Data_encoding: add combinator for positive big number
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ type write_error =
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_natural
let pp_write_error ppf = function
let pp_write_error ppf = function
| Size_limit_exceeded ->
| Size_limit_exceeded ->
@ -65,5 +66,7 @@ let pp_write_error ppf = function
Format.fprintf ppf
Format.fprintf ppf
"Invalid string length (expected: %d ; found %d)"
"Invalid string length (expected: %d ; found %d)"
expected found
expected found
| Invalid_natural ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Negative natural"
exception Write_error of write_error
exception Write_error of write_error
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ type write_error =
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_natural
val pp_write_error : Format.formatter -> write_error -> unit
val pp_write_error : Format.formatter -> write_error -> unit
@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
open Binary_error
open Binary_error
let n_length value =
let bits = Z.numbits value in
if bits = 0 then 1 else (bits + 6) / 7
let z_length value = (Z.numbits value + 1 + 6) / 7
let rec length : type x. x Encoding.t -> x -> int =
let rec length : type x. x Encoding.t -> x -> int =
fun e value ->
fun e value ->
let open Encoding in
let open Encoding in
@ -25,7 +30,8 @@ let rec length : type x. x Encoding.t -> x -> int =
| Int31 -> Binary_size.int31
| Int31 -> Binary_size.int31
| Int32 -> Binary_size.int32
| Int32 -> Binary_size.int32
| Int64 -> Binary_size.int64
| Int64 -> Binary_size.int64
| Z -> (Z.numbits value + 1 + 6) / 7
| N -> n_length value
| Z -> z_length value
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } ->
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } ->
Binary_size.integer_to_size @@
Binary_size.integer_to_size @@
Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum
Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum
@ -13,3 +13,6 @@
val length : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> int
val length : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> int
val fixed_length : 'a Encoding.t -> int option
val fixed_length : 'a Encoding.t -> int option
val fixed_length_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> int
val fixed_length_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> int
val z_length : Z.t -> int
val n_length : Z.t -> int
@ -83,33 +83,43 @@ module Atom = struct
raise (Invalid_float { min = minimum ; v = ranged ; max = maximum }) ;
raise (Invalid_float { min = minimum ; v = ranged ; max = maximum }) ;
let z state =
let rec read_z res value bit_in_value state =
let res = Buffer.create 100 in
let byte = uint8 state in
let value = value lor ((byte land 0x7F) lsl bit_in_value) in
let bit_in_value = bit_in_value + 7 in
let bit_in_value, value =
if bit_in_value < 8 then
(bit_in_value, value)
else begin
Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr (value land 0xFF)) ;
bit_in_value - 8, value lsr 8
end in
if byte land 0x80 = 0x80 then
read_z res value bit_in_value state
else begin
if bit_in_value > 0 then Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr value) ;
if byte = 0x00 then raise Trailing_zero ;
Z.of_bits (Buffer.contents res)
let n state =
let first = uint8 state in
let first = uint8 state in
if first = 0 then
let first_value = first land 0x7F in
if first land 0x80 = 0x80 then
read_z (Buffer.create 100) first_value 7 state
let first_value = first land 0x3F in
Z.of_int first_value
let sign = (first land 0x40) <> 0 in
let rec read prev value bit state =
let z state =
if prev land 0x80 = 0x00 then begin
let first = uint8 state in
if bit > 0 then Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr value) ;
let first_value = first land 0x3F in
if prev = 0x00 then raise Trailing_zero ;
let sign = (first land 0x40) <> 0 in
let bits = Buffer.contents res in
if first land 0x80 = 0x80 then
let res = Z.of_bits bits in
let n = read_z (Buffer.create 100) first_value 6 state in
if sign then Z.neg res else res
if sign then Z.neg n else n
end else
let byte = uint8 state in
let n = Z.of_int first_value in
let value = value lor ((byte land 0x7F) lsl bit) in
if sign then Z.neg n else n
let bit = bit + 7 in
let bit, value =
if bit >= 8 then begin
Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr (value land 0xFF)) ;
bit - 8, value lsr 8
end else
bit, value in
read byte value bit state in
read first first_value 6 state
let string_enum arr state =
let string_enum arr state =
let read_index =
let read_index =
@ -153,6 +163,7 @@ let rec read_rec : type ret. ret Encoding.t -> state -> ret
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 state
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 state
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 state
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 state
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 state
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 state
| N -> Atom.n state
| Z -> Atom.z state
| Z -> Atom.z state
| Float -> Atom.float state
| Float -> Atom.float state
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_length_bytes n state
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_length_bytes n state
@ -132,38 +132,46 @@ module Atom = struct
k (ranged, state)
k (ranged, state)
let z resume state k =
let rec read_z res value bit_in_value state k =
let res = Buffer.create 100 in
let resume buffer =
let stream = Binary_stream.push buffer in
read_z res value bit_in_value { state with stream } k in
uint8 resume state @@ fun (byte, state) ->
let value = value lor ((byte land 0x7F) lsl bit_in_value) in
let bit_in_value = bit_in_value + 7 in
let bit_in_value, value =
if bit_in_value < 8 then
(bit_in_value, value)
else begin
Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr (value land 0xFF)) ;
bit_in_value - 8, value lsr 8
end in
if byte land 0x80 = 0x80 then
read_z res value bit_in_value state k
else begin
if bit_in_value > 0 then Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr value) ;
if byte = 0x00 then raise Trailing_zero ;
k (Z.of_bits (Buffer.contents res), state)
let n resume state k =
uint8 resume state @@ fun (first, state) ->
uint8 resume state @@ fun (first, state) ->
if first = 0 then
let first_value = first land 0x7F in
k (, state)
if first land 0x80 = 0x80 then
read_z (Buffer.create 100) first_value 7 state k
let first_value = first land 0x3F in
k (Z.of_int first_value, state)
let sign = (first land 0x40) <> 0 in
let rec read prev value bit state =
let z resume state k =
if prev land 0x80 = 0x00 then begin
uint8 resume state @@ fun (first, state) ->
if bit > 0 then Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr value) ;
let first_value = first land 0x3F in
if prev = 0x00 then raise Trailing_zero ;
let sign = (first land 0x40) <> 0 in
let bits = Buffer.contents res in
if first land 0x80 = 0x80 then
let res = Z.of_bits bits in
read_z (Buffer.create 100) first_value 6 state @@ fun (n, state) ->
let res = if sign then Z.neg res else res in
k ((if sign then Z.neg n else n), state)
k (res, state)
end else
let n = Z.of_int first_value in
let resume buffer =
k ((if sign then Z.neg n else n), state)
let stream = Binary_stream.push buffer in
uint8 resume { state with stream } (read_next value bit) in
uint8 resume state (read_next value bit)
and read_next value bit (byte, state) =
let value = value lor ((byte land 0x7F) lsl bit) in
let bit = bit + 7 in
let bit, value =
if bit >= 8 then begin
Buffer.add_char res (Char.unsafe_chr (value land 0xFF)) ;
bit - 8, value lsr 8
end else
bit, value in
read byte value bit state in
read first first_value 6 state
let string_enum arr resume state k =
let string_enum arr resume state k =
let read_index =
let read_index =
@ -215,6 +223,7 @@ let rec read_rec
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 resume state k
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 resume state k
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 resume state k
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 resume state k
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 resume state k
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 resume state k
| N -> Atom.n resume state k
| Z -> Atom.z resume state k
| Z -> Atom.z resume state k
| Float -> Atom.float resume state k
| Float -> Atom.float resume state k
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_length_bytes n resume state k
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_length_bytes n resume state k
@ -124,6 +124,24 @@ module Atom = struct
| `Int16 -> int16 state v
| `Int16 -> int16 state v
| `Int31 -> int31 state v
| `Int31 -> int31 state v
let n state v =
if (Z.sign v < 0) then raise Invalid_natural ;
if Z.equal v then
uint8 state 0x00
let bits = Z.numbits v in
let get_chunk pos len = Z.to_int (Z.extract v pos len) in
let length = Binary_length.n_length v in
let offset = state.offset in
may_resize state length ;
for i = 0 to length - 1 do
let pos = i * 7 in
let chunk_len = if i = length - 1 then bits - pos else 7 in
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer (offset + i)
((if i = length - 1 then 0x00 else 0x80)
lor (get_chunk pos chunk_len))
let z state v =
let z state v =
let sign = Z.sign v < 0 in
let sign = Z.sign v < 0 in
let bits = Z.numbits v in
let bits = Z.numbits v in
@ -132,7 +150,7 @@ module Atom = struct
let v = Z.abs v in
let v = Z.abs v in
let get_chunk pos len = Z.to_int (Z.extract v pos len) in
let get_chunk pos len = Z.to_int (Z.extract v pos len) in
let length = (bits + 1 + 6) / 7 in
let length = Binary_length.z_length v in
let offset = state.offset in
let offset = state.offset in
may_resize state length ;
may_resize state length ;
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer offset
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer offset
@ -143,7 +161,7 @@ module Atom = struct
let pos = 6 + (i - 1) * 7 in
let pos = 6 + (i - 1) * 7 in
let chunk_len = if i = length - 1 then bits - pos else 7 in
let chunk_len = if i = length - 1 then bits - pos else 7 in
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer (offset + i)
MBytes.set_int8 state.buffer (offset + i)
((if i = bits / 7 then 0x00 else 0x80)
((if i = length - 1 then 0x00 else 0x80)
lor (get_chunk pos chunk_len))
lor (get_chunk pos chunk_len))
@ -204,6 +222,7 @@ let rec write_rec : type a. a Encoding.t -> state -> a -> unit =
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 state value
| Int31 -> Atom.int31 state value
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 state value
| Int32 -> Atom.int32 state value
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 state value
| Int64 -> Atom.int64 state value
| N -> Atom.n state value
| Z -> Atom.z state value
| Z -> Atom.z state value
| Float -> Atom.float state value
| Float -> Atom.float state value
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_kind_bytes n state value
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> Atom.fixed_kind_bytes n state value
@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ module Encoding: sig
absolute value of the number in little endian order. *)
absolute value of the number in little endian order. *)
val z : Z.t encoding
val z : Z.t encoding
(** Positive big number, sedd [z]. *)
val n : Z.t encoding
(** Encoding of floating point number
(** Encoding of floating point number
(encoded as a floating point number in JSON and a double in binary). *)
(encoded as a floating point number in JSON and a double in binary). *)
val float : float encoding
val float : float encoding
@ -576,6 +579,7 @@ module Binary: sig
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int }
| Invalid_natural
val pp_write_error : Format.formatter -> write_error -> unit
val pp_write_error : Format.formatter -> write_error -> unit
exception Write_error of write_error
exception Write_error of write_error
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ type 'a desc =
| Int31 : int desc
| Int31 : int desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| N : Z.t desc
| Z : Z.t desc
| Z : Z.t desc
| RangedInt : { minimum : int ; maximum : int } -> int desc
| RangedInt : { minimum : int ; maximum : int } -> int desc
| RangedFloat : { minimum : float ; maximum : float } -> float desc
| RangedFloat : { minimum : float ; maximum : float } -> float desc
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ let rec classify : type a. a t -> Kind.t = fun e ->
| Int31 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int31
| Int31 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int31
| Int32 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int32
| Int32 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int32
| Int64 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int64
| Int64 -> `Fixed Binary_size.int64
| N -> `Dynamic
| Z -> `Dynamic
| Z -> `Dynamic
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } ->
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } ->
`Fixed Binary_size.(integer_to_size @@ range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum)
`Fixed Binary_size.(integer_to_size @@ range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum)
@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ let rec is_zeroable: type t. t encoding -> bool = fun e ->
| Int31 -> false
| Int31 -> false
| Int32 -> false
| Int32 -> false
| Int64 -> false
| Int64 -> false
| N -> false
| Z -> false
| Z -> false
| RangedInt _ -> false
| RangedInt _ -> false
| RangedFloat _ -> false
| RangedFloat _ -> false
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@ let ranged_float minimum maximum =
and maximum = max minimum maximum in
and maximum = max minimum maximum in
make @@ RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum }
make @@ RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum }
let int64 = make @@ Int64
let int64 = make @@ Int64
let n = make @@ N
let z = make @@ Z
let z = make @@ Z
let float = make @@ Float
let float = make @@ Float
@ -546,6 +550,7 @@ let rec is_nullable: type t. t encoding -> bool = fun e ->
| Int31 -> false
| Int31 -> false
| Int32 -> false
| Int32 -> false
| Int64 -> false
| Int64 -> false
| N -> false
| Z -> false
| Z -> false
| RangedInt _ -> false
| RangedInt _ -> false
| RangedFloat _ -> false
| RangedFloat _ -> false
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ type 'a desc =
| Int31 : int desc
| Int31 : int desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| N : Z.t desc
| Z : Z.t desc
| Z : Z.t desc
| RangedInt : { minimum : int ; maximum : int } -> int desc
| RangedInt : { minimum : int ; maximum : int } -> int desc
| RangedFloat : { minimum : float ; maximum : float } -> float desc
| RangedFloat : { minimum : float ; maximum : float } -> float desc
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ val uint16 : int encoding
val int31 : int encoding
val int31 : int encoding
val int32 : int32 encoding
val int32 : int32 encoding
val int64 : int64 encoding
val int64 : int64 encoding
val n : Z.t encoding
val z : Z.t encoding
val z : Z.t encoding
val ranged_int : int -> int -> int encoding
val ranged_int : int -> int -> int encoding
val ranged_float : float -> float -> float encoding
val ranged_float : float -> float -> float encoding
@ -44,6 +44,24 @@ let int64_encoding =
let n_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
def "positive_bignum" @@
~title: "Positive big number"
~description: "Decimal representation of a positive big number" @@
(fun z ->
if Z.sign z < 0 then
raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], Failure "negative natural")) ;
Z.to_string z)
(fun s ->
let n = Z.of_string s in
if Z.sign n < 0 then
raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], Failure "negative natural")) ;
let z_encoding =
let z_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
let open Json_encoding in
def "bignum" @@
def "bignum" @@
@ -155,6 +173,7 @@ let rec json : type a. a Encoding.desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
| Int31 -> int
| Int31 -> int
| Int32 -> int32
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64_encoding
| Int64 -> int64_encoding
| N -> n_encoding
| Z -> z_encoding
| Z -> z_encoding
| Bool -> bool
| Bool -> bool
| Float -> float
| Float -> float
@ -181,7 +181,13 @@ let tests =
all "unknown_case.E" ~expected:missing_case union_enc mini_union_enc E @
all "unknown_case.E" ~expected:missing_case union_enc mini_union_enc E @
all "enum.missing" ~expected:missing_enum enum_enc mini_enum_enc 4 @
all "enum.missing" ~expected:missing_enum enum_enc mini_enum_enc 4 @
test_bounded_string_list @
test_bounded_string_list @
[ "z.truncated", `Quick,
[ "n.truncated", `Quick,
binary ~expected:not_enough_data n (MBytes.of_string "\x83") ;
"n.trailing_zero", `Quick,
binary ~expected:trailing_zero n (MBytes.of_string "\x83\x00") ;
"n.trailing_zero2", `Quick,
binary ~expected:trailing_zero n (MBytes.of_string "\x83\x00") ;
"z.truncated", `Quick,
binary ~expected:not_enough_data z (MBytes.of_string "\x83") ;
binary ~expected:not_enough_data z (MBytes.of_string "\x83") ;
"z.trailing_zero", `Quick,
"z.trailing_zero", `Quick,
binary ~expected:trailing_zero z (MBytes.of_string "\x83\x00") ;
binary ~expected:trailing_zero z (MBytes.of_string "\x83\x00") ;
@ -99,6 +99,13 @@ let all_ranged_float minimum maximum =
all (name ^ ".mean") Alcotest.float encoding ((minimum +. maximum) /. 2.) @
all (name ^ ".mean") Alcotest.float encoding ((minimum +. maximum) /. 2.) @
all (name ^ ".max") Alcotest.float encoding maximum
all (name ^ ".max") Alcotest.float encoding maximum
let test_n_sequence () =
let test i =
binary Alcotest.z z i () ;
stream Alcotest.z z i () in
for i = 0 to 10_000 do test (Z.of_int i) done ;
for i = 100_000_000 to 100_010_000 do test (Z.of_int i) done
let test_z_sequence () =
let test_z_sequence () =
let test i =
let test i =
binary Alcotest.z z i () ;
binary Alcotest.z z i () ;
@ -171,6 +178,25 @@ let tests =
all "float.epsilon" Alcotest.float float epsilon_float @
all "float.epsilon" Alcotest.float float epsilon_float @
all "float.nan" Alcotest.float float nan @
all "float.nan" Alcotest.float float nan @
all_ranged_float ~-. 100. 300. @
all_ranged_float ~-. 100. 300. @
all "" Alcotest.n n ( @
all "" Alcotest.n n ( @
[ "n.sequence", `Quick, test_n_sequence ] @
let rec fact i l =
if i < 1 then
let l = Z.mul l (Z.of_int i) in
fact (i - 1) l @
all (Format.asprintf "n.fact.%d" i) Alcotest.n n l in
fact 35 @
all "n.a" Alcotest.n n
(Z.of_string "123574503164821730218493275982143254986574985328") @
all "n.b" Alcotest.n n
(Z.of_string "8493275982143254986574985328") @
all "n.c" Alcotest.n n
(Z.of_string "123574503164821730218474985328") @
all "n.d" Alcotest.n n
(Z.of_string "10000000000100000000001000003050000000060600000000000777000008") @
all "" Alcotest.z z ( @
all "" Alcotest.z z ( @
all "" Alcotest.z z ( @
all "" Alcotest.z z ( @
[ "z.sequence", `Quick, test_z_sequence ] @
[ "z.sequence", `Quick, test_z_sequence ] @
@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ module Alcotest = struct
(Fmt.of_to_string Z.to_string)
(Fmt.of_to_string Z.to_string)
let n = z
let record =
let record =
(Fmt.of_to_string record_to_string)
(Fmt.of_to_string record_to_string)
@ -79,4 +79,5 @@ let tests =
all "unknown_case.B" mini_union_enc (B "2") @
all "unknown_case.B" mini_union_enc (B "2") @
all "unknown_case.E" mini_union_enc E @
all "unknown_case.E" mini_union_enc E @
test_bounded_string_list @
test_bounded_string_list @
all "n" n (Z.of_string "-12") @
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ val uint16 : int encoding
val int31 : int encoding
val int31 : int encoding
val int32 : int32 encoding
val int32 : int32 encoding
val int64 : int64 encoding
val int64 : int64 encoding
val n : Z.t encoding
val z : Z.t encoding
val z : Z.t encoding
val bool : bool encoding
val bool : bool encoding
val string : string encoding
val string : string encoding
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