Michelson: annotation fixes to match the spec
This commit is contained in:
@ -2265,8 +2265,7 @@ helps users track information in the stack for bare contracts.
For unannotated accesses with ``CAR`` and ``CDR`` to fields that are
named will be appended (with an additional ``.`` character) to the pair
variable annotation. If the original pair is not named in the stack, no
variable annotation will be inferred.
variable annotation.
@ -2281,6 +2280,14 @@ If fields are not named but the pair is still named in the stack then
:: @p (pair 'a (pair 'b 'c)) : 'S -> @p.cdr.car 'b : 'S
If the original pair is not named in the stack, but a field annotation
is present in the pair type the accessed value will be annotated with a
variable annotation corresponding to the field annotation alone.
:: (pair ('a %foo) (pair %bar ('b %x) ('c %y))) : 'S -> @p.bar.x 'b : 'S
A similar mechanism is used for context dependent instructions:
@ -48,16 +48,20 @@ let expand_caddadr original =
ok None
| _ -> ok None
let extract_first_field_annot annot =
let rec extract_first_field_annot others = function
let extract_first_annot annot char =
let rec extract_first_annot others = function
| [] -> None, List.rev others
| a :: rest ->
match a.[0] with
| '%' -> Some a, List.rev_append others rest
| _ -> extract_first_field_annot (a :: others) rest
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> extract_first_field_annot (a :: others) rest
if a.[0] = char
then Some a, List.rev_append others rest
else extract_first_annot (a :: others) rest
with Invalid_argument _ -> extract_first_annot (a :: others) rest
extract_first_field_annot [] annot
extract_first_annot [] annot
let extract_first_field_annot annot = extract_first_annot annot '%'
let extract_first_bind_annot annot = extract_first_annot annot '$'
let extract_field_annots annot =
List.partition (fun a ->
@ -121,13 +125,8 @@ let expand_set_caddadr original =
] in
let encoding = [ Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ] in
let rename = match field_annot with
| None -> []
| Some f -> [ Prim (loc, "RENAME", [],
[ "@" ^ String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1) ]) ]
let pair = [ Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ] in
let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ rename @ pair) in
let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ pair) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| 'D' ->
let access_check = match field_annot with
@ -137,18 +136,8 @@ let expand_set_caddadr original =
Prim (loc, "DROP", [], []) ;
] in
let encoding = [ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ] in
let rename = match field_annot with
| None -> []
| Some f ->
[ Prim (loc, "DIP", [
Seq (loc, [
Prim (loc, "RENAME", [],
[ "@" ^ String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1) ])
], []) ]
let pair = [ Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ] in
let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ rename @ pair) in
let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ pair) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| _ -> assert false
@ -170,6 +159,7 @@ let expand_map_caddadr original =
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 1))
end >>? fun code ->
let field_annot, annot = extract_first_field_annot annot in
let bind_annot, annot = extract_first_bind_annot annot in
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 4 then
@ -200,14 +190,14 @@ let expand_map_caddadr original =
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], annot) ]) in
parse (i - 1) acc
| _ -> assert false in
let cr_annot = match field_annot with
| None -> []
| Some f -> [ f ] in
let rename_op = match field_annot with
| None -> []
| Some f ->
[ Prim (loc, "RENAME", [],
[ "@" ^ String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1) ]) ] in
let cr_annot =
let f = match field_annot with
| None -> []
| Some f -> [ f ] in
let b = match bind_annot with
| None -> []
| Some b -> [ "@" ^ String.sub b 1 (String.length b - 1) ] in
f @ b in
match String.get str (len - 2) with
| 'A' ->
let init =
@ -215,8 +205,7 @@ let expand_map_caddadr original =
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], cr_annot) ; code ] @
rename_op ) ], []) ;
[ Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], cr_annot) ; code ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
@ -225,9 +214,7 @@ let expand_map_caddadr original =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], cr_annot) ;
code ] @
rename_op @
code ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
@ -674,7 +661,6 @@ let unexpand_set_caddadr expanded =
Prim (_, "DROP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "RENAME", [], _) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "A" :: acc, field_annot :: annots)
| Seq (loc,
@ -686,7 +672,6 @@ let unexpand_set_caddadr expanded =
Prim (_, "CDR", [], [ field_annot ]) ;
Prim (_, "DROP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP", [ Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "RENAME", [], _) ]) ], []);
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "D" :: acc, field_annot :: annots)
| Seq (_,
@ -734,8 +719,7 @@ let unexpand_map_caddadr expanded =
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "CAR", [], [ field_annot ]) ;
code ;
Prim (_, "RENAME", [], _) ]) ], []) ;
code ]) ], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "A" :: acc, field_annot :: annots, code)
| Seq (loc,
@ -750,7 +734,6 @@ let unexpand_map_caddadr expanded =
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], [ field_annot ]) ;
code ;
Prim (_, "RENAME", [], _) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ let gen_access_annot
: var_annot option -> ?default:field_annot option -> field_annot option -> var_annot option
= fun value_annot ?(default=None) field_annot ->
match value_annot, field_annot, default with
| None, None, _ | Some _, None, None -> None
| None, None, _ | Some _, None, None | None, Some `Field_annot "", _ -> None
| None, Some `Field_annot f, _ ->
Some (`Var_annot f)
| Some `Var_annot v, None, Some `Field_annot f ->
| Some `Var_annot v, (None | Some `Field_annot ""), Some `Field_annot f ->
Some (`Var_annot (String.concat "." [v; f]))
| Some `Var_annot v, Some `Field_annot f, _ ->
Some (`Var_annot (String.concat "." [v; f]))
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ let gen_binding_access_annot
: var_annot option -> ?default:binding_annot option -> binding_annot option -> binding_annot option
= fun value_annot ?(default=None) binding_annot ->
match value_annot, binding_annot, default with
| None, None, _ | Some _, None, None -> None
| None, None, _ | Some _, None, None | None, Some `Binding_annot "", _ -> None
| None, Some `Binding_annot b, _ ->
Some (`Binding_annot b)
| Some `Var_annot v, None, Some `Binding_annot b ->
| Some `Var_annot v, (None | Some `Binding_annot ""), Some `Binding_annot b ->
Some (`Binding_annot (String.concat "." [v; b]))
| Some `Var_annot v, Some `Binding_annot b, _ ->
Some (`Binding_annot (String.concat "." [v; b]))
@ -1828,10 +1828,10 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_LOOP_LEFT, [ body ], annot),
(Item_t (Union_t ((tl, l_field), (tr, _), _), rest, union_annot) as stack) ->
check_kind [ Seq_kind ] body >>=? fun () ->
fail_unexpected_annot loc annot >>=? fun () ->
parse_var_field_annot loc annot >>=? fun (r_annot, l_annot) ->
let l_annot = default_annot (field_to_var_annot l_annot)
~default:(gen_access_annot union_annot l_field) in
parse_binding_annot loc annot >>=? fun l_bind_annot ->
let l_bind_annot = default_annot l_bind_annot
~default:(gen_binding_access_annot union_annot (field_to_binding_annot l_field)) in
let l_annot = binding_to_var_annot l_bind_annot in
parse_instr ?type_logger tc_context ctxt body
(Item_t (tl, rest, l_annot)) >>=? begin fun (judgement, ctxt) -> match judgement with
| Typed ibody ->
@ -1839,10 +1839,10 @@ and parse_instr
trace unmatched_branches
(Lwt.return (stack_ty_eq 1 ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun Eq ->
Lwt.return (merge_stacks loc ibody.aft stack) >>=? fun _stack ->
typed ctxt loc (Loop_left ibody) (Item_t (tr, rest, r_annot)))
typed ctxt loc (Loop_left ibody) (Item_t (tr, rest, None)))
| Failed { descr } ->
let ibody = descr stack in
typed ctxt loc (Loop_left ibody) (Item_t (tr, rest, r_annot))
typed ctxt loc (Loop_left ibody) (Item_t (tr, rest, None))
| Prim (loc, I_LAMBDA, [ arg ; ret ; code ], annot),
stack ->
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