added matching tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ and expression =
| Accessor of ae * access_path
| Accessor of ae * access_path
(* Data Structures *)
(* Data Structures *)
| Map of (ae * ae) list
| Map of (ae * ae) list
| LookUp of (ae * ae)
and access =
and access =
| Tuple_access of int
| Tuple_access of int
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ module PP = struct
| Accessor (ae, p) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%a" annotated_expression ae access_path p
| Accessor (ae, p) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%a" annotated_expression ae access_path p
| Record m -> fprintf ppf "record[%a]" (smap_sep annotated_expression) m
| Record m -> fprintf ppf "record[%a]" (smap_sep annotated_expression) m
| Map m -> fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep assoc_annotated_expression) m
| Map m -> fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep assoc_annotated_expression) m
| LookUp (ds, ind) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)[%a]" annotated_expression ds annotated_expression ind
| Lambda {binder;input_type;output_type;result;body} ->
| Lambda {binder;input_type;output_type;result;body} ->
fprintf ppf "lambda (%s:%a) : %a {%a} return %a"
fprintf ppf "lambda (%s:%a) : %a {%a} return %a"
binder type_expression input_type type_expression output_type
binder type_expression input_type type_expression output_type
@ -310,433 +312,19 @@ module Rename = struct
let%bind m' = bind_map_list
let%bind m' = bind_map_list
(fun (x, y) -> bind_map_pair (rename_annotated_expression r) (x, y)) m in
(fun (x, y) -> bind_map_pair (rename_annotated_expression r) (x, y)) m in
ok (Map m')
ok (Map m')
| LookUp m ->
let%bind m' = bind_map_pair (rename_annotated_expression r) m in
ok (LookUp m')
module Simplify = struct
module Raw = Ligo_parser.AST
let nseq_to_list (hd, tl) = hd :: tl
let npseq_to_list (hd, tl) = hd :: ( snd tl)
let npseq_to_nelist (hd, tl) = hd, ( snd tl)
let pseq_to_list = function
| None -> []
| Some lst -> npseq_to_list lst
let type_constants = [
("unit", 0) ;
("nat", 0) ;
("int", 0) ;
("bool", 0) ;
("list", 1) ;
("set", 1) ;
("map", 2) ;
let rec simpl_type_expression (t:Raw.type_expr) : type_expression result =
match t with
| TPar x -> simpl_type_expression x.value.inside
| TAlias v -> (
match List.assoc_opt v.value type_constants with
| Some 0 ->
ok @@ Type_constant (v.value, [])
| Some _ ->
simple_fail "type constructor with wrong number of args"
| None ->
ok @@ Type_variable v.value
| TApp x ->
let (name, tuple) = x.value in
let lst = npseq_to_list tuple.value.inside in
let%bind _ = match List.assoc_opt name.value type_constants with
| Some n when n = List.length lst -> ok ()
| Some _ -> simple_fail "type constructor with wrong number of args"
| None -> simple_fail "unrecognized type constants" in
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ simpl_type_expression lst in
ok @@ Type_constant (name.value, lst')
| TProd p ->
let%bind tpl = simpl_list_type_expression
@@ npseq_to_list p.value in
ok tpl
| TRecord r ->
let aux = fun (x, y) -> let%bind y = simpl_type_expression y in ok (x, y) in
let%bind lst = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_decl Raw.reg) -> (x.value.field_name.value, x.value.field_type))
@@ npseq_to_list r.value.field_decls in
let m = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> SMap.add x y m) SMap.empty lst in
ok @@ Type_record m
| TSum s ->
let aux (v:Raw.variant Raw.reg) =
let%bind te = simpl_list_type_expression
@@ npseq_to_list v.value.product.value in
ok (v.value.constr.value, te)
let%bind lst = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ npseq_to_list s.value in
let m = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> SMap.add x y m) SMap.empty lst in
ok @@ Type_sum m
and simpl_list_type_expression (lst:Raw.type_expr list) : type_expression result =
match lst with
| [] -> assert false
| [hd] -> simpl_type_expression hd
| lst ->
let%bind lst = bind_list @@ simpl_type_expression lst in
ok @@ Type_tuple lst
let rec simpl_expression (t:Raw.expr) : ae result =
match t with
| EVar c ->
if c.value = "unit"
then ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
else ok @@ ae @@ Variable c.value
| ECall x ->
let (name, args) = x.value in
let f = name.value in
let%bind arg = simpl_list_expression
@@ npseq_to_list args.value.inside in
ok @@ ae @@ Application (ae @@ Variable f, arg)
| EPar x -> simpl_expression x.value.inside
| EUnit _ -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
| EBytes x -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bytes (Bytes.of_string @@ fst x.value))
| ETuple tpl ->
let (Raw.TupleInj tpl') = tpl in
@@ npseq_to_list tpl'.value.inside
| ERecord (RecordInj r) ->
let%bind fields = bind_list
@@ (fun ((k : _ Raw.reg), v) -> let%bind v = simpl_expression v in ok (k.value, v))
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_assign Raw.reg) -> (x.value.field_name, x.value.field_expr))
@@ npseq_to_list r.value.fields in
let aux prev (k, v) = SMap.add k v prev in
ok @@ ae @@ Record (List.fold_left aux SMap.empty fields)
| EProj p' -> (
let p = p'.value in
let var =
let name = p.record_name.value in
ae @@ Variable name in
let path = p.field_path in
let path' =
let aux (s:Raw.selection) =
match s with
| FieldName property -> Record_access property.value
| Component index -> Tuple_access (Z.to_int (snd index.value))
|||||| aux @@ npseq_to_list path in
ok @@ ae @@ Accessor (var, path')
| EConstr (ConstrApp c) ->
let (c, args) = c.value in
let%bind arg =
@@ npseq_to_list args.value.inside in
ok @@ ae @@ Constructor (c.value, arg)
| EConstr _ -> simple_fail "econstr: not supported yet"
| EArith (Add c) ->
simpl_binop "ADD" c.value
| EArith (Int n) ->
let n = Z.to_int @@ snd @@ n.value in
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Number n)
| EArith _ -> simple_fail "arith: not supported yet"
| EString (String s) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (String s.value)
| EString _ -> simple_fail "string: not supported yet"
| ELogic l -> simpl_logic_expression l
| EList _ -> simple_fail "list: not supported yet"
| ESet _ -> simple_fail "set: not supported yet"
| EMap _ -> simple_fail "map: not supported yet"
and simpl_logic_expression (t:Raw.logic_expr) : ae result =
match t with
| BoolExpr (False _) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bool false)
| BoolExpr (True _) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bool true)
| BoolExpr (Or b) ->
simpl_binop "OR" b.value
| BoolExpr (And b) ->
simpl_binop "AND" b.value
| BoolExpr (Not b) ->
simpl_unop "NOT" b.value
| CompExpr (Lt c) ->
simpl_binop "LT" c.value
| CompExpr (Gt c) ->
simpl_binop "GT" c.value
| CompExpr (Leq c) ->
simpl_binop "LE" c.value
| CompExpr (Geq c) ->
simpl_binop "GE" c.value
| CompExpr (Equal c) ->
simpl_binop "EQ" c.value
| CompExpr (Neq c) ->
simpl_binop "NEQ" c.value
and simpl_binop (name:string) (t:_ Raw.bin_op) : ae result =
let%bind a = simpl_expression t.arg1 in
let%bind b = simpl_expression t.arg2 in
ok @@ ae @@ Constant (name, [a;b])
and simpl_unop (name:string) (t:_ Raw.un_op) : ae result =
let%bind a = simpl_expression t.arg in
ok @@ ae @@ Constant (name, [a])
and simpl_list_expression (lst:Raw.expr list) : ae result =
match lst with
| [] -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
| [hd] -> simpl_expression hd
| lst ->
let%bind lst = bind_list @@ simpl_expression lst in
ok @@ ae @@ Tuple lst
and simpl_local_declaration (t:Raw.local_decl) : (instruction * named_expression) result =
match t with
| LocalData d -> simpl_data_declaration d
| LocalLam _ -> simple_fail "no local lambdas yet"
and simpl_data_declaration (t:Raw.data_decl) : (instruction * named_expression) result =
let return x = ok (Assignment x, x) in
match t with
| LocalVar x ->
let x = x.value in
let name = in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression x.var_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression x.init in
return {name;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
| LocalConst x ->
let x = x.value in
let name = in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression x.const_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression x.init in
return {name;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
and simpl_param : Raw.param_decl -> named_type_expression result = fun t ->
match t with
| ParamConst c ->
let c = c.value in
let type_name = c.var.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression c.param_type in
ok { type_name ; type_expression }
| ParamVar v ->
let c = v.value in
let type_name = c.var.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression c.param_type in
ok { type_name ; type_expression }
and simpl_declaration : Raw.declaration -> declaration result = fun t ->
let open! Raw in
match t with
| TypeDecl x ->
let {name;type_expr} : Raw.type_decl = x.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression type_expr in
ok @@ Type_declaration {type_name=name.value;type_expression}
| ConstDecl x ->
let {name;const_type;init} = x.value in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression init in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression const_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
ok @@ Constant_declaration {name=name.value;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
| LambdaDecl (FunDecl x) ->
let {name;param;ret_type;local_decls;block;return} : fun_decl = x.value in
(match npseq_to_list param.value.inside with
| [] -> simple_fail "function without parameters are not allowed"
| [a] -> (
let%bind input = simpl_param a in
let name = name.value in
let binder = input.type_name in
let input_type = input.type_expression in
let%bind local_declarations =
let%bind tmp = bind_list
@@ simpl_local_declaration local_decls in
ok ( fst tmp) in
let%bind instructions = bind_list
@@ simpl_statement
@@ npseq_to_list block.value.statements in
let%bind result = simpl_expression return in
let%bind output_type = simpl_type_expression ret_type in
let body = local_declarations @ instructions in
let decl =
let expression = Lambda {binder ; input_type ; output_type ; result ; body } in
let type_annotation = Some (Type_function (input_type, output_type)) in
Constant_declaration {name;annotated_expression = {expression;type_annotation}}
ok decl
| lst -> (
let%bind params = bind_map_list simpl_param lst in
let input =
let type_expression = Type_record (
@@ (fun (x:named_type_expression) -> x.type_name, x.type_expression)
) in
{ type_name = "arguments" ; type_expression } in
let binder = input.type_name in
let input_type = input.type_expression in
let%bind local_declarations =
let%bind typed = bind_map_list simpl_local_declaration local_decls in
ok ( fst typed)
let%bind output_type = simpl_type_expression ret_type in
let%bind instructions = bind_list
@@ simpl_statement
@@ npseq_to_list block.value.statements in
let%bind (body, result) =
let renamings =
let aux ({type_name}:named_type_expression) : Rename.Value.renaming =
type_name, ("arguments", [Record_access type_name])
|||||| aux params
let%bind r =
let%bind tmp = simpl_expression return in
Rename.Value.rename_annotated_expression renamings tmp
let%bind b =
let tmp = local_declarations @ instructions in
Rename.Value.rename_block renamings tmp
ok (b, r) in
let decl =
let expression = Lambda {binder ; input_type ; output_type ; result ; body } in
let type_annotation = Some (Type_function (input_type, output_type)) in
Constant_declaration {name = name.value;annotated_expression = {expression;type_annotation}}
ok decl
| LambdaDecl (ProcDecl _) -> simple_fail "no proc declaration yet"
| LambdaDecl (EntryDecl _)-> simple_fail "no entry point yet"
and simpl_statement : Raw.statement -> instruction result = fun s ->
match s with
| Instr i -> simpl_instruction i
| Data d -> let%bind (i, _) = simpl_data_declaration d in ok i
and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> instruction result = fun t ->
match t with
| ProcCall _ -> simple_fail "no proc call"
| Fail e ->
let%bind expr = simpl_expression e.value.fail_expr in
ok @@ Fail expr
| Skip _ -> ok @@ Skip
| Loop (While l) ->
let l = l.value in
let%bind cond = simpl_expression l.cond in
let%bind body = simpl_block l.block.value in
ok @@ Loop (cond, body)
| Loop (For _) ->
simple_fail "no for yet"
| Cond c ->
let c = c.value in
let%bind expr = simpl_expression c.test in
let%bind match_true = match c.ifso with
| ClauseInstr i -> let%bind i = simpl_instruction i in ok [i]
| ClauseBlock b -> simpl_statements @@ fst b.value.inside in
let%bind match_false = match c.ifnot with
| ClauseInstr i -> let%bind i = simpl_instruction i in ok [i]
| ClauseBlock b -> simpl_statements @@ fst b.value.inside in
ok @@ Matching (expr, (Match_bool {match_true; match_false}))
| Assign a ->
let a = a.value in
let%bind name = match a.lhs with
| Path (Name v) -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "no complex assignments yet"
let%bind annotated_expression = match a.rhs with
| Expr e -> simpl_expression e
| _ -> simple_fail "no weird assignments yet"
ok @@ Assignment {name ; annotated_expression}
| Case c ->
let c = c.value in
let%bind expr = simpl_expression c.expr in
let%bind cases =
let aux (x : Raw.reg) =
let%bind i = simpl_instruction_block x.value.instr in
ok (x.value.pattern, i) in
@@ aux
@@ npseq_to_list c.cases.value in
let%bind m = simpl_cases cases in
ok @@ Matching (expr, m)
| RecordPatch r ->
let r = r.value in
let%bind record = match r.path with
| Name v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "no complex assignments yet"
let%bind inj = bind_list
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_assign) -> let%bind e = simpl_expression x.field_expr in ok (x.field_name.value, e))
@@ (fun (x:_ Raw.reg) -> x.value)
@@ npseq_to_list r.record_inj.value.fields in
ok @@ Record_patch (record, [], inj)
| MapPatch _ -> simple_fail "no map patch yet"
| SetPatch _ -> simple_fail "no set patch yet"
| MapRemove _ -> simple_fail "no map remove yet"
| SetRemove _ -> simple_fail "no set remove yet"
and simpl_cases : (Raw.pattern * block) list -> matching result = fun t ->
let open Raw in
let get_var (t:Raw.pattern) = match t with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "not a var"
match t with
| [(PFalse _, f) ; (PTrue _, t)]
| [(PTrue _, t) ; (PFalse _, f)] -> ok @@ Match_bool {match_true = t ; match_false = f}
| [(PSome v, some) ; (PNone _, none)]
| [(PNone _, none) ; (PSome v, some)] -> (
let (_, v) = v.value in
let%bind v = match v.value.inside with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "complex patterns not supported yet" in
ok @@ Match_option {match_none = none ; match_some = (v, some) }
| [(PCons c, cons) ; (PList (PNil _), nil)]
| [(PList (PNil _), nil) ; (PCons c, cons)] ->
let%bind (a, b) =
match c.value with
| a, [(_, b)] ->
let%bind a = get_var a in
let%bind b = get_var b in
ok (a, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "complex patterns not supported yet"
ok @@ Match_list {match_cons = (a, b, cons) ; match_nil = nil}
| _ -> simple_fail "complex patterns not supported yet"
and simpl_instruction_block : Raw.instruction -> block result = fun t ->
match t with
| Single s -> let%bind i = simpl_single_instruction s in ok [ i ]
| Block b -> simpl_block b.value
and simpl_instruction : Raw.instruction -> instruction result = fun t ->
match t with
| Single s -> simpl_single_instruction s
| Block _ -> simple_fail "no block instruction yet"
and simpl_statements : Raw.statements -> block result = fun ss ->
let lst = npseq_to_list ss in
bind_map_list simpl_statement lst
and simpl_block : Raw.block -> block result = fun t ->
simpl_statements t.statements
let simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result = fun t ->
bind_list @@ simpl_declaration @@ nseq_to_list t.decl
module Combinators = struct
module Combinators = struct
let t_bool : type_expression = Type_constant ("bool", [])
let t_bool : type_expression = Type_constant ("bool", [])
let t_string : type_expression = Type_constant ("string", [])
let t_string : type_expression = Type_constant ("string", [])
let t_bytes : type_expression = Type_constant ("bytes", [])
let t_bytes : type_expression = Type_constant ("bytes", [])
let t_int : type_expression = Type_constant ("int", [])
let t_int : type_expression = Type_constant ("int", [])
let t_unit : type_expression = Type_constant ("unit", [])
let t_unit : type_expression = Type_constant ("unit", [])
let t_option o : type_expression = Type_constant ("option", [o])
let t_tuple lst : type_expression = Type_tuple lst
let t_tuple lst : type_expression = Type_tuple lst
let t_pair a b = t_tuple [a ; b]
let t_pair a b = t_tuple [a ; b]
let t_record m : type_expression = (Type_record m)
let t_record m : type_expression = (Type_record m)
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ and expression =
| Record_accessor of ae * string
| Record_accessor of ae * string
(* Data Structures *)
(* Data Structures *)
| Map of (ae * ae) list
| Map of (ae * ae) list
| LookUp of (ae * ae)
and value = annotated_expression (* todo (for refactoring) *)
and value = annotated_expression (* todo (for refactoring) *)
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ and matching =
| Match_option of {
| Match_option of {
match_none : b ;
match_none : b ;
match_some : name * b ;
match_some : (name * type_value) * b ;
| Match_tuple of name list * b
| Match_tuple of name list * b
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ module PP = struct
| Record_accessor (ae, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" annotated_expression ae s
| Record_accessor (ae, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" annotated_expression ae s
| Record m -> fprintf ppf "record[%a]" (smap_sep annotated_expression) m
| Record m -> fprintf ppf "record[%a]" (smap_sep annotated_expression) m
| Map m -> fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep assoc_annotated_expression) m
| Map m -> fprintf ppf "map[%a]" (list_sep assoc_annotated_expression) m
| LookUp (ds, i) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)[%a]" annotated_expression ds annotated_expression i
and assoc_annotated_expression ppf : (ae * ae) -> unit = fun (a, b) ->
and assoc_annotated_expression ppf : (ae * ae) -> unit = fun (a, b) ->
fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" annotated_expression a annotated_expression b
fprintf ppf "%a -> %a" annotated_expression a annotated_expression b
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ module PP = struct
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, match_cons)} ->
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, match_cons)} ->
fprintf ppf "| Nil -> %a @.| %s :: %s -> %a" block match_nil hd tl block match_cons
fprintf ppf "| Nil -> %a @.| %s :: %s -> %a" block match_nil hd tl block match_cons
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (some, match_some)} ->
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (some, match_some)} ->
fprintf ppf "| None -> %a @.| Some %s -> %a" block match_none some block match_some
fprintf ppf "| None -> %a @.| Some %s -> %a" block match_none (fst some) block match_some
and instruction ppf (i:instruction) = match i with
and instruction ppf (i:instruction) = match i with
| Skip -> fprintf ppf "skip"
| Skip -> fprintf ppf "skip"
@ -381,8 +383,7 @@ let merge_annotation (a:type_value option) (b:type_value option) : type_value re
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (a, b) in
let%bind _ = assert_type_value_eq (a, b) in
match a.simplified, b.simplified with
match a.simplified, b.simplified with
| _, None -> ok a
| _, None -> ok a
| None, Some _ -> ok b
| _, Some _ -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "both have simplified ASTs"
module Combinators = struct
module Combinators = struct
@ -406,6 +407,9 @@ module Combinators = struct
let simplify_t_unit s = t_unit (Some s)
let simplify_t_unit s = t_unit (Some s)
let make_t_unit = t_unit None
let make_t_unit = t_unit None
let t_option o s : type_value = type_value (Type_constant ("option", [o])) s
let make_t_option o = t_option o None
let t_tuple lst s : type_value = type_value (Type_tuple lst) s
let t_tuple lst s : type_value = type_value (Type_tuple lst) s
let simplify_t_tuple lst s = t_tuple lst (Some s)
let simplify_t_tuple lst s = t_tuple lst (Some s)
let make_t_tuple lst = t_tuple lst None
let make_t_tuple lst = t_tuple lst None
@ -460,11 +464,18 @@ module Combinators = struct
| Type_record m -> ok m
| Type_record m -> ok m
| _ -> simple_fail "not a record"
| _ -> simple_fail "not a record"
let get_t_map (t:type_value) : (type_value * type_value) result =
match t.type_value with
| Type_constant ("map", [k;v]) -> ok (k, v)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a map"
let record map : expression = Record map
let record map : expression = Record map
let record_ez (lst : (string * ae) list) : expression =
let record_ez (lst : (string * ae) list) : expression =
let aux prev (k, v) = SMap.add k v prev in
let aux prev (k, v) = SMap.add k v prev in
let map = List.fold_left aux SMap.empty lst in
let map = List.fold_left aux SMap.empty lst in
record map
record map
let some s : expression = Constant ("SOME", [s])
let none : expression = Constant ("NONE", [])
let map lst : expression = Map lst
let map lst : expression = Map lst
@ -477,6 +488,8 @@ module Combinators = struct
let a_int n = annotated_expression (int n) make_t_int
let a_int n = annotated_expression (int n) make_t_int
let a_bool b = annotated_expression (bool b) make_t_bool
let a_bool b = annotated_expression (bool b) make_t_bool
let a_pair a b = annotated_expression (pair a b) (make_t_pair a.type_annotation b.type_annotation)
let a_pair a b = annotated_expression (pair a b) (make_t_pair a.type_annotation b.type_annotation)
let a_some s = annotated_expression (some s) (make_t_option s.type_annotation)
let a_none t = annotated_expression none (make_t_option t)
let a_tuple lst = annotated_expression (Tuple lst) (make_t_tuple ( get_type_annotation lst))
let a_tuple lst = annotated_expression (Tuple lst) (make_t_tuple ( get_type_annotation lst))
let a_record r = annotated_expression (record r) (make_t_record ( get_type_annotation r))
let a_record r = annotated_expression (record r) (make_t_record ( get_type_annotation r))
let a_record_ez r = annotated_expression (record_ez r) (make_t_record_ez ( (fun (x, y) -> x, y.type_annotation) r))
let a_record_ez r = annotated_expression (record_ez r) (make_t_record_ez ( (fun (x, y) -> x, y.type_annotation) r))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
type foobar is map(int, int)
const fb : foobar = map
23 -> 0 ;
42 -> 0 ;
function get (const m : foobar) : int is
end with m[42] + m[23]
const bm : foobar = map
144 -> 23 ;
51 -> 23 ;
42 -> 23 ;
120 -> 23 ;
421 -> 23 ;
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
function main (const i : int) : int is
function match_bool (const i : int) : int is
var result : int := 23 ;
var result : int := 23 ;
if i = 2 then
case i = 2 of
result := 42
| True -> result := 42
| False -> result := 0
result := 0
end with result
function match_option (const o : option(int)) : int is
var result : int := 23 ;
case o of
| None -> skip
| Some(s) -> result := s
end with result
end with result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
type foobar is option(int)
const s : foobar = Some(42)
const n : foobar = None
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ let parse_expression (s:string) : AST_Raw.expr result =
) >>? fun raw ->
) >>? fun raw ->
ok raw
ok raw
let simplify (p:AST_Raw.t) : Ast_simplified.program result = AST_Simplified.Simplify.simpl_program p
let simplify (p:AST_Raw.t) : Ast_simplified.program result = Simplify.simpl_program p
let simplify_expr (e:AST_Raw.expr) : Ast_simplified.annotated_expression result = AST_Simplified.Simplify.simpl_expression e
let simplify_expr (e:AST_Raw.expr) : Ast_simplified.annotated_expression result = Simplify.simpl_expression e
let unparse_simplified_expr (e:AST_Simplified.annotated_expression) : string result =
let unparse_simplified_expr (e:AST_Simplified.annotated_expression) : string result =
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a" AST_Simplified.PP.annotated_expression e
ok @@ Format.asprintf "%a" AST_Simplified.PP.annotated_expression e
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type type_value = [
| `Shallow_closure of environment * type_value * type_value
| `Shallow_closure of environment * type_value * type_value
| `Base of type_base
| `Base of type_base
| `Map of type_value * type_value
| `Map of type_value * type_value
| `Option of type_value
and environment_element = string * type_value
and environment_element = string * type_value
@ -54,6 +55,8 @@ type value = [
| `Pair of value * value
| `Pair of value * value
| `Left of value
| `Left of value
| `Right of value
| `Right of value
| `Some of value
| `None
(* | `Macro of anon_macro ... The future. *)
(* | `Macro of anon_macro ... The future. *)
| `Function of anon_function
| `Function of anon_function
@ -64,6 +67,8 @@ and expression' =
| Predicate of string * expression list
| Predicate of string * expression list
| Apply of expression * expression
| Apply of expression * expression
| Var of var_name
| Var of var_name
| Empty_map of (type_value * type_value)
| Make_None of type_value
and expression = expression' * type_value * environment (* Environment in which the expressions are evaluated *)
and expression = expression' * type_value * environment (* Environment in which the expressions are evaluated *)
@ -72,6 +77,7 @@ and assignment = var_name * expression
and statement' =
and statement' =
| Assignment of assignment
| Assignment of assignment
| Cond of expression * block * block
| Cond of expression * block * block
| If_None of expression * block * (var_name * block)
| While of expression * block
| While of expression * block
and statement = statement' * environment_wrap
and statement = statement' * environment_wrap
@ -125,6 +131,7 @@ module PP = struct
| `Base b -> type_base ppf b
| `Base b -> type_base ppf b
| `Function(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| `Function(a, b) -> fprintf ppf "(%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| `Map(k, v) -> fprintf ppf "map(%a -> %a)" type_ k type_ v
| `Map(k, v) -> fprintf ppf "map(%a -> %a)" type_ k type_ v
| `Option(o) -> fprintf ppf "option(%a)" type_ o
| `Shallow_closure(_, a, b) -> fprintf ppf "[big_closure](%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| `Shallow_closure(_, a, b) -> fprintf ppf "[big_closure](%a) -> (%a)" type_ a type_ b
| `Deep_closure(c, arg, ret) ->
| `Deep_closure(c, arg, ret) ->
fprintf ppf "[%a](%a)->(%a)"
fprintf ppf "[%a](%a)->(%a)"
@ -156,6 +163,8 @@ module PP = struct
| `Left a -> fprintf ppf "L(%a)" value a
| `Left a -> fprintf ppf "L(%a)" value a
| `Right b -> fprintf ppf "R(%a)" value b
| `Right b -> fprintf ppf "R(%a)" value b
| `Function x -> function_ ppf x.content
| `Function x -> function_ ppf x.content
| `None -> fprintf ppf "None"
| `Some s -> fprintf ppf "Some (%a)" value s
and expression ppf ((e, _, _):expression) = match e with
and expression ppf ((e, _, _):expression) = match e with
| Var v -> fprintf ppf "%s" v
| Var v -> fprintf ppf "%s" v
@ -163,6 +172,8 @@ module PP = struct
| Predicate(p, lst) -> fprintf ppf "%s %a" p (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space_sep expression) lst
| Predicate(p, lst) -> fprintf ppf "%s %a" p (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space_sep expression) lst
| Literal v -> fprintf ppf "%a" value v
| Literal v -> fprintf ppf "%a" value v
| Function_expression c -> function_ ppf c
| Function_expression c -> function_ ppf c
| Empty_map _ -> fprintf ppf "map[]"
| Make_None _ -> fprintf ppf "none"
and function_ ppf ({binder ; input ; output ; body ; result}:anon_function_content) =
and function_ ppf ({binder ; input ; output ; body ; result}:anon_function_content) =
fprintf ppf "fun (%s:%a) : %a %a return %a"
fprintf ppf "fun (%s:%a) : %a %a return %a"
@ -177,6 +188,7 @@ module PP = struct
and statement ppf ((s, _) : statement) = match s with
and statement ppf ((s, _) : statement) = match s with
| Assignment ass -> assignment ppf ass
| Assignment ass -> assignment ppf ass
| Cond (expr, i, e) -> fprintf ppf "if (%a) %a %a" expression expr block i block e
| Cond (expr, i, e) -> fprintf ppf "if (%a) %a %a" expression expr block i block e
| If_None (expr, none, (name, some)) -> fprintf ppf "if (%a) %a %s.%a" expression expr block none name block some
| While (e, b) -> fprintf ppf "while (%a) %a" expression e block b
| While (e, b) -> fprintf ppf "while (%a) %a" expression e block b
and block ppf ((b, _):block) =
and block ppf ((b, _):block) =
@ -188,46 +200,6 @@ module PP = struct
fprintf ppf "Program:\n---\n%a" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline tl_statement) p
fprintf ppf "Program:\n---\n%a" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline tl_statement) p
module Free_variables = struct
type free_variable = string
type free_variables = free_variable list
type t' = free_variable
type t = free_variables
let append_wd (* without doubles *) double x t =
if List.mem x double
then t
else x :: t
let append_bound x t = append_wd t x t
let rec expression' (bound:t) : expression' -> t = function
| Literal _ -> []
| Var x -> append_wd bound x []
| Predicate(_, exprs) -> List.(concat @@ map (expression bound) exprs)
| Apply(a, b) -> List.(concat @@ map (expression bound) [a;b])
| Function_expression {binder;body;result} -> block (binder :: bound) body @ expression (binder :: bound) result
and expression bound (expr, _, _) = expression' bound expr
and statement bound ((s, _) : statement) : (t * t) = match s with
| Assignment (n, e) -> append_bound n bound, expression bound e
| Cond (e, a, b) -> bound, (expression bound e) @ (block bound a) @ (block bound b)
| While (e, b) -> bound, (expression bound e) @ (block bound b)
and block' bound (b:block') : t = match b with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
let (bound, fv) = statement bound hd in
let fv' = block' bound tl in
fv @ fv'
and block bound (b, _ : block) : t = block' bound b
let function_ ({content = {body ; binder ; result}} : anon_function) : t =
block [binder] body @ expression [binder] result
module Translate_type = struct
module Translate_type = struct
open Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson
open Tezos_utils.Micheline.Michelson
@ -251,10 +223,11 @@ module Translate_type = struct
| `Base b -> comparable_type_base b
| `Base b -> comparable_type_base b
| `Deep_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "deep closure")
| `Deep_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "deep closure")
| `Shallow_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "shallow closure")
| `Shallow_closure _ -> fail (not_comparable "shallow closure")
| `Function _ -> fail (not_comparable "function closure")
| `Function _ -> fail (not_comparable "function")
| `Or _ -> fail (not_comparable "or closure")
| `Or _ -> fail (not_comparable "or")
| `Pair _ -> fail (not_comparable "pair closure")
| `Pair _ -> fail (not_comparable "pair")
| `Map _ -> fail (not_comparable "map closure")
| `Map _ -> fail (not_comparable "map")
| `Option _ -> fail (not_comparable "option")
let base_type : type_base -> ex_ty result = fun b ->
let base_type : type_base -> ex_ty result = fun b ->
let open Types in
let open Types in
@ -299,6 +272,9 @@ module Translate_type = struct
let%bind (Ex_comparable_ty k') = comparable_type k in
let%bind (Ex_comparable_ty k') = comparable_type k in
let%bind (Ex_ty v') = type_ v in
let%bind (Ex_ty v') = type_ v in
ok @@ Ex_ty Types.(map k' v')
ok @@ Ex_ty Types.(map k' v')
| `Option t ->
let%bind (Ex_ty t') = type_ t in
ok @@ Ex_ty Types.(option t')
and environment_small' = let open Append_tree in function
and environment_small' = let open Append_tree in function
@ -347,6 +323,9 @@ module Translate_type = struct
| `Map kv ->
| `Map kv ->
let%bind (k', v') = bind_map_pair type_ kv in
let%bind (k', v') = bind_map_pair type_ kv in
ok @@ prim ~children:[k';v'] T_map
ok @@ prim ~children:[k';v'] T_map
| `Option o ->
let%bind o' = type_ o in
ok @@ prim ~children:[o'] T_option
| `Function (arg, ret) ->
| `Function (arg, ret) ->
let%bind arg = type_ arg in
let%bind arg = type_ arg in
let%bind ret = type_ ret in
let%bind ret = type_ ret in
@ -646,6 +625,10 @@ module Translate_program = struct
| Binary of michelson
| Binary of michelson
| Ternary of michelson
| Ternary of michelson
let simple_constant c = Constant ( seq [
c ; i_pair ;
let simple_unary c = Unary ( seq [
let simple_unary c = Unary ( seq [
i_unpair ; c ; i_pair ;
i_unpair ; c ; i_pair ;
@ -654,6 +637,10 @@ module Translate_program = struct
i_unpair ; dip i_unpair ; i_swap ; c ; i_pair ;
i_unpair ; dip i_unpair ; i_swap ; c ; i_pair ;
let simple_ternary c = Ternary ( seq [
i_unpair ; dip i_unpair ; dip (dip i_unpair) ; i_swap ; dip i_swap ; i_swap ; c ; i_pair ;
let rec get_predicate : string -> predicate result = function
let rec get_predicate : string -> predicate result = function
| "ADD_INT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_ADD
| "ADD_INT" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ prim I_ADD
| "NEG" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_NEG
| "NEG" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_NEG
@ -663,6 +650,8 @@ module Translate_program = struct
| "CAR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CAR
| "CAR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CAR
| "CDR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CDR
| "CDR" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_CDR
| "EQ" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [prim I_COMPARE ; prim I_EQ]
| "EQ" -> ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [prim I_COMPARE ; prim I_EQ]
| "UPDATE" -> ok @@ simple_ternary @@ prim I_UPDATE
| "SOME" -> ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim I_SOME
| x -> simple_fail @@ "predicate \"" ^ x ^ "\" doesn't exist"
| x -> simple_fail @@ "predicate \"" ^ x ^ "\" doesn't exist"
and translate_value (v:value) : michelson result = match v with
and translate_value (v:value) : michelson result = match v with
@ -680,6 +669,10 @@ module Translate_program = struct
| `Left a -> translate_value a >>? fun a -> ok @@ prim ~children:[a] D_Left
| `Left a -> translate_value a >>? fun a -> ok @@ prim ~children:[a] D_Left
| `Right b -> translate_value b >>? fun b -> ok @@ prim ~children:[b] D_Right
| `Right b -> translate_value b >>? fun b -> ok @@ prim ~children:[b] D_Right
| `Function anon -> translate_function anon
| `Function anon -> translate_function anon
| `None -> ok @@ prim D_None
| `Some s ->
let%bind s' = translate_value s in
ok @@ prim ~children:[s'] D_Some
and translate_function ({capture;content}:anon_function) : michelson result =
and translate_function ({capture;content}:anon_function) : michelson result =
let {capture_type } = content in
let {capture_type } = content in
@ -766,6 +759,20 @@ module Translate_program = struct
| _ -> simple_fail "bad arity"
| _ -> simple_fail "bad arity"
ok code
ok code
| Empty_map sd ->
let%bind (src, dst) = bind_map_pair Translate_type.type_ sd in
let code = seq [
prim ~children:[src;dst] I_EMPTY_MAP ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| Make_None o ->
let%bind o' = Translate_type.type_ o in
let code = seq [
prim ~children:[o'] I_NONE ;
i_pair ;
] in
ok code
| Function_expression anon -> (
| Function_expression anon -> (
match ty with
match ty with
| `Function (_, _) ->
| `Function (_, _) ->
@ -861,12 +868,27 @@ module Translate_program = struct
let%bind a = translate_regular_block a in
let%bind a = translate_regular_block a in
let%bind b = translate_regular_block b in
let%bind b = translate_regular_block b in
ok @@ (seq [
ok @@ (seq [
prim ~children:[prim T_unit ; prim D_Unit] I_PUSH ;
i_push_unit ;
expr ;
expr ;
prim I_CAR ;
prim I_CAR ;
dip Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
dip Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
prim ~children:[seq [a ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict];seq [b ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict]] I_IF ;
prim ~children:[seq [a ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict];seq [b ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict]] I_IF ;
| If_None (expr, none, (_, some)) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind none' = translate_regular_block none in
let%bind some' = translate_regular_block some in
let%bind add =
let env = Environment.extend w_env.pre_environment in
Environment.to_michelson_anonymous_add env in
ok @@ (seq [
i_push_unit ; expr ; i_car ;
dip Environment.to_michelson_extend ;
prim ~children:[
seq [none' ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict] ;
seq [add ; some' ; Environment.to_michelson_restrict] ;
| While ((_, _, _) as expr, block) ->
| While ((_, _, _) as expr, block) ->
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind expr = translate_expression expr in
let%bind block = translate_regular_block block in
let%bind block = translate_regular_block block in
@ -984,6 +1006,11 @@ module Translate_ir = struct
ok @@ `Bool b
ok @@ `Bool b
| (Unit_t _), () ->
| (Unit_t _), () ->
ok @@ `Unit
ok @@ `Unit
| (Option_t _), None ->
ok @@ `None
| (Option_t ((o_ty, _), _, _)), Some s ->
let%bind s' = translate_value @@ Ex_typed_value (o_ty, s) in
ok @@ `Some s'
| _ -> simple_fail "this value can't be transpiled back yet"
| _ -> simple_fail "this value can't be transpiled back yet"
@ -1065,7 +1092,16 @@ module Combinators = struct
let get_unit (v:value) = match v with
let get_unit (v:value) = match v with
| `Unit -> ok ()
| `Unit -> ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "not a bool"
| _ -> simple_fail "not a unit"
let get_option (v:value) = match v with
| `None -> ok None
| `Some s -> ok (Some s)
| _ -> simple_fail "not an option"
let get_t_option (v:type_value) = match v with
| `Option t -> ok t
| _ -> simple_fail "not an option"
let get_pair (v:value) = match v with
let get_pair (v:value) = match v with
| `Pair (a, b) -> ok (a, b)
| `Pair (a, b) -> ok (a, b)
@ -1130,6 +1166,7 @@ module Combinators = struct
let statement s' e : statement =
let statement s' e : statement =
match s' with
match s' with
| Cond _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| Cond _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| If_None _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| While _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| While _ -> s', id_environment_wrap e
| Assignment (name, (_, t, _)) -> s', environment_wrap e (Environment.add (name, t) e)
| Assignment (name, (_, t, _)) -> s', environment_wrap e (Environment.add (name, t) e)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
open Ligo_helpers.Trace
open Ast_simplified
module Raw = Ligo_parser.AST
let nseq_to_list (hd, tl) = hd :: tl
let npseq_to_list (hd, tl) = hd :: ( snd tl)
let npseq_to_nelist (hd, tl) = hd, ( snd tl)
let pseq_to_list = function
| None -> []
| Some lst -> npseq_to_list lst
let get_value : 'a Raw.reg -> 'a = fun x -> x.value
let type_constants = [
("unit", 0) ;
("nat", 0) ;
("int", 0) ;
("bool", 0) ;
("list", 1) ;
("option", 1) ;
("set", 1) ;
("map", 2) ;
let rec simpl_type_expression (t:Raw.type_expr) : type_expression result =
match t with
| TPar x -> simpl_type_expression x.value.inside
| TAlias v -> (
match List.assoc_opt v.value type_constants with
| Some 0 ->
ok @@ Type_constant (v.value, [])
| Some _ ->
simple_fail "type constructor with wrong number of args"
| None ->
ok @@ Type_variable v.value
| TApp x ->
let (name, tuple) = x.value in
let lst = npseq_to_list tuple.value.inside in
let%bind _ = match List.assoc_opt name.value type_constants with
| Some n when n = List.length lst -> ok ()
| Some _ -> simple_fail "type constructor with wrong number of args"
| None -> simple_fail "unrecognized type constants" in
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ simpl_type_expression lst in
ok @@ Type_constant (name.value, lst')
| TProd p ->
let%bind tpl = simpl_list_type_expression
@@ npseq_to_list p.value in
ok tpl
| TRecord r ->
let aux = fun (x, y) -> let%bind y = simpl_type_expression y in ok (x, y) in
let%bind lst = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_decl Raw.reg) -> (x.value.field_name.value, x.value.field_type))
@@ npseq_to_list r.value.field_decls in
let m = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> SMap.add x y m) SMap.empty lst in
ok @@ Type_record m
| TSum s ->
let aux (v:Raw.variant Raw.reg) =
let%bind te = simpl_list_type_expression
@@ npseq_to_list v.value.product.value in
ok (v.value.constr.value, te)
let%bind lst = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ npseq_to_list s.value in
let m = List.fold_left (fun m (x, y) -> SMap.add x y m) SMap.empty lst in
ok @@ Type_sum m
and simpl_list_type_expression (lst:Raw.type_expr list) : type_expression result =
match lst with
| [] -> assert false
| [hd] -> simpl_type_expression hd
| lst ->
let%bind lst = bind_list @@ simpl_type_expression lst in
ok @@ Type_tuple lst
let rec simpl_expression (t:Raw.expr) : ae result =
let return x = ok @@ ae x in
let simpl_projection = fun (p:Raw.projection) ->
let var =
let name = p.record_name.value in
ae @@ Variable name in
let path = p.field_path in
let path' =
let aux (s:Raw.selection) =
match s with
| FieldName property -> Record_access property.value
| Component index -> Tuple_access (Z.to_int (snd index.value))
| aux @@ npseq_to_list path in
ok @@ ae @@ Accessor (var, path')
match t with
| EVar c ->
if c.value = "unit"
then ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
else ok @@ ae @@ Variable c.value
| ECall x ->
let (name, args) = x.value in
let f = name.value in
let%bind arg = simpl_list_expression
@@ npseq_to_list args.value.inside in
ok @@ ae @@ Application (ae @@ Variable f, arg)
| EPar x -> simpl_expression x.value.inside
| EUnit _ -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
| EBytes x -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bytes (Bytes.of_string @@ fst x.value))
| ETuple tpl ->
let (Raw.TupleInj tpl') = tpl in
@@ npseq_to_list tpl'.value.inside
| ERecord (RecordInj r) ->
let%bind fields = bind_list
@@ (fun ((k : _ Raw.reg), v) -> let%bind v = simpl_expression v in ok (k.value, v))
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_assign Raw.reg) -> (x.value.field_name, x.value.field_expr))
@@ npseq_to_list r.value.fields in
let aux prev (k, v) = SMap.add k v prev in
ok @@ ae @@ Record (List.fold_left aux SMap.empty fields)
| EProj p' -> (
let p = p'.value in
simpl_projection p
| EConstr (ConstrApp c) ->
let (c, args) = c.value in
let%bind arg =
@@ npseq_to_list args.value.inside in
ok @@ ae @@ Constructor (c.value, arg)
| EConstr (SomeApp a) ->
let (_, args) = a.value in
let%bind arg =
@@ npseq_to_list args.value.inside in
ok @@ ae @@ Constant ("SOME", [arg])
| EConstr (NoneExpr n) ->
let type_expr = n.value.inside.opt_type in
let%bind type_expr' = simpl_type_expression type_expr in
ok @@ annotated_expression (Constant ("NONE", [])) (Some (Combinators.t_option type_expr'))
| EArith (Add c) ->
simpl_binop "ADD" c.value
| EArith (Int n) ->
let n = Z.to_int @@ snd @@ n.value in
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Number n)
| EArith _ -> simple_fail "arith: not supported yet"
| EString (String s) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (String s.value)
| EString _ -> simple_fail "string: not supported yet"
| ELogic l -> simpl_logic_expression l
| EList _ -> simple_fail "list: not supported yet"
| ESet _ -> simple_fail "set: not supported yet"
| EMap (MapInj mi) ->
let%bind lst =
let lst = get_value @@ pseq_to_list mi.value.elements in
let aux : Raw.binding -> (ae * ae) result = fun b ->
let%bind src = simpl_expression b.source in
let%bind dst = simpl_expression b.image in
ok (src, dst) in
bind_map_list aux lst in
return (Map lst)
| EMap (MapLookUp lu) ->
let%bind path = match lu.value.path with
| Name v -> return (Variable v.value)
| Path p -> simpl_projection p.value
let%bind index = simpl_expression lu.value.index.value.inside in
return (LookUp (path, index))
and simpl_logic_expression (t:Raw.logic_expr) : ae result =
match t with
| BoolExpr (False _) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bool false)
| BoolExpr (True _) ->
ok @@ ae @@ Literal (Bool true)
| BoolExpr (Or b) ->
simpl_binop "OR" b.value
| BoolExpr (And b) ->
simpl_binop "AND" b.value
| BoolExpr (Not b) ->
simpl_unop "NOT" b.value
| CompExpr (Lt c) ->
simpl_binop "LT" c.value
| CompExpr (Gt c) ->
simpl_binop "GT" c.value
| CompExpr (Leq c) ->
simpl_binop "LE" c.value
| CompExpr (Geq c) ->
simpl_binop "GE" c.value
| CompExpr (Equal c) ->
simpl_binop "EQ" c.value
| CompExpr (Neq c) ->
simpl_binop "NEQ" c.value
and simpl_binop (name:string) (t:_ Raw.bin_op) : ae result =
let%bind a = simpl_expression t.arg1 in
let%bind b = simpl_expression t.arg2 in
ok @@ ae @@ Constant (name, [a;b])
and simpl_unop (name:string) (t:_ Raw.un_op) : ae result =
let%bind a = simpl_expression t.arg in
ok @@ ae @@ Constant (name, [a])
and simpl_list_expression (lst:Raw.expr list) : ae result =
match lst with
| [] -> ok @@ ae @@ Literal Unit
| [hd] -> simpl_expression hd
| lst ->
let%bind lst = bind_list @@ simpl_expression lst in
ok @@ ae @@ Tuple lst
and simpl_local_declaration (t:Raw.local_decl) : (instruction * named_expression) result =
match t with
| LocalData d -> simpl_data_declaration d
| LocalLam _ -> simple_fail "no local lambdas yet"
and simpl_data_declaration (t:Raw.data_decl) : (instruction * named_expression) result =
let return x = ok (Assignment x, x) in
match t with
| LocalVar x ->
let x = x.value in
let name = in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression x.var_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression x.init in
return {name;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
| LocalConst x ->
let x = x.value in
let name = in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression x.const_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression x.init in
return {name;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
and simpl_param : Raw.param_decl -> named_type_expression result = fun t ->
match t with
| ParamConst c ->
let c = c.value in
let type_name = c.var.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression c.param_type in
ok { type_name ; type_expression }
| ParamVar v ->
let c = v.value in
let type_name = c.var.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression c.param_type in
ok { type_name ; type_expression }
and simpl_declaration : Raw.declaration -> declaration result = fun t ->
let open! Raw in
match t with
| TypeDecl x ->
let {name;type_expr} : Raw.type_decl = x.value in
let%bind type_expression = simpl_type_expression type_expr in
ok @@ Type_declaration {type_name=name.value;type_expression}
| ConstDecl x ->
let {name;const_type;init} = x.value in
let%bind expression = simpl_expression init in
let%bind t = simpl_type_expression const_type in
let type_annotation = Some t in
ok @@ Constant_declaration {name=name.value;annotated_expression={expression with type_annotation}}
| LambdaDecl (FunDecl x) ->
let {name;param;ret_type;local_decls;block;return} : fun_decl = x.value in
(match npseq_to_list param.value.inside with
| [] -> simple_fail "function without parameters are not allowed"
| [a] -> (
let%bind input = simpl_param a in
let name = name.value in
let binder = input.type_name in
let input_type = input.type_expression in
let%bind local_declarations =
let%bind tmp = bind_list
@@ simpl_local_declaration local_decls in
ok ( fst tmp) in
let%bind instructions = bind_list
@@ simpl_statement
@@ npseq_to_list block.value.statements in
let%bind result = simpl_expression return in
let%bind output_type = simpl_type_expression ret_type in
let body = local_declarations @ instructions in
let decl =
let expression = Lambda {binder ; input_type ; output_type ; result ; body } in
let type_annotation = Some (Type_function (input_type, output_type)) in
Constant_declaration {name;annotated_expression = {expression;type_annotation}}
ok decl
| lst -> (
let%bind params = bind_map_list simpl_param lst in
let input =
let type_expression = Type_record (
@@ (fun (x:named_type_expression) -> x.type_name, x.type_expression)
) in
{ type_name = "arguments" ; type_expression } in
let binder = input.type_name in
let input_type = input.type_expression in
let%bind local_declarations =
let%bind typed = bind_map_list simpl_local_declaration local_decls in
ok ( fst typed)
let%bind output_type = simpl_type_expression ret_type in
let%bind instructions = bind_list
@@ simpl_statement
@@ npseq_to_list block.value.statements in
let%bind (body, result) =
let renamings =
let aux ({type_name}:named_type_expression) : Rename.Value.renaming =
type_name, ("arguments", [Record_access type_name])
| aux params
let%bind r =
let%bind tmp = simpl_expression return in
Rename.Value.rename_annotated_expression renamings tmp
let%bind b =
let tmp = local_declarations @ instructions in
Rename.Value.rename_block renamings tmp
ok (b, r) in
let decl =
let expression = Lambda {binder ; input_type ; output_type ; result ; body } in
let type_annotation = Some (Type_function (input_type, output_type)) in
Constant_declaration {name = name.value;annotated_expression = {expression;type_annotation}}
ok decl
| LambdaDecl (ProcDecl _) -> simple_fail "no proc declaration yet"
| LambdaDecl (EntryDecl _)-> simple_fail "no entry point yet"
and simpl_statement : Raw.statement -> instruction result = fun s ->
match s with
| Instr i -> simpl_instruction i
| Data d -> let%bind (i, _) = simpl_data_declaration d in ok i
and simpl_single_instruction : Raw.single_instr -> instruction result = fun t ->
match t with
| ProcCall _ -> simple_fail "no proc call"
| Fail e ->
let%bind expr = simpl_expression e.value.fail_expr in
ok @@ Fail expr
| Skip _ -> ok @@ Skip
| Loop (While l) ->
let l = l.value in
let%bind cond = simpl_expression l.cond in
let%bind body = simpl_block l.block.value in
ok @@ Loop (cond, body)
| Loop (For _) ->
simple_fail "no for yet"
| Cond c ->
let c = c.value in
let%bind expr = simpl_expression c.test in
let%bind match_true = match c.ifso with
| ClauseInstr i -> let%bind i = simpl_instruction i in ok [i]
| ClauseBlock b -> simpl_statements @@ fst b.value.inside in
let%bind match_false = match c.ifnot with
| ClauseInstr i -> let%bind i = simpl_instruction i in ok [i]
| ClauseBlock b -> simpl_statements @@ fst b.value.inside in
ok @@ Matching (expr, (Match_bool {match_true; match_false}))
| Assign a ->
let a = a.value in
let%bind name = match a.lhs with
| Path (Name v) -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "no complex assignments yet"
let%bind annotated_expression = match a.rhs with
| Expr e -> simpl_expression e
| _ -> simple_fail "no weird assignments yet"
ok @@ Assignment {name ; annotated_expression}
| Case c ->
let c = c.value in
let%bind expr = simpl_expression c.expr in
let%bind cases =
let aux (x : Raw.reg) =
let%bind i = simpl_instruction_block x.value.instr in
ok (x.value.pattern, i) in
@@ aux
@@ npseq_to_list c.cases.value in
let%bind m = simpl_cases cases in
ok @@ Matching (expr, m)
| RecordPatch r ->
let r = r.value in
let%bind record = match r.path with
| Name v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "no complex assignments yet"
let%bind inj = bind_list
@@ (fun (x:Raw.field_assign) -> let%bind e = simpl_expression x.field_expr in ok (x.field_name.value, e))
@@ (fun (x:_ Raw.reg) -> x.value)
@@ npseq_to_list r.record_inj.value.fields in
ok @@ Record_patch (record, [], inj)
| MapPatch _ -> simple_fail "no map patch yet"
| SetPatch _ -> simple_fail "no set patch yet"
| MapRemove _ -> simple_fail "no map remove yet"
| SetRemove _ -> simple_fail "no set remove yet"
and simpl_cases : (Raw.pattern * block) list -> matching result = fun t ->
let open Raw in
let get_var (t:Raw.pattern) = match t with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "not a var"
let%bind _assert =
trace_strong (simple_error "only pattern with two cases supported now") @@
Assert.assert_equal_int 2 (List.length t) in
let ((pa, ba), (pb, bb)) = List.(hd t, hd @@ tl t) in
let uncons p = match p with
| PCons {value = (hd, _)} -> ok hd
| _ -> simple_fail "uncons fail" in
let%bind (pa, pb) = bind_map_pair uncons (pa, pb) in
match (pa, ba), (pb, bb) with
| (PFalse _, f), (PTrue _, t)
| (PTrue _, t), (PFalse _, f) -> ok @@ Match_bool {match_true = t ; match_false = f}
| (PSome v, some), (PNone _, none)
| (PNone _, none), (PSome v, some) -> (
let (_, v) = v.value in
let%bind v = match v.value.inside with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "complex none patterns not supported yet" in
ok @@ Match_option {match_none = none ; match_some = (v, some) }
| (PCons c, cons), (PList (PNil _), nil)
| (PList (PNil _), nil), (PCons c, cons) ->
let%bind (a, b) =
match c.value with
| a, [(_, b)] ->
let%bind a = get_var a in
let%bind b = get_var b in
ok (a, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "complex list patterns not supported yet"
ok @@ Match_list {match_cons = (a, b, cons) ; match_nil = nil}
| _ ->
let error = simple_error "multi-level patterns not supported yet" in
fail error
and simpl_instruction_block : Raw.instruction -> block result = fun t ->
match t with
| Single s -> let%bind i = simpl_single_instruction s in ok [ i ]
| Block b -> simpl_block b.value
and simpl_instruction : Raw.instruction -> instruction result = fun t ->
match t with
| Single s -> simpl_single_instruction s
| Block _ -> simple_fail "no block instruction yet"
and simpl_statements : Raw.statements -> block result = fun ss ->
let lst = npseq_to_list ss in
bind_map_list simpl_statement lst
and simpl_block : Raw.block -> block result = fun t ->
simpl_statements t.statements
let simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result = fun t ->
bind_list @@ simpl_declaration @@ nseq_to_list t.decl
@ -154,6 +154,35 @@ let tuple () : unit result =
ok ()
ok ()
let option () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/option.ligo" in
let open AST_Typed.Combinators in
let%bind _some = trace (simple_error "some") @@
let%bind result = easy_evaluate_typed "s" program in
let expect = a_some (a_int 42) in
AST_Typed.assert_value_eq (expect, result)
let%bind _none = trace (simple_error "none") @@
let%bind result = easy_evaluate_typed "n" program in
let expect = a_none make_t_int in
AST_Typed.assert_value_eq (expect, result)
ok ()
let map () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/map.ligo" in
let ez lst =
let open AST_Typed.Combinators in
let lst' = (fun (x, y) -> a_int x, a_int y) lst in
a_map lst' make_t_int make_t_int
let%bind _foobar = trace (simple_error "foobar") @@
let%bind result = easy_evaluate_typed "fb" program in
let expect = ez [(23, 0) ; (42, 0)] in
AST_Typed.assert_value_eq (expect, result)
ok ()
let condition () : unit result =
let condition () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/condition.ligo" in
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/condition.ligo" in
let aux n =
let aux n =
@ -170,6 +199,42 @@ let condition () : unit result =
@@ [0 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163 ; -1] in
@@ [0 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163 ; -1] in
ok ()
ok ()
let matching () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/match.ligo" in
let%bind _bool =
let aux n =
let open AST_Typed.Combinators in
let input = a_int n in
let%bind result = easy_run_typed "match_bool" program input in
let%bind result' =
trace (simple_error "bad result") @@
get_a_int result in
Assert.assert_equal_int (if n = 2 then 42 else 0) result'
let%bind _ = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ [0 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163 ; -1] in
ok ()
let%bind _option =
let aux n =
let open AST_Typed.Combinators in
let input = match n with
| Some s -> a_some (a_int s)
| None -> a_none (make_t_int) in
let%bind result = easy_run_typed "match_option" program input in
let%bind result' =
trace (simple_error "bad result") @@
get_a_int result in
Assert.assert_equal_int (match n with None -> 23 | Some s -> s) result'
let%bind _ = bind_list
@@ aux
@@ [Some 0 ; Some 2 ; Some 42 ; Some 163 ; Some (-1) ; None] in
ok ()
ok ()
let declarations () : unit result =
let declarations () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/declarations.ligo" in
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/declarations.ligo" in
let aux n =
let aux n =
@ -226,8 +291,11 @@ let main = "Integration (End to End)", [
test "unit" unit_expression ;
test "unit" unit_expression ;
test "record" record ;
test "record" record ;
test "tuple" tuple ;
test "tuple" tuple ;
test "option" option ;
(* test "map" map ; *)
test "multiple parameters" multiple_parameters ;
test "multiple parameters" multiple_parameters ;
test "condition" condition ;
test "condition" condition ;
test "matching" matching ;
test "declarations" declarations ;
test "declarations" declarations ;
test "quote declaration" quote_declaration ;
test "quote declaration" quote_declaration ;
test "quote declarations" quote_declarations ;
test "quote declarations" quote_declarations ;
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ let rec translate_type (t:AST.type_value) : type_value result =
| Type_constant ("int", []) -> ok (`Base Int)
| Type_constant ("int", []) -> ok (`Base Int)
| Type_constant ("string", []) -> ok (`Base String)
| Type_constant ("string", []) -> ok (`Base String)
| Type_constant ("unit", []) -> ok (`Base Unit)
| Type_constant ("unit", []) -> ok (`Base Unit)
| Type_constant ("map", [key;value]) ->
let%bind kv' = bind_map_pair translate_type (key, value) in
ok (`Map kv')
| Type_constant ("option", [o]) ->
let%bind o' = translate_type o in
ok (`Option o')
| Type_constant (name, _) -> fail (error "unrecognized constant" name)
| Type_constant (name, _) -> fail (error "unrecognized constant" name)
| Type_sum m ->
| Type_sum m ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_map m in
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_map m in
@ -68,13 +74,25 @@ and translate_instruction (env:Environment.t) (i:AST.instruction) : statement op
let%bind (_, t, _) as expression = translate_annotated_expression env annotated_expression in
let%bind (_, t, _) as expression = translate_annotated_expression env annotated_expression in
let env' = Environment.add (name, t) env in
let env' = Environment.add (name, t) env in
return ~env' (Assignment (name, expression))
return ~env' (Assignment (name, expression))
| Matching (expr, Match_bool {match_true ; match_false}) ->
| Matching (expr, m) -> (
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let env' = Environment.extend env in
let env' = Environment.extend env in
let%bind true_branch = translate_block env' match_true in
match m with
let%bind false_branch = translate_block env' match_false in
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} -> (
return (Cond (expr', true_branch, false_branch))
let%bind true_branch = translate_block env' match_true in
| Matching _ -> simple_fail "todo : match"
let%bind false_branch = translate_block env' match_false in
return (Cond (expr', true_branch, false_branch))
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = ((name, t), sm)} -> (
let%bind none_branch = translate_block env' match_none in
let%bind some_branch =
let%bind t' = translate_type t in
let env' = Environment.add (name, t') env' in
translate_block env' sm in
return (If_None (expr', none_branch, (name, some_branch)))
| _ -> simple_fail "todo : match"
| Loop (expr, body) ->
| Loop (expr, body) ->
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let%bind body' = translate_block env body in
let%bind body' = translate_block env body in
@ -85,6 +103,7 @@ and translate_instruction (env:Environment.t) (i:AST.instruction) : statement op
and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_expression) : expression result =
and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_expression) : expression result =
let%bind tv = translate_type ae.type_annotation in
let%bind tv = translate_type ae.type_annotation in
let return (expr, tv) = ok (expr, tv, env) in
let return (expr, tv) = ok (expr, tv, env) in
let f = translate_annotated_expression env in
match ae.expression with
match ae.expression with
| Literal (Bool b) -> ok (Literal (`Bool b), tv, env)
| Literal (Bool b) -> ok (Literal (`Bool b), tv, env)
| Literal (Int n) -> ok (Literal (`Int n), tv, env)
| Literal (Int n) -> ok (Literal (`Int n), tv, env)
@ -194,17 +213,26 @@ and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_express
Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in
Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in
ok expr
ok expr
| Constant (name, lst) ->
| Constant (name, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (translate_annotated_expression env) lst in
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (translate_annotated_expression env) lst in (
ok (Predicate (name, lst'), tv, env)
match name, lst with
| "NONE", [] ->
let%bind o = Mini_c.Combinators.get_t_option tv in
ok (Make_None o, tv, env)
| _ -> ok (Predicate (name, lst'), tv, env)
| Lambda l -> translate_lambda env l tv
| Lambda l -> translate_lambda env l tv
| Map m ->
| Map m ->
let%bind (src, dst) = Mini_c.Combinators.get_t_map tv in
let aux : expression result -> ( * -> expression result = fun prev kv ->
let aux : expression result -> ( * -> expression result = fun prev kv ->
let%bind prev' = prev in
let%bind prev' = prev in
let%bind (k', v') = bind_map_pair (translate_annotated_expression env) kv in
let%bind (k', v') = bind_map_pair (translate_annotated_expression env) kv in
return (Predicate ("UPDATE", [k' ; v' ; prev']), tv)
return (Predicate ("UPDATE", [k' ; v' ; prev']), tv)
let init = return (Predicate ("EMPTY", []), tv) in
let init = return (Empty_map (src, dst), tv) in
List.fold_left aux init m
List.fold_left aux init m
| LookUp dsi ->
let%bind (ds', i') = bind_map_pair f dsi in
return (Predicate ("GET", [ds' ; i']), tv)
and translate_lambda_shallow env l tv =
and translate_lambda_shallow env l tv =
@ -370,6 +398,13 @@ let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_value) : AST.annotated_expression
| Type_constant ("string", []) ->
| Type_constant ("string", []) ->
let%bind n = get_string v in
let%bind n = get_string v in
return (Literal (String n))
return (Literal (String n))
| Type_constant ("option", [o]) -> (
match%bind get_option v with
| None -> ok (a_none o)
| Some s ->
let%bind s' = untranspile s o in
ok (a_some s')
| Type_constant _ ->
| Type_constant _ ->
simple_fail "unknown type_constant"
simple_fail "unknown type_constant"
| Type_sum m ->
| Type_sum m ->
@ -182,9 +182,10 @@ and type_match (e:environment) (t:O.type_value) : I.matching -> O.matching resul
@@ get_t_option t in
@@ get_t_option t in
let%bind match_none = type_block e match_none in
let%bind match_none = type_block e match_none in
let (n, b) = match_some in
let (n, b) = match_some in
let n' = n, t_opt in
let e' = Environment.add e n t_opt in
let e' = Environment.add e n t_opt in
let%bind b' = type_block e' b in
let%bind b' = type_block e' b in
ok (O.Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (n, b')})
ok (O.Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (n', b')})
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons} ->
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons} ->
let%bind t_list =
let%bind t_list =
trace_strong (simple_error "Matching list on not-an-list")
trace_strong (simple_error "Matching list on not-an-list")
@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ and type_annotated_expression (e:environment) (ae:I.annotated_expression) :
| Constant (name, lst) ->
| Constant (name, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_annotated_expression e) lst in
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_annotated_expression e) lst in
let tv_lst = get_annotation lst' in
let tv_lst = get_annotation lst' in
let%bind (name', tv) = type_constant name tv_lst in
let%bind (name', tv) = type_constant name tv_lst tv_opt in
let%bind type_annotation = check tv in
let%bind type_annotation = check tv in
ok O.{expression = O.Constant (name', lst') ; type_annotation}
ok O.{expression = O.Constant (name', lst') ; type_annotation}
| Application (f, arg) ->
| Application (f, arg) ->
@ -375,8 +376,15 @@ and type_annotated_expression (e:environment) (ae:I.annotated_expression) :
| _ -> simple_fail "applying to not-a-function"
| _ -> simple_fail "applying to not-a-function"
ok O.{expression = Application (f, arg) ; type_annotation}
ok O.{expression = Application (f, arg) ; type_annotation}
| LookUp dsi ->
let%bind (ds, ind) = bind_map_pair (type_annotated_expression e) dsi in
let%bind (src, dst) = get_t_map ds.type_annotation in
let%bind _ = O.assert_type_value_eq (ind.type_annotation, src) in
let%bind type_annotation = check dst in
ok O.{expression = LookUp (ds, ind) ; type_annotation}
and type_constant (name:string) (lst:O.type_value list) : (string * O.type_value) result =
and type_constant (name:string) (lst:O.type_value list) (tv_opt:O.type_value option) : (string * O.type_value) result =
(* Constant poorman's polymorphism *)
(* Constant poorman's polymorphism *)
let open O in
let open O in
match (name, lst) with
match (name, lst) with
@ -390,6 +398,14 @@ and type_constant (name:string) (lst:O.type_value list) : (string * O.type_value
| "OR", _ -> simple_fail "OR only defined over bool"
| "OR", _ -> simple_fail "OR only defined over bool"
| "AND", [a ; b] when type_value_eq (a, make_t_bool) && type_value_eq (b, make_t_bool) -> ok ("AND", make_t_bool)
| "AND", [a ; b] when type_value_eq (a, make_t_bool) && type_value_eq (b, make_t_bool) -> ok ("AND", make_t_bool)
| "AND", _ -> simple_fail "AND only defined over bool"
| "AND", _ -> simple_fail "AND only defined over bool"
| "NONE", [] -> (
match tv_opt with
| Some t -> ok ("NONE", t)
| None -> simple_fail "untyped NONE"
| "NONE", _ -> simple_fail "bad number of params to NONE"
| "SOME", [s] -> ok ("SOME", make_t_option s)
| "SOME", _ -> simple_fail "bad number of params to NONE"
| name, _ -> fail @@ unrecognized_constant name
| name, _ -> fail @@ unrecognized_constant name
let untype_type_value (t:O.type_value) : (I.type_expression) result =
let untype_type_value (t:O.type_value) : (I.type_expression) result =
@ -451,6 +467,9 @@ let rec untype_annotated_expression (e:O.annotated_expression) : (I.annotated_ex
| Map m ->
| Map m ->
let%bind m' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair untype_annotated_expression) m in
let%bind m' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair untype_annotated_expression) m in
return (Map m')
return (Map m')
| LookUp dsi ->
let%bind dsi' = bind_map_pair untype_annotated_expression dsi in
return (LookUp dsi')
and untype_block (b:O.block) : (I.block) result =
and untype_block (b:O.block) : (I.block) result =
bind_list @@ untype_instruction b
bind_list @@ untype_instruction b
@ -487,7 +506,7 @@ and untype_matching (m:O.matching) : (I.matching) result =
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (v, some)} ->
| Match_option {match_none ; match_some = (v, some)} ->
let%bind match_none = untype_block match_none in
let%bind match_none = untype_block match_none in
let%bind some = untype_block some in
let%bind some = untype_block some in
let match_some = v, some in
let match_some = fst v, some in
ok @@ Match_option {match_none ; match_some}
ok @@ Match_option {match_none ; match_some}
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, cons)} ->
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, cons)} ->
let%bind match_nil = untype_block match_nil in
let%bind match_nil = untype_block match_nil in
Reference in New Issue
Block a user