Crypto: replace ocaml-tweetnacl with ocaml-hacl
This commit is contained in:
@ -207,9 +207,8 @@ let gen_keys_containing ?(prefix=false) ?(force=false) ~containing ~name (cctxt
(fun key -> try ignore (Re.Str.search_forward re key 0); true
(fun key -> try ignore (Re.Str.search_forward re key 0); true
with Not_found -> false) in
with Not_found -> false) in
let rec loop attempts =
let rec loop attempts =
let seed = Ed25519.Seed.generate () in
let public_key_hash, public_key, secret_key =
let public_key_hash, public_key, secret_key =
Signature.generate_key ~seed () in
Signature.generate_key () in
let hash = Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check @@
let hash = Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check @@
Signature.Public_key.hash public_key in
Signature.Public_key.hash public_key in
if matches hash
if matches hash
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ val append :
val gen_keys :
val gen_keys :
?force:bool ->
?force:bool ->
?algo:Signature.algo ->
?algo:Signature.algo ->
?seed:Ed25519.Seed.t ->
?seed:MBytes.t ->
#Client_context.io_wallet -> string -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
#Client_context.io_wallet -> string -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val register_key :
val register_key :
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Encrypted_signer : SIGNER = struct
let rec decrypt_sk sk salt = function
let rec decrypt_sk sk salt = function
| [] -> None
| [] -> None
| password :: pws ->
| password :: pws ->
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.of_bytes_exn (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key sk nonce with
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key sk nonce with
| None -> decrypt_sk sk salt pws
| None -> decrypt_sk sk salt pws
| Some sk -> Some sk
| Some sk -> Some sk
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module Encrypted_signer : SIGNER = struct
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter password for encrypted key %s: " name >>= fun password ->
cctxt#prompt_password "Enter password for encrypted key %s: " name >>= fun password ->
let password = MBytes.of_string password in
let password = MBytes.of_string password in
let key = pbkdf ~salt ~password in
let key = pbkdf ~salt ~password in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.of_bytes_exn key in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes key in
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key skenc nonce with
match Crypto_box.Secretbox.box_open key skenc nonce with
| None -> passwd_ask_loop cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc
| None -> passwd_ask_loop cctxt ~name ~salt ~skenc
| Some decrypted_sk ->
| Some decrypted_sk ->
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ module Encrypted_signer : SIGNER = struct
input_new_passphrase cctxt >>=? fun password ->
input_new_passphrase cctxt >>=? fun password ->
let password = MBytes.of_string password in
let password = MBytes.of_string password in
let salt = Rand.generate salt_len in
let salt = Rand.generate salt_len in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.of_bytes_exn (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
let key = Crypto_box.Secretbox.unsafe_of_bytes (pbkdf ~password ~salt) in
let msg = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk in
let msg = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Signature.Secret_key.encoding sk in
let encrypted_passwd = key msg nonce in
let encrypted_passwd = key msg nonce in
let payload = MBytes.(to_string (concat "" [salt; encrypted_passwd])) in
let payload = MBytes.(to_string (concat "" [salt; encrypted_passwd])) in
@ -9,26 +9,36 @@
(** Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography *)
(** Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography *)
open Tweetnacl
open Hacl
type secret_key = Box.secret Box.key
type secret_key = secret Box.key
type public_key = Box.public Box.key
type public_key = public Box.key
type channel_key = Box.combined Box.key
type channel_key = Box.combined Box.key
type nonce = Nonce.t
type nonce = Bigstring.t
type target = Z.t
type target = Z.t
module Secretbox = struct
module Secretbox = struct
include Secretbox
include Secretbox
let box key msg nonce = box ~key ~msg ~nonce
let box_open key cmsg nonce = box_open ~key ~cmsg ~nonce
let box_noalloc key nonce msg =
let box_noalloc key nonce msg =
box_noalloc ~key ~nonce ~msg
box ~key ~nonce ~msg ~cmsg:msg
let box_open_noalloc key nonce cmsg =
let box_open_noalloc key nonce cmsg =
box_open_noalloc ~key ~nonce ~cmsg
box_open ~key ~nonce ~cmsg ~msg:cmsg
let box key msg nonce =
let msglen = MBytes.length msg in
let cmsg = MBytes.create (msglen + zerobytes) in
MBytes.fill cmsg '\x00' ;
MBytes.blit msg 0 cmsg zerobytes msglen ;
box ~key ~nonce ~msg:cmsg ~cmsg ;
let box_open key cmsg nonce =
let cmsglen = MBytes.length cmsg in
let msg = MBytes.create cmsglen in
match box_open ~key ~nonce ~cmsg ~msg with
| false -> None
| true -> Some (MBytes.sub msg zerobytes (cmsglen - zerobytes))
module Public_key_hash = Blake2B.Make (Base58) (struct
module Public_key_hash = Blake2B.Make (Base58) (struct
@ -42,7 +52,7 @@ let () =
Base58.check_encoded_prefix Public_key_hash.b58check_encoding "id" 30
Base58.check_encoded_prefix Public_key_hash.b58check_encoding "id" 30
let hash pk =
let hash pk =
Public_key_hash.hash_bytes [Box.to_bytes pk]
Public_key_hash.hash_bytes [Box.unsafe_to_bytes pk]
let zerobytes = Box.zerobytes
let zerobytes = Box.zerobytes
let boxzerobytes = Box.boxzerobytes
let boxzerobytes = Box.boxzerobytes
@ -51,33 +61,32 @@ let random_keypair () =
let pk, sk = Box.keypair () in
let pk, sk = Box.keypair () in
sk, pk, hash pk
sk, pk, hash pk
let zero_nonce = Tweetnacl.Nonce.(of_bytes_exn (MBytes.make bytes '\x00'))
let zero_nonce = MBytes.make Nonce.bytes '\x00'
let random_nonce = Nonce.gen
let random_nonce = Nonce.gen
let increment_nonce = Nonce.increment
let increment_nonce = Nonce.increment
let box sk pk msg nonce = ~sk ~pk ~msg ~nonce
let precompute sk pk = Box.dh pk sk
let box_open sk pk cmsg nonce = Box.box_open ~sk ~pk ~cmsg ~nonce
let box_noalloc sk pk nonce msg =
Box.box_noalloc ~sk ~pk ~nonce ~msg
let box_open_noalloc sk pk nonce cmsg =
Box.box_open_noalloc ~sk ~pk ~nonce ~cmsg
let precompute sk pk = Box.combine pk sk
let fast_box k msg nonce =
Box.box_combined ~k ~msg ~nonce
let fast_box_open k cmsg nonce =
Box.box_open_combined ~k ~cmsg ~nonce
let fast_box_noalloc k nonce msg =
let fast_box_noalloc k nonce msg =
Box.box_combined_noalloc ~k ~nonce ~msg
| ~k ~nonce ~msg ~cmsg:msg
let fast_box_open_noalloc k nonce cmsg =
let fast_box_open_noalloc k nonce cmsg =
Box.box_open_combined_noalloc ~k ~nonce ~cmsg
Box.box_open ~k ~nonce ~cmsg ~msg:cmsg
let fast_box k msg nonce =
let msglen = MBytes.length msg in
let cmsg = MBytes.create (msglen + zerobytes) in
MBytes.fill cmsg '\x00' ;
MBytes.blit msg 0 cmsg zerobytes msglen ;
| ~k ~nonce ~msg:cmsg ~cmsg ;
let fast_box_open k cmsg nonce =
let cmsglen = MBytes.length cmsg in
let msg = MBytes.create cmsglen in
match Box.box_open ~k ~nonce ~cmsg ~msg with
| false -> None
| true -> Some (MBytes.sub msg zerobytes (cmsglen - zerobytes))
let compare_target hash target =
let compare_target hash target =
let hash = Z.of_bits (Blake2B.to_string hash) in
let hash = Z.of_bits (Blake2B.to_string hash) in
@ -106,8 +115,8 @@ let default_target = make_target 24.
let check_proof_of_work pk nonce target =
let check_proof_of_work pk nonce target =
let hash =
let hash =
Blake2B.hash_bytes [
Blake2B.hash_bytes [
Box.to_bytes pk ;
Box.unsafe_to_bytes pk ;
Nonce.to_bytes nonce ;
nonce ;
] in
] in
compare_target hash target
compare_target hash target
@ -124,16 +133,28 @@ let generate_proof_of_work ?max pk target =
loop (Nonce.increment nonce) (cpt + 1) in
loop (Nonce.increment nonce) (cpt + 1) in
loop (random_nonce ()) 0
loop (random_nonce ()) 0
let public_key_to_bigarray = Box.to_bytes
let public_key_to_bigarray pk =
let public_key_of_bigarray = Box.pk_of_bytes_exn
let buf = MBytes.create Box.pkbytes in
Box.blit_to_bytes pk buf ;
let public_key_of_bigarray buf =
let pk = MBytes.copy buf in
Box.unsafe_pk_of_bytes pk
let public_key_size = Box.pkbytes
let public_key_size = Box.pkbytes
let secret_key_to_bigarray = Box.to_bytes
let secret_key_to_bigarray sk =
let secret_key_of_bigarray = Box.sk_of_bytes_exn
let buf = MBytes.create Box.skbytes in
Box.blit_to_bytes sk buf ;
let secret_key_of_bigarray buf =
let sk = MBytes.copy buf in
Box.unsafe_sk_of_bytes sk
let secret_key_size = Box.skbytes
let secret_key_size = Box.skbytes
let nonce_to_bigarray = Nonce.to_bytes
let nonce_of_bigarray = Nonce.of_bytes_exn
let nonce_size = Nonce.bytes
let nonce_size = Nonce.bytes
let public_key_encoding =
let public_key_encoding =
@ -151,9 +172,4 @@ let secret_key_encoding =
(Fixed.bytes secret_key_size)
(Fixed.bytes secret_key_size)
let nonce_encoding =
let nonce_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
Data_encoding.Fixed.bytes nonce_size
(Fixed.bytes nonce_size)
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
(** Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography *)
(** Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography *)
type nonce
type nonce = Bigstring.t
val nonce_size : int
val zero_nonce : nonce
val zero_nonce : nonce
val random_nonce : unit -> nonce
val random_nonce : unit -> nonce
@ -18,17 +19,13 @@ val increment_nonce : ?step:int -> nonce -> nonce
module Secretbox : sig
module Secretbox : sig
type key
type key
val zerobytes : int
val unsafe_of_bytes : MBytes.t -> key
val boxzerobytes : int
val of_bytes : MBytes.t -> key option
val of_bytes_exn : MBytes.t -> key
val box : key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t
val box_open : key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t option
val box_noalloc : key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> unit
val box_noalloc : key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> unit
val box_open_noalloc : key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> bool
val box_open_noalloc : key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> bool
val box : key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t
val box_open : key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t option
type target
type target
@ -47,12 +44,6 @@ val boxzerobytes : int
val random_keypair : unit -> secret_key * public_key * Public_key_hash.t
val random_keypair : unit -> secret_key * public_key * Public_key_hash.t
val box : secret_key -> public_key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t
val box_open : secret_key -> public_key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t option
val box_noalloc : secret_key -> public_key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> unit
val box_open_noalloc : secret_key -> public_key -> nonce -> MBytes.t -> bool
val precompute : secret_key -> public_key -> channel_key
val precompute : secret_key -> public_key -> channel_key
val fast_box : channel_key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t
val fast_box : channel_key -> MBytes.t -> nonce -> MBytes.t
@ -72,10 +63,6 @@ val secret_key_to_bigarray : secret_key -> Cstruct.buffer
val secret_key_of_bigarray : Cstruct.buffer -> secret_key
val secret_key_of_bigarray : Cstruct.buffer -> secret_key
val secret_key_size : int
val secret_key_size : int
val nonce_to_bigarray : nonce -> Cstruct.buffer
val nonce_of_bigarray : Cstruct.buffer -> nonce
val nonce_size : int
val public_key_encoding : public_key Data_encoding.t
val public_key_encoding : public_key Data_encoding.t
val secret_key_encoding : secret_key Data_encoding.t
val secret_key_encoding : secret_key Data_encoding.t
val nonce_encoding : nonce Data_encoding.t
val nonce_encoding : nonce Data_encoding.t
@ -19,20 +19,35 @@ module Public_key_hash = Blake2B.Make(Base58)(struct
let () =
let () =
Base58.check_encoded_prefix Public_key_hash.b58check_encoding "tz1" 36
Base58.check_encoded_prefix Public_key_hash.b58check_encoding "tz1" 36
open Tweetnacl
open Hacl
module Public_key = struct
module Public_key = struct
type t = Sign.public Sign.key
type t = public Sign.key
let name = "Ed25519.Public_key"
let name = "Ed25519.Public_key"
let title = "Ed25519 public key"
let title = "Ed25519 public key"
let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (Sign.to_bytes s)
let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes s)
let of_string_opt s = Sign.pk_of_bytes (MBytes.of_string s)
let of_string_opt s =
if String.length s < Sign.pkbytes then None
let pk = MBytes.create Sign.pkbytes in
MBytes.blit_of_string s 0 pk 0 Sign.pkbytes ;
Some (Sign.unsafe_pk_of_bytes pk)
let to_bytes = Sign.to_bytes
let to_bytes pk =
let of_bytes_opt = Sign.pk_of_bytes
let buf = MBytes.create Sign.pkbytes in
Sign.blit_to_bytes pk buf ;
let of_bytes_opt buf =
let buflen = MBytes.length buf in
if buflen < Sign.pkbytes then None
let pk = MBytes.create Sign.pkbytes in
MBytes.blit buf 0 pk 0 Sign.pkbytes ;
Some (Sign.unsafe_pk_of_bytes pk)
let size = Sign.pkbytes
let size = Sign.pkbytes
@ -51,12 +66,12 @@ module Public_key = struct
Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "edpk" 54
Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "edpk" 54
let hash v =
let hash v =
Public_key_hash.hash_bytes [ Sign.to_bytes v ]
Public_key_hash.hash_bytes [ Sign.unsafe_to_bytes v ]
include Compare.Make(struct
include Compare.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
type nonrec t = t
let compare a b =
let compare a b =
|||||| (Sign.to_bytes a) (Sign.to_bytes b)
| (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes a) (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes b)
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
@ -94,24 +109,29 @@ end
module Secret_key = struct
module Secret_key = struct
type t = Sign.secret Sign.key
type t = secret Sign.key
let name = "Ed25519.Secret_key"
let name = "Ed25519.Secret_key"
let title = "An Ed25519 secret key"
let title = "An Ed25519 secret key"
let size = Sign.seedbytes
let size = Sign.skbytes
let to_bytes sk =
let buf = MBytes.create Sign.skbytes in
Sign.blit_to_bytes sk buf ;
let to_bytes = Sign.seed
let of_bytes_opt s =
let of_bytes_opt s =
match MBytes.length s with
if MBytes.length s > 64 then None
| 32 -> let _pk, sk = Sign.keypair ~seed:s () in Some sk
| 64 -> Sign.sk_of_bytes s
let sk = MBytes.create Sign.skbytes in
| _ -> None
MBytes.blit s 0 sk 0 Sign.skbytes ;
Some (Sign.unsafe_sk_of_bytes sk)
let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s)
let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s)
let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s)
let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s)
let to_public_key = Sign.public
let to_public_key = Sign.neuterize
type +=
type +=
| Data of t
| Data of t
@ -120,20 +140,29 @@ module Secret_key = struct
~prefix: Base58.Prefix.ed25519_seed
~prefix: Base58.Prefix.ed25519_seed
~length: size
~length: size
~to_raw: (fun sk -> MBytes.to_string (Sign.seed sk))
~to_raw: (fun sk -> MBytes.to_string (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes sk))
~of_raw: (fun buf ->
~of_raw: (fun buf ->
let seed = MBytes.of_string buf in
if String.length buf <> Sign.skbytes then None
match Sign.keypair ~seed () with
else Some (Sign.unsafe_sk_of_bytes (MBytes.of_string buf)))
| exception _ -> None
| _pk, sk -> Some sk)
~wrap: (fun sk -> Data sk)
~wrap: (fun sk -> Data sk)
(* Legacy NaCl secret key encoding. Used to store both sk and pk. *)
let secret_key_encoding =
let secret_key_encoding =
~prefix: Base58.Prefix.ed25519_secret_key
~prefix: Base58.Prefix.ed25519_secret_key
~length: Sign.skbytes
~length: Sign.(skbytes + pkbytes)
~to_raw: (fun sk -> MBytes.to_string (Sign.to_bytes sk))
~to_raw: (fun sk ->
~of_raw: (fun buf -> Sign.sk_of_bytes (MBytes.of_string buf))
let pk = Sign.neuterize sk in
let buf = MBytes.create Sign.(skbytes + pkbytes) in
Sign.blit_to_bytes sk buf ;
Sign.blit_to_bytes pk ~pos:Sign.skbytes buf ;
MBytes.to_string buf)
~of_raw: (fun buf ->
if String.length buf <> Sign.(skbytes + pkbytes) then None
let sk = MBytes.create Sign.skbytes in
MBytes.blit_of_string buf 0 sk 0 Sign.skbytes ;
Some (Sign.unsafe_sk_of_bytes sk))
~wrap: (fun x -> Data x)
~wrap: (fun x -> Data x)
let of_b58check_opt s =
let of_b58check_opt s =
@ -165,7 +194,7 @@ module Secret_key = struct
include Compare.Make(struct
include Compare.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
type nonrec t = t
let compare a b =
let compare a b =
|||||| (Sign.to_bytes a) (Sign.to_bytes b)
| (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes a) (Sign.unsafe_to_bytes b)
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
@ -222,11 +251,6 @@ let b58check_encoding =
let () =
let () =
Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "edsig" 99
Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "edsig" 99
include Compare.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare =
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct
type nonrec t = t
type nonrec t = t
let name = name
let name = name
@ -260,30 +284,32 @@ let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t)
let zero = MBytes.make size '\000'
let zero = MBytes.make size '\000'
let sign key msg = Sign.detached ~key msg
let sign sk msg =
let signature = MBytes.create Sign.bytes in
Sign.sign ~sk ~msg ~signature ;
let check public_key signature msg =
let check pk signature msg =
Sign.verify_detached ~key:public_key ~signature msg
Sign.verify ~pk ~signature ~msg
module Seed = struct
let generate_key ?seed () =
match seed with
type t = Bigstring.t
| None ->
let pk, sk = Sign.keypair () in
let generate () = Rand.gen 32
Public_key.hash pk, pk, sk
let extract = Sign.seed
| Some seed ->
let seedlen = MBytes.length seed in
if seedlen < Sign.skbytes then
invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Ed25519.generate_key: seed must \
let generate_seeded_key seed =
be at least %d bytes long (got %d)"
let pk, sk = Sign.keypair ~seed () in
Sign.skbytes seedlen) ;
(Public_key.hash pk, pk, sk)
let sk = MBytes.create Sign.skbytes in
MBytes.blit seed 0 sk 0 Sign.skbytes ;
let generate_key () =
let sk = Sign.unsafe_sk_of_bytes sk in
let seed = Seed.generate () in
let pk = Sign.neuterize sk in
generate_seeded_key seed
Public_key.hash pk, pk, sk
include Compare.Make(struct
include Compare.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
type nonrec t = t
let compare =
let compare =
@ -10,13 +10,4 @@
(** Tezos - Ed25519 cryptography *)
(** Tezos - Ed25519 cryptography *)
include S.RAW_DATA with type t := t
include S.RAW_DATA with type t := t
module Seed : sig
type t
val generate : unit -> t
val extract : Secret_key.t -> t
val generate_seeded_key: Seed.t -> (Public_key_hash.t * Public_key.t * Secret_key.t)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
(* *)
let generate = Tweetnacl.Rand.gen
let generate = Hacl.Rand.gen
let generate_into ?(pos=0) ?len buf =
let generate_into ?(pos=0) ?len buf =
let buflen = MBytes.length buf in
let buflen = MBytes.length buf in
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ let generate_into ?(pos=0) ?len buf =
invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Rand.generate_into: \
invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Rand.generate_into: \
invalid slice (pos=%d len=%d)" pos len) ;
invalid slice (pos=%d len=%d)" pos len) ;
let buf = MBytes.sub buf pos len in
let buf = MBytes.sub buf pos len in
Tweetnacl.Rand.write buf
Hacl.Rand.write buf
@ -208,6 +208,6 @@ module type SIGNATURE = sig
val sign: Secret_key.t -> MBytes.t -> t
val sign: Secret_key.t -> MBytes.t -> t
val check: Public_key.t -> t -> MBytes.t -> bool
val check: Public_key.t -> t -> MBytes.t -> bool
val generate_key: unit -> (Public_key_hash.t * Public_key.t * Secret_key.t)
val generate_key: ?seed:MBytes.t -> unit -> (Public_key_hash.t * Public_key.t * Secret_key.t)
@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ let sign sk msg =
let check public_key signature msg =
let check public_key signature msg =
Sign.verify_exn context ~pk:public_key ~msg ~signature
Sign.verify_exn context ~pk:public_key ~msg ~signature
let generate_key () =
let generate_key ?(seed=Rand.generate 32) () =
let sk = Key.read_sk_exn context (Rand.generate 32) in
let sk = Key.read_sk_exn context seed in
let pk = Key.neuterize_exn context sk in
let pk = Key.neuterize_exn context sk in
let pkh = Public_key.hash pk in
let pkh = Public_key.hash pk in
(pkh, pk, sk)
pkh, pk, sk
@ -486,18 +486,12 @@ let algo_param () =
let generate_key ?(algo = Ed25519) ?seed () =
let generate_key ?(algo = Ed25519) ?seed () =
match algo, seed with
match algo with
| Secp256k1, Some _ ->
| Secp256k1 ->
invalid_arg "Signature.generate_key"
let pkh, pk, sk = Secp256k1.generate_key ?seed () in
| Secp256k1, None ->
let (pkh, pk, sk) = Secp256k1.generate_key () in
(Public_key_hash.Secp256k1 pkh,
(Public_key_hash.Secp256k1 pkh,
Public_key.Secp256k1 pk, Secret_key.Secp256k1 sk)
Public_key.Secp256k1 pk, Secret_key.Secp256k1 sk)
| Ed25519, seed ->
| Ed25519 ->
let seed =
let pkh, pk, sk = Ed25519.generate_key ?seed () in
match seed with
| None -> Ed25519.Seed.generate ()
| Some seed -> seed in
let (pkh, pk, sk) = Ed25519.generate_seeded_key seed in
(Public_key_hash.Ed25519 pkh,
(Public_key_hash.Ed25519 pkh,
Public_key.Ed25519 pk, Secret_key.Ed25519 sk)
Public_key.Ed25519 pk, Secret_key.Ed25519 sk)
@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ val algo_param: unit -> (algo, 'a) Clic.parameter
val generate_key:
val generate_key:
?algo:algo ->
?algo:algo ->
?seed:Ed25519.Seed.t ->
?seed:MBytes.t ->
unit -> public_key_hash * public_key * secret_key
unit -> public_key_hash * public_key * secret_key
@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
(* *)
(* *)
let get_keys () =
let seed = Ed25519.Seed.generate () in
Ed25519.generate_seeded_key seed
module type B58CHECK = sig
module type B58CHECK = sig
type t
type t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -29,7 +25,7 @@ let test_b58check_roundtrip
let test_b58check_roundtrips () =
let test_b58check_roundtrips () =
let (pubkey_hash, pubkey, seckey) = get_keys () in
let pubkey_hash, pubkey, seckey = Ed25519.generate_key () in
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Public_key_hash) pubkey_hash;
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Public_key_hash) pubkey_hash;
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Public_key) pubkey;
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Public_key) pubkey;
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Secret_key) seckey
test_b58check_roundtrip (module Ed25519.Secret_key) seckey
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ depends: [
"alcotest" { test & >= "0.8.3" }
"alcotest" { test & >= "0.8.3" }
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