Improved code injection. Fixed a few bugs on the way.

This commit is contained in:
Christian Rinderknecht 2020-06-12 17:49:21 +02:00 committed by Pierre-Emmanuel Wulfman
parent 46bd0315e2
commit 92e6d55aa8
26 changed files with 2834 additions and 2894 deletions

View File

@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ and expr =
| ELetIn of let_in reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
| ESeq of expr injection reg
| ECodeInsert of code_insert reg
| ECodeInj of code_inj reg
and annot_expr = expr * colon * type_expr
@ -400,13 +400,12 @@ and cond_expr = {
ifnot : expr
and code_insert = {
lbracket : lbracket;
percent : percent;
language : string reg;
and code_inj = {
language : string reg reg;
code : expr;
rbracket : rbracket;
(* Projecting regions from some nodes of the AST *)
let rec last to_region = function
@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ let expr_to_region = function
| ECall {region;_} | EVar {region; _} | EProj {region; _}
| EUnit {region;_} | EPar {region;_} | EBytes {region; _}
| ESeq {region; _} | ERecord {region; _} | EUpdate {region; _}
| ECodeInsert {region; _} -> region
| ECodeInj {region; _} -> region
let declaration_to_region = function
| Let {region;_}

View File

@ -29,9 +29,22 @@ type lexeme = string
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Symbols *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
| CONS of Region.t (* "::" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
(*| APPEND (* "@" *)*)
@ -42,7 +55,6 @@ type t =
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -77,18 +89,6 @@ type t =
| BOOL_OR of Region.t (* "||" *)
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_lang : lexeme Region.reg -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)

View File

@ -13,9 +13,22 @@ module SSet = Utils.String.Set
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
| ARROW of Region.t (* "->" *)
| CONS of Region.t (* "::" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
(*| APPEND (* "@" *)*)
@ -26,7 +39,6 @@ type t =
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -61,18 +73,6 @@ type t =
| BOOL_OR of Region.t (* "||" *)
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
(*| And*)
@ -113,26 +113,28 @@ let proj_token = function
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "String %s" value
region, sprintf "String %S" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
region, sprintf "Verbatim %S" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
sprintf "Bytes (%S, \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
| Int Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Int (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Int (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Nat Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Nat (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Nat (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Mutez Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Mutez (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Mutez (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Ident Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Ident %s" value
region, sprintf "Ident %S" value
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr %s" value
region, sprintf "Constr %S" value
| Attr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Attr \"%s\"" value
region, sprintf "Attr %S" value
| Lang Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Lang %S" (value.Region.value)
(* Symbols *)
(* Symbols *)
| ARROW region -> region, "ARROW"
| CONS region -> region, "CONS"
@ -141,7 +143,6 @@ let proj_token = function
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| Ident id -> id.Region.value
| Constr id -> id.Region.value
| Attr a -> a.Region.value
| Lang lang -> Region.(lang.value.value)
(* Symbols *)
@ -216,7 +218,6 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
@ -478,7 +479,6 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
@ -512,6 +512,10 @@ let mk_attr header lexeme region =
if header = "[@" then Error Invalid_attribute
else Ok (Attr Region.{value=lexeme; region})
(* Language injection *)
let mk_lang lang region = Lang Region.{value=lang; region}
(* Predicates *)
let is_string = function String _ -> true | _ -> false

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg Region.reg> Lang "<lang>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
%token <Region.t> LPAR "("
%token <Region.t> RPAR ")"

View File

@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ core_expr:
| sequence { ESeq $1 }
| record_expr { ERecord $1 }
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| code_insert { ECodeInsert $1 }
| code_inj { ECodeInj $1 }
| par(expr) { EPar $1 }
| par(annot_expr) { EAnnot $1 }
@ -708,13 +708,8 @@ last_expr:
disj_expr_level | if_then_else (seq_expr) { $1 }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
"<lang>" expr "]" {
let region = cover $1.region $3
and value = {language=$1; code=$2; rbracket=$3}
in {region; value} }

View File

@ -89,12 +89,6 @@ let print_pvar state {region; value} =
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_uident state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Uident %s\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_string state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: String %S\n"
@ -103,7 +97,7 @@ let print_string state {region; value} =
let print_verbatim state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Verbatim {|%s|}\n"
sprintf "%s: Verbatim %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
@ -211,7 +205,7 @@ and print_cartesian state Region.{value;_} =
print_nsepseq state "*" print_type_expr value
and print_variant state {value = {constr; arg}; _} =
print_uident state constr;
print_constr state constr;
match arg with
None -> ()
| Some (kwd_of, t_expr) ->
@ -340,7 +334,7 @@ and print_some_app_pattern state {value; _} =
and print_constr_app_pattern state node =
let {value=constr, p_opt; _} = node in
print_uident state constr;
print_constr state constr;
match p_opt with
None -> ()
| Some pattern -> print_pattern state pattern
@ -366,7 +360,7 @@ and print_expr state = function
| ESeq seq -> print_sequence state seq
| ERecord e -> print_record_expr state e
| EConstr e -> print_constr_expr state e
| ECodeInsert e -> print_code_insert state e
| ECodeInj e -> print_code_inj state e
and print_constr_expr state = function
ENone e -> print_none_expr state e
@ -519,11 +513,13 @@ and print_comp_expr state = function
and print_record_expr state e =
print_ne_injection state print_field_assign e
and print_code_insert state {value; _} =
let {lbracket;percent;language;code;rbracket} : code_insert = value in
print_token state lbracket "[";
print_token state percent "%";
print_string state language;
and print_code_inj state {value; _} =
let {language; code; rbracket} = value in
let {value=lang; region} = language in
let header_stop = region#start#shift_bytes 1 in
let header_reg = Region.make ~start:region#start ~stop:header_stop in
print_token state header_reg "[%";
print_string state lang;
print_expr state code;
print_token state rbracket "]"
@ -871,9 +867,9 @@ and pp_expr state = function
| ESeq {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ESeq" region;
pp_injection pp_expr state value
| ECodeInsert {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInsert" region;
pp_code_insert state value
| ECodeInj {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInj" region;
pp_code_inj state value
and pp_fun_expr state node =
let {binders; lhs_type; body; _} = node in
@ -895,16 +891,16 @@ and pp_fun_expr state node =
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) body
in ()
and pp_code_insert state (rc : code_insert) =
and pp_code_inj state rc =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
let state = state#pad 2 0 in
pp_node state "<language>";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language in
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language.value in
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
let state = state#pad 2 1 in
pp_node state "<code>";
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code in
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code
in ()
and pp_let_in state node =
let {binding; body; attributes; kwd_rec; _} = node in

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ and pp_expr = function
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
| ECodeInj e -> pp_code_inj e
and pp_case_expr {value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
string "{" ^^ record ^^ string " with"
^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates ^^ string "}")
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
and pp_code_inj {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
let language = pp_string language.value
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
string "[%" ^^ language ^/^ code ^^ string "]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ type rbrace = Region.t (* "}" *)
type lbracket = Region.t (* "[" *)
type rbracket = Region.t (* "]" *)
type cons = Region.t (* "#" *)
type percent = Region.t (* "%" *)
type vbar = Region.t (* "|" *)
type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *)
type assign = Region.t (* ":=" *)
@ -427,10 +426,8 @@ and for_collect = {
block : block reg
and code_insert = {
lbracket : lbracket;
percent : percent;
language : string reg;
and code_inj = {
language : string reg reg;
code : expr;
rbracket : rbracket;
@ -463,7 +460,7 @@ and expr =
| ETuple of tuple_expr
| EPar of expr par reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
| ECodeInsert of code_insert reg
| ECodeInj of code_inj reg
and annot_expr = expr * colon * type_expr
@ -690,7 +687,7 @@ let rec expr_to_region = function
| ECond {region; _}
| EPar {region; _}
| EFun {region; _}
| ECodeInsert {region; _} -> region
| ECodeInj {region; _} -> region
and tuple_expr_to_region {region; _} = region

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ type t =
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ type t =
| DOT of Region.t (* "." *)
| WILD of Region.t (* "_" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "^" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Keywords *)
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_lang : lexeme Region.reg -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ type t =
| Mutez of (lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg
| Ident of lexeme Region.reg
| Constr of lexeme Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
@ -61,7 +62,6 @@ type t =
| DOT of Region.t
| WILD of Region.t
| CAT of Region.t
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Keywords *)
@ -126,26 +126,23 @@ let proj_token = function
region, sprintf "String %S" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
region, sprintf "Verbatim %S" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
sprintf "Bytes (%S, \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
| Int Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Int (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Int (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Nat Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Nat (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Nat (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Mutez Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Mutez (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Mutez (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Ident Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Ident \"%s\"" value
region, sprintf "Ident %S" value
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr \"%s\"" value
| Attr {header; string={region; value}} ->
region, sprintf "Attr (\"%s\",\"%s\")" header value
region, sprintf "Constr %S" value
| Lang Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Lang %S" (value.Region.value)
(* Symbols *)
@ -175,7 +172,6 @@ let proj_token = function
| DOT region -> region, "DOT"
| WILD region -> region, "WILD"
| CAT region -> region, "CAT"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
(* Keywords *)
@ -240,6 +236,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| Mutez i -> fst i.Region.value
| Ident id
| Constr id -> id.Region.value
| Lang lang -> Region.(lang.value.value)
(* Symbols *)
@ -269,7 +266,6 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| DOT _ -> "."
| WILD _ -> "_"
| CAT _ -> "^"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
(* Keywords *)
@ -521,7 +517,6 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "-" -> Ok (MINUS region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "<" -> Ok (LT region)
| "<=" -> Ok (LE region)
| ">" -> Ok (GT region)
@ -552,6 +547,10 @@ type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
let mk_attr _ _ _ = Error Invalid_attribute
(* Language injection *)
let mk_lang lang region = Lang Region.{value=lang; region}
(* Predicates *)
let is_string = function String _ -> true | _ -> false

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
%token <(LexToken.lexeme * Z.t) Region.reg> Mutez "<mutez>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg Region.reg> Lang "<lang>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -42,7 +43,6 @@
%token <Region.t> DOT "."
%token <Region.t> WILD "_"
%token <Region.t> CAT "^"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
(* Keywords *)

View File

@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ core_expr:
| set_expr { ESet $1 }
| record_expr { ERecord $1 }
| update_record { EUpdate $1 }
| code_insert_expr { ECodeInsert $1 }
| code_inj { ECodeInj $1 }
| "<constr>" arguments {
let region = cover $1.region $2.region in
EConstr (ConstrApp {region; value = $1, Some $2})
@ -965,15 +965,10 @@ update_record:
let value = {record=$1; kwd_with=$2; updates}
in {region; value} }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
"<lang>" expr "]" {
let region = cover $1.region $3
and value = {language=$1; code=$2; rbracket=$3}
in {region; value} }

View File

@ -76,26 +76,32 @@ let print_token state region lexeme =
let print_var state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Ident \"%s\"\n"
sprintf "%s: Ident %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_constr state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Constr \"%s\"\n"
sprintf "%s: Constr %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_string state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: String %s\n"
sprintf "%s: String %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_verbatim state {region; value} =
let line =
sprintf "%s: Verbatim %S\n"
(compact state region) value
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
let print_bytes state {region; value} =
let lexeme, abstract = value in
let line =
sprintf "%s: Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")\n"
sprintf "%s: Bytes (%S, \"0x%s\")\n"
(compact state region) lexeme
( abstract)
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
@ -103,7 +109,7 @@ let print_bytes state {region; value} =
let print_int state {region; value} =
let lexeme, abstract = value in
let line =
sprintf "%s: Int (\"%s\", %s)\n"
sprintf "%s: Int (%S, %s)\n"
(compact state region) lexeme
(Z.to_string abstract)
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ let print_int state {region; value} =
let print_nat state {region; value} =
let lexeme, abstract = value in
let line =
sprintf "%s: Nat (\"%s\", %s)\n"
sprintf "%s: Nat (%S, %s)\n"
(compact state region) lexeme
(Z.to_string abstract)
in Buffer.add_string state#buffer line
@ -236,11 +242,13 @@ and print_fun_expr state {value; _} =
print_token state kwd_is "is";
print_expr state return
and print_code_insert state {value; _} =
let {lbracket;percent;language;code;rbracket} : code_insert = value in
print_token state lbracket "[";
print_token state percent "%";
print_string state language;
and print_code_inj state {value; _} =
let {language; code; rbracket} = value in
let {value=lang; region} = language in
let header_stop = region#start#shift_bytes 1 in
let header_reg = Region.make ~start:region#start ~stop:header_stop in
print_token state header_reg "[%";
print_string state lang;
print_expr state code;
print_token state rbracket "]"
@ -466,7 +474,7 @@ and print_expr state = function
| ETuple e -> print_tuple_expr state e
| EPar e -> print_par_expr state e
| EFun e -> print_fun_expr state e
| ECodeInsert e -> print_code_insert state e
| ECodeInj e -> print_code_inj state e
and print_annot_expr state node =
let {inside; _} : annot_expr par = node in
@ -608,7 +616,7 @@ and print_string_expr state = function
| String s ->
print_string state s
| Verbatim v ->
print_string state v
print_verbatim state v
and print_list_expr state = function
ECons {value = {arg1; op; arg2}; _} ->
@ -1020,16 +1028,16 @@ and pp_fun_expr state (expr: fun_expr) =
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) expr.return
in ()
and pp_code_insert state (rc : code_insert) =
and pp_code_inj state rc =
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 0 in
let state = state#pad 2 0 in
pp_node state "<language>";
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language in
pp_string (state#pad 1 0) rc.language.value in
let () =
let state = state#pad 3 1 in
let state = state#pad 2 1 in
pp_node state "<code>";
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code in
pp_expr (state#pad 1 0) rc.code
in ()
and pp_parameters state {value; _} =
let params = Utils.nsepseq_to_list value.inside in
@ -1510,9 +1518,9 @@ and pp_expr state = function
| EFun {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "EFun" region;
pp_fun_expr state value;
| ECodeInsert {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInsert" region;
pp_code_insert state value;
| ECodeInj {value; region} ->
pp_loc_node state "ECodeInj" region;
pp_code_inj state value;
and pp_list_expr state = function
ECons {value; region} ->

View File

@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ and pp_expr = function
| ETuple e -> pp_tuple_expr e
| EPar e -> pp_par pp_expr e
| EFun e -> pp_fun_expr e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
| ECodeInj e -> pp_code_inj e
and pp_annot_expr {value; _} =
let expr, _, type_expr = value.inside in
@ -492,11 +492,11 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
and record = pp_path record in
record ^^ string " with" ^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates)
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
and pp_code_inj {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
let language = pp_string language.value
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
string "[%" ^^ language ^/^ code ^^ string "]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -29,9 +29,22 @@ type lexeme = string
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
CAT of Region.t (* "++" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "++" *)
(* Arithmetics *)
@ -39,7 +52,6 @@ type t =
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -80,18 +92,6 @@ type t =
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
| NOT of Region.t (* ! *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
| Else of Region.t
@ -147,13 +147,14 @@ val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_kwd : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, kwd_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_verbatim : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_lang : lexeme Region.reg -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)

View File

@ -15,9 +15,22 @@ let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
(* TOKENS *)
type t =
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
| Lang of lexeme Region.reg Region.reg
(* Symbols *)
CAT of Region.t (* "++" *)
| CAT of Region.t (* "++" *)
(* Arithmetics *)
@ -25,7 +38,6 @@ type t =
| PLUS of Region.t (* "+" *)
| SLASH of Region.t (* "/" *)
| TIMES of Region.t (* "*" *)
| PERCENT of Region.t (* "%" *)
(* Compounds *)
@ -66,18 +78,6 @@ type t =
| BOOL_AND of Region.t (* "&&" *)
| NOT of Region.t (* ! *)
(* Identifiers, labels, numbers and strings *)
| Ident of string Region.reg
| Constr of string Region.reg
| Int of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Nat of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| Mutez of (string * Z.t) Region.reg
| String of string Region.reg
| Verbatim of string Region.reg
| Bytes of (string * Hex.t) Region.reg
| Attr of string Region.reg
(* Keywords *)
| Else of Region.t
@ -109,22 +109,26 @@ let proj_token = function
(* Literals *)
String Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "String %s" value
region, sprintf "String %S" value
| Verbatim Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Verbatim {|%s|}" value
region, sprintf "Verbatim %S" value
| Bytes Region.{region; value = s,b} ->
sprintf "Bytes (\"%s\", \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
sprintf "Bytes (%S, \"0x%s\")" s ( b)
| Int Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Int (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Int (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Nat Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Nat (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Nat (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Mutez Region.{region; value = s,n} ->
region, sprintf "Mutez (\"%s\", %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
region, sprintf "Mutez (%S, %s)" s (Z.to_string n)
| Ident Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Ident %s" value
region, sprintf "Ident %S" value
| Constr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Constr %s" value
region, sprintf "Constr %S" value
| Attr Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Attr %S" value
| Lang Region.{region; value} ->
region, sprintf "Lang %S" (value.Region.value)
(* Symbols *)
@ -133,7 +137,6 @@ let proj_token = function
| PLUS region -> region, "PLUS"
| SLASH region -> region, "SLASH"
| TIMES region -> region, "TIMES"
| PERCENT region -> region, "PERCENT"
| LPAR region -> region, "LPAR"
| RPAR region -> region, "RPAR"
| LBRACKET region -> region, "LBRACKET"
@ -170,7 +173,6 @@ let proj_token = function
| Type region -> region, "Type"
| C_None region -> region, "C_None"
| C_Some region -> region, "C_Some"
| Attr Region.{region; value} -> region, sprintf "Attr %s" value
| EOF region -> region, "EOF"
let to_lexeme = function
@ -185,6 +187,7 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| Ident id -> id.Region.value
| Constr id -> id.Region.value
| Attr a -> a.Region.value
| Lang lang -> Region.(lang.value.value)
(* Symbols *)
@ -193,7 +196,6 @@ let to_lexeme = function
| PLUS _ -> "+"
| SLASH _ -> "/"
| TIMES _ -> "*"
| PERCENT _ -> "%"
| LPAR _ -> "("
| RPAR _ -> ")"
| LBRACKET _ -> "["
@ -432,7 +434,6 @@ let mk_sym lexeme region =
| "+" -> Ok (PLUS region)
| "/" -> Ok (SLASH region)
| "*" -> Ok (TIMES region)
| "%" -> Ok (PERCENT region)
| "[" -> Ok (LBRACKET region)
| "]" -> Ok (RBRACKET region)
| "{" -> Ok (LBRACE region)
@ -488,6 +489,10 @@ let mk_attr header lexeme region =
Ok (Attr Region.{value=lexeme; region})
else Error Invalid_attribute
(* Language injection *)
let mk_lang lang region = Lang Region.{value=lang; region}
(* Predicates *)
let is_string = function String _ -> true | _ -> false

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
%token <string Region.reg> Ident "<ident>"
%token <string Region.reg> Constr "<constr>"
%token <string Region.reg> Attr "<attr>"
%token <LexToken.lexeme Region.reg Region.reg> Lang "<lang>"
(* Symbols *)
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
%token <Region.t> PLUS "+"
%token <Region.t> SLASH "/"
%token <Region.t> TIMES "*"
%token <Region.t> PERCENT "%"
%token <Region.t> LPAR "("
%token <Region.t> RPAR ")"

View File

@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ common_expr:
| unit { EUnit $1 }
| "false" { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) }
| "true" { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) }
| code_insert { ECodeInsert $1 }
| code_inj { ECodeInj $1 }
common_expr { $1 }
@ -920,15 +920,10 @@ update_record:
rbrace = $6}
in {region; value} }
"[" "%" Constr expr "]" {
let region = cover $1 $5 in
let value = {
lbracket =$1;
percent =$2;
language =$3;
code =$4;
rbracket =$5}
"<lang>" expr "]" {
let region = cover $1.region $3
and value = {language=$1; code=$2; rbracket=$3}
in {region; value} }

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ and pp_expr = function
| ELetIn e -> pp_let_in e
| EFun e -> pp_fun e
| ESeq e -> pp_seq e
| ECodeInsert e -> pp_code_insert e
| ECodeInj e -> pp_code_inj e
and pp_case_expr {value; _} =
let {expr; cases; _} = value in
@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ and pp_update {value; _} =
string "{..." ^^ record ^^ string ","
^^ nest 2 (break 1 ^^ updates ^^ string "}")
and pp_code_insert {value; _} =
and pp_code_inj {value; _} =
let {language; code; _} = value in
let language = pp_string language
let language = pp_string language.value
and code = pp_expr code in
string "[%" ^^ language ^^ string " " ^^ code ^^ string " ]"
string "[%" ^^ language ^/^ code ^^ string "]"
and pp_field_path_assign {value; _} =
let {field_path; field_expr; _} = value in

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ module type TOKEN =
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_lang : lexeme Region.reg -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module type TOKEN =
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val mk_lang : lexeme Region.reg -> Region.t -> token
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
@ -273,6 +274,15 @@ module Make (Token : TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
let token = Token.mk_constr lexeme region
in state#enqueue token
let mk_lang lang state buffer =
let region, _, state = state#sync buffer in
let start = region#start#shift_bytes 1 in
let stop = region#stop in
let lang_reg = Region.make ~start ~stop in
let lang = Region.{value=lang; region=lang_reg} in
let token = Token.mk_lang lang region
in state#enqueue token
let mk_sym state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = state#sync buffer in
match Token.mk_sym lexeme region with
@ -314,7 +324,7 @@ let esc = "\\n" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\b"
let common_sym = ';' | ',' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'
| '=' | ':' | '|' | "->" | '.' | '_' | '^'
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">="
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">="
let pascaligo_sym = "=/=" | '#' | ":="
let cameligo_sym = "<>" | "::" | "||" | "&&"
let reasonligo_sym = '!' | "=>" | "!=" | "==" | "++" | "..." | "||" | "&&"
@ -388,6 +398,7 @@ and scan state = parse
| eof { mk_eof state lexbuf }
| "[@" (attr as a) "]" { mk_attr "[@" a state lexbuf }
| "[@@" (attr as a) "]" { mk_attr "[@@" a state lexbuf }
| "[%" (attr as l) { mk_lang l state lexbuf }
(* Management of #include preprocessing directives

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@ -487,19 +487,17 @@ in trace (abstracting_expr_tracer t) @@
return @@ e_sequence a e1'
in List.fold_left apply expr' more)
| ECond c -> (
| ECond c ->
let (c , loc) = r_split c in
let%bind expr = compile_expression c.test in
let%bind match_true = compile_expression c.ifso in
let%bind match_false = compile_expression c.ifnot in
return @@ e_cond ~loc expr match_true match_false
| ECodeInsert ci -> (
let (ci, loc) = r_split ci in
let language = ci.language.value in
let%bind code = compile_expression ci.code in
return @@ e_raw_code ~loc language code
| ECodeInj ci ->
let ci, loc = r_split ci in
let language = ci.language.value.value in
let%bind code = compile_expression ci.code
in ok @@ e_raw_code ~loc language code
and compile_fun lamb' : (expr , abs_error) result =
let return x = ok x in

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@ -411,9 +411,10 @@ let rec compile_expression : CST.expr -> (AST.expr , Errors_pascaligo.abs_error)
let%bind map = bind_map_list aux lst in
return @@ e_big_map ~loc map
| ECodeInsert ci ->
| ECodeInj ci ->
let (ci, loc) = r_split ci in
let (language, _) = r_split ci.language in
let (language, _) = r_split language in
let%bind code = compile_expression ci.code in
return @@ e_raw_code ~loc language code