Merge branch 'dev' of into rinderknecht@pprint
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ title: Records and Maps
import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
So far we have seen pretty basic data types. LIGO also offers more
So far, we have seen pretty basic data types. LIGO also offers more
complex built-in constructs, such as *records* and *maps*.
## Records
Records are one way data of different types can be packed into a
Records are one-way data of different types can be packed into a
single type. A record is made of a set of *fields*, which are made of
a *field name* and a *field type*. Given a value of a record type, the
value bound to a field can be accessed by giving its field name to a
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ special operator (`.`).
Let us first consider and example of record type declaration.
<Syntax syntax="pascaligo">
```pascaligo group=records1
@ -55,10 +53,8 @@ type user = {
And here is how a record value is defined:
<Syntax syntax="pascaligo">
```pascaligo group=records1
@ -142,7 +138,7 @@ points on a plane.
In PascaLIGO, the shape of that expression is
`<record variable> with <record value>`.
The record variable is the record to update and the
The record variable is the record to update, and the
record value is the update itself.
```pascaligo group=records2
@ -160,13 +156,13 @@ following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
translate "(record [x=2;y=3;z=1], record [dx=3;dy=4])"
xy_translate "(record [x=2;y=3;z=1], record [dx=3;dy=4])"
# Outputs: {z = 1 , y = 7 , x = 5}
You have to understand that `p` has not been changed by the functional
update: a namless new version of it has been created and returned by
the blockless function.
update: a nameless new version of it has been created and returned by
the block-less function.
<Syntax syntax="cameligo">
@ -186,6 +182,7 @@ let xy_translate (p, vec : point * vector) : point =
You can call the function `xy_translate` defined above by running the
following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
@ -218,6 +215,7 @@ let xy_translate = ((p, vec) : (point, vector)) : point =>
You can call the function `xy_translate` defined above by running the
following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
@ -326,12 +324,21 @@ let change_color_preference = (account : account, color : color): account =>
Note that all the records in the path will get updated. In this example that's
`account` and `preferences`.
You can call the function `change_color_preference` defined above by running the
following command:
ligo run-function gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/maps-records/record_nested_update.ligo
change_color_preference "(record [id=1001; preferences=record [color=Blue; other=1]], Green)"
# Outputs: record[id -> 1001 , preferences -> record[color -> Green(unit) , other -> 1]]
<Syntax syntax="pascaligo">
### Record Patches
Another way to understand what it means to update a record value is to
make sure that any further reference to the value afterwards will
make sure that any further reference to the value afterward will
exhibit the modification. This is called a `patch` and this is only
possible in PascaLIGO, because a patch is an *instruction*, therefore
we can only use it in a block. Similarly to a *functional update*, a
@ -355,6 +362,7 @@ function xy_translate (var p : point; const vec : vector) : point is
You can call the function `xy_translate` defined above by running the
following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
@ -378,6 +386,7 @@ function xy_translate (var p : point; const vec : vector) : point is
You can call the new function `xy_translate` defined above by running the
following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
@ -401,6 +410,7 @@ function xy_translate (var p : point; const vec : vector) : point is
You can call the new function `xy_translate` defined above by running the
following command of the shell:
ligo run-function
@ -425,8 +435,6 @@ sense.
Here is how a custom map from addresses to a pair of integers is
<Syntax syntax="pascaligo">
```pascaligo group=maps
@ -680,8 +688,8 @@ let assign = (m : register) : register =>
(("tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN" : address), Some ((4,9)), m);
Notice the optional value `Some (4,9)` instead of `(4,9)`. If we had
use `None` instead, that would have meant that the binding is removed.
Notice the optional value `Some (4,9)` instead of `(4,9)`. If we used
`None` instead that would have meant that the binding is removed.
As a particular case, we can only add a key and its associated value.
@ -693,7 +701,6 @@ let add = (m : register) : register =>
To remove a binding from a map, we need its key.
@ -748,8 +755,8 @@ There are three kinds of functional iterations over LIGO maps: the
The first, the *iterated operation*, is an iteration over the map with
no return value: its only use is to produce side-effects. This can be
useful if for example you would like to check that each value inside
of a map is within a certain range, and fail with an error otherwise.
useful if, for example you would like to check that each value inside
of a map is within a certain range and fail with an error otherwise.
The predefined functional iterator implementing the iterated operation
over maps is called `Map.iter`. In the following example, the register
@ -985,7 +992,7 @@ let moves : register =
(("tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN" : address), (0,3))]
The predefind function `Big_map.literal` constructs a big map from a
The predefined function `Big_map.literal` constructs a big map from a
list of key-value pairs `(<key>, <value>)`. Note also the semicolon
separating individual map entries. The annotated value `("<string>
value>" : address)` means that we cast a string into an address.
@ -1000,7 +1007,7 @@ let moves : register =
("tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN" : address, (0,3))]);
The predefind function `Big_map.literal` constructs a big map from a
The predefined function `Big_map.literal` constructs a big map from a
list of key-value pairs `(<key>, <value>)`. Note also the semicolon
separating individual map entries. The annotated value `("<string>
value>" : address)` means that we cast a string into an address.
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ let compile_parameter =
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax (Contract entry_point) in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let%bind michelson_prg = Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg entry_point in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
(* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *)
Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ let interpret =
| Some init_file ->
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file init_file syntax Env in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
ok (mini_c_prg,state,env)
| None -> ok ([],Typer.Solver.initial_state,Environment.default) in
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ let compile_storage =
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax (Contract entry_point) in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let%bind michelson_prg = Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg entry_point in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
(* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *)
Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ let dry_run =
let f source_file entry_point storage input amount balance sender source predecessor_timestamp syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax (Contract entry_point) in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let%bind michelson_prg = Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg entry_point in
let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let run_function =
let f source_file entry_point parameter amount balance sender source predecessor_timestamp syntax display_format =
toplevel ~display_format @@
let%bind typed_prg,state = Compile.Utils.type_file source_file syntax Env in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment typed_prg in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default typed_prg in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
@ -203,3 +203,120 @@ let%expect_test _ =
{ DUP ; CDR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } }
{ DUP ; CDR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } ;
DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}]
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; (contract "double_fold_converter.religo") ; "main" ] ;
[%expect {|
{ parameter
(list (pair (address %from_)
(list %txs (pair (address %to_) (pair (nat %token_id) (nat %amount)))))) ;
storage (big_map nat address) ;
code { DUP ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
IF { PUSH string "NOT_OWNER" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
DIG 4 ;
DUG 5 ;
DIG 3 ;
DUG 4 ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
DIG 2 ;
DUG 3 ;
DIG 2 ;
DUG 3 ;
DIG 3 ;
DUG 4 ;
DIG 4 ;
DUG 5 ;
DIG 2 ;
DUG 3 ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
{ DIG 2 ;
DUG 3 ;
DIG 1 ;
DUG 2 ;
EQ ;
DIP { DROP } } ;
DIG 2 ;
DUG 3 ;
DIG 4 ;
DUG 5 ;
DIG 3 ;
DUG 4 ;
DIG 4 ;
DUG 5 ;
DIP { DROP 7 } } ;
DIP { DROP 5 } } ;
NIL operation ;
DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}]
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
open Ast_typed
open Stage_common.Constant
let environment = env_sum_type ~type_name:t_bool @@ [(Constructor "true",{ctor_type=t_unit ();michelson_annotation=None;ctor_decl_pos=0});(Constructor "false",{ctor_type=t_unit ();michelson_annotation=None;ctor_decl_pos=1})]
let environment = Ast_typed.Environment.add_ez_sum_type ~type_name:t_bool @@
(Constructor "true" ,{ctor_type=t_unit ();michelson_annotation=None;ctor_decl_pos=0});
(Constructor "false",{ctor_type=t_unit ();michelson_annotation=None;ctor_decl_pos=1});
@ -368,19 +368,23 @@ and eval : Ast_typed.expression -> env -> value result
let dummy : Ast_typed.program -> string result =
fun prg ->
let%bind (res,_) = bind_fold_list
(fun (pp,top_env) el ->
let (Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline=_ ; _}) = Location.unwrap el in
let aux (pp,top_env) el =
match Location.unwrap el with
| Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline=_ ; _} ->
let%bind v =
(*TODO This TRY-CATCH is here until we properly implement effects*)
eval expr top_env
with Temporary_hack s -> ok @@ V_Failure s
with Temporary_hack s ->
ok (V_Failure s)
(*TODO This TRY-CATCH is here until we properly implement effects*)
let pp' = pp^"\n val "^(Var.to_name binder)^" = "^(Ligo_interpreter.PP.pp_value v) in
let top_env' = Env.extend top_env (binder, v) in
ok @@ (pp',top_env')
| Ast_typed.Declaration_type _ ->
ok (pp , top_env)
let%bind (res,_) = bind_fold_list aux
("",Env.empty_env) prg in
ok @@ res
@ -42,14 +42,6 @@ them. please report this to the developers." in
] in
error ~data title content
let unsupported_iterator location =
let title () = "unsupported iterator" in
let content () = "only lambda are supported as iterators" in
let data = [
row_loc location ;
] in
error ~data title content
let not_functional_main location =
let title () = "not functional main" in
let content () = "main should be a function" in
@ -382,9 +374,6 @@ let rec transpile_literal : AST.literal -> value = fun l -> match l with
| Literal_unit -> D_unit
| Literal_void -> D_none
and transpile_environment_element_type : AST.environment_element -> type_expression result = fun ele ->
transpile_type ele.type_value
and tree_of_sum : AST.type_expression -> (AST.constructor' * AST.type_expression) Append_tree.t result = fun t ->
let%bind map_tv = get_t_sum t in
let kt_list = (fun (k,({ctor_type;_}:AST.ctor_content)) -> (k,ctor_type)) (kv_list_of_cmap map_tv) in
@ -405,11 +394,7 @@ and transpile_annotated_expression (ae:AST.expression) : expression result =
return (E_let_in ((let_binder, rhs'.type_expression), inline, rhs', result'))
| E_literal l -> return @@ E_literal (transpile_literal l)
| E_variable name -> (
let%bind ele =
trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "name not in environment") @@
AST.Environment.get_opt name ae.environment in
let%bind tv = transpile_environment_element_type ele in
return ~tv @@ E_variable (name)
return @@ E_variable (name)
| E_application {lamb; args} ->
let%bind a = transpile_annotated_expression lamb in
@ -449,7 +434,6 @@ and transpile_annotated_expression (ae:AST.expression) : expression result =
return ~tv ae
| E_record m -> (
(*list_of_lmap to record_to_list*)
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ Ast_typed.Helpers.list_of_record_or_tuple m in
let aux a b : expression result =
let%bind a = a in
@ -511,28 +495,14 @@ and transpile_annotated_expression (ae:AST.expression) : expression result =
return @@ E_record_update (record, path, update)
| E_constant {cons_name=name; arguments=lst} -> (
let iterator_generator iterator_name =
let lambda_to_iterator_body (f : AST.expression) (l : AST.lambda) =
let%bind body' = transpile_annotated_expression l.result in
let%bind (input , _) = AST.get_t_function f.type_expression in
let%bind input' = transpile_type input in
ok ((l.binder , input') , body')
let expression_to_iterator_body (f : AST.expression) =
match f.expression_content with
| E_lambda l -> lambda_to_iterator_body f l
| E_variable v -> (
let%bind elt =
trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "missing var") @@
AST.Environment.get_opt v f.environment in
match elt.definition with
| ED_declaration { expr = f ; free_variables = _ } -> (
match f.expression_content with
| E_lambda l -> lambda_to_iterator_body f l
| _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location
| _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location
| _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location
let%bind (input , output) = AST.get_t_function f.type_expression in
let%bind f' = transpile_annotated_expression f in
let%bind input' = transpile_type input in
let%bind output' = transpile_type output in
let binder = Var.fresh ~name:"iterated" () in
let application = Mini_c.Combinators.e_application f' output' (Mini_c.Combinators.e_var binder input') in
ok ((binder , input'), application)
fun (lst : AST.expression list) -> match (lst , iterator_name) with
| [f ; i] , C_ITER | [f ; i] , C_MAP -> (
@ -781,25 +751,29 @@ and transpile_recursive {fun_name; fun_type; lambda} =
let body = Expression.make (E_iterator (C_LOOP_LEFT, ((lambda.binder, loop_type),body), expr)) output_type in
ok @@ Expression.make (E_closure {binder;body}) fun_type
let transpile_declaration env (d:AST.declaration) : toplevel_statement result =
let transpile_declaration env (d:AST.declaration) : toplevel_statement option result =
match d with
| Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env=_ } ->
| Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline } ->
let%bind expression = transpile_annotated_expression expr in
let tv = Combinators.Expression.get_type expression in
let env' = Environment.add (binder, tv) env in
ok @@ ((binder, inline, expression), environment_wrap env env')
ok @@ Some ((binder, inline, expression), environment_wrap env env')
| _ -> ok None
let transpile_program (lst : AST.program) : program result =
let aux (prev:(toplevel_statement list * Environment.t) result) cur =
let%bind (hds, env) = prev in
let%bind ((_, env') as cur') = transpile_declaration env cur in
ok (hds @ [ cur' ], env'.post_environment)
match%bind transpile_declaration env cur with
| Some ((_ , env') as cur') -> ok (hds @ [ cur' ] , env'.post_environment)
| None -> ok (hds , env)
let%bind (statements, _) = List.fold_left aux (ok ([], Environment.empty)) (temp_unwrap_loc_list lst) in
ok statements
(* check whether the storage contains a big_map, if yes, check that
it appears on the left hand side of a pair *)
it appears on the left hand side of a pair
TODO : checking should appears in check_pass.
let check_storage f ty loc : (anon_function * _) result =
let rec aux (t:type_expression) on_big_map =
match t.type_content with
@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ open Errors
let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_expression) : AST.expression result =
let open! AST in
let return e = ok (make_a_e_empty e t) in
let return e = ok (make_e e t) in
match t.type_content with
| T_variable (name) when Var.equal name Stage_common.Constant.t_bool -> (
let%bind b =
trace_strong (wrong_mini_c_value "bool" v) @@
get_bool v in
return (e_bool b Environment.empty)
return (e_bool b)
| t when (compare t (t_bool ()).type_content) = 0-> (
let%bind b =
trace_strong (wrong_mini_c_value "bool" v) @@
get_bool v in
return (e_bool b Environment.empty)
return (e_bool b)
| T_constant type_constant -> (
match type_constant with
@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_expression) : AST.expression resul
trace_strong (wrong_mini_c_value "option" v) @@
get_option v in
match opt with
| None -> ok (e_a_empty_none o)
| None -> ok (e_a_none o)
| Some s ->
let%bind s' = untranspile s o in
ok (e_a_empty_some s')
ok (e_a_some s')
| TC_map {k=k_ty;v=v_ty}-> (
let%bind map =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let rec type_declaration env state : I.declaration -> (environment * O.typer_sta
trace (constant_declaration_error binder expression tv'_opt) @@
type_expression env state expression in
let post_env = Environment.add_ez_declaration binder expr env in
ok (post_env, state' , Some (O.Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env} ))
ok (post_env, state' , Some (O.Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline} ))
and type_match : environment -> O.typer_state -> O.type_expression -> I.matching_expr -> I.expression -> Location.t -> (O.matching_expr * O.typer_state) result =
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ and type_expression : environment -> O.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression
let%bind new_state = aggregate_constraints state constraints in
let tv = t_variable type_name () in
let location = ae.location in
let expr' = make_e ~location expr tv e in
let expr' = make_e ~location expr tv in
ok @@ (expr' , new_state) in
let return_wrapped expr state (constraints , expr_type) = return expr state constraints expr_type in
let main_error =
@ -494,27 +494,25 @@ let rec type_program (p:I.program) : (O.program * O.typer_state) result =
let%bind ed' = (bind_map_location (type_declaration e (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()))) d in
let loc : 'a . 'a Location.wrap -> _ -> _ = fun x v -> Location.wrap ~loc:x.location v in
let (e', _placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer , d') = Location.unwrap ed' in
match d' with
| None -> ok (e', acc)
| Some d' -> ok (e', loc ed' d' :: acc)
ok (e', loc ed' d' :: acc)
let%bind (_, lst) =
trace (fun () -> program_error p ()) @@
bind_fold_list aux (DEnv.default, []) p in
ok @@ (List.rev lst , (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()))
and type_declaration env (_placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer : O.typer_state) : I.declaration -> (environment * O.typer_state * O.declaration option) result = function
| Declaration_type (type_name , type_expression) ->
let%bind tv = evaluate_type env type_expression in
let env' = Environment.add_type (type_name) tv env in
ok (env', (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()) , None)
and type_declaration env (_placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer : O.typer_state) : I.declaration -> (environment * O.typer_state * O.declaration) result = function
| Declaration_type (type_binder , type_expr) ->
let%bind tv = evaluate_type env type_expr in
let env' = Environment.add_type (type_binder) tv env in
ok (env', (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()) , (O.Declaration_type { type_binder ; type_expr = tv } ))
| Declaration_constant (binder , tv_opt , inline, expression) -> (
let%bind tv'_opt = bind_map_option (evaluate_type env) tv_opt in
let%bind expr =
trace (constant_declaration_error binder expression tv'_opt) @@
type_expression' ?tv_opt:tv'_opt env expression in
let post_env = Environment.add_ez_declaration binder expr env in
ok (post_env, (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()) , Some (O.Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env}))
ok (post_env, (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()) , (O.Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline}))
and type_match : (environment -> I.expression -> O.expression result) -> environment -> O.type_expression -> I.matching_expr -> I.expression -> Location.t -> O.matching_expr result =
@ -674,6 +672,7 @@ and type_expression : environment -> O.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression
= fun e _placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ?tv_opt ae ->
let%bind res = type_expression' e ?tv_opt ae in
ok (res, (Solver.placeholder_for_state_of_new_typer ()))
and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression -> O.expression result = fun e ?tv_opt ae ->
let module L = Logger.Stateful() in
let return expr tv =
@ -682,7 +681,7 @@ and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression
| None -> ok ()
| Some tv' -> O.assert_type_expression_eq (tv' , tv) in
let location = ae.location in
ok @@ make_e ~location expr tv e in
ok @@ make_e ~location expr tv in
let main_error =
let title () = "typing expression" in
let content () = "" in
@ -736,7 +735,7 @@ and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression
generic_try (bad_record_access property ae prev.type_expression ae.location)
@@ (fun () -> let ({field_type;_} : O.field_content) = O.LMap.find (convert_label property) r_tv in field_type) in
let location = ae.location in
ok @@ make_e ~location (E_record_accessor {record=prev; path=convert_label property}) tv e
ok @@ make_e ~location (E_record_accessor {record=prev; path=convert_label property}) tv
let%bind ae =
trace (simple_info "accessing") @@ aux e' path in
@ -832,7 +831,7 @@ and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder lname input_type e in
let%bind body = type_expression' ?tv_opt:(Some tv_out) e' result in
let output_type = body.type_expression in
let lambda' = make_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; result=body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) e' in
let lambda' = make_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; result=body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) in
let lst' = [lambda'; v_col; v_initr] in
let tv_lst = get_type_expression lst' in
let%bind (opname', tv) =
@ -853,7 +852,7 @@ and type_expression' : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder lname input_type e in
let%bind body = type_expression' e' result in
let output_type = body.type_expression in
let lambda' = make_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; result=body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) e' in
let lambda' = make_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; result=body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) in
let lst' = [lambda';v_initr] in
let tv_lst = get_type_expression lst' in
let%bind (opname',tv) = type_constant opname tv_lst tv_opt in
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module Errors : sig
val type_program : I.program -> (O.program * O.typer_state) result
val type_declaration : environment -> O.typer_state -> I.declaration -> (environment * O.typer_state * O.declaration option) result
val type_declaration : environment -> O.typer_state -> I.declaration -> (environment * O.typer_state * O.declaration) result
(* val type_match : (environment -> 'i -> 'o result) -> environment -> O.type_value -> 'i I.matching -> I.expression -> Location.t -> 'o O.matching result *)
val evaluate_type : environment -> I.type_expression -> O.type_expression result
val type_expression : environment -> O.typer_state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_expression -> I.expression -> (O.expression * O.typer_state) result
@ -156,10 +156,11 @@ and map_cases : mapper -> matching_expr -> matching_expr result = fun f m ->
and map_program : mapper -> program -> program result = fun m p ->
let aux = fun (x : declaration) ->
match x with
| Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline ; post_env} -> (
| Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline} -> (
let%bind expr = map_expression m expr in
ok (Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline ; post_env})
ok (Declaration_constant {binder; expr ; inline})
| Declaration_type t -> ok (Declaration_type t)
bind_map_list (bind_map_location aux) p
@ -246,11 +247,15 @@ and fold_map_cases : 'a . 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> matching_expr -> ('a * matchin
and fold_map_program : 'a . 'a fold_mapper -> 'a -> program -> ('a * program) result = fun m init p ->
let aux = fun (acc,acc_prg) (x : declaration Location.wrap) ->
match Location.unwrap x with
| Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env} -> (
| Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline} -> (
let%bind (acc', expr) = fold_map_expression m acc expr in
let wrap_content = Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env} in
let wrap_content = Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline} in
ok (acc', List.append acc_prg [{x with wrap_content}])
| Declaration_type t -> (
let wrap_content = Declaration_type t in
ok (acc, List.append acc_prg [{x with wrap_content}])
bind_fold_list aux (init,[]) p
@ -298,16 +303,19 @@ type contract_type = {
let fetch_contract_type : string -> program -> contract_type result = fun main_fname program ->
let main_decl = List.rev @@ List.filter
(fun declt ->
let (Declaration_constant { binder ; expr=_ ; inline=_ ; post_env=_ }) = Location.unwrap declt in
String.equal (Var.to_name binder) main_fname
let aux declt = match Location.unwrap declt with
| Declaration_constant ({ binder ; expr=_ ; inline=_ } as p) ->
if String.equal (Var.to_name binder) main_fname
then Some p
else None
| Declaration_type _ -> None
match main_decl with
| (hd::_) -> (
let (Declaration_constant { binder=_ ; expr ; inline=_ ; post_env=_ }) = Location.unwrap hd in
let main_decl_opt = List.find_map aux @@ List.rev program in
let%bind main_decl =
trace_option (simple_error ("Entrypoint '"^main_fname^"' does not exist")) @@
let { binder=_ ; expr ; inline=_ } = main_decl in
match expr.type_expression.type_content with
| T_arrow {type1 ; type2} -> (
match type1.type_content , type2.type_content with
@ -323,5 +331,3 @@ let fetch_contract_type : string -> program -> contract_type result = fun main_f
| _ -> fail @@ Errors.bad_contract_io main_fname expr
| _ -> fail @@ Errors.bad_contract_io main_fname expr
| [] -> simple_fail ("Entrypoint '"^main_fname^"' does not exist")
@ -13,25 +13,25 @@ let accessor (record:expression) (path:label) (t:type_expression) =
{ expression_content = E_record_accessor {record; path} ;
location = Location.generated ;
type_expression = t ;
environment = record.environment }
let constructor (constructor:constructor') (element:expression) (t:type_expression) =
{ expression_content = E_constructor { constructor ; element } ;
location = Location.generated ;
type_expression = t ;
environment = element.environment }
let match_var (t:type_expression) =
{ expression_content = E_variable (Var.of_name "x") ;
location = Location.generated ;
type_expression = t ;
environment = Environment.add_ez_binder (Var.of_name "x") t Environment.empty}
let matching (e:expression) matchee cases =
{ expression_content = E_matching {matchee ; cases};
location = Location.generated ;
type_expression = e.type_expression ;
environment = e.environment }
let rec descend_types s lmap i =
if i > 0 then
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let rec to_right_comb_record
let exp = { expression_content = E_record_accessor {record = prev ; path = label } ;
location = Location.generated ;
type_expression = field_type ;
environment = prev.environment } in
} in
let conv_map' = LMap.add (Label "0") exp conv_map in
LMap.add (Label "1") ({exp with expression_content = E_record (to_right_comb_record prev tl conv_map')}) conv_map'
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ let contract_passes = [
let all_program program =
let all_p = Helpers.map_program all_passes in
let%bind program' = bind_chain all_p program in
let program'' = Recompute_environment.program Environment.default program' in
ok program''
ok program'
let all_expression =
let all_p = Helpers.map_expression all_passes in
@ -326,8 +326,10 @@ and matching : (formatter -> expression -> unit) -> _ -> matching_expr -> unit =
let declaration ppf (d : declaration) =
match d with
| Declaration_constant {binder; expr; inline; post_env=_} ->
| Declaration_constant {binder; expr; inline} ->
fprintf ppf "const %a = %a%a" expression_variable binder expression expr option_inline inline
| Declaration_type {type_binder; type_expr} ->
fprintf ppf "type %a = %a" type_variable type_binder type_expression type_expr
let program ppf (p : program) =
fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]"
@ -272,31 +272,30 @@ and declaration_loc = declaration location_wrap
and program = declaration_loc list
and declaration_constant = {
binder : expression_variable ;
expr : expression ;
inline : bool ;
post_env : environment ;
and declaration =
(* A Declaration_constant is described by
(* A Declaration_constant is described by
* a name + a type-annotated expression
* a boolean indicating whether it should be inlined
* the environment before the declaration (the original environment)
* the environment after the declaration (i.e. with that new declaration added to the original environment). *)
and declaration_constant = {
binder : expression_variable ;
expr : expression ;
inline : bool ;
and declaration_type = {
type_binder : type_variable ;
type_expr : type_expression ;
and declaration =
| Declaration_constant of declaration_constant
| Declaration_type of (type_variable * type_expression)
| Declaration_constant of (named_expression * (environment * environment))
(* | Macro_declaration of macro_declaration *)
| Declaration_type of declaration_type
and expression = {
expression_content: expression_content ;
location: location ;
type_expression: type_expression ;
environment: environment ;
and map_kv = {
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module PP = PP
module PP_generic = PP_generic
module Combinators = struct
include Combinators
include Combinators_environment
module Misc = struct
include Misc
@ -15,3 +14,5 @@ module Helpers = Helpers
include Types
include Misc
include Combinators
let program_environment env program = fst (Compute_environment.program env program)
@ -24,10 +24,9 @@ module Errors = struct
let make_t ?(loc = Location.generated) type_content core = {type_content; location=loc; type_meta = core}
let make_e ?(location = Location.generated) expression_content type_expression environment = {
let make_e ?(location = Location.generated) expression_content type_expression = {
expression_content ;
type_expression ;
environment ;
location ;
let make_n_t type_name type_value = { type_name ; type_value }
@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ let t_shallow_closure param result ?loc ?s () : type_expression = make_t ?loc (T
let get_type_expression (x:expression) = x.type_expression
let get_type' (x:type_expression) = x.type_content
let get_environment (x:expression) = x.environment
let get_expression (x:expression) = x.expression_content
let get_lambda e : _ result = match e.expression_content with
@ -330,13 +328,13 @@ let e_let_in let_binder inline rhs let_result = E_let_in { let_binder ; rhs ; le
let e_constructor constructor element: expression_content = E_constructor {constructor;element}
let e_bool b env : expression_content = e_constructor (Constructor (string_of_bool b)) (make_e (e_unit ())(t_unit()) env)
let e_bool b : expression_content = e_constructor (Constructor (string_of_bool b)) (make_e (e_unit ())(t_unit()))
let e_a_unit = make_e (e_unit ()) (t_unit ())
let e_a_int n = make_e (e_int n) (t_int ())
let e_a_nat n = make_e (e_nat n) (t_nat ())
let e_a_mutez n = make_e (e_mutez n) (t_mutez ())
let e_a_bool b = fun env -> make_e (e_bool b env) (t_bool ()) env
let e_a_bool b = make_e (e_bool b) (t_bool ())
let e_a_string s = make_e (e_string s) (t_string ())
let e_a_address s = make_e (e_address s) (t_address ())
let e_a_pair a b = make_e (e_pair a b)
@ -381,7 +379,8 @@ let get_a_record_accessor = fun t ->
let get_declaration_by_name : program -> string -> declaration result = fun p name ->
let aux : declaration -> bool = fun declaration ->
match declaration with
| Declaration_constant { binder ; expr=_ ; inline=_ ; post_env=_ } -> binder = Var.of_name name
| Declaration_constant { binder ; expr=_ ; inline=_ } -> binder = Var.of_name name
| Declaration_type _ -> false
trace_option (Errors.declaration_not_found name ()) @@
List.find_opt aux @@ Location.unwrap p
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Types
val make_n_t : type_variable -> type_expression -> named_type_content
val make_t : ?loc:Location.t -> type_content -> S.type_expression option -> type_expression
val make_e : ?location:Location.t -> expression_content -> type_expression -> environment -> expression
val make_e : ?location:Location.t -> expression_content -> type_expression -> expression
val t_bool : ?loc:Location.t -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_expression
val t_string : ?loc:Location.t -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_expression
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ val t_function : type_expression -> type_expression -> ?loc:Location.t -> ?s:S.t
val t_shallow_closure : type_expression -> type_expression -> ?loc:Location.t -> ?s:S.type_expression -> unit -> type_expression
val get_type_expression : expression -> type_expression
val get_type' : type_expression -> type_content
val get_environment : expression -> environment
val get_expression : expression -> expression_content
val get_lambda : expression -> lambda result
val get_lambda_with_type : expression -> (lambda * ( type_expression * type_expression) ) result
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ val e_unit : unit -> expression_content
val e_int : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_nat : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_mutez : Z.t -> expression_content
val e_bool : bool -> environment -> expression_content
val e_bool : bool -> expression_content
val e_string : ligo_string -> expression_content
val e_bytes : bytes -> expression_content
val e_timestamp : Z.t -> expression_content
@ -135,22 +134,22 @@ val e_application : expression -> expression -> expression_content
val e_variable : expression_variable -> expression_content
val e_let_in : expression_variable -> inline -> expression -> expression -> expression_content
val e_a_unit : environment -> expression
val e_a_int : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_nat : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_mutez : Z.t -> environment -> expression
val e_a_bool : bool -> environment -> expression
val e_a_string : ligo_string -> environment -> expression
val e_a_address : string -> environment -> expression
val e_a_pair : expression -> expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_some : expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_lambda : lambda -> type_expression -> type_expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_none : type_expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_record : expression label_map -> environment -> expression
val e_a_application : expression -> expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_variable : expression_variable -> type_expression -> environment -> expression
val ez_e_a_record : ( label * expression ) list -> environment -> expression
val e_a_let_in : expression_variable -> bool -> expression -> expression -> environment -> expression
val e_a_unit : expression
val e_a_int : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_nat : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_mutez : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_bool : bool -> expression
val e_a_string : ligo_string -> expression
val e_a_address : string -> expression
val e_a_pair : expression -> expression -> expression
val e_a_some : expression -> expression
val e_a_lambda : lambda -> type_expression -> type_expression -> expression
val e_a_none : type_expression -> expression
val e_a_record : expression label_map -> expression
val e_a_application : expression -> expression -> expression
val e_a_variable : expression_variable -> type_expression -> expression
val ez_e_a_record : ( label * expression ) list -> expression
val e_a_let_in : expression_variable -> bool -> expression -> expression -> expression
val get_a_int : expression -> Z.t result
val get_a_unit : expression -> unit result
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
open Types
open Combinators
let make_a_e_empty expression type_annotation = make_e expression type_annotation Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_unit = e_a_unit Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_int n = e_a_int n Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_nat n = e_a_nat n Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_mutez n = e_a_mutez n Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_bool b = e_a_bool b Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_string s = e_a_string s Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_address s = e_a_address s Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_pair a b = e_a_pair a b Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_some s = e_a_some s Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_none t = e_a_none t Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_record r = e_a_record r Environment.empty
let ez_e_a_empty_record r = ez_e_a_record r Environment.empty
let e_a_empty_lambda l i o = e_a_lambda l i o Environment.empty
open Environment
let env_sum_type ?(env = empty)
?(type_name = Var.of_name "a_sum_type")
(lst : (constructor' * ctor_content) list) =
add_type type_name (make_t_ez_sum lst) env
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
open Types
val make_a_e_empty : expression_content -> type_expression -> expression
val e_a_empty_unit : expression
val e_a_empty_int : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_nat : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_mutez : Z.t -> expression
val e_a_empty_bool : bool -> expression
val e_a_empty_string : ligo_string -> expression
val e_a_empty_address : string -> expression
val e_a_empty_pair : expression -> expression -> expression
val e_a_empty_some : expression -> expression
val e_a_empty_none : type_expression -> expression
val e_a_empty_record : expression label_map -> expression
val ez_e_a_empty_record : ( label * expression ) list -> expression
val e_a_empty_lambda : lambda -> type_expression -> type_expression -> expression
val env_sum_type : ?env:environment -> ?type_name:type_variable -> (constructor' * ctor_content) list -> environment
@ -1,23 +1,9 @@
open Ast_typed
During the modifications of the passes on `Ast_typed`, the binding
environments are not kept in sync. To palliate this, this module
recomputes them from scratch.
This module is very coupled to ``. Given environments are
not used until the next pass, it makes sense to split this into
its own separate pass. This pass would go from `Ast_typed` without
environments to `Ast_typed` with embedded environments.
open Types
let rec expression : environment -> expression -> expression = fun env expr ->
(* Standard helper functions to help with the fold *)
let return ?(env' = env) content = {
let return content = {
expr with
environment = env' ;
expression_content = content ;
} in
let return_id = return expr.expression_content in
@ -34,9 +20,9 @@ let rec expression : environment -> expression -> expression = fun env expr ->
return @@ E_lambda { c with result }
| E_let_in c -> (
let env' = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.let_binder c.rhs env in
let let_result = self ~env' c.let_result in
let rhs = self c.rhs in
let env' = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.let_binder rhs env in
let let_result = self ~env' c.let_result in
return @@ E_let_in { c with rhs ; let_result }
(* rec fun_name binder -> result *)
@ -90,7 +76,7 @@ and cases : environment -> matching_expr -> matching_expr = fun env cs ->
let match_cons =
let mc = c.match_cons in
let env_hd = Environment.add_ez_binder mc.hd env in
let env_tl = Environment.add_ez_binder (t_list ()) env_hd in
let env_tl = Environment.add_ez_binder (Combinators.t_list ()) env_hd in
let body = self ~env':env_tl mc.body in
{ mc with body }
@ -139,24 +125,27 @@ and cases : environment -> matching_expr -> matching_expr = fun env cs ->
return @@ Match_variant { c with cases }
let program : environment -> program -> program = fun init_env prog ->
let program : environment -> program -> environment * program = fun init_env prog ->
We take the old type environment and add it to the current value environment
because type declarations are removed in the typer. They should be added back.
let merge old_env re_env = {
expression_environment = re_env.expression_environment ;
type_environment = old_env.type_environment ;
} in
let aux (pre_env , rev_decls) decl_wrapped =
let (Declaration_constant c) = Location.unwrap decl_wrapped in
match Location.unwrap decl_wrapped with
| Declaration_constant c -> (
let expr = expression pre_env c.expr in
let post_env = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.binder c.expr pre_env in
let post_env' = merge c.post_env post_env in
let wrap_content = Declaration_constant { c with expr ; post_env = post_env' } in
let post_env = Environment.add_ez_declaration c.binder expr pre_env in
let wrap_content = Declaration_constant { c with expr } in
let decl_wrapped' = { decl_wrapped with wrap_content } in
(post_env , decl_wrapped' :: rev_decls)
| Declaration_type t -> (
let post_env = Environment.add_type t.type_binder t.type_expr pre_env in
let wrap_content = Declaration_type t in
let decl_wrapped' = { decl_wrapped with wrap_content } in
(post_env , decl_wrapped' :: rev_decls)
let (_last_env , rev_decls) = List.fold_left aux (init_env , []) prog in
List.rev rev_decls
let (last_env , rev_decls) = List.fold_left aux (init_env , []) prog in
(last_env , List.rev rev_decls)
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ let add_ez_binder : expression_variable -> type_expression -> t -> t = fun k v e
let add_ez_declaration : expression_variable -> expression -> t -> t = fun k ae e ->
add_expr k (make_element_declaration e ae) e
let add_ez_sum_type ?(env = empty) ?(type_name = Var.of_name "a_sum_type") (lst : (constructor' * ctor_content) list) =
add_type type_name (make_t_ez_sum lst) env
let convert_constructor' (S.Constructor c) = Constructor c
let get_constructor : Ast_core.constructor' -> t -> (type_expression * type_expression) option = fun k x -> (* Left is the constructor, right is the sum type *)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ val get_opt : expression_variable -> t -> element option
val get_type_opt : type_variable -> t -> type_expression option
val get_constructor : Ast_core.constructor' -> t -> (type_expression * type_expression) option
val add_ez_sum_type : ?env:environment -> ?type_name:type_variable -> (constructor' * ctor_content) list -> environment
module PP : sig
open Format
@ -512,18 +512,16 @@ let merge_annotation (a:type_expression option) (b:type_expression option) err :
let get_entry (lst : program) (name : string) : expression result =
trace_option (Errors.missing_entry_point name) @@
let aux x =
let (Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline=_ ; _ }) = Location.unwrap x in
match Location.unwrap x with
| Declaration_constant { binder ; expr ; inline=_ } -> (
if Var.equal binder (Var.of_name name)
then Some expr
else None
| Declaration_type _ -> None
List.find_map aux lst
let program_environment (program : program) : environment =
let last_declaration = Location.unwrap List.(hd @@ rev program) in
match last_declaration with
| Declaration_constant { binder=_ ; expr=_ ; inline=_ ; post_env } -> post_env
let equal_variables a b : bool =
match a.expression_content, b.expression_content with
| E_variable a, E_variable b -> Var.equal a b
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ val assert_literal_eq : ( literal * literal ) -> unit result
val get_entry : program -> string -> expression result
val program_environment : program -> environment
val p_constant : constant_tag -> p_ctor_args -> type_value
val c_equation : type_value -> type_value -> string -> type_constraint
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ let program_to_main : program -> string -> lambda result = fun p s ->
let%bind (main , input_type , _) =
let pred = fun d ->
match d with
| Declaration_constant { binder; expr; inline=_ ; post_env=_ } when binder = Var.of_name s -> Some expr
| Declaration_constant { binder; expr; inline=_ } when binder = Var.of_name s -> Some expr
| Declaration_constant _ -> None
| Declaration_type _ -> None
let%bind main =
trace_option (simple_error "no main with given name") @@
@ -20,16 +21,11 @@ let program_to_main : program -> string -> lambda result = fun p s ->
| _ -> simple_fail "program main isn't a function" in
ok (main , input_ty , output_ty)
let env =
let aux = fun _ d ->
match d with
| Declaration_constant {binder=_ ; expr= _ ; inline=_ ; post_env } -> post_env in
List.fold_left aux Environment.empty ( Location.unwrap p) in
let binder = Var.of_name "@contract_input" in
let result =
let input_expr = e_a_variable binder input_type env in
let main_expr = e_a_variable (Var.of_name s) (get_type_expression main) env in
e_a_application main_expr input_expr env in
let input_expr = e_a_variable binder input_type in
let main_expr = e_a_variable (Var.of_name s) (get_type_expression main) in
e_a_application main_expr input_expr in
ok {
binder ;
result ;
@ -46,8 +42,8 @@ module Captured_variables = struct
let of_list : expression_variable list -> bindings = fun x -> x
let rec expression : bindings -> expression -> bindings result = fun b e ->
expression_content b e.environment e.expression_content
and expression_content : bindings -> environment -> expression_content -> bindings result = fun b env ec ->
expression_content b e.expression_content
and expression_content : bindings -> expression_content -> bindings result = fun b ec ->
let self = expression b in
match ec with
| E_lambda l -> ok @@ Free_variables.lambda empty l
@ -56,12 +52,7 @@ module Captured_variables = struct
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list self arguments in
ok @@ unions lst'
| E_variable name -> (
let%bind env_element =
trace_option (simple_error "missing var in env") @@
Environment.get_opt name env in
match env_element.definition with
| ED_binder -> ok empty
| ED_declaration {expr=_ ; free_variables=_} -> simple_fail "todo"
if mem name b then ok empty else ok (singleton name)
| E_application {lamb;args} ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list self [ lamb ; args ] in
@ -84,7 +75,7 @@ module Captured_variables = struct
expression b' li.let_result
| E_recursive r ->
let b' = union (singleton r.fun_name) b in
expression_content b' env @@ E_lambda r.lambda
expression_content b' @@ E_lambda r.lambda
and matching_variant_case : (bindings -> expression -> bindings result) -> bindings -> matching_content_case -> bindings result = fun f b { constructor=_ ; pattern ; body } ->
f (union (singleton pattern) b) body
@ -183,6 +183,15 @@ let e_let_in ?loc v tv inline expr body : expression = Expression.(make_tpl ?loc
E_let_in ((v , tv) , inline, expr , body) ,
get_type body
let e_application ?loc f t arg: expression = Expression.(make_tpl ?loc(
E_application (f,arg) ,
let e_var ?loc vname t: expression = Expression.(make_tpl ?loc(
E_variable vname ,
let ez_e_sequence ?loc a b : expression = Expression.(make_tpl (E_sequence (make_tpl ?loc (a , t_unit ()) , b) , get_type b))
@ -78,3 +78,5 @@ val d_unit : value
val environment_wrap : environment -> environment -> environment_wrap
val id_environment_wrap : environment -> environment_wrap
val e_var : ?loc:Location.t -> var_name -> type_expression -> expression
val e_application : ?loc:Location.t -> expression -> type_expression -> expression -> expression
@ -195,20 +195,19 @@ module Substitution = struct
let%bind cases = s_matching_expr ~substs cases in
ok @@ T.E_matching {matchee;cases}
and s_expression : T.expression w = fun ~(substs:substs) { expression_content; type_expression; environment; location } ->
and s_expression : T.expression w = fun ~(substs:substs) { expression_content; type_expression; location } ->
let%bind expression_content = s_expression_content ~substs expression_content in
let%bind type_expr = s_type_expression ~substs type_expression in
let%bind environment = s_environment ~substs environment in
let location = location in
ok T.{ expression_content;type_expression=type_expr; environment; location }
ok T.{ expression_content;type_expression=type_expr; location }
and s_declaration : T.declaration w = fun ~substs ->
Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline ; post_env} ->
| Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder ; expr ; inline} ->
let%bind binder = s_variable ~substs binder in
let%bind expr = s_expression ~substs expr in
let%bind post_env = s_environment ~substs post_env in
ok @@ Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder; expr; inline; post_env}
ok @@ Ast_typed.Declaration_constant {binder; expr; inline}
| Declaration_type t -> ok (Ast_typed.Declaration_type t)
and s_declaration_wrap :T.declaration Location.wrap w = fun ~substs d ->
Trace.bind_map_location (s_declaration ~substs) d
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
type tokenId = nat;
type tokenOwner = address;
type tokenAmount = nat;
type transferContents = {
to_: tokenOwner,
token_id: tokenId,
amount: tokenAmount
type transfer = {
from_: tokenOwner,
txs: list(transferContents)
type transferContentsMichelson = michelson_pair_right_comb(transferContents);
type transferAuxiliary = {
from_: tokenOwner,
txs: list(transferContentsMichelson)
type transferMichelson = michelson_pair_right_comb(transferAuxiliary);
type transferParameter = list(transferMichelson);
type parameter =
| Transfer(transferParameter)
type storage = big_map(tokenId, tokenOwner);
type entrypointParameter = (parameter, storage);
type entrypointReturn = (list(operation), storage);
let errorTokenUndefined = "TOKEN_UNDEFINED";
let errorNotOwner = "NOT_OWNER";
let errorInsufficientBalance = "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE";
type transferContentsIteratorAccumulator = (storage, tokenOwner);
let transferContentsIterator = ((accumulator, transferContentsMichelson): (transferContentsIteratorAccumulator, transferContentsMichelson)): transferContentsIteratorAccumulator => {
let (storage, from_) = accumulator;
let transferContents: transferContents = Layout.convert_from_right_comb(transferContentsMichelson);
let tokenOwner: option(tokenOwner) = Map.find_opt(transferContents.token_id, storage);
let tokenOwner = switch (tokenOwner) {
| None => (failwith(errorTokenUndefined): tokenOwner)
| Some(tokenOwner) => if (tokenOwner == from_) {
} else {
(failwith(errorInsufficientBalance): tokenOwner);
let storage = Map.update(
(storage, from_)
let allowOnlyOwnTransfer = (from: tokenOwner): unit => {
if (from != Tezos.sender) {
} else { (); }
let transferIterator = ((storage, transferMichelson): (storage, transferMichelson)): storage => {
let transferAuxiliary2: transferAuxiliary = Layout.convert_from_right_comb(transferMichelson);
let from_: tokenOwner = transferAuxiliary2.from_;
let (storage, _) = List.fold(
(storage, from_)
let transfer = ((transferParameter, storage): (transferParameter, storage)): entrypointReturn => {
let storage = List.fold(transferIterator, transferParameter, storage);
(([]: list(operation)), storage);
let main = ((parameter, storage): entrypointParameter): entrypointReturn => {
switch (parameter) {
| Transfer(transferParameter) => transfer((transferParameter, storage))
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ open Ast_imperative
let pack_payload (program:Ast_typed.program) (payload:expression) : bytes result =
let%bind code =
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment program in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default program in
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression payload in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let typed_program_with_imperative_input_to_michelson
(program: Ast_typed.program) (entry_point: string)
(input: Ast_imperative.expression) : Compiler.compiled_expression result =
Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment program in
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default program in
let state = Typer.Solver.initial_state in
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression input in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
module I = Simplified.Combinators
module O = Typed.Combinators
module E = O
module E = Typed.Environment
let unit () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_unit ()) O.(t_unit ())
let int () : unit result = test_expression I.(e_int (Z.of_int 32)) O.(t_int ())
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
(Typed.Constructor "foo", {ctor_type = Typed.t_int () ; michelson_annotation = None ; ctor_decl_pos = 0});
(Typed.Constructor "bar", {ctor_type = Typed.t_string () ; michelson_annotation = None ; ctor_decl_pos = 1}) ]
in test_expression
~env:(E.env_sum_type variant_foo_bar)
~env:(E.add_ez_sum_type variant_foo_bar)
I.(e_constructor "foo" (e_int (Z.of_int 32)))
O.(make_t_ez_sum variant_foo_bar)
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