Ledger: add deauth APDU support, better get-authorized-key support, and friendlier CLI
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,26 @@ type ('p, 'ctx) parameter =
let parameter ?autocomplete converter =
let parameter ?autocomplete converter =
{ converter ; autocomplete }
{ converter ; autocomplete }
let compose_parameters { converter = c1; autocomplete = a1' } { converter = c2; autocomplete = a2' } =
{ converter = (fun ctx s ->
c1 ctx s >>= function
| Ok r -> return r
| Error _ -> c2 ctx s);
autocomplete = match a1' with
| None -> a2'
| Some a1 -> match a2' with
| None -> a1'
| Some a2 -> Some (fun ctx ->
a1 ctx >>=? fun r1 ->
a2 ctx >>=? fun r2 ->
return (List.concat [r1; r2]))
let map_parameter ~f { converter; autocomplete } =
{ converter = (fun ctx s -> converter ctx s >>|? f);
type label =
type label =
{ long : string ;
{ long : string ;
short : char option }
short : char option }
@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ val parameter :
('ctx -> string -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t) ->
('ctx -> string -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t) ->
('a, 'ctx) parameter
('a, 'ctx) parameter
(** Build an argument parser by composing two other parsers. The
resulting parser will try the first parser and if it fails will
try the second. The auto-complete contents of the two will be
concatenated. *)
val compose_parameters : ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter
(** Map a pure function over the result of a parameter parser. *)
val map_parameter : f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('b, 'ctx) parameter
(** {2 Flags and Options } *)
(** {2 Flags and Options } *)
(** The type for optional arguments (and switches).
(** The type for optional arguments (and switches).
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ module type Alias = sig
string -> t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
string -> t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val of_source : string -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val of_source : string -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val to_source : t -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val to_source : t -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val alias_parameter : unit -> (string * t, #Client_context.wallet) Clic.parameter
val alias_param :
val alias_param :
?name:string ->
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
?desc:string ->
@ -200,15 +201,15 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
include Entity
include Entity
let alias_parameter () = parameter
(fun cctxt s ->
find cctxt s >>=? fun v ->
return (s, v))
let alias_param
let alias_param
?(name = "name") ?(desc = "existing " ^ Entity.name ^ " alias") next =
?(name = "name") ?(desc = "existing " ^ Entity.name ^ " alias") next =
param ~name ~desc
param ~name ~desc (alias_parameter ()) next
(fun (cctxt : #Client_context.wallet) s ->
find cctxt s >>=? fun v ->
return (s, v)))
type fresh_param = Fresh of string
type fresh_param = Fresh of string
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module type Alias = sig
string -> t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
string -> t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val of_source : string -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val of_source : string -> t tzresult Lwt.t
val to_source : t -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val to_source : t -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val alias_parameter : unit -> (string * t, #Client_context.wallet) Clic.parameter
val alias_param :
val alias_param :
?name:string ->
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
?desc:string ->
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ let make_pk_uri x = x
type sk_uri = Uri.t
type sk_uri = Uri.t
let make_sk_uri x = x
let make_sk_uri x = x
let pk_uri_parameter () = Clic.parameter (fun _ s ->
try return (make_pk_uri @@ Uri.of_string s)
with Failure s -> failwith "Error while parsing URI: %s" s)
let pk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
let pk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
let name = Option.unopt ~default:"uri" name in
let name = Option.unopt ~default:"uri" name in
let desc = Option.unopt
let desc = Option.unopt
@ -85,11 +89,11 @@ let pk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\
Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\
Use command `list signing schemes` for more \
Use command `list signing schemes` for more \
information." desc in
information." desc in
let open Clic in
Clic.param ~name ~desc (pk_uri_parameter ()) params
param ~name ~desc (parameter (fun _ s ->
try return (make_pk_uri @@ Uri.of_string s)
let sk_uri_parameter () = Clic.parameter (fun _ s ->
with Failure s -> failwith "Error while parsing uri: %s" s))
try return (make_sk_uri @@ Uri.of_string s)
with Failure s -> failwith "Error while parsing URI: %s" s)
let sk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
let sk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
let name = Option.unopt ~default:"uri" name in
let name = Option.unopt ~default:"uri" name in
@ -98,12 +102,7 @@ let sk_uri_param ?name ?desc params =
Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\
Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\
Use command `list signing schemes` for more \
Use command `list signing schemes` for more \
information." desc in
information." desc in
let open Clic in
Clic.param ~name ~desc (sk_uri_parameter ()) params
param ~name ~desc
(parameter (fun _ s ->
try return (make_sk_uri @@ Uri.of_string s)
with Failure s -> failwith "Error while parsing uri: %s" s))
module Secret_key =
module Secret_key =
Client_aliases.Alias (struct
Client_aliases.Alias (struct
@ -28,9 +28,11 @@
type pk_uri = private Uri.t
type pk_uri = private Uri.t
type sk_uri = private Uri.t
type sk_uri = private Uri.t
val pk_uri_parameter : unit -> (pk_uri, 'a) Clic.parameter
val pk_uri_param :
val pk_uri_param :
?name:string -> ?desc:string ->
?name:string -> ?desc:string ->
('a, 'b) Clic.params -> (pk_uri -> 'a, 'b) Clic.params
('a, 'b) Clic.params -> (pk_uri -> 'a, 'b) Clic.params
val sk_uri_parameter : unit -> (sk_uri, 'a) Clic.parameter
val sk_uri_param :
val sk_uri_param :
?name:string -> ?desc:string ->
?name:string -> ?desc:string ->
('a, 'b) Clic.params -> (sk_uri -> 'a, 'b) Clic.params
('a, 'b) Clic.params -> (sk_uri -> 'a, 'b) Clic.params
@ -153,6 +153,17 @@ let pp_id ppf = function
| Some a -> Format.fprintf fmt "/%a" Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve a)
| Some a -> Format.fprintf fmt "/%a" Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve a)
let pp_animals_uri ppf (names, curve, path) =
let (root, path_without_root) = List.split_n (List.length tezos_root) path in
if root <> tezos_root then
Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "BIP32 path is missing Tezos BIP32 prefix of %a: %a" Bip32_path.pp_path tezos_root Bip32_path.pp_path path
Format.fprintf ppf "ledger://%a%a" pp_id (Animals (names, Some curve))
(fun fmt -> function
| [] -> Format.fprintf fmt ""
| xs -> Format.fprintf fmt "/%a" Bip32_path.pp_path xs)
let parse_animals animals =
let parse_animals animals =
match String.split '-' animals with
match String.split '-' animals with
| [c; t; h; d] -> Some { Ledger_names.c ; t ; h ; d }
| [c; t; h; d] -> Some { Ledger_names.c ; t ; h ; d }
@ -184,6 +195,20 @@ let id_of_uri uri =
let id_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
let id_of_pk_uri (uri : pk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
let id_of_sk_uri (uri : sk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
let id_of_sk_uri (uri : sk_uri) = id_of_uri (uri :> Uri.t)
let sk_or_alias_param next =
let name = "account-alias-or-ledger-uri" in
let desc = "An imported ledger alias or a ledger URI (e.g. 'ledger://animal/curve/path')." in
let open Clic in
(* Order of parsers is important: The secret key parser accepts far more inputs so must come last. *)
param ~name ~desc (compose_parameters
(map_parameter ~f:(fun (_, (x, _)) -> `Pk_uri x) (Public_key.alias_parameter ()))
(map_parameter ~f:(fun x -> `Sk_uri x) (Client_keys.sk_uri_parameter ())))
let id_of_sk_or_pk = function
| `Sk_uri sk -> id_of_sk_uri sk
| `Pk_uri pk -> id_of_pk_uri pk
let wrap_ledger_cmd f =
let wrap_ledger_cmd f =
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let pp = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let pp = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
@ -527,7 +552,7 @@ let commands =
find_ledgers () >>=? function
find_ledgers () >>=? function
| [] ->
| [] ->
cctxt#message "No device found." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "No device found." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "Make sure a Ledger Nano S is connected and in the Tezos Wallet app." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "Make sure a Ledger Nano S is connected and in the Tezos Wallet or Tezos Baking app." >>= fun () ->
| ledgers ->
| ledgers ->
iter_s begin fun { Ledger.device_info = { Hidapi.path ;
iter_s begin fun { Ledger.device_info = { Hidapi.path ;
@ -635,24 +660,45 @@ let commands =
~desc: "Query the path of the authorized key"
~desc: "Query the path of the authorized key"
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "authorized" ; "path" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "authorized" ; "path" ; "for" ]
@@ Public_key.alias_param
@@ sk_or_alias_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () (name, (pk_uri, _)) (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
(fun () uri (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_pk_uri pk_uri >>=? fun root_id ->
id_of_sk_or_pk uri >>=? fun root_id ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h _version _of_curve _to_curve ->
with_ledger root_id begin fun h version _of_curve _to_curve ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
(if version.major < 2 then
Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_authorized_key ~pp h
wrap_ledger_cmd (fun pp -> Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_authorized_key ~pp h)
end >>=? function
>>|? fun path -> (path, None)
| [] ->
wrap_ledger_cmd (fun pp -> Ledgerwallet_tezos.get_authorized_path_and_curve ~pp h)
>>= function
| Error (LedgerError (AppError {status = Ledgerwallet.Transport.Status.Referenced_data_not_found; _}) :: _) -> return ([], None)
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok (path, curve) -> return (path, Some curve))
>>=? function
| ([], _) ->
"@[<v 0>No baking key authorized for %s@]" name
"@[<v 0>No baking key authorized for %a@]" pp_id root_id
>>= fun () ->
>>= fun () ->
| path ->
| (path, None) ->
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking path: %a@]"
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking path: %a@]"
Bip32_path.pp_path path >>= fun () ->
Bip32_path.pp_path path >>= fun () ->
| (path, Some curve) ->
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking path: %a@]"
Bip32_path.pp_path path >>= fun () ->
"@[<v 0>Authorized baking curve: %a@]"
Ledgerwallet_tezos.pp_curve curve >>= fun () ->
(match root_id with
| Pkh _ -> cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Authorized baking PKH: %a@]"
pp_id root_id
| Animals (cthd, _) -> cctxt#message "@[<v 0>Authorized baking URI: %a@]"
pp_animals_uri (cthd, curve, path))
>>= fun () ->
end) ;
end) ;
Clic.command ~group
Clic.command ~group
@ -800,16 +846,39 @@ let commands =
end) ;
end) ;
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Deauthorize Ledger from baking"
(prefixes [ "deauthorize" ; "ledger" ; "baking" ; "for" ]
@@ sk_or_alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun () uri (_ : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_sk_or_pk uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
match version.app_class with
| Tezos ->
failwith "Fatal: this operation is only valid with the \
Tezos Baking application"
| TezBake when version.major < 2 ->
failwith "Fatal: this operation is only available with \
Tezos Baking application version 2 or higher"
| TezBake ->
wrap_ledger_cmd begin fun pp ->
Ledgerwallet_tezos.deauthorize_baking ~pp h
Clic.command ~group
Clic.command ~group
~desc: "Get high water mark of a Ledger"
~desc: "Get high water mark of a Ledger"
(args1 (switch ~doc:"Prevent the fallback to the (deprecated) Ledger \
(args1 (switch ~doc:"Prevent the fallback to the (deprecated) Ledger \
instructions (for 1.x.y versions of the Baking app)"
instructions (for 1.x.y versions of the Baking app)"
~long:"no-legacy-instructions" ()))
~long:"no-legacy-instructions" ()))
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "get" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ sk_or_alias_param
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun no_legacy_apdu sk_uri (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
(fun no_legacy_apdu uri (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
id_of_sk_or_pk uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
match version.app_class with
match version.app_class with
| Tezos ->
| Tezos ->
@ -847,7 +916,7 @@ let commands =
~desc: "Set high water mark of a Ledger"
~desc: "Set high water mark of a Ledger"
(prefixes [ "set" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
(prefixes [ "set" ; "ledger" ; "high" ; "watermark" ; "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.sk_uri_param
@@ sk_or_alias_param
@@ (prefix "to")
@@ (prefix "to")
@@ (param
@@ (param
~name: "high watermark"
~name: "high watermark"
@ -856,8 +925,8 @@ let commands =
try return (Int32.of_string s)
try return (Int32.of_string s)
with _ -> failwith "%s is not an int32 value" s)))
with _ -> failwith "%s is not an int32 value" s)))
@@ stop)
@@ stop)
(fun () sk_uri hwm (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
(fun () uri hwm (cctxt : Client_context.full) ->
id_of_sk_uri sk_uri >>=? fun id ->
id_of_sk_or_pk uri >>=? fun id ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
with_ledger id begin fun h version _ _ ->
match version.app_class with
match version.app_class with
| Tezos ->
| Tezos ->
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ type ins =
| Get_authorized_key
| Get_authorized_key
| Setup
| Setup
| Query_all_high_watermarks
| Query_all_high_watermarks
| Deauthorize_baking
| Get_authorized_path_and_curve
let int_of_ins = function
let int_of_ins = function
| Version -> 0x00
| Version -> 0x00
@ -80,6 +82,8 @@ let int_of_ins = function
| Get_authorized_key -> 0x07
| Get_authorized_key -> 0x07
| Setup -> 0x0A
| Setup -> 0x0A
| Query_all_high_watermarks -> 0x0B
| Query_all_high_watermarks -> 0x0B
| Deauthorize_baking -> 0x0C
| Get_authorized_path_and_curve -> 0x0D
type curve =
type curve =
| Ed25519
| Ed25519
@ -108,6 +112,21 @@ let int_of_curve = function
| Secp256k1 -> 0x01
| Secp256k1 -> 0x01
| Secp256r1 -> 0x02
| Secp256r1 -> 0x02
let curve_of_int = function
| 0x00 -> Some Ed25519
| 0x01 -> Some Secp256k1
| 0x02 -> Some Secp256r1
| _ -> None
type Transport.Status.t +=
Tezos_invalid_curve_code of int
let () = Transport.Status.register_string_f begin function
| Tezos_invalid_curve_code curve_code ->
Some ("Unrecognized curve code: " ^ string_of_int curve_code)
| _ -> None
let wrap_ins cmd =
let wrap_ins cmd =
Apdu.create_cmd ~cmd ~cla_of_cmd:(fun _ -> 0x80) ~ins_of_cmd:int_of_ins
Apdu.create_cmd ~cmd ~cla_of_cmd:(fun _ -> 0x80) ~ins_of_cmd:int_of_ins
@ -121,15 +140,30 @@ let get_git_commit ?pp ?buf h =
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_git_commit" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>|
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_git_commit" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>|
let read_path_with_length buf =
let length = Cstruct.get_uint8 buf 0 in
let rec go acc path =
if Cstruct.len path = 0 || List.length acc = length then List.rev acc
go (Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 path 0 :: acc)
(Cstruct.shift path 4) in
go [] (Cstruct.shift buf 1)
let get_authorized_key ?pp ?buf h =
let get_authorized_key ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Get_authorized_key) in
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Get_authorized_key) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_authorized_key" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun path ->
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_authorized_key" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun path ->
let rec read_numbers acc path =
read_path_with_length path
if Cstruct.len path = 0 then List.rev acc
let get_authorized_path_and_curve ?pp ?buf h =
read_numbers (Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 path 0 :: acc)
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Get_authorized_path_and_curve) in
(Cstruct.shift path 4) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_authorized_path_and_curve" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>= fun payload ->
read_numbers [] (Cstruct.shift path 1)
let curve_code = Cstruct.get_uint8 payload 0 in
match curve_of_int curve_code with
| None ->
Transport.app_error ~msg:"get_authorized_path_and_curve" (R.error (Tezos_invalid_curve_code curve_code))
| Some curve ->
let path_components = read_path_with_length (Cstruct.shift payload 1) in
R.ok (path_components, curve)
let write_path cs path =
let write_path cs path =
ListLabels.fold_left path ~init:cs ~f:begin fun cs i ->
ListLabels.fold_left path ~init:cs ~f:begin fun cs i ->
@ -168,7 +202,7 @@ let setup_baking ?pp ?buf h ~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm curve path =
(3 * 4) + 1 + (4 * nb_derivations) in
(3 * 4) + 1 + (4 * nb_derivations) in
let data_init = Cstruct.create lc in
let data_init = Cstruct.create lc in
(* If the size of chain-ids changes, then all assumptions of this
(* If the size of chain-ids changes, then all assumptions of this
binary format are broken (the ledger expects an int32). *)
binary format are broken (the ledger expects a uint32). *)
assert (String.length main_chain_id = 4) ;
assert (String.length main_chain_id = 4) ;
for ith = 0 to 3 do
for ith = 0 to 3 do
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init ith (int_of_char main_chain_id.[ith]) ;
Cstruct.set_uint8 data_init ith (int_of_char main_chain_id.[ith]) ;
@ -187,6 +221,11 @@ let setup_baking ?pp ?buf h ~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm curve path =
let keylen = Cstruct.get_uint8 addr 0 in
let keylen = Cstruct.get_uint8 addr 0 in
Cstruct.sub addr 1 keylen
Cstruct.sub addr 1 keylen
let deauthorize_baking ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Deauthorize_baking) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"deauthorize_baking" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun _ ->
let get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h =
let get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf h =
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_high_watermark) in
let apdu = Apdu.create (wrap_ins Query_high_watermark) in
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun hwm ->
Transport.apdu ~msg:"get_high_watermark" ?pp ?buf h apdu >>| fun hwm ->
@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ val get_authorized_key :
(** [get_authorized_key ?pp ?buf ledger] is the BIP32 path of the key
(** [get_authorized_key ?pp ?buf ledger] is the BIP32 path of the key
authorized to bake on the Ledger app running at [ledger]. *)
authorized to bake on the Ledger app running at [ledger]. *)
val get_authorized_path_and_curve :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> (int32 list * curve, Transport.error) result
(** [get_authorized_path_and_curve ?pp ?buf ledger] is the BIP32 path
and the curve code of the key authorized to bake on the Ledger app
running at [ledger]. *)
val get_public_key :
val get_public_key :
?prompt:bool ->
?prompt:bool ->
?pp:Format.formatter ->
?pp:Format.formatter ->
@ -80,6 +88,11 @@ val setup_baking :
indicates that the key at the given [curve/path] is authorized for
indicates that the key at the given [curve/path] is authorized for
baking. *)
baking. *)
val deauthorize_baking :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (unit, Transport.error) result
(** [deauthorize_baking ?pp ?buf ledger]
deauthorizes the Ledger's Baking application from baking for any address. *)
val get_high_watermark :
val get_high_watermark :
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t ->
Hidapi.t -> (int32, Transport.error) result
Hidapi.t -> (int32, Transport.error) result
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Status = struct
| Incorrect_class
| Incorrect_class
| Ins_not_supported
| Ins_not_supported
| Memory_error
| Memory_error
| Referenced_data_not_found
| Technical_problem of int
| Technical_problem of int
| Ok
| Ok
| Unknown of int
| Unknown of int
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ module Status = struct
| 0x9000 -> Ok
| 0x9000 -> Ok
| 0x917e -> Incorrect_length_for_ins
| 0x917e -> Incorrect_length_for_ins
| 0x9200 -> Memory_error
| 0x9200 -> Memory_error
| 0x6a88 -> Referenced_data_not_found
| v when v >= 0x63c0 && v <= 0x63cf -> Invalid_pin (v land 0x0f)
| v when v >= 0x63c0 && v <= 0x63cf -> Invalid_pin (v land 0x0f)
| v when v >= 0x6f00 && v <= 0x6fff -> Technical_problem (v land 0xff)
| v when v >= 0x6f00 && v <= 0x6fff -> Technical_problem (v land 0xff)
| v -> Unknown v
| v -> Unknown v
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ module Status = struct
| Incorrect_params -> "Incorrect params"
| Incorrect_params -> "Incorrect params"
| Ins_not_supported -> "Instruction not supported"
| Ins_not_supported -> "Instruction not supported"
| Technical_problem i -> "Technical problem " ^ string_of_int i
| Technical_problem i -> "Technical problem " ^ string_of_int i
| Referenced_data_not_found -> "Referenced data not found"
| Ok -> "Ok"
| Ok -> "Ok"
| Unknown i -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown status code 0x%x" i
| Unknown i -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown status code 0x%x" i
| t ->
| t ->
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Status : sig
| Incorrect_class
| Incorrect_class
| Ins_not_supported
| Ins_not_supported
| Memory_error
| Memory_error
| Referenced_data_not_found
| Technical_problem of int
| Technical_problem of int
| Ok
| Ok
Reference in New Issue
Block a user