WIP: cleaning up some TODOs
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Wrap = struct
| "unit" -> C_unit
| "bool" -> C_bool
| "string" -> C_string
| _ -> failwith "TODO")
| _ -> failwith "unknown type constructor")
P_constant (csttag, List.map type_expression_to_type_value args)
@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ module Wrap = struct
(* TODO: this should be renamed to failwith_ *)
let failwith : unit -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun () ->
let failwith_ : unit -> (constraints * O.type_variable) = fun () ->
let type_name = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
[] , type_name
@ -368,6 +367,7 @@ type structured_dbs = {
and constraints = {
(* If implemented in a language with decent sets, these should be sets not lists. *)
constructor : c_constructor_simpl list ; (* List of ('a = constructor(args…)) constraints *)
poly : c_poly_simpl list ; (* List of ('a = forall 'b, some_type) constraints *)
tc : c_typeclass_simpl list ; (* List of (typeclass(args…)) constraints *)
@ -392,11 +392,12 @@ and c_poly_simpl = {
and type_constraint_simpl =
SC_Constructor of c_constructor_simpl (* α = ctor(β, …) *)
| SC_Alias of (type_variable * type_variable) (* α = β *)
| SC_Poly of c_poly_simpl (* α = forall β, δ where δ can be a more complex type, TODO: maybe type_value is too much and we want sth simpler? *)
| SC_Poly of c_poly_simpl (* α = forall β, δ where δ can be a more complex type *)
| SC_Typeclass of c_typeclass_simpl (* TC(α, …) *)
module UnionFindWrapper = struct
(* TODO: API for the structured db, to access it modulo unification variable aliases. *)
(* Light wrapper for API for grouped_by_variable in the structured
db, to access it modulo unification variable aliases. *)
let get_constraints_related_to : type_variable -> structured_dbs -> constraints =
fun variable dbs ->
let variable , aliases = UF.get_or_set variable dbs.aliases in
@ -438,7 +439,6 @@ module UnionFindWrapper = struct
let constraints_a = get_constraints variable_repr_a in
let constraints_b = get_constraints variable_repr_b in
let all_constraints = {
(* TODO: should be a Set.union, not @ *)
constructor = constraints_a.constructor @ constraints_b.constructor ;
poly = constraints_a.poly @ constraints_b.poly ;
tc = constraints_a.tc @ constraints_b.tc ;
@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ end
* later: better database-like organisation of knowledge *)
(* Each normalizer returns a *)
(* If implemented in a language with decent sets, should be 'b set not 'b list. *)
type ('a , 'b) normalizer = structured_dbs -> 'a -> (structured_dbs * 'b list)
let normalizer_all_constraints : (type_constraint_simpl , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
@ -494,53 +495,58 @@ let type_level_eval : type_value -> type_value * type_constraint list = failwith
let check_applied ((reduced, _new_constraints) as x) =
let () = match reduced with
P_apply _ -> failwith "internal error: shouldn't happen" (* failwith "could not reduce type-level application. Arbitrary type-level applications are not supported for now." (* TODO: report real error *) *)
P_apply _ -> failwith "internal error: shouldn't happen" (* failwith "could not reduce type-level application. Arbitrary type-level applications are not supported for now." *)
| _ -> ()
in x
(* TODO: at some point there may be uses of named type aliases (type
foo = int; let x : foo = 42). These should be inlined. *)
let rec normalizer_simpl : (type_constraint , type_constraint_simpl) normalizer =
fun dbs new_constraint ->
match new_constraint with
(* TODO: merge the cases that just insert a fresh variable *)
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_forall _ as b))
(* break down (forall 'b, body = forall 'c, body') into ('a = forall 'b, body and 'a = forall 'c, body')) *)
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_constant _ as b))
(* break down (forall 'b, body = c(args)) into ('a = forall 'b, body and 'a = c(args)) *)
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_constant _ as b))
(* break down (c(args) = c'(args')) into ('a = c(args) and 'a = c'(args')) *)
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_forall _ as b))
(* break down (c(args) = forall 'b, body) into ('a = c(args) and 'a = forall 'b, body) *)
let insert_fresh a b =
let fresh = Core.fresh_type_variable () in
let (dbs , cs1) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (P_variable fresh, a)) in
let (dbs , cs2) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (P_variable fresh, b)) in
(dbs , cs1 @ cs2) (* TODO: O(n) concatenation! *)
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_variable _ as b)) -> normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (b , a))
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_forall forall) -> (dbs , [SC_Poly { tv=a; forall }])
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_variable b) -> (dbs , [SC_Alias (a, b)])
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_constant (c_tag, args)) ->
(dbs , cs1 @ cs2) in
let split_constant a c_tag args =
let fresh_vars = List.map (fun _ -> Core.fresh_type_variable ()) args in
let fresh_eqns = List.map (fun (v,t) -> C_equation (P_variable v, t)) (List.combine fresh_vars args) in
let (dbs , recur) = List.fold_map normalizer_simpl dbs fresh_eqns in
(dbs , [SC_Constructor {tv=a;c_tag;tv_list=fresh_vars}] @ List.flatten recur)
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_variable _ as b)) -> normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (b , a))
| C_equation ((_ as a), (P_apply _ as b)) ->
(* Reduce the type-level application, and simplify the resulting constraint + the extra constraints (typeclasses) that appeared at the forall binding site *)
(dbs , [SC_Constructor {tv=a;c_tag;tv_list=fresh_vars}] @ List.flatten recur) in
let gather_forall a forall = (dbs , [SC_Poly { tv=a; forall }]) in
let gather_alias a b = (dbs , [SC_Alias (a, b)]) in
let reduce_type_app a b =
let (reduced, new_constraints) = check_applied @@ type_level_eval b in
let (dbs , recur) = List.fold_map normalizer_simpl dbs new_constraints in
let (dbs , resimpl) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (a , reduced)) in
(dbs , resimpl @ List.flatten recur)
| C_equation ((P_apply _ as a), (_ as b)) ->
normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (b , a)) (* TODO: have a bunch of functions for the different cases, and call these functions possibly with the arguments swapped etc. *)
| C_typeclass (args, tc) ->
(* break down (TC(args)) into (TC('a, …) and ('a = arg) …) *)
let (dbs , resimpl) = normalizer_simpl dbs (C_equation (a , reduced)) in (* Note: this calls recursively but cant't fall in the same case. *)
(dbs , resimpl @ List.flatten recur) in
let split_typeclass args tc =
let fresh_vars = List.map (fun _ -> Core.fresh_type_variable ()) args in
let fresh_eqns = List.map (fun (v,t) -> C_equation (P_variable v, t)) (List.combine fresh_vars args) in
let (dbs , recur) = List.fold_map normalizer_simpl dbs fresh_eqns in
(dbs, [SC_Typeclass { tc ; args = fresh_vars }] @ List.flatten recur)
| C_access_label (tv, label, result) -> let _todo = ignore (tv, label, result) in failwith "TODO"
(dbs, [SC_Typeclass { tc ; args = fresh_vars }] @ List.flatten recur) in
match new_constraint with
(* break down (forall 'b, body = forall 'c, body') into ('a = forall 'b, body and 'a = forall 'c, body')) *)
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_forall _ as b)) -> insert_fresh a b
(* break down (forall 'b, body = c(args)) into ('a = forall 'b, body and 'a = c(args)) *)
| C_equation ((P_forall _ as a), (P_constant _ as b)) -> insert_fresh a b
(* break down (c(args) = c'(args')) into ('a = c(args) and 'a = c'(args')) *)
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_constant _ as b)) -> insert_fresh a b
(* break down (c(args) = forall 'b, body) into ('a = c(args) and 'a = forall 'b, body) *)
| C_equation ((P_constant _ as a), (P_forall _ as b)) -> insert_fresh a b
| C_equation ((P_forall forall), (P_variable b)) -> gather_forall b forall
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_forall forall) -> gather_forall a forall
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_variable b) -> gather_alias a b
| C_equation (P_variable a, P_constant (c_tag , args)) -> split_constant a c_tag args
| C_equation (P_constant (c_tag , args), P_variable b) -> split_constant b c_tag args
(* Reduce the type-level application, and simplify the resulting constraint + the extra constraints (typeclasses) that appeared at the forall binding site *)
| C_equation ((_ as a), (P_apply _ as b)) -> reduce_type_app a b
| C_equation ((P_apply _ as a), (_ as b)) -> reduce_type_app b a
(* break down (TC(args)) into (TC('a, …) and ('a = arg) …) *)
| C_typeclass (args, tc) -> split_typeclass args tc
| C_access_label (tv, label, result) -> let _todo = ignore (tv, label, result) in failwith "TODO"
(* Random notes from live discussion. Kept here to include bits as a rationale later on / remind me of the discussion in the short term.
* Feel free to erase if it rots here for too long.
@ -585,19 +591,6 @@ let lift f =
(* TODO: move this to the List module *)
let named_fold_left f ~acc ~lst = List.fold_left (fun acc lst -> f ~acc ~lst) acc lst
(* TODO: place the list of normalizers in a map *)
(* (\* cons for heterogeneous lists *\)
* type 'b f = { f : 'a . ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b }
* type ('hd , 'tl) hcons = { hd : 'hd ; tl : 'tl ; map : 'b . 'b f -> ('b , 'tl) hcons }
* let (+::) hd tl = { hd ; tl ; map = fun x -> }
* let list_of_normalizers =
* normalizer_simpl +::
* normalizer_all_constraints +::
* normalizer_assignments +::
* normalizer_grouped_by_variable +::
* () *)
module Fun = struct let id x = x end (* in stdlib as of 4.08, we're in 4.07 for now *)
let normalizers : type_constraint -> structured_dbs -> (structured_dbs , 'modified_constraint) state_list_monad =
@ -612,8 +605,6 @@ let normalizers : type_constraint -> structured_dbs -> (structured_dbs , 'modifi
(* sub-sub component: lazy selector (don't re-try all selectors every time)
* For now: just re-try everytime *)
type todo = unit
let todo : todo = ()
type 'old_constraint_type selector_input = 'old_constraint_type (* some info about the constraint just added, so that we know what to look for *)
type 'selector_output selector_outputs =
WasSelected of 'selector_output list
@ -627,14 +618,14 @@ type 'selector_output propagator = 'selector_output -> structured_dbs -> new_con
(* selector / propagation rule for breaking down composite types
* For now: break pair(a, b) = pair(c, d) into a = c, b = d *)
type output_break_ctor = < a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl ; a_k'_var' : c_constructor_simpl > (* TODO: replace with a struct *)
type output_break_ctor = { a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl ; a_k'_var' : c_constructor_simpl }
let selector_break_ctor : (type_constraint_simpl, output_break_ctor) selector =
(* find two rules with the shape a = k(var …) and a = k'(var' …) *)
fun todo dbs ->
match todo with
fun type_constraint_simpl dbs ->
match type_constraint_simpl with
SC_Constructor c ->
let other_cs = (UnionFindWrapper.get_constraints_related_to c.tv dbs).constructor in
let cs_pairs = List.map (fun x -> object method a_k_var = c method a_k'_var' = x end) other_cs in
let cs_pairs = List.map (fun x -> { a_k_var = c ; a_k'_var' = x }) other_cs in
WasSelected cs_pairs
| SC_Alias _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? *)
| SC_Poly _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? *)
@ -643,19 +634,19 @@ let selector_break_ctor : (type_constraint_simpl, output_break_ctor) selector =
let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
fun selected dbs ->
let () = ignore (dbs) in (* this propagator doesn't need to use the dbs *)
let a = selected#a_k_var in
let b = selected#a_k'_var' in
let a = selected.a_k_var in
let b = selected.a_k'_var' in
(* produce constraints: *)
(* a.tv = b.tv *)
let eq1 = C_equation (P_variable a.tv, P_variable b.tv) in
(* a.c_tag = b.c_tag *)
if a.c_tag <> b.c_tag then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor (TODO error message)"
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same ctor"
(* a.tv_list = b.tv_list *)
if List.length a.tv_list <> List.length b.tv_list then
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same length (TODO error message)"
failwith "type error: incompatible types, not same length"
let eqs3 = List.map2 (fun aa bb -> C_equation (P_variable aa, P_variable bb)) a.tv_list b.tv_list in
let eqs = eq1 :: eqs3 in
@ -664,27 +655,28 @@ let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
(* TODO : with our selectors, the selection depends on the order in which the constraints are added :-( :-( :-( :-(
We need to return a lazy stream of constraints. *)
type output_specialize1 = < poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl >
type output_specialize1 = { poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl }
let selector_specialize1 : (type_constraint_simpl, output_specialize1) selector =
(* find two rules with the shape (a = forall b, d) and a = k'(var' …) *)
(* TODO: do the same for two rules with the shape (a = forall b, d) and tc(a…) *)
(* TODO: do the appropriate thing for two rules with the shape (a = forall b, d) and (a = forall b', d') *)
fun todo dbs ->
match todo with
fun type_constraint_simpl dbs ->
match type_constraint_simpl with
SC_Constructor _ -> WasNotSelected
| SC_Alias _ -> WasNotSelected (* TODO: ??? *)
| SC_Poly p ->
let other_cs = (UnionFindWrapper.get_constraints_related_to p.tv dbs).constructor in
let cs_pairs = List.map (fun x -> object method poly = p method a_k_var = x end) other_cs in
let cs_pairs = List.map (fun x -> { poly = p ; a_k_var = x }) other_cs in
WasSelected cs_pairs
| SC_Typeclass _ -> WasNotSelected
let propagator_specialize1 : output_specialize1 propagator =
fun selected dbs ->
let () = ignore (dbs) in (* this propagator doesn't need to use the dbs *)
let a = selected#poly in
let b = selected#a_k_var in
assert (a.tv = b.tv); (* TODO: throw a propper internal error if this fails / prove that it won't in Coq. *)
let a = selected.poly in
let b = selected.a_k_var in
let () = if (a.tv <> b.tv) then failwith "internal error" else () in
(* produce constraints: *)
(* create a fresh existential variable to instantiate the polymorphic type b *)
@ -699,8 +691,8 @@ let propagator_specialize1 : output_specialize1 propagator =
let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> 'selector_output propagator -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * new_assignments =
fun selector propagator ->
fun todo dbs ->
match selector todo dbs with
fun old_type_constraint dbs ->
match selector old_type_constraint dbs with
WasSelected selected_outputs ->
(* Call the propagation rule *)
let new_contraints_and_assignments = List.map (fun s -> propagator s dbs) selected_outputs in
@ -713,7 +705,7 @@ let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> 'selector_
let select_and_propagate_break_ctor = select_and_propagate selector_break_ctor propagator_break_ctor
let select_and_propagate_specialize1 = select_and_propagate selector_specialize1 propagator_specialize1
let select_and_propagate_all' : type_constraint_simpl selector_input -> structured_dbs -> 'todo_result =
let select_and_propagate_all' : type_constraint_simpl selector_input -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * structured_dbs =
fun new_constraint dbs ->
let (new_constraints, new_assignments) = select_and_propagate_break_ctor new_constraint dbs in
let assignments = List.fold_left (fun acc ({tv;c_tag=_;tv_list=_} as ele) -> TypeVariableMap.update tv (function None -> Some ele | x -> x) acc) dbs.assignments new_assignments in
@ -722,7 +714,7 @@ let select_and_propagate_all' : type_constraint_simpl selector_input -> structur
(* We should try each selector in turn. If multiple selectors work, what should we do? *)
(new_constraints , dbs)
let rec select_and_propagate_all : type_constraint selector_input list -> structured_dbs -> 'todo_result =
let rec select_and_propagate_all : type_constraint selector_input list -> structured_dbs -> structured_dbs =
fun new_constraints dbs ->
match new_constraints with
| [] -> dbs
@ -782,32 +774,9 @@ let initial_state : state = {
(* | C_typeclass (l , rs) -> C_typeclass (List.map aux_tv l , aux_tc rs) *)
(* in List.map aux state *)
(* let check_equal a b = failwith "TODO"
* let check_same_length l1 l2 = failwith "TODO"
* let rec unify : type_value * type_value -> type_constraint list result = function
* | (P_variable v , P_constant (y , argsy)) ->
* failwith "TODO: replace v with the constant everywhere."
* | (P_constant (x , argsx) , P_variable w) ->
* failwith "TODO: "
* | (P_variable v , P_variable w) ->
* failwith "TODO: replace v with w everywhere"
* | (P_constant (x , argsx) , P_constant (y , argsy)) ->
* let%bind () = check_equal x y in
* let%bind () = check_same_length argsx argsy in
* let%bind _ = bind_map_list unify (List.combine argsx argsy) in
* ok []
* | _ -> failwith "TODO" *)
(* (\* unify a and b, possibly produce new constraints *\) *)
(* let () = ignore (a,b) in *)
(* ok [] *)
(* This is the solver *)
let aggregate_constraints : state -> type_constraint list -> state result = fun state newc ->
(* TODO: Iterate over constraints *)
(* TODO: try to unify things:
if we have a = X and b = Y, try to unify X and Y *)
let _todo = ignore (state, newc) in
failwith "TODO"
(*let { constraints ; eqv } = state in
@ -819,7 +788,7 @@ let aggregate_constraints : state -> type_constraint list -> state result = fun
(* TODO: later on, we'll ensure that all the heuristics register the
(* Later on, we'll ensure that all the heuristics register the
existential/unification variables that they create, as well as the
new constraints that they create. We will then check that they only
use a small set of core axioms to derive new constraints, and
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ and type_expression : environment -> Solver.state -> I.expression -> (O.annotate
(* Basic *)
| E_failwith expr -> (
let%bind (expr', state') = type_expression e state expr in
let (constraints , expr_type) = Wrap.failwith () in
let (constraints , expr_type) = Wrap.failwith_ () in
let expr'' = e_failwith expr' in
return expr'' state' constraints expr_type
Reference in New Issue
Block a user