add variants
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ let option = fun f ppf opt ->
| Some x -> fprintf ppf "Some(%a)" f x
| None -> fprintf ppf "None"
let int = fun ppf n -> fprintf ppf "%d" n
let map = fun f pp ppf x ->
pp ppf (f x)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ module Append = struct
| Empty -> empty
| Full x -> fold' leaf node x
let rec assoc_opt' : ('a * 'b) t' -> 'a -> 'b option = fun t k ->
match t with
| Leaf (k', v) when k = k' -> Some v
@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ module Michelson = struct
let i_comment s : michelson = prim ~annot:["\"" ^ s ^ "\""] I_NOP
let contract parameter storage code =
seq [
prim ~children:[parameter] K_parameter ;
prim ~children:[storage] K_storage ;
prim ~children:[code] K_code ;
let int n : michelson = Int (0, n)
let string s : michelson = String (0, s)
let bytes s : michelson = Bytes (0, s)
@ -66,10 +66,16 @@ and block ppf (b:block) = (list_sep instruction (tag "@;")) ppf b
and single_record_patch ppf ((p, ae) : string * ae) =
fprintf ppf "%s <- %a" p annotated_expression ae
and matching_variant_case : type a . (_ -> a -> unit) -> _ -> (constructor_name * name) * a -> unit =
fun f ppf ((c,n),a) ->
fprintf ppf "| %s %s -> %a" c n f a
and matching : type a . (formatter -> a -> unit) -> formatter -> a matching -> unit =
fun f ppf m -> match m with
| Match_tuple (lst, b) ->
fprintf ppf "let (%a) = %a" (list_sep_d string) lst f b
| Match_variant lst ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep (matching_variant_case f) (tag "@.")) lst
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
fprintf ppf "| True -> %a @.| False -> %a" f match_true f match_false
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, match_cons)} ->
@ -56,11 +56,13 @@ let e_none : expression = E_constant ("NONE", [])
let e_map lst : expression = E_map lst
let e_list lst : expression = E_list lst
let e_pair a b : expression = E_tuple [a; b]
let e_constructor s a : expression = E_constructor (s , a)
let e_a_int n : annotated_expression = make_e_a_full (e_int n) t_int
let e_a_nat n : annotated_expression = make_e_a_full (e_nat n) t_nat
let e_a_bool b : annotated_expression = make_e_a_full (e_bool b) t_bool
let e_a_unit : annotated_expression = make_e_a_full (e_unit ()) t_unit
let e_a_constructor s a : annotated_expression = make_e_a (e_constructor s a)
let e_a_record r =
let type_annotation = Option.(
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
type name = string
type type_name = string
type constructor_name = string
type 'a name_map = 'a Map.String.t
type 'a type_name_map = 'a Map.String.t
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ and 'a matching =
match_some : name * 'a ;
| Match_tuple of name list * 'a
| Match_variant of ((constructor_name * name) * 'a) list
and matching_instr = b matching
@ -66,9 +66,15 @@ and block ppf (b:block) = (list_sep instruction (tag "@;")) ppf b
and single_record_patch ppf ((s, ae) : string * ae) =
fprintf ppf "%s <- %a" s annotated_expression ae
and matching_variant_case : type a . (_ -> a -> unit) -> _ -> (constructor_name * name) * a -> unit =
fun f ppf ((c,n),a) ->
fprintf ppf "| %s %s -> %a" c n f a
and matching : type a . (formatter -> a -> unit) -> _ -> a matching -> unit = fun f ppf m -> match m with
| Match_tuple (lst, b) ->
fprintf ppf "let (%a) = %a" (list_sep_d (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%s")) lst f b
| Match_variant (lst , _) ->
fprintf ppf "%a" (list_sep (matching_variant_case f) (tag "@.")) lst
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
fprintf ppf "| True -> %a @.| False -> %a" f match_true f match_false
| Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons = (hd, tl, match_cons)} ->
@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ let get_t_tuple (t:type_value) : type_value list result = match t.type_value' wi
| T_tuple lst -> ok lst
| _ -> simple_fail "not a tuple"
let get_t_pair (t:type_value) : (type_value * type_value) result = match t.type_value' with
| T_tuple lst ->
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "not a pair") @@
Assert.assert_list_size lst 2 in
ok List.(nth lst 0 , nth lst 1)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a tuple"
let get_t_function (t:type_value) : (type_value * type_value) result = match t.type_value' with
| T_function ar -> ok ar
| _ -> simple_fail "not a tuple"
let get_t_sum (t:type_value) : type_value SMap.t result = match t.type_value' with
| T_sum m -> ok m
| _ -> simple_fail "not a sum"
@ -67,6 +79,7 @@ let get_t_map (t:type_value) : (type_value * type_value) result =
match t.type_value' with
| T_constant ("map", [k;v]) -> ok (k, v)
| _ -> simple_fail "get: not a map"
let assert_t_map (t:type_value) : unit result =
match t.type_value' with
| T_constant ("map", [_ ; _]) -> ok ()
@ -77,6 +90,15 @@ let assert_t_list (t:type_value) : unit result =
| T_constant ("list", [_]) -> ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "assert: not a list"
let assert_t_operation (t:type_value) : unit result =
match t.type_value' with
| T_constant ("operation" , []) -> ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "assert: not an operation"
let assert_t_list_operation (t : type_value) : unit result =
let%bind t' = get_t_list t in
assert_t_operation t'
let assert_t_int : type_value -> unit result = fun t -> match t.type_value' with
| T_constant ("int", []) -> ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "not an int"
@ -146,6 +168,14 @@ let get_a_bool (t:annotated_expression) =
| E_literal (Literal_bool b) -> ok b
| _ -> simple_fail "not a bool"
let get_declaration_by_name : program -> string -> declaration result = fun p name ->
let aux : declaration -> bool = fun declaration ->
match declaration with
| Declaration_constant d -> = name
trace_option (simple_error "no declaration with given name") @@
List.find_opt aux @@ Location.unwrap p
open Environment
let env_sum_type ?(env = full_empty)
?(name = "a_sum_type")
@ -85,12 +85,16 @@ module Free_variables = struct
let (_ , frees) = block' b bl in
and matching_variant_case : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> ((constructor_name * name) * a) -> bindings = fun f b ((_,n),c) ->
f (union (singleton n) b) c
and matching : type a . (bindings -> a -> bindings) -> bindings -> a matching -> bindings = fun f b m ->
match m with
| Match_bool { match_true = t ; match_false = fa } -> union (f b t) (f b fa)
| Match_list { match_nil = n ; match_cons = (hd, tl, c) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (of_list [hd ; tl]) b) c)
| Match_option { match_none = n ; match_some = ((opt, _), s) } -> union (f b n) (f (union (singleton opt) b) s)
| Match_tuple (lst, a) -> f (union (of_list lst) b) a
| Match_tuple (lst , a) -> f (union (of_list lst) b) a
| Match_variant (lst , _) -> unions @@ (matching_variant_case f b) lst
and matching_expression = fun x -> matching annotated_expression x
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module SMap = Map.String
type name = string
type type_name = string
type constructor_name = string
type 'a name_map = 'a SMap.t
type 'a type_name_map = 'a SMap.t
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ and type_value' =
| T_sum of tv_map
| T_record of tv_map
| T_constant of type_name * tv list
| T_function of tv * tv
| T_function of (tv * tv)
and type_value = {
type_value' : type_value' ;
@ -128,7 +129,8 @@ and 'a matching =
match_none : 'a ;
match_some : (name * type_value) * 'a ;
| Match_tuple of name list * 'a
| Match_tuple of (name list * 'a)
| Match_variant of (((constructor_name * name) * 'a) list * type_value)
and matching_instr = b matching
@ -13,22 +13,37 @@ let main () =
then simple_fail "Pass a command"
else ok () in
let command = Sys.argv.(1) in
(* Format.printf "Processing command %s (%d)\n" command l ; *)
match command with
| "compile" -> (
let%bind () =
if l <> 4
then simple_fail "Bad number of argument to compile"
else ok () in
let source = Sys.argv.(2) in
let entry_point = Sys.argv.(3) in
(* Format.printf "Compiling %s from %s\n%!" entry_point source ; *)
let%bind michelson =
trace (simple_error "compile michelson") @@
Ligo.compile_file source entry_point in
Format.printf "Program : %a\n" Micheline.Michelson.pp michelson ;
ok ()
let sub_command = Sys.argv.(2) in
match sub_command with
| "file" -> (
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "bad number of args") @@
Assert.assert_equal_int 5 l in
let source = Sys.argv.(3) in
let entry_point = Sys.argv.(4) in
let%bind contract =
trace (simple_error "compile michelson") @@
Ligo.Contract.compile_contract_file source entry_point in
Format.printf "Contract:\n%s\n" contract ;
ok ()
| "expression" -> (
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "bad number of args") @@
Assert.assert_equal_int 6 l in
let source = Sys.argv.(3) in
let entry_point = Sys.argv.(4) in
let expression = Sys.argv.(5) in
let%bind value =
trace (simple_error "compile expression") @@
Ligo.Contract.compile_contract_parameter source entry_point expression in
Format.printf "Input:\n%s\n" value;
ok ()
| _ -> simple_fail "Bad sub-command"
| _ -> simple_fail "Bad command"
| _ -> simple_fail "Bad command"
let () = toplevel @@ main ()
@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ module Uncompiler = Uncompiler
module Program = Compiler_program
module Type = Compiler_type
module Environment = Compiler_environment
include Program
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open Memory_proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator
open Operators.Compiler
let get_predicate : string -> expression list -> predicate result = fun s lst ->
let get_predicate : string -> type_value -> expression list -> predicate result = fun s ty lst ->
match Map.String.find_opt s Operators.Compiler.predicates with
| Some x -> ok x
| None -> (
@ -23,6 +23,18 @@ let get_predicate : string -> expression list -> predicate result = fun s lst ->
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . MAP_REMOVE" in
let%bind v_ty = Compiler_type.type_ v in
ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [dip (i_none v_ty) ; prim I_UPDATE ]
| "LEFT" ->
let%bind r = match lst with
| [ _ ] -> get_t_right ty
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . LEFT" in
let%bind r_ty = Compiler_type.type_ r in
ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim ~children:[r_ty] I_LEFT
| "RIGHT" ->
let%bind l = match lst with
| [ _ ] -> get_t_left ty
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . RIGHT" in
let%bind l_ty = Compiler_type.type_ l in
ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim ~children:[l_ty] I_RIGHT
| x -> simple_fail ("predicate \"" ^ x ^ "\" doesn't exist")
@ -181,7 +193,7 @@ and translate_expression ?(first=false) (expr:expression) : michelson result =
let first = first && i = 0 in
translate_expression ~first e in
bind_list @@ List.mapi aux lst in
let%bind predicate = get_predicate str lst in
let%bind predicate = get_predicate str ty lst in
let%bind code = match (predicate, List.length lst) with
| Constant c, 0 -> ok @@ virtual_push_first @@ seq @@ lst' @ [
c ;
@ -264,6 +276,58 @@ and translate_expression ?(first=false) (expr:expression) : michelson result =
]) in
return code
| E_if_none (c, n, (_ , s)) -> (
let%bind c' = translate_expression c in
let%bind n' = translate_expression n in
let%bind s' = translate_expression s in
let%bind restrict = Compiler_environment.to_michelson_restrict s.environment in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ; i_unpair ;
i_if_none n' (seq [
i_pair ;
s' ;
restrict ;
]) in
return code
| E_if_left (c, (_ , l), (_ , r)) -> (
let%bind c' = translate_expression c in
let%bind l' = translate_expression l in
let%bind r' = translate_expression r in
let%bind restrict_l = Compiler_environment.to_michelson_restrict l.environment in
let%bind restrict_r = Compiler_environment.to_michelson_restrict r.environment in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ; i_unpair ;
i_if_none (seq [
i_pair ;
l' ;
i_unpair ;
dip restrict_l ;
]) (seq [
i_pair ;
r' ;
i_unpair ;
dip restrict_r ;
]) in
return code
| E_let_in (_, expr , body) -> (
let%bind expr' = translate_expression expr in
let%bind body' = translate_expression body in
let%bind restrict = Compiler_environment.to_michelson_restrict body.environment in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
expr' ;
i_unpair ;
i_swap ; dip i_pair ;
body' ;
restrict ;
]) in
return code
ok code
@ -277,7 +341,7 @@ and translate_statement ((s', w_env) as s:statement) : michelson result =
| S_environment_restrict ->
Compiler_environment.to_michelson_restrict w_env.pre_environment
| S_environment_add _ ->
simple_fail "not ready yet"
simple_fail "add not ready yet"
(* | S_environment_add (name, tv) ->
* Environment.to_michelson_add (name, tv) w_env.pre_environment *)
| S_declaration (s, expr) ->
@ -490,7 +554,7 @@ type compiled_program = {
body : michelson ;
let translate_program (p:program) (entry:string) : compiled_program result =
let get_main : program -> string -> anon_function_content result = fun p entry ->
let is_main (((name , expr), _):toplevel_statement) =
match Combinators.Expression.(get_content expr , get_type expr)with
| (E_function f , T_function _)
@ -505,12 +569,25 @@ let translate_program (p:program) (entry:string) : compiled_program result =
trace_option (simple_error "no functional entry") @@
Tezos_utils.List.find_map is_main p
ok main
let translate_program (p:program) (entry:string) : compiled_program result =
let%bind main = get_main p entry in
let {input;output} : anon_function_content = main in
let%bind body = translate_quote_body main in
let%bind input = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ input in
let%bind output = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ output in
ok ({input;output;body}:compiled_program)
let translate_contract : program -> string -> michelson result = fun p e ->
let%bind main = get_main p e in
let%bind (param_ty , storage_ty) = Combinators.get_t_pair main.input in
let%bind param_michelson = Compiler_type.type_ param_ty in
let%bind storage_michelson = Compiler_type.type_ storage_ty in
let%bind { body = code } = translate_program p e in
let contract = Michelson.contract param_michelson storage_michelson code in
ok contract
let translate_entry (p:anon_function) : compiled_program result =
let {input;output} : anon_function_content = p.content in
let%bind body =
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function match_option (const o : option(int)) : int is
case o of
| None -> skip
| Some(s) -> skip // result := s
| Some(s) -> result := s
end with result
@ -22,3 +22,10 @@ function match_expr_bool (const i : int) : int is
| True -> 42
| False -> 0
function match_expr_option (const o : option(int)) : int is
begin skip end with
case o of
| None -> 42
| Some(s) -> s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
type action =
| Increment of int
| Decrement of int
function main (const p : action ; const s : int) : (list(operation) * int) is
block {skip} with ((nil : operation),
match p with
| Increment n -> s + n
| Decrement n -> s - n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
type foobar is
| Foo of int
| Bar of bool
const foo : foobar = Foo (42)
const bar : foobar = Bar (True)
function fb(const p : foobar) : int is
block { skip } with (case p of
| Foo (n) -> n
| Bar (t) -> 42
@ -14,3 +14,112 @@ include struct
trace_strong (simple_error "no entry-point with given name") @@
Assert.assert_true @@ List.exists aux @@ Location.unwrap program
include struct
open Ast_typed
open Combinators
let assert_entry_point_type : type_value -> unit result = fun t ->
let%bind (arg , result) =
trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point doesn't have a function type") @@
get_t_function t in
let%bind (_ , storage_param) =
trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point doesn't have 2 parameters") @@
get_t_pair arg in
let%bind (ops , storage_result) =
trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point doesn't have 2 results") @@
get_t_pair result in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point doesn't have a list of operation as first result") @@
assert_t_list_operation ops in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point doesn't identitcal type (storage) for second parameter and second result") @@
assert_type_value_eq (storage_param , storage_result) in
ok ()
let assert_valid_entry_point : program -> string -> unit result = fun p e ->
let%bind declaration = get_declaration_by_name p e in
match declaration with
| Declaration_constant d -> assert_entry_point_type d.annotated_expression.type_annotation
let transpile_value
(e:Ast_typed.annotated_expression) : Mini_c.value result =
let%bind f =
let open Transpiler in
let (f, t) = functionalize e in
let%bind main = translate_main f t in
ok main
let input = Mini_c.Combinators.d_unit in
let%bind r = Run_mini_c.run_entry f input in
ok r
let compile_contract_file : string -> string -> string result = fun source entry_point ->
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing") @@
Parser.parse_file source in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying") @@
Simplify.Pascaligo.simpl_program raw in
let%bind () =
assert_entry_point_defined simplified entry_point in
let%bind typed =
trace (simple_error "typing") @@
Typer.type_program simplified in
let%bind () =
assert_valid_entry_point typed entry_point in
let%bind mini_c =
trace (simple_error "transpiling") @@
Transpiler.translate_program typed in
let%bind michelson =
trace (simple_error "compiling") @@
Compiler.translate_contract mini_c entry_point in
let str =
Format.asprintf "%a" Micheline.Michelson.pp michelson in
ok str
let compile_contract_parameter : string -> string -> string -> string result = fun source entry_point expression ->
let%bind parameter_tv =
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing file") @@
Parser.parse_file source in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying file") @@
Simplify.Pascaligo.simpl_program raw in
let%bind () =
assert_entry_point_defined simplified entry_point in
let%bind typed =
trace (simple_error "typing file") @@
Typer.type_program simplified in
let%bind () =
assert_valid_entry_point typed entry_point in
let%bind declaration = Ast_typed.Combinators.get_declaration_by_name typed entry_point in
match declaration with
| Declaration_constant d -> ok d.annotated_expression.type_annotation
let%bind expr =
let%bind raw =
trace (simple_error "parsing expression") @@
Parser.parse_expression expression in
let%bind simplified =
trace (simple_error "simplifying expression") @@
Simplify.Pascaligo.simpl_expression raw in
let%bind typed =
trace (simple_error "typing expression") @@
Typer.type_annotated_expression Ast_typed.Environment.full_empty simplified in
let%bind () =
trace (simple_error "expression type doesn't match type parameter") @@
Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (parameter_tv , typed.type_annotation) in
let%bind mini_c =
trace (simple_error "transpiling expression") @@
transpile_value typed in
let%bind michelson =
trace (simple_error "compiling expression") @@
Compiler.translate_value mini_c in
let str =
Format.asprintf "%a" Micheline.Michelson.pp michelson in
ok str
ok expr
@ -178,3 +178,5 @@ let compile_file (source: string) (entry_point:string) : Micheline.Michelson.t r
trace (simple_error "compiling") @@
compile mini_c entry_point in
ok michelson
module Contract = Contract
@ -72,14 +72,19 @@ and expression' ppf (e:expression') = match e with
| E_empty_list _ -> fprintf ppf "list[]"
| E_make_none _ -> fprintf ppf "none"
| E_Cond (c, a, b) -> fprintf ppf "%a ? %a : %a" expression c expression a expression b
| E_if_none (c, n, ((name, _) , s)) -> fprintf ppf "%a ?? %a : %s -> %a" expression c expression n name expression s
| E_if_left (c, ((name_l, _) , l), ((name_r, _) , r)) ->
fprintf ppf "%a ?? %s -> %a : %s -> %a" expression c name_l expression l name_r expression r
| E_let_in ((name , _) , expr , body) ->
fprintf ppf "let %s = %a in %a" name expression expr expression body
and expression : _ -> expression -> _ = fun ppf e ->
expression' ppf (Combinators.Expression.get_content e)
expression' ppf e.content
and expression_with_type : _ -> expression -> _ = fun ppf e ->
fprintf ppf "%a : %a"
expression' (Combinators.Expression.get_content e)
type_ (Combinators.Expression.get_type e)
expression' e.content
type_ e.type_value
and function_ ppf ({binder ; input ; output ; body ; result ; capture_type}:anon_function_content) =
fprintf ppf "fun[%s] (%s:%a) : %a %a return %a"
@ -95,6 +95,19 @@ let get_or (v:value) = match v with
| D_right b -> ok (true, b)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a left/right"
let wrong_type name t =
let title () = "not a " ^ name in
let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" PP.type_ t in
error title content
let get_t_left t = match t with
| T_or (a , _) -> ok a
| _ -> fail @@ wrong_type "union" t
let get_t_right t = match t with
| T_or (_ , b) -> ok b
| _ -> fail @@ wrong_type "union" t
let get_last_statement ((b', _):block) : statement result =
let aux lst = match lst with
| [] -> simple_fail "get_last: empty list"
@ -107,6 +120,7 @@ let t_nat : type_value = T_base Base_nat
let t_function x y : type_value = T_function ( x , y )
let t_shallow_closure x y z : type_value = T_shallow_closure ( x , y , z )
let t_pair x y : type_value = T_pair ( x , y )
let t_union x y : type_value = T_or ( x , y )
let quote binder input output body result : anon_function =
let content : anon_function_content = {
@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ module Combinators = struct
include Combinators
include Combinators_smart
include Combinators
module Environment = Environment
@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ and expression' =
| E_empty_list of type_value
| E_make_none of type_value
| E_Cond of expression * expression * expression
| E_if_none of expression * expression * ((var_name * type_value) * expression)
| E_if_left of expression * ((var_name * type_value) * expression) * ((var_name * type_value) * expression)
| E_let_in of ((var_name * type_value) * expression * expression)
and expression = {
content : expression' ;
@ -646,6 +646,7 @@ and arguments = tuple_injection
and pattern =
PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
| PConstr of (constr * pattern reg) reg
| PVar of Lexer.lexeme reg
| PWild of wild
| PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
@ -792,6 +793,7 @@ let pattern_to_region = function
| PList Sugar {region; _}
| PList PNil region
| PList Raw {region; _}
| PConstr {region; _}
| PTuple {region; _} -> region
let local_decl_to_region = function
@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ and arguments = tuple_injection
and pattern =
PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
| PConstr of (constr * pattern reg) reg
| PVar of Lexer.lexeme reg
| PWild of wild
| PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ type_tuple:
par(nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA)) { $1 }
nsepseq(variant,VBAR) {
let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $1
in {region; value = $1}}
option(VBAR) nsepseq(variant,VBAR) {
let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $2
in {region; value = $2}}
Constr Of cartesian {
@ -1092,6 +1092,7 @@ core_pattern:
| C_None { PNone $1 }
| list_patt { PList $1 }
| tuple_patt { PTuple $1 }
| constr_patt { PConstr $1 }
| C_Some par(core_pattern) {
let region = cover $1 $2.region
in PSome {region; value = $1,$2}}
@ -1106,3 +1107,13 @@ cons_pattern:
par(nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA)) { $1 }
Constr core_pattern {
let second =
let region = pattern_to_region $2 in
{region; value=$2}
let region = cover $1.region second.region in
let value = ($1 , second) in
{region; value}}
@ -682,6 +682,12 @@ and print_pattern = function
| PSome psome -> print_psome psome
| PList pattern -> print_list_pattern pattern
| PTuple ptuple -> print_ptuple ptuple
| PConstr pattern -> print_constr_pattern pattern
and print_constr_pattern {value; _} =
let (constr, args) = value in
print_constr constr ;
print_pattern args.value ;
and print_psome {value; _} =
let c_Some, patterns = value in
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ val mode : [`Byte | `Point] ref
val print_tokens : AST.t -> unit
val print_path : AST.path -> unit
val print_pattern : AST.pattern -> unit
@ -483,29 +483,52 @@ and simpl_cases : type a . (Raw.pattern * a) list -> a matching result = fun t -
let open Raw in
let get_var (t:Raw.pattern) = match t with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "not a var"
| _ ->
let error =
let title () = "not a var" in
let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" (PP_helpers.printer Parser.Pascaligo.ParserLog.print_pattern) t in
error title content
fail error
let%bind _assert =
trace_strong (simple_error "only pattern with two cases supported now") @@
Assert.assert_equal_int 2 (List.length t) in
let ((pa, ba), (pb, bb)) = List.(hd t, hd @@ tl t) in
let uncons p = match p with
| PCons {value = (hd, _)} -> ok hd
| _ -> simple_fail "uncons fail" in
let%bind (pa, pb) = bind_map_pair uncons (pa, pb) in
match (pa, ba), (pb, bb) with
| (PFalse _, f), (PTrue _, t)
| (PTrue _, t), (PFalse _, f) -> ok @@ Match_bool {match_true = t ; match_false = f}
| (PSome v, some), (PNone _, none)
| (PNone _, none), (PSome v, some) -> (
let get_tuple (t:Raw.pattern) = match t with
| PCons v -> npseq_to_list v.value
| PTuple v -> npseq_to_list v.value.inside
| x -> [ x ]
let get_single (t:Raw.pattern) =
let t' = get_tuple t in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "not single") @@
Assert.assert_list_size t' 1 in
ok (List.hd t') in
let get_constr (t:Raw.pattern) = match t with
| PConstr v ->
let%bind var = get_single (snd v.value).value >>? get_var in
ok ((fst v.value).value , var)
| _ -> simple_fail "not a constr"
let%bind patterns =
let aux (x , y) =
let xs = get_tuple x in
trace_strong (simple_error "no tuple in patterns yet") @@
Assert.assert_list_size xs 1 >>? fun () ->
ok (List.hd xs , y)
bind_map_list aux t in
match patterns with
| [(PFalse _ , f) ; (PTrue _ , t)]
| [(PTrue _ , t) ; (PFalse _ , f)] -> ok @@ Match_bool {match_true = t ; match_false = f}
| [(PSome v , some) ; (PNone _ , none)]
| [(PNone _ , none) ; (PSome v , some)] -> (
let (_, v) = v.value in
let%bind v = match v.value.inside with
| PVar v -> ok v.value
| _ -> simple_fail "complex none patterns not supported yet" in
ok @@ Match_option {match_none = none ; match_some = (v, some) }
| (PCons c, cons), (PList (PNil _), nil)
| (PList (PNil _), nil), (PCons c, cons) ->
| [(PCons c , cons) ; (PList (PNil _) , nil)]
| [(PList (PNil _) , nil) ; (PCons c, cons)] ->
let%bind (a, b) =
match c.value with
| a, [(_, b)] ->
@ -515,9 +538,21 @@ and simpl_cases : type a . (Raw.pattern * a) list -> a matching result = fun t -
| _ -> simple_fail "complex list patterns not supported yet"
ok @@ Match_list {match_cons = (a, b, cons) ; match_nil = nil}
| _ ->
let error () = simple_error "multi-level patterns not supported yet" () in
fail error
| lst ->
trace (simple_error "weird patterns not supported yet") @@
let%bind constrs =
let aux (x , y) =
let error =
let title () = "Pattern" in
let content () =
Format.asprintf "Pattern : %a" (PP_helpers.printer Parser.Pascaligo.ParserLog.print_pattern) x in
error title content in
let%bind x' =
trace error @@
get_constr x in
ok (x' , y) in
bind_map_list aux lst in
ok @@ Match_variant constrs
and simpl_instruction_block : Raw.instruction -> block result = fun t ->
match t with
@ -14,6 +14,20 @@ let complex_function () : unit result =
let make_expect = fun n -> (3 * n + 2) in
expect_n_int program "main" make_expect
let variant () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/variant.ligo" in
let%bind () =
let expected = e_a_constructor "Foo" (e_a_int 42) in
expect_evaluate program "foo" expected in
let%bind () =
let expected = e_a_constructor "Bar" (e_a_bool true) in
expect_evaluate program "bar" expected in
(* let%bind () =
* let make_expect = fun n -> (3 * n + 2) in
* expect_n_int program "fb" make_expect
* in *)
ok ()
let closure () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/closure.ligo" in
let%bind () =
@ -257,12 +271,29 @@ let matching () : unit result =
let input = match n with
| Some s -> e_a_some (e_a_int s)
| None -> e_a_none t_int in
let expected = e_a_int 23 in
let expected = e_a_int (match n with
| Some s -> s
| None -> 23) in
trace (simple_error (Format.asprintf "on input %a" PP_helpers.(option int) n)) @@
expect program "match_option" input expected
bind_iter_list aux
[Some 0 ; Some 2 ; Some 42 ; Some 163 ; Some (-1) ; None]
let%bind () =
let aux n =
let input = match n with
| Some s -> e_a_some (e_a_int s)
| None -> e_a_none t_int in
let expected = e_a_int (match n with
| Some s -> s
| None -> 42) in
trace (simple_error (Format.asprintf "on input %a" PP_helpers.(option int) n)) @@
expect program "match_expr_option" input expected
bind_iter_list aux
[Some 0 ; Some 2 ; Some 42 ; Some 163 ; Some (-1) ; None]
ok ()
let declarations () : unit result =
@ -292,6 +323,7 @@ let counter_contract () : unit result =
let main = "Integration (End to End)", [
test "function" function_ ;
test "complex function" complex_function ;
test "variant" variant ;
test "closure" closure ;
test "shared function" shared_function ;
test "shadow" shadow ;
@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ let expect_evaluate program entry_point expected =
Ast_simplified.assert_value_eq (expected , result)
let expect_n_aux lst program entry_point make_input make_expected =
Format.printf "expect_n aux\n%!" ;
let aux n =
let input = make_input n in
let expected = make_expected n in
expect program entry_point input expected
let result = expect program entry_point input expected in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok ()
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let tuple_access_to_lr : type_value -> type_value list -> int -> (type_value * [
let lr_path = (fun b -> if b then `Right else `Left) path in
let%bind (_ , lst) =
let aux = fun (ty , acc) cur ->
let%bind (a , b) = get_t_pair ty in
let%bind (a , b) = Mini_c.get_t_pair ty in
match cur with
| `Left -> ok (a , (a , `Left) :: acc)
| `Right -> ok (b , (b , `Right) :: acc) in
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ let record_access_to_lr : type_value -> type_value AST.type_name_map -> string -
let node a b : (type_value * (type_value * [`Left | `Right]) list) result =
match%bind bind_lr (a, b) with
| `Left (t, acc) ->
let%bind (a, _) = get_t_pair t in
let%bind (a, _) = Mini_c.get_t_pair t in
ok @@ (t, (a, `Left) :: acc)
| `Right (t, acc) -> (
let%bind (_, b) = get_t_pair t in
let%bind (_, b) = Mini_c.get_t_pair t in
ok @@ (t, (b, `Right) :: acc)
) in
let error_content () =
@ -195,6 +195,10 @@ and transpile_environment : AST.full_environment -> Environment.t result = fun x
let%bind nlst = bind_map_ne_list transpile_small_environment x in
ok @@ List.Ne.to_list nlst
and tree_of_sum : AST.type_value -> (type_name * AST.type_value) Append_tree.t result = fun t ->
let%bind map_tv = get_t_sum t in
ok @@ Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_map map_tv
and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_expression) : expression result =
let%bind tv = translate_type ae.type_annotation in
let return ?(tv = tv) expr =
@ -213,10 +217,9 @@ and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_express
let%bind b = translate_annotated_expression env b in
return @@ E_application (a, b)
| E_constructor (m, param) ->
let%bind param' = translate_annotated_expression env ae in
let%bind param' = translate_annotated_expression env param in
let (param'_expr , param'_tv) = Combinators.Expression.(get_content param' , get_type param') in
let%bind map_tv = get_t_sum ae.type_annotation in
let node_tv = Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_map map_tv in
let%bind node_tv = tree_of_sum ae.type_annotation in
let leaf (k, tv) : (expression' option * type_value) result =
if k = m then (
let%bind _ =
@ -297,11 +300,11 @@ and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_express
let node (a:expression result) b : expression result =
match%bind bind_lr (a, b) with
| `Left expr -> (
let%bind (tv, _) = get_t_pair @@ Combinators.Expression.get_type expr in
let%bind (tv, _) = Mini_c.get_t_pair @@ Expression.get_type expr in
return ~tv @@ E_constant ("CAR", [expr])
| `Right expr -> (
let%bind (_, tv) = get_t_pair @@ Combinators.Expression.get_type expr in
let%bind (_, tv) = Mini_c.get_t_pair @@ Expression.get_type expr in
return ~tv @@ E_constant ("CDR", [expr])
) in
let%bind expr =
@ -341,13 +344,74 @@ and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_express
| E_matching (expr, m) -> (
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
match m with
| AST.Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
let%bind (t, f) = bind_map_pair (translate_annotated_expression env) (match_true, match_false) in
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
let%bind (t , f) = bind_map_pair (translate_annotated_expression env) (match_true, match_false) in
return @@ E_Cond (expr', t, f)
| AST.Match_list _ | AST.Match_option _ | AST.Match_tuple (_, _) ->
simple_fail "only match bool exprs are translated yet"
| Match_option { match_none; match_some = ((name, tv), s) } ->
let%bind n = translate_annotated_expression env match_none in
let%bind (tv' , s') =
let%bind tv' = translate_type tv in
let env' = Environment.(add (name , tv') @@ extend env) in
let%bind s' = translate_annotated_expression env' s in
ok (tv' , s') in
return @@ E_if_none (expr' , n , ((name , tv') , s'))
| Match_variant (lst , variant) -> (
let%bind tree = tree_of_sum variant in
let%bind tree' = match tree with
| Empty -> simple_fail "match empty variant"
| Full x -> ok x in
let%bind tree'' =
let rec aux t =
match (t : _ Append_tree.t') with
| Leaf (name , tv) ->
let%bind tv' = translate_type tv in
ok (`Leaf name , tv')
| Node {a ; b} ->
let%bind a' = aux a in
let%bind b' = aux b in
let tv' = Mini_c.t_union (snd a') (snd b') in
ok (`Node (a' , b') , tv')
in aux tree'
let rec aux acc t =
let top =
match acc with
| None -> expr'
| Some x -> x in
match t with
| ((`Leaf constructor_name) , tv) -> (
let%bind ((_ , name) , body) =
trace_option (simple_error "not supposed to happen here: missing match clause") @@
List.find_opt (fun ((constructor_name' , _) , _) -> constructor_name' = constructor_name) lst in
let env' = Environment.(add (name , tv) @@ extend env) in
let%bind body' = translate_annotated_expression env' body in
return @@ E_let_in ((name , tv) , top , body')
| ((`Node (a , b)) , tv) ->
let%bind a' =
let%bind a_ty = get_t_left tv in
let a_var = "left" , a_ty in
let env' = Environment.(add a_var @@ extend env) in
let%bind e = aux (Some (Expression.make (E_variable "left") a_ty env')) a in
ok (a_var , e)
let%bind b' =
let%bind b_ty = get_t_right tv in
let b_var = "right" , b_ty in
let env' = Environment.(add b_var @@ extend env) in
let%bind e = aux (Some (Expression.make (E_variable "right") b_ty env')) b in
ok (b_var , e)
return @@ E_if_left (top , a' , b')
aux None tree''
| AST.Match_list _ | AST.Match_tuple (_, _) ->
simple_fail "only match bool and option exprs are translated yet"
and translate_lambda_shallow : Mini_c.Environment.t -> AST.lambda -> Mini_c.expression result = fun env l ->
let { binder ; input_type ; output_type ; body ; result } : AST.lambda = l in
(* Shallow capture. Capture the whole environment. Extend it with a new scope. Append it the input. *)
@ -448,8 +512,10 @@ let translate_entry (lst:AST.program) (name:string) : anon_function result =
@@ aux [] lst in
ok (lst', l, tv) in
let l' = {l with body = lst' @ l.body} in
trace (simple_error "translating entry")
@@ translate_main l' tv
let r =
trace (simple_error "translating entry") @@
translate_main l' tv in
open Combinators
@ -189,6 +189,50 @@ and type_match : type i o . (environment -> i -> o result) -> environment -> O.t
let e' = List.fold_left aux e lst' in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok (O.Match_tuple (lst, b'))
| Match_variant lst ->
let%bind variant_opt =
let aux acc ((constructor_name , _) , _) =
let%bind (_ , variant) =
trace_option (simple_error "bad constructor") @@
Environment.get_constructor constructor_name e in
let%bind acc = match acc with
| None -> ok (Some variant)
| Some variant' -> (
Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (variant , variant') >>? fun () ->
ok (Some variant)
) in
ok acc in
trace (simple_error "in match variant") @@
bind_fold_list aux None lst in
let%bind variant =
trace_option (simple_error "empty variant") @@
variant_opt in
let%bind () =
let%bind variant_cases' = Ast_typed.Combinators.get_t_sum variant in
let variant_cases = fst @@ Map.String.to_kv_list variant_cases' in
let match_cases = (Function.compose fst fst) lst in
let test_case = fun c ->
Assert.assert_true (List.mem c match_cases)
let%bind () =
trace (simple_error "missing case match") @@
bind_iter_list test_case variant_cases in
let%bind () =
trace_strong (simple_error "redundant case match") @@
Assert.assert_true List.(length variant_cases = length match_cases) in
ok ()
let%bind lst' =
let aux ((constructor_name , name) , b) =
let%bind (constructor , _) =
trace_option (simple_error "bad constructor??") @@
Environment.get_constructor constructor_name e in
let e' = Environment.add_ez name constructor e in
let%bind b' = f e' b in
ok ((constructor_name , name) , b')
bind_map_list aux lst in
ok (O.Match_variant (lst' , variant))
and evaluate_type (e:environment) (t:I.type_expression) : O.type_value result =
let return tv' = ok (make_t tv' (Some t)) in
@ -387,12 +431,26 @@ and type_annotated_expression : environment -> I.annotated_expression -> O.annot
| E_matching (ex, m) -> (
let%bind ex' = type_annotated_expression e ex in
let%bind m' = type_match type_annotated_expression e ex'.type_annotation m in
let%bind tv = match m' with
| Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} ->
let%bind _ = O.assert_type_value_eq (match_true.type_annotation, match_false.type_annotation) in
ok match_true.type_annotation
| _ -> simple_fail "can only type match_bool expressions yet" in
return (E_matching (ex' , m')) tv
let tvs =
let aux (cur:O.value O.matching) =
match cur with
| Match_bool { match_true ; match_false } -> [ match_true ; match_false ]
| Match_list { match_nil ; match_cons = (_ , _ , match_cons) } -> [ match_nil ; match_cons ]
| Match_option { match_none ; match_some = (_ , match_some) } -> [ match_none ; match_some ]
| Match_tuple (_ , match_tuple) -> [ match_tuple ]
| Match_variant (lst , _) -> snd lst in
|||| get_type_annotation @@ aux m' in
let aux prec cur =
let%bind () =
match prec with
| None -> ok ()
| Some cur' -> Ast_typed.assert_type_value_eq (cur , cur') in
ok (Some cur) in
let%bind tv_opt = bind_fold_list aux None tvs in
let%bind tv =
trace_option (simple_error "empty matching") @@
tv_opt in
return (O.E_matching (ex', m')) tv
and type_constant (name:string) (lst:O.type_value list) (tv_opt:O.type_value option) : (string * O.type_value) result =
@ -551,3 +609,9 @@ and untype_matching : type o i . (o -> i result) -> o O.matching -> (i I.matchin
let%bind cons = f cons in
let match_cons = hd, tl, cons in
ok @@ Match_list {match_nil ; match_cons}
| Match_variant (lst , _) ->
let aux ((a,b),c) =
let%bind c' = f c in
ok ((a,b),c') in
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok @@ Match_variant lst'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user