Michelson: mv typechecking error definitions to a separate file
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ let print_typecheck_result
let type_map, errs = match res with
| Ok type_map -> type_map, []
| Error (Environment.Ecoproto_error
(Script_ir_translator.Ill_typed_contract (_, type_map ) :: _)
(Script_tc_errors.Ill_typed_contract (_, type_map ) :: _)
:: _ as errs) ->
type_map, errs
| Error errs ->
@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ val typecheck_program :
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
Script_ir_translator.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
Script_tc_errors.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
val print_typecheck_result :
emacs:bool ->
show_types:bool ->
print_source_on_error:bool ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_ir_translator.type_map, error list) result ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map, error list) result ->
#Client_commands.logger ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
(Script.location * Gas.t * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_code:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
block -> Script.expr -> Script_ir_translator.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
block -> Script.expr -> Script_tc_errors.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data:
#Client_rpcs.ctxt ->
block -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let print_expr ppf expr =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>%a@]" print_expr root
open Micheline_parser
open Script_ir_translator
open Script_tc_errors
let print_type_map ppf (parsed, type_map) =
let rec print_expr_types ppf = function
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ val print_expr :
val print_type_map :
Format.formatter ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed * Script_ir_translator.type_map ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed * Script_tc_errors.type_map ->
val report_errors :
Format.formatter ->
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ open Proto_alpha
open Tezos_context
open Tezos_micheline
open Script_typed_ir
open Script_tc_errors
open Script_ir_translator
open Script_interpreter
open Michelson_v1_printer
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ val print_expr_unwrapped :
(** Insert the type map returned by the typechecker as comments in a
printable Micheline AST. *)
val inject_types :
Script_ir_translator.type_map ->
Script_tc_errors.type_map ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(** Unexpand the macros and produce the result of parsing an
intermediate pretty printed source. Useful when working with
contracts extracted from the blockchain and not local files. *)
val unparse_toplevel : ?type_map: Script_ir_translator.type_map -> Script.expr -> Michelson_v1_parser.parsed
val unparse_toplevel : ?type_map: Script_tc_errors.type_map -> Script.expr -> Michelson_v1_parser.parsed
val unparse_expression : Script.expr -> Michelson_v1_parser.parsed
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
open Tezos_context
open Script
open Script_typed_ir
open Script_tc_errors
open Script_ir_translator
let dummy_code_fee = Tez.fifty_cents
@ -11,56 +11,7 @@ open Tezos_context
open Micheline
open Script
open Script_typed_ir
(* ---- Error definitions ---------------------------------------------------*)
(* Auxiliary types for error documentation *)
type namespace = Type_namespace | Constant_namespace | Instr_namespace | Keyword_namespace
type kind = Int_kind | String_kind | Prim_kind | Seq_kind
type type_map = (int * (Script.expr list * Script.expr list)) list
(* Structure errors *)
type error += Invalid_arity of Script.location * prim * int * int
type error += Invalid_namespace of Script.location * prim * namespace * namespace
type error += Invalid_primitive of Script.location * prim list * prim
type error += Invalid_kind of Script.location * kind list * kind
type error += Missing_field of prim
type error += Duplicate_field of Script.location * prim
(* Instruction typing errors *)
type error += Fail_not_in_tail_position of Script.location
type error += Undefined_binop : Script.location * prim * _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Undefined_unop : Script.location * prim * _ ty -> error
type error += Bad_return : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Bad_stack : Script.location * prim * int * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Unmatched_branches : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Transfer_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Transfer_in_dip of Script.location
type error += Self_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Bad_stack_length
type error += Bad_stack_item of int
type error += Inconsistent_annotations of string * string
type error += Inconsistent_type_annotations : Script.location * _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Unexpected_annotation of Script.location
type error += Invalid_map_body : Script.location * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Invalid_map_block_fail of Script.location
type error += Invalid_iter_body : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Type_too_large : Script.location * int * int -> error
(* Value typing errors *)
type error += Invalid_constant : Script.location * Script.expr * _ ty -> error
type error += Invalid_contract of Script.location * Contract.t
type error += Comparable_type_expected : Script.location * _ ty -> error
type error += Inconsistent_types : _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Unordered_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Unordered_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
(* Toplevel errors *)
type error += Ill_typed_data : string option * Script.expr * _ ty -> error
type error += Ill_formed_type of string option * Script.expr * Script.location
type error += Ill_typed_contract : Script.expr * type_map -> error
open Script_tc_errors
type ex_comparable_ty = Ex_comparable_ty : 'a comparable_ty -> ex_comparable_ty
type ex_ty = Ex_ty : 'a ty -> ex_ty
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open Tezos_context
open Script_tc_errors
type ('ta, 'tb) eq = Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
@ -16,58 +17,6 @@ type ex_ty = Ex_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> ex_ty
type ex_stack_ty = Ex_stack_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ex_stack_ty
type ex_script = Ex_script : ('a, 'b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.script -> ex_script
(* ---- Error definitions ---------------------------------------------------*)
(* Auxiliary types for error documentation *)
type namespace = Type_namespace | Constant_namespace | Instr_namespace | Keyword_namespace
type kind = Int_kind | String_kind | Prim_kind | Seq_kind
type type_map = (int * (Script.expr list * Script.expr list)) list
(* Structure errors *)
type error += Invalid_arity of Script.location * Script.prim * int * int
type error += Invalid_namespace of Script.location * Script.prim * namespace * namespace
type error += Invalid_primitive of Script.location * Script.prim list * Script.prim
type error += Invalid_kind of Script.location * kind list * kind
type error += Missing_field of Script.prim
type error += Type_too_large : Script.location * int * int -> error
type error += Duplicate_field of Script.location * Script.prim
(* Instruction typing errors *)
type error += Fail_not_in_tail_position of Script.location
type error += Undefined_binop : Script.location * Script.prim * _ Script_typed_ir.ty * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Undefined_unop : Script.location * Script.prim * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Bad_return : Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Bad_stack : Script.location * Script.prim * int * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> error
type error += Unmatched_branches : Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> error
type error += Inconsistent_annotations of string * string
type error += Inconsistent_type_annotations :
Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.ty * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Unexpected_annotation of Script.location
type error += Transfer_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Transfer_in_dip of Script.location
type error += Self_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Bad_stack_length
type error += Bad_stack_item of int
type error += Invalid_map_body : Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> error
type error += Invalid_map_block_fail of Script.location
type error += Invalid_iter_body : Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty * _ Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> error
(* Value typing errors *)
type error += Invalid_constant : Script.location * Script.expr * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Invalid_contract of Script.location * Contract.t
type error += Comparable_type_expected : Script.location * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Inconsistent_types : _ Script_typed_ir.ty * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Unordered_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Unordered_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
(* Toplevel errors *)
type error += Ill_typed_data : string option * Script.expr * _ Script_typed_ir.ty -> error
type error += Ill_formed_type of string option * Script.expr * Script.location
type error += Ill_typed_contract : Script.expr * type_map -> error
(* ---- Sets and Maps -------------------------------------------------------*)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_context
open Script
open Script_typed_ir
(* ---- Error definitions ---------------------------------------------------*)
(* Auxiliary types for error documentation *)
type namespace = Type_namespace | Constant_namespace | Instr_namespace | Keyword_namespace
type kind = Int_kind | String_kind | Prim_kind | Seq_kind
type type_map = (int * (Script.expr list * Script.expr list)) list
(* Structure errors *)
type error += Invalid_arity of Script.location * prim * int * int
type error += Invalid_namespace of Script.location * prim * namespace * namespace
type error += Invalid_primitive of Script.location * prim list * prim
type error += Invalid_kind of Script.location * kind list * kind
type error += Missing_field of prim
type error += Duplicate_field of Script.location * prim
(* Instruction typing errors *)
type error += Fail_not_in_tail_position of Script.location
type error += Undefined_binop : Script.location * prim * _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Undefined_unop : Script.location * prim * _ ty -> error
type error += Bad_return : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Bad_stack : Script.location * prim * int * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Unmatched_branches : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Transfer_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Transfer_in_dip of Script.location
type error += Self_in_lambda of Script.location
type error += Bad_stack_length
type error += Bad_stack_item of int
type error += Inconsistent_annotations of string * string
type error += Inconsistent_type_annotations : Script.location * _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Unexpected_annotation of Script.location
type error += Invalid_map_body : Script.location * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Invalid_map_block_fail of Script.location
type error += Invalid_iter_body : Script.location * _ stack_ty * _ stack_ty -> error
type error += Type_too_large : Script.location * int * int -> error
(* Value typing errors *)
type error += Invalid_constant : Script.location * Script.expr * _ ty -> error
type error += Invalid_contract of Script.location * Contract.t
type error += Comparable_type_expected : Script.location * _ ty -> error
type error += Inconsistent_types : _ ty * _ ty -> error
type error += Unordered_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Unordered_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_map_keys of Script.location * Script.expr
type error += Duplicate_set_values of Script.location * Script.expr
(* Toplevel errors *)
type error += Ill_typed_data : string option * Script.expr * _ ty -> error
type error += Ill_formed_type of string option * Script.expr * Script.location
type error += Ill_typed_contract : Script.expr * type_map -> error
@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ let economic_error ~msg f =
let ill_typed_data_error ~msg =
let aux = function
| Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.Ill_typed_data _ -> true
| Proto_alpha.Script_tc_errors.Ill_typed_data _ -> true
| _ -> false in
economic_error ~msg aux
let ill_typed_return_error ~msg =
let aux = function
| Proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator.Bad_return _ -> true
| Proto_alpha.Script_tc_errors.Bad_return _ -> true
| _ -> false in
economic_error ~msg aux
Reference in New Issue
Block a user