Weakly-typed creation of ADT elements
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ module M = struct
let op ppf : (no_state, unit) fold_config = {
generic = (fun NoState info ->
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { fields } ->
| RecordInstance { field_instances } ->
let aux ppf (fld : ('xi , 'xo) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) =
fprintf ppf "%s = %a" fld.cf.name (fun _ppf -> fld.cf_continue) NoState in
fprintf ppf "{@,@[<hv 2> %a @]@,}" (list_sep aux (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " ;@ ")) fields
fprintf ppf "{@,@[<hv 2> %a @]@,}" (list_sep aux (fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " ;@ ")) field_instances
| VariantInstance { constructor ; _ } ->
if constructor.cf_new_fold needs_parens NoState
then fprintf ppf "%s (%a)" constructor.cf.name (fun _ppf -> constructor.cf_continue) NoState
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ module M = struct
let to_json : (no_state, json) fold_config = {
generic = (fun NoState info ->
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { fields } ->
let fields' = List.fold_left
| RecordInstance { field_instances } ->
let field_instances' = List.fold_left
(fun acc (fld : ('xi, json) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) -> (fld.cf.name, fld.cf_continue NoState)::acc)
[] fields
[] field_instances
`Assoc fields'
`Assoc field_instances'
| VariantInstance { constructor ; _ } ->
`List [ `String constructor.cf.name ; constructor.cf_continue NoState ]
| PolyInstance { poly=_; arguments=_; poly_continue } ->
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ module M = struct
let op : (no_state, t) fold_config = {
generic = (fun NoState info ->
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { fields } ->
| RecordInstance { field_instances } ->
let aux (fld : ('xi, 'xo) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) =
( fld.cf.name , fun () -> fld.cf_continue NoState ) in
Record ("name_of_the_record", List.map aux fields)
Record ("name_of_the_record", List.map aux field_instances)
| VariantInstance { constructor ; _ } ->
VariantConstructor ("name_of_the_variant", constructor.cf.name, fun () -> constructor.cf_continue NoState)
| PolyInstance { poly=_; arguments=_; poly_continue } ->
@ -127,3 +127,33 @@ let fold_map__poly_set : type a state new_a err . new_a extra_info__comparable -
ok (state , PolySet.add new_elt s) in
let%bind (state , m) = PolySet.fold_inc aux s ~init:(ok (state, PolySet.create ~cmp:new_compare)) in
ok (state , m)
(* This takes a fold_map__xxx function and turns it into a make__xxx
It just swaps the error monad with the option monad, and uses unit
as the type for the state and for "errors". *)
let fold_map_to_make fold_map = fun f v ->
match fold_map (fun () x -> match f x with Some x' -> ok ((), x') | None -> Pervasives.Error ()) () v with
Pervasives.Ok (((), v'), _) -> Some v'
| Pervasives.Error () -> None
(* This can't be done automatically, because the auto-generated
comparison functions make use of the fold, the fold supplies to
users some "make" functions, and there's no deterministic way to
extract the comparison functions (or other typeclass-like
Instead of writing the following functions, we could just write the
get_typeclass_compare functions for poly_unionfind and poly_set,
but the resulting code wouldn't be much clearer. *)
let make__constructor_map f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__constructor_map f v
let make__label_map f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__label_map f v
let make__list f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__list f v
let make__location_wrap f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__location_wrap f v
let make__list_ne f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__list_ne f v
let make__option f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__option f v
let make__poly_unionfind f v = fold_map_to_make (fold_map__poly_unionfind { compare = failwith "TODO" (*UnionFind.Poly2.get_compare v*) }) f v
let make__PolyMap f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__PolyMap f v
let make__typeVariableMap f v = fold_map_to_make fold_map__typeVariableMap f v
let make__poly_set f v = fold_map_to_make (fold_map__poly_set { compare = failwith "TODO" (*PolySet.get_compare v*) }) f v
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
type ('a,'err) monad = ('a,'err) Simple_utils.Trace.result;;
let (>>?) v f = Simple_utils.Trace.bind f v;;
let return v = Simple_utils.Trace.ok v;;
let sorted_bindings m =
List.sort (fun (a , _) (b , _) -> String.compare a b)
@@ RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.bindings m
@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
(public_name ligo.adt_generator)
@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
for $statements -> $statement { say "$statement" }
say "open $moduleName;;";
say " (* must be provided by one of the open or include statements: *)";
say " module CheckFolderInputSignature = struct";
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant}).map({$_<kind>}).unique -> $poly
{ say " let make__$poly : type a b . (a -> b option) -> a $poly -> b $poly option = make__$poly;;"; }
say " end";
say "";
say " include Adt_generator.Generic.BlahBluh";
say " type ('in_state, 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) _fold_config = \{";
@ -107,9 +113,25 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
{ say " $poly : 'a . ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) _fold_config -> ('in_state -> 'a -> 'out_state) -> 'in_state -> 'a $poly -> 'out_state;"; }
say ' };;';
say "";
say " type whatever =";
say " | NoArgument (* supplied to make constructors with no arguments *)";
# look for builtins, filtering out the "implicit unit-like fake argument of emtpy constructors" (represented by '')
for $adts.map({ $_<ctorsOrFields> })[*;*].grep({$_<isBuiltin> && $_<type> ne ''}).map({$_<type>}).unique -> $builtin
{ say " | Whatever_{tc $builtin} of $builtin"; }
for $adts.list -> $t
{ say " | Whatever_{tc $t<name>} of $t<name>" }
say " type make_poly =";
# look for built-in polymorphic types
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant}).map({$_<kind>}).unique -> $poly
{ say " | Make_{tc $poly} of (whatever $poly -> whatever option)"; }
say "";
say " module Adt_info = Adt_generator.Generic.Adt_info (struct";
say " type nonrec ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) fold_config = ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) _fold_config;;";
say " type nonrec whatever = whatever;;";
say " type nonrec make_poly = make_poly;;";
say " end);;";
say " include Adt_info;;";
say " type ('in_state, 'out_state) fold_config = ('in_state , 'out_state , ('in_state , 'out_state) Adt_info.node_instance_info) _fold_config;;";
@ -127,14 +149,31 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
for $adts.list -> $t
{ for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c
{ say " (* info for field or ctor $t<name>.$c<name> *)";
say " let info__$t<name>__$c<name> : Adt_info.ctor_or_field = \{";
say " name = \"$c<name>\";";
say " is_builtin = {$c<isBuiltin> ?? 'true' !! 'false'};";
say " type_ = \"$c<type>\";";
say ' };;';
if ($t<kind> eq $variant) {
say " let info__$t<name>__$c<name> : Adt_info.constructor_type = \{";
say " ctor = \{";
say " name = \"$c<name>\";";
say " is_builtin = {$c<isBuiltin> ?? 'true' !! 'false'};";
say " type_ = \"$c<type>\";";
say " \};";
if ($c<type> eq '') {
# this constructor has no arguments.
say " make_ctor = (function NoArgument -> Some (Whatever_{tc $t<name>} $c<name>) | _ -> None);";
} else {
say " make_ctor = (function Whatever_{tc $c<type>} v -> Some (Whatever_{tc $t<name>} ($c<name> v)) | _ -> None);";
say ' };;';
} else {
say " let info__$t<name>__$c<name> : Adt_info.ctor_or_field = \{";
say " name = \"$c<name>\";";
say " is_builtin = {$c<isBuiltin> ?? 'true' !! 'false'};";
say " type_ = \"$c<type>\";";
say ' };;';
# say "";
say " let continue_info__$t<name>__$c<name> : type in_qstate out_qstate . the_folds -> (in_qstate , out_qstate) fold_config -> {$c<type> || 'unit'} -> (in_qstate, out_qstate) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance = fun the_folds visitor x -> \{";
say " cf = info__$t<name>__$c<name>;";
my $dotctor = ($t<kind> eq $variant) ?? ".ctor" !! ""; # TODO: give the full constructor info with its "make" function instead of extracting the .ctor part.
say " cf = info__$t<name>__$c<name>$dotctor;";
say " cf_continue = (fun state -> the_folds.fold__$t<name>__$c<name> the_folds visitor state x);";
say " cf_new_fold = (fun visitor state -> the_folds.fold__$t<name>__$c<name> the_folds visitor state x);";
say ' };;';
@ -142,16 +181,40 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
say " (* info for node $t<name> *)";
say " let info__$t<name> : Adt_info.node = \{";
my $kind = do given $t<kind> {
when $record { "Record" }
when $variant { "Variant" }
default { "Poly \"$_\"" }
print " kind = ";
do given $t<kind> {
when $record {
say "RecordType \{";
say " fields = [";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $f {
say " info__$t<name>__$f<name>;";
say " ];";
say " make_record = (fun r -> match Adt_generator.Common.sorted_bindings r with";
say " | [";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list.sort({$_<name>}) -> $f {
say " (\"$f<name>\" , Whatever_{tc $f<type>} $f<name>) ;";
say " ] -> Some (Whatever_{tc $t<name>} \{";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $f { say " $f<name> ;"; }
say " \})";
say " | _ -> None)";
say " \};"; }
when $variant {
say "VariantType \{";
print " constructors = [ ";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "info__$t<name>__$c<name> ; "; }
say "];";
say " \};"; }
default {
say "PolyType \{";
say " poly_name = \"$_\";";
print " make_poly = Make_{tc $_} (fun p -> match make__$_ ";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $a { print "(function Whatever_{tc $a<type>} v -> Some v | _ -> None)"; }
say " p with Some p -> Some (Whatever_{tc $t<name>} p) | None -> None);";
say " \};"; }
say " kind = $kind;";
say " declaration_name = \"$t<name>\";";
print " ctors_or_fields = [ ";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "info__$t<name>__$c<name> ; "; }
say "];";
say ' };;';
# say "";
# TODO: factor out some of the common bits here.
@ -161,10 +224,10 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
do given $t<kind> {
when $record {
say ' instance_kind = RecordInstance {';
print " fields = [ ";
print " field_instances = [ ";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "continue_info__$t<name>__$c<name> the_folds visitor x.$c<name> ; "; }
say " ];";
say ' };';
say "];";
say ' };';
when $variant {
say " instance_kind =";
@ -174,7 +237,7 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { say " | $c<name> { $c<type> ?? 'v ' !! '' }-> continue_info__$t<name>__$c<name> the_folds visitor { $c<type> ?? 'v' !! '()' }"; }
say " );";
print " variant = [ ";
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "info__$t<name>__$c<name> ; "; }
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "info__$t<name>__$c<name>.ctor ; "; } # TODO: give the full constructor info with its "make" function.
say "];";
say ' };';
@ -183,9 +246,7 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
say ' PolyInstance {';
say " poly = \"$_\";";
print " arguments = [";
# TODO: sort by c<name> (currently we only have one-argument
# polymorphic types so it happens to work but should be fixed.
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list -> $c { print "\"$c<type>\""; }
for $t<ctorsOrFields>.list.sort({$_<name>}) -> $c { print "\"$c<type>\""; }
say "];";
print " poly_continue = (fun state -> visitor.$_ visitor (";
print $t<ctorsOrFields>
@ -201,10 +262,11 @@ $*OUT = open $folder_filename, :w;
say "";
say " (* info for adt $moduleName *)";
print " let whole_adt_info : unit -> Adt_info.adt = fun () -> [ ";
say " let whole_adt_info : unit -> Adt_info.adt = fun () ->";
print " match RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.from_list ~cmp:String.compare [ ";
for $adts.list -> $t
{ print "info__$t<name> ; "; }
say "];;";
{ print "\"$t<name>\" , info__$t<name> ; "; }
say "] with Some x -> x | None -> failwith \"Internal error: duplicate nodes in ADT info\";;";
# fold functions
say "";
@ -300,7 +362,7 @@ $*OUT = open $mapper_filename, :w;
say "";
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant && $typeclasses{$_<kind>}}).unique(:as({$_<ctorsOrFields>, $_<kind>})) -> $t
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant && $typeclasses{$_<kind>}}).unique(:as({$_<ctorsOrFields>, $_<kind>}), :with(&[eqv])) -> $t
{ my $ty = $t<ctorsOrFields>[0]<type>;
my $typeclass = $typeclasses{$t<kind>};
say " val extra_info__{$ty}__$typeclass : $ty extra_info__$typeclass;;"; }
@ -311,7 +373,7 @@ $*OUT = open $mapper_filename, :w;
say " module O : OSig = $oModuleName";
say "";
say " (* must be provided by one of the open or include statements: *)";
say " module CheckInputSignature = struct";
say " module CheckMapperInputSignature = struct";
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant}).map({$_<kind>}).unique -> $poly
{ say " let fold_map__$poly : type a new_a state err .{ $typeclasses{$poly} ?? " new_a extra_info__{$typeclasses{$poly}} ->" !! "" } (state -> a -> (state * new_a, err) monad) -> state -> a $poly -> (state * new_a $poly , err) monad = fold_map__$poly;;"; }
say " end";
@ -500,7 +562,7 @@ $*OUT = open $combinators_filename, :w;
say "";
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant && $typeclasses{$_<kind>}}).unique(:as({$_<ctorsOrFields>, $_<kind>})) -> $t
for $adts.grep({$_<kind> ne $record && $_<kind> ne $variant && $typeclasses{$_<kind>}}).unique(:as({$_<ctorsOrFields>, $_<kind>}), :with(&[eqv])) -> $t
{ my $ty = $t<ctorsOrFields>[0]<type>;
my $typeclass = $typeclasses{$t<kind>};
say "let extra_info__{$ty}__$typeclass : $ty extra_info__$typeclass = {tc $typeclass}.$ty;;";
@ -10,14 +10,35 @@ module BlahBluh = struct
type 'state generic_continue_fold = ('state generic_continue_fold_node) StringMap.t;;
module Adt_info (M : sig type ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) fold_config end) = struct
module Adt_info (M : sig type ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_info) fold_config;; type whatever;; type make_poly;; end) = struct
type kind =
| Record
| Variant
| Poly of string
| RecordType of record_type
| VariantType of variant_type
| PolyType of poly_type
type ('in_state , 'out_state) record_instance = {
fields : ('in_state , 'out_state) ctor_or_field_instance list;
and ctor_or_field =
name : string;
is_builtin : bool;
type_ : string;
and record_type = {
fields : ctor_or_field list;
make_record : (string , M.whatever) RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.t -> M.whatever option
and ('in_state , 'out_state) record_instance = {
field_instances : ('in_state , 'out_state) ctor_or_field_instance list;
and variant_type = {
constructors : constructor_type list;
and constructor_type = {
ctor : ctor_or_field;
make_ctor : M.whatever -> M.whatever option;
and ('in_state , 'out_state) constructor_instance = {
@ -25,6 +46,11 @@ module Adt_info (M : sig type ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_
variant : ctor_or_field list
and poly_type = {
poly_name : string;
make_poly : M.make_poly;
and ('in_state , 'out_state) poly_instance = {
poly : string;
arguments : string list;
@ -41,13 +67,6 @@ module Adt_info (M : sig type ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_
instance_kind : ('in_state , 'out_state) kind_instance;
and ctor_or_field =
name : string;
is_builtin : bool;
type_ : string;
and ('in_state , 'out_state) ctor_or_field_instance =
cf : ctor_or_field;
@ -59,11 +78,10 @@ module Adt_info (M : sig type ('in_state , 'out_state , 'adt_info_node_instance_
kind : kind;
declaration_name : string;
ctors_or_fields : ctor_or_field list;
(* TODO: rename things a bit in this file. *)
and adt = node list
and adt = (string, node) RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.t
and ('in_state , 'out_state) node_instance_info = {
adt : adt ;
node_instance : ('in_state , 'out_state) instance ;
@ -12,3 +12,10 @@ let fold_map__option continue state v =
match v with
Some x -> continue state x
| None -> ok None
let make__list f l =
(fun elt acc -> match acc, f elt with
Some acc, Some x -> Some (x :: acc)
| _ -> None)
l (Some [])
@ -61,34 +61,75 @@ let _noi : (int, _) fold_map_config__Amodule = no_op (* (fun _ -> ()) *)
let _nob : (bool, _) fold_map_config__Amodule = no_op (* (fun _ -> ()) *)
type no_state = NoState
let to_string some_root =
let op : ('i, 'o) Generated_fold.fold_config = {
generic = (fun NoState info ->
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { field_instances } ->
false, "{ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map (fun (fld : ('xi , 'xo) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) -> fld.cf.name ^ " = " ^ snd (fld.cf_continue NoState)) field_instances) ^ " }"
| VariantInstance { constructor={ cf = { name; is_builtin=_; type_=_; }; cf_continue; cf_new_fold=_ }; variant=_ } ->
(match cf_continue NoState with
| true, arg -> true, name ^ " (" ^ arg ^ ")"
| false, arg -> true, name ^ " " ^ arg)
| PolyInstance { poly=_; arguments=_; poly_continue } ->
(poly_continue NoState)
) ;
generic_empty_ctor = (fun NoState -> false, "") ;
string = (fun _visitor NoState str -> false , "\"" ^ str ^ "\"") ;
unit = (fun _visitor NoState () -> false , "()") ;
int = (fun _visitor NoState i -> false , string_of_int i) ;
list = (fun _visitor continue NoState lst ->
false , "[ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map snd @@ List.map (continue NoState) lst) ^ " ]") ;
(* generic_ctor_or_field = (fun _info state ->
* match _info () with
* (_, _, { name=_; isBuiltin=_; type_=_; continue }) -> state ^ "ctor_or_field [" ^ (continue "") ^ "]"
* ); *)
} in
let (_ , state) = Generated_fold.fold__root op NoState some_root in
let () =
let some_root : root = A [ { a1 = X (A [ { a1 = X (B [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]) ; a2 = W () } ]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) } ] in
let op : ('i, 'o) Generated_fold.fold_config = {
generic = (fun NoState info ->
match info.node_instance.instance_kind with
| RecordInstance { fields } ->
false, "{ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map (fun (fld : ('xi , 'xo) Adt_info.ctor_or_field_instance) -> fld.cf.name ^ " = " ^ snd (fld.cf_continue NoState)) fields) ^ " }"
| VariantInstance { constructor={ cf = { name; is_builtin=_; type_=_ }; cf_continue; cf_new_fold=_ }; variant=_ } ->
(match cf_continue NoState with
| true, arg -> true, name ^ " (" ^ arg ^ ")"
| false, arg -> true, name ^ " " ^ arg)
| PolyInstance { poly=_; arguments=_; poly_continue } ->
(poly_continue NoState)
) ;
generic_empty_ctor = (fun NoState -> false, "") ;
string = (fun _visitor NoState str -> false , "\"" ^ str ^ "\"") ;
unit = (fun _visitor NoState () -> false , "()") ;
int = (fun _visitor NoState i -> false , string_of_int i) ;
list = (fun _visitor continue NoState lst ->
false , "[ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map snd @@ List.map (continue NoState) lst) ^ " ]") ;
(* generic_ctor_or_field = (fun _info state ->
* match _info () with
* (_, _, { name=_; isBuiltin=_; type_=_; continue }) -> state ^ "ctor_or_field [" ^ (continue "") ^ "]"
* ); *)
} in
let (_ , state) = Generated_fold.fold__root op NoState some_root in
let expected = "A [ { a1 = X (A [ { a1 = X (B [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]) ; a2 = W () } ]) ; a2 = Z (W ()) } ]" in
let state = to_string some_root in
if String.equal state expected; then
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Test failed: expected\n %s\n but got\n %s" expected state)
(* Test generic creation of nodes *)
let () =
let i = whole_adt_info () in
let dynamic =
match RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.find_opt "rootB" i with
| Some { kind = PolyType { poly_name = _; make_poly }; declaration_name = _ } ->
(match make_poly with
Make_List mk ->
match mk [ Whatever_Int 42 ; Whatever_Int 43 ] with
Some l ->
(match RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.find_opt "root" i with
Some { kind = VariantType { constructors }; declaration_name = _ } ->
(* TODO: use a PolyMap.t *)
let { ctor = _ ; make_ctor } = List.find (fun { ctor = { name; is_builtin = _; type_ = _ }; make_ctor = _ } -> String.equal name "B") constructors in
let _ =
(match l with
| Whatever_RootB _ -> () | _ -> failwith "whoops")
(match make_ctor l with (* Wrap the int list with the B constructor *)
Some b -> b
| None -> failwith "Couldn't create instance of the B constructor, did you supply the right argument type?")
| Some { kind = _ ; _ } -> failwith "unexpected node info for root: wrong kind !!!"
| None -> failwith "can't find node info for root !!!")
| None -> failwith "Couldn't create list, did you supply the wrong element type?"
(* | _ -> failwith "unexpected maker function for rootB: expected rootB to be a list !!!" *)
| Some { kind = _ ; _ } -> failwith "unexpected node info for rootB: wrong kind !!!"
| None -> failwith "can't find node info for rootB !!!"
(match dynamic with
Whatever_Root root ->
(match root with
B [ 42 ; 43 ] -> () (* Victory, we created the expected value *)
| _ -> failwith ("Incorrect value " ^ to_string root))
| _ -> failwith "Incorrect result type: expected a dynamically-typed root, but got something else")
@ -31,11 +31,30 @@ let find key map =
let find_opt key map =
try Some (find key map) with Not_found -> None
let has_key key map =
match find_opt key map with
Some _ -> true
| None -> false
let update key updater map =
match updater (find_opt key map) with
| None -> remove key map
| Some v -> add key v map
type ('key, 'value) added = {map : ('key, 'value) t; duplicates : ('key * 'value) list; added : ('key * 'value) list}
let add_list elts map =
let aux = fun {map ; duplicates ; added} ((key, value) as kv) ->
if has_key key map
then {map; duplicates = kv :: duplicates ; added}
else {map = add key value map; duplicates; added = kv :: added} in
List.fold_left aux {map; duplicates=[]; added = []} elts
let from_list ~cmp elts =
match add_list elts (create ~cmp) with
{ map; duplicates = []; added = _ } -> Some map
| _ -> None (* Refuse to create a map from a list with duplicates *)
let bindings map =
RB.fold_dec (fun ~elt ~acc -> elt::acc) ~init:[] map.tree
@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ type ('key, 'value) map = ('key, 'value) t
val create : cmp:('key -> 'key -> int) -> ('key, 'value) t
(* The value of the call [from_list ~cmp elts] is a [Some map] with
[cmp] being the comparison over the keys. The map initially
contains the bindings listed in [elts]. If the same (w.r.t. [cmp])
key occurs twice [elts] then [None] is returned instead to indicate
the error. *)
val from_list : cmp:('key -> 'key -> int) -> ('key * 'value) list -> ('key, 'value) t option
val empty : ('key, 'value) t -> ('key, 'new_value) t
(* Emptiness *)
@ -50,6 +57,12 @@ val find : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> 'value
val find_opt : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> 'value option
(* The value of the call [find_opt key map] is [true] if the key
[key] is bound to some value in the map [map], and [None]
otherwise. *)
val has_key : 'key -> ('key, 'value) t -> bool
(* The value of the call [update key f map] is a map containing all
the bindings of the map [map], extended by the binding of [key] to
the value returned by [f], when [f maybe_value] returns
@ -66,6 +79,18 @@ val update : 'key -> ('value option -> 'value option) -> ('key, 'value) map -> (
(with respect to the total comparison function used to create the
map). *)
(* The value of the call [add_list kv_list map] is a record of type
[('key, 'value) added]. The elements from the [kv_list] are added
to the [map] starting from the head of the list. The elements for
which the key is already present in the [map] at the point at which
they are added are gathered in the [duplicates] list (and the [map]
is not updated for these elements, i.e. it keeps the pre-existing
version of the value associated to that key). The elements for
which the key is not already present in the [map] are added to the
[map], and gathered in the [added] list. *)
type ('key, 'value) added = {map : ('key, 'value) t; duplicates : ('key * 'value) list; added : ('key * 'value) list}
val add_list : ('key * 'value) list -> ('key, 'value) t -> ('key, 'value) added
val bindings : ('key, 'value) t -> ('key * 'value) list
(* The side-effect of evaluating the call [iter f map] is the
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ let add_list elts set =
let elements set = RB.elements set.tree
let get_compare set = set.cmp
let iter f set = RB.iter f set.tree
let fold_inc f set = RB.fold_inc (fun ~elt -> f elt) set.tree
@ -63,13 +63,17 @@ val mem : 'elt -> 'elt t -> bool
are already part of the [set] at the point at which they are added
are gathered in the [duplicates] list (and the [set] is not updated
for these elements, i.e. it keeps the pre-existing version of the
element). The elements which are not already members of the set are
added to the [set], and gathered in the [added] list. *)
element). The elements which are not already members of the [set]
are added to the [set], and gathered in the [added] list. *)
type 'a added = {set : 'a set; duplicates : 'a list; added : 'a list}
val add_list : 'a list -> 'a set -> 'a added
val elements : 'elt t -> 'elt list
(* The value of the call [get_compare set] is the comparison function
used by the given set *)
val get_compare : 'elt t -> ('elt -> 'elt -> int)
(* The side-effect of evaluating the call [iter f set] is the
successive side-effects of the calls [f elt], for all the elements
[elt] of the set [set], sorted in increasing order (with respect to
@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ let partitions : 'item . 'item partition -> 'item list list =
let partitions = List.sort (compare_lists_by_first compare) partitions in
let get_compare p = p.compare
(** {1 Printing} *)
let print ppf (p: 'item partition) =
@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ val elements : 'item partition -> 'item list
have the same order). *)
val partitions : 'item partition -> 'item list list
(** The value of the call [get_compare p] is the comparison function
used by p *)
val get_compare : 'item partition -> ('item -> 'item -> int)
(** The call [print p] is a value of type [Buffer.t] containing
strings denoting the partition [p], based on
[Ord.to_string]. *)
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