Adding Block.Header module to State, letting Chain_traversal.live_blocks use that module

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Blanc 2018-08-28 17:00:56 +02:00 committed by Grégoire Henry
parent c723869f65
commit 952dacac82
3 changed files with 133 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -131,17 +131,20 @@ let new_blocks ~from_block ~to_block =
| Some path -> Lwt.return (ancestor, path)
let live_blocks block n =
let rec loop bacc oacc block n =
Block.all_operation_hashes block >>= fun hashes ->
let rec loop bacc oacc chain_state block_head n =
Block.Header.all_operation_hashes chain_state block_head >>= fun hashes ->
let oacc =
(fun oacc op -> Operation_hash.Set.add op oacc))
oacc hashes in
let bacc = Block_hash.Set.add (Block.hash block) bacc in
let bacc = Block_hash.Set.add (Block.Header.hash block_head) bacc in
if n = 0 then Lwt.return (bacc, oacc)
Block.predecessor block >>= function
Block.Header.predecessor chain_state block_head >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (bacc, oacc)
| Some predecessor -> loop bacc oacc predecessor (pred n) in
loop Block_hash.Set.empty Operation_hash.Set.empty block n
| Some predecessor -> loop bacc oacc chain_state predecessor (pred n) in
Block_hash.Set.empty Operation_hash.Set.empty
(Block.chain_state block) (Block.Header.of_block block)

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@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ and block = {
header: Block_header.t ;
and hashed_header = {
header: Block_header.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
let read_chain_data { chain_data } f =
Shared.use chain_data begin fun state ->
f state.chain_data_store
@ -620,6 +625,89 @@ module Block = struct
type block = t
module Header = struct
type t = hashed_header = {
header: Block_header.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
type block_header = t
let compare b1 b2 = b1.hash b2.hash
let equal b1 b2 = Block_hash.equal b1.hash b2.hash
let hash { hash } = hash
let header { header } = header
let shell_header { header = { } } = shell
let timestamp b = (shell_header b).timestamp
let fitness b = (shell_header b).fitness
let level b = (shell_header b).level
let validation_passes b = (shell_header b).validation_passes
let known chain_state hash =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun store ->
Store.Block.Header.known (store, hash)
let read chain_state ?(pred = 0) hash =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun store ->
if pred = 0 then
return hash
predecessor_n store hash pred >>= function
| None -> return chain_state.genesis.block
| Some hash -> return hash
end >>=? fun hash -> (store, hash) >>=? fun header ->
return { header ; hash }
let read_opt chain_state ?pred hash =
read chain_state ?pred hash >>= function
| Error _ -> Lwt.return_none
| Ok v -> Lwt.return_some v
let read_exn chain_state ?(pred = 0) hash =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun store ->
if pred = 0 then
Lwt.return hash
predecessor_n store hash pred >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return chain_state.genesis.block
| Some hash -> Lwt.return hash
end >>= fun hash ->
Store.Block.Header.read_exn (store, hash) >>= fun header ->
Lwt.return { header ; hash }
let of_block ( { hash ; header } : block ) : t = { hash ; header }
let to_block chain_state ( { hash ; header } : t ) : block option Lwt.t =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun store ->
Store.Block.Contents.read_opt (store, hash) >>= function
| Some contents -> Lwt.return_some { chain_state ; hash ; contents ; header }
| None -> Lwt.return_none
let all_operation_hashes chain_state { hash ; header } =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun store ->
(Store.Block.Operation_hashes.read_exn (store, hash))
(0 -- ( - 1))
let predecessor chain_state { hash ; header } =
if Block_hash.equal hash then
Lwt.return_none (* we are at genesis *)
read_exn chain_state >>= fun block ->
Lwt.return_some block
let predecessor_n chain_state hash n =
Shared.use chain_state.block_store begin fun block_store ->
predecessor_n block_store hash n
let compare b1 b2 = b1.hash b2.hash
let equal b1 b2 = Block_hash.equal b1.hash b2.hash
@ -719,14 +807,14 @@ module Block = struct
(* Quick accessor to be optimized ?? *)
let read_predecessor chain_state hash =
read chain_state hash >>=? fun { header } -> chain_state hash >>=? fun { Header.header } ->
let read_predecessor_opt chain_state hash =
read_predecessor chain_state hash >>= function
| Error _ -> Lwt.return_none
| Ok v -> Lwt.return_some v
let read_predecessor_exn chain_state hash =
read_exn chain_state hash >>= fun { header } ->
Header.read_exn chain_state hash >>= fun { Header.header } ->
let predecessor { chain_state ; header ; hash } =

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@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ module Chain : sig
(** {2 Block header manipulation} ******************************************)
(** {2 Block database} *****************************************************)
module Block : sig
@ -141,6 +144,37 @@ module Block : sig
error list ->
bool tzresult Lwt.t
module Header : sig
type t
type block_header = t
val known: Chain.t -> Block_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val read: Chain.t -> ?pred:int -> Block_hash.t -> block_header tzresult Lwt.t
val read_opt: Chain.t -> ?pred:int -> Block_hash.t -> block_header option Lwt.t
val read_exn: Chain.t -> ?pred:int -> Block_hash.t -> block_header Lwt.t
val of_block: block -> block_header
val to_block: Chain.t -> block_header -> block option Lwt.t
val compare: t -> t -> int
val equal: t -> t -> bool
val hash: t -> Block_hash.t
val header: t -> Block_header.t
val shell_header: t -> Block_header.shell_header
val timestamp: t -> Time.t
val fitness: t -> Fitness.t
val validation_passes: t -> int
val level: t -> Int32.t
val all_operation_hashes: Chain.t -> block_header -> Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t
val predecessor : Chain.t -> block_header -> block_header option Lwt.t
val predecessor_n : Chain.t -> Block_hash.t -> int -> Block_hash.t option Lwt.t
val compare: t -> t -> int
val equal: t -> t -> bool