typer: typecheck expression and subst (used e.g. to typecheck arguments of contracts)
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let compile (program : Ast_simplified.program) : (Ast_typed.program * Typer.Solv
let compile_expression ?(env = Ast_typed.Environment.full_empty) ~(state : Typer.Solver.state) (ae : Ast_simplified.expression)
: (Ast_typed.value * Typer.Solver.state) result =
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state state in
Typer.type_expression env state ae
Typer.type_expression_subst env state ae
let apply (entry_point : string) (param : Ast_simplified.expression) : Ast_simplified.expression result =
let name = Var.of_name entry_point in
@ -941,9 +941,7 @@ let untype_type_value (t:O.type_value) : (I.type_expression) result =
Apply type_declaration on all the node of the AST_simplified from the root p
let type_program_returns_state (p:I.program) : (environment * Solver.state * O.program) result =
let env = Ast_typed.Environment.full_empty in
let state = Solver.initial_state in
let type_program_returns_state ((env, state, p) : environment * Solver.state * I.program) : (environment * Solver.state * O.program) result =
let aux ((e : environment), (s : Solver.state) , (ds : O.declaration Location.wrap list)) (d:I.declaration Location.wrap) =
let%bind (e' , s' , d'_opt) = type_declaration e s (Location.unwrap d) in
let ds' = match d'_opt with
@ -958,8 +956,8 @@ let type_program_returns_state (p:I.program) : (environment * Solver.state * O.p
let () = ignore (env' , state') in
ok (env', state', declarations)
let type_program (p : I.program) : (O.program * Solver.state) result =
let%bind (env, state, program) = type_program_returns_state p in
let type_and_subst_xyz (env_state_node : environment * Solver.state * 'a) (apply_substs : 'b Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.w) (type_xyz_returns_state : (environment * Solver.state * 'a) -> (environment * Solver.state * 'b) Trace.result) : ('b * Solver.state) result =
let%bind (env, state, program) = type_xyz_returns_state env_state_node in
let subst_all =
let aliases = state.structured_dbs.aliases in
let assignments = state.structured_dbs.assignments in
@ -977,12 +975,26 @@ let type_program (p : I.program) : (O.program * Solver.state) result =
let%bind (expr : O.type_value') = Typesystem.Core.type_expression'_of_simple_c_constant (c_tag , (List.map (fun s -> O.{ type_value' = T_variable s ; simplified = None }) tv_list)) in
ok @@ expr
let p = Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_program ~substs program in
let p = apply_substs ~substs program in
p in
let%bind program = subst_all in
let () = ignore env in (* TODO: shouldn't we use the `env` somewhere? *)
ok (program, state)
let type_program (p : I.program) : (O.program * Solver.state) result =
let empty_env = Ast_typed.Environment.full_empty in
let empty_state = Solver.initial_state in
type_and_subst_xyz (empty_env , empty_state , p) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_program type_program_returns_state
let type_expression_returns_state : (environment * Solver.state * I.expression) -> (environment * Solver.state * O.annotated_expression) Trace.result =
fun (env, state, e) ->
let%bind (e , state) = type_expression env state e in
ok (env, state, e)
let type_expression_subst (env : environment) (state : Solver.state) ?(tv_opt : O.type_value option) (e : I.expression) : (O.annotated_expression * Solver.state) result =
let () = ignore tv_opt in (* For compatibility with the old typer's API, this argument can be removed once the new typer is used. *)
type_and_subst_xyz (env , state , e) Typesystem.Misc.Substitution.Pattern.s_annotated_expression type_expression_returns_state
TODO: Similar to type_program but use a fold_map_list and List.fold_left and add element to the left or the list which gives a better complexity
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ val type_declaration : environment -> Solver.state -> I.declaration -> (environm
(* val type_match : (environment -> 'i -> 'o result) -> environment -> O.type_value -> 'i I.matching -> I.expression -> Location.t -> 'o O.matching result *)
val evaluate_type : environment -> I.type_expression -> O.type_value result
val type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> (O.annotated_expression * Solver.state) result
val type_expression_subst : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> (O.annotated_expression * Solver.state) result
val type_constant : I.constant -> O.type_value list -> O.type_value option -> (O.constant * O.type_value) result
val untype_type_value : O.type_value -> (I.type_expression) result
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ module Solver = Typer_new.Solver (* Both the old typer and the new typer use the
type environment = Environment.t
let type_program = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.type_program else Typer_old.type_program
let type_expression = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.type_expression else Typer_old.type_expression
let type_expression_subst = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.type_expression_subst else Typer_old.type_expression (* the old typer does not have unification variables that would need substitution, so no need to "subst" anything. *)
let untype_expression = if use_new_typer then Typer_new.untype_expression else Typer_old.untype_expression
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ module Solver = Typer_new.Solver
type environment = Environment.t
val type_program : I.program -> (O.program * Solver.state) result
val type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> (O.annotated_expression * Solver.state) result
val type_expression_subst : environment -> Solver.state -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> (O.annotated_expression * Solver.state) result
val untype_expression : O.annotated_expression -> I.expression result
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let int () : unit result =
let open Typer in
let e = Environment.full_empty in
let state = Typer.Solver.initial_state in
let%bind (post , new_state) = type_expression e state pre in
let%bind (post , new_state) = type_expression_subst e state pre in
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state new_state in
let open! Typed in
let open Combinators in
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module TestExpressions = struct
let pre = expr in
let open Typer in
let open! Typed in
let%bind (post , new_state) = type_expression env state pre in
let%bind (post , new_state) = type_expression_subst env state pre in
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state new_state in
let%bind () = assert_type_value_eq (post.type_annotation, test_expected_ty) in
ok ()
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