Michelson: gas costs tweaks and fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let map_to_list : type key value. (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
= fun (module Box) ->
let size = snd Box.boxed in
2 *@ (alloc_cost (size * 2))
3 *@ alloc_cost size
let map_mem _key map = step_cost (map_access map)
@ -85,10 +85,13 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let wrap = alloc_cost 1
let mul n1 n2 =
let bits =
let steps =
(Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n1))
* (Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n2)) in
step_cost bits +@ alloc_bits_cost bits
let bits =
(Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n1))
+ (Z.numbits (Script_int.to_zint n2)) in
step_cost steps +@ alloc_bits_cost bits
let div n1 n2 =
mul n1 n2 +@ alloc_cost 2
@ -171,24 +174,21 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let unpack bytes = 10 *@ step_cost (MBytes.length bytes)
let pack bytes = alloc_bytes_cost (MBytes.length bytes)
(* TODO: protocol operations *)
let address = step_cost 3
let contract = Gas.read_bytes_cost Z.zero +@ step_cost 3
let manager = step_cost 3
let transfer = step_cost 50
let create_account = step_cost 20
let create_contract = step_cost 70
let address = step_cost 1
let contract = Gas.read_bytes_cost Z.zero +@ step_cost 100
let transfer = step_cost 10
let create_account = step_cost 10
let create_contract = step_cost 10
let implicit_account = step_cost 10
let set_delegate = step_cost 10
let balance = step_cost 5
let now = step_cost 3
let check_signature = step_cost 3
let hash_key = step_cost 3
(* TODO: This needs to be a function of the data being hashed *)
let hash data len = step_cost (MBytes.length data) +@ alloc_bytes_cost len
let set_delegate = step_cost 10 +@ write_bytes_cost (Z.of_int 32)
let balance = step_cost 1 +@ read_bytes_cost (Z.of_int 8)
let now = step_cost 5
let check_signature = step_cost 100
let hash_key = step_cost 3 +@ bytes 20
let hash data len = 10 *@ step_cost (MBytes.length data) +@ bytes len
let steps_to_quota = step_cost 1
let source = step_cost 3
let self = step_cost 3
let source = step_cost 1
let self = step_cost 1
let amount = step_cost 1
let compare_bool _ _ = step_cost 1
let compare_string s1 s2 =
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let some = alloc_cost 1
let none = alloc_cost 0
let list_element = alloc_cost 2 +@ step_cost 1
let set_element = alloc_cost 3 +@ step_cost 2
let map_element = alloc_cost 4 +@ step_cost 2
let set_element size = log2 size *@ (alloc_cost 3 +@ step_cost 2)
let map_element size = log2 size *@ (alloc_cost 4 +@ step_cost 2)
let primitive_type = alloc_cost 1
let one_arg_type = alloc_cost 2
let two_arg_type = alloc_cost 3
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ module Cost_of = struct
let some = prim_cost 1 []
let none = prim_cost 0 []
let list_element = alloc_cost 2
let set_element = alloc_cost 2 (* FIXME: log(size) *)
let map_element = alloc_cost 2 (* FIXME: log(size) *)
let set_element = alloc_cost 2
let map_element = alloc_cost 2
let one_arg_type = prim_cost 1
let two_arg_type = prim_cost 2
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ module Cost_of : sig
val unpack : MBytes.t -> Gas.cost
val address : Gas.cost
val contract : Gas.cost
val manager : Gas.cost
val transfer : Gas.cost
val create_account : Gas.cost
val create_contract : Gas.cost
@ -125,8 +124,8 @@ module Cost_of : sig
val none : Gas.cost
val list_element : Gas.cost
val set_element : Gas.cost
val map_element : Gas.cost
val set_element : int -> Gas.cost
val map_element : int -> Gas.cost
val primitive_type : Gas.cost
val one_arg_type : Gas.cost
@ -1243,9 +1243,10 @@ let rec parse_data
let traced body =
trace error body in
let parse_items ?type_logger loc ctxt expr key_type value_type items item_wrapper =
let length = List.length items in
(fun (last_value, map, ctxt) item ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.map_element length)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
match item with
| Prim (_, D_Elt, [ k; v ], _) ->
parse_comparable_data ?type_logger ctxt key_type k >>=? fun (k, ctxt) ->
@ -1498,10 +1499,11 @@ let rec parse_data
traced (fail (Invalid_kind (location expr, [ Seq_kind ], kind expr)))
(* Sets *)
| Set_t (t, _ty_name), (Seq (loc, vs) as expr) ->
let length = List.length vs in
traced @@
(fun (last_value, set, ctxt) v ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.set_element) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt (Typecheck_costs.set_element length)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
parse_comparable_data ?type_logger ctxt t v >>=? fun (v, ctxt) ->
begin match last_value with
| Some value ->
Reference in New Issue
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