Alpha/Baker: move code
This commit is contained in:
@ -380,6 +380,140 @@ let error_of_op (result: error Preapply_result.t) op =
try Some (Failed_to_preapply (op, snd @@ Operation_hash.Map.find h result.branch_delayed))
try Some (Failed_to_preapply (op, snd @@ Operation_hash.Map.find h result.branch_delayed))
with Not_found -> None
with Not_found -> None
let filter_and_apply_operations
(operations : packed_operation list list) =
let open Client_baking_simulator in
lwt_debug Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Starting client-side validation %a"
-% t event "baking_local_validation_start"
-% a Block_hash.Logging.tag block_info.Client_baking_blocks.hash) >>= fun () ->
begin begin_construction ~timestamp ?protocol_data state.index block_info >>= function
| Ok inc -> return inc
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Error while fetching current context : %a"
-% t event "context_fetch_error"
-% a errs_tag errs) >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice Tag.DSL.(fun f -> f "Retrying to open the context" -% t event "reopen_context") >>= fun () ->
Client_baking_simulator.load_context ~context_path:state.context_path >>= fun index ->
begin_construction ~timestamp ?protocol_data index block_info >>=? fun inc ->
state.index <- index ;
return inc
end >>=? fun initial_inc ->
let endorsements = List.nth operations endorsements_index in
let votes = List.nth operations votes_index in
let anonymous = List.nth operations anonymous_index in
let managers = List.nth operations managers_index in
let bad_managers =
if List.length operations > managers_index + 1 then
List.nth operations (managers_index + 1)
else []
let validate_operation inc op =
add_operation inc op >>= function
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_info Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Client-side validation: invalid operation filtered %a\n%a"
-% t event "baking_rejected_invalid_operation"
-% a Operation_hash.Logging.tag (Operation.hash_packed op)
-% a errs_tag errs)
>>= fun () ->
| Ok inc -> return_some inc
let filter_valid_operations inc ops =
fold_left_s (fun (inc, acc) op ->
validate_operation inc op >>=? function
| None -> return (inc, acc)
| Some inc' -> return (inc', op :: acc)
) (inc, []) ops
(* Invalid endorsements are detected during block finalization *)
let is_valid_endorsement inc endorsement =
validate_operation inc endorsement >>=? function
| None -> return_none
| Some inc' -> finalize_construction inc' >>= begin function
| Ok _ -> return_some endorsement
| Error _ -> return_none
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
(* Retrieve the correct index order *)
let managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations managers in
let bad_managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations bad_managers in
filter_valid_operations inc (managers @ bad_managers) >>=? fun (inc, managers) ->
(* Gives a chance to the endorser to fund their deposit in the current block *)
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
finalize_construction inc >>=? fun _ ->
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = Main.validation_passes in
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun
{ Constants.parametric = { endorsers_per_block ; hard_gas_limit_per_block ; } } ->
let endorsements =
List.sub (List.rev endorsements) endorsers_per_block
let votes =
(List.rev votes)
(List.nth quota votes_index) in
let anonymous =
(List.rev anonymous)
(List.nth quota anonymous_index) in
let is_evidence = function
| { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents = Single (Double_baking_evidence _ ) } } -> true
| { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents = Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _ ) } } -> true
| _ -> false in
let evidences, anonymous = List.partition is_evidence anonymous in
trim_manager_operations ~max_size:(List.nth quota managers_index).max_size
~hard_gas_limit_per_block managers >>=? fun (accepted_managers, _overflowing_managers) ->
(* Retrieve the correct index order *)
let accepted_managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations accepted_managers in
(* Make sure we only keep valid operations *)
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
filter_valid_operations inc accepted_managers >>=? fun (inc, accepted_managers) ->
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
(* Endorsements won't fail now *)
fold_left_s add_operation inc endorsements >>=? fun inc ->
(* Endorsement and double baking/endorsement evidence do not commute:
we apply denunciation operations after endorsements. *)
filter_valid_operations inc evidences >>=? fun (final_inc, evidences) ->
let operations = List.rev [ endorsements ; votes ; anonymous @ evidences ; accepted_managers ] in
finalize_construction final_inc >>=? fun (validation_result, metadata) ->
return @@ (final_inc, (validation_result, metadata), operations)
(* Build the block header : mimics node prevalidation *)
let finalize_block_header
(inc : Client_baking_simulator.incremental)
(validation_result, _metadata)
operations =
let { T.context ; fitness ; message ; _ } = validation_result in
let validation_passes = List.length LiftedMain.validation_passes in
let operations_hash : Operation_list_list_hash.t =
(fun sl ->
( Operation.hash_packed sl)
) operations
) in
Context.hash ~time:timestamp ?message context >>= fun context ->
let header =
{ inc.header with
level = Raw_level.to_int32 (Raw_level.succ inc.predecessor.level) ;
validation_passes ;
operations_hash ;
fitness ;
context ;
} in
return header
let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
let forge_block cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block
@ -612,140 +746,6 @@ let pop_baking_slots state =
state.future_slots <- future_slots ;
state.future_slots <- future_slots ;
let filter_and_apply_operations
(operations : packed_operation list list) =
let open Client_baking_simulator in
lwt_debug Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Starting client-side validation %a"
-% t event "baking_local_validation_start"
-% a Block_hash.Logging.tag block_info.Client_baking_blocks.hash) >>= fun () ->
begin begin_construction ~timestamp ?protocol_data state.index block_info >>= function
| Ok inc -> return inc
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Error while fetching current context : %a"
-% t event "context_fetch_error"
-% a errs_tag errs) >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice Tag.DSL.(fun f -> f "Retrying to open the context" -% t event "reopen_context") >>= fun () ->
Client_baking_simulator.load_context ~context_path:state.context_path >>= fun index ->
begin_construction ~timestamp ?protocol_data index block_info >>=? fun inc ->
state.index <- index ;
return inc
end >>=? fun initial_inc ->
let endorsements = List.nth operations endorsements_index in
let votes = List.nth operations votes_index in
let anonymous = List.nth operations anonymous_index in
let managers = List.nth operations managers_index in
let bad_managers =
if List.length operations > managers_index + 1 then
List.nth operations (managers_index + 1)
else []
let validate_operation inc op =
add_operation inc op >>= function
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_info Tag.DSL.(fun f ->
f "Client-side validation: invalid operation filtered %a\n%a"
-% t event "baking_rejected_invalid_operation"
-% a Operation_hash.Logging.tag (Operation.hash_packed op)
-% a errs_tag errs)
>>= fun () ->
| Ok inc -> return_some inc
let filter_valid_operations inc ops =
fold_left_s (fun (inc, acc) op ->
validate_operation inc op >>=? function
| None -> return (inc, acc)
| Some inc' -> return (inc', op :: acc)
) (inc, []) ops
(* Invalid endorsements are detected during block finalization *)
let is_valid_endorsement inc endorsement =
validate_operation inc endorsement >>=? function
| None -> return_none
| Some inc' -> finalize_construction inc' >>= begin function
| Ok _ -> return_some endorsement
| Error _ -> return_none
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
(* Retrieve the correct index order *)
let managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations managers in
let bad_managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations bad_managers in
filter_valid_operations inc (managers @ bad_managers) >>=? fun (inc, managers) ->
(* Gives a chance to the endorser to fund their deposit in the current block *)
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
finalize_construction inc >>=? fun _ ->
let quota : Alpha_environment.Updater.quota list = Main.validation_passes in
tzforce state.constants >>=? fun
{ Constants.parametric = { endorsers_per_block ; hard_gas_limit_per_block ; } } ->
let endorsements =
List.sub (List.rev endorsements) endorsers_per_block
let votes =
(List.rev votes)
(List.nth quota votes_index) in
let anonymous =
(List.rev anonymous)
(List.nth quota anonymous_index) in
let is_evidence = function
| { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents = Single (Double_baking_evidence _ ) } } -> true
| { protocol_data = Operation_data { contents = Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _ ) } } -> true
| _ -> false in
let evidences, anonymous = List.partition is_evidence anonymous in
trim_manager_operations ~max_size:(List.nth quota managers_index).max_size
~hard_gas_limit_per_block managers >>=? fun (accepted_managers, _overflowing_managers) ->
(* Retrieve the correct index order *)
let accepted_managers = List.sort Proto_alpha.compare_operations accepted_managers in
(* Make sure we only keep valid operations *)
filter_valid_operations initial_inc votes >>=? fun (inc, votes) ->
filter_valid_operations inc anonymous >>=? fun (inc, anonymous) ->
filter_valid_operations inc accepted_managers >>=? fun (inc, accepted_managers) ->
filter_map_s (is_valid_endorsement inc) endorsements >>=? fun endorsements ->
(* Endorsements won't fail now *)
fold_left_s add_operation inc endorsements >>=? fun inc ->
(* Endorsement and double baking/endorsement evidence do not commute:
we apply denunciation operations after endorsements. *)
filter_valid_operations inc evidences >>=? fun (final_inc, evidences) ->
let operations = List.rev [ endorsements ; votes ; anonymous @ evidences ; accepted_managers ] in
finalize_construction final_inc >>=? fun (validation_result, metadata) ->
return @@ (final_inc, (validation_result, metadata), operations)
(* Build the block header : mimics node prevalidation *)
let finalize_block_header
(inc : Client_baking_simulator.incremental)
(validation_result, _metadata)
operations =
let { T.context ; fitness ; message ; _ } = validation_result in
let validation_passes = List.length LiftedMain.validation_passes in
let operations_hash : Operation_list_list_hash.t =
(fun sl ->
( Operation.hash_packed sl)
) operations
) in
Context.hash ~time:timestamp ?message context >>= fun context ->
let header =
{ inc.header with
level = Raw_level.to_int32 (Raw_level.succ inc.predecessor.level) ;
validation_passes ;
operations_hash ;
fitness ;
context ;
} in
return header
let shell_prevalidation
let shell_prevalidation
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user