fun () ->
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:pv.canceler begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.pop pv.message_queue >>= return
end >>=? fun (Message (message, u)) ->
wakeup_with_result message u @@ function
| Flush block ->
let on_request
: type r. t -> r Request.t -> r tzresult Lwt.t
= fun w request ->
let pv = Worker.state w in
begin match request with
| Request.Flush hash ->
on_advertise pv ;
(* TODO: rebase the advertisement instead *)
on_flush pv block >>=? fun () ->
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in net_state hash >>=? fun block ->
on_flush w pv block >>=? fun () ->
return (() : r)
| Request.Notify (peer, mempool) ->
on_notify w pv peer mempool ;
return ()
| Notify (peer, mempool) ->
on_notify pv peer mempool ;
return ()
| Inject op ->
on_inject pv op
| Arrived (oph, op) ->
| Request.Inject op ->
on_inject pv op >>= fun tzresult ->
return tzresult
| Request.Arrived (oph, op) ->
on_operation_arrived pv oph op ;
return ()
| Advertise ->
| Request.Advertise ->
on_advertise pv ;
return ()
end >>= function
| Ok () ->
worker_loop pv
| Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] ->
clear_fetching pv ;
close_queue pv ;
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "@[Unexpected error:@ %a@]"
pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
close_queue pv ;
clear_fetching pv ;
Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
end >>=? fun r ->
handle_unprocessed w pv >>= fun () ->
return r
let on_close w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
(Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db)
pv.fetching ;
let create limits net_db =
let on_launch w _ (limits, net_db) =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in
let message_queue = Lwt_pipe.create () in
State.read_chain_store net_state
(fun _ { current_head ; current_mempool ; live_blocks ; live_operations } ->
Lwt.return (current_head, current_mempool, live_blocks, live_operations))
@ -455,8 +411,7 @@ let create limits net_db =
(fun s h -> Operation_hash.Set.add h s)
Operation_hash.Set.empty mempool.known_valid in
let pv =
{ limits ; net_db ; canceler ;
worker = Lwt.return_unit ; message_queue ;
{ limits ; net_db ;
predecessor ; timestamp ; live_blocks ; live_operations ;
mempool = { known_valid = [] ; pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty };
refused = Ring.create limits.max_refused_operations ;
@ -467,32 +422,52 @@ let create limits net_db =
validation_result ; validation_state ;
advertisement = `None } in
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation pv oph))
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation w pv oph))
mempool.known_valid ;
pv.worker <-
(Format.asprintf "net_prevalidator.%a" Net_id.pp ( net_state))
~run:(fun () -> worker_loop pv)
~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler) ;
Lwt.return pv
let shutdown pv =
lwt_debug "shutdown" >>= fun () ->
Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
let on_error w r st errs =
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ;
Lwt.return (Error errs)
let flush pv head =
push_request pv (Flush head)
let on_completion w r _ st =
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (Request.view r, st, None )) ;
Lwt.return ()
let notify_operations pv peer mempool =
push_request pv (Notify (peer, mempool))
let table = Worker.create_table Queue
let operations pv =
let create limits net_db =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
let module Handlers = struct
type self = t
let on_launch = on_launch
let on_request = on_request
let on_close = on_close
let on_error = on_error
let on_completion = on_completion
let on_no_request _ = return ()
end in
Worker.launch table limits.worker_limits
( net_state)
(limits, net_db)
(module Handlers)
let shutdown = Worker.shutdown
let flush w head =
Worker.push_request_and_wait w (Flush head)
let notify_operations w peer mempool =
Worker.push_request_now w (Notify (peer, mempool))
let operations w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
{ pv.validation_result with
applied = List.rev pv.validation_result.applied },
let pending ?block pv =
let pending ?block w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let ops = Preapply_result.operations pv.validation_result in
match block with
| Some to_block ->
@ -501,12 +476,25 @@ let pending ?block pv =
~from_block:pv.predecessor ~to_block ops
| None -> Lwt.return ops
let timestamp pv = pv.timestamp
let timestamp w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let context pv =
let context w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
Lwt.return pv.validation_state >>=? fun validation_state ->
Prevalidation.end_prevalidation validation_state
let inject_operation pv op =
push_request_and_wait pv (Inject op) >>=? fun result ->
let inject_operation w op =
Worker.push_request_and_wait w (Inject op) >>=? fun result ->
Lwt.return result
let status = Worker.status
let running_workers () = Worker.list table
let pending_requests t = Worker.pending_requests t
let current_request t = Worker.current_request t
let last_events = Worker.last_events

View File

@ -32,26 +32,25 @@ type t
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float
operation_timeout : float ;
worker_limits : Worker_types.limits ;
type error += Closed of Net_id.t
(** Creation and destruction of a "prevalidation" worker. *)
val create: limits -> Distributed_db.net_db -> t Lwt.t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
val notify_operations: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> Mempool.t -> unit
(** Conditionnaly inject a new operation in the node: the operation will
be ignored when it is (strongly) refused This is the
entry-point used by the P2P layer. The operation content has been
previously stored on disk. *)
val inject_operation: t -> Operation.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val flush: t -> State.Block.t -> unit
val flush: t -> Block_hash.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val timestamp: t -> Time.t
val operations: t -> error Preapply_result.t * Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t
val context: t -> Updater.validation_result tzresult Lwt.t
val pending: ?block:State.Block.t -> t -> Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t Lwt.t
val running_workers: unit -> (Net_id.t * t) list
val status: t -> Worker_types.worker_status
val pending_requests : t -> (Time.t * Prevalidator_worker_state.Request.view) list
val current_request : t -> (Time.t * Time.t * Prevalidator_worker_state.Request.view) option
val last_events : t -> (Lwt_log_core.level * Prevalidator_worker_state.Event.t list) list

View File

@ -101,37 +101,18 @@ and chain_state = {
and chain_data = {
current_head: block ;
current_mempool: mempool ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
and mempool = {
known_valid: Operation_hash.t list ;
pending: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
and block = {
net_state: net_state ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
contents: Store.Block.contents ;
let mempool_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { known_valid ; pending } -> (known_valid, pending))
(fun (known_valid, pending) -> { known_valid ; pending })
(req "known_valid" (dynamic_size (list Operation_hash.encoding)))
(req "pending" (dynamic_size Operation_hash.Set.encoding)))
let empty_mempool = {
known_valid = [] ;
pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
let read_chain_store { chain_state } f =
Shared.use chain_state begin fun state ->
f state.chain_store
@ -219,7 +200,7 @@ module Net = struct
hash = current_head ;
contents = current_block ;
} ;
current_mempool = empty_mempool ;
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
live_blocks = Block_hash.Set.singleton genesis.block ;
live_operations = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
locator = lazy (compute_locator_from_hash net_state current_head) ;
@ -776,6 +757,24 @@ module Register_embedded_protocol
module Current_mempool = struct
let set net_state ~head mempool =
update_chain_store net_state begin fun _chain_store data ->
if Block_hash.equal head (Block.hash data.current_head) then
Lwt.return (Some { data with current_mempool = mempool },
Lwt.return (None, ())
let get net_state =
read_chain_store net_state begin fun _chain_store data ->
Lwt.return (Block.header data.current_head, data.current_mempool)
let read

View File

@ -168,17 +168,9 @@ val compute_locator: Net.t -> ?size:int -> Block.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
val fork_testnet:
Block.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Net.t tzresult Lwt.t
type mempool = {
known_valid: Operation_hash.t list ;
pending: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
val empty_mempool: mempool
val mempool_encoding: mempool Data_encoding.t
type chain_data = {
current_head: Block.t ;
current_mempool: mempool ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
@ -239,6 +231,17 @@ module Registred_protocol : sig
module Current_mempool : sig
val get: Net.t -> (Block_header.t * Mempool.t) Lwt.t
(** The current mempool. *)
val set: Net.t -> head:Block_hash.t -> Mempool.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Set the current mempool. It is ignored if the current head is
not the provided one. *)
module Register_embedded_protocol
(Env : Updater.Node_protocol_environment_sigs.V1)
(Proto : Env.Updater.PROTOCOL)

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module Make
| Dropbox_buffer : (Time.t * message) Lwt_dropbox.t -> dropbox buffer
and 'kind t = {
limits : Worker_state.limits ;
limits : Worker_types.limits ;
timeout : float option ;
parameters : Types.parameters ;
mutable (* only for init *) worker : unit Lwt.t ;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Make
canceler : Lwt_canceler.t ;
name : Name.t ;
id : int ;
mutable status : Worker_state.worker_status ;
mutable status : Worker_types.worker_status ;
mutable current_request : (Time.t * Time.t * Request.view) option ;
table : 'kind table ;
@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ module Make
val on_close :
self -> unit Lwt.t
val on_error :
self -> Request.view -> Worker_state.request_status -> error list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
self -> Request.view -> Worker_types.request_status -> error list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val on_completion :
self -> 'a Request.t -> 'a -> Worker_state.request_status -> unit Lwt.t
self -> 'a Request.t -> 'a -> Worker_types.request_status -> unit Lwt.t
let create_table buffer_kind =
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ module Make
let completed = () in
w.current_request <- None ;
Handlers.on_completion w
request res Worker_state.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () ->
request res Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Some u ->
Handlers.on_request w request >>= fun res ->
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ module Make
let completed = () in
w.current_request <- None ;
Handlers.on_completion w
request res Worker_state.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () ->
request res Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () ->
return ()
end >>= function
| Ok () ->
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ module Make
let completed = () in
w.current_request <- None ;
Handlers.on_error w
request Worker_state.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } errs
request Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } errs
| None -> assert false
end >>= function
| Ok () ->
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ module Make
let launch
: type kind.
kind table -> ?timeout:float ->
Worker_state.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters ->
Worker_types.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters ->
(module HANDLERS with type self = kind t) ->
kind t Lwt.t
= fun table ?timeout limits name parameters (module Handlers) ->

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module type EVENT = sig
(** Assigns a logging level to each event.
Events can be ignored for logging w.r.t. the global node configuration.
Events can be ignored for introspection w.r.t. to the worker's
{!Worker_state.limits}. *)
{!Worker_types.limits}. *)
val level : t -> Logging.level
(** Serializer for the introspection RPCs *)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ module Make
val on_error :
self ->
Request.view ->
Worker_state.request_status ->
Worker_types.request_status ->
error list ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ module Make
val on_completion :
self ->
'a Request.t -> 'a ->
Worker_state.request_status ->
Worker_types.request_status ->
unit Lwt.t
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ module Make
Parameter [queue_size] not passed means unlimited queue. *)
val launch :
'kind table -> ?timeout:float ->
Worker_state.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters ->
Worker_types.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters ->
(module HANDLERS with type self = 'kind t) ->
'kind t Lwt.t
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ module Make
val pending_requests : _ queue t -> (Time.t * Request.view) list
(** Get the running status of a worker. *)
val status : _ t -> Worker_state.worker_status
val status : _ t -> Worker_types.worker_status
(** Get the request being treated by a worker.
Gives the time the request was pushed, and the time its
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ module Make
(** Lists the running workers in this group.
After they are killed, workers are kept in the table
for a number of seconds given in the {!Worker_state.limits}. *)
for a number of seconds given in the {!Worker_types.limits}. *)
val list : 'a table -> (Name.t * 'a t) list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(jbuild_version 1)
((name tezos_node_shell_base)
(public_name tezos-node-shell-base)
(libraries (tezos-base
(flags (:standard -open Tezos_base__TzPervasives
-open Tezos_node_p2p_base))))
((name runtest_indent)
(deps ((glob_files *.ml) (glob_files *.mli)))
(action (run bash ${} ${^}))))

View File

@ -7,28 +7,22 @@
(* *)
open State
type t = State.mempool = {
type t = {
known_valid: Operation_hash.t list ;
pending: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
type mempool = t
let encoding = State.mempool_encoding
let empty = State.empty_mempool
let set net_state ~head mempool =
update_chain_store net_state begin fun _chain_store data ->
if Block_hash.equal head (Block.hash data.current_head) then
Lwt.return (Some { data with current_mempool = mempool },
Lwt.return (None, ())
let get net_state =
read_chain_store net_state begin fun _chain_store data ->
Lwt.return (Block.header data.current_head, data.current_mempool)
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { known_valid ; pending } -> (known_valid, pending))
(fun (known_valid, pending) -> { known_valid ; pending })
(req "known_valid" (dynamic_size (list Operation_hash.encoding)))
(req "pending" (dynamic_size Operation_hash.Set.encoding)))
let empty = {
known_valid = [] ;
pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(** Tezos Shell Module - Mempool, a.k.a. the operations safe to be
broadcasted. *)
type t = State.mempool = {
type t = {
known_valid: Operation_hash.t list ;
(** A valid sequence of operations on top of the current head. *)
pending: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
@ -22,11 +22,3 @@ val encoding: mempool Data_encoding.t
val empty: mempool
(** Empty mempool. *)
val get: State.Net.t -> (Block_header.t * mempool) Lwt.t
(** The current mempool, *)
val set: State.Net.t -> head:Block_hash.t -> mempool -> unit Lwt.t
(** Set the current mempool. It is ignored if the current head is
not the provided one. *)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module Request = struct
type 'a t =
| Flush : Block_hash.t -> unit t
| Notify : P2p_types.Peer_id.t * Mempool.t -> unit t
| Inject : Operation.t -> unit tzresult t
| Arrived : Operation_hash.t * Operation.t -> unit t
| Advertise : unit t
type view = View : _ t -> view
let view req = View req
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (Tag 0)
(req "request" (constant "flush"))
(req "block" Block_hash.encoding))
(function View (Flush hash) -> Some ((), hash) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), hash) -> View (Flush hash)) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "request" (constant "notify"))
(req "peer" P2p_types.Peer_id.encoding)
(req "mempool" Mempool.encoding))
(function View (Notify (peer, mempool)) -> Some ((), peer, mempool) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), peer, mempool) -> View (Notify (peer, mempool))) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "request" (constant "inject"))
(req "operation" Operation.encoding))
(function View (Inject op) -> Some ((), op) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), op) -> View (Inject op)) ;
case (Tag 3)
(req "request" (constant "arrived"))
(req "operation_hash" Operation_hash.encoding)
(req "operation" Operation.encoding))
(function View (Arrived (oph, op)) -> Some ((), oph, op) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), oph, op) -> View (Arrived (oph, op))) ;
case (Tag 4)
(obj1 (req "request" (constant "advertise")))
(function View Advertise -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> View Advertise) ]
let pp ppf (View r) = match r with
| Flush hash ->
Format.fprintf ppf "switching to new head %a"
Block_hash.pp hash
| Notify (id, { Mempool.known_valid ; pending }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>notified by %a of operations"
P2p_types.Peer_id.pp id ;
(fun oph ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a (applied)"
Operation_hash.pp oph)
known_valid ;
(fun oph ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a (pending)"
Operation_hash.pp oph)
(Operation_hash.Set.elements pending) ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
| Inject op ->
Format.fprintf ppf "injecting operation %a"
Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op)
| Arrived (oph, _) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "operation %a arrived"
Operation_hash.pp oph
| Advertise ->
Format.fprintf ppf "advertising pending operations"
module Event = struct
type t =
| Request of (Request.view * Worker_types.request_status * error list option)
| Debug of string
let level req =
let open Request in
match req with
| Debug _ -> Logging.Debug
| Request (View (Flush _), _, _) -> Logging.Notice
| Request (View (Notify _), _, _) -> Logging.Debug
| Request (View (Inject _), _, _) -> Logging.Notice
| Request (View (Arrived _), _, _) -> Logging.Debug
| Request (View Advertise, _, _) -> Logging.Debug
let encoding error_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (Tag 0)
(obj1 (req "message" string))
(function Debug msg -> Some msg | _ -> None)
(fun msg -> Debug msg) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "request" Request.encoding)
(req "status" Worker_types.request_status_encoding))
(function Request (req, t, None) -> Some (req, t) | _ -> None)
(fun (req, t) -> Request (req, t, None)) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "error" error_encoding)
(req "failed_request" Request.encoding)
(req "status" Worker_types.request_status_encoding))
(function Request (req, t, Some errs) -> Some (errs, req, t) | _ -> None)
(fun (errs, req, t) -> Request (req, t, Some errs)) ]
let pp ppf = function
| Debug msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" msg
| Request (view, { pushed ; treated ; completed }, None) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>%a@,\
Pushed: %a, Treated: %a, Completed: %a@]"
Request.pp view
Time.pp_hum pushed Time.pp_hum treated Time.pp_hum completed
| Request (view, { pushed ; treated ; completed }, Some errors) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>%a@,\
Pushed: %a, Treated: %a, Failed: %a@,\
Error: %a@]"
Request.pp view
Time.pp_hum pushed Time.pp_hum treated Time.pp_hum completed
Error_monad.pp_print_error errors
module Worker_state = struct
type view =
{ head : Block_hash.t ;
timestamp : Time.t ;
fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
pending : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
applied : Operation_hash.t list ;
delayed : Operation_hash.Set.t }
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { head ; timestamp ; fetching ; pending ; applied ; delayed } ->
(head, timestamp, fetching, pending, applied, delayed))
(fun (head, timestamp, fetching, pending, applied, delayed) ->
{ head ; timestamp ; fetching ; pending ; applied ; delayed })
(req "head" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "timestamp" Time.encoding)
(req "fetching" Operation_hash.Set.encoding)
(req "pending" Operation_hash.Set.encoding)
(req "applied" (list Operation_hash.encoding))
(req "delayed" Operation_hash.Set.encoding))
let pp ppf view =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>\
Head: %a@,\
Timestamp: %a@,
@[<v 2>Fetching: %a@]@,
@[<v 2>Pending: %a@]@,
@[<v 2>Applied: %a@]@,
@[<v 2>Delayed: %a@]@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp)
(Operation_hash.Set.elements view.fetching)
(Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp)
(Operation_hash.Set.elements view.pending)
(Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp)
(Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp)
(Operation_hash.Set.elements view.delayed)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module Request : sig
type 'a t =
| Flush : Block_hash.t -> unit t
| Notify : P2p_types.Peer_id.t * Mempool.t -> unit t
| Inject : Operation.t -> unit tzresult t
| Arrived : Operation_hash.t * Operation.t -> unit t
| Advertise : unit t
type view = View : _ t -> view
val view : 'a t -> view
val encoding : view Data_encoding.t
val pp : Format.formatter -> view -> unit
module Event : sig
type t =
| Request of (Request.view * Worker_types.request_status * error list option)
| Debug of string
val level : t -> Logging.level
val encoding : error list Data_encoding.t -> t Data_encoding.t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Worker_state : sig
type view =
{ head : Block_hash.t ;
timestamp : Time.t ;
fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
pending : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
applied : Operation_hash.t list ;
delayed : Operation_hash.Set.t }
val encoding : view Data_encoding.t
val pp : Format.formatter -> view -> unit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
opam-version: "1.2"
version: "dev"
maintainer: ""
authors: [ "Tezos devteam" ]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: ""
license: "unreleased"
depends: [
"ocamlfind" { build }
"jbuilder" { build & >= "1.0+beta15" }
build: [
[ "jbuilder" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
build-test: [
[ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]