Michelson: enforce case sensitivity.
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ let unexpand_macros type_map program =
let open Script in
let rec caddr type_map acc = function
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
| Prim (loc, "car" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "a") :: acc) rest
| Prim (loc, "cdr" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "d") :: acc) rest
| Prim (loc, "CAR" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "A") :: acc) rest
| Prim (loc, "CDR" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "D") :: acc) rest
| _ -> None in
let rec unexpand type_map node =
match node with
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let unexpand_macros type_map program =
type_map, Seq (loc, List.rev l)
| Some l ->
let locs, steps = List.split l in
let name = "c" ^ String.concat "" steps ^ "r" in
let name = "C" ^ String.concat "" steps ^ "R" in
let first, last = List.hd locs, List.hd (List.rev locs) in
let (before, _) = List.assoc first type_map in
let (_, after) = List.assoc last type_map in
@ -256,14 +256,13 @@ let commands () =
let type_map, program = unexpand_macros type_map program in
cctxt.message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
if !show_types then begin
(fun l -> List.mem_assoc l type_map)
Format.std_formatter program ;
cctxt.message "@." >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "%a"
(print_program (fun l -> List.mem_assoc l type_map))
program >>= fun () ->
(fun (loc, (before, after)) ->
"%3d@[<v 0> : [ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@,-> [ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@]@."
"%3d@[<v 0> : [ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@,-> [ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@]"
(Format.pp_print_list (print_ir (fun _ -> false)))
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ and raw_token st = parse
| ";" { SEMICOLON }
| firstidentchar identchar *
{ PRIM (String.lowercase_ascii (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
{ PRIM (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| int_literal
{ INT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ open Script_located_ir
let expand_caddadr loc str =
let len = String.length str in
if len > 3
&& String.get str 0 = 'c'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'r' then
&& String.get str 0 = 'C'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R' then
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 0 then
Some (Seq (loc, acc))
match String.get str i with
| 'a' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "car", []) :: acc)
| 'd' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "cdr", []) :: acc)
| 'A' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "CAR", []) :: acc)
| 'D' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "CDR", []) :: acc)
| _ -> None in
parse (len - 2) []
@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ let decimal_of_roman roman =
for i = (String.length roman) - 1 downto 0 do
let n =
match roman.[i] with
| 'm' -> 1000
| 'd' -> 500
| 'c' -> 100
| 'l' -> 50
| 'x' -> 10
| 'v' -> 5
| 'i' -> 1
| 'M' -> 1000
| 'D' -> 500
| 'C' -> 100
| 'L' -> 50
| 'X' -> 10
| 'V' -> 5
| 'I' -> 1
| _ -> raise Not_a_roman
if Compare.Int.(n < !lastval)
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ let decimal_of_roman roman =
let expand_dxiiivp loc str arg =
let len = String.length str in
if len > 3
&& String.get str 0 = 'd'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'p' then
&& String.get str 0 = 'D'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'P' then
let depth = decimal_of_roman (String.sub str 1 (len - 2)) in
let rec make i =
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let expand_dxiiivp loc str arg =
let sub = make (i - 1) in
Prim (loc, "dip", [ sub ]) in
Prim (loc, "DIP", [ Seq (loc, [ sub ]) ]) in
Some (make depth)
with Not_a_roman -> None
else None
@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ exception Not_a_pair
let expand_paaiair loc str =
let len = String.length str in
if len > 4
&& String.get str 0 = 'p'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'r' then
&& String.get str 0 = 'P'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R' then
let rec parse i acc =
if String.get str i = 'i'
&& String.get str (i - 1) = 'a' then
parse (i - 2) (Prim (loc, "pair", []) :: acc)
else if String.get str i = 'a' then
if String.get str i = 'I'
&& String.get str (i - 1) = 'A' then
parse (i - 2) (Prim (loc, "PAIR", []) :: acc)
else if String.get str i = 'A' then
match acc with
| [] ->
raise Not_a_pair
| acc :: accs ->
parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "dip", [ acc ]) :: accs)
parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "DIP", [ acc ]) :: accs)
raise Not_a_pair in
Some (Seq (loc, parse (len - 2) []))
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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