Michelson: allow type annotations on PUSH-like instructions
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let parse_field_annot
| [] -> ok None
| [ `Field_annot _ as a ] -> ok (Some a)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc) (* (Invalid_var_annotation (loc, annot)) *)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
let extract_field_annot
: Script.node -> (Script.node * field_annot option) tzresult
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ let parse_var_annot
| [], None -> ok None
| [], Some d -> ok d
| [ `Var_annot _ as a ], _ -> ok (Some a)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc) (* (Invalid_var_annotation (loc, annot)) *)
| _ -> error (Unexpected_annotation loc)
end |> Lwt.return
let parse_field_annot loc annot =
@ -357,3 +357,15 @@ let parse_var_binding_annot
get_one_annot loc vars >>=? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc bindings >>|? fun b ->
(v, b)
let parse_var_type_binding_annot
: int -> string list ->
(var_annot option * type_annot option * binding_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun loc annot ->
Lwt.return (parse_annots loc annot) >>=? fun annot ->
let vars, types, fields, bindings = classify_annot annot in
fail_unexpected_annot loc fields >>=? fun () ->
get_one_annot loc vars >>=? fun v ->
get_one_annot loc types >>=? fun t ->
get_one_annot loc bindings >>|? fun b ->
(v, t, b)
@ -146,3 +146,7 @@ val parse_binding_annot :
val parse_var_binding_annot :
int -> string list -> (var_annot option * binding_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_var_type_binding_annot :
int -> string list ->
(var_annot option * type_annot option * binding_annot option) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -1470,8 +1470,8 @@ and parse_instr
typed ctxt loc (Const v) (Item_t (t, stack, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_UNIT, [], annot),
stack ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
typed ctxt loc (Const ()) (Item_t (Unit_t None, stack, annot))
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, ty_name) ->
typed ctxt loc (Const ()) (Item_t (Unit_t ty_name, stack, annot))
(* options *)
| Prim (loc, I_SOME, [], annot),
Item_t (t, rest, _) ->
@ -1587,7 +1587,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [ body ], annot),
(Item_t (List_t (elt, _), starting_rest, list_annot)) ->
check_kind [ Seq_kind ] body >>=? fun () ->
parse_var_binding_annot loc annot >>=? fun (ret_annot, elt_bind_annot) ->
parse_var_type_binding_annot loc annot
>>=? fun (ret_annot, list_ty_name, elt_bind_annot) ->
let elt_bind_annot = default_annot elt_bind_annot
~default:(gen_binding_access_annot list_annot default_elt_annot) in
let elt_annot = binding_to_var_annot elt_bind_annot in
@ -1599,7 +1600,7 @@ and parse_instr
(Invalid_map_body (loc, ibody.aft))
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 rest starting_rest)) >>=? fun Eq ->
typed ctxt loc (List_map ibody)
(Item_t (List_t (ret, None), rest, ret_annot))
(Item_t (List_t (ret, list_ty_name), rest, ret_annot))
| Typed { aft ; _ } -> fail (Invalid_map_body (loc, aft))
| Failed _ -> fail (Invalid_map_block_fail loc)
@ -1660,15 +1661,15 @@ and parse_instr
typed ctxt loc Set_update (Item_t (Set_t (elt, tname), rest, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SIZE, [], annot),
Item_t (Set_t _, rest, _) ->
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, tname) ->
typed ctxt loc Set_size (Item_t (Nat_t tname, rest, annot))
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
typed ctxt loc Set_size (Item_t (Nat_t None, rest, annot))
(* maps *)
| Prim (loc, I_EMPTY_MAP, [ tk ; tv ], annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty tk)) >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty tk) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ~allow_big_map:false ~allow_operation:true tv)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tv) ->
parse_var_annot loc annot >>=? fun annot ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_map (tk, tv)) (Item_t (Map_t (tk, tv, None), stack, annot))
parse_var_type_annot loc annot >>=? fun (annot, ty_name) ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_map (tk, tv)) (Item_t (Map_t (tk, tv, ty_name), stack, annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [ body ], annot),
Item_t (Map_t (ck, elt, _), starting_rest, _map_annot) ->
let k = ty_of_comparable_ty ck in
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