Shell: implement P2p_connection
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ NODE_LIB_INTFS := \
node/net/p2p_types.mli \
node/net/p2p_types.mli \
node/net/p2p_io_scheduler.mli \
node/net/p2p_io_scheduler.mli \
node/net/p2p_connection.mli \
node/net/p2p.mli \
node/net/p2p.mli \
node/net/RPC_server.mli \
node/net/RPC_server.mli \
@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ NODE_LIB_IMPLS := \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
node/net/ \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* TODO encode/encrypt before to push into the writer pipe. *)
(* TODO patch Sodium.Box to avoid allocation of the encrypted buffer.*)
(* TODO patch Data_encoding for continuation-based binary writer/reader. *)
(* TODO use queue bound by memory size of its elements, not by the
number of elements. *)
(* TODO test `close ~wait:true`. *)
(* TODO nothing in welcoming message proves that the incoming peer is
the owner of the public key... only the first message will
really proves it. Should this to be changed? Not really
important, but... an attacker might forge a random public key
with enough proof of work (hard task), open a connection, wait
infinitly. This would avoid the real peer to talk with us. And
this might also have an influence on its "score". *)
open P2p_types
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "p2p.connection" end)
type error += Decipher_error
type error += Invalid_message_size
type error += Encoding_error
type error += Rejected
type error += Decoding_error
type error += Myself of Id_point.t
type error += Not_enough_proof_of_work of Gid.t
type cryptobox_data = {
channel_key : Crypto_box.channel_key ;
mutable local_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ;
mutable remote_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ;
let header_length = 2
let crypto_overhead = 18 (* FIXME import from Sodium.Box. *)
let max_content_length =
1 lsl (header_length * 8) - crypto_overhead
module Connection_message = struct
type t = {
port : int option ;
versions : Version.t list ;
public_key : Crypto_box.public_key ;
proof_of_work_stamp : Crypto_box.nonce ;
message_nonce : Crypto_box.nonce ;
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { port ; public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp ;
message_nonce ; versions } ->
let port = match port with None -> 0 | Some port -> port in
(port, public_key, proof_of_work_stamp,
message_nonce, versions))
(fun (port, public_key, proof_of_work_stamp,
message_nonce, versions) ->
let port = if port = 0 then None else Some port in
{ port ; public_key ; proof_of_work_stamp ;
message_nonce ; versions })
(req "port" uint16)
(req "pubkey" Crypto_box.public_key_encoding)
(req "proof_of_work_stamp" Crypto_box.nonce_encoding)
(req "message_nonce" Crypto_box.nonce_encoding)
(req "versions" (Variable.list Version.encoding)))
let write fd message =
let encoded_message_len =
Data_encoding.Binary.length encoding message in
(encoded_message_len < max_content_length)
Encoding_error >>=? fun () ->
let len = header_length + encoded_message_len in
let buf = MBytes.create len in
match Data_encoding.Binary.write encoding message buf header_length with
| None ->
fail Encoding_error
| Some last ->
fail_unless (last = len) Encoding_error >>=? fun () ->
MBytes.set_int16 buf 0 encoded_message_len ;
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd buf
let read fd =
let header_buf = MBytes.create header_length in
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~len:header_length fd header_buf >>=? fun () ->
let len = MBytes.get_uint16 header_buf 0 in
let buf = MBytes.create len in
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~len fd buf >>=? fun () ->
match encoding buf 0 len with
| None ->
fail Decoding_error
| Some (read_len, message) ->
if read_len <> len then
fail Decoding_error
return message
module Ack = struct
type t = bool
let ack = MBytes.of_string "\255"
let nack = MBytes.of_string "\000"
let write fd b =
match b with
| true ->
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd ack
| false ->
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd nack
let read fd =
let buf = MBytes.create 1 in
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full fd buf >>=? fun () ->
return (buf <> nack)
type authenticated_fd =
P2p_io_scheduler.connection * Connection_info.t * cryptobox_data
let kick (fd, _ , _) =
Ack.write fd false >>= fun _ ->
P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>= fun _ ->
(* First step: write and read credentials, makes no difference
whether we're trying to connect to a peer or checking an incoming
connection, both parties must first introduce themselves. *)
let authenticate
~incoming fd (remote_addr, remote_socket_port as point)
?listening_port identity supported_versions =
let local_nonce = Crypto_box.random_nonce () in
lwt_debug "Sending authenfication to %a" Point.pp point >>= fun () ->
Connection_message.write fd
{ public_key = identity.Identity.public_key ;
proof_of_work_stamp = identity.proof_of_work_stamp ;
message_nonce = local_nonce ;
port = listening_port ;
versions = supported_versions } >>=? fun () ->
| fd >>=? fun msg ->
let remote_listening_port =
if incoming then msg.port else Some remote_socket_port in
let id_point = remote_addr, remote_listening_port in
let remote_gid = Crypto_box.hash msg.public_key in
(remote_gid <> identity.Identity.gid)
(Myself id_point) >>=? fun () ->
msg.public_key msg.proof_of_work_stamp proof_of_work_target)
(Not_enough_proof_of_work remote_gid) >>=? fun () ->
let channel_key =
Crypto_box.precompute identity.Identity.secret_key msg.public_key in
let info =
{ Connection_info.gid = remote_gid ; versions = msg.versions ; incoming ;
id_point ; remote_socket_port ;} in
let cryptobox_data =
{ channel_key ; local_nonce ;
remote_nonce = msg.message_nonce } in
return (info, (fd, info, cryptobox_data))
type connection = {
info : Connection_info.t ;
fd : P2p_io_scheduler.connection ;
cryptobox_data : cryptobox_data ;
module Reader = struct
type 'msg t = {
canceler: Canceler.t ;
conn: connection ;
encoding: 'msg Data_encoding.t ;
messages: 'msg tzresult Lwt_pipe.t ;
mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ;
let read_chunk { fd ; cryptobox_data } =
let header_buf = MBytes.create header_length in
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~len:header_length fd header_buf >>=? fun () ->
let len = MBytes.get_uint16 header_buf 0 in
let buf = MBytes.create len in
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full ~len fd buf >>=? fun () ->
let remote_nonce = cryptobox_data.remote_nonce in
cryptobox_data.remote_nonce <- Crypto_box.increment_nonce remote_nonce ;
Crypto_box.fast_box_open cryptobox_data.channel_key buf remote_nonce
| None ->
fail Decipher_error
| Some buf ->
return buf
let rec read_message st buf =
return (Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes st.encoding buf)
let rec worker_loop st =
Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () ->
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () ->
read_chunk st.conn >>=? fun buf ->
read_message st buf
end >>= function
| Ok None ->
Lwt_pipe.push st.messages (Error [Decoding_error]) >>= fun () ->
worker_loop st
| Ok (Some msg) ->
Lwt_pipe.push st.messages (Ok msg) >>= fun () ->
worker_loop st
| Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] ->
| Error _ as err ->
Lwt_pipe.push st.messages err >>= fun () ->
Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () ->
let run ?size conn encoding canceler =
let st =
{ canceler ; conn ; encoding ;
messages = Lwt_pipe.create ?size () ;
worker = Lwt.return_unit ;
} in
Canceler.on_cancel st.canceler begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.close st.messages ;
end ;
st.worker <-
Lwt_utils.worker "reader"
(fun () -> worker_loop st)
(fun () -> Canceler.cancel st.canceler) ;
let shutdown st =
Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () ->
module Writer = struct
type 'msg t = {
canceler: Canceler.t ;
conn: connection ;
encoding: 'msg Data_encoding.t ;
messages: ('msg * unit tzresult Lwt.u option) Lwt_pipe.t ;
mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ;
let write_chunk { cryptobox_data ; fd } buf =
let header_buf = MBytes.create header_length in
let local_nonce = cryptobox_data.local_nonce in
cryptobox_data.local_nonce <- Crypto_box.increment_nonce local_nonce ;
let encrypted_message =
Crypto_box.fast_box cryptobox_data.channel_key buf local_nonce in
let encrypted_len = MBytes.length encrypted_message in
(encrypted_len < max_content_length)
Invalid_message_size >>=? fun () ->
MBytes.set_int16 header_buf 0 encrypted_len ;
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd header_buf >>=? fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd encrypted_message >>=? fun () ->
return ()
let encode_message st msg =
try return (Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes st.encoding msg)
with _ -> fail Encoding_error
let rec worker_loop st =
Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () ->
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.pop st.messages >>= fun (msg, wakener) ->
encode_message st msg >>=? fun buf ->
write_chunk st.conn buf >>= fun res ->
iter_option wakener ~f:(fun u -> Lwt.wakeup_later u res) ;
Lwt.return res
end >>= function
| Ok () ->
worker_loop st
| Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] ->
| Error err ->
"@[<v 2>Error while writing to %a@ %a@]"
Connection_info.pp pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () ->
let run ?size conn encoding canceler =
let st =
{ canceler ; conn ; encoding ;
messages = Lwt_pipe.create ?size () ;
worker = Lwt.return_unit ;
} in
Canceler.on_cancel st.canceler begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.close st.messages ;
end ;
st.worker <-
Lwt_utils.worker "writer"
(fun () -> worker_loop st)
(fun () -> Canceler.cancel st.canceler) ;
let shutdown st =
Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () ->
type 'msg t = {
conn : connection ;
reader : 'msg Reader.t ;
writer : 'msg Writer.t ;
let pp ppf { conn } = Connection_info.pp ppf
let info { conn } =
let accept
?incoming_message_queue_size ?outgoing_message_queue_size
(fd, info, cryptobox_data) encoding =
Lwt_utils.protect begin fun () ->
Ack.write fd true >>=? fun () ->
| fd
end ~on_error:begin fun err ->
P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>= fun _ ->
Lwt.return (Error err)
end >>=? fun accepted ->
fail_unless accepted Rejected >>=? fun () ->
let canceler = Canceler.create () in
let conn = { fd ; info ; cryptobox_data } in
let reader =
| ?size:incoming_message_queue_size conn encoding canceler
and writer =
| ?size:outgoing_message_queue_size conn encoding canceler in
let conn = { conn ; reader ; writer } in
Canceler.on_cancel canceler begin fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>= fun _ ->
end ;
return conn
exception Not_available
exception Connection_closed
let catch_closed_pipe f =
Lwt.catch f begin function
| Lwt_pipe.Closed -> fail P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed
| exn -> fail (Exn exn)
let is_writable { writer } =
not (Lwt_pipe.is_full writer.messages)
let wait_writable { writer } =
Lwt_pipe.not_full writer.messages
let write { writer } msg =
catch_closed_pipe begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.push writer.messages (msg, None) >>= return
let write_sync { writer } msg =
catch_closed_pipe begin fun () ->
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
Lwt_pipe.push writer.messages (msg, Some wakener) >>= fun () ->
let write_now { writer } msg =
try Ok (Lwt_pipe.push_now writer.messages (msg, None))
with Lwt_pipe.Closed -> Error [P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed]
let is_readable { reader } =
not (Lwt_pipe.is_empty reader.messages)
let wait_readable { reader } =
catch_closed_pipe begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.values_available reader.messages >>= return
let read { reader } =
catch_closed_pipe begin fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.pop reader.messages
let read_now { reader } =
try Lwt_pipe.pop_now reader.messages
with Lwt_pipe.Closed -> Some (Error [P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed])
let stat { conn = { fd } } = P2p_io_scheduler.stat fd
let close ?(wait = false) st =
if not wait then Lwt.return_unit
else begin
Lwt_pipe.close st.reader.messages ;
Lwt_pipe.close st.writer.messages ;
end >>= fun () ->
Reader.shutdown st.reader >>= fun () ->
Writer.shutdown st.writer >>= fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.close st.conn.fd >>= fun _ ->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** This modules adds message encoding and encryption to
[P2p_io_scheduler]'s generic throttled connections.
Each connection have an associated internal read (resp. write)
queue containing messages (of type ['msg]), whose size can be
limited by providing corresponding arguments to [accept].
open P2p_types
(** {1 Types} *)
type error += Decipher_error
type error += Invalid_message_size
type error += Encoding_error
type error += Decoding_error
type error += Rejected
type error += Myself of Id_point.t
type error += Not_enough_proof_of_work of Gid.t
type authenticated_fd
(** Type of a connection that successfully passed the authentication
phase, but has not been accepted yet. *)
type 'msg t
(** Type of an accepted connection, parametrized by the type of
messages exchanged between peers. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> 'msg t -> unit
val info: 'msg t -> Connection_info.t
(** {1 Low-level functions (do not use directly)} *)
val authenticate:
| ->
incoming:bool ->
P2p_io_scheduler.connection -> Point.t ->
?listening_port: int ->
Identity.t -> Version.t list ->
(Connection_info.t * authenticated_fd) tzresult Lwt.t
(** (Low-level) (Cancelable) Authentication function of a remote
peer. Used in [P2p_connection_pool], to promote a
[P2P_io_scheduler.connection] into an [authenticated_fd] (auth
correct, acceptation undecided). *)
val kick: authenticated_fd -> unit Lwt.t
(** (Low-level) (Cancelable) [kick afd] notifies the remote peer that
we refuse this connection and then closes [afd]. Used in
[P2p_connection_pool] to reject an [aunthenticated_fd] which we do
not want to connect to for some reason. *)
val accept:
?incoming_message_queue_size:int ->
?outgoing_message_queue_size:int ->
authenticated_fd -> 'msg Data_encoding.t -> 'msg t tzresult Lwt.t
(** (Low-level) (Cancelable) Accepts a remote peer given an
authenticated_fd. Used in [P2p_connection_pool], to promote an
[authenticated_fd] to the status of an active peer. *)
(** {1 IO functions on connections} *)
(** {2 Output functions} *)
val is_writable: 'msg t -> bool
(** [is_writable conn] is [true] iff [conn] internal write queue is
not full. *)
val wait_writable: 'msg t -> unit Lwt.t
(** (Cancelable) [wait_writable conn] returns when [conn]'s internal
write queue becomes writable (i.e. not full). *)
val write: 'msg t -> 'msg -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** [write conn msg] returns when [msg] has successfully been added to
[conn]'s internal write queue or fails with a corresponding
error. *)
val write_now: 'msg t -> 'msg -> bool tzresult
(** [write_now conn msg] is [Ok true] if [msg] has been added to
[conn]'s internal write queue, [Ok false] if [msg] has been
dropped, or fails with a correponding error otherwise. *)
val write_sync: 'msg t -> 'msg -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** [write_sync conn msg] returns when [msg] has been successfully
sent to the remote end of [conn], or fails accordingly. *)
(** {2 Input functions} *)
val is_readable: 'msg t -> bool
(** [is_readable conn] is [true] iff [conn] internal read queue is not
empty. *)
val wait_readable: 'msg t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
(** (Cancelable) [wait_readable conn] returns when [conn]'s internal
read queue becomes readable (i.e. not empty). *)
val read: 'msg t -> 'msg tzresult Lwt.t
(** [read conn msg] returns when [msg] has successfully been popped
from [conn]'s internal read queue or fails with a corresponding
error. *)
val read_now: 'msg t -> 'msg tzresult option
(** [read_now conn msg] is [Some msg] if [conn]'s internal read queue
is not empty, [None] if it is empty, or fails with a correponding
error otherwise. *)
val stat: 'msg t -> Stat.t
(** [stat conn] is a snapshot of current bandwidth usage for
[conn]. *)
val close: ?wait:bool -> 'msg t -> unit Lwt.t
@ -11,6 +11,37 @@ open Logging.Net
module Canceler = Lwt_utils.Canceler
module Canceler = Lwt_utils.Canceler
module Version = struct
type t = {
name : string ;
major : int ;
minor : int ;
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { name; major; minor } -> (name, major, minor))
(fun (name, major, minor) -> { name; major; minor })
(req "name" string)
(req "major" int8)
(req "minor" int8))
(* the common version for a pair of peers, if any, is the maximum one,
in lexicographic order *)
let common la lb =
let la = List.sort (fun l r -> compare r l) la in
let lb = List.sort (fun l r -> compare r l) lb in
let rec find = function
| [], _ | _, [] -> None
| ((a :: ta) as la), ((b :: tb) as lb) ->
if a = b then Some a
else if a < b then find (ta, lb)
else find (la, tb)
in find (la, lb)
module Stat = struct
module Stat = struct
type t = {
type t = {
@ -44,3 +75,151 @@ module Gid = struct
module Set = Set.Make (Crypto_box.Public_key_hash)
module Set = Set.Make (Crypto_box.Public_key_hash)
module Table = Hash.Hash_table (Crypto_box.Public_key_hash)
module Table = Hash.Hash_table (Crypto_box.Public_key_hash)
(* public types *)
type addr = Ipaddr.V6.t
type port = int
module Point = struct
module T = struct
(* A net point (address x port). *)
type t = addr * port
let compare (a1, p1) (a2, p2) =
match a1 a2 with
| 0 -> p1 - p2
| x -> x
let equal p1 p2 = compare p1 p2 = 0
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let pp ppf (addr, port) =
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a]:%d" Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr port
let pp_opt ppf = function
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "none"
| Some point -> pp ppf point
let is_local (addr, _) = Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let is_global (addr, _) = not @@ Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let to_sockaddr (addr, port) = Unix.(ADDR_INET (Ipaddr_unix.V6.to_inet_addr addr, port))
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun (addr, port) -> Ipaddr.V6.to_string addr, port)
(fun (addr, port) -> Ipaddr.V6.of_string_exn addr, port)
(req "addr" string)
(req "port" int16))
include T
(* Run-time point-or-gid indexed storage, one point is bound to at
most one gid, which is the invariant we want to keep both for the
connected peers table and the known peers one *)
module Map = Map.Make (T)
module Set = Set.Make (T)
module Table = Hashtbl.Make (T)
module Id_point = struct
module T = struct
(* A net point (address x port). *)
type t = addr * port option
let empty = Ipaddr.V6.unspecified, None
let compare (a1, p1) (a2, p2) =
match a1 a2 with
| 0 -> p1 p2
| x -> x
let equal p1 p2 = compare p1 p2 = 0
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let pp ppf (addr, port) =
match port with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a]:??" Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr
| Some port ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a]:%d" Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum addr port
let pp_opt ppf = function
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "none"
| Some point -> pp ppf point
let is_local (addr, _) = Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let is_global (addr, _) = not @@ Ipaddr.V6.is_private addr
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun (addr, port) -> Ipaddr.V6.to_bytes addr, port)
(fun (addr, port) -> Ipaddr.V6.of_bytes_exn addr, port)
(req "addr" string)
(opt "port" int16))
include T
(* Run-time point-or-gid indexed storage, one point is bound to at
most one gid, which is the invariant we want to keep both for the
connected peers table and the known peers one *)
module Map = Map.Make (T)
module Set = Set.Make (T)
module Table = Hashtbl.Make (T)
module Identity = struct
type t = {
gid : Gid.t ;
public_key : Crypto_box.public_key ;
secret_key : Crypto_box.secret_key ;
proof_of_work_stamp : Crypto_box.nonce ;
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { public_key ; secret_key ; proof_of_work_stamp } ->
(public_key, secret_key, proof_of_work_stamp))
(fun (public_key, secret_key, proof_of_work_stamp) ->
let gid = Crypto_box.hash public_key in
{ gid ; public_key ; secret_key ; proof_of_work_stamp })
(req "public_key" Crypto_box.public_key_encoding)
(req "secret_key" Crypto_box.secret_key_encoding)
(req "proof_of_work_stamp" Crypto_box.nonce_encoding))
let generate target =
let secret_key, public_key, gid = Crypto_box.random_keypair () in
let proof_of_work_stamp =
Crypto_box.generate_proof_of_work public_key target in
{ gid ; public_key ; secret_key ; proof_of_work_stamp }
module Connection_info = struct
type t = {
incoming : bool;
gid : Gid.t;
id_point : Id_point.t;
remote_socket_port : port;
versions : Version.t list ;
let pp ppf
{ incoming ; id_point = (remote_addr, remote_port) ; gid } =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a:%a {%a}%s"
Ipaddr.V6.pp_hum remote_addr
(fun ppf port ->
match port with
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "??"
| Some port -> Format.pp_print_int ppf port) remote_port
Gid.pp gid
(if incoming then " (incoming)" else "")
@ -9,6 +9,93 @@
module Canceler = Lwt_utils.Canceler
module Canceler = Lwt_utils.Canceler
(** Protocol version *)
module Version : sig
type t = {
name : string ;
major : int ;
minor : int ;
(** Type of a protocol version. *)
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val common: t list -> t list -> t option
(** Gid, i.e. persistent peer identifier *)
module Gid : sig
type t = Crypto_box.Public_key_hash.t
(** Type of a gid, a public key hash. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
type addr = Ipaddr.V6.t
type port = int
(** Point, i.e. socket address *)
module Point : sig
type t = addr * port
val compare : t -> t -> int
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_opt : Format.formatter -> t option -> unit
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val is_local : t -> bool
val is_global : t -> bool
val to_sockaddr : t -> Unix.sockaddr
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
(** Point representing a reachable socket address *)
module Id_point : sig
type t = addr * port option
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_opt : Format.formatter -> t option -> unit
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val is_local : t -> bool
val is_global : t -> bool
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
(** Identity *)
module Identity : sig
type t = {
gid : Gid.t ;
public_key : Crypto_box.public_key ;
secret_key : Crypto_box.secret_key ;
proof_of_work_stamp : Crypto_box.nonce ;
(** Type of an identity, comprising a gid, a crypto keypair, and a
proof of work stamp with enough difficulty so that the network
accept this identity as genuine. *)
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val generate : -> t
(** [generate target] is a freshly minted identity whose proof of
work stamp difficulty is at least equal to [target]. *)
(** Bandwidth usage statistics *)
(** Bandwidth usage statistics *)
@ -24,3 +111,19 @@ module Stat : sig
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Information about a connection *)
module Connection_info : sig
type t = {
incoming : bool;
gid : Gid.t;
id_point : Id_point.t;
remote_socket_port : port;
versions : Version.t list ;
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ TESTS := \
data-encoding \
data-encoding \
store context state \
store context state \
basic \
basic \
p2p-io-scheduler \
p2p-connection \
all: test
all: test
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ clean::
## p2p test program
## p2p test program
.PHONY:build-test-p2p-io-scheduler run-test-p2p-io-scheduler
build-test-p2p-io-scheduler: test-p2p-io-scheduler
build-test-p2p-io-scheduler: test-p2p-io-scheduler
./test-p2p-io-scheduler \
./test-p2p-io-scheduler \
@ -190,16 +191,30 @@ run-test-p2p-io-scheduler:
--max-upload-speed $$((1 << 18)) \
--max-upload-speed $$((1 << 18)) \
--max-download-speed $$((1 << 20))
--max-download-speed $$((1 << 20))
.PHONY:build-test-p2p-connection run-test-p2p-connection
build-test-p2p-connection: test-p2p-connection
lib/ \
lib/ \
lib/ \
${}: ${NODELIB}
${}: ${NODELIB}
test-p2p-io-scheduler: ${NODELIB} ${}
test-p2p-io-scheduler: ${NODELIB} ${}
ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkall -linkpkg ${OCAMLFLAGS} -o $@ $^
ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkall -linkpkg ${OCAMLFLAGS} -o $@ $^
${}: ${NODELIB}
test-p2p-connection: ${NODELIB} ${}
ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkall -linkpkg ${OCAMLFLAGS} -o $@ $^
rm -f test-p2p-io_scheduler
-rm -f test-p2p-io_scheduler
-rm -f test-p2p-connection
## lwt pipe test program
## lwt pipe test program
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* TODO Use Kaputt on the client side and remove `assert` from the
server. *)
open Error_monad
open P2p_types
include Logging.Make (struct let name = "test-p2p-connection" end)
let proof_of_work_target =
Crypto_box.make_target [Int64.shift_left 1L 48]
let id1 = Identity.generate proof_of_work_target
let id2 = Identity.generate proof_of_work_target
let id0 =
(* Luckilly, this will be an insuficient proof of work! *)
Identity.generate (Crypto_box.make_target [])
let versions = Version.[{ name = "TEST" ; minor = 0 ; major = 0 }]
let rec listen ?port addr =
let tentative_port =
match port with
| None -> 1024 + 8192
| Some port -> port in
let uaddr = Ipaddr_unix.V6.to_inet_addr addr in
let main_socket = Lwt_unix.(socket PF_INET6 SOCK_STREAM 0) in
Lwt_unix.(setsockopt main_socket SO_REUSEADDR true) ;
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
Lwt_unix.Versioned.bind_2 main_socket
(ADDR_INET (uaddr, tentative_port)) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.listen main_socket 1 ;
Lwt.return (main_socket, tentative_port)
end begin function
| Unix.Unix_error
((Unix.EADDRINUSE | Unix.EADDRNOTAVAIL), _, _) when port = None ->
listen addr
| exn -> exn
let raw_accept sched main_socket =
Lwt_unix.accept main_socket >>= fun (fd, sockaddr) ->
let fd = P2p_io_scheduler.register sched fd in
let point =
match sockaddr with
| Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX _ -> assert false
| Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
Ipaddr_unix.V6.of_inet_addr_exn addr, port in
Lwt.return (fd, point)
let accept sched main_socket =
raw_accept sched main_socket >>= fun (fd, point) ->
~incoming:true fd point id1 versions
let raw_connect sched addr port =
let fd = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET6 SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let uaddr =
Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Ipaddr_unix.V6.to_inet_addr addr, port) in
Lwt_unix.connect fd uaddr >>= fun () ->
let fd = P2p_io_scheduler.register sched fd in
Lwt.return fd
let connect sched addr port id =
raw_connect sched addr port >>= fun fd ->
~incoming:false fd (addr, port) id versions >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
assert (not info.incoming) ;
assert ( info.gid id1.gid = 0) ;
return auth_fd
let simple_msg =
MBytes.create (1 lsl 1)
let is_rejected = function
| Error [P2p_connection.Rejected] -> true
| Ok _ | Error _ -> false
let is_connection_closed = function
| Error [P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed] -> true
| Ok _ | Error _ -> false
let bytes_encoding = Data_encoding.Variable.bytes
let server main_socket =
let sched = P2p_io_scheduler.create ~read_buffer_size:(1 lsl 12) () in
(* Low-level test. *)
raw_accept sched main_socket >>= fun (fd, point) ->
lwt_log_notice "Low_level" >>= fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.write fd simple_msg >>=? fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>=? fun _ ->
lwt_log_notice "Low_level OK" >>= fun () ->
(* Kick the first connection. *)
accept sched main_socket >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
lwt_log_notice "Kick" >>= fun () ->
assert (info.incoming) ;
assert ( info.gid id2.gid = 0) ;
P2p_connection.kick auth_fd >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Kick OK" >>= fun () ->
(* Let's be rejected. *)
accept sched main_socket >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>= fun conn ->
assert (is_rejected conn) ;
lwt_log_notice "Kicked OK" >>= fun () ->
(* Accept and send a single message. *)
accept sched main_socket >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
lwt_log_notice "Single" >>= fun () ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
P2p_connection.write_sync conn simple_msg >>=? fun () ->
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Single OK" >>= fun () ->
(* Accept and send a single message, while the client expected 2. *)
accept sched main_socket >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (read)" >>= fun () ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
P2p_connection.write_sync conn simple_msg >>=? fun () ->
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (read) OK" >>= fun () ->
(* Accept and wait for the client to close the connection. *)
accept sched main_socket >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (write)" >>= fun () ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (write) OK" >>= fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.shutdown sched >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 0.2 >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Success" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let client addr port =
let msg = MBytes.create (MBytes.length simple_msg) in
let sched = P2p_io_scheduler.create ~read_buffer_size:(1 lsl 12) () in
raw_connect sched addr port >>= fun fd ->
P2p_io_scheduler.read_full fd msg >>=? fun () ->
assert ( simple_msg msg = 0) ;
P2p_io_scheduler.close fd >>=? fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Low_level OK" >>= fun () ->
(* let's be rejected. *)
connect sched addr port id2 >>=? fun auth_fd ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>= fun conn ->
assert (is_rejected conn) ;
lwt_log_notice "Kick OK" >>= fun () ->
(* let's reject! *)
lwt_log_notice "Kicked" >>= fun () ->
connect sched addr port id2 >>=? fun auth_fd ->
P2p_connection.kick auth_fd >>= fun () ->
(* let's exchange a simple message. *)
connect sched addr port id2 >>=? fun auth_fd ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
| conn >>=? fun msg ->
assert ( simple_msg msg = 0) ;
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Simple OK" >>= fun () ->
(* let's detect a closed connection on `read`. *)
connect sched addr port id2 >>=? fun auth_fd ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
| conn >>=? fun msg ->
assert ( simple_msg msg = 0) ;
| conn >>= fun msg ->
assert (is_connection_closed msg) ;
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (read) OK" >>= fun () ->
(* let's detect a closed connection on `write`. *)
connect sched addr port id2 >>=? fun auth_fd ->
P2p_connection.accept auth_fd bytes_encoding >>=? fun conn ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 >>= fun () ->
P2p_connection.write_sync conn simple_msg >>= fun unit ->
assert (is_connection_closed unit) ;
P2p_connection.close conn >>= fun _stat ->
lwt_log_notice "Early close (write) OK" >>= fun () ->
P2p_io_scheduler.shutdown sched >>= fun () ->
lwt_log_notice "Success" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let default_addr = Ipaddr.V6.localhost
let main () =
listen default_addr >>= fun (main_socket, port) ->
let server =
Process.detach ~prefix:"server " begin fun () ->
Process.handle_error begin fun () ->
server main_socket
end in
let client =
Process.detach ~prefix:"client " begin fun () ->
Lwt_utils.safe_close main_socket >>= fun () ->
Process.handle_error begin fun () ->
client default_addr port
end in
Process.wait [ server ; client ]
let () =
| (main ())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user