more jsonized
This commit is contained in:
@ -175,6 +175,16 @@ let bind_fold_list f init lst =
List.fold_left aux (ok init) lst
List.fold_left aux (ok init) lst
let bind_fold_map_list = fun f acc lst ->
let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function
| [] -> ok (acc , prev)
| hd :: tl ->
f acc hd >>? fun (acc' , hd') ->
aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl
aux (acc , []) f (List.rev lst) >>? fun (_acc' , lst') ->
ok lst'
let bind_fold_right_list f init lst =
let bind_fold_right_list f init lst =
let aux x y =
let aux x y =
x >>? fun x ->
x >>? fun x ->
@ -7,6 +7,16 @@ let map ?(acc = []) f lst =
aux acc f (List.rev lst)
aux acc f (List.rev lst)
let fold_map : type acc ele ret . (acc -> ele -> (acc * ret)) -> acc -> ele list -> ret list =
fun f acc lst ->
let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function
| [] -> (acc , prev)
| hd :: tl ->
let (acc' , hd') = f acc hd in
aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl
snd @@ aux (acc , []) f (List.rev lst)
let fold_right' f init lst = List.fold_left f init (List.rev lst)
let fold_right' f init lst = List.fold_left f init (List.rev lst)
let filter_map f =
let filter_map f =
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ and access ppf (a:access) =
match a with
match a with
| Access_tuple n -> fprintf ppf "%d" n
| Access_tuple n -> fprintf ppf "%d" n
| Access_record s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
| Access_record s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
| Access_map s -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" annotated_expression s
and access_path ppf (p:access_path) =
and access_path ppf (p:access_path) =
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep access (const ".")) p
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep access (const ".")) p
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ and expression =
and access =
and access =
| Access_tuple of int
| Access_tuple of int
| Access_record of string
| Access_record of string
| Access_map of ae
and access_path = access list
and access_path = access list
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ and matching : type a . (formatter -> a -> unit) -> _ -> a matching -> unit = fu
and pre_access ppf (a:access) = match a with
and pre_access ppf (a:access) = match a with
| Access_record n -> fprintf ppf ".%s" n
| Access_record n -> fprintf ppf ".%s" n
| Access_tuple i -> fprintf ppf ".%d" i
| Access_tuple i -> fprintf ppf ".%d" i
| Access_map n -> fprintf ppf ".%a" annotated_expression n
and instruction ppf (i:instruction) = match i with
and instruction ppf (i:instruction) = match i with
| I_skip -> fprintf ppf "skip"
| I_skip -> fprintf ppf "skip"
@ -119,9 +119,12 @@ and instruction =
| I_skip
| I_skip
| I_patch of named_type_value * access_path * ae
| I_patch of named_type_value * access_path * ae
and access = Ast_simplified.access
and access =
| Access_tuple of int
| Access_record of string
| Access_map of ae
and access_path = Ast_simplified.access_path
and access_path = access list
and 'a matching =
and 'a matching =
| Match_bool of {
| Match_bool of {
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ and translate_instruction (env:Environment.t) (i:AST.instruction) : statement li
let%bind (_, path) = record_access_to_lr ty' ty'_map prop in
let%bind (_, path) = record_access_to_lr ty' ty'_map prop in
let path' = snd path in
let path' = snd path in
ok (Map.String.find prop ty_map, path' @ acc)
ok (Map.String.find prop ty_map, path' @ acc)
| Access_map _k -> simple_fail "no patch for map yet"
let%bind (_, path) = bind_fold_list aux (ty, []) s in
let%bind (_, path) = bind_fold_list aux (ty, []) s in
let%bind v' = translate_annotated_expression env v in
let%bind v' = translate_annotated_expression env v in
@ -159,15 +159,24 @@ and type_instruction (e:environment) : I.instruction -> (environment * O.instruc
match access with
match access with
| I.Access_record s ->
| I.Access_record s ->
let%bind m = O.Combinators.get_t_record ty in
let%bind m = O.Combinators.get_t_record ty in
trace_option (simple_error "unbound record access in record_patch") @@
let%bind ty =
Map.String.find_opt s m
trace_option (simple_error "unbound record access in record_patch") @@
| Access_tuple i ->
Map.String.find_opt s m in
ok (ty , O.Access_record s)
| I.Access_tuple i ->
let%bind t = O.Combinators.get_t_tuple ty in
let%bind t = O.Combinators.get_t_tuple ty in
generic_try (simple_error "unbound tuple access in record_patch") @@
let%bind ty =
(fun () -> List.nth t i)
generic_try (simple_error "unbound tuple access in record_patch") @@
(fun () -> List.nth t i) in
ok (ty , O.Access_tuple i)
| I.Access_map ind ->
let%bind (k , v) = O.Combinators.get_t_map ty in
let%bind ind' = type_annotated_expression e ind in
let%bind () = Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (get_type_annotation ind' , k) in
ok (v , O.Access_map ind')
let%bind _assert = bind_fold_list aux ty.type_value (path @ [Access_record s]) in
let%bind path' = bind_fold_map_list aux ty.type_value (path @ [Access_record s]) in
ok @@ O.I_patch (tv, path @ [Access_record s], ae')
ok @@ O.I_patch (tv, path' @ [Access_record s], ae')
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list aux lst in
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok (e, lst')
ok (e, lst')
@ -351,6 +360,13 @@ and type_annotated_expression : environment -> I.annotated_expression -> O.annot
@@ (fun () -> SMap.find property r_tv) in
@@ (fun () -> SMap.find property r_tv) in
return (E_record_accessor (prev , property)) tv
return (E_record_accessor (prev , property)) tv
| Access_map ae -> (
let%bind ae' = type_annotated_expression e ae in
let%bind (k , v) = get_t_map prev.type_annotation in
let%bind () =
Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (k , get_type_annotation ae') in
return (E_look_up (prev , ae')) v
trace (simple_error "accessing") @@
trace (simple_error "accessing") @@
bind_fold_list aux e' path
bind_fold_list aux e' path
@ -643,8 +659,19 @@ and untype_instruction (i:O.instruction) : (I.instruction) result =
List.rev_uncons_opt p in
List.rev_uncons_opt p in
let%bind tl_name = match tl with
let%bind tl_name = match tl with
| Access_record n -> ok n
| Access_record n -> ok n
| Access_tuple _ -> simple_fail "last element of patch is tuple" in
| Access_tuple _ -> simple_fail "last element of patch is tuple"
ok @@ I_record_patch (s.type_name, hds, [tl_name, e'])
| Access_map _ -> simple_fail "last element of patch is map"
let%bind hds' = bind_map_list untype_access hds in
ok @@ I_record_patch (s.type_name, hds', [tl_name, e'])
and untype_access (a:O.access) : I.access result =
match a with
| Access_record n -> ok @@ I.Access_record n
| Access_tuple n -> ok @@ I.Access_tuple n
| Access_map n ->
let%bind n' = untype_annotated_expression n in
ok @@ I.Access_map n'
and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matching) result = fun f m ->
and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matching) result = fun f m ->
let open I in
let open I in
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