Merge branch 'move-examples-folder' into 'dev'
Moved examples folder See merge request ligolang/ligo!463
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ dont-merge-to-master:
- master
.build_binary: &build_binary
# To run in sequence and save CPU usage, use stage: build_and_package_binaries
&build_binary # To run in sequence and save CPU usage, use stage: build_and_package_binaries
stage: test
- $build_binary_script "$target_os_family" "$target_os" "$target_os_version"
@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ dont-merge-to-master:
# move internal odoc documentation to the website folder
- mkdir -p build/ligo/
- mv ../../_build/default/_doc/_html/ build/ligo/odoc
- pwd # for debug
- ls build/ligo/ # for debug
- cp -r gitlab-pages/website/build/ligo public
@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ dont-merge-to-master:
- docker:19.03.5-dind
.before_script: &before_script
# Install dependencies
@ -237,6 +234,7 @@ build-publish-ide-image:
- find dist/
- find dist/package/ -name '*ligo_*deb'
- mv $(realpath dist/package/debian-10/*.deb) tools/webide/ligo_deb10.deb
- cp -r src/test/examples tools/webide/packages/client/examples
- cd tools/webide
- echo "${CI_BUILD_TOKEN}" | docker login -u gitlab-ci-token --password-stdin
- >
@ -244,6 +242,7 @@ build-publish-ide-image:
--build-arg GIT_TAG="${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"
--build-arg EXAMPLES_DIR_SRC=packages/client/examples
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
name: FA1.2 PascaLIGO implementation
language: pascaligo
entrypoint: main
entrypoint: main
parameters: ""
storage: ""
entrypoint: main
storage: ""
entrypoint: ""
entrypoint: ""
parameters: ""
// This is an implimentation of the FA1.2 specification in PascaLIGO
type amt is nat;
type account is record
balance : amt;
allowances: map(address, amt);
type action is
| Transfer of (address * address * amt)
| Approve of (address * amt)
| GetAllowance of (address * address * contract(amt))
| GetBalance of (address * contract(amt))
| GetTotalSupply of (unit * contract(amt))
type contract_storage is record
totalSupply: amt;
ledger: big_map(address, account);
function isAllowed ( const src : address ; const value : amt ; var s : contract_storage) : bool is
var allowed: bool := False;
if sender =/= source then block {
const src: account = get_force(src, s.ledger);
const allowanceAmount: amt = get_force(sender, src.allowances);
allowed := allowanceAmount >= value;
else allowed := True;
end with allowed
// Transfer a specific amount of tokens from the accountFrom address to a destination address
// Pre conditions:
// The sender address is the account owner or is allowed to spend x in the name of accountFrom
// The accountFrom account has a balance higher than amount
// Post conditions:
// The balance of accountFrom is decreased by amount
// The balance of destination is increased by amount
function transfer (const accountFrom : address ; const destination : address ; const value : amt ; var s : contract_storage) : contract_storage is
// If accountFrom = destination transfer is not necessary
if accountFrom = destination then skip;
else block {
// Is sender allowed to spend value in the name of source
case isAllowed(accountFrom, value, s) of
| False -> failwith ("Sender not allowed to spend token from source")
| True -> skip
// Fetch src account
const src: account = get_force(accountFrom, s.ledger);
// Check that the source can spend that much
if value > src.balance
then failwith ("Source balance is too low");
else skip;
// Update the source balance
// Using the abs function to convert int to nat
src.balance := abs(src.balance - value);
s.ledger[accountFrom] := src;
// Fetch dst account or add empty dst account to ledger
var dst: account := record
balance = 0n;
allowances = (map end : map(address, amt));
case s.ledger[destination] of
| None -> skip
| Some(n) -> dst := n
// Update the destination balance
dst.balance := dst.balance + value;
// Decrease the allowance amount if necessary
if accountFrom =/= sender then block {
const allowanceAmount: amt = get_force(sender, src.allowances);
if allowanceAmount - value < 0 then failwith ("Allowance amount cannot be negative");
else src.allowances[sender] := abs(allowanceAmount - value);
} else skip;
s.ledger[destination] := dst;
end with s
// Approve an amount to be spent by another address in the name of the sender
// Pre conditions:
// The spender account is not the sender account
// Post conditions:
// The allowance of spender in the name of sender is value
function approve (const spender : address ; const value : amt ; var s : contract_storage) : contract_storage is
// If sender is the spender approving is not necessary
if sender = spender then skip;
else block {
const src: account = get_force(sender, s.ledger);
src.allowances[spender] := value;
s.ledger[sender] := src; // Not sure if this last step is necessary
end with s
// View function that forwards the allowance amount of spender in the name of tokenOwner to a contract
// Pre conditions:
// None
// Post conditions:
// The state is unchanged
function getAllowance (const owner : address ; const spender : address ; const contr : contract(amt) ; var s : contract_storage) : list(operation) is
const src: account = get_force(owner, s.ledger);
const destAllowance: amt = get_force(spender, src.allowances);
end with list [transaction(destAllowance, 0tz, contr)]
// View function that forwards the balance of source to a contract
// Pre conditions:
// None
// Post conditions:
// The state is unchanged
function getBalance (const src : address ; const contr : contract(amt) ; var s : contract_storage) : list(operation) is
const src: account = get_force(src, s.ledger);
end with list [transaction(src.balance, 0tz, contr)]
// View function that forwards the totalSupply to a contract
// Pre conditions:
// None
// Post conditions:
// The state is unchanged
function getTotalSupply (const contr : contract(amt) ; var s : contract_storage) : list(operation) is
list [transaction(s.totalSupply, 0tz, contr)]
function main (const p : action ; const s : contract_storage) :
(list(operation) * contract_storage) is
block {
// Reject any transaction that try to transfer token to this contract
if amount =/= 0tz then failwith ("This contract do not accept token");
else skip;
} with case p of
| Transfer(n) -> ((nil : list(operation)), transfer(n.0, n.1, n.2, s))
| Approve(n) -> ((nil : list(operation)), approve(n.0, n.1, s))
| GetAllowance(n) -> (getAllowance(n.0, n.1, n.2, s), s)
| GetBalance(n) -> (getBalance(n.0, n.1, s), s)
| GetTotalSupply(n) -> (getTotalSupply(n.1, s), s)
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
FROM node:12-alpine as builder
ARG EXAMPLES_DIR_DEST=packages/client/examples
COPY package.json package.json
COPY yarn.lock yarn.lock
COPY tsconfig.json tsconfig.json
COPY packages/client packages/client
COPY packages/server packages/server
RUN yarn install
COPY tsconfig.json tsconfig.json
RUN yarn workspaces run build
FROM node:12-buster
@ -98,20 +98,27 @@ async function main() {
throw error;
const EXAMPLES_DEST_DIR = join(process.cwd(), 'build', 'static', 'examples');
const EXAMPLES_DIR = join(process.cwd(), 'examples');
const EXAMPLES_GLOB = '**/*.ligo';
const EXAMPLES_LIST_FILE = 'list';
const EXAMPLES_DIR = process.env['EXAMPLES_DIR'] || join(process.cwd(), '../../../../src/test/examples');
// const EXAMPLES_GLOB = '**/*.ligo';
// const files = await findFiles(EXAMPLES_GLOB, EXAMPLES_DIR);
const EXAMPLES_DEST_DIR = join(process.cwd(), 'build', 'static', 'examples');
fs.mkdirSync(EXAMPLES_DEST_DIR, { recursive: true });
const files = await findFiles(EXAMPLES_GLOB, EXAMPLES_DIR);
const examples = await processExamples(
const EXAMPLES_LIST_FILE = 'list';
await writeFile(join(EXAMPLES_DEST_DIR, EXAMPLES_LIST_FILE), examples);
@ -7,34 +7,18 @@ import { ChangeDirtyAction, EditorState } from '../redux/editor';
import { ChangeSelectedAction, ExamplesState } from '../redux/examples';
import { getExample } from '../services/api';
const bgColor = 'transparent';
const borderSize = '5px';
const verticalPadding = '0.6em';
const Container = styled.div`
flex: 0.5;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
min-width: 0;
const MenuItem = styled.div<{ selected?: boolean }>`
padding: ${verticalPadding} 0 ${verticalPadding} 1em;
height: 1em;
const Header = styled.div`
min-height: 2.5em;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: ${props =>
props.selected ? 'var(--blue_trans1)' : bgColor};
border-left: ${`${borderSize} solid ${bgColor}`};
border-left-color: ${props => (props.selected ? 'var(--blue)' : bgColor)};
:hover {
background-color: ${props =>
props.selected ? 'var(--blue_trans1)' : 'var(--blue_trans2)'};
border-left: ${`${borderSize} solid ${bgColor}`};
border-left-color: ${props =>
props.selected ? 'var(--blue)' : 'transparent'};
font-weight: 600;
const MenuContainer = styled.div`
@ -42,15 +26,22 @@ const MenuContainer = styled.div`
flex-direction: column;
overflow-y: auto;
height: var(--content_height);
box-sizing: border-box;
font-size: 0.8em;
const Header = styled.div`
min-height: 2.5em;
padding: 0 10px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-weight: 600;
const MenuItem = styled.span`
height: 1em;
padding: 0.6em;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: transparent;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
:hover {
background-color: var(--blue_trans2);
export const Examples = () => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user