Node: limit the refused operations cache in the prevalidator
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ and log = {
and shell = {
bootstrap_threshold : int ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
timeout : Node.timeout ;
@ -104,8 +105,11 @@ let default_log = {
let default_shell = {
bootstrap_threshold = 4 ;
prevalidator_limits = {
operation_timeout = 10. ;
max_refused_operations = 1000 ;
} ;
timeout = {
operation = 10. ;
block_header = 60. ;
block_operations = 60. ;
protocol = 120. ;
@ -253,20 +257,33 @@ let log =
(opt "rules" string)
(dft "template" string default_log.template))
let prevalidator_limits_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let uint8 = conv int_of_float float_of_int uint8 in
(fun { Node.operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations } ->
(operation_timeout, max_refused_operations))
(fun (operation_timeout, max_refused_operations) ->
{ operation_timeout ; max_refused_operations })
(dft "operations_timeout" uint8
(dft "max_refused_operations" uint16
let timeout_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let uint8 = conv int_of_float float_of_int uint8 in
(fun { Node.operation ; block_header ; block_operations ;
(fun { Node.block_header ; block_operations ;
protocol ; new_head_request } ->
(operation, block_header, block_operations,
(block_header, block_operations,
protocol, new_head_request))
(fun (operation, block_header, block_operations,
(fun (block_header, block_operations,
protocol, new_head_request) ->
{ operation ; block_header ; block_operations ;
{ block_header ; block_operations ;
protocol ; new_head_request })
(dft "operation" uint8 default_shell.timeout.operation)
(dft "block_header" uint8 default_shell.timeout.block_header)
(dft "block_operations" uint8 default_shell.timeout.block_operations)
(dft "protocol" uint8 default_shell.timeout.protocol)
@ -276,11 +293,14 @@ let timeout_encoding =
let shell =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { bootstrap_threshold ; timeout } -> bootstrap_threshold, timeout)
(fun (bootstrap_threshold, timeout) -> { bootstrap_threshold ; timeout })
(fun { bootstrap_threshold ; timeout ; prevalidator_limits } ->
bootstrap_threshold, timeout, prevalidator_limits)
(fun (bootstrap_threshold, timeout, prevalidator_limits) ->
{ bootstrap_threshold ; timeout ; prevalidator_limits })
(dft "bootstrap_threshold" uint8 default_shell.bootstrap_threshold)
(dft "timeout" timeout_encoding default_shell.timeout)
(dft "prevalidator" prevalidator_limits_encoding default_shell.prevalidator_limits)
let encoding =
@ -399,6 +419,7 @@ let update
bootstrap_threshold ;
timeout = ;
prevalidator_limits = ;
return { data_dir ; net ; rpc ; log ; shell }
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ and log = {
and shell = {
bootstrap_threshold : int ;
prevalidator_limits : Node.prevalidator_limits ;
timeout : Node.timeout ;
@ -170,7 +170,10 @@ let init_node ?sandbox (config : Node_config_file.t) =
test_network_max_tll = Some (48 * 3600) ; (* 2 days *)
bootstrap_threshold = ;
} in
Node.create node_config
let () =
let old_hook = !Lwt.async_exception_hook in
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ type t = {
block_validator: Block_validator.t ;
timeout: timeout ;
prevalidator_limits: Prevalidator.limits ;
bootstrap_threshold: int ;
mutable bootstrapped: bool ;
bootstrapped_waiter: unit Lwt.t ;
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ type t = {
and timeout = {
operation: float ;
block_header: float ;
block_operations: float ;
protocol: float ;
@ -122,13 +122,12 @@ let broadcast_head nv ~previous block =
let rec create
?max_child_ttl ?parent
?(bootstrap_threshold = 1)
timeout block_validator
timeout prevalidator_limits block_validator
global_valid_block_input db net_state =
Chain.init_head net_state >>= fun () ->
let net_db = Distributed_db.activate db net_state in
~max_operations:2000 (* FIXME temporary constant *)
~operation_timeout:timeout.operation net_db >>= fun prevalidator ->
prevalidator_limits net_db >>= fun prevalidator ->
let valid_block_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in
let new_head_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in
let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ let rec create
let nv = {
db ; net_state ; net_db ; block_validator ;
prevalidator ;
timeout ;
timeout ; prevalidator_limits ;
valid_block_input ; global_valid_block_input ;
new_head_input ;
parent ; max_child_ttl ; child = None ;
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ and may_switch_test_network nv block =
return net_state
end >>=? fun net_state ->
~parent:nv nv.timeout nv.block_validator
~parent:nv nv.timeout nv.prevalidator_limits nv.block_validator
nv.db net_state >>= fun child ->
nv.child <- Some child ;
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
type t
type timeout = {
operation: float ;
block_header: float ;
block_operations: float ;
protocol: float ;
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ val create:
?max_child_ttl:int ->
?bootstrap_threshold:int ->
timeout ->
Prevalidator.limits ->
Block_validator.t ->
State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ->
Distributed_db.t ->
@ -90,13 +90,17 @@ type config = {
and timeout = Net_validator.timeout = {
operation: float ;
block_header: float ;
block_operations: float ;
protocol: float ;
new_head_request: float ;
and prevalidator_limits = Prevalidator.limits = {
max_refused_operations: int ;
operation_timeout: float
let may_create_net state genesis =
State.Net.get state (Net_id.of_block_hash genesis.State.Net.block) >>= function
| Ok net -> Lwt.return net
@ -106,12 +110,14 @@ let may_create_net state genesis =
let create { genesis ; store_root ; context_root ;
patch_context ; p2p = net_params ;
test_network_max_tll = max_child_ttl ;
bootstrap_threshold } timeout =
bootstrap_threshold }
timeout prevalidator_limits =
init_p2p net_params >>=? fun p2p ->
~store_root ~context_root ?patch_context () >>=? fun state ->
let distributed_db = Distributed_db.create state p2p in
let validator = Validator.create state distributed_db timeout in
let validator =
Validator.create state distributed_db timeout prevalidator_limits in
may_create_net state genesis >>= fun mainnet_state ->
Validator.activate validator
@ -20,14 +20,17 @@ type config = {
and timeout = {
operation: float ;
block_header: float ;
block_operations: float ;
protocol: float ;
new_head_request: float ;
and prevalidator_limits = {
max_refused_operations: int ;
operation_timeout: float
val create: config -> timeout -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val create: config -> timeout -> prevalidator_limits -> t tzresult Lwt.t
module RPC : sig
@ -70,15 +70,19 @@ let wakeup_with_result
Lwt.wakeup_later u res ;
Lwt.return (res >>? fun _res -> ok ())
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float
(* Invariants:
- an operation is in only one of these sets (map domains):
pv.refused pv.pending pv.fetching pv.live_operations pv.in_mempool
pv.refusals pv.pending pv.fetching pv.live_operations pv.in_mempool
- pv.in_mempool is the domain of all fields of pv.prevalidation_result
- pv.prevalidation_result.refused = Ø, refused ops are in pv.refused *)
type t = {
net_db : Distributed_db.net_db ;
operation_timeout : float ;
max_operations : int ; (* TODO: not sure if we should use that ? *)
limits : limits ;
canceler : Lwt_canceler.t ;
message_queue : message Lwt_pipe.t ;
mutable (* just for init *) worker : unit Lwt.t ;
@ -86,7 +90,8 @@ type t = {
mutable timestamp : Time.t ;
mutable live_blocks : Block_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
mutable live_operations : Operation_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
mutable refused : (Time.t * error list) Operation_hash.Map.t ;
refused : Operation_hash.t Ring.t ;
mutable refusals : error list Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable pending : Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable mempool : Mempool.t ;
@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ let close_queue pv =
Lwt_pipe.close pv.message_queue
let already_handled pv oph =
Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.refused
Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.refusals
|| Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.pending
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.fetching
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.live_operations
@ -191,12 +196,13 @@ let handle_unprocessed pv =
(fun h _ in_mempool -> Operation_hash.Set.remove h in_mempool)
pv.validation_result.refused @@
pv.in_mempool) ;
pv.refused <- (* TODO: cleanup *)
(let now = () in
(fun h (_, errs) refused ->
Operation_hash.Map.add h (now, errs) refused)
pv.validation_result.refused pv.refused) ;
(fun h (_, errs) ->
Option.iter (Ring.add_and_return_erased pv.refused h)
~f:(fun e -> pv.refusals <- Operation_hash.Map.remove e pv.refusals) ;
pv.refusals <-
Operation_hash.Map.add h errs pv.refusals)
pv.validation_result.refused ;
(fun oph _ -> Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db oph)
pv.validation_result.refused ;
@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ let handle_unprocessed pv =
let fetch_operation pv ?peer oph =
debug "fetching operation %a" Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
pv.net_db ?peer oph () >>= function
| Ok op ->
push_request pv (Arrived (oph, op)) ;
@ -279,14 +285,14 @@ let on_inject pv op =
if List.mem_assoc oph result.applied then
return ()
let try_in_map map or_else =
let try_in_map map proj or_else =
Lwt.return (Error (snd (Operation_hash.Map.find oph map)))
Lwt.return (Error (proj (Operation_hash.Map.find oph map)))
with Not_found -> or_else () in
try_in_map pv.refused @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.refused @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_refused @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_delayed @@ fun () ->
try_in_map pv.refusals (fun h -> h) @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.refused snd @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_refused snd @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_delayed snd @@ fun () ->
if Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.live_operations then
failwith "Injected operation %a included in a previous block."
Operation_hash.pp oph
@ -380,7 +386,7 @@ let rec worker_loop pv =
Lwt_canceler.cancel pv.canceler >>= fun () ->
let create ~max_operations ~operation_timeout net_db =
let create limits net_db =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in
let message_queue = Lwt_pipe.create () in
@ -404,12 +410,12 @@ let create ~max_operations ~operation_timeout net_db =
(fun s h -> Operation_hash.Set.add h s)
Operation_hash.Set.empty mempool.known_valid in
let pv =
{ operation_timeout ; max_operations ;
net_db ; canceler ;
{ limits ; net_db ; canceler ;
worker = Lwt.return_unit ; message_queue ;
predecessor ; timestamp ; live_blocks ; live_operations ;
mempool = { known_valid = [] ; pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty };
refused = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
refused = Ring.create limits.max_refused_operations ;
refusals = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
fetching ;
pending = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
in_mempool = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
type t
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float
(** Creation and destruction of a "prevalidation" worker. *)
val create:
max_operations: int ->
operation_timeout: float ->
Distributed_db.net_db -> t Lwt.t
val create: limits -> Distributed_db.net_db -> t Lwt.t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
val notify_operations: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> Mempool.t -> unit
@ -15,19 +15,20 @@ type t = {
db: Distributed_db.t ;
block_validator: Block_validator.t ;
timeout: Net_validator.timeout ;
prevalidator_limits: Prevalidator.limits ;
valid_block_input: State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ;
active_nets: Net_validator.t Lwt.t Net_id.Table.t ;
let create state db timeout =
let create state db timeout prevalidator_limits =
let block_validator =
db in
let valid_block_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in
{ state ; db ; timeout ; block_validator ;
{ state ; db ; timeout ; prevalidator_limits ; block_validator ;
valid_block_input ;
active_nets = Net_id.Table.create 7 ;
@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ let activate v ?bootstrap_threshold ?max_child_ttl net_state =
v.timeout v.block_validator v.valid_block_input v.db net_state in
v.timeout v.prevalidator_limits
v.block_validator v.valid_block_input v.db net_state in
Net_id.Table.add v.active_nets net_id nv ;
@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
type t
val create: State.t -> Distributed_db.t -> Net_validator.timeout -> t
val create:
State.t ->
Distributed_db.t ->
Net_validator.timeout ->
Prevalidator.limits ->
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Start the validation scheduler of a given network. *)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user