Shell: A bit of randomization for gap in block locators.
The random seed is computed from the sender and receiver `peer_id`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
open Lwt.Infix
open Lwt.Infix
type t = raw
type t = raw
(** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *)
and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
let raw x = x
let raw x = x
@ -27,7 +25,8 @@ let pp ppf (hd, h_lst) =
| hd :: tl ->
| hd :: tl ->
let new_d = if r > 1 then d else d * coef in
let new_d = if r > 1 then d else d * coef in
let new_r = if r > 1 then r - 1 else repeats in
let new_r = if r > 1 then r - 1 else repeats in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (%i)\n%a" Block_hash.pp hd acc pp_hash_list (tl , acc - d , new_d , new_r) in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (%i)\n%a"
Block_hash.pp hd acc pp_hash_list (tl , acc - d , new_d , new_r) in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (head)\n%a"
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (head)\n%a"
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash hd)
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash hd)
pp_hash_list (h_lst , -1, 1, repeats - 1)
pp_hash_list (h_lst , -1, 1, repeats - 1)
@ -44,50 +43,130 @@ let encoding =
(req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding))))
(req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding))))
(** Computes a locator for block [b] picking 10 times the immediate
type seed = {
predecessors of [b], then 10 times one predecessor every 2, then
sender_id: P2p_peer.Id.t ;
10 times one predecessor every 4, ..., until genesis or it reaches
receiver_id: P2p_peer.Id.t ;
the desired size. *)
let compute ~predecessor ~genesis b header size =
if size < 0 then
(* Random generator for locator steps.
invalid_arg "Block_locator.compute: negative size"
We draw steps by sequence of 10. The first sequence's steps are of
let repeats = 10 in (* number of repetitions for each power of 2 *)
length 1 (consecutive). The second sequence's steps are of a random
let rec loop acc size step cnt b =
length between 1 and 2. The third sequence's steps are of a random
if size = 0 then
length between 2 and 4, and so on...
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
The sequence is deterministic for a given triple of sender,
receiver and block hash. *)
module Step : sig
type state
val init: seed -> Block_hash.t -> state
val next: state -> int * state
end = struct
type state = int * int * Cstruct.t
let init seed head =
let seed =
Nocrypto.Hash.digest `SHA256 @@
[ Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ P2p_peer.Id.to_bytes seed.sender_id ;
Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ P2p_peer.Id.to_bytes seed.receiver_id ;
Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ Block_hash.to_bytes head ] in
(1, 9, seed)
let draw seed n =
Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 (Cstruct.to_bigarray seed) 0) mod n,
Nocrypto.Hash.digest `SHA256 seed
let next (step, counter, seed) =
let random_gap, seed =
if step <= 1 then
0, seed
predecessor b step >>= function
draw seed (1 + step/2) in
| None -> (* reached genesis before size *)
let new_state =
if Block_hash.equal b genesis then
if counter = 0 then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
(step * 2, 9, seed)
Lwt.return (List.rev (genesis :: acc))
(step, counter - 1, seed) in
| Some pred ->
step - random_gap, new_state
if cnt = 1 then
loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) (step * 2) repeats pred
loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) step (cnt - 1) pred in
let estimated_length seed (head, hist) =
let rec loop acc state = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
let step, state = state in
loop (acc + step) state hist in
let state = Step.init seed (Block_header.hash head) in
let step, state = state in
loop step state hist
let fold ~f ~init (head, hist) seed =
let rec loop state acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
let step, state = state in
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop state acc hist in
let head = Block_header.hash head in
let state = Step.init seed head in
loop state init (head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps seed locator =
fold locator seed
~f: begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step ->
{ block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step } :: acc
let compute ~predecessor ~genesis block_hash header seed ~size =
let rec loop acc size state block =
if size = 0 then
if size = 0 then
Lwt.return (header, [])
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
predecessor b 1 >>= function
let step, state = state in
| None -> Lwt.return (header, [])
predecessor block step >>= function
| Some p ->
| None ->
loop [p] (size-1) 1 (repeats-1) p >>= fun hist ->
(* We reached genesis before size *)
Lwt.return (header, hist)
if Block_hash.equal block genesis then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
Lwt.return (List.rev (genesis :: acc))
| Some pred ->
loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) state pred in
if size <= 0 then
Lwt.return (header, [])
let state = Step.init seed block_hash in
let step, state = state in
predecessor block_hash step >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (header, [])
| Some p ->
loop [p] (size-1) state p >>= fun hist ->
Lwt.return (header, hist)
type validity =
type validity =
| Unknown
| Unknown
| Known_valid
| Known_valid
| Known_invalid
| Known_invalid
let unknown_prefix cond (head, hist) =
let unknown_prefix ~is_known (head, hist) =
let rec loop hist acc =
let rec loop hist acc =
match hist with
match hist with
| [] -> Lwt.return_none
| [] -> Lwt.return_none
| h :: t ->
| h :: t ->
cond h >>= function
is_known h >>= function
| Known_valid ->
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (h, (List.rev (h :: acc)))
Lwt.return_some (h, (List.rev (h :: acc)))
| Known_invalid ->
| Known_invalid ->
@ -95,7 +174,7 @@ let unknown_prefix cond (head, hist) =
| Unknown ->
| Unknown ->
loop t (h :: acc)
loop t (h :: acc)
cond (Block_header.hash head) >>= function
is_known (Block_header.hash head) >>= function
| Known_valid ->
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (Block_header.hash head, (head, []))
Lwt.return_some (Block_header.hash head, (head, []))
| Known_invalid ->
| Known_invalid ->
@ -14,17 +14,43 @@ and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
(** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *)
(** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *)
val raw: t -> raw
val raw: t -> raw
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val compute: predecessor: (Block_hash.t -> int -> Block_hash.t option Lwt.t) ->
type seed = {
genesis:Block_hash.t -> Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> int -> t Lwt.t
sender_id: P2p_peer.Id.t ;
(** [compute block max_length] compute the sparse block locator for
receiver_id: P2p_peer.Id.t
the [block]. The locator contains at most [max_length] elements. *)
(** Argument to the seed used to randomize the locator. *)
val estimated_length: seed -> t -> int
(** [estimated_length seed locator] estimate the length of the chain
represented by [locator] using [seed]. *)
val compute:
predecessor: (Block_hash.t -> int -> Block_hash.t option Lwt.t) ->
genesis:Block_hash.t ->
Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> seed -> size:int -> t Lwt.t
(** [compute block seed max_length] compute the sparse block locator using
[seed] to compute random jumps for the [block]. The locator contains at
most [max_length] elements. *)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
(** A 'step' in a locator is a couple of consecutive hashes in the
locator, and the expected difference of level between the two
blocks (or an upper bounds when [strict_step = false]). *)
val to_steps: seed -> t -> step list
(** Build all the 'steps' composing the locator using a given seed,
starting with the oldest one (typically the predecessor of the
first step will be `genesis`).
All steps contains [strict_step = true], except the oldest one. *)
type validity =
type validity =
| Unknown
| Unknown
@ -32,7 +58,8 @@ type validity =
| Known_invalid
| Known_invalid
val unknown_prefix:
val unknown_prefix:
(Block_hash.t -> validity Lwt.t) -> t -> (Block_hash.t * t) option Lwt.t
is_known:(Block_hash.t -> validity Lwt.t) ->
t -> (Block_hash.t * t) option Lwt.t
(** [unknown_prefix validity locator] keeps only the unknown part of
(** [unknown_prefix validity locator] keeps only the unknown part of
the locator up to the first valid block. If there is no known valid
the locator up to the first valid block. If there is no known valid
block or there is a known invalid one, None is returned. *)
block or there is a known invalid one, None is returned. *)
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
let estimated_length locator =
let (_head, hist) = Block_locator.raw locator in
let rec loop acc step cpt = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
if cpt = 0 then
loop (acc+step) (step*2) 9 hist
loop (acc+step) step (cpt-1) hist
loop 1 1 9 hist
let fold ~f acc locator =
let (head, hist) = Block_locator.raw locator in
let rec loop step cpt acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
let step, cpt =
if cpt = 0 then
2 * step, 9
step, cpt - 1 in
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop step cpt acc hist
loop 1 10 acc (Block_header.hash head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps locator =
~f:begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step -> {
block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step ;
} :: acc
[] locator
let block_validity chain_state block : Block_locator.validity Lwt.t =
State.Block.known chain_state block >>= function
| false ->
if Block_hash.equal block (State.Chain.faked_genesis_hash chain_state) then
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
Lwt.return Block_locator.Unknown
| true ->
State.Block.known_invalid chain_state block >>= function
| true ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_invalid
| false ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
let known_ancestor chain_state locator =
Block_locator.unknown_prefix (block_validity chain_state) locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some (tail, locator) ->
if Block_hash.equal tail (State.Chain.faked_genesis_hash chain_state) then
chain_state (State.Chain.genesis chain_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
Lwt.return_some (genesis, locator)
State.Block.read_exn chain_state tail >>= fun block ->
Lwt.return_some (block, locator)
let find_new chain_state locator sz =
let rec path sz acc h =
if sz <= 0 then Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
State.read_chain_data chain_state begin fun chain_store _data ->
Store.Chain_data.In_main_branch.read_opt (chain_store, h)
end >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| Some s -> path (sz-1) (s :: acc) s in
known_ancestor chain_state locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some (known, _) ->
Chain.head chain_state >>= fun head ->
Chain_traversal.common_ancestor known head >>= fun ancestor ->
path sz [] (State.Block.hash ancestor)
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
val fold:
f:('a ->
block:Block_hash.t -> pred:Block_hash.t ->
step:int -> strict_step:bool -> 'a) ->
'a -> Block_locator.t -> 'a
(** [map f l] applies [f] to each block of the locator, the last one
excepted. The function also receives the expected predecessor
[pred] of the [block] after [step] steps, i.e. the next block in
the locator. When [strict_step] is [true], then [step] is the
exact number of predecessor to be followed before to found
[pred]. Otherwise, it is only an upper bound. *)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
(** A 'step' in a locator is a couple of consecutives hashes in the
locator, and the expected difference of level the two blocks (or
an upper bounds when [strict_step = false]). *)
val to_steps: Block_locator.t -> step list
(** Build all the 'steps' composing the locator, starting with the
oldest one (typically the predecessor of the first step will be
`genesis`). All steps contains [strict_step = true], except the
first one. *)
val estimated_length: Block_locator.t -> int
(** [estimated_length locator] estimate the length of the chain
represented by [locator]. *)
val known_ancestor:
State.Chain.t -> Block_locator.t -> (State.Block.t * Block_locator.t) option Lwt.t
(** [known_ancestor chain_state locator] computes the first block of
[locator] that is known to be a valid block. It also computes the
'prefix' of [locator] with end at the first valid block. The
function returns [None] when no block in the locator are known or
if the first known block is invalid. *)
val find_new:
State.Chain.t -> Block_locator.t -> int -> Block_hash.t list Lwt.t
(** [find_new chain locator max_length] returns the blocks from our
current branch that would be unknown to a peer that sends us the
[locator]. *)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type t = {
mutable errors: Error_monad.error list ;
mutable errors: Error_monad.error list ;
let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator_iterator.step) =
let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator.step) =
lwt_log_info "fetching step %a -> %a (%d%s) from peer %a."
lwt_log_info "fetching step %a -> %a (%d%s) from peer %a."
Block_hash.pp_short step.block
Block_hash.pp_short step.block
Block_hash.pp_short step.predecessor
Block_hash.pp_short step.predecessor
@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator_iterator.step) =
let headers_fetch_worker_loop pipeline =
let headers_fetch_worker_loop pipeline =
let steps = Block_locator_iterator.to_steps pipeline.locator in
let sender_id = Distributed_db.my_peer_id pipeline.chain_db in
(* sender and receiver are inverted here because they are from
the point of view of the node sending the locator *)
let seed = {Block_locator.sender_id=pipeline.peer_id; receiver_id=sender_id } in
let steps = Block_locator.to_steps seed pipeline.locator in
iter_s (fetch_step pipeline) steps >>=? fun () ->
iter_s (fetch_step pipeline) steps >>=? fun () ->
return ()
return ()
end >>= function
end >>= function
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ type data = State.chain_data = {
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
let data chain_state =
let data chain_state =
@ -47,12 +46,11 @@ let data chain_state =
Lwt.return data
Lwt.return data
let locator chain_state =
let locator chain_state seed =
data chain_state >>= begin fun data ->
data chain_state >>= fun data ->
Lazy.force data.locator
State.compute_locator chain_state data.current_head seed
let locked_set_head chain_state chain_store data block =
let locked_set_head chain_store data block =
let rec pop_blocks ancestor block =
let rec pop_blocks ancestor block =
let hash = State.Block.hash block in
let hash = State.Block.hash block in
if Block_hash.equal hash ancestor then
if Block_hash.equal hash ancestor then
@ -89,12 +87,11 @@ let locked_set_head chain_state chain_store data block =
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
live_blocks ;
live_blocks ;
live_operations ;
live_operations ;
locator = lazy (State.compute_locator chain_state block) ;
let set_head chain_state block =
let set_head chain_state block =
State.update_chain_data chain_state begin fun chain_store data ->
State.update_chain_data chain_state begin fun chain_store data ->
locked_set_head chain_state chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
locked_set_head chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data,
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data,
@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ let test_and_set_head chain_state ~old block =
if not (State.Block.equal data.current_head old) then
if not (State.Block.equal data.current_head old) then
Lwt.return (None, false)
Lwt.return (None, false)
locked_set_head chain_state chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
locked_set_head chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data, true)
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data, true)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ val genesis: State.Chain.t -> State.Block.t Lwt.t
(** The current head of the chain. *)
(** The current head of the chain. *)
val head: State.Chain.t -> State.Block.t Lwt.t
val head: State.Chain.t -> State.Block.t Lwt.t
val locator: State.Chain.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
val locator: State.Chain.t -> Block_locator.seed -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
(** All the available chain data. *)
(** All the available chain data. *)
type data = {
type data = {
@ -23,13 +23,11 @@ type data = {
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
(** Reading atomically all the chain data. *)
(** Reading atomically all the chain data. *)
val data: State.Chain.t -> data Lwt.t
val data: State.Chain.t -> data Lwt.t
(** The current head and all the known (valid) alternate heads. *)
(** The current head and all the known (valid) alternate heads. *)
val known_heads: State.Chain.t -> State.Block.t list Lwt.t
val known_heads: State.Chain.t -> State.Block.t list Lwt.t
@ -216,10 +216,7 @@ let broadcast_head w ~previous block =
nv.parameters.chain_db block ;
nv.parameters.chain_db block ;
end else begin
end else begin
let chain_state = Distributed_db.chain_state nv.parameters.chain_db in
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_branch nv.parameters.chain_db
Chain.locator chain_state >>= fun locator ->
nv.parameters.chain_db locator
@ -340,6 +340,8 @@ let state { disk } = disk
let chain_state { chain_state } = chain_state
let chain_state { chain_state } = chain_state
let db { global_db } = global_db
let db { global_db } = global_db
let my_peer_id chain_db = P2p.peer_id chain_db.global_db.p2p
let read_block_header { disk } h =
let read_block_header { disk } h =
State.read_block disk h >>= function
State.read_block disk h >>= function
| Some b ->
| Some b ->
@ -466,7 +468,10 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ Get_current_branch chain_id ;
@@ Get_current_branch chain_id ;
Chain.locator chain_db.chain_state >>= fun locator ->
let seed = {
sender_id=(my_peer_id chain_db) } in
(Chain.locator chain_db.chain_state seed) >>= fun locator ->
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ Current_branch (chain_id, locator) ;
@@ Current_branch (chain_id, locator) ;
@ -681,6 +686,7 @@ let raw_try_send p2p peer_id msg =
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
| Some conn -> ignore (P2p.try_send p2p conn msg : bool)
| Some conn -> ignore (P2p.try_send p2p conn msg : bool)
let create disk p2p =
let create disk p2p =
let global_request =
let global_request =
{ data = () ;
{ data = () ;
@ -924,10 +930,28 @@ module Advertise = struct
send chain_db ?peer @@
send chain_db ?peer @@
Current_head (chain_id, State.Block.header head, mempool)
Current_head (chain_id, State.Block.header head, mempool)
let current_branch chain_db ?peer locator =
let current_branch ?peer chain_db =
let chain_id = chain_db.chain_state in
let chain_id = chain_db.chain_state in
send chain_db ?peer @@ Current_branch (chain_id, locator) ;
let chain_state = chain_state chain_db in
let sender_id = my_peer_id chain_db in
match peer with
| Some receiver_id ->
let seed = {
Block_locator.receiver_id=receiver_id; sender_id } in
(Chain.locator chain_state seed) >>= fun locator ->
let msg = Message.Current_branch (chain_id, locator) in
try_send chain_db receiver_id msg;
| None ->
(fun (receiver_id,state) ->
let seed = {
Block_locator.receiver_id=receiver_id; sender_id } in
(Chain.locator chain_state seed) >>= fun locator ->
let msg = Message.Current_branch (chain_id, locator) in
ignore (P2p.try_send chain_db.global_db.p2p state.conn msg);
) (P2p_peer.Table.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) chain_db.active_connections [])
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ val disconnect: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit Lwt.t
val chain_state: chain_db -> State.Chain.t
val chain_state: chain_db -> State.Chain.t
val db: chain_db -> db
val db: chain_db -> db
(** Return the peer id of the node *)
val my_peer_id: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t
(** {1 Sending messages} *)
(** {1 Sending messages} *)
module Request : sig
module Request : sig
@ -85,8 +88,7 @@ module Advertise : sig
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
chain, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
chain, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
val current_branch:
val current_branch:
chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t ->
?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> chain_db -> unit Lwt.t
Block_locator.t -> unit Lwt.t
@ -26,13 +26,15 @@ module Request = struct
type _ t =
type _ t =
| New_head : Block_hash.t * Block_header.t -> unit t
| New_head : Block_hash.t * Block_header.t -> unit t
| New_branch : Block_hash.t * Block_locator.t -> unit t
| New_branch : Block_hash.t * Block_locator.t * Block_locator.seed -> unit t
let view (type a) (req : a t) : view = match req with
let view (type a) (req : a t) : view = match req with
| New_head (hash, _) ->
| New_head (hash, _) ->
New_head hash
New_head hash
| New_branch (hash, locator) ->
| New_branch (hash, locator, seed) ->
New_branch (hash, Block_locator_iterator.estimated_length locator)
(* the seed is associated to each locator
w.r.t. the peer_id of the sender *)
New_branch (hash, Block_locator.estimated_length seed locator)
type limits = {
type limits = {
@ -89,7 +91,11 @@ let set_bootstrapped pv =
let bootstrap_new_branch w _ancestor _head unknown_prefix =
let bootstrap_new_branch w _ancestor _head unknown_prefix =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let pv = Worker.state w in
let len = Block_locator_iterator.estimated_length unknown_prefix in
let sender_id = Distributed_db.my_peer_id pv.parameters.chain_db in
(* sender and receiver are inverted here because they are from
the point of view of the node sending the locator *)
let seed = {Block_locator.sender_id=pv.peer_id; receiver_id = sender_id } in
let len = Block_locator.estimated_length seed unknown_prefix in
debug w
debug w
"validating new branch from peer %a (approx. %d blocks)"
"validating new branch from peer %a (approx. %d blocks)"
P2p_peer.Id.pp_short pv.peer_id len ;
P2p_peer.Id.pp_short pv.peer_id len ;
@ -201,7 +207,7 @@ let may_validate_new_branch w distant_hash locator =
let distant_header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> Block_header.t * _) in
let distant_header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> Block_header.t * _) in
only_if_fitness_increases w distant_header @@ fun () ->
only_if_fitness_increases w distant_header @@ fun () ->
let chain_state = Distributed_db.chain_state pv.parameters.chain_db in
let chain_state = Distributed_db.chain_state pv.parameters.chain_db in
Block_locator_iterator.known_ancestor chain_state locator >>= function
State.Block.known_ancestor chain_state locator >>= function
| None ->
| None ->
debug w
debug w
"ignoring branch %a without common ancestor from peer: %a."
"ignoring branch %a without common ancestor from peer: %a."
@ -228,7 +234,7 @@ let on_request (type a) w (req : a Request.t) : a tzresult Lwt.t =
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Block_hash.pp_short hash
P2p_peer.Id.pp_short pv.peer_id ;
P2p_peer.Id.pp_short pv.peer_id ;
may_validate_new_head w hash header
may_validate_new_head w hash header
| Request.New_branch (hash, locator) ->
| Request.New_branch (hash, locator, _seed) ->
(* TODO penalize empty locator... ?? *)
(* TODO penalize empty locator... ?? *)
debug w "processing new branch %a from peer %a."
debug w "processing new branch %a from peer %a."
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Block_hash.pp_short hash
@ -300,7 +306,7 @@ let table =
let merge w (Worker.Any_request neu) old =
let merge w (Worker.Any_request neu) old =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let pv = Worker.state w in
match neu with
match neu with
| Request.New_branch (_, locator) ->
| Request.New_branch (_, locator, _) ->
let header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
let header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
pv.last_advertised_head <- header ;
pv.last_advertised_head <- header ;
Some (Worker.Any_request neu)
Some (Worker.Any_request neu)
@ -346,7 +352,12 @@ let create
let notify_branch w locator =
let notify_branch w locator =
let header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
let header, _ = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
Worker.drop_request w (New_branch (hash, locator))
let pv = Worker.state w in
let sender_id = Distributed_db.my_peer_id pv.parameters.chain_db in
(* sender and receiver are inverted here because they are from
the point of view of the node sending the locator *)
let seed = {Block_locator.sender_id=pv.peer_id; receiver_id=sender_id } in
Worker.drop_request w (New_branch (hash, locator, seed))
let notify_head w header =
let notify_head w header =
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
let hash = Block_header.hash header in
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ and chain_data = {
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
and block = {
and block = {
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ let store_predecessors (store: (b: Block_hash.t) : unit Lwt.t
and in O(|chain|) after that.
and in O(|chain|) after that.
@raise Invalid_argument "State.predecessors: negative distance"
@raise Invalid_argument "State.predecessors: negative distance"
let predecessor_n (store: (b: Block_hash.t) (distance: int)
let predecessor_n (store: (block_hash: Block_hash.t) (distance: int)
: Block_hash.t option Lwt.t =
: Block_hash.t option Lwt.t =
(* helper functions *)
(* helper functions *)
(* computes power of 2 w/o floats *)
(* computes power of 2 w/o floats *)
@ -167,9 +166,9 @@ let predecessor_n (store: (b: Block_hash.t) (distance: int)
if distance <= 0 then
if distance <= 0 then
invalid_arg ("State.predecessor: distance <= 0"^(string_of_int distance))
invalid_arg ("State.predecessor: distance <= 0"^(string_of_int distance))
let rec loop b distance =
let rec loop block_hash distance =
if distance = 1
if distance = 1
then Store.Block.Predecessors.read_opt (store, b) 0
then Store.Block.Predecessors.read_opt (store, block_hash) 0
let (power,rest) = closest_power_two_and_rest distance in
let (power,rest) = closest_power_two_and_rest distance in
let (power,rest) =
let (power,rest) =
@ -179,24 +178,24 @@ let predecessor_n (store: (b: Block_hash.t) (distance: int)
let rest = distance - (power_of_2 power) in
let rest = distance - (power_of_2 power) in
Store.Block.Predecessors.read_opt (store, b) power >>= function
Store.Block.Predecessors.read_opt (store, block_hash) power >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none (* reached genesis *)
| None -> Lwt.return_none (* reached genesis *)
| Some pred ->
| Some pred ->
if rest = 0
if rest = 0
then Lwt.return_some pred (* landed on the requested predecessor *)
then Lwt.return_some pred (* landed on the requested predecessor *)
else loop pred rest (* need to jump further back *)
else loop pred rest (* need to jump further back *)
loop b distance
loop block_hash distance
let compute_locator_from_hash (chain : chain_state) ?(size = 200) head_hash =
let compute_locator_from_hash (chain : chain_state) ?(size = 200) head_hash seed =
Shared.use chain.block_store begin fun block_store ->
Shared.use chain.block_store begin fun block_store ->
Store.Block.Contents.read_exn (block_store, head_hash) >>= fun { header } ->
Store.Block.Contents.read_exn (block_store, head_hash) >>= fun { header } ->
Block_locator.compute ~predecessor:(predecessor_n block_store)
Block_locator.compute ~predecessor:(predecessor_n block_store)
~genesis:chain.genesis.block head_hash header size
~genesis:chain.genesis.block head_hash header seed ~size
let compute_locator chain ?size head =
let compute_locator chain ?size head seed =
compute_locator_from_hash chain ?size head.hash
compute_locator_from_hash chain ?size head.hash seed
type t = global_state
type t = global_state
@ -259,7 +258,6 @@ module Chain = struct
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
current_mempool = Mempool.empty ;
live_blocks = Block_hash.Set.singleton genesis.block ;
live_blocks = Block_hash.Set.singleton genesis.block ;
live_operations = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
live_operations = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
locator = lazy (compute_locator_from_hash chain_state current_head) ;
} ;
} ;
chain_data_store ;
chain_data_store ;
@ -645,6 +643,33 @@ module Block = struct
context block >>= fun context ->
context block >>= fun context ->
Context.get_test_chain context
Context.get_test_chain context
let block_validity chain_state block : Block_locator.validity Lwt.t =
known chain_state block >>= function
| false ->
if Block_hash.equal block (Chain.faked_genesis_hash chain_state) then
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
Lwt.return Block_locator.Unknown
| true ->
known_invalid chain_state block >>= function
| true ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_invalid
| false ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
let known_ancestor chain_state locator =
~is_known:(block_validity chain_state) locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some (tail, locator) ->
if Block_hash.equal tail (Chain.faked_genesis_hash chain_state) then
chain_state (Chain.genesis chain_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
Lwt.return_some (genesis, locator)
read_exn chain_state tail >>= fun block ->
Lwt.return_some (block, locator)
let read_block { global_data } ?pred hash =
let read_block { global_data } ?pred hash =
@ -148,6 +148,14 @@ module Block : sig
val watcher: Chain.t -> block Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
val watcher: Chain.t -> block Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
val known_ancestor:
Chain.t -> Block_locator.t -> (block * Block_locator.t) option Lwt.t
(** [known_ancestor chain_state locator] computes the first block of
[locator] that is known to be a valid block. It also computes the
'prefix' of [locator] with end at the first valid block. The
function returns [None] when no block in the locator are known or
if the first known block is invalid. *)
val read_block:
val read_block:
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ val read_block:
val read_block_exn:
val read_block_exn:
global_state -> ?pred:int -> Block_hash.t -> Block.t Lwt.t
global_state -> ?pred:int -> Block_hash.t -> Block.t Lwt.t
val compute_locator: Chain.t -> ?size:int -> Block.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
val compute_locator: Chain.t -> ?size:int -> Block.t -> Block_locator.seed -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
val fork_testchain:
val fork_testchain:
Block.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Chain.t tzresult Lwt.t
Block.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Chain.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -166,7 +174,6 @@ type chain_data = {
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
current_mempool: Mempool.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
val read_chain_data:
val read_chain_data:
@ -217,4 +224,3 @@ module Current_mempool : sig
not the provided one. *)
not the provided one. *)
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ let test_pred (base_dir:string) : unit tzresult Lwt.t =
let repeats = 100 in
let repeats = 100 in
return (repeat (fun () -> test_once (1 + range)) repeats)
return (repeat (fun () -> test_once (1 + range)) repeats)
let seed =
let receiver_id = P2p_peer.Id.of_string_exn (String.make P2p_peer.Id.size 'r') in
let sender_id = P2p_peer.Id.of_string_exn (String.make P2p_peer.Id.size 's') in
{Block_locator.receiver_id=receiver_id ; sender_id }
(* compute locator using the linear predecessor *)
(* compute locator using the linear predecessor *)
let compute_linear_locator (chain:State.Chain.t) ~size block =
let compute_linear_locator (chain:State.Chain.t) ~size block =
@ -233,16 +237,16 @@ let compute_linear_locator (chain:State.Chain.t) ~size block =
let block_hash = State.Block.hash block in
let block_hash = State.Block.hash block in
let header = State.Block.header block in
let header = State.Block.header block in
Block_locator.compute ~predecessor:(linear_predecessor_n chain)
Block_locator.compute ~predecessor:(linear_predecessor_n chain)
~genesis:genesis.block block_hash header size
~genesis:genesis.block block_hash header ~size seed
(* given the size of a chain, returns the size required for a locator
(* given the size of a chain, returns the size required for a locator
to reach genesis *)
to reach genesis *)
let compute_size_locator size_chain =
let compute_size_locator size_chain =
let repeats = 10. in
let repeats = 10. in
int_of_float ((log ((float size_chain) /. repeats)) /. (log 2.) -. 1.) * 10
int_of_float ((log ((float size_chain) /. repeats)) /. (log 2.) -. 1.) * 10
(* given the size of a locator, returns the size of the chain that it
(* given the size of a locator, returns the size of the chain that it
can cover back to genesis *)
can cover back to genesis *)
let compute_size_chain size_locator =
let compute_size_chain size_locator =
let repeats = 10. in
let repeats = 10. in
@ -284,7 +288,7 @@ let test_locator base_dir =
let check_locator size : unit tzresult Lwt.t =
let check_locator size : unit tzresult Lwt.t =
|||||| chain head >>=? fun block ->
| chain head >>=? fun block ->
time ~runs:runs (fun () ->
time ~runs:runs (fun () ->
State.compute_locator chain ~size:size block) |>
State.compute_locator chain ~size:size block seed) |>
fun (l_exp,t_exp) ->
fun (l_exp,t_exp) ->
time ~runs:runs (fun () ->
time ~runs:runs (fun () ->
compute_linear_locator chain ~size:size block) |>
compute_linear_locator chain ~size:size block) |>
@ -312,7 +316,6 @@ let test_locator base_dir =
loop 1
loop 1
let wrap n f =
let wrap n f =
Alcotest_lwt.test_case n `Quick begin fun _ () ->
Alcotest_lwt.test_case n `Quick begin fun _ () ->
Lwt_utils_unix.with_tempdir "tezos_test_" begin fun dir ->
Lwt_utils_unix.with_tempdir "tezos_test_" begin fun dir ->
@ -234,12 +234,17 @@ let test_ancestor s =
let seed =
let receiver_id = P2p_peer.Id.of_string_exn (String.make P2p_peer.Id.size 'r') in
let sender_id = P2p_peer.Id.of_string_exn (String.make P2p_peer.Id.size 's') in
{Block_locator.receiver_id=receiver_id ; sender_id }
(** Chain_traversal.block_locator *)
(** Chain_traversal.block_locator *)
let test_locator s =
let test_locator s =
let check_locator length h1 expected =
let check_locator length h1 expected =
State.compute_locator s.chain
State.compute_locator s.chain
~size:length (vblock s h1) >>= fun l ->
~size:length (vblock s h1) seed >>= fun l ->
let _, l = (l : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
let _, l = (l : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
if List.length l <> List.length expected then
if List.length l <> List.length expected then
@ -378,35 +383,6 @@ let test_new_blocks s =
return ()
return ()
(** Block_locator.find_new *)
let test_find_new s =
let test s h expected =
State.compute_locator s.chain ~size:50 (vblock s h) >>= fun loc ->
s.chain loc (List.length expected) >>= fun blocks ->
if List.length blocks <> List.length expected then
"Invalid find new length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
h (List.length blocks) (List.length expected) ;
(fun h1 h2 ->
if not (Block_hash.equal h1 (State.Block.hash @@ vblock s h2)) then
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid find new %s.%d (expected: %s)" h (List.length expected) h2)
blocks expected ;
Chain.set_head s.chain (vblock s "A8") >>= fun _ ->
test s "A6" [] >>= fun () ->
test s "A6" ["A7";"A8"] >>= fun () ->
test s "A6" ["A7"] >>= fun () ->
test s "B4" ["A4"] >>= fun () ->
test s "B7" ["A4";"A5";"A6";"A7"] >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -420,7 +396,6 @@ let tests : (string * (state -> unit tzresult Lwt.t)) list = [
"head", test_head ;
"head", test_head ;
"mem", test_mem ;
"mem", test_mem ;
"new_blocks", test_new_blocks ;
"new_blocks", test_new_blocks ;
"find_new", test_find_new ;
let wrap (n, f) =
let wrap (n, f) =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user