Alpha, Michelson: gas in typechecking
This commit is contained in:
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '""' '"_abc"'
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '"test"' '"test_abc"'
# Get current steps to quota
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39991
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39973
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit '"4,000,000"'
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ assert_fails $client typecheck data '{ "A" ; "B" ; "B" }' against type '(set str
# Test hash consistency between Michelson and the CLI
hash_result=`$client hash data '(Pair "22220.00" (Pair "2017-12-13T04:49:00Z" 034))' \
of type '(pair tez (pair timestamp int))'`
of type '(pair tez (pair timestamp int))' | grep expr`
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit \
'(Pair "22220.00" (Pair "2017-12-13T04:49:00Z" 034))' "$hash_result"
@ -117,33 +117,34 @@ let trace
Alpha_services.Helpers.trace_code cctxt
block program.expanded (storage.expanded, input.expanded, amount, contract)
let hash_and_sign (data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) (typ : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) sk block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.hash_data cctxt block (data.expanded, typ.expanded) >>=? fun hash ->
let hash_and_sign ?gas (data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) (typ : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) sk block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.hash_data cctxt block (data.expanded, typ.expanded, gas) >>=? fun (hash, gas) ->
Client_keys.sign sk (MBytes.of_string hash) >>=? fun signature ->
let `Hex signature = Signature.to_hex signature in
return (hash, signature)
return (hash, signature, gas)
let typecheck_data
~(data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
~(ty : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed)
block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.typecheck_data cctxt block (data.expanded, ty.expanded)
Alpha_services.Helpers.typecheck_data cctxt block (data.expanded, ty.expanded, gas)
let typecheck_program (program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt block program.expanded
let typecheck_program ?gas (program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) block cctxt =
Alpha_services.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt block (program.expanded, gas)
let print_typecheck_result
~emacs ~show_types ~print_source_on_error
~emacs ~show_types ~print_source_on_error ~original_gas
program res (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) =
if emacs then
let type_map, errs = match res with
| Ok type_map -> type_map, []
let type_map, errs, _gas = match res with
| Ok (type_map, gas) -> (type_map, [], Some gas)
| Error (Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error
(Script_tc_errors.Ill_typed_contract (_, type_map ))
:: _ as errs) ->
type_map, errs
(type_map, errs, None)
| Error errs ->
[], errs in
([], errs, None) in
"(@[<v 0>(types . %a)@ (errors . %a)@])"
Michelson_v1_emacs.print_type_map (program, type_map)
@ -151,9 +152,11 @@ let print_typecheck_result
return ()
match res with
| Ok type_map ->
| Ok (type_map, gas) ->
let program = Michelson_v1_printer.inject_types type_map program in
cctxt#message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas used: %a@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Gas.pp (Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:gas)
Gas.pp gas >>= fun () ->
if show_types then
cctxt#message "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr program >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -51,31 +51,35 @@ val print_trace_result :
tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_and_sign :
?gas:Gas.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Client_keys.sk_uri ->
Block_services.block ->
#Proto_alpha.full ->
(string * string) tzresult Lwt.t
(string * string * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data :
?gas:Proto_alpha.Gas.t ->
data:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
ty:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Block_services.block ->
#Proto_alpha.rpc_context ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
'a ->
'a #Proto_alpha.Alpha_environment.RPC_context.simple ->
Gas.t tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_program :
?gas:Gas.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Block_services.block ->
#Proto_alpha.rpc_context ->
Script_tc_errors.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val print_typecheck_result :
emacs:bool ->
show_types:bool ->
print_source_on_error:bool ->
original_gas:Gas.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map, error list) result ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) tzresult ->
#Client_context.printer ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -206,6 +206,11 @@ let report_errors ~details ~show_source ?parsed ppf errs =
print_source (parsed, hilights) ;
if rest <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
print_trace (parsed_locations parsed) rest
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Gas.Quota_exceeded :: rest ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>Gas limit exceeded during typechecking or execution. Try again with a higher gas limit.@]" ;
if rest <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
print_trace locations rest
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error err :: rest ->
begin match err with
| Apply.Bad_contract_parameter (c, None, _) ->
@ -41,6 +41,22 @@ let commands () =
~doc:"amount of the transfer in \xEA\x9C\xA9"
~default:"0.05" in
let custom_gas_flag =
~doc:"Initial quantity of gas for typechecking and execution"
(fun _ctx str ->
return @@ Proto_alpha.Gas.of_int @@ int_of_string str
with _ ->
failwith "Invalid gas literal: '%s'" str)) in
let resolve_max_gas ctxt block = function
| None -> Alpha_services.Constants.max_gas ctxt block >>=? fun gas ->
return @@ Proto_alpha.Gas.of_int gas
| Some gas -> return gas in
let data_parameter =
Clic.parameter (fun _ data ->
Lwt.return (Micheline_parser.no_parsing_error
@ -102,17 +118,18 @@ let commands () =
run ~amount ~program ~storage ~input cctxt#block cctxt >>= fun res ->
print_run_result cctxt ~show_source ~parsed:program res)) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Ask the node to typecheck a program."
(args3 show_types_switch emacs_mode_switch no_print_source_flag)
(args4 show_types_switch emacs_mode_switch no_print_source_flag custom_gas_flag)
(prefixes [ "typecheck" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun (show_types, emacs_mode, no_print_source) program cctxt ->
(fun (show_types, emacs_mode, no_print_source, original_gas) program cctxt ->
match program with
| program, [] ->
typecheck_program program cctxt#block cctxt >>= fun res ->
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block original_gas >>=? fun original_gas ->
typecheck_program ~gas:original_gas program cctxt#block cctxt >>= fun res ->
~print_source_on_error:(not no_print_source)
@ -135,7 +152,7 @@ let commands () =
) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Ask the node to typecheck a data expression."
(args1 no_print_source_flag)
(args2 no_print_source_flag custom_gas_flag)
(prefixes [ "typecheck" ; "data" ]
@@ Clic.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to typecheck"
@ -143,10 +160,13 @@ let commands () =
@@ Clic.param ~name:"type" ~desc:"the expected type"
@@ stop)
(fun no_print_source data ty cctxt ->
Client_proto_programs.typecheck_data ~data ~ty cctxt#block cctxt >>= function
| Ok () ->
cctxt#message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
(fun (no_print_source, custom_gas) data ty cctxt ->
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block custom_gas >>=? fun original_gas ->
Client_proto_programs.typecheck_data ~gas:original_gas ~data ~ty cctxt#block cctxt >>= function
| Ok gas ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Well typed@,Gas used: %a@,Gas remaining: %a@]"
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:gas)
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp gas >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
@ -160,7 +180,7 @@ let commands () =
~desc: "Ask the node to hash a data expression.\n\
The returned hash is the same as what Michelson \
instruction `H` would have produced."
(args1 custom_gas_flag)
(prefixes [ "hash" ; "data" ]
@@ Clic.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to hash"
@ -168,14 +188,21 @@ let commands () =
@@ Clic.param ~name:"type" ~desc:"type of the data"
@@ stop)
(fun () data typ cctxt ->
(fun custom_gas data typ cctxt ->
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block custom_gas >>=? fun original_gas ->
Alpha_services.Helpers.hash_data cctxt
cctxt#block (data.expanded, typ.expanded) >>= function
| Ok hash ->
cctxt#message "%S" hash >>= fun () ->
cctxt#block (data.expanded, typ.expanded, Some original_gas) >>= function
| Ok (hash, remaining_gas) ->
cctxt#message "%S@,Gas used: %a" hash
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:original_gas ~current:remaining_gas) >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt#error "ill-formed data") ;
command ~group
@ -184,7 +211,7 @@ let commands () =
produce the hash, signs it using a given secret key, and \
displays it using the format expected by Michelson \
instruction `CHECK_SIGNATURE`."
(args1 custom_gas_flag)
(prefixes [ "hash" ; "and" ; "sign" ; "data" ]
@@ Clic.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to hash"
@ -194,12 +221,21 @@ let commands () =
@@ prefixes [ "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.Secret_key.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun () data typ sk cctxt ->
Client_proto_programs.hash_and_sign data typ sk cctxt#block cctxt >>= begin function
| Ok (hash, signature) ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Hash: %S@,Signature: %S@]" hash signature
(fun gas data typ sk cctxt ->
resolve_max_gas cctxt cctxt#block gas >>=? fun gas ->
Client_proto_programs.hash_and_sign ~gas data typ sk cctxt#block cctxt >>= begin function
| Ok (hash, signature, current_gas) ->
cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Hash: %S@,Signature: %S@,Gas used: %a@,Remaining gas: %a@]"
hash signature
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp (Proto_alpha.Gas.used ~original:gas ~current:current_gas)
Proto_alpha.Gas.pp current_gas
| Error errs ->
cctxt#warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt#warning "%a"
errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt#error "ill-formed data"
end >>= return) ;
@ -386,35 +386,35 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
| _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, None, parameters))
| Some script ->
let call_contract argument =
let gas = Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
let call_contract argument gas =
source destination ctxt script amount argument
(Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt))
>>= function
| Ok (storage_res, _res, _steps, ctxt, origination_nonce, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
(* TODO: pay for the steps and the storage diff:
update_script_storage checks the storage cost *)
| Ok (storage_res, _res, gas, ctxt, origination_nonce, maybe_big_map_diff) ->
begin match maybe_big_map_diff with
| None -> return (None, gas)
| Some map ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map gas map >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas) end >>=? fun (diff, _gas) ->
ctxt destination
(match maybe_big_map_diff with
| None -> None
| Some map ->
Some (Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map map)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
storage_res diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source
destination Script_interpreter.dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Error err ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some err) in
Lwt.return (Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel script.code) >>=? fun (arg_type, _, _, _) ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel gas script.code >>=? fun ((arg_type, _, _, _), gas) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
call_contract (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None)))
call_contract (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None))) gas
| Some parameters, _ -> begin
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (parameters, arg_type) >>= function
| Ok () -> call_contract parameters
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt gas (parameters, arg_type) >>= function
| Ok gas -> call_contract parameters gas
| Error errs ->
let err = Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, Some parameters) in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some ((err :: errs)))
@ -423,14 +423,15 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
| Origination { manager ; delegate ; script ;
spendable ; delegatable ; credit } ->
let gas = Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, None)
| None -> return (None, None, gas)
| Some script ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun _ ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff) ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt gas script >>=? fun (_, gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt gas script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, gas) ->
return (Some (script, (Script_interpreter.dummy_code_fee, Script_interpreter.dummy_storage_fee)),
end >>=? fun (script, big_map) ->
big_map_diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (script, big_map, _gas) ->
Contract.spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.originate ctxt
@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ let pp ppf { remaining } =
let of_int remaining = { remaining }
(* Maximum gas representable on a 64 bit system *)
let max_gas = of_int 4611686018427387903
let encoding_cost =
let open Data_encoding in
@ -57,20 +60,36 @@ let bits_per_word = 8 * bytes_per_word
let words_of_bits n =
n / bits_per_word
let check gas =
let check_error gas =
if Compare.Int.(gas.remaining <= 0)
then fail Quota_exceeded
else return ()
then error Quota_exceeded
else ok ()
let check gas =
Lwt.return @@ check_error gas
let word_cost = 2
let step_cost = 1
let used ~original ~current =
{ remaining = original.remaining - current.remaining }
let consume t cost =
{ remaining =
- word_cost * cost.allocations
- step_cost * cost.steps }
let consume_check gas cost =
let gas = consume gas cost in
check gas >>|? fun () ->
let consume_check_error gas cost =
let gas = consume gas cost in
check_error gas >|? fun () ->
(* Cost for heap allocating n words of data. *)
let alloc_cost n =
{ allocations = n + 1 ;
@ -97,6 +116,7 @@ let max = Compare.Int.max
module Cost_of = struct
let cycle = step_cost 1
let typechecking_cycle = cycle
let nop = free
let stack_op = step_cost 1
@ -113,9 +133,12 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let branch = step_cost 2
let string length =
alloc_cost (length / bytes_per_word)
let concat s1 s2 =
let (+) = Pervasives.(+) in
alloc_cost ((String.length s1 + String.length s2) / bytes_per_word)
string ((String.length s1 + String.length s2) / bytes_per_word)
(* Cost per cycle of a loop, fold, etc *)
let loop_cycle = step_cost 2
@ -159,7 +182,7 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let set_mem key set = step_cost (set_access key set)
let set_update key _value set =
let set_update key _presence set =
set_access key set * alloc_cost 3
(* for LEFT, RIGHT, SOME *)
@ -247,7 +270,6 @@ module Cost_of = struct
Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint x) -
unopt (Script_int.to_int y) ~default:max_int)
let exec = step_cost 1
let push = step_cost 1
@ -281,8 +303,105 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let compare_key_hash _ _ = alloc_cost (36 / bytes_per_word)
let compare_timestamp t1 t2 = compare_zint (Script_timestamp.to_zint t1) (Script_timestamp.to_zint t2)
module Typechecking = struct
let cycle = step_cost 1
let bool = free
let unit = free
let string = string
let int_of_string str =
alloc_cost @@ (Pervasives.(/) (String.length str) 5)
let tez = step_cost 1 + alloc_cost 1
let string_timestamp = step_cost 3 + alloc_cost 3
let key = step_cost 3 + alloc_cost 3
let key_hash = step_cost 1 + alloc_cost 1
let signature = step_cost 1 + alloc_cost 1
let contract = step_cost 5
let get_script = step_cost 20 + alloc_cost 5
let contract_exists = step_cost 15 + alloc_cost 5
let pair = alloc_cost 2
let union = alloc_cost 1
let lambda = alloc_cost 5 + step_cost 3
let some = alloc_cost 1
let none = alloc_cost 0
let list_element = alloc_cost 2 + step_cost 1
let set_element = alloc_cost 3 + step_cost 2
let map_element = alloc_cost 4 + step_cost 2
let primitive_type = alloc_cost 1
let one_arg_type = alloc_cost 2
let two_arg_type = alloc_cost 3
module Unparse = struct
let prim_cost = alloc_cost 4 (* location, primitive name, list, annotation *)
let string_cost length =
alloc_cost 3 + alloc_cost (length / bytes_per_word)
let cycle = step_cost 1
let bool = prim_cost
let unit = prim_cost
let string s = string_cost (String.length s)
(* Approximates log10(x) *)
let int i =
let decimal_digits = (Z.numbits (Z.abs (Script_int.to_zint i))) / 4 in
prim_cost + (alloc_cost @@ decimal_digits / bytes_per_word)
let tez = string_cost 19 (* max length of 64 bit int *)
let timestamp x = Script_timestamp.to_zint x |> Script_int.of_zint |> int
let key = string_cost 54
let key_hash = string_cost 36
let signature = string_cost 128
let contract = string_cost 36
let pair = prim_cost + alloc_cost 4
let union = prim_cost + alloc_cost 2
let lambda = prim_cost + alloc_cost 3
let some = prim_cost + alloc_cost 2
let none = prim_cost
let list_element = prim_cost + alloc_cost 2
let set_element = alloc_cost 2
let map_element = alloc_cost 2
let primitive_type = prim_cost
let one_arg_type = prim_cost + alloc_cost 2
let two_arg_type = prim_cost + alloc_cost 4
let set_to_list = set_to_list
let map_to_list = map_to_list
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left ?(cycle_cost = Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f acc l =
consume_check gas cycle_cost >>=? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> return (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left gas f acc tl
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right ?(cycle_cost = Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f base l =
consume_check gas cycle_cost >>=? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> return (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right gas f base tl >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right_error ?(cycle_cost = Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f base l =
consume_check_error gas cycle_cost >>? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> ok (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right_error gas f base tl >>? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left_error ?(cycle_cost = Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f acc l =
consume_check_error gas cycle_cost >>? fun gas ->
match l with
| [] -> ok (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left_error gas f acc tl
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
@ -21,12 +21,20 @@ val encoding_cost : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
val check : t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val consume_check : t -> cost -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val check_error : t -> unit tzresult
val consume_check_error : t -> cost -> t tzresult
type error += Quota_exceeded
val of_int : int -> t
val used : original:t -> current:t -> t
val max_gas : t
module Cost_of : sig
val cycle : cost
val typechecking_cycle : cost
val loop_cycle : cost
val list_size : cost
val nop : cost
@ -52,7 +60,7 @@ module Cost_of : sig
val big_map_get : 'key -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> cost
val big_map_update : 'key -> 'value option -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> cost
val set_to_list : 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val set_update : 'a -> 'b -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val set_update : 'a -> bool -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val set_mem : 'a -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val mul : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val div : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
@ -103,5 +111,97 @@ module Cost_of : sig
val compare_nat : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> cost
val compare_key_hash : 'a -> 'b -> cost
val compare_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> Script_timestamp.t -> cost
module Typechecking : sig
val cycle : cost
val unit : cost
val bool : cost
val tez : cost
val string : int -> cost
val int_of_string : string -> cost
val string_timestamp : cost
val key : cost
val key_hash : cost
val signature : cost
val contract : cost
(** Cost of getting the code for a contract *)
val get_script : cost
val contract_exists : cost
(** Additional cost of parsing a pair over the cost of parsing each type *)
val pair : cost
val union : cost
val lambda : cost
val some : cost
val none : cost
val list_element : cost
val set_element : cost
val map_element : cost
val primitive_type : cost
val one_arg_type : cost
val two_arg_type : cost
module Unparse : sig
val cycle : cost
val unit : cost
val bool : cost
val int : 'a Script_int.num -> cost
val tez : cost
val string : string -> cost
val timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> cost
val key : cost
val key_hash : cost
val signature : cost
val contract : cost
(** Additional cost of parsing a pair over the cost of parsing each type *)
val pair : cost
val union : cost
val lambda : cost
val some : cost
val none : cost
val list_element : cost
val set_element : cost
val map_element : cost
val primitive_type : cost
val one_arg_type : cost
val two_arg_type : cost
val set_to_list : 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> cost
val map_to_list : ('a, 'b) -> cost
val fold_left : ?cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t
val fold_right : ?cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult Lwt.t
val fold_right_error : ?cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult
val fold_left_error : ?cycle_cost:cost ->
t ->
(t -> 'a -> 'b -> ('b * t) tzresult) ->
'b -> 'a list -> ('b * t) tzresult
@ -77,8 +77,12 @@ module S = struct
~description: "Typecheck a piece of code in the current context"
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Script.expr_encoding
~output: Script_tc_errors_registration.type_map_enc
~input: (obj2
(req "program" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
~output: (obj2
(req "type_map" Script_tc_errors_registration.type_map_enc)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "typecheck_code")
let typecheck_data =
@ -86,19 +90,25 @@ module S = struct
~description: "Check that some data expression is well formed \
and of a given type in the current context"
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj2
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding))
~output: empty
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
~output: (obj1 (req "gas" Gas.encoding))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "typecheck_data")
let hash_data =
~description: "Computes the hash of some data expression \
using the same algorithm as script instruction H"
~input: (obj2 (req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding))
~output: (obj1 (req "hash" string))
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" Gas.encoding))
~output: (obj2
(req "hash" string)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
~query: RPC_query.empty
RPC_path.(custom_root / "hash_data")
@ -191,17 +201,30 @@ let () =
|||| maybe_big_map_diff
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_code begin fun ctxt () ->
register0 S.typecheck_code begin fun ctxt () (expr, maybe_gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_code ctxt
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_data begin fun ctxt () ->
register0 S.typecheck_data begin fun ctxt () (data, ty, maybe_gas) ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
(data, ty)
end ;
register0 S.hash_data begin fun ctxt () (expr, typ) ->
register0 S.hash_data begin fun ctxt () (expr, typ, maybe_gas) ->
let open Script_ir_translator in
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty false (Micheline.root typ) >>=? fun (Ex_ty typ, _) ->
parse_data ctxt typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun data ->
return (Script_ir_translator.hash_data typ data)
Lwt.return @@
(match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.of_int (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
| Some gas -> gas)
false (Micheline.root typ) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty typ, _), gas) ->
parse_data ctxt gas typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, gas) ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.hash_data gas typ data
end ;
register1 S.level begin fun ctxt raw () offset ->
return (Level.from_raw ctxt ?offset raw)
@ -37,15 +37,16 @@ val trace_code:
val typecheck_code:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr -> Script_tc_errors.type_map shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> (Script.expr * Gas.t option) ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> unit shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * (Gas.t option) -> Gas.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> string shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * (Gas.t option) -> (string * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val level:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
@ -69,26 +69,10 @@ let rec unparse_stack
= function
| Empty, Empty_t -> []
| Item (v, rest), Item_t (ty, rest_ty, _) ->
Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data ty v) :: unparse_stack (rest, rest_ty)
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_left_gas ?(cycle_cost = Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f acc l =
let gas = Gas.consume gas cycle_cost in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match l with
| [] -> return (acc, gas)
| hd :: tl -> f gas hd acc >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
fold_left_gas gas f acc tl
(* f should fail if it does not receive sufficient gas *)
let rec fold_right_gas ?(cycle_cost = Gas.Cost_of.loop_cycle) gas f base l =
let gas = Gas.consume gas cycle_cost in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
match l with
| [] -> return (base, gas)
| hd :: tl ->
fold_right_gas gas f base tl >>=? fun (acc, gas) ->
f gas hd acc
(* Meant to be more gas than you can consume as this function is only used for debugging/errors *)
match unparse_data (Gas.of_int 1000000000) ty v with
| Ok (data, _) -> (Micheline.strip_locations data) :: (unparse_stack (rest, rest_ty))
| Error _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Internal error: raise gas limit for unparse_stack"
let rec interp
: type p r.
@ -101,7 +85,7 @@ let rec interp
: type b a.
Contract.origination_nonce -> Gas.t -> context -> (b, a) descr -> b stack ->
(a stack * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t =
fun origination gas ctxt ({ instr ; loc } as descr) stack ->
fun origination gas ctxt ({ instr ; loc ; _ } as descr) stack ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.cycle in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let logged_return : type a b.
@ -187,7 +171,8 @@ let rec interp
Prim (0, K_return, [ unparse_ty None return_type ], None) ;
Prim (0, K_storage, [ unparse_ty None storage_type ], None) ;
Prim (0, K_code, [ Micheline.root code ], None) ], None)) in
let storage = Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type init) in
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data gas storage_type init >>=? fun (storage, gas) ->
let storage = Micheline.strip_locations storage in
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.originate ctxt
@ -272,7 +257,7 @@ let rec interp
| If_cons (bt, _), Item (hd :: tl, rest) ->
step origination (Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.branch) ctxt bt (Item (hd, Item (tl, rest)))
| List_map, Item (lam, Item (l, rest)) ->
fold_right_gas gas (fun gas arg (tail, ctxt, origination) ->
Gas.fold_right gas (fun gas arg (tail, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam arg
>>=? fun (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return ((ret :: tail, ctxt, origination), gas))
@ -293,7 +278,7 @@ let rec interp
in help rest gas l >>=? fun (res, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
logged_return ~origination (res, gas, ctxt)
| List_reduce, Item (lam, Item (l, Item (init, rest))) ->
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -301,14 +286,14 @@ let rec interp
(init, ctxt, origination) l >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| List_size, Item (list, rest) ->
fold_left_gas ~cycle_cost:Gas.Cost_of.list_size gas
Gas.fold_left ~cycle_cost:Gas.Cost_of.list_size gas
(fun gas _ len ->
return (len + 1, gas))
list >>=? fun (len, gas) ->
logged_return (Item (Script_int.(abs (of_int len)), rest), gas, ctxt)
| List_iter body, Item (l, init_stack) ->
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -323,7 +308,7 @@ let rec interp
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (set_fold (fun e acc -> e :: acc) set []) in
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -331,7 +316,7 @@ let rec interp
(init, ctxt, origination) items >>=? fun ((res, ctxt, origination), gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Set_iter body, Item (set, init_stack) ->
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -353,7 +338,7 @@ let rec interp
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas (k, v) (acc, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (k, v)
>>=? fun (ret, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -365,7 +350,7 @@ let rec interp
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (partial, ctxt, origination) ->
interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt lam (arg, partial)
>>=? fun (partial, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -377,7 +362,7 @@ let rec interp
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let items =
List.rev (map_fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) map []) in
fold_left_gas gas
Gas.fold_left gas
(fun gas arg (stack, ctxt, origination) ->
step origination gas ctxt body (Item (arg, stack))
>>=? fun (stack, gas, ctxt, origination) ->
@ -396,12 +381,12 @@ let rec interp
| Big_map_mem, Item (key, Item (map, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.big_map_mem key map) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Script_ir_translator.big_map_mem ctxt source key map >>= fun res ->
Script_ir_translator.big_map_mem ctxt gas source key map >>=? fun (res, gas) ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Big_map_get, Item (key, Item (map, rest)) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.big_map_get key map) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
Script_ir_translator.big_map_get ctxt source key map >>=? fun res ->
Script_ir_translator.big_map_get ctxt gas source key map >>=? fun (res, gas) ->
logged_return (Item (res, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Big_map_update, Item (key, Item (maybe_value, Item (map, rest))) ->
gas_check_terop descr
@ -654,10 +639,16 @@ let rec interp
Contract.spend_from_script ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? fun destination_script ->
let sto = Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type storage) in
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt source sto
( ~f:Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map
(Script_ir_translator.extract_big_map storage_type storage)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (unparse_data gas storage_type storage) >>=? fun (sto, gas) ->
let sto = Micheline.strip_locations sto in
begin match Script_ir_translator.extract_big_map storage_type storage with
| None ->
return (None, gas)
| Some diff ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map gas diff >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt source sto diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source:orig source dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match destination_script with
| None ->
@ -666,22 +657,28 @@ let rec interp
record_trace (Invalid_contract (loc, destination))) >>=? fun Eq ->
return (ctxt, gas, origination)
| Some script ->
let p = unparse_data tp p in
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data gas tp p >>=? fun (p, gas) ->
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p gas
>>=? fun (csto, ret, gas, ctxt, origination, maybe_diff) ->
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt destination csto
( ~f:Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map maybe_diff) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match maybe_diff with
| None ->
return (None, gas)
| Some diff ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map gas diff >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (maybe_diff, gas) ->
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt destination csto maybe_diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Invalid_contract (loc, destination))
(parse_data ctxt Unit_t ret) >>=? fun () ->
(parse_data ctxt gas Unit_t ret) >>=? fun ((), gas) ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source:orig
destination dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, gas, origination)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, gas, origination) ->
Contract.get_script ctxt source >>=? (function
| None -> assert false
| Some { storage } ->
parse_data ctxt storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun sto ->
| Some { storage; _ } ->
parse_data ctxt gas storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun (sto, gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item ((), Item (sto, Empty)), gas, ctxt))
| Transfer_tokens storage_type,
@ -693,27 +690,38 @@ let rec interp
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? function
| None -> fail (Invalid_contract (loc, destination))
| Some script ->
let maybe_diff = Script_ir_translator.(
|||| ~f:to_serializable_big_map
@@ extract_big_map storage_type sto) in
let sto = Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type sto) in
begin match extract_big_map storage_type sto with
| None ->
return (None, gas)
| Some diff ->
to_serializable_big_map gas diff >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (maybe_diff, gas) ->
Lwt.return (unparse_data gas storage_type sto) >>=? fun (sto, gas) ->
let sto = Micheline.strip_locations sto in
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt source sto maybe_diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source:orig
source dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
let p = unparse_data tp p in
Lwt.return (unparse_data gas tp p) >>=? fun (p, gas) ->
execute origination source destination ctxt script amount p gas
>>=? fun (sto, ret, gas, ctxt, origination, maybe_diff) ->
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt destination sto
( ~f:Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map maybe_diff) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match maybe_diff with
| None ->
return (None, gas)
| Some diff ->
Script_ir_translator.to_serializable_big_map gas diff >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
return (Some diff, gas)
end >>=? fun (diff, gas) ->
Contract.update_script_storage ctxt destination sto diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.update_script_storage ctxt ~source:orig
destination dummy_storage_fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
(Invalid_contract (loc, destination))
(parse_data ctxt tr ret) >>=? fun v ->
(parse_data ctxt gas tr ret) >>=? fun (v, gas) ->
Contract.get_script ctxt source >>=? (function
| None -> assert false
| Some { storage } ->
parse_data ctxt storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun sto ->
| Some { storage ; _ } ->
parse_data ctxt gas storage_type (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun (sto, gas) ->
logged_return ~origination (Item (v, Item (sto, Empty)), gas, ctxt))
| Create_account,
@ -771,9 +779,8 @@ let rec interp
| Hash_key, Item (key, rest) ->
logged_return (Item (Signature.Public_key.hash key, rest), Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.hash_key, ctxt)
| H ty, Item (v, rest) ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas (Gas.Cost_of.hash v) in
Gas.check gas >>=? fun () ->
let hash = hash_data ty v in
Gas.consume_check gas (Gas.Cost_of.hash v) >>=? fun gas ->
Lwt.return @@ hash_data gas ty v >>=? fun (hash, gas) ->
logged_return (Item (hash, rest), gas, ctxt)
| Steps_to_quota, rest ->
let gas = Gas.consume gas Gas.Cost_of.steps_to_quota in
@ -804,17 +811,17 @@ let rec interp
and execute ?log origination orig source ctxt script amount arg gas :
(Script.expr * Script.node * Gas.t * context * Contract.origination_nonce *
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) tzresult Lwt.t =
parse_script ctxt script
>>=? fun (Ex_script { code; arg_type; ret_type; storage; storage_type }) ->
parse_data ctxt arg_type arg >>=? fun arg ->
parse_script ctxt gas script
>>=? fun ((Ex_script { code; arg_type; ret_type; storage; storage_type }), gas) ->
parse_data ctxt gas arg_type arg >>=? fun (arg, gas) ->
(Runtime_contract_error (source, script.code))
(interp ?log origination gas orig source amount ctxt code (arg, storage))
>>=? fun ((ret, storage), gas, ctxt, origination) ->
return (Micheline.strip_locations (unparse_data storage_type storage),
unparse_data ret_type ret,
gas, ctxt, origination,
Script_ir_translator.extract_big_map storage_type storage)
>>=? fun ((ret, sto), gas, ctxt, origination) ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data gas storage_type sto >>=? fun (storage, gas) ->
Lwt.return @@ unparse_data gas ret_type ret >>=? fun (ret, gas) ->
return (Micheline.strip_locations storage, ret, gas, ctxt, origination,
Script_ir_translator.extract_big_map storage_type sto)
let trace origination orig source ctxt script amount arg gas =
let log = ref [] in
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -38,10 +38,15 @@ val map_get : 'key -> ('key, 'value) -> 'value option
val map_key_ty : ('a, 'b) -> 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty
val map_size : ('a, 'b) -> Script_int.n Script_int.num
val big_map_mem : context -> Alpha_context.Contract.t -> 'key -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> bool Lwt.t
val big_map_mem :
context -> Gas.t -> Contract.t -> 'key ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
(bool * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val big_map_get :
context -> Alpha_context.Contract.t -> 'key -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
'value option tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Gas.t ->
Contract.t -> 'key ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
('value option * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val big_map_update :
'key -> 'value option -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map ->
('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map
@ -52,36 +57,42 @@ val ty_eq :
val parse_data :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node -> ('a * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val unparse_data :
'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> Script.node
Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * Gas.t) tzresult
val parse_ty : bool ->
Script.node -> (ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) tzresult
val parse_ty :
Gas.t -> bool -> Script.node ->
((ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) * Gas.t) tzresult
val unparse_ty :
string option -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node
val parse_toplevel
: Script.expr -> (Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) tzresult
: Gas.t -> Script.expr -> ((Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) * Gas.t) tzresult
val typecheck_code :
context -> Script.expr -> type_map tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Gas.t -> Script.expr -> (type_map * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Gas.t -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> Gas.t tzresult Lwt.t
val parse_script :
?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Script.t -> ex_script tzresult Lwt.t
context -> Gas.t -> Script.t -> (ex_script * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> string
val hash_data : Gas.t -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (string * Gas.t) tzresult
val extract_big_map : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option
val to_serializable_big_map : Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map -> Contract_storage.big_map_diff
val to_serializable_big_map :
Gas.t -> Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Contract_storage.big_map_diff * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val to_printable_big_map : Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map -> (Script.expr * Script.expr option) list
val to_printable_big_map :
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr option) list
val erase_big_map_initialization : context -> Script.t ->
(Script.t * Contract_storage.big_map_diff option) tzresult Lwt.t
val erase_big_map_initialization :
context -> Gas.t -> Script.t ->
(Script.t * Contract_storage.big_map_diff option * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ let ex_ty_enc =
(fun (Ex_ty ty) -> strip_locations (unparse_ty None ty))
(fun expr ->
match parse_ty true (root expr) with
| Ok (Ex_ty ty, _) -> Ex_ty ty
match parse_ty (Gas.of_int 10000000000) true (root expr) with
| Ok ((Ex_ty ty, _), _) -> Ex_ty ty
| _ -> Ex_ty Unit_t (* FIXME: ? *))
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ let code = {|
let storage = {| Pair { Elt "A" 1 ; Elt "B" 2 } Unit |}
let expect_big_map tc contract print_key key_type print_data data_type contents =
let expect_big_map tc contract print_key ?(gas=Proto_alpha.Gas.max_gas) key_type print_data data_type contents =
let open Proto_alpha.Error_monad in
(fun (n, exp) ->
let key = Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data key_type n in
Lwt.return @@ Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.hash_data gas key_type n >>=? fun (key, gas) ->
Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Contract.Big_map.get_opt tc contract key >>=? fun data ->
match data, exp with
| None, None ->
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ let expect_big_map tc contract print_key key_type print_data data_type contents
debug " - big_map[%a] is not defined (error)" print_key n ;
Helpers_assert.fail_msg "Wrong big map contents"
| Some data, None ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun data ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc gas data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _gas) ->
debug " - big_map[%a] = %a (error)" print_key n print_data data ;
Helpers_assert.fail_msg "Wrong big map contents"
| Some data, Some exp ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun data ->
Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc gas data_type (Micheline.root data) >>=? fun (data, _gas) ->
debug " - big_map[%a] = %a (expected %a)" print_key n print_data data print_data exp ;
Helpers_assert.equal data exp ;
return ())
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ let test_example () =
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "exec_concat" "Unit" "\"test\"" "\"test_abc\"" >>=? fun _ ->
(* Get current steps to quota *)
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39991" >>=? fun _ ->
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39973" >>=? fun _ ->
let bootstrap_0 = List.nth Account.bootstrap_accounts 0 in
get_balance_res bootstrap_0 sb >>=?? fun _balance ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user