Proto: classify and document some errors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,46 +8,96 @@
type error +=
type error +=
| Insert_coin of Contract_repr.contract (* TODO: doc *)
| Balance_too_low of Contract_repr.contract * Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t
| Initial_amount_too_low (* TODO: doc *)
| Initial_amount_too_low of Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t
| Counter_in_the_past of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32
| Counter_in_the_future of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32
| Unspendable_contract of Contract_repr.contract
| Non_existing_contract (* TODO: DOC *)
| No_delegate (* TODO: DOC *)
| Undelagatable_contract (* TODO: DOC *)
| Failure of string
| Failure of string
| Invalid_counter of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32
| Code_without_storage
| Unspendable_contract
| Non_existing_contract
| No_delegate
| Undelagatable_contract
| Scriptless_contract
| Too_low_balance
let () =
let () =
~title:"Contract storage failure"
~description:"Unexpected contract storage error"
~pp:(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Contract_storage.Failure %S" s)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "message" string))
(function Failure s -> Some s | _ -> None)
(fun s -> Failure s) ;
~title:"Initial amount too low"
~description:"Not enough tokens provided for an origination"
~pp:(fun ppf (r, p) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Initial amount too low (required %a but provided %a)"
Tez_repr.pp r Tez_repr.pp p)
(req "required" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "provided" Tez_repr.encoding))
(function Initial_amount_too_low (r, p) -> Some (r, p) | _ -> None)
(fun (r, p) -> Initial_amount_too_low (r, p)) ;
~title:"Unspendable contract"
~description:"An operation tried to spend tokens from an unspendable contract"
~pp:(fun ppf c ->
Format.fprintf ppf "The tokens of contract %s can only be spent by its script"
(Contract_repr.to_b58check c))
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding))
(function Unspendable_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None)
(fun c -> Unspendable_contract c) ;
~title:"Too low balance"
~title:"Too low balance"
~description:"An operation tried to spend more tokens than the contract has"
~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Too low balance")
~pp:(fun ppf (c, b, a) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Balance of contract %s too low (%a) to spend %a"
(function Too_low_balance -> Some () | _ -> None)
(Contract_repr.to_b58check c) Tez_repr.pp b Tez_repr.pp a)
(fun () -> Too_low_balance)
(req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)
let () =
(req "balance" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "amount" Tez_repr.encoding))
(function Balance_too_low (c, b, a) -> Some (c, b, a) | _ -> None)
(fun (c, b, a) -> Balance_too_low (c, b, a)) ;
~title:"Invalid counter in a manager operation"
~title:"Invalid counter (not yet reached) in a manager operation"
~description:"An operation assumed a contract counter in the future"
~pp:(fun ppf (contract, exp, found) ->
~pp:(fun ppf (contract, exp, found) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
Format.fprintf ppf
"Unexpected counter %ld for contract %s (expected %ld)"
"Counter %ld not yet reached for contract %s (expected %ld)"
found (Contract_repr.to_b58check contract) exp)
found (Contract_repr.to_b58check contract) exp)
(req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)
(req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)
(req "expected" int32)
(req "expected" int32)
(req "found" int32))
(req "found" int32))
(function Invalid_counter (c, x, y) -> Some (c, x, y) | _ -> None)
(function Counter_in_the_future (c, x, y) -> Some (c, x, y) | _ -> None)
(fun (c, x, y) -> Invalid_counter (c, x, y))
(fun (c, x, y) -> Counter_in_the_future (c, x, y)) ;
~title:"Invalid counter (already used) in a manager operation"
~description:"An operation assumed a contract counter in the past"
~pp:(fun ppf (contract, exp, found) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Counter %ld already used for contract %s (expected %ld)"
found (Contract_repr.to_b58check contract) exp)
(req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)
(req "expected" int32)
(req "found" int32))
(function Counter_in_the_past (c, x, y) -> Some (c, x, y) | _ -> None)
(fun (c, x, y) -> Counter_in_the_past (c, x, y))
let failwith msg = fail (Failure msg)
let failwith msg = fail (Failure msg)
@ -118,10 +168,13 @@ let list c =
let check_counter_increment c contract counter =
let check_counter_increment c contract counter =
Storage.Contract.Counter.get c contract >>=? fun contract_counter ->
Storage.Contract.Counter.get c contract >>=? fun contract_counter ->
if Compare.Int32.(Int32.succ contract_counter = counter)
let expected = Int32.succ contract_counter in
if Compare.Int32.(expected = counter)
then return ()
then return ()
else if Compare.Int32.(expected > counter) then
fail (Counter_in_the_past (contract, expected, counter))
fail (Invalid_counter (contract, Int32.succ contract_counter, counter))
fail (Counter_in_the_future (contract, expected, counter))
let increment_counter c contract =
let increment_counter c contract =
Storage.Contract.Global_counter.get c >>=? fun global_counter ->
Storage.Contract.Global_counter.get c >>=? fun global_counter ->
@ -135,7 +188,7 @@ let get_script c contract =
match code, storage with
match code, storage with
| None, None -> return Script_repr.No_script
| None, None -> return Script_repr.No_script
| Some code, Some storage -> return (Script_repr.Script { code ; storage })
| Some code, Some storage -> return (Script_repr.Script { code ; storage })
| None, Some _ | Some _, None -> fail Code_without_storage
| None, Some _ | Some _, None -> failwith "get_script"
let get_counter c contract =
let get_counter c contract =
Storage.Contract.Counter.get_option c contract >>=? function
Storage.Contract.Counter.get_option c contract >>=? function
@ -211,16 +264,14 @@ let set_delegate c contract delegate =
| Some delegate ->
| Some delegate ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.init_set c contract delegate
Storage.Contract.Delegate.init_set c contract delegate
(** Verify that the balance is high enouth for the used memory *)
let script_storage_fee script =
let check_fee script balance =
match script with
(match script with
| Script_repr.No_script -> return Constants_repr.minimal_contract_balance
| Script_repr.No_script -> return Constants_repr.minimal_contract_balance
| Script { code ; storage } ->
| Script { code ; storage } ->
let storage_fee = Script_repr.storage_cost storage in
let storage_fee = Script_repr.storage_cost storage in
let code_fee = Script_repr.code_cost code in
let code_fee = Script_repr.code_cost code in
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(code_fee +? storage_fee) >>=? fun script_fee ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(code_fee +? storage_fee) >>=? fun script_fee ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(Constants_repr.minimal_contract_balance +? script_fee)) >>=? fun fee ->
Lwt.return Tez_repr.(Constants_repr.minimal_contract_balance +? script_fee)
return Tez_repr.(fee <= balance)
let update_script_storage c contract storage =
let update_script_storage c contract storage =
let open Script_repr in
let open Script_repr in
@ -230,22 +281,23 @@ let update_script_storage c contract storage =
return c
return c
| Some balance ->
| Some balance ->
get_script c contract >>=? function
get_script c contract >>=? function
| No_script -> fail Scriptless_contract
| No_script -> failwith "update_script_storage"
| Script { code ; storage = { storage_type } } ->
| Script { code ; storage = { storage_type } } ->
(Script_repr.Script { code ; storage = { storage; storage_type }}) balance >>=? fun ok ->
(Script_repr.Script { code ; storage = { storage; storage_type }}) >>=? fun fee ->
fail_unless ok (Insert_coin contract) >>=? fun () ->
fail_unless Tez_repr.(balance > fee)
(Balance_too_low (contract, balance, fee)) >>=? fun () ->
Storage.Contract.Storage.set c contract { storage; storage_type }
Storage.Contract.Storage.set c contract { storage; storage_type }
let unconditional_spend c contract amount =
let unconditional_spend c contract amount =
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
match Tez_repr.(balance - amount) with
match Tez_repr.(balance - amount) with
| None ->
| None ->
fail Too_low_balance
fail (Balance_too_low (contract, balance, amount))
| Some new_balance ->
| Some new_balance ->
get_script c contract >>=? fun script ->
get_script c contract >>=? fun script ->
check_fee script new_balance >>=? fun keep_contract ->
script_storage_fee script >>=? fun fee ->
if keep_contract then
if Tez_repr.(fee <= new_balance) then
Storage.Contract.Balance.set c contract new_balance >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.set c contract new_balance >>=? fun c ->
Roll_storage.Contract.remove_amount c contract amount
Roll_storage.Contract.remove_amount c contract amount
@ -286,12 +338,13 @@ let issue c contract asset key quantity =
let spend c contract amount =
let spend c contract amount =
Storage.Contract.Spendable.get c contract >>=? fun spendable ->
Storage.Contract.Spendable.get c contract >>=? fun spendable ->
if not spendable
if not spendable
then fail Unspendable_contract
then fail (Unspendable_contract contract)
else unconditional_spend c contract amount
else unconditional_spend c contract amount
let originate c nonce ~balance ~manager ~script ~delegate ~spendable ~delegatable =
let originate c nonce ~balance ~manager ~script ~delegate ~spendable ~delegatable =
check_fee script balance >>=? fun possible ->
script_storage_fee script >>=? fun fee ->
fail_unless possible Initial_amount_too_low >>=? fun () ->
fail_unless Tez_repr.(balance > fee)
(Initial_amount_too_low (fee, balance)) >>=? fun () ->
create c nonce ~balance ~manager ~delegate ~script ~spendable ~delegatable
create c nonce ~balance ~manager ~delegate ~script ~spendable ~delegatable
let init c =
let init c =
@ -8,17 +8,15 @@
type error +=
type error +=
| Insert_coin of Contract_repr.t
| Balance_too_low of Contract_repr.contract * Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t
| Initial_amount_too_low
| Initial_amount_too_low of Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t
| Failure of string
| Counter_in_the_past of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32
| Invalid_counter of Contract_repr.t * int32 * int32
| Counter_in_the_future of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32
| Code_without_storage
| Unspendable_contract of Contract_repr.contract
| Unspendable_contract
| Non_existing_contract
| Non_existing_contract
| No_delegate
| No_delegate
| Undelagatable_contract
| Undelagatable_contract
| Scriptless_contract
| Failure of string
| Too_low_balance
val delete : Storage.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Storage.t tzresult Lwt.t
val delete : Storage.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Storage.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ let rec interp
Lwt.return Tez.(script_fee +?
Lwt.return Tez.(script_fee +?
Constants.origination_burn) >>=? fun total_fee ->
Constants.origination_burn) >>=? fun total_fee ->
fail_unless Tez.(credit > total_fee)
fail_unless Tez.(credit > total_fee)
Contract.Initial_amount_too_low >>=? fun () ->
(Contract.Initial_amount_too_low (total_fee, credit)) >>=? fun () ->
Contract.unconditional_spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.unconditional_spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return Tez.(credit -? Constants.origination_burn) >>=? fun balance ->
Lwt.return Tez.(credit -? Constants.origination_burn) >>=? fun balance ->
Contract.originate ctxt
Contract.originate ctxt
@ -344,8 +344,7 @@ module Contract : sig
val set_delegate:
val set_delegate:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option -> context tzresult Lwt.t
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option -> context tzresult Lwt.t
type error +=
type error += Initial_amount_too_low of Tez.t * Tez.t
| Initial_amount_too_low
val originate:
val originate:
context ->
context ->
@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ module Contract : sig
spendable: bool ->
spendable: bool ->
delegatable: bool -> (context * contract * origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
delegatable: bool -> (context * contract * origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Too_low_balance
type error += Balance_too_low of contract * Tez.t * Tez.t
val spend:
val spend:
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ let main () =
check_balance foo 1999_95L >>=? fun () ->
check_balance foo 1999_95L >>=? fun () ->
check_balance bar 1000_00L >>=? fun () ->
check_balance bar 1000_00L >>=? fun () ->
(ecoproto_error (function Contract.Too_low_balance -> true | _ -> false))
(ecoproto_error (function Contract.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false))
@@ transfer ~src:bar ~target:foo 1000_00L >>=? fun () ->
@@ transfer ~src:bar ~target:foo 1000_00L >>=? fun () ->
mine bootstrap
mine bootstrap
Reference in New Issue
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