Collection for translation without type annotation on record

This commit is contained in:
Lesenechal Remi 2019-10-26 14:18:06 +02:00
parent 730c130fb3
commit 79de96136d
4 changed files with 68 additions and 14 deletions

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(modules ligodity pascaligo simplify)

@ -1002,16 +1002,60 @@ and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun
assign_instrs in
let aux prev ass_exp =
match ass_exp.expression with
| E_variable name -> SMap.add name ass_exp prev
| E_assign ( name , _ , _ ) ->
let expr' = e_variable name in
SMap.add name expr' prev
| _ -> prev in
let captured_list = List.filter_map
(fun ass_exp -> match ass_exp.expression with
| E_assign ( name, _ , _ ) -> Some name
| _ -> None )
assign_instrs' in
let init_record = e_record (List.fold_left aux SMap.empty assign_instrs') in
(*later , init_record will be placed in a let_in *)
(* replace assignments to variable to assignments to record *)
(* replace assignments to X assignments to record *)
let%bind block' = simpl_block fc.block.value in
let%bind block' = block' None in
let replace_with_record exp =
match exp.expression with
| E_assign ( name , path , expr ) ->
let path' = ( match path with
| [] -> [Access_record name]
(* This will fail for deep tuple access, see LIGO-131 *)
| _ -> ((Access_record name)::path) ) in
ok @@ e_assign "_COMPILER_fold_record" path' expr
| E_variable name ->
if (List.mem name captured_list) then
ok @@ e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_fold_record") [Access_record name]
else ok @@ exp
| _ -> ok @@ exp in
let%bind block'' = Self_ast_simplified.map_expression replace_with_record block' in
(* build the lambda*)
(* let%bind (elt_type' : type_expression) = simpl_type_expression fc.elt_type in *)
(* let%bind (record_type : type_expression) = ... in *)
(* Here it's not possible to know the type of the variable captures in the record ..*)
let lambda = e_lambda "_COMPILER_for_collect_lambda" None None block'' in
let%bind collect = simpl_expression fc.expr in
let fold = e_constant "LIST_FOLD" [collect ; init_record ; lambda] in
let final = e_let_in ("_COMPILER_init_record", None) init_record
@@ (e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold (e_skip ())) in
return_statement @@ init_record
(* build the sequence of assigments back to the original variables *)
let aux (prev : expression) (captured_varname : string) =
let access = e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_folded_record")
[Access_record captured_varname] in
let assign = e_assign captured_varname [] access in
e_sequence prev assign in
let ( final_sequence : expression ) = List.fold_left aux final captured_list in
return_statement @@ final_sequence
have a E_unsimplified 'a which is then transformed in a self pass ??
let simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result = fun t ->
bind_list @@ simpl_declaration @@ nseq_to_list t.decl

@ -21,3 +21,5 @@ let all_program =
let all_expression =
let all_p = Helpers.map_expression all in
bind_chain all_p
let map_expression = Helpers.map_expression

@ -40,20 +40,27 @@ function for_collection (var nee : unit; var nuu : unit) : (int * string) is blo
record st = st; acc = acc; end;
var folded_record : (record st : string; acc : int end ) :=
list_fold(mylist , init_record , lamby) ;
skip ;
st := ;
acc := folded_record.acc ;
} with (folded_record.acc ,
// function for_collection_ (var nee : unit; var nuu : unit) : (int * string) is block {
// var acc : int := 0 ;
// var st : string := "to" ;
// var mylist : list(int) := list 1 ; 1 ; 1 end ;
function for_collection_ (var nee : unit; var nuu : unit) : (int * string) is block {
var acc : int := 0 ;
var st : string := "to" ;
var toto : (string * string) := ("foo","bar") ;
// for x : int in list mylist
// begin
// acc := acc + x ;
// st := st^"to" ;
// end
var mylist : list(int) := list 1 ; 1 ; 1 end ;
// } with acc
for x : int in list mylist
toto.1 := "r";
acc := acc + x ;
st := st^"to" ;
} with acc
function dummy (const n : nat) : nat is block {
while (False) block { skip }