diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/LICENSE b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/LICENSE
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+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/LICENSE
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+As a special exception to the GNU Lesser General Public License, you
+may link, statically or dynamically, a "work that uses the Library"
+with a publicly distributed version of the Library to produce an
+executable file containing portions of the Library, and distribute
+that executable file under terms of your choice, without any of the
+additional requirements listed in clause 6 of the GNU Library General
+Public License. By "a publicly distributed version of the Library",
+we mean either the unmodified Library as distributed by the copyright
+holder, or a modified version of the Library that is distributed under
+the conditions defined in clause 3 of the GNU Library General Public
+License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons
+why the executable file might be covered by the GNU Lesser General
+Public License.
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ Copyright (C)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Copyright (C)
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/Makefile b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..681368287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ jbuilder build @install @runtest --dev
+ jbuilder install
+ jbuilder uninstall
+ rm -rf _build *~ */*~
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/README.md b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..147d7858b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ocplib-json-typed
+This library is a collection of type-aware JSON utilities for OCaml.
+ - `Json_encoding` contains an `'a encoding` type that represents
+ the JSON encoding of OCaml values of type `'a`, and a collection
+ of combinators to build them. These encodings can be used to
+ serialize / deserialize OCaml values to / from JSON
+ documents. JSON schemas can also be generated automatically to
+ produce documented, interoperable JSON formats.
+ - `Json_schema` contains an OCaml intermediate representation for
+ the JSON schema document grammar description language, along with
+ translators to / from the concrete JSON schema format.
+ - `Json_query` contains various utilities to manipulate, introspect
+ and update JSON data.
+ - `Json_repr` defines an abstraction over JSON representations.
+ This module is mainly useful when using the functorial interface of
+ the library, or if you use several JSON libraries in your program
+ and want to convert data from one JSON representation to another.
+The type of JSON documents handled by this library is directly
+compatible with `ezjsonm`, but converters are provided for `yojson`
+users, and an advanced functorial interface allows you to use any JSON
+representation. Two other representations are also provided.
+ - `Json_repr_browser` interfaces JavaScripts objects. It is
+ available only when compiling to JavaScript via
+ `js_of_ocaml`.
+ Provided by the extra package `ocplib-json-typed-browser`.
+ - `Json_repr_bson` is an implementation of a subset of BSON.
+ Provided by the extra package `ocplib-json-typed-bson`.
+Thanks to polymorphic variants, this library does not depend on any
+JSON library, so you are free to use whichever you want for printing
+and parsing.
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-browser.opam b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-browser.opam
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7358b1fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-browser.opam
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+opam-version: "1.2"
+name: "ocplib-json-typed-browser"
+version: "0.6"
+maintainer: "Benjamin Canou "
+authors: "Benjamin Canou "
+homepage: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed"
+bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed/issues"
+license: "LGPLv3 w/ linking exception"
+dev-repo: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed.git"
+available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.0" ]
+build: [ "jbuilder" "build" "-j" jobs "-p" name "@install" ]
+build-test: [ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
+depends: [
+ "jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta19.1"}
+ "ocplib-json-typed" {= "0.6" }
+ "js_of_ocaml" {>= "3.1.0"}
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-bson.opam b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-bson.opam
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6fa1cc1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed-bson.opam
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+opam-version: "1.2"
+name: "ocplib-json-typed-bson"
+version: "0.6"
+maintainer: "Benjamin Canou "
+authors: "Benjamin Canou "
+homepage: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed"
+bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed/issues"
+license: "LGPLv3 w/ linking exception"
+dev-repo: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed.git"
+available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.0" ]
+build: [ "jbuilder" "build" "-j" jobs "-p" name "@install" ]
+build-test: [ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
+depends: [
+ "jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta19.1"}
+ "ocplib-json-typed" {= "0.6" }
+ "ocplib-endian" {>= "1.0"}
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed.opam b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed.opam
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc0c763ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/ocplib-json-typed.opam
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+opam-version: "1.2"
+name: "ocplib-json-typed"
+version: "0.6"
+maintainer: "Benjamin Canou "
+authors: "Benjamin Canou "
+homepage: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed"
+bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed/issues"
+license: "LGPLv3 w/ linking exception"
+dev-repo: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/ocplib-json-typed.git"
+available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.0" ]
+build: [ "jbuilder" "build" "-j" jobs "-p" name "@install" ]
+build-test: [ "jbuilder" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
+depends: [
+ "jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta19.1"}
+ "uri" {>= "1.9.0" }
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/jbuild b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/jbuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e92299959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/jbuild
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(jbuild_version 1)
+ ((name ocplib_json_typed)
+ (public_name ocplib-json-typed)
+ (flags (:standard -w -9))
+ (modules (json_encoding json_query json_repr json_schema))
+ (synopsis "Reliable manipulation of JSON objects")
+ (libraries (uri))
+ (wrapped false)))
+ ((name ocplib_json_typed_bson)
+ (public_name ocplib-json-typed-bson)
+ (flags (:standard -w -9))
+ (modules (json_repr_bson))
+ (synopsis "BSON representation of JSON documents")
+ (libraries (ocplib-json-typed ocplib-endian))
+ (wrapped false)))
+ ((name ocplib_json_typed_browser)
+ (public_name ocplib-json-typed-browser)
+ (flags (:standard -w -9))
+ (modules (json_repr_browser))
+ (synopsis "Native browser representation of JSON documents")
+ (libraries (ocplib-json-typed js_of_ocaml))
+ (wrapped false)))
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb6508f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+(* JSON structure description using dependently typed combinators. *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+exception Unexpected of string * string
+exception No_case_matched of exn list
+exception Bad_array_size of int * int
+exception Missing_field of string
+exception Unexpected_field of string
+exception Bad_schema of exn
+exception Cannot_destruct of (Json_query.path * exn)
+(*-- types and errors --------------------------------------------------------*)
+let unexpected kind expected =
+ let kind = match kind with
+ | `O [] -> "empty object"
+ | `A [] -> "empty array"
+ | `O _ -> "object"
+ | `A _ -> "array"
+ | `Null -> "null"
+ | `String _ -> "string"
+ | `Float _ -> "number"
+ | `Bool _ -> "boolean" in
+ Cannot_destruct ([], Unexpected (kind, expected))
+type 't repr_agnostic_custom =
+ { write : 'rt. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rt) -> 't -> 'rt ;
+ read : 'rf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rf) -> 'rf -> 't }
+(* The GADT definition for encodings. This type must be kept internal
+ because it does not encode all invariants. Some properties are
+ checked at encoding construction time by smart constructors, since
+ checking them would either be impossible, or would make the type
+ too complex. In a few corners that involve custom encodings using
+ user defined functions, some properties cannot be checked until
+ construction/destruction time. If such a run time check fails, is
+ denotes a programmer error and an [Invalid_argument] exceptions is
+ thus raised. *)
+type _ encoding =
+ | Null : unit encoding
+ | Empty : unit encoding
+ | Ignore : unit encoding
+ | Option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding
+ | Constant : string -> unit encoding
+ | Int : 'a int_encoding -> 'a encoding
+ | Bool : bool encoding
+ | String : string encoding
+ | Float : bounds option -> float encoding
+ | Array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
+ | Obj : 'a field -> 'a encoding
+ | Objs : 'a encoding * 'b encoding -> ('a * 'b) encoding
+ | Tup : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
+ | Tups : 'a encoding * 'b encoding -> ('a * 'b) encoding
+ | Custom : 't repr_agnostic_custom * Json_schema.schema -> 't encoding
+ | Conv : ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * 'b encoding * Json_schema.schema option -> 'a encoding
+ | Describe : string option * string option * 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
+ | Mu : string * ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
+ | Union : 't case list -> 't encoding
+and 'a int_encoding =
+ { int_name : string ;
+ of_float : float -> 'a ;
+ to_float : 'a -> float ;
+ lower_bound : 'a ;
+ upper_bound : 'a }
+and bounds =
+ { float_name : string ;
+ minimum : float ;
+ maximum : float }
+and _ field =
+ | Req : string * 'a encoding -> 'a field
+ | Opt : string * 'a encoding -> 'a option field
+ | Dft : string * 'a encoding * 'a -> 'a field
+and 't case =
+ | Case : 'a encoding * ('t -> 'a option) * ('a -> 't) -> 't case
+(*-- construct / destruct / schema over the main GADT forms ------------------*)
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) = struct
+ let construct enc v =
+ let rec construct
+ : type t. t encoding -> t -> Repr.value
+ = function
+ | Null -> (fun () -> Repr.repr `Null)
+ | Empty -> (fun () -> Repr.repr (`O []))
+ | Ignore -> (fun () -> Repr.repr (`O []))
+ | Option t ->
+ (function
+ | None -> Repr.repr `Null
+ | Some v -> construct t v)
+ | Constant str -> (fun () -> Repr.repr (`String str))
+ | Int { int_name ; to_float ; lower_bound ; upper_bound } ->
+ (fun (i : t) ->
+ if i < lower_bound || i > upper_bound then
+ invalid_arg
+ ("Json_encoding.construct: " ^ int_name ^ " out of range");
+ Repr.repr (`Float (to_float i)))
+ | Bool -> (fun (b : t) -> Repr.repr (`Bool b))
+ | String -> (fun s -> Repr.repr (`String s))
+ | Float (Some { minimum ; maximum ; float_name }) ->
+ let err = "Json_encoding.construct: " ^ float_name ^ " out of range" in
+ (fun float ->
+ if float < minimum || float > maximum then invalid_arg err ;
+ Repr.repr (`Float float))
+ | Float None -> (fun float -> Repr.repr (`Float float))
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> construct t
+ | Custom ({ write }, _) -> (fun (j : t) -> write (module Repr) j)
+ | Conv (ffrom, _, t, _) -> (fun v -> construct t (ffrom v))
+ | Mu (name, self) -> construct (self (Mu (name, self)))
+ | Array t ->
+ let w v = construct t v in
+ (fun arr -> Repr.repr (`A (Array.to_list (Array.map w arr))))
+ | Obj (Req (n, t)) ->
+ let w v = construct t v in
+ (fun v -> Repr.repr (`O [ n, w v ]))
+ | Obj (Dft (n, t, d)) ->
+ let w v = construct t v in
+ (fun v -> Repr.repr (`O (if v <> d then [ n, w v ] else [])))
+ | Obj (Opt (n, t)) ->
+ let w v = construct t v in
+ (function None -> Repr.repr (`O []) | Some v -> Repr.repr (`O [ n, w v ]))
+ | Objs (o1, o2) ->
+ let w1 v = construct o1 v in
+ let w2 v = construct o2 v in
+ (function (v1, v2) ->
+ match Repr.view (w1 v1), Repr.view (w2 v2) with
+ | `O l1, `O l2 -> Repr.repr (`O (l1 @ l2))
+ | `Null, `Null
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.construct: consequence of bad merge_objs")
+ | Tup t ->
+ let w v = construct t v in
+ (fun v -> Repr.repr (`A [ w v ]))
+ | Tups (o1, o2) ->
+ let w1 v = construct o1 v in
+ let w2 v = construct o2 v in
+ (function (v1, v2) ->
+ match Repr.view (w1 v1), Repr.view (w2 v2) with
+ | `A l1, `A l2 -> Repr.repr (`A (l1 @ l2))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.construct: consequence of bad merge_tups")
+ | Union cases ->
+ (fun v ->
+ let rec do_cases = function
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.construct: consequence of bad union"
+ | Case (encoding, fto, _) :: rest ->
+ match fto v with
+ | Some v -> construct encoding v
+ | None -> do_cases rest in
+ do_cases cases) in
+ construct enc v
+ let rec destruct
+ : type t. t encoding -> (Repr.value -> t)
+ = function
+ | Null -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with `Null -> () | k -> raise (unexpected k "null"))
+ | Empty -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `O [] -> ()
+ | `O [ f, _] -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Unexpected_field f))
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "an empty object")
+ | Ignore -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with _ -> ())
+ | Option t -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `Null -> None
+ | _ -> Some (destruct t v))
+ | Constant str ->
+ (fun v ->
+ match Repr.view v with
+ | `String s when s = str -> ()
+ | x -> raise @@ unexpected x str)
+ | Int { int_name ; of_float ; to_float ; lower_bound ; upper_bound } ->
+ let lower_bound = to_float lower_bound in
+ let upper_bound = to_float upper_bound in
+ (fun v ->
+ match Repr.view v with
+ | `Float v ->
+ let rest, v = modf v in
+ if rest <> 0. then begin
+ let exn = Failure (int_name ^ " cannot have a fractional part") in
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
+ end ;
+ if v < lower_bound || v > upper_bound then begin
+ let exn = Failure (int_name ^ " out of range") in
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
+ end ;
+ of_float v
+ | k -> raise (unexpected k "number"))
+ | Bool -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with `Bool b -> (b : t) | k -> raise (unexpected k "boolean"))
+ | String -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with `String s -> s | k -> raise (unexpected k "string"))
+ | Float None -> (fun v -> match Repr.view v with `Float f -> f | k -> raise (unexpected k "float"))
+ | Float (Some { minimum ; maximum ; float_name }) ->
+ (fun v ->
+ match Repr.view v with
+ | `Float f ->
+ if f < minimum || f > maximum
+ then
+ let exn = Failure (float_name ^ " out of range") in
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
+ else f
+ | k -> raise (unexpected k "float"))
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> destruct t
+ | Custom ({ read }, _) -> read (module Repr)
+ | Conv (_, fto, t, _) -> (fun v -> fto (destruct t v))
+ | Mu (name, self) -> destruct (self (Mu (name, self)))
+ | Array t ->
+ (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `O [] ->
+ (* Weak `Repr`s like BSON don't know the difference *)
+ [||]
+ | `A cells ->
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i cell ->
+ try destruct t cell with Cannot_destruct (path, err) ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct (`Index i :: path, err)))
+ (Array.of_list cells)
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "array")
+ | Obj _ as t ->
+ let d = destruct_obj t in
+ (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `O fields ->
+ let r, rest, ign = d fields in
+ begin match rest with
+ | (field, _) :: _ when not ign -> raise @@ Unexpected_field field
+ | _ -> r
+ end
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "object")
+ | Objs _ as t ->
+ let d = destruct_obj t in
+ (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `O fields ->
+ let r, rest, ign = d fields in
+ begin match rest with
+ | (field, _) :: _ when not ign -> raise @@ Unexpected_field field
+ | _ -> r
+ end
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "object")
+ | Tup _ as t ->
+ let r, i = destruct_tup 0 t in
+ (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `A cells ->
+ let cells = Array.of_list cells in
+ let len = Array.length cells in
+ if i <> Array.length cells then
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Bad_array_size (len, i)))
+ else r cells
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "array")
+ | Tups _ as t ->
+ let r, i = destruct_tup 0 t in
+ (fun v -> match Repr.view v with
+ | `A cells ->
+ let cells = Array.of_list cells in
+ let len = Array.length cells in
+ if i <> Array.length cells then
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Bad_array_size (len, i)))
+ else r cells
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "array")
+ | Union cases ->
+ (fun v ->
+ let rec do_cases errs = function
+ | [] -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], No_case_matched (List.rev errs)))
+ | Case (encoding, _, ffrom) :: rest ->
+ try ffrom (destruct encoding v) with
+ err -> do_cases (err :: errs) rest in
+ do_cases [] cases)
+ and destruct_tup
+ : type t. int -> t encoding -> (Repr.value array -> t) * int
+ = fun i t -> match t with
+ | Tup t ->
+ (fun arr ->
+ (try destruct t arr.(i) with Cannot_destruct (path, err) ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct (`Index i :: path, err)))), succ i
+ | Tups (t1, t2) ->
+ let r1, i = destruct_tup i t1 in
+ let r2, i = destruct_tup i t2 in
+ (fun arr -> r1 arr, r2 arr), i
+ | Conv (_, fto, t, _) ->
+ let r, i = destruct_tup i t in
+ (fun arr -> fto (r arr)), i
+ | Mu (_, self) as mu -> destruct_tup i (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, enc) -> destruct_tup i enc
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.destruct: consequence of bad merge_tups"
+ and destruct_obj
+ : type t. t encoding -> (string * Repr.value) list -> t * (string * Repr.value) list * bool
+ = fun t ->
+ let rec assoc acc n = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (f, v) :: rest when n = f -> v, acc @ rest
+ | oth :: rest -> assoc (oth :: acc) n rest in
+ match t with
+ | Empty -> (fun fields -> (), fields, false)
+ | Ignore -> (fun fields -> (), fields, true)
+ | Obj (Req (n, t)) ->
+ (fun fields ->
+ try
+ let v, rest = assoc [] n fields in
+ destruct t v, rest, false
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Missing_field n))
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, err) ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct (`Field n :: path, err)))
+ | Obj (Opt (n, t)) ->
+ (fun fields ->
+ try
+ let v, rest = assoc [] n fields in
+ Some (destruct t v), rest, false
+ with
+ | Not_found -> None, fields, false
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, err) ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct (`Field n :: path, err)))
+ | Obj (Dft (n, t, d)) ->
+ (fun fields ->
+ try
+ let v, rest = assoc [] n fields in
+ destruct t v, rest, false
+ with
+ | Not_found -> d, fields, false
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, err) ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct (`Field n :: path, err)))
+ | Objs (o1, o2) ->
+ let d1 = destruct_obj o1 in
+ let d2 = destruct_obj o2 in
+ (fun fields ->
+ let r1, rest, ign1 = d1 fields in
+ let r2, rest, ign2 = d2 rest in
+ (r1, r2), rest, ign1 || ign2)
+ | Conv (_, fto, t, _) ->
+ let d = destruct_obj t in
+ (fun fields ->
+ let r, rest, ign = d fields in
+ fto r, rest, ign)
+ | Mu (_, self) as mu -> destruct_obj (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, enc) -> destruct_obj enc
+ | Union cases ->
+ (fun fields ->
+ let rec do_cases errs = function
+ | [] -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], No_case_matched (List.rev errs)))
+ | Case (encoding, _, ffrom) :: rest ->
+ try
+ let r, rest, ign = destruct_obj encoding fields in
+ ffrom r, rest, ign
+ with err -> do_cases (err :: errs) rest in
+ do_cases [] cases)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.destruct: consequence of bad merge_objs"
+ let custom write read ~schema =
+ let read
+ : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> tf -> 't
+ = fun (module Repr_f) repr ->
+ read (Json_repr.convert (module Repr_f) (module Repr) repr) in
+ let write
+ : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> 't -> tf
+ = fun (module Repr_f) v ->
+ Json_repr.convert (module Repr) (module Repr_f) (write v) in
+ Custom ({ read ; write }, schema)
+module Ezjsonm_encoding = Make (Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
+let schema encoding =
+ let open Json_schema in
+ let sch = ref any in
+ let rec prod l1 l2 = match l1 with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (l1, b1) :: es ->
+ List.map (fun (l2, b2) -> l1 @ l2, b1 || b2) l2
+ @ prod es l2 in
+ let rec object_schema
+ : type t. t encoding -> ((string * element * bool * Json_repr.any option) list * bool) list
+ = function
+ | Conv (_, _, o, None) -> object_schema o
+ | Empty -> [ [], false ]
+ | Ignore -> [ [], true ]
+ | Obj (Req (n, t)) -> [ [ n, schema t, true, None ], false ]
+ | Obj (Opt (n, t)) -> [ [ n, schema t, false, None ], false ]
+ | Obj (Dft (n, t, d)) ->
+ let d = Json_repr.repr_to_any (module Json_repr.Ezjsonm) (Ezjsonm_encoding.construct t d) in
+ [ [ n, schema t, false, Some d], false ]
+ | Objs (o1, o2) ->
+ prod (object_schema o1) (object_schema o2)
+ | Union [] ->
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.schema: empty union in object"
+ | Union cases ->
+ List.flatten
+ (List.map
+ (fun (Case (o, _, _)) -> object_schema o)
+ cases)
+ | Mu (_, self) as mu -> object_schema (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> object_schema t
+ | Conv (_, _, _, Some _) (* FIXME: We could do better *)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.schema: consequence of bad merge_objs"
+ and array_schema
+ : type t. t encoding -> element list
+ = function
+ | Conv (_, _, o, None) -> array_schema o
+ | Tup t -> [ schema t ]
+ | Tups (t1, t2) -> array_schema t1 @ array_schema t2
+ | Mu (_, self) as mu -> array_schema (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> array_schema t
+ | Conv (_, _, _, Some _) (* FIXME: We could do better *)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.schema: consequence of bad merge_tups"
+ and schema
+ : type t. t encoding -> element
+ = function
+ | Null -> element Null
+ | Empty -> element (Object { object_specs with additional_properties = None })
+ | Ignore -> element Any
+ | Option t ->
+ element (Combine (One_of, [schema t ; element Null]))
+ | Int { to_float ; lower_bound ; upper_bound } ->
+ let minimum = Some (to_float lower_bound, `Inclusive) in
+ let maximum = Some (to_float upper_bound, `Inclusive) in
+ element (Integer { multiple_of = None ; minimum ; maximum })
+ | Bool -> element Boolean
+ | Constant str ->
+ { (element (String string_specs)) with
+ enum = Some [ Json_repr.to_any (`String str) ] }
+ | String -> element (String string_specs)
+ | Float (Some { minimum ; maximum }) ->
+ element (Number { multiple_of = None ;
+ minimum = Some (minimum, `Inclusive) ;
+ maximum = Some (maximum, `Inclusive) })
+ | Float None -> element (Number numeric_specs)
+ | Describe (None, None, t) -> schema t
+ | Describe (Some _ as title, None, t) ->
+ { (schema t) with title }
+ | Describe (None, (Some _ as description), t) ->
+ { (schema t) with description }
+ | Describe (Some _ as title, (Some _ as description), t) ->
+ { (schema t) with title ; description }
+ | Custom (_, s) ->
+ sch := fst (merge_definitions (!sch, s)) ;
+ root s
+ | Conv (_, _, _, Some s) ->
+ sch := fst (merge_definitions (!sch, s)) ;
+ root s
+ | Conv (_, _, t, None) -> schema t
+ | Mu (name, f) ->
+ let fake_schema =
+ if definition_exists name !sch then
+ update (definition_ref name) !sch
+ else
+ let sch, elt = add_definition name (element Dummy) !sch in
+ update elt sch in
+ let fake_self =
+ Custom ({ write = (fun _ _ -> assert false) ;
+ read = (fun _ -> assert false) },
+ fake_schema) in
+ let root = schema (f fake_self) in
+ let nsch, def = add_definition name root !sch in
+ sch := nsch ; def
+ | Array t ->
+ element (Monomorphic_array (schema t, array_specs))
+ | Objs _ as o ->
+ begin match object_schema o with
+ | [ properties, ext ] ->
+ let additional_properties = if ext then Some (element Any) else None in
+ element (Object { object_specs with properties ; additional_properties })
+ | more ->
+ let elements =
+ List.map
+ (fun (properties, ext) ->
+ let additional_properties = if ext then Some (element Any) else None in
+ element (Object { object_specs with properties ; additional_properties }))
+ more in
+ element (Combine (One_of, elements))
+ end
+ | Obj _ as o ->
+ begin match object_schema o with
+ | [ properties, ext ] ->
+ let additional_properties = if ext then Some (element Any) else None in
+ element (Object { object_specs with properties ; additional_properties })
+ | more ->
+ let elements =
+ List.map
+ (fun (properties, ext) ->
+ let additional_properties = if ext then Some (element Any) else None in
+ element (Object { object_specs with properties ; additional_properties }))
+ more in
+ element (Combine (One_of, elements))
+ end
+ | Tup _ as t -> element (Array (array_schema t, array_specs))
+ | Tups _ as t -> element (Array (array_schema t, array_specs))
+ | Union cases -> (* FIXME: smarter merge *)
+ let elements =
+ List.map (fun (Case (encoding, _, _)) -> schema encoding) cases in
+ element (Combine (One_of, elements)) in
+ let schema = schema encoding in
+ update schema !sch
+(*-- utility wrappers over the GADT ------------------------------------------*)
+let req ?title ?description n t = Req (n, Describe (title, description, t))
+let opt ?title ?description n t = Opt (n, Describe (title, description, t))
+let dft ?title ?description n t d = Dft (n, Describe (title, description, t), d)
+let mu name self = Mu (name, self)
+let null = Null
+let int =
+ Int { int_name = "int" ;
+ of_float = int_of_float ;
+ to_float = float_of_int ;
+ (* cross-platform consistent OCaml ints *)
+ lower_bound = -(1 lsl 30) ;
+ upper_bound = (1 lsl 30) - 1 }
+let ranged_int ~minimum:lower_bound ~maximum:upper_bound name =
+ if Sys.word_size = 64
+ && (lower_bound < -(1 lsl 30)
+ || upper_bound > (1 lsl 30) - 1) then
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.ranged_int: bounds out of portable int31 range" ;
+ Int { int_name = name ;
+ of_float = int_of_float ;
+ to_float = float_of_int ;
+ lower_bound ;
+ upper_bound }
+let int53 =
+ Int { int_name = "int53" ;
+ of_float = Int64.of_float ;
+ to_float = Int64.to_float ;
+ lower_bound = Int64.neg (Int64.shift_left 1L 53) ;
+ upper_bound = Int64.shift_left 1L 53 }
+let ranged_int53 ~minimum:lower_bound ~maximum:upper_bound name =
+ if lower_bound < Int64.neg (Int64.shift_left 1L 53)
+ || upper_bound > Int64.shift_left 1L 53 then
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.ranged_int53: bounds out of JSON-representable integers" ;
+ Int { int_name = name ;
+ of_float = Int64.of_float ;
+ to_float = Int64.to_float ;
+ lower_bound ;
+ upper_bound }
+let int32 =
+ Int { int_name = "int32" ;
+ of_float = Int32.of_float ;
+ to_float = Int32.to_float ;
+ lower_bound = Int32.min_int ;
+ upper_bound = Int32.max_int }
+let ranged_int32 ~minimum:lower_bound ~maximum:upper_bound name =
+ Int { int_name = name ;
+ of_float = Int32.of_float ;
+ to_float = Int32.to_float ;
+ lower_bound ;
+ upper_bound }
+let ranged_float ~minimum ~maximum float_name =
+ Float (Some { minimum ; maximum ; float_name })
+let float = Float None
+let string = String
+let conv ffrom fto ?schema t =
+ Conv (ffrom, fto, t, schema)
+let bytes = Conv (Bytes.to_string, Bytes.of_string, string, None)
+let bool = Bool
+let array t = Array t
+let obj1 f1 = Obj f1
+let obj2 f1 f2 = Objs (Obj f1, Obj f2)
+let obj3 f1 f2 f3 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c) -> (a, (b, c)))
+ (fun (a, (b, c)) -> (a, b, c))
+ (Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Obj f3)))
+let obj4 f1 f2 f3 f4 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d) -> (a, (b, (c, d))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, d))) -> (a, b, c, d))
+ (Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Obj f4))))
+let obj5 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))) -> (a, b, c, d, e))
+ (Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Obj f5)))))
+let obj6 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, f))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, f))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f))
+ (Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Objs (Obj f5, Obj f6))))))
+let obj7 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, g)))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, g)))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
+ (let rest = Objs (Obj f6, Obj f7) in
+ Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Objs (Obj f5, rest))))))
+let obj8 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, h))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, h))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
+ (let rest = Objs (Obj f6, Objs (Obj f7, Obj f8)) in
+ Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Objs (Obj f5, rest))))))
+let obj9 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, i)))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, i)))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i))
+ (let rest = Objs (Obj f6, Objs (Obj f7, Objs (Obj f8, Obj f9))) in
+ Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Objs (Obj f5, rest))))))
+let obj10 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, (i, j))))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, (i, j))))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j))
+ (let rest = Objs (Obj f6, Objs (Obj f7, Objs (Obj f8, Objs (Obj f9, Obj f10)))) in
+ Objs (Obj f1, Objs (Obj f2, Objs (Obj f3, Objs (Obj f4, Objs (Obj f5, rest))))))
+let tup1 f1 = Tup f1
+let tup2 f1 f2 = Tups (Tup f1, Tup f2)
+let tup3 f1 f2 f3 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c) -> (a, (b, c)))
+ (fun (a, (b, c)) -> (a, b, c))
+ (Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tup f3)))
+let tup4 f1 f2 f3 f4 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d) -> (a, (b, (c, d))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, d))) -> (a, b, c, d))
+ (Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tup f4))))
+let tup5 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))) -> (a, b, c, d, e))
+ (Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tup f5)))))
+let tup6 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, f))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, f))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f))
+ (Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tups (Tup f5, Tup f6))))))
+let tup7 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, g)))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, g)))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
+ (let rest = Tups (Tup f6, Tup f7) in
+ Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tups (Tup f5, rest))))))
+let tup8 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, h))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, h))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
+ (let rest = Tups (Tup f6, Tups (Tup f7, Tup f8)) in
+ Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tups (Tup f5, rest))))))
+let tup9 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, i)))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, i)))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i))
+ (let rest = Tups (Tup f6, Tups (Tup f7, Tups (Tup f8, Tup f9))) in
+ Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tups (Tup f5, rest))))))
+let tup10 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 =
+ conv
+ (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) -> (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, (i, j))))))))))
+ (fun (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, (i, j))))))))) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j))
+ (let rest = Tups (Tup f6, Tups (Tup f7, Tups (Tup f8, Tups (Tup f9, Tup f10)))) in
+ Tups (Tup f1, Tups (Tup f2, Tups (Tup f3, Tups (Tup f4, Tups (Tup f5, rest))))))
+let repr_agnostic_custom { write ; read } ~schema =
+ Custom ({ write ; read }, schema)
+let describe ?title ?description t = Describe (title, description, t)
+let constant s = Constant s
+let string_enum cases =
+ let schema =
+ let specs = Json_schema.({ pattern = None ; min_length = 0 ; max_length = None }) in
+ let enum = List.map (fun (s, _) -> Json_repr.(repr_to_any (module Ezjsonm)) (`String s)) cases in
+ Json_schema.(update { (element (String specs)) with enum = Some enum } any) in
+ let len = List.length cases in
+ let mcases = Hashtbl.create len
+ and rcases = Hashtbl.create len in
+ let cases_str = String.concat " " (List.map (fun x -> "'" ^ fst x ^ "'") cases) in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s, c) ->
+ if Hashtbl.mem mcases s then
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.string_enum: duplicate case" ;
+ Hashtbl.add mcases s c ;
+ Hashtbl.add rcases c s)
+ cases ;
+ conv
+ (fun v -> try Hashtbl.find rcases v with Not_found ->
+ invalid_arg (Format.sprintf "Json_encoding.construct: consequence of non exhaustive Json_encoding.string_enum. Strings are: %s" cases_str))
+ (fun s ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find mcases s with Not_found ->
+ let rec orpat ppf = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [ last, _ ] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%S" last
+ | [ prev, _ ; last, _ ] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%S or %S" prev last
+ | (prev, _) :: rem -> Format.fprintf ppf "%S , %a" prev orpat rem in
+ let unexpected = Format.asprintf "string value %S" s in
+ let expected = Format.asprintf "%a" orpat cases in
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Unexpected (unexpected, expected)))))
+ ~schema
+ string
+let def name encoding =
+ let schema =
+ let open Json_schema in
+ let sch = schema encoding in
+ let sch, def = add_definition name (root sch) sch in
+ update def sch in
+ conv (fun v -> v) (fun v -> v) ~schema encoding
+let assoc : type t. t encoding -> (string * t) list encoding = fun t ->
+ Ezjsonm_encoding.custom
+ (fun l -> `O (List.map (fun (n, v) -> n, Ezjsonm_encoding.construct t v) l))
+ (fun v -> match v with
+ | `O l ->
+ let destruct n t v = try
+ Ezjsonm_encoding.destruct t v
+ with Cannot_destruct (p, exn) -> raise (Cannot_destruct (`Field n :: p, exn)) in
+ List.map (fun (n, v) -> n, destruct n t v) l
+ | #Json_repr.ezjsonm as k -> raise (unexpected k "asssociative object"))
+ ~schema:(let s = schema t in
+ Json_schema.(update (element (Object { object_specs with additional_properties = Some (root s)})) s))
+let rec is_nullable: type t. t encoding -> bool = function
+ | Constant _ -> false
+ | Int _ -> false
+ | Float _ -> false
+ | Array _ -> false
+ | Empty -> false
+ | String -> false
+ | Bool -> false
+ | Obj _ -> false
+ | Tup _ -> false
+ | Objs _ -> false
+ | Tups _ -> false
+ | Null -> true
+ | Ignore -> true
+ | Option _ -> true
+ | Conv (_, _, t, _) -> is_nullable t
+ | Union cases ->
+ List.exists (fun (Case (t, _, _)) -> is_nullable t) cases
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> is_nullable t
+ | Mu (_, f) as self -> is_nullable (f self)
+ | Custom (_, sch) -> Json_schema.is_nullable sch
+let option : type t. t encoding -> t option encoding = fun t ->
+ if is_nullable t then
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.option: cannot nest nullable encodings";
+ Option t
+let any_value =
+ let read repr v = Json_repr.repr_to_any repr v in
+ let write repr v = Json_repr.any_to_repr repr v in
+ Custom ({ read ; write }, Json_schema.any)
+let any_ezjson_value =
+ let read repr v = Json_repr.convert repr (module Json_repr.Ezjsonm) v in
+ let write repr v = Json_repr.convert (module Json_repr.Ezjsonm) repr v in
+ Custom ({ read ; write }, Json_schema.any)
+let any_document =
+ let read
+ : type tt. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tt) -> tt -> Json_repr.any
+ = fun (module Repr) v ->
+ match Repr.view v with
+ | `A _ | `O _ ->
+ Json_repr.repr_to_any (module Repr) v
+ | k -> raise @@ unexpected k "array or object" in
+ let write repr v = Json_repr.any_to_repr repr v in
+ Custom ({ read ; write }, Json_schema.any)
+let any_schema =
+ Ezjsonm_encoding.custom
+ Json_schema.to_json
+ (fun j -> try Json_schema.of_json j with err ->
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Bad_schema err)))
+ ~schema:Json_schema.self
+let merge_tups t1 t2 =
+ let rec is_tup : type t. t encoding -> bool = function
+ | Tup _ -> true
+ | Tups _ (* by construction *) -> true
+ | Conv (_, _, t, None) -> is_tup t
+ | Mu (_name, self) as mu -> is_tup (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> is_tup t
+ | _ -> false in
+ if is_tup t1 && is_tup t2 then
+ Tups (t1, t2)
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.merge_tups"
+let list t =
+ Conv (Array.of_list, Array.to_list, Array t, None)
+let merge_objs o1 o2 =
+ (* FIXME: check fields unicity *)
+ let rec is_obj : type t. t encoding -> bool = function
+ | Obj _ -> true
+ | Objs _ (* by construction *) -> true
+ | Conv (_, _, t, None) -> is_obj t
+ | Empty -> true
+ | Ignore -> true
+ | Union cases -> List.for_all (fun (Case (o, _, _)) -> is_obj o) cases
+ | Mu (_name, self) as mu -> is_obj (self mu)
+ | Describe (_, _, t) -> is_obj t
+ | _ -> false in
+ if is_obj o1 && is_obj o2 then
+ Objs (o1, o2)
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Json_encoding.merge_objs"
+let empty =
+ Empty
+let unit =
+ Ignore
+let case encoding fto ffrom =
+ Case (encoding, fto, ffrom)
+let union = function
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "Json_encoding.union"
+ | cases ->
+ (* FIXME: check mutual exclusion *)
+ Union cases
+let rec print_error ?print_unknown ppf = function
+ | Cannot_destruct ([], exn) ->
+ print_error ?print_unknown ppf exn
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, Unexpected (unex, ex)) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "At %a, unexpected %s instead of %s"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ unex ex
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, No_case_matched errs) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[At %a, no case matched:@,%a@]"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ (Format.pp_print_list (print_error ?print_unknown)) errs
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, Bad_array_size (unex, ex)) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "At %a, unexpected array of size %d instead of %d"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ unex ex
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, Missing_field n) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "At %a, missing object field %s"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ n
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, Unexpected_field n) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "At %a, unexpected object field %s"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ n
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, Bad_schema exn) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[At %a, bad custom schema:@,%a@]"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ (print_error ?print_unknown) exn
+ | Unexpected (unex, ex) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unexpected %s instead of %s" unex ex
+ | No_case_matched errs ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[No case matched:@,%a@]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list (print_error ?print_unknown)) errs
+ | Bad_array_size (unex, ex) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unexpected array of size %d instead of %d" unex ex
+ | Missing_field n ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Missing object field %s" n
+ | Unexpected_field n ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unexpected object field %s" n
+ | Bad_schema exn ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[bad custom schema:@,%a@]"
+ (print_error ?print_unknown) exn
+ | Cannot_destruct (path, exn) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[At %a:@,%a@]"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ (print_error ?print_unknown) exn
+ | exn ->
+ Json_schema.print_error ?print_unknown ppf exn
+include Ezjsonm_encoding
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.mli b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dffc00e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_encoding.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+(** JSON structure description using dependently typed combinators. *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** {2 Dependent types describing JSON document structures} *) (***************)
+(** An encoding between an OCaml data type (the parameter) and a
+ JSON representation. To be built using the predefined
+ combinators provided by this module.
+ For instance, here is an encoding, of type [(int * string)
+ encoding], mapping values of type [int * string] to JSON objects
+ with a field [code] of whose value is a number and a field
+ [message] whose value is a string.
+ [let enc = obj2 (req "code" int) (req "message" string)]
+ This encoding serves three purposes:
+ 1. Output an OCaml value of type ['a] to an intermediate JSON
+ representation using {!construct}. To be printed to actual
+ JSON using an external library.
+ 2. Input a JSON intermediate structure (already parsed with an external
+ library) to produce an OCaml value of type ['a].
+ 3. Describe this encoding in JSON-schema format for inter-operability:
+ you describe the encoding of your internal types, and obtain
+ machine-readable descriptions of the formats as a byproduct.
+ Specific documentation combinators are provided for that purpose.
+ By default, this library provides functions that work on the
+ {!Json_repr.ezjsonm} data type, compatible with {!Ezjsonm.value}.
+ However, encodings are not tied with this representation.
+ See functor {!Make} and module {!Json_repr} for using another format. *)
+type 'a encoding
+(** {2 Constructors and destructors for {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}} *) (***************)
+(** Builds a json value from an OCaml value and an encoding.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val construct : 't encoding -> 't -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** Reads an OCaml value from a JSON value and an encoding.
+ May raise [Cannot_destruct].
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val destruct : 't encoding -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> 't
+(** {2 JSON type combinators for simple immediates} *) (***********************)
+(** An encoding of an OCaml unit by any (ignored) JSON. *)
+val unit : unit encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml unit by a JSON null. *)
+val null : unit encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml unit by an empty JSON object. *)
+val empty : unit encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml int by a JSON number.
+ When destructing, the JSON number cannot have a fractional part,
+ and must be between [-2^30] and [2^30-1] (these bounds are chosen
+ to be compatible with both 32-bit and 64bit native OCaml compilers
+ as well as JavaScript). When constructing, the value coming from
+ the OCaml world is assumed to be valid, otherwise an
+ [Invalid_argument] will be raised (can only happen on 64-bit systems).
+ Use {!int32} or {!int53} for a greater range.
+ Use {!ranged_int} to restrict to an interval. *)
+val int : int encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml int32 by a JSON number.
+ Must be a floating point without fractional part and between
+ [-2^31] and [2^31-1] when destructing. Never fails when
+ constructing, as all 32-bit integers are included in JSON numbers. *)
+val int32 : int32 encoding
+(** An encoding of a JSON-representable OCaml int64 by a JSON number.
+ Restricted to the [-2^53] to [2^53] range, as this is the limit of
+ representable integers in JSON numbers. Must be a floating point
+ without fractional part and in this range when destructing. When
+ constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to
+ be in this range, otherwise an [Invalid_argument] will be raised. *)
+val int53 : int64 encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml int by a JSON number restricted to a specific range.
+ The bounds must be between [-2^30] and [2^30-1].
+ The inclusive bounds are checked when destructing. When
+ constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to
+ be within the bounds, otherwise an [Invalid_argument] will be
+ raised. The string parameter is a name used to tweak the error
+ messages. *)
+val ranged_int : minimum: int -> maximum: int -> string -> int encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml int32 by a JSON number restricted to a specific range.
+ The bounds must be between [-2^31] and [2^31-1].
+ The inclusive bounds are checked when destructing. When
+ constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to
+ be within the bounds, otherwise an [Invalid_argument] will be
+ raised. The string parameter is a name used to tweak the error
+ messages. *)
+val ranged_int32 : minimum: int32 -> maximum: int32 -> string -> int32 encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml int64 by a JSON number restricted to a specific range.
+ The bounds must be between [-2^53] and [2^53].
+ The inclusive bounds are checked when destructing. When
+ constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to
+ be within the bounds, otherwise an [Invalid_argument] will be
+ raised. The string parameter is a name used to tweak the error
+ messages. *)
+val ranged_int53 : minimum: int64 -> maximum: int64 -> string -> int64 encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml boolean by a JSON one. *)
+val bool : bool encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml string by a JSON one. *)
+val string : string encoding
+(** An encoding of a closed set of OCaml values by JSON strings. *)
+val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding
+(** An encoding of a constant string. *)
+val constant : string -> unit encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml mutable string by a JSON string. *)
+val bytes : bytes encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml float by a JSON number. *)
+val float : float encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml float by a JSON number with range constraints *)
+val ranged_float : minimum:float -> maximum:float -> string -> float encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml option by a nullable JSON value. Raises
+ [Invalid_argument] when nesting options – i.e., when building ['a option
+ option encoding]. Also raises [Invalid_argument] when used on the encoding
+ of [null]. *)
+val option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding
+(** {2 JSON type combinators for objects} *) (*********************************)
+(** A first class handle to a JSON field. *)
+type 'a field
+(** A required field of a given its type. *)
+val req : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't field
+(** An optional field of a given type, using an OCaml [option]. *)
+val opt : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
+(** An optional field of a given type, ommited when equal to a default value. *)
+val dft : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field
+(** An encoding of an OCaml value by a singleton object. *)
+val obj1 :
+ 'f1 field ->
+ 'f1 encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON object with two fields. *)
+val obj2 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON object with three fields. *)
+val obj3 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON object with four fields. *)
+val obj4 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON object with five fields. *)
+val obj5 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON object with six fields. *)
+val obj6 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ 'f6 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON object with seven fields. *)
+val obj7 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ 'f6 field -> 'f7 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON object with eight fields. *)
+val obj8 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON object with nine fields. *)
+val obj9 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON object with ten fields. *)
+val obj10 :
+ 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field ->
+ 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> 'f10 field ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
+(** Merge two object [encoding]s. For describing heavyweight objects with
+ a lot of fields. The ocaml type is a pair of tuples, but the JSON
+ object is flat. Both arguments must be object encodings,
+ otherwise a future {!construct}, {!destruct} or {!schema} will fail
+ with [Invalid_argument]. *)
+val merge_objs :
+ 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding
+(** {2 JSON type combinators for arrays} *) (**********************************)
+(** An encoding of an OCaml array by a JSON one. *)
+val array :
+ 'a encoding ->
+ 'a array encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml list by a JSON one. *)
+val list :
+ 'a encoding ->
+ 'a list encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml associative list by a JSON object. *)
+val assoc :
+ 'a encoding ->
+ (string * 'a) list encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml value by a singleton array. *)
+val tup1 :
+ 'f1 encoding ->
+ 'f1 encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON array with two cells. *)
+val tup2 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON array with three cells. *)
+val tup3 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON array with four cells. *)
+val tup4 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON array with five cells. *)
+val tup5 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON array with six cells. *)
+val tup6 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ 'f6 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON array with seven cells. *)
+val tup7 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON array with eight cells. *)
+val tup8 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON array with nine cells. *)
+val tup9 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding -> 'f9 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding
+(** An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON array with ten cells. *)
+val tup10 :
+ 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding ->
+ 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding -> 'f9 encoding -> 'f10 encoding ->
+ ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
+(** Merge two tuple [encoding]s. For describing heavyweight arrays with a
+ lot of cells. The ocaml type is a pair of tuples, but the JSON
+ array is flat, with the elements of the first tuple before the
+ ones of the second. Both arguments must be tuple encodings,
+ otherwise a future {!construct}, {!destruct} or {!schema} will fail
+ with [Invalid_argument]. *)
+val merge_tups :
+ 'a1 encoding ->
+ 'a2 encoding ->
+ ('a1 * 'a2) encoding
+(** {2 JSON type combinators for unions} *) (**********************************)
+(** A case for describing union types using {!union} ans {!case}. *)
+type 't case
+(** To be used inside a {!union}. Takes a [encoding] for a specific
+ case, and a converter to and from a type common to all cases
+ (['t]). Usually, it consists in boxing / deboxing the specific
+ data in an OCaml sum type contructor. *)
+val case : 'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case
+(** A utility to build destructors for custom encoded sum types. *)
+val union : 't case list -> 't encoding
+(** {2 JSON generic type combinators} *) (*************************************)
+(** A simple custom encoding using the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ intermediate representation for the conversion functions. The
+ resulting encoding is usable with any other instanciation of
+ functor {!Make}, internal conversions may be performed needed.
+ The second transformer function can
+ [raise (Cannot_destruct ([ (* location *)], exn))]
+ to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly. *)
+val custom :
+ ('t -> Json_repr.ezjsonm) ->
+ (Json_repr.ezjsonm -> 't) ->
+ schema: Json_schema.schema ->
+ 't encoding
+(** An encoding adapter, with an optional handwritten schema.
+ The second transformer function can [raise (Cannot_destruct ([], exn))]
+ to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly. *)
+val conv :
+ ('a -> 'b) ->
+ ('b -> 'a) ->
+ ?schema: Json_schema.schema ->
+ 'b encoding ->
+ 'a encoding
+(** A fixpoint combinator. Links a recursive OCaml type to an internal
+ JSON schema reference, by allowing to use the encoding inside its
+ own definition. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique
+ and respect the format of {!Json_schema.add_definition}. It is
+ used to encode the recursivity as a named reference in the JSON
+ schema.
+ Here is an example to turn a standard OCaml list into either
+ ["nil"] for [[]] or [{"hd":hd,"tl":tl}] for [hd::tl].
+ {[ let reclist itemencoding =
+ mu "list" @@ fun self ->
+ union
+ [ case (string_enum [ "nil", () ])
+ (function [] -> Some () | _ :: _ -> None)
+ (fun () -> []) ;
+ case (obj2 (req "hd" itemencoding) (req "tl" self))
+ (function hd :: tl -> Some (hd, tl) | [] -> None)
+ (fun (hd, tl) -> hd :: tl) ]) ]} *)
+val mu : string -> ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
+(** A raw JSON value in ezjsonm representation. *)
+val any_ezjson_value : Json_repr.ezjsonm encoding
+(** A valid JSON document (i.e. an array or object value). *)
+val any_document : Json_repr.any encoding
+(** The encoding of a JSON schema, linked to its OCaml definiton. *)
+val any_schema : Json_schema.schema encoding
+(** {2 Exporting [encoding]s as JSON schemas} *) (********************************)
+(** Describe an encoding in JSON schema format.
+ May raise {!Bad_schema}. *)
+val schema : 't encoding -> Json_schema.schema
+(** Annotate a type with a title and description for the JSON schema. *)
+val describe :
+ ?title:string ->
+ ?description:string ->
+ 't encoding ->
+ 't encoding
+(** Name a definition so its occurences can be shared in the JSON
+ schema. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique and
+ respect the format of {!Json_schema.add_definition}. *)
+val def : string -> 't encoding -> 't encoding
+(** {2 Errors} *) (************************************************************)
+(** Exception raised by destructors, with the location in the original
+ JSON structure and the specific error. *)
+exception Cannot_destruct of (Json_query.path * exn)
+(** Unexpected kind of data encountered (w/ the expectation). *)
+exception Unexpected of string * string
+(** Some {!union} couldn't be destructed, w/ the reasons for each {!case}. *)
+exception No_case_matched of exn list
+(** Array of unexpected size encountered (w/ the expectation). *)
+exception Bad_array_size of int * int
+(** Missing field in an object. *)
+exception Missing_field of string
+(** Supernumerary field in an object. *)
+exception Unexpected_field of string
+(** Bad custom schema encountered. *)
+exception Bad_schema of exn
+(** Produces a human readable version of an error. *)
+val print_error
+ : ?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
+ Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
+(** {2 Advanced interface for using a custom JSON representation} *) (**********)
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) : sig
+ (** Same as {!construct} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val construct : 't encoding -> 't -> Repr.value
+ (** Same as {!destruct} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val destruct : 't encoding -> Repr.value -> 't
+ (** Same as {!custom} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val custom :
+ ('t -> Repr.value) -> (Repr.value -> 't) ->
+ schema: Json_schema.schema ->
+ 't encoding
+(** Custom encoders for an OCaml type, given both custom conversion
+ functions. The actual representation is not known in advance, so
+ the conversion functions have to examine / construct the JSON
+ value through the first class modules they are passed. The [read]
+ transformer function can [raise (Cannot_destruct ([], "message"))]
+ to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.
+ Here is an example of how to build such a value for a type ['t].
+ {[ let read
+ : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> tf -> 't
+ = fun (module Repr_f) repr ->
+ match Repr_f.view repr with
+ | `Null (* destruct the JSON using [Repr_f.view] *) ->
+ (* create a value of type 't *)
+ | _ ->
+ (* or fail with this wrapping exception *)
+ raise (Cannot_destruct ([ (* location *) ], (* exn *))) in
+ let write
+ : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> 't -> tf
+ = fun (module Repr_f) v ->
+ (* examine the value and produce a JSON using [Repr_f.repr] *)
+ Repr_f.repr `Null in
+ { read ; write } ]} *)
+type 't repr_agnostic_custom =
+ { write : 'rt. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rt) -> 't -> 'rt ;
+ read : 'rf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rf) -> 'rf -> 't }
+(** A custom encoding, using custom encoders and a schema. *)
+val repr_agnostic_custom :
+ 't repr_agnostic_custom ->
+ schema: Json_schema.schema ->
+ 't encoding
+(** A raw JSON value in its original representation. *)
+val any_value : Json_repr.any encoding
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9faee5df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+(* Queries in JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+type path =
+ path_item list
+and path_item =
+ [ `Field of string
+ | `Index of int
+ | `Star | `Next ]
+exception Illegal_pointer_notation of string * int * string
+exception Unsupported_path_item of path_item * string
+exception Cannot_merge of path
+(*-- path operations -------------------------------------------------------*)
+let print_path_as_json_path ?(wildcards = true) ppf = function
+ | [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "/"
+ | nonempty ->
+ let rec print ppf = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | `Field n :: rem -> Format.fprintf ppf "/%s%a" n print rem
+ | `Index n :: rem -> Format.fprintf ppf "[%d]%a" n print rem
+ | `Next :: rem when wildcards -> Format.fprintf ppf "-%a" print rem
+ | `Star :: rem when wildcards -> Format.fprintf ppf "*%a" print rem
+ | (`Next | `Star) :: _ ->
+ raise (Unsupported_path_item (`Star, "JSON path w/o wildcards")) in
+ print ppf nonempty
+let print_path_as_json_pointer ?(wildcards = true) ppf = function
+ | [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "/"
+ | nonempty ->
+ let rec print ppf = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | `Field n :: rem -> Format.fprintf ppf "/%s%a" n print rem
+ | `Index n :: rem -> Format.fprintf ppf "/%d%a" n print rem
+ | `Next :: rem when wildcards -> Format.fprintf ppf "/-%a" print rem
+ | `Next :: _ -> raise (Unsupported_path_item (`Star, "JSON pointer w/o wildcards"))
+ | `Star :: _ -> raise (Unsupported_path_item (`Star, "JSON pointer")) in
+ print ppf nonempty
+let json_pointer_of_path ?wildcards path =
+ Format.asprintf "%a" (print_path_as_json_pointer ?wildcards) path
+let path_of_json_pointer ?(wildcards = true) str =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
+ let len = String.length str in
+ let rec slashes acc i =
+ if i >= len then List.rev acc
+ else if String.get str i = '/' then slashes acc (i + 1)
+ else item acc i
+ and item acc i =
+ if i >= len then List.rev (interp () :: acc)
+ else match String.get str i with
+ | '/' -> slashes (interp () :: acc) i
+ | '~' ->
+ if i + 1 >= len then
+ raise (Illegal_pointer_notation (str, i, "Unterminated escape sequence")) ;
+ begin match String.get str i with
+ | '0' -> Buffer.add_char buf '~'
+ | '1' -> Buffer.add_char buf '/'
+ | _illegal ->
+ raise (Illegal_pointer_notation (str, i + 1, "Illegal escape character")) end ;
+ item acc (i + 1)
+ | unescaped ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf unescaped ;
+ item acc (i + 1)
+ and interp () =
+ let field = Buffer.contents buf in
+ Buffer.clear buf ;
+ if field = "-" then
+ if wildcards then
+ `Next
+ else
+ raise (Unsupported_path_item (`Next, "JSON pointer w/o wildcards"))
+ else try `Index (int_of_string field) with
+ | _ -> `Field field in
+ if len = 0 then []
+ else if String.get str 0 <> '/' then
+ raise (Illegal_pointer_notation (str, 0, "Missing initial slash"))
+ else slashes [] 1
+(*-- queries ---------------------------------------------------------------*)
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) = struct
+ let rec query path json = match path, Repr.view json with
+ | [], _ ->
+ json
+ | `Field n :: rempath, `O ((n', v) :: rem) ->
+ if n = n' then query rempath v else query path (Repr.repr (`O rem))
+ | `Index i :: rempath, `A cells ->
+ let i = if i < 0 then List.length cells - i else i in
+ query rempath (List.nth cells i)
+ | `Star :: rempath, `O ((_, v) :: rem) ->
+ begin try query rempath v with Not_found -> query path (Repr.repr (`O rem)) end
+ | `Star :: rempath, `A (v :: rem) ->
+ begin try query rempath v with Not_found -> query path (Repr.repr (`A rem)) end
+ | _, _ -> raise Not_found
+ let query_all path json =
+ let res = ref [] in
+ let rec query path json = match path, Repr.view json with
+ | [], _ ->
+ res := json :: !res
+ | `Field n :: rempath, `O ((n', v) :: rem) ->
+ if n = n' then query rempath v else query path (Repr.repr (`O rem))
+ | `Index i :: rempath, `A cells ->
+ let i = if i < 0 then List.length cells - i else i in
+ query rempath (List.nth cells i)
+ | `Star :: rempath, `O fields ->
+ List.iter (fun (_, v) -> query rempath v) fields
+ | `Star :: rempath, `A cells ->
+ List.iter (query rempath) cells
+ | _, _ -> () in
+ query path json ; !res
+ (*-- updates ---------------------------------------------------------------*)
+ let sort_fields =
+ List.sort (fun (l, _) (r, _) -> compare l r)
+ let equals l r =
+ let rec canon v = match Repr.view v with
+ | `O l -> Repr.repr (`O (List.map (fun (n, o) -> n, canon o) l |> sort_fields))
+ | `A l -> Repr.repr (`A (List.map canon l))
+ | _ -> v in
+ canon l = canon r
+ let merge l r =
+ let rec merge path l r =
+ match Repr.view l, Repr.view r with
+ | `O l, `O r -> Repr.repr (`O (merge_fields path [] (sort_fields (l @ r))))
+ | `Null, v | v, `Null -> Repr.repr v
+ | `A l, `A r -> Repr.repr (`A (merge_cells path 0 [] l r))
+ | _ -> if equals l r then l else raise (Cannot_merge (List.rev path))
+ and merge_cells path i acc l r = match l, r with
+ | [], rem | rem, [] -> List.rev_append acc rem
+ | l :: ls, r :: rs ->
+ let item = merge (`Index i :: path) l r in
+ merge_cells path (succ i) (item :: acc) ls rs
+ and merge_fields path acc = function
+ | (lf, lv) :: ((rf, rv) :: rem as rrem) ->
+ if lf = rf then
+ let item = merge (`Field lf :: path) lv rv in
+ merge_fields path ((lf, item) :: acc) rem
+ else
+ merge_fields path ((lf, lv) :: acc) rrem
+ | [ _ ] | [] as last -> last in
+ merge [] l r
+ let insert ?(merge = merge) path value root =
+ let revpath sub =
+ let rec loop acc = function
+ | l when l == sub -> List.rev acc
+ | item :: items -> loop (item :: acc) items
+ | [] -> (* absurd *) assert false
+ in loop [] path in
+ let merge path l r =
+ try merge l r with
+ Cannot_merge sub -> raise (Cannot_merge (revpath path @ sub)) in
+ let rec nulls acc n last =
+ if n <= 0 then
+ List.rev (last :: acc)
+ else
+ nulls (Repr.repr `Null :: acc) (pred n) last in
+ let rec insert ?root path =
+ let root = match root with None -> None | Some repr -> Some (Repr.view repr) in
+ match path, root with
+ (* create objects *)
+ | `Field n :: rempath, None ->
+ Repr.repr (`O [ (n, insert rempath) ])
+ | (`Index 0 | `Star | `Next) :: rempath, None ->
+ Repr.repr (`A [ insert rempath ])
+ | `Index i :: rempath, None ->
+ if i < 0 then raise (Cannot_merge (revpath path)) ;
+ Repr.repr (`A (nulls [] (max 0 (pred i)) (insert rempath)))
+ | [], None -> value
+ (* insert in existing *)
+ | [], Some value' ->
+ merge path value (Repr.repr value')
+ | `Field n :: rempath, Some (`O fields) ->
+ Repr.repr (`O (insert_fields [] n rempath fields))
+ | `Index i :: rempath, Some (`A cells) ->
+ let i = if i < 0 then List.length cells - i else i in
+ if i < 0 then raise (Cannot_merge (revpath path)) ;
+ Repr.repr (`A (insert_cells [] i rempath cells))
+ | `Next :: rempath, Some (`A cells) ->
+ Repr.repr (`A (List.rev_append (List.rev cells) [ insert rempath ]))
+ (* multiple insertions *)
+ | `Star :: rempath, Some (`A cells) ->
+ Repr.repr (`A (List.map (fun root -> insert ~root rempath) cells))
+ | `Star :: rempath, Some (`O fields) ->
+ Repr.repr (`O (List.map (fun (n, root) -> (n, insert ~root rempath)) fields))
+ | [ `Star ], Some root ->
+ merge path value (Repr.repr root)
+ (* FIXME: make explicit unhandled cases *)
+ | _, Some _ -> raise (Cannot_merge (revpath path))
+ and insert_fields acc n rempath fields = match fields with
+ | [] ->
+ List.rev ((n, insert rempath) :: acc)
+ | (n', root) :: rem when n = n' ->
+ List.rev_append ((n, insert ~root rempath) :: acc) rem
+ | other :: rem ->
+ insert_fields (other :: acc) n rempath rem
+ and insert_cells acc n rempath cells =
+ match cells, n with
+ | [], n ->
+ nulls acc n (insert rempath)
+ | root :: rem, 0 ->
+ List.rev_append ((insert ~root rempath) :: acc) rem
+ | other :: rem, n ->
+ insert_cells (other :: acc) (n - 1) rempath rem in
+ insert ~root path
+ let replace path value root =
+ insert ~merge:(fun value _prev -> value) path value root
+ let insert path value root =
+ insert path value root
+let path_operator_name = function
+ | `Field _ -> "field access"
+ | `Index _ -> "array access"
+ | `Star -> "wildcard"
+ | `Next -> "array append"
+let print_error ?print_unknown ppf err = match err with
+ | Illegal_pointer_notation (notation, pos, msg) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[Illegal pointer notation@,At character %d of %S@,%s@]"
+ pos notation msg
+ | Unsupported_path_item (item, msg) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Path operator %s unsupported by %s"
+ (path_operator_name item) msg
+ | Cannot_merge [] ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unmergeable objects"
+ | Cannot_merge path ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unmergeable objects, incompatibility at %a"
+ (print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ | exn ->
+ match print_unknown with
+ | Some print_unknown -> print_unknown ppf exn
+ | None ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "Unhandled error %s" (Printexc.to_string exn)
+include Make (Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.mli b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a30bf7d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_query.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+(** Queries in JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** {2 Paths in JSON documents} *) (*****************************************)
+(** An abstract type for paths into a JSON document.
+ A sequence of sub-tree selectors to descend into a JSON tree. *)
+type path = path_item list
+(** A JSON sub-tree selector.
+ Indendent from any concrete format (JSON pointer, JSON path, etc.)
+ The semantics depends on the use (selection, insertion, etc.) *)
+and path_item =
+ [ `Field of string
+ (** A field in an object. *)
+ | `Index of int
+ (** An index in an array. *)
+ | `Star
+ (** Any / every field or index. *)
+ | `Next
+ (** The next element after an array. *) ]
+(** Pretty prints a path in JSON pointer format (RFC6901). May throw
+ {!Unsupported_path_item}. Use [~wildcards:false] to deactivate the
+ support of wildcard path items, which may lead to
+ {!Unsupported_path_item}. *)
+val print_path_as_json_pointer : ?wildcards: bool -> Format.formatter -> path -> unit
+(** Pretty prints a path in JSON path format. Use [~wildcards:false] to
+ deactivate the support of wildcard path items, which may lead to
+ {!Unsupported_path_item}. *)
+val print_path_as_json_path : ?wildcards: bool -> Format.formatter -> path -> unit
+(** Pretty prints a path in JSON pointer format into a fresh string.
+ May throw {!Unsupported_path_item}. Use [~wildcards:false] to
+ deactivate the support of wildcard path items, which may lead to
+ {!Unsupported_path_item}. *)
+val json_pointer_of_path : ?wildcards: bool -> path -> string
+(** Parses a path from a string in JSON pointer format. May throw
+ {!Illegal_pointer_notation}. The string is expected to be ASCII
+ compatible, including UTF-8. Use [~wildcards:false] to deactivate
+ the support of wildcard path items, which may lead to
+ {!Unsupported_path_item}. *)
+val path_of_json_pointer : ?wildcards: bool -> string -> path
+(** {2 Querying JSON documents} *) (*******************************************)
+(** Extracts the value located at a given path. If multiple locations
+ satisfy the path (in presence of wildcard path items), the chosen
+ one is unspecified. May throw [Not_found].
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val query : path -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** Extracts the values located at a given path (may be more than one
+ in presence of wildcard path items). The order is unspecified.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val query_all : path -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm list
+(** Insert a value at a given path. If multiple locations satisfy the
+ path (in presence of wildcard path items), the chosen one is
+ unspecified. Will create parent objects or arrays if needed, for
+ instance inserting [3] at [/a/b/c] in [{}] will result in
+ [{"a":{"b":{"c":3}}}]. Inserting in an array at an index bigger
+ than the previous size will expand the array, filling potential
+ missing cells with [`Null]. Inserting in an array at [`Index n]
+ where [n] is negative inserts from the last element of the
+ array. If a value is inserted at a location where there is already
+ one, both are merged as if with {!merge}. May throw
+ {!Cannot_merge} if the path is incompatible with the original
+ object (such as inserting in a field of something which is not an
+ object) or if the value is to be merged with an incompatible
+ existing value.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val insert : path -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** Same as {!insert}, except that if the path leads to a pre-existing
+ value, it is replaced with the new one instead of being merged.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val replace : path -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** Merges two compatible JSON values. Merges [`Null] with any JSON
+ value. Merges two deeply equal values together. Merges two objects
+ by merging their common fields and adding all the others. Merges
+ two arrays by merging their common cells pairwise and adding the
+ remaining ones if one array is bigger than the other. May throw
+ {!Cannot_merge}.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val merge : Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** {2 Errors} *) (**********************************************************)
+(** When two incompatible objects are unsuccessfully merged. Comes
+ with the path to the first incompatibility encountered.*)
+exception Cannot_merge of path
+(** An path litteral could not be parsed. Comes with the original
+ string, the position and an explanation. *)
+exception Illegal_pointer_notation of string * int * string
+(** An operation was given a path containing an unsupported construct.
+ Comes with an explanation as its second argument. *)
+exception Unsupported_path_item of path_item * string
+(** Produces a human readable version of an error. *)
+val print_error
+ : ?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
+ Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
+(** {2 Advanced interface for using a custom JSON representation} *) (**********)
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) : sig
+ (** Same as {!query} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val query : path -> Repr.value -> Repr.value
+ (** Same as {!query_all} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val query_all : path -> Repr.value -> Repr.value list
+ (** Same as {!insert} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val insert : path -> Repr.value -> Repr.value -> Repr.value
+ (** Same as {!replace} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val replace : path -> Repr.value -> Repr.value -> Repr.value
+ (** Same as {!merge} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val merge : Repr.value -> Repr.value -> Repr.value
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f7b003a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+(* Representations of JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+type 'a view =
+ [ `O of (string * 'a) list
+ | `A of 'a list
+ | `Bool of bool
+ | `Float of float
+ | `String of string
+ | `Null ]
+type 'a repr_uid = 'a option ref
+(* This is used for limiting conversions. When a value is converted
+ from a representation to another, which mostly happens when using
+ the {!type:any} boxing, such as when writing custom encodings, the
+ original value is usually traversed using the [view] of the
+ original representation, and recreated using the [repr] of the
+ destination representation. When converting from a representation
+ to itself, we want to optimize out this transformation, that is a
+ deep copy, and just get the same value. For this, we have to prove
+ to OCaml that it is indeed a value from the same representation.
+ To do that, we use the following trick. Each representation has a
+ bucket, the uid below. When converting from the original
+ representation, we put the value in its bucket. Then, we check the
+ bucket of the destination, and if it happens to be occupied, we
+ find in it the original value, under the destination type. Voilà. *)
+let repr_uid () = ref None
+let eq_repr_uid
+ : 'a -> 'a repr_uid -> 'b repr_uid -> 'b option
+ = fun a ta tb -> tb := None ; ta := Some a ; !tb
+module type Repr = sig
+ type value
+ val view : value -> value view
+ val repr : value view -> value
+ val repr_uid : value repr_uid
+module Ezjsonm = struct
+ type value =
+ [ `O of (string * value) list
+ | `A of value list
+ | `Bool of bool
+ | `Float of float
+ | `String of string
+ | `Null ]
+ let view v = v
+ let repr v = v
+ let repr_uid = repr_uid ()
+type ezjsonm = Ezjsonm.value
+module Yojson = struct
+ type value =
+ [ `Bool of bool
+ | `Assoc of (string * value) list
+ | `Float of float
+ | `Int of int
+ | `Intlit of string
+ | `List of value list
+ | `Null
+ | `String of string
+ | `Tuple of value list
+ | `Variant of string * value option ]
+ let view = function
+ | `Intlit i -> `String i
+ | `Tuple l -> `A l
+ | `Variant (label, Some x) -> `A [ `String label ; x ]
+ | `Variant (label, None) -> `String label
+ | `Assoc l -> `O l
+ | `List l -> `A l
+ | `Int i -> `Float (float i)
+ | `Float f -> `Float f
+ | `String s -> `String s
+ | `Null -> `Null
+ | `Bool b -> `Bool b
+ let repr = function
+ | `O l -> `Assoc l
+ | `A l -> `List l
+ | `Bool b -> `Bool b
+ | `Float f -> `Float f
+ | `String s -> `String s
+ | `Null -> `Null
+ let repr_uid = repr_uid ()
+type yojson = Yojson.value
+let convert
+ : type tt tf.
+ (module Repr with type value = tf) ->
+ (module Repr with type value = tt) ->
+ tf -> tt
+ = fun (module Repr_f) (module Repr_t) v ->
+ match eq_repr_uid v Repr_f.repr_uid Repr_t.repr_uid with
+ | Some r -> r
+ | None ->
+ let rec conv v = match Repr_f.view v with
+ | `Float _ | `Bool _ | `String _ | `Null as v -> Repr_t.repr v
+ | `A values -> Repr_t.repr (`A (List.map conv values))
+ | `O values -> Repr_t.repr (`O (List.map (fun (k, v) -> (k, conv v)) values)) in
+ conv v
+let pp_string ppf s =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "\"" ;
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+ match String.get s i with
+ | '\"' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\\""
+ | '\n' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\n"
+ | '\r' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\r"
+ | '\b' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\b"
+ | '\t' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\t"
+ | '\\' -> Format.fprintf ppf "\\\\"
+ | c -> Format.fprintf ppf "%c" c
+ done ;
+ Format.fprintf ppf "\""
+let pp
+ ?(compact = false) ?(pp_string = pp_string)
+ (type value) (module Repr : Repr with type value = value) ppf (v : value) =
+ let rec pp_compact ppf v = match Repr.view v with
+ | `O l ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "," in
+ let pp_field ppf (name, v) =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a:%a"
+ pp_string name
+ pp_compact v in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "{%a}"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_field)
+ l
+ | `A l ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "," in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "[%a]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_compact) l
+ | `Bool true -> Format.fprintf ppf "true"
+ | `Bool false -> Format.fprintf ppf "false"
+ | `Float f ->
+ let fract, intr = modf f in
+ if fract = 0.0 then
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%.0f" intr
+ else
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%g" f
+ | `String s -> pp_string ppf s
+ | `Null -> Format.fprintf ppf "null" in
+ let rec pp_box ppf v = match Repr.view v with
+ | `O [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "{}"
+ | `O l ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () =
+ Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
+ let pp_field ppf (name, v) =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a:@ %a@]"
+ pp_string name
+ pp_box v in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[{ %a }@]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_field)
+ l
+ | `A [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "[]"
+ | `A l ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () =
+ Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[[ %a ]@]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_box) l
+ | _ -> pp_compact ppf v in
+ if compact then
+ pp_compact ppf v
+ else
+ pp_box ppf v
+let from_yojson non_basic =
+ (* Delete `Variant, `Tuple and `Intlit *)
+ let rec to_basic non_basic = match non_basic with
+ | `Intlit i -> `String i
+ | `Tuple l -> `List (List.map to_basic l)
+ | `Variant (label, Some x) -> `List [`String label; to_basic x]
+ | `Variant (label, None) -> `String label
+ | `Assoc l -> `Assoc (List.map (fun (key, value) -> (key, to_basic value)) l)
+ | `List l -> `List (List.map to_basic l)
+ | `Int i -> `Int i
+ | `Float f -> `Float f
+ | `String s -> `String s
+ | `Null -> `Null
+ | `Bool b -> `Bool b in
+ (* Rename `Assoc, `Int and `List *)
+ let rec to_value : 'a. _ -> ([> ezjsonm ] as 'a) = function
+ | `List l -> `A (List.map to_value l)
+ | `Assoc l -> `O (List.map (fun (key, value) -> (key, to_value value)) l)
+ | `Int i -> `Float (float_of_int i)
+ | `Float f -> `Float f
+ | `Null -> `Null
+ | `String s -> `String s
+ | `Bool b -> `Bool b in
+ to_basic (non_basic :> yojson) |> to_value
+let to_yojson json =
+ let rec aux : 'a. _ -> ([> yojson ] as 'a) = function
+ | `A values ->
+ `List (List.map aux values)
+ | `O values ->
+ `Assoc (List.map (fun (k, v) -> (k, aux v)) values)
+ | `Float f ->
+ let fract, intr = modf f in
+ let max_intf = float 0x3F_FF_FF_FF in
+ let min_intf = ~-. max_intf -. 1. in
+ if fract = 0.0 then
+ if intr >= min_intf && intr <= max_intf
+ then `Int (int_of_float intr)
+ else `Intlit (Printf.sprintf "%.0f" intr)
+ else `Float f
+ | `Bool b -> `Bool b
+ | `String s -> `String s
+ | `Null -> `Null
+ in aux (json :> ezjsonm)
+type any = Value_with_repr: (module Repr with type value = 'a) * 'a -> any
+let pp_any ?compact ?pp_string () ppf (Value_with_repr (repr, v)) =
+ pp ?compact ?pp_string repr ppf v
+let any_to_repr :
+ type tt. (module Repr with type value = tt) -> any -> tt =
+ fun repr_t (Value_with_repr (repr_f, v)) -> convert repr_f repr_t v
+let repr_to_any repr v =
+ Value_with_repr (repr, v)
+let from_any : 'a. any -> ([> ezjsonm] as 'a) = fun repr ->
+ let res = any_to_repr (module Ezjsonm) repr in
+ (res : ezjsonm :> [> ezjsonm])
+let to_any v =
+ Value_with_repr ((module Ezjsonm), (v :> ezjsonm))
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index 000000000..0a976f6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+(** Representations of JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** {2 Abstraction over JSON representations} *) (*****************************)
+(** The internal format used by the library. A common format to view
+ JSON structures from different representations. It only shows the
+ head of structures, hiding the contents of fields, so that the
+ conversion from another format or a stream can be done lazily. *)
+type 'a view =
+ [ `O of (string * 'a) list
+ (** An associative table (object). *)
+ | `A of 'a list
+ (** An (integer indexed) array. *)
+ | `Bool of bool
+ (** A JS boolean [true] or [false]. *)
+ | `Float of float
+ (** A floating point number (double precision). *)
+ | `String of string
+ (** An UTF-8 encoded string. *)
+ | `Null
+ (** The [null] constant. *) ]
+(** Each representation must provide a unique identifier, obtained via
+ the {!repr_uid} function. This identifier is used when converting
+ between representations, to optimize out a copy when converting
+ from a representation to itself. Beware that this optimization
+ relies only on this [uid] token. Converting between values of the
+ same type using two different representation modules with
+ different [uid]s will perform a copy. A practical way to ensure
+ that the optimization is made is to write your representations as
+ toplevel modules, and not inside functors. *)
+type 'a repr_uid
+(** See {!type:repr_uid}. *)
+val repr_uid : unit -> 'a repr_uid
+(** A view over a given implementation. *)
+module type Repr = sig
+ (** The implementation type. *)
+ type value
+ (** View a value in the common format. *)
+ val view : value -> value view
+ (** Builds a value from a view *)
+ val repr : value view -> value
+ (** See {!type:repr_uid}. *)
+ val repr_uid : value repr_uid
+(** Convert a JSON value from one representation to another. *)
+val convert :
+ (module Repr with type value = 'tf) ->
+ (module Repr with type value = 'tt) ->
+ 'tf -> 'tt
+(** Generic pretty-printer. If [compact] is set (by default), then the
+ output is not really pretty (no space is output). Ascii-compatible
+ string encoding is expected, as printing only escapes double
+ quotes and control characters. Use [pp_string] for more advanced
+ escaping. This function does not claim to be the best JSON pretty
+ printer, it is mostly a small utility. *)
+val pp :
+ ?compact: bool -> ?pp_string: (Format.formatter -> string -> unit) ->
+ (module Repr with type value = 'tf) ->
+ Format.formatter -> 'tf -> unit
+(** {2 Third party in-memory JSON document representations} *) (****************)
+(** A JSON value compatible with {!Ezjsonm.value}. *)
+type ezjsonm =
+ [ `O of (string * ezjsonm) list
+ (** An associative table (object). *)
+ | `A of ezjsonm list
+ (** An (integer indexed) array. *)
+ | `Bool of bool
+ (** A JS boolean [true] or [false]. *)
+ | `Float of float
+ (** A floating point number (double precision). *)
+ | `String of string
+ (** An UTF-8 encoded string. *)
+ | `Null
+ (** The [null] constant. *) ]
+(** A view over the {!type:ezjsonm} representation.*)
+module Ezjsonm : Repr with type value = ezjsonm
+(** A JSON value compatible with {!Yojson.Safe.json}. *)
+type yojson =
+ [ `Bool of bool
+ (** A JS boolean [true] of [false]. *)
+ | `Assoc of (string * yojson) list
+ (** JSON object. *)
+ | `Float of float
+ (** A floating point number (double precision). *)
+ | `Int of int
+ (** A number without decimal point or exponent. *)
+ | `Intlit of string
+ (** A number without decimal point or exponent, preserved as string. *)
+ | `List of yojson list
+ (** A JS array. *)
+ | `Null
+ (** The [null] constant. *)
+ | `String of string
+ (** An UTF-8 encoded string. *)
+ | `Tuple of yojson list
+ (** A tuple (non-standard). Syntax: ("abc", 123). *)
+ | `Variant of string * yojson option
+ (** A variant (non-standard). Syntax: <"Foo"> or <"Bar": 123>. *) ]
+(** A view over the {!yojson} representation.*)
+module Yojson : Repr with type value = yojson
+(** {2 Representation-agnostic JSON format} *) (********************************)
+(** A meta-representation for JSON values that can unify values of
+ different representations by boxing them with their corresponding
+ {!Repr} modules. *)
+type any = private Value_with_repr: (module Repr with type value = 'a) * 'a -> any
+(** Converts a boxed value from its intrinsic representation to the
+ one of the given {!Repr} module. Optimized if the internal
+ representation of the value actually is the requested one. *)
+val any_to_repr : (module Repr with type value = 'a) -> any -> 'a
+(** Boxes a value with a compatible {!Repr} module. *)
+val repr_to_any : (module Repr with type value = 'a) -> 'a -> any
+(** Pretty-printer for values of type {!any}. See {!pp} for details. *)
+val pp_any :
+ ?compact: bool -> ?pp_string: (Format.formatter -> string -> unit) -> unit ->
+ Format.formatter -> any -> unit
+(** {2 Predefined converters for {!type:ezjsonm}} *) (********************************)
+(** Conversion helper. *)
+val from_yojson : [< yojson ] -> [> ezjsonm ]
+(** Conversion helper. *)
+val to_yojson : [< ezjsonm] -> [> yojson ]
+(** Converts a boxed value from its representation to {!ezjsonm}. *)
+val from_any : any -> [> ezjsonm ]
+(** Boxes as {!ezjsonm} value. *)
+val to_any : [< ezjsonm] -> any
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.ml
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index 000000000..d5245825e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* This file is part of Learn-OCaml.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 OCamlPro.
+ *
+ * Learn-OCaml is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Learn-OCaml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see . *)
+module Repr = struct
+ (* Not for the faint of heart. *)
+ type value = unit Js.t
+ let repr = function
+ | `String s -> Js.Unsafe.coerce (Js.string s)
+ | `Float f -> Js.Unsafe.coerce (Obj.magic f)
+ | `Bool true -> Js.Unsafe.coerce Js._true
+ | `Bool false -> Js.Unsafe.coerce Js._false
+ | `Null -> Obj.magic Js.null (* Oh, nom nom nom! *)
+ | `O fields ->
+ let obj = Js.Unsafe.new_obj (Js.Unsafe.pure_js_expr "Object") [||] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n, v) -> Js.Unsafe.set obj (Js.string n) v)
+ fields ;
+ obj
+ | `A cells ->
+ Js.Unsafe.coerce (Js.array (Array.of_list cells))
+ let view v =
+ match Js.to_string (Js.typeof v) with
+ | "string" -> `String (Js.to_string (Js.Unsafe.coerce v))
+ | "number" -> `Float (Obj.magic v)
+ | "boolean" -> `Bool (Js.to_bool (Obj.magic v))
+ | "undefined" -> `Null (* Oh yeah! *)
+ | "object" ->
+ if v == Js.Unsafe.pure_js_expr "null" then
+ `Null
+ else if Js.instanceof v (Js.Unsafe.pure_js_expr "Array") then
+ let rec loop acc n =
+ if n < 0 then
+ `A acc
+ else
+ loop (Js.Unsafe.get v n :: acc) (n - 1)
+ in
+ loop [] (Js.Unsafe.get v (Js.string "length") - 1)
+ else
+ let fields : Js.js_string Js.t list =
+ Array.to_list @@ Js.to_array
+ (Js.Unsafe.fun_call
+ (Js.Unsafe.js_expr
+ "(function(o){\
+ \ var p=[];\
+ \ for(var n in o){if(o.hasOwnProperty(n)){p.push(n);}}\
+ \ return p;\
+ })")
+ [| Js.Unsafe.inject v |]) in
+ `O (List.map
+ (fun f -> Js.to_string f, Js.Unsafe.get v f)
+ fields)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Json_repr_browser.Repr.view"
+ let repr_uid = Json_repr.repr_uid ()
+type value = Repr.value
+let js_stringify ?indent obj =
+ Js.Unsafe.meth_call
+ (Js.Unsafe.variable "JSON")
+ "stringify"
+ (match indent with
+ | None ->
+ [| Js.Unsafe.inject obj |]
+ | Some indent ->
+ [| Js.Unsafe.inject obj ;
+ Js.Unsafe.inject Js.null ;
+ Js.Unsafe.inject indent |])
+let parse_js_string jsstr =
+ Js.Unsafe.meth_call
+ (Js.Unsafe.variable "JSON")
+ "parse"
+ [| Js.Unsafe.inject jsstr |]
+let stringify ?indent obj =
+ Js.to_string (js_stringify ?indent obj)
+let parse str =
+ parse_js_string (Js.string str)
+module Json_encoding = Json_encoding.Make (Repr)
+module Json_query = Json_query.Make (Repr)
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.mli b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.mli
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index 000000000..daaa21454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_browser.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(** Native browser representation of JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** An abstract type for native browser objects. *)
+type value
+(** A view over the browser representation.*)
+module Repr : Json_repr.Repr with type value = value
+(** Pre-instanciated {!Json_encoding.Make}. *)
+module Json_encoding : module type of Json_encoding.Make (Repr)
+(** Pre-instanciated {!Json_encoding.Make}. *)
+module Json_query : module type of Json_query.Make (Repr)
+(** Parse a JSON string using the native browser parser. *)
+val parse : string -> value
+(** Produce a JSON string using the native browser printer.
+ If indent is not present, everything is printed on a single line.
+ Otherwise, it is the number (up to 10) of spaces inserted at
+ beginning of lines for each indentation level. *)
+val stringify : ?indent: int -> value -> string
+(** Same as {!parse} with native browser strings. *)
+val parse_js_string : Js.js_string Js.t -> value
+(** Same as {!stringify} with native browser strings. *)
+val js_stringify : ?indent: int -> value -> Js.js_string Js.t
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.ml
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index 000000000..6c7a0bb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+(* Representations of JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+open Json_repr
+module Repr = struct
+ type serialized =
+ { buffer : bytes ;
+ offset : int ;
+ length : int ;
+ array_field : bool }
+ and deserialized =
+ [ `O of (string * value) list
+ | `A of value list
+ | `Bool of bool
+ | `Float of float
+ | `String of string
+ | `Null ]
+ and node =
+ | Deserialized of deserialized
+ | Serialized of serialized
+ | Both of deserialized * serialized
+ and value =
+ { mutable node : node ;
+ conforming : bool ; (* when lazily deserializing the root *)
+ cache : bool (* when lazily deserializing *) }
+ module LEB = EndianBytes.LittleEndian_unsafe
+ exception Bson_decoding_error of string * bytes * int
+ let view root =
+ match root.node with
+ | Deserialized deserialized
+ | Both (deserialized, _) -> deserialized
+ | Serialized ({ buffer ; offset ; length ; array_field } as serialized) ->
+ let offset = ref offset in
+ let length = ref length in
+ let error fmt =
+ Format.ksprintf
+ (fun msg -> raise (Bson_decoding_error (msg, buffer, !offset)))
+ fmt in
+ let box node =
+ { node ; conforming = false ; cache = root.cache } in
+ let skip n =
+ offset := !offset + n ;
+ length := !length - n in
+ let read_float () =
+ if !length < 8 then
+ error "not enough data, double expected (8 bytes)" ;
+ let res = LEB.get_double buffer !offset in
+ skip 8 ;
+ res in
+ let read_string () =
+ if !length < 4 then
+ error "not enough data, string size tag expected (4 bytes)" ;
+ let strlen = Int32.to_int (LEB.get_int32 buffer !offset) - 1 in
+ skip 4 ;
+ if !length < strlen then
+ error "not enough data, string expected (%d bytes)" strlen ;
+ let res = Bytes.sub_string buffer !offset strlen in
+ skip strlen ;
+ if !length < 1 then
+ error "not enough data, string terminator expected (0x00)" ;
+ if LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset <> 0x00 then
+ error "string terminator expected (0x00)" ;
+ skip 1 ;
+ res in
+ let read_bool () =
+ if !length < 1 then
+ error "not enough data, bool expected (1 byte)" ;
+ let res = match LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset with
+ | 0x00 -> false
+ | 0x01 -> true
+ | byte -> error "invalid bool value (0x%02X)" byte in
+ skip 1 ;
+ res in
+ let read_field_name () =
+ let rec find_terminator len =
+ if !length = 0 then
+ error "not enough data, field name terminator expected (0x00)" ;
+ match LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset with
+ | 0x00 ->
+ skip (-len) ;
+ len
+ | _ ->
+ skip 1 ;
+ find_terminator (len + 1) in
+ let fieldlen = find_terminator 0 in
+ let res = Bytes.sub_string buffer !offset fieldlen in
+ skip (fieldlen + 1) ;
+ res in
+ let deserialized =
+ if !length < 5 then
+ error "not enough data for size and terminator" ;
+ let size = Int32.to_int (LEB.get_int32 buffer !offset) in
+ if size <> !length then
+ error "size tag inconsistent with actual data" ;
+ skip 4 ;
+ let tag = LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset in
+ if tag = 0x00 then begin
+ if !length = 1 then
+ `O []
+ else
+ error "early terminator" ;
+ end else if not root.conforming && tag land 0xF0 = 0x80 then begin
+ skip 1 ;
+ let res = match tag land 0x0F with
+ | 0x01 -> `Float (read_float ())
+ | 0x02 -> `String (read_string ())
+ | 0x08 -> `Bool (read_bool ())
+ | 0x0A -> `Null
+ | tag ->
+ error "unknown immediate tag (0x%02X)" tag in
+ if !length <> 1 then
+ error "not enough data, terminator expected (0x00)" ;
+ if LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset <> 0x00 then
+ error "terminator expected (0x00)" ;
+ skip 1 ;
+ res
+ end else begin
+ let rec loop acc =
+ let tag = LEB.get_int8 buffer !offset in
+ if tag = 0x00 then
+ if !length = 1 then
+ if array_field then
+ try
+ let rec to_array acc i = function
+ | [] -> `A (List.rev acc)
+ | (name, bson) :: rest ->
+ if name = string_of_int i then
+ to_array (bson :: acc) (i + 1) rest
+ else raise Exit in
+ to_array [] 0 (List.rev acc)
+ with Exit ->
+ error "invalid field names for array field"
+ else
+ `O (List.rev acc)
+ else
+ error "early terminator"
+ else begin
+ skip 1 ;
+ match tag with
+ | 0x01 ->
+ let name = read_field_name () in
+ loop ((name, box (Deserialized (`Float (read_float ())))) :: acc)
+ | 0x02 ->
+ let name = read_field_name () in
+ loop ((name, box (Deserialized (`String (read_string ())))) :: acc)
+ | 0x08 ->
+ let name = read_field_name () in
+ loop ((name, box (Deserialized (`Bool (read_bool ())))) :: acc)
+ | 0x0A ->
+ let name = read_field_name () in
+ loop ((name, box (Deserialized (`Null))) :: acc)
+ | 0x03 | 0x04 ->
+ let name = read_field_name () in
+ if !length < 4 then
+ error "not enough data, subdocument size tag expected (4 bytes)" ;
+ let doclen = Int32.to_int (LEB.get_int32 buffer !offset) in
+ if !length < doclen then
+ error "not enough data, subdocument expected (%d bytes)" doclen ;
+ let serialized =
+ { buffer ; length = doclen ; offset = !offset ;
+ array_field = (tag = 0x04) } in
+ skip doclen ;
+ loop ((name, box (Serialized serialized)) :: acc)
+ | tag ->
+ error "unknown tag (0x%02X)" tag
+ end in
+ loop []
+ end in
+ if root.cache then begin
+ root.node <- Both (deserialized, serialized)
+ end else begin
+ root.node <- Deserialized deserialized
+ end ;
+ deserialized
+ let repr deserialized =
+ { node = (Deserialized deserialized) ;
+ conforming = false ;
+ cache = true }
+ let to_bytes ~cache ~conforming root =
+ match root.node with
+ | Serialized serialized
+ | Both (_, serialized) ->
+ if serialized.offset = 0
+ && serialized.length = Bytes.length serialized.buffer then
+ serialized.buffer
+ else
+ Bytes.sub serialized.buffer serialized.offset serialized.length
+ | Deserialized _ ->
+ let rec compute_size bson =
+ match bson.node with
+ | Serialized { length }
+ | Both (_, { length }) ->
+ length
+ | Deserialized deserialized ->
+ match deserialized with
+ | `Float _ -> 4 + 1 + 8 + 1
+ | `String str -> 4 + 1 + 4 + String.length str + 1 + 1
+ | `Bool _ -> 4 + 1 + 1 + 1
+ | `Null -> 4 + 1 + 1
+ | `O fields ->
+ let acc = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (name, bson) ->
+ let self = match view bson with
+ | `Float _ -> 8
+ | `String str -> 4 + String.length str + 1
+ | `Bool _ -> 1
+ | `Null -> 0
+ | `O _ | `A _ -> compute_size bson in
+ acc + 1 + String.length name + 1 + self)
+ 0 fields in
+ 4 + acc + 1
+ | `A cells ->
+ let acc, _ = List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc, i) bson ->
+ let self = match view bson with
+ | `Float _ -> 8
+ | `String str -> 4 + String.length str + 1
+ | `Bool _ -> 1
+ | `Null -> 0
+ | `O _ | `A _ -> compute_size bson in
+ let rec digits acc i =
+ if i <= 9 then (1 + acc)
+ else digits (1 + acc) (i / 10) in
+ (acc + 1 + digits 0 i + 1 + self, i + 1))
+ (0, 0) cells in
+ 4 + acc + 1 in
+ let computed_size = compute_size root in
+ let result = Bytes.create computed_size in
+ let pos = ref 0 in
+ let (+=) r i = r := !r + i in
+ let reserve_size_stamp () =
+ let offset = !pos in
+ pos += 4 ;
+ fun () ->
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x00 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ let size = Int32.of_int (!pos - offset) in
+ LEB.set_int32 result offset size in
+ let rec serialize_toplevel conforming = function
+ | `Float _ | `String _ | `Bool _ | `Null | `A _ when conforming ->
+ raise (Invalid_argument "Json_repr.bson_to_bytes")
+ | `Float f ->
+ let update_size_stamp = reserve_size_stamp () in
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x81 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ LEB.set_double result !pos f ;
+ pos += 8 ;
+ update_size_stamp ()
+ | `String str ->
+ let update_size_stamp = reserve_size_stamp () in
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x82 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ let strlen = String.length str in
+ LEB.set_int32 result !pos Int32.(of_int (strlen + 1)) ;
+ pos += 4 ;
+ Bytes.blit_string str 0 result !pos strlen ;
+ pos += strlen ;
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x00 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ update_size_stamp ()
+ | `Bool b ->
+ let update_size_stamp = reserve_size_stamp () in
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x88 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos (if b then 0x01 else 0x00) ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ update_size_stamp ()
+ | `Null ->
+ let update_size_stamp = reserve_size_stamp () in
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x8A ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ update_size_stamp ()
+ | `O _ | `A _ as fields_or_cells ->
+ let fields = match fields_or_cells with
+ | `O fields -> fields
+ | `A cells -> List.mapi (fun i v -> string_of_int i, v) cells in
+ let update_size_stamp = reserve_size_stamp () in
+ serialize_fields fields ;
+ update_size_stamp ()
+ and serialize_fields fields =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, bson) ->
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos
+ (match view bson with
+ | `Float _ -> 0x01
+ | `String _ -> 0x02
+ | `Bool _ -> 0x08
+ | `Null -> 0x0A
+ | `O _ -> 0x03 ;
+ | `A _ -> 0x04) ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ let strlen = String.length name in
+ Bytes.blit_string name 0 result !pos strlen ;
+ pos += strlen ;
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x00 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ begin match view bson with
+ | `Float f ->
+ LEB.set_double result !pos f ;
+ pos += 8 ;
+ | `String str ->
+ let strlen = String.length str in
+ LEB.set_int32 result !pos Int32.(of_int (strlen + 1)) ;
+ pos += 4 ;
+ Bytes.blit_string str 0 result !pos strlen ;
+ pos += strlen ;
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos 0x00 ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ | `Bool b ->
+ LEB.set_int8 result !pos (if b then 0x01 else 0x00) ;
+ pos += 1 ;
+ | `Null -> ()
+ | `O _ | `A _ -> serialize false bson
+ end)
+ fields
+ and serialize conforming bson =
+ match bson.node with
+ | Serialized { buffer ; offset ; length }
+ | Both (_, { buffer ; offset ; length }) ->
+ Bytes.blit buffer offset result !pos length ;
+ pos := !pos + length
+ | Deserialized deserialized ->
+ let offset = !pos in
+ serialize_toplevel conforming deserialized ;
+ let length = !pos - offset in
+ if cache then begin
+ let serialized =
+ let array_field =
+ match deserialized with `A _ -> true | _ -> false in
+ { buffer = result ; offset ; length ; array_field } in
+ bson.node <- Both (deserialized, serialized)
+ end in
+ serialize conforming root ;
+ result
+ let from_bytes ~laziness ~cache ~conforming buffer =
+ let serialized =
+ { offset = 0 ; length = Bytes.length buffer ; buffer ;
+ array_field = false } in
+ let root =
+ { node = Serialized serialized ; conforming ; cache } in
+ let rec traverse bson = match view bson with
+ | `O fields -> List.iter (fun (_, bson) -> traverse bson) fields
+ | `A cells -> List.iter traverse cells
+ | `Float _ | `String _ | `Bool _ | `Null -> () in
+ if not laziness then begin
+ (* a simple traversal will expand the structure as a side effect *)
+ traverse root
+ end ;
+ root
+ let repr_uid : value Json_repr.repr_uid = repr_uid ()
+type bson = Repr.value
+exception Bson_decoding_error = Repr.Bson_decoding_error
+let bson_to_bytes ?(cache = true) ?(conforming = false) bson =
+ Repr.to_bytes ~cache ~conforming bson
+let bytes_to_bson ?(laziness = true) ?(cache = true) ?(conforming = false) ~copy buffer =
+ let buffer = if copy then Bytes.copy buffer else buffer in
+ Repr.from_bytes ~laziness ~cache ~conforming buffer
+module Json_encoding = Json_encoding.Make (Repr)
+module Json_query = Json_query.Make (Repr)
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.mli b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..592565cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_repr_bson.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(** BSON representation of JSON documents *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** A intermediate representation for BSON, a binary encoding for JSON.
+ Decoding and encoding is (optionally) done as lazily as possible.
+ First, the [view] function is able to unfold only one
+ level and not the whole structure. Also, serialized versions are
+ cached, so that later serializations of the same object are faster.
+ Notes:
+ 1. Only JSON compatible BSON documents are supported.
+ BSON extensions are not supported (int32, int64, timestamp, etc.).
+ 2. Arrays in BSON are stored inefficiently.
+ Prefer another binary format if you manipulate lots of arrays.
+ 3. We differ from BSON to allow toplevel immediates.
+ For this, we produce a document with only one byte indicating
+ the kind of immediate followed by the immediate.
+ The byte is [0x80 lor (the corresponding BSON field kind)].
+ 4. We differ from BSON to allow unambiguous toplevel arrays.
+ As with (3), the subdocument to be decoded as an array is
+ preceded with a 0x84.
+ Use the [conforming] flag to deactivates the extension from notes (3)
+ and (4). In this case, the toplevel value must be an object. *)
+type bson
+(** A view over the {!bson} representation.*)
+module Repr : Json_repr.Repr with type value = bson
+(** Pre-instanciated {!Json_encoding.Make}. *)
+module Json_encoding : module type of Json_encoding.Make (Repr)
+(** Pre-instanciated {!Json_encoding.Make}. *)
+module Json_query : module type of Json_query.Make (Repr)
+(** Serializes the intermediate BSON representation to actual BSON.
+ By default, [conforming] is [false], so that any value can be serialized,
+ including immediates (see {!type:bson}).
+ By default, [cache] is [true], so a future serialization of the
+ same data will be faster. The resulting bytes are stored in the
+ value. You may want to turn this off if these values have a long
+ lifespan, and that you care more about memory consumption than
+ serialization speed.
+ Will raise [Invalid_argument "Json_repr.bson_to_bytes"] when
+ [conforming] and trying to serialize a toplevel array or immediate. *)
+val bson_to_bytes :
+ ?cache: bool -> ?conforming: bool ->
+ bson -> bytes
+(** Bson decoding error, with a message, the BSON and an offset. *)
+exception Bson_decoding_error of string * bytes * int
+(** Creates a lazily unfolded representation for some BSON.
+ Because of the mutability of [bytes] and this laziness,
+ set the copy parameter to [true] if you are not sure that the
+ [bytes] will not be mutated in the future.
+ By default, [conforming] is [false], so that any value can be serialized,
+ including immediates (see {!type:bson}).
+ By default, [cache] is [true], so a future serialization of the
+ same data will be faster. The input bytes are stored in the
+ value. You may want to turn this off if these values have a long
+ lifespan, and that you care more about memory consumption than
+ serialization speed.
+ By default, [laziness] is [true]. If the data is a serialized
+ object, it means that only the field names are read, the field
+ values are eluded, and will be deserialized on demand when calling
+ [Repr.view]. This implies that {!Bson_decoding_error} may be
+ raised later. If set to [false], the whole structure is decoded
+ upfront, so any decoding error will happen at this point. This may
+ be preferable mostly when reading from untusted sources.
+ May raise {!Bson_decoding_error}. *)
+val bytes_to_bson :
+ ?laziness: bool -> ?cache: bool -> ?conforming: bool ->
+ copy: bool -> bytes -> bson
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.ml b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..334de2da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@
+(* Abstract representation of JSON schemas. *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(* TODO: validator *)
+open Json_query
+(* The currently handled version *)
+let version = "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"
+(*-- types -----------------------------------------------------------------*)
+(* The root of a schema with the named definitions,
+ a precomputed ID-element map and a cache for external documents. *)
+type schema =
+ { root : element ;
+ source : Uri.t (* whose fragment should be empty *) ;
+ definitions : (path * element) list ;
+ ids : (string * element) list ;
+ world : schema list }
+and element =
+ { title : string option ;
+ description : string option ;
+ default : Json_repr.any option ;
+ enum : Json_repr.any list option ;
+ kind : element_kind ;
+ format : string option ;
+ id : string option }
+and element_kind =
+ | Object of object_specs
+ | Array of element list * array_specs
+ | Monomorphic_array of element * array_specs
+ | Combine of combinator * element list
+ | Def_ref of path
+ | Id_ref of string
+ | Ext_ref of Uri.t
+ | String of string_specs
+ | Integer of numeric_specs
+ | Number of numeric_specs
+ | Boolean | Null | Any
+ | Dummy
+and combinator =
+ | Any_of | One_of | All_of | Not
+and array_specs =
+ { min_items : int ;
+ max_items : int option ;
+ unique_items : bool ;
+ additional_items : element option }
+and numeric_specs =
+ { multiple_of : float option ;
+ minimum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option ;
+ maximum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option }
+and object_specs =
+ { properties : (string * element * bool * Json_repr.any option) list ;
+ pattern_properties : (string * element) list ;
+ additional_properties : element option ;
+ min_properties : int ;
+ max_properties : int option ;
+ schema_dependencies : (string * element) list ;
+ property_dependencies : (string * string list) list }
+and string_specs =
+ { pattern : string option ;
+ min_length : int ;
+ max_length : int option }
+(* box an element kind without any optional field *)
+let element kind =
+ { title = None ; description = None ; default = None ; kind ;
+ format = None ; enum = None ; id = None }
+(*-- equality --------------------------------------------------------------*)
+let option_map f = function None -> None | Some v -> Some (f v)
+let rec eq_element a b =
+ a.title = b.title &&
+ a.description = b.description &&
+ option_map Json_repr.from_any a.default =
+ option_map Json_repr.from_any b.default &&
+ option_map (List.map Json_repr.from_any) a.enum =
+ option_map (List.map Json_repr.from_any) b.enum &&
+ eq_kind a.kind b.kind &&
+ a.format = b.format &&
+ a.id = b.id
+and eq_kind a b = match a, b with
+ | Object aa, Object ab -> eq_object_specs aa ab
+ | Array (esa, sa), Array (esb, sb) ->
+ List.length esa = List.length esb &&
+ List.for_all2 eq_element esa esb &&
+ eq_array_specs sa sb
+ | Monomorphic_array (ea, sa), Monomorphic_array (eb, sb) ->
+ eq_element ea eb &&
+ eq_array_specs sa sb
+ | Combine (ca, esa), Combine (cb, esb) ->
+ ca = cb &&
+ List.length esa = List.length esb &&
+ List.for_all2 eq_element esa esb
+ | Def_ref pa, Def_ref pb -> pa = pb
+ | Id_ref ra, Id_ref rb -> ra = rb
+ | Ext_ref ra, Ext_ref rb -> ra = rb
+ | String sa, String sb -> sa = sb
+ | Integer na, Integer nb -> na = nb
+ | Number na, Number nb -> na = nb
+ | Boolean, Boolean -> true
+ | Null, Null -> true
+ | Any, Any -> true
+ | Dummy, Dummy -> true
+ | _ -> false
+and eq_object_specs a b =
+ a.min_properties = b.min_properties &&
+ a.max_properties = b.max_properties &&
+ List.sort compare a.property_dependencies =
+ List.sort compare b.property_dependencies &&
+ begin match a.additional_properties, b.additional_properties with
+ | Some a, Some b -> eq_element a b
+ | None, None -> true
+ | _, _ -> false
+ end &&
+ List.length a.pattern_properties =
+ List.length b.pattern_properties &&
+ List.for_all2
+ (fun (na, ea) (nb, eb) -> na = nb && eq_element ea eb)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y) a.pattern_properties)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y) b.pattern_properties) &&
+ List.length a.schema_dependencies =
+ List.length b.schema_dependencies &&
+ List.for_all2
+ (fun (na, ea) (nb, eb) -> na = nb && eq_element ea eb)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y) a.schema_dependencies)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y) b.schema_dependencies) &&
+ List.length a.properties =
+ List.length b.properties &&
+ List.for_all2
+ (fun (na, ea, ra, da) (nb, eb, rb, db) ->
+ na = nb && eq_element ea eb && ra = rb &&
+ option_map Json_repr.from_any da = option_map Json_repr.from_any db)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _, _, _) (y, _, _, _) -> compare x y) a.properties)
+ (List.sort (fun (x, _, _, _) (y, _, _, _) -> compare x y) b.properties)
+and eq_array_specs a b =
+ a.min_items = b.min_items &&
+ a.max_items = b.max_items &&
+ a.unique_items = b.unique_items &&
+ match a.additional_items, b.additional_items with
+ | Some a, Some b -> eq_element a b
+ | None, None -> true
+ | _, _ -> false
+(*-- human readable output -------------------------------------------------*)
+let pp_string ppf s =
+ Json_repr.(pp (module Ezjsonm)) ppf (`String s)
+let pp_num ppf m =
+ if abs_float m < 1000. then
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%g" m
+ else
+ let pos, m =
+ if m < 0. then (false, ~-. m) else (true, m) in
+ if List.fold_left (fun acc d ->
+ if acc then acc else
+ let v = log (m +. d) /. log 2. in
+ if abs_float (ceil v -. v) < 0.00001 then begin
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%s2^%g" (if pos then "" else "-") v ;
+ if (pos && d < 0.) || (not pos && d > 0.) then
+ Format.fprintf ppf "+%g" (abs_float d) ;
+ if (pos && d > 0.) || (not pos && d < 0.) then
+ Format.fprintf ppf "-%g" (abs_float d) ;
+ true
+ end else false)
+ false [ -2. ; -1. ; 0. ; 1. ; 2. ] then () else
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%f" m
+let pp_numeric_specs ppf { multiple_of ; minimum ; maximum } =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a%a"
+ (fun ppf -> function None -> () | Some v -> Format.fprintf ppf "multiple of %g" v)
+ multiple_of
+ (fun ppf -> function
+ | (None, _, _) | (_, None, None) -> ()
+ | _ -> Format.fprintf ppf ", ")
+ (multiple_of, minimum, maximum)
+ (fun ppf -> function
+ | None, None -> ()
+ | minimum, maximum ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "∈ %a, %a"
+ (fun ppf -> function
+ | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "]∞"
+ | Some (m, `Exclusive) -> Format.fprintf ppf "]%a" pp_num m
+ | Some (m, `Inclusive) -> Format.fprintf ppf "[%a" pp_num m)
+ minimum
+ (fun ppf -> function
+ | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "∞["
+ | Some (m, `Exclusive) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a[" pp_num m
+ | Some (m, `Inclusive) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a]" pp_num m)
+ maximum)
+ (minimum, maximum)
+let pp_path ppf = function
+ | [ `Field "definitions" ; `Field name ] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
+ | path -> Json_query.(print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) ppf path
+let pp_desc element = match element with
+ | { title = None ; description = None } -> None
+ | { title = Some text ; description = None }
+ | { title = None ; description = Some text } ->
+ Some begin fun ppf () ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "/* @[%a@] */"
+ Format.pp_print_text text
+ end
+ | { title = Some title ; description = Some description } ->
+ Some begin fun ppf () ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "/* @[@[%a@]@,@[%a@]@] */"
+ Format.pp_print_text title
+ Format.pp_print_text description
+ end
+let rec pp_element ppf element =
+ match element.id with
+ | Some id ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "#%s" id
+ | None ->
+ match element.format with
+ | Some format ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%s" format
+ | None ->
+ match element.enum with
+ | Some cases ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@ | " in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep (Json_repr.pp_any ~compact: false ()))
+ cases
+ | None ->
+ match pp_desc element with
+ | Some pp_desc ->
+ let stripped =
+ { element with title = None ; description = None } in
+ begin match element.kind with
+ | Combine _ ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a@,%a"
+ pp_desc () pp_element stripped
+ | Object specs ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[{ %a@,%a }@]"
+ pp_desc () pp_object_contents specs
+ | _ ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" pp_element stripped pp_desc ()
+ end
+ | None ->
+ begin match element.kind with
+ | String { pattern = None ; min_length = 0 ; max_length = None} ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "string"
+ | String { pattern = Some pat ; min_length = 0 ; max_length = None} ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "/%s/" pat
+ | String { pattern ; min_length ; max_length } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a (%alength%a)"
+ (fun ppf -> function
+ | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "string"
+ | Some pat -> Format.fprintf ppf "/%s/" pat)
+ pattern
+ (fun ppf n -> if n > 0 then Format.fprintf ppf "%d <= " n)
+ min_length
+ (fun ppf -> function None -> () | Some m -> Format.fprintf ppf "<= %d" m)
+ max_length
+ | Integer { multiple_of = None ; minimum = None ; maximum = None } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "integer"
+ | Integer specs ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "integer %a" pp_numeric_specs specs
+ | Number { multiple_of = None ; minimum = None ; maximum = None } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "number"
+ | Number specs ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "number %a" pp_numeric_specs specs
+ | Id_ref id ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "#%s" id
+ | Def_ref path ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "$%a" pp_path path
+ | Ext_ref uri ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "$%a" Uri.pp_hum uri
+ | Boolean ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "boolean"
+ | Null ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "null"
+ | Any ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "any"
+ | Dummy -> assert false
+ | Combine (Not, [ elt ]) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "! %a" pp_element elt
+ | Combine (c, elts) ->
+ let pp_sep ppf () = match c with
+ | Any_of -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ | "
+ | One_of -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ || "
+ | All_of -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ && "
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]"
+ (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_element)
+ elts
+ | Object { properties = [] ;
+ pattern_properties = [] ;
+ additional_properties = None ;
+ min_properties = 0 ;
+ max_properties = Some 0 ;
+ schema_dependencies = [] ;
+ property_dependencies = [] } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "{}"
+ | Object specs ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[{ %a }@]"
+ pp_object_contents specs
+ | Array (_, { max_items = Some 0 })
+ | Monomorphic_array (_, { max_items = Some 0 }) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "[]"
+ | Array (elements, { additional_items }) ->
+ let pp_sep =
+ let first = ref true in
+ fun ppf () ->
+ if !first then
+ first := false
+ else
+ Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[[ " ;
+ List.iter (fun elt ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a"
+ pp_sep ()
+ pp_element elt)
+ elements ;
+ begin match additional_items with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some { kind = Any } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a,@ ..." pp_sep ()
+ | Some elt ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a,@ %a ..."
+ pp_sep ()
+ pp_element elt
+ end ;
+ Format.fprintf ppf " ]@]"
+ | Monomorphic_array (elt, { additional_items = None }) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "[ %a ... ]"
+ pp_element elt
+ | Monomorphic_array (elt, { additional_items = Some { kind = Any } }) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[[ %a ...,@ ... ]@]"
+ pp_element elt
+ | Monomorphic_array (elt, { additional_items = Some add_elt }) ->
+ (* TODO: find a good way to print length *)
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[[ %a ...,@ %a ... ]@]"
+ pp_element elt pp_element add_elt
+ end
+and pp_object_contents ppf
+ { properties ; pattern_properties ; additional_properties } =
+ (* TODO: find a good way to print length / dependencies *)
+ let pp_sep =
+ let first = ref true in
+ fun ppf () ->
+ if !first then
+ first := false
+ else
+ Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
+ List.iter (fun (name, elt, req, _) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a@[%a%s:@ %a@]"
+ pp_sep ()
+ pp_string name (if req then "" else "?")
+ pp_element elt)
+ properties ;
+ List.iter (fun (name, elt) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a@[/%s/:@ %a@]"
+ pp_sep ()
+ name
+ pp_element elt)
+ pattern_properties ;
+ begin match additional_properties with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some { kind = Any } ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a..." pp_sep ()
+ | Some elt ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "%a@[*:@ %a@]"
+ pp_sep ()
+ pp_element elt
+ end
+let pp ppf schema =
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@[" ;
+ pp_element ppf schema.root ;
+ List.iter (fun (path, elt) ->
+ match pp_desc elt with
+ | None ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[$%a:@ %a@]"
+ pp_path path
+ pp_element elt
+ | Some pp_desc ->
+ let stripped =
+ { elt with title = None ; description = None } in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[$%a:@,%a@,%a@]"
+ pp_path path
+ pp_desc ()
+ pp_element stripped)
+ schema.definitions ;
+ List.iter (fun (id, elt) ->
+ match pp_desc elt with
+ | None ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[#%s:@ %a@]"
+ id
+ pp_element { elt with id = None }
+ | Some pp_desc ->
+ let stripped =
+ { elt with title = None ; description = None ; id = None } in
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[#%s:@,%a@,%a@]"
+ id
+ pp_desc ()
+ pp_element stripped)
+ schema.ids ;
+ Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+(*-- errors ----------------------------------------------------------------*)
+exception Cannot_parse of path * exn
+exception Dangling_reference of Uri.t
+exception Bad_reference of string
+exception Unexpected of string * string
+exception Duplicate_definition of path * element * element
+let rec print_error ?print_unknown ppf = function
+ | Cannot_parse (path, exn) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[Schema parse error:@,At %a@,%a@]"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_path ~wildcards:true) path
+ (print_error ?print_unknown) exn
+ | Dangling_reference uri ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Dangling reference %s" (Uri.to_string uri)
+ | Bad_reference str ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Illegal reference notation %s" str
+ | Unexpected (unex, ex) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "Unexpected %s instead of %s" unex ex
+ | Duplicate_definition (name, elt, defelt) ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf
+ "@[Duplicate definition %a@,\
+ To be inserted:@,\
+ \ @[%a@]@,\
+ Already present:@,\
+ \ @[%a@]@]"
+ (Json_query.print_path_as_json_pointer ~wildcards:false) name
+ pp_element elt
+ pp_element defelt
+ | exn ->
+ Json_query.print_error ?print_unknown ppf exn
+(*-- internal definition table handling ------------------------------------*)
+let find_definition name defs =
+ List.assoc name defs
+let definition_exists name defs =
+ List.mem_assoc name defs
+let insert_definition name elt defs =
+ let rec insert = function
+ | [] ->
+ [ (name, elt) ]
+ | (defname, _) as def :: rem when defname <> name ->
+ def :: insert rem
+ | (_, { kind = Dummy }) :: rem ->
+ (name, elt) :: rem
+ | (_, defelt) :: rem ->
+ if not (eq_element elt defelt) then
+ raise (Duplicate_definition (name, elt, defelt)) ;
+ (name, elt) :: rem in
+ insert defs
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) = struct
+ module Query = Json_query.Make (Repr)
+ open Query
+ (*-- printer ---------------------------------------------------------------*)
+ let to_json schema =
+ (* functional JSON building combinators *)
+ let obj l = Repr.repr (`O l) in
+ let set_always f v =
+ [ f, Repr.repr v ] in
+ let set_if_some f v cb =
+ match v with None -> [] | Some v -> [ f, Repr.repr (cb v) ] in
+ let set_if_cons f v cb =
+ match v with [] -> [] | v -> [ f, Repr.repr (cb v) ] in
+ let set_if_neq f v v' cb =
+ if v <> v' then [ f, Repr.repr (cb v) ] else [] in
+ (* recursive encoder *)
+ let rec format_element
+ { title ; description ; default ; enum ; kind ; format } =
+ set_if_some "title" title (fun s -> `String s) @
+ set_if_some "description" description (fun s -> `String s) @
+ begin match kind with
+ | Object specs ->
+ let required = List.fold_left
+ (fun r (n, _, p, _) -> if p then Repr.repr (`String n) :: r else r)
+ [] specs.properties in
+ let properties =
+ List.map
+ (fun (n, elt, _, _) -> n, obj (format_element elt))
+ specs.properties in
+ set_always "type" (`String "object") @
+ set_always "properties" (`O properties) @
+ set_if_cons "required" required (fun l -> `A l) @
+ set_if_cons "patternProperties" specs.pattern_properties
+ (fun fs -> `O (List.map (fun (n, elt) -> n, obj (format_element elt)) fs)) @
+ set_if_neq "additionalProperties" specs.additional_properties (Some (element Any))
+ (function
+ | None -> `Bool false
+ | Some elt -> `O (format_element elt)) @
+ set_if_neq "minProperties" specs.min_properties 0
+ (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_some "maxProperties" specs.max_properties
+ (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_cons "schemaDependencies" specs.schema_dependencies
+ (fun fs -> `O (List.map (fun (n, elt) -> n, obj (format_element elt)) fs)) @
+ set_if_cons "propertyDependencies" specs.property_dependencies
+ (fun fs ->
+ let property_dependencies =
+ let strings ls = List.map (fun s -> Repr.repr (`String s)) ls in
+ List.map (fun (n, ls) -> n, Repr.repr (`A (strings ls))) fs in
+ `O property_dependencies)
+ | Array (elts, specs) ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "array") @
+ set_always "items" (`A (List.map (fun elt -> obj (format_element elt)) elts)) @
+ set_if_neq "minItems" specs.min_items 0 (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_some "maxItems" specs.max_items (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_neq "uniqueItems" specs.unique_items false (fun b -> `Bool b) @
+ set_if_neq "additionalItems"
+ specs.additional_items (Some (element Any))
+ (function
+ | None -> `Bool false
+ | Some elt -> `O (format_element elt))
+ | Monomorphic_array (elt, {min_items ; max_items ; unique_items }) ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "array") @
+ set_always "items" (`O (format_element elt)) @
+ set_if_neq "minItems"
+ min_items 0
+ (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_some "maxItems"
+ max_items
+ (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_neq "uniqueItems"
+ unique_items false
+ (fun b -> `Bool b)
+ | Combine (c, elts) ->
+ let combinator = function
+ | Any_of -> "anyOf"
+ | One_of -> "oneOf"
+ | All_of -> "allOf"
+ | Not -> "not" in
+ set_always (combinator c) (`A (List.map (fun elt -> obj (format_element elt)) elts))
+ | Def_ref path ->
+ set_always "$ref" (`String ("#" ^ (json_pointer_of_path path)))
+ | Id_ref name ->
+ set_always "$ref" (`String ("#" ^ name))
+ | Ext_ref uri ->
+ set_always "$ref" (`String (Uri.to_string uri))
+ | Integer specs ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "integer") @
+ set_if_some "multipleOf"
+ specs.multiple_of (fun v -> `Float v) @
+ (match specs.minimum with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (v, `Inclusive) ->
+ [ "minimum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ]
+ | Some (v, `Exclusive) ->
+ [ "minimum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ;
+ "exclusiveMinimum", Repr.repr (`Bool true) ] ) @
+ (match specs.maximum with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (v, `Inclusive) ->
+ [ "maximum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ]
+ | Some (v, `Exclusive) ->
+ [ "maximum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ;
+ "exclusiveMaximum", Repr.repr (`Bool true) ] )
+ | Number specs ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "number") @
+ set_if_some "multipleOf" specs.multiple_of (fun v -> `Float v) @
+ (match specs.minimum with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (v, `Inclusive) ->
+ [ "minimum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ]
+ | Some (v, `Exclusive) ->
+ [ "minimum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ;
+ "exclusiveMinimum", Repr.repr (`Bool true) ] ) @
+ (match specs.maximum with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (v, `Inclusive) ->
+ [ "maximum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ]
+ | Some (v, `Exclusive) ->
+ [ "maximum", Repr.repr (`Float v) ;
+ "exclusiveMaximum", Repr.repr (`Bool true) ] )
+ | String { pattern ; min_length ; max_length } ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "string") @
+ set_if_neq "minLength" min_length 0 (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_some "maxLength" max_length (fun i -> `Float (float i)) @
+ set_if_some "pattern" pattern (fun s -> `String s)
+ | Boolean ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "boolean")
+ | Null ->
+ set_always "type" (`String "null")
+ | Dummy ->
+ invalid_arg "Json_schema.to_json: remaining dummy element"
+ | Any -> [] end @
+ set_if_some "default" default (fun j ->
+ Repr.view (Json_repr.any_to_repr (module Repr) j)) @
+ set_if_some "enum" enum (fun js ->
+ `A (List.map (Json_repr.any_to_repr (module Repr)) js)) @
+ set_if_some "format" format (fun s -> `String s) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (n, elt) -> insert n (obj (format_element elt)) acc)
+ (obj (set_always "$schema" (`String version) @
+ format_element schema.root))
+ schema.definitions
+ let unexpected kind expected =
+ let kind =match kind with
+ | `O [] -> "empty object"
+ | `A [] -> "empty array"
+ | `O _ -> "object"
+ | `A _ -> "array"
+ | `Null -> "null"
+ | `String "" -> "empty string"
+ | `String _ -> "string"
+ | `Float _ -> "number"
+ | `Bool _ -> "boolean" in
+ Cannot_parse ([], Unexpected (kind, expected))
+ (*-- parser ----------------------------------------------------------------*)
+ let at_path p = function Cannot_parse (l, err) -> Cannot_parse (p @ l, err) | exn -> exn
+ let at_field n = at_path [ `Field n ]
+ let at_index i = at_path [ `Index i ]
+ let of_json json =
+ (* parser combinators *)
+ let opt_field obj n = match Repr.view obj with
+ | `O ls -> (try Some (List.assoc n ls) with Not_found -> None)
+ | _ -> None in
+ let opt_field_view obj n = match Repr.view obj with
+ | `O ls -> (try Some (Repr.view (List.assoc n ls)) with Not_found -> None)
+ | _ -> None in
+ let opt_string_field obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`String s) -> Some s
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "string")
+ | None -> None in
+ let opt_bool_field def obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`Bool b) -> b
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "bool")
+ | None -> def in
+ let opt_int_field obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`Float f) when (fst (modf f) = 0.
+ && f <= 2. ** 53.
+ && f >= -2. ** 53.) ->
+ Some f
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "integer")
+ | None -> None in
+ let opt_length_field obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`Float f) when (fst (modf f) = 0.
+ && f <= 2. ** 30.
+ && f >= 0.) ->
+ Some (int_of_float f)
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "length")
+ | None -> None in
+ let opt_float_field obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`Float f) -> Some f
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "number")
+ | None -> None in
+ let opt_array_field obj n = match opt_field_view obj n with
+ | Some (`A s) -> Some s
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field n @@ unexpected k "array")
+ | None -> None in
+ let opt_uri_field obj n = match opt_string_field obj n with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some uri ->
+ match Uri.canonicalize (Uri.of_string uri) with
+ | exception _ -> raise (Cannot_parse ([], Bad_reference (uri ^ " is not a valid URI")))
+ | uri -> Some uri in
+ (* local resolution of definitions *)
+ let schema_source = match opt_uri_field json "id" with
+ | Some uri -> Uri.with_fragment uri None
+ | None -> Uri.empty in
+ let collected_definitions = ref [] in
+ let collected_id_defs = ref [] in
+ let collected_id_refs = ref [] in
+ let rec collect_definition : Uri.t -> element_kind = fun uri ->
+ match Uri.host uri, Uri.fragment uri with
+ | Some _ (* Actually means: any of host, user or port is defined. *), _ ->
+ Ext_ref uri
+ | None, None ->
+ raise (Cannot_parse ([], Bad_reference (Uri.to_string uri ^ " has no fragment")))
+ | None, Some fragment when not (String.contains fragment '/') ->
+ collected_id_refs := fragment :: !collected_id_refs ;
+ Id_ref fragment
+ | None, Some fragment ->
+ let path =
+ try path_of_json_pointer ~wildcards:false fragment
+ with err -> raise (Cannot_parse ([], err)) in
+ try
+ let raw = query path json in
+ if not (definition_exists path !collected_definitions) then begin
+ (* dummy insertion so we don't recurse and we support cycles *)
+ collected_definitions := insert_definition path (element Dummy) !collected_definitions ;
+ let elt = try parse_element schema_source raw
+ with err -> raise (at_path path err) in
+ (* actual insertion *)
+ collected_definitions := insert_definition path elt !collected_definitions
+ end ;
+ Def_ref path
+ with Not_found -> raise (Cannot_parse ([], Dangling_reference uri))
+ (* recursive parser *)
+ and parse_element : Uri.t -> Repr.value -> element = fun source json ->
+ let id = opt_uri_field json "id" in
+ let id, source = match id with
+ | None -> None, source
+ | Some uri ->
+ let uri = Uri.canonicalize (Uri.resolve "http" source uri) in
+ Uri.fragment uri, Uri.with_fragment uri None in
+ (* We don't support inlined schemas, so we just drop elements with
+ external sources and replace them with external references. *)
+ if source <> schema_source then
+ element (Ext_ref (Uri.with_fragment source id))
+ else
+ let id = match id with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some id when String.contains id '/' ->
+ raise (at_field "id" @@ Cannot_parse ([], Bad_reference (id ^ " is not a valid ID")))
+ | Some id -> Some id in
+ (* We parse the various element syntaxes and combine them afterwards. *)
+ (* 1. An element with a known type field and associated fields. *)
+ let as_kind =
+ match opt_field_view json "type" with
+ | Some (`String name) ->
+ Some (element (parse_element_kind source json name))
+ | Some (`A [] as k) ->
+ raise (at_field "type" @@ unexpected k "type, type array or operator")
+ | Some (`A l) ->
+ let rec items i acc = function
+ | [] ->
+ let kind = Combine (Any_of, List.rev acc) in
+ Some (element kind)
+ | `String name :: tl ->
+ let kind = parse_element_kind source json name in
+ let case = element kind in
+ items (succ i) (case :: acc) tl
+ | k :: _ ->
+ raise (at_field "type" @@ at_index i @@ unexpected k "type")
+ in items 0 [] (List.map Repr.view l)
+ | Some k ->
+ raise (at_field "type" @@ unexpected k "type, type array or operator")
+ | None -> None in
+ (* 2. A reference *)
+ let as_ref =
+ match opt_uri_field json "$ref" with
+ | Some uri ->
+ let path = collect_definition uri in
+ Some (element path)
+ | None -> None in
+ (* 3. Combined schemas *)
+ let as_nary name combinator others =
+ let build = function
+ | [] -> None (* not found and no auxiliary case *)
+ | [ case ] -> Some case (* one case -> simplify *)
+ | cases -> (* several cases build the combination node with empty options *)
+ let kind = Combine (combinator, cases) in
+ Some (element kind) in
+ match opt_field_view json name with
+ | Some (`A (_ :: _ as cases)) (* list of schemas *) ->
+ let rec items i acc = function
+ | elt :: tl ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source elt
+ with err -> raise (at_field name @@ at_index i @@ err) in
+ items (succ i) (elt :: acc) tl
+ | [] ->
+ build (others @ List.rev acc)
+ in items 0 [] cases
+ | None -> build others
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field name @@ unexpected k "a list of elements") in
+ (* 4. Negated schema *)
+ let as_not =
+ match opt_field_view json "not" with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some elt ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source (Repr.repr elt)
+ with err -> raise (at_field "not" err) in
+ let kind = Combine (Not, [ elt ]) in
+ Some (element kind) in
+ (* parse optional fields *)
+ let title = opt_string_field json "title" in
+ let description = opt_string_field json "description" in
+ let default = match opt_field json "default" with
+ | Some v -> Some (Json_repr.repr_to_any (module Repr) v)
+ | None -> None in
+ let enum =match opt_array_field json "enum" with
+ | Some v -> Some (List.map (Json_repr.repr_to_any (module Repr)) v)
+ | None -> None in
+ let format = opt_string_field json "format" in (* TODO: check format ? *)
+ (* combine all specifications under a big conjunction *)
+ let as_one_of = as_nary "oneOf" One_of [] in
+ let as_any_of = as_nary "anyOf" Any_of [] in
+ let all = [ as_kind ; as_ref ; as_not ; as_one_of ; as_any_of ] in
+ let cases = List.flatten (List.map (function None -> [] | Some e -> [ e ]) all) in
+ let kind = match as_nary "allOf" All_of cases with
+ | None -> Any (* no type, ref or logical combination found *)
+ | Some { kind } -> kind in
+ (* add optional fields *)
+ { title ; description ; default ; format ; kind ; enum ; id }
+ and parse_element_kind source json name =
+ let integer_specs json =
+ let multiple_of = opt_int_field json "multipleOf" in
+ let minimum =
+ if opt_bool_field false json "exclusiveMinimum" then
+ match opt_int_field json "minimum" with
+ | None ->
+ let err =
+ "minimum field required when exclusiveMinimum is true" in
+ raise (Failure err)
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Inclusive)
+ else
+ match opt_int_field json "minimum" with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Exclusive) in
+ let maximum =
+ if opt_bool_field false json "exclusiveMaximum" then
+ match opt_int_field json "maximum" with
+ | None ->
+ let err =
+ "maximum field required when exclusiveMaximum is true" in
+ raise (Failure err)
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Inclusive)
+ else
+ match opt_int_field json "maximum" with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Exclusive) in
+ { multiple_of ; minimum ; maximum} in
+ let numeric_specs json =
+ let multiple_of = opt_float_field json "multipleOf" in
+ let minimum =
+ if opt_bool_field false json "exclusiveMinimum" then
+ match opt_float_field json "minimum" with
+ | None ->
+ let err =
+ "minimum field required when exclusiveMinimum is true" in
+ raise (Failure err)
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Inclusive)
+ else
+ match opt_float_field json "minimum" with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Exclusive) in
+ let maximum =
+ if opt_bool_field false json "exclusiveMaximum" then
+ match opt_float_field json "maximum" with
+ | None ->
+ let err =
+ "maximum field required when exclusiveMaximum is true" in
+ raise (Failure err)
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Inclusive)
+ else
+ match opt_float_field json "maximum" with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (v, `Exclusive) in
+ { multiple_of ; minimum ; maximum} in
+ match name with
+ | "integer" ->
+ Integer (integer_specs json)
+ | "number" ->
+ Number (numeric_specs json)
+ | "boolean" -> Boolean
+ | "null" -> Null
+ | "string" ->
+ let specs =
+ let pattern = opt_string_field json "pattern" in
+ let min_length = opt_length_field json "minLength" in
+ let max_length = opt_length_field json "maxLength" in
+ let min_length = match min_length with None -> 0 | Some l -> l in
+ { pattern ; min_length ; max_length } in
+ String specs
+ | "array" ->
+ let specs =
+ let unique_items = opt_bool_field false json "uniqueItems" in
+ let min_items = opt_length_field json "minItems" in
+ let max_items = opt_length_field json "maxItems" in
+ let min_items = match min_items with None -> 0 | Some l -> l in
+ match opt_field_view json "additionalItems" with
+ | Some (`Bool true) ->
+ { min_items ; max_items ; unique_items ; additional_items = Some (element Any) }
+ | None | Some (`Bool false) ->
+ { min_items ; max_items ; unique_items ; additional_items = None }
+ | Some elt ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source (Repr.repr elt)
+ with err -> raise (at_field "additionalItems" err) in
+ { min_items ; max_items ; unique_items ; additional_items = Some elt } in
+ begin match opt_field_view json "items" with
+ | Some (`A elts) ->
+ let rec elements i acc = function
+ | [] ->
+ Array (List.rev acc, specs)
+ | elt :: tl ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source elt
+ with err -> raise (at_field "items" @@ at_index i err) in
+ elements (succ i) (elt :: acc) tl
+ in elements 0 [] elts
+ | Some elt ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source (Repr.repr elt)
+ with err -> raise (at_field "items" err) in
+ Monomorphic_array (elt, specs)
+ | None ->
+ Monomorphic_array (element Any, specs) end
+ | "object" ->
+ let required =
+ match opt_array_field json "required" with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some l ->
+ let rec items i acc = function
+ | `String s :: tl -> items (succ i) (s :: acc) tl
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ | k :: _ -> raise (at_field "required" @@ at_index i @@ unexpected k "string")
+ in items 0 [] (List.map Repr.view l) in
+ let properties =
+ match opt_field_view json "properties" with
+ | Some (`O props) ->
+ let rec items acc = function
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ | (n, elt) :: tl ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source elt
+ with err -> raise (at_field "properties" @@ at_field n @@ err) in
+ let req = List.mem n required in
+ items ((n, elt, req, None) :: acc) tl (* XXX: fixme *)
+ in items [] props
+ | None -> []
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field "properties" @@ unexpected k "object") in
+ let additional_properties =
+ match opt_field_view json "additionalProperties" with
+ | Some (`Bool false) -> None
+ | None | Some (`Bool true) -> Some (element Any)
+ | Some elt ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source (Repr.repr elt)
+ with err -> raise (at_field "additionalProperties" err) in
+ Some elt in
+ let property_dependencies =
+ match opt_field_view json "propertyDependencies" with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (`O l) ->
+ let rec sets sacc = function
+ | (n, `A l) :: tl ->
+ let rec strings j acc = function
+ | [] -> sets ((n, List.rev acc) :: sacc) tl
+ | `String s :: tl -> strings (succ j) (s :: acc) tl
+ | k :: _ ->
+ raise (at_field "propertyDependencies" @@
+ at_field n @@
+ at_index j @@
+ unexpected k "string")
+ in strings 0 [] (List.map Repr.view l)
+ | (n, k) :: _ ->
+ raise (at_field "propertyDependencies" @@
+ at_field n @@
+ unexpected k "string array")
+ | [] -> List.rev sacc
+ in sets [] (List.map (fun (n, v) -> (n, Repr.view v)) l)
+ | Some k ->
+ raise (at_field "propertyDependencies" @@
+ unexpected k "object") in
+ let parse_element_assoc field =
+ match opt_field_view json field with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (`O props) ->
+ let rec items acc = function
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ | (n, elt) :: tl ->
+ let elt = try parse_element source elt
+ with err -> raise (at_field field @@
+ at_field n err) in
+ items ((n, elt) :: acc) tl
+ in items [] props
+ | Some k -> raise (at_field field @@ unexpected k "object") in
+ let pattern_properties = parse_element_assoc "patternProperties" in
+ let schema_dependencies = parse_element_assoc "schemaDependencies" in
+ let min_properties =
+ match opt_length_field json "minProperties" with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some l -> l in
+ let max_properties = opt_length_field json "maxProperties" in
+ Object { properties ; pattern_properties ;
+ additional_properties ;
+ min_properties ; max_properties ;
+ schema_dependencies ; property_dependencies }
+ | n -> raise (Cannot_parse ([], Unexpected (n, "a known type"))) in
+ (* parse recursively from the root *)
+ let root = parse_element Uri.empty json in
+ (* force the addition of everything inside /definitions *)
+ (match Repr.view (query [ `Field "definitions" ] json) with
+ | `O all ->
+ let all = List.map (fun (n, _) -> Uri.of_string ("#/definitions/" ^ n)) all in
+ List.iter (fun uri -> collect_definition uri |> ignore) all
+ | _ -> ()
+ | exception Not_found -> ()) ;
+ (* check the domain of IDs *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ if not (List.mem_assoc id !collected_id_defs) then
+ raise (Cannot_parse ([], Dangling_reference (Uri.(with_fragment empty (Some id))))))
+ !collected_id_refs ;
+ let ids = !collected_id_defs in
+ let source = schema_source in
+ let world = [] in
+ let definitions = !collected_definitions in
+ { root ; definitions ; source ; ids ; world }
+ (*-- creation and update ---------------------------------------------------*)
+ (* Checks that all local refs and ids are defined *)
+ let check_definitions root definitions =
+ let collected_id_defs = ref [] in
+ let collected_id_refs = ref [] in
+ let rec check ({ kind ; id } as elt) =
+ begin match id with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some id -> collected_id_defs := (id, elt) :: !collected_id_defs end ;
+ begin match kind with
+ | Object { properties ; pattern_properties ;
+ additional_properties ; schema_dependencies } ->
+ List.iter (fun (_, e, _, _) -> check e) properties ;
+ List.iter (fun (_, e) -> check e) pattern_properties ;
+ List.iter (fun (_, e) -> check e) schema_dependencies ;
+ (match additional_properties with Some e -> check e | None -> ())
+ | Array (es, { additional_items }) ->
+ List.iter check es ;
+ (match additional_items with Some e -> check e | None -> ())
+ | Monomorphic_array (e, { additional_items }) ->
+ check e ;
+ (match additional_items with Some e -> check e | None -> ())
+ | Combine (_, es) ->
+ List.iter check es
+ | Def_ref path ->
+ if not (definition_exists path definitions) then
+ let path = json_pointer_of_path path in
+ raise (Dangling_reference (Uri.(with_fragment empty) (Some path)))
+ | Id_ref id ->
+ collected_id_refs := id :: !collected_id_refs ;
+ | Ext_ref _ | String _ | Integer _ | Number _ | Boolean | Null | Any | Dummy -> ()
+ end in
+ (* check the root and definitions *)
+ check root ;
+ List.iter (fun (_, root) -> check root) definitions ;
+ (* check the domain of IDs *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ if not (List.mem_assoc id !collected_id_defs) then
+ raise (Dangling_reference (Uri.(with_fragment empty (Some id)))))
+ !collected_id_refs ;
+ !collected_id_defs
+ let create root =
+ let ids = check_definitions root [] in
+ { root ; definitions = [] ; world = [] ; ids ; source = Uri.empty }
+ let root { root } =
+ root
+ let update root sch =
+ let ids = check_definitions root sch.definitions in
+ { sch with root ; ids }
+ let any =
+ create (element Any)
+ let self =
+ { root = element (Ext_ref (Uri.of_string version)) ;
+ definitions = [] ; ids = [] ; world = [] ; source = Uri.empty }
+ (* remove unused definitions from the schema *)
+ let simplify schema =
+ let res = ref [] (* collected definitions *) in
+ let rec collect { kind } = match kind with
+ | Object { properties ; pattern_properties ;
+ additional_properties ; schema_dependencies } ->
+ List.iter (fun (_, e, _, _) -> collect e) properties ;
+ List.iter (fun (_, e) -> collect e) pattern_properties ;
+ List.iter (fun (_, e) -> collect e) schema_dependencies ;
+ (match additional_properties with Some e -> collect e | None -> ())
+ | Array (es, { additional_items }) ->
+ List.iter collect es ;
+ (match additional_items with Some e -> collect e | None -> ())
+ | Monomorphic_array (e, { additional_items }) ->
+ collect e ;
+ (match additional_items with Some e -> collect e | None -> ())
+ | Combine (_, es) ->
+ List.iter collect es
+ | Def_ref path ->
+ let def = find_definition path schema.definitions in
+ res := insert_definition path def !res
+ | Ext_ref _ | Id_ref _ | String _ | Integer _ | Number _ | Boolean | Null | Any | Dummy -> ()
+ in
+ collect schema.root ;
+ { schema with definitions = !res }
+ let definition_path_of_name name =
+ path_of_json_pointer ~wildcards:false @@
+ match String.get name 0 with
+ | exception _ -> raise (Bad_reference name)
+ | '/' -> name
+ | _ -> "/definitions/" ^ name
+ let find_definition name schema =
+ let path = definition_path_of_name name in
+ find_definition path schema.definitions
+ let definition_ref name =
+ let path = definition_path_of_name name in
+ element (Def_ref path)
+ let definition_exists name schema =
+ let path = definition_path_of_name name in
+ definition_exists path schema.definitions
+ let add_definition name elt schema =
+ let path = definition_path_of_name name in
+ (* check inside def *)
+ let definitions = insert_definition path elt schema.definitions in
+ { schema with definitions }, element (Def_ref path)
+ let merge_definitions (sa, sb) =
+ let rec sorted_merge = function
+ | ((na, da) as a) :: ((nb, db) as b) :: tl ->
+ if na = nb then
+ if da.kind = Dummy || db.kind = Dummy || eq_element da db then
+ (na, da) :: sorted_merge tl
+ else
+ raise (Duplicate_definition (na, da, db))
+ else
+ a :: sorted_merge (b :: tl)
+ | [] | [ _ ] as rem -> rem
+ in
+ let definitions =
+ sorted_merge (List.sort compare (sa.definitions @ sb.definitions)) in
+ { sa with definitions }, { sb with definitions }
+ let combine op schemas =
+ let rec combine sacc eacc = function
+ | [] -> update (element (Combine (op, eacc))) sacc
+ | s :: ss ->
+ let sacc, s = merge_definitions (sacc, s) in
+ combine sacc (s.root :: eacc) ss
+ in combine any [] schemas
+ let is_nullable { ids ; definitions ; root } =
+ let rec nullable { kind } = match kind with
+ | Null | Any -> true
+ | Object _
+ | Array _
+ | Monomorphic_array _
+ | Ext_ref _
+ | String _
+ | Integer _
+ | Number _
+ | Boolean -> false
+ | Combine (Not, [ elt ]) ->
+ not (nullable elt)
+ | Combine (All_of, elts) ->
+ List.for_all nullable elts
+ | Combine ((Any_of | One_of), elts) ->
+ List.exists nullable elts
+ | Def_ref path ->
+ nullable (List.assoc path definitions)
+ | Id_ref id ->
+ nullable (List.assoc id ids)
+ | Combine (Not, _) | Dummy -> assert false in
+ nullable root
+ (*-- default specs ---------------------------------------------------------*)
+ let array_specs =
+ { min_items = 0 ;
+ max_items = None ;
+ unique_items = false ;
+ additional_items = None }
+ let object_specs =
+ { properties = [] ;
+ pattern_properties = [] ;
+ additional_properties = Some (element Any) ;
+ min_properties = 0 ;
+ max_properties = None ;
+ schema_dependencies = [] ;
+ property_dependencies = [] }
+ let string_specs =
+ { pattern = None ;
+ min_length = 0 ;
+ max_length = None }
+ let numeric_specs =
+ { multiple_of = None ;
+ minimum = None ;
+ maximum = None }
+include Make (Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
diff --git a/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.mli b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08ae8d863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendors/ocplib-json-typed/src/json_schema.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+(** Abstract representation of JSON schemas as of version
+ [http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#]. *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2014 OCamlPro *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *)
+(* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *)
+(* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, *)
+(* with the OCaml static compilation exception. *)
+(* *)
+(* ocplib-json-typed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(** {2 Abstract representation of schemas} *) (******************************)
+(** A JSON schema root. *)
+type schema
+(** A node in the schema, embeds all type-agnostic specs. *)
+and element =
+ { title : string option ;
+ (** An optional short description. *)
+ description : string option ;
+ (** An optional long description. *)
+ default : Json_repr.any option ;
+ (** A default constant to be substituted in case of a missing value. *)
+ enum : Json_repr.any list option ;
+ (** A valid value must equal one of these constants. *)
+ kind : element_kind ;
+ (** The type-specific part. *)
+ format : string option ;
+ (** predefined formats such as [date-time], [email], [ipv4], [ipv6], [uri]. *)
+ id : string option
+ (** An optional ID. *) }
+(** The type-specific part of schema nodes. *)
+and element_kind =
+ | Object of object_specs
+ (** The type of an object. *)
+ | Array of element list * array_specs
+ (** An fixed-length array with the types of its elements (a tuple). *)
+ | Monomorphic_array of element * array_specs
+ (** A variable-length array with the type of its children. *)
+ | Combine of combinator * element list
+ (** A mix of schemas using logical combinators. *)
+ | Def_ref of Json_query.path
+ (** A ref to an element from its path in the JSON representation. *)
+ | Id_ref of string
+ (** A ref to an element from its ID. *)
+ | Ext_ref of Uri.t
+ (** A ref to an external element. *)
+ | String of string_specs
+ (** A string (with optional characteristics). *)
+ | Integer of numeric_specs
+ (** An int (with optional characteristics). *)
+ | Number of numeric_specs
+ (** A float (with optional characteristics). *)
+ | Boolean (** Any boolean. *)
+ | Null (** The null value. *)
+ | Any (** Any JSON value. *)
+ | Dummy
+ (** For building cyclic definitions, a definition bound to a dummy
+ will be considered absent for {!add_definition} but present
+ for {!update}. The idea is to insert a dummy definition, build a
+ cyclic structure using it for recursion, and finally update the
+ definition with the structure. *)
+(** Grammar combinators. *)
+and combinator =
+ | Any_of (** Logical OR n-ary combinator. *)
+ | One_of (** Logical XOR n-ary combinator. *)
+ | All_of (** Logical AND n-ary combinator. *)
+ | Not (** Logical NOT unary combinator. *)
+(** Parameters of the [Array] and [MonomorphicArray] type specifiers. *)
+and array_specs =
+ { min_items : int ;
+ (** The minimum number of elements. *)
+ max_items : int option ;
+ (** The maximum number of elements. *)
+ unique_items : bool ;
+ (** Teels if all elements must be different. *)
+ additional_items : element option ;
+ (** The type of additional items, if allowed. *) }
+(** Parameters of the [Integer] and [Number] type specifiers. *)
+and numeric_specs =
+ { multiple_of : float option ;
+ (** An optional divisor of valid values *)
+ minimum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option ;
+ (** The optional lower bound of the numeric range *)
+ maximum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option
+ (** The optional upper bound of the numeric range *) }
+(** Parameters of the [Object] type specifier. *)
+and object_specs =
+ { properties : (string * element * bool * Json_repr.any option) list ;
+ (** The names and types of properties, with a flag to indicate if
+ they are required ([true]) or optional. *)
+ pattern_properties : (string * element) list ;
+ (** Alternative definition of properties, matching field names
+ using regexps instead of constant strings. *)
+ additional_properties : element option ;
+ (** The type of additional properties, if allowed. *)
+ min_properties : int ;
+ (** The minimum number of properties. *)
+ max_properties : int option ;
+ (** The maximum number of properties. *)
+ schema_dependencies : (string * element) list ;
+ (** Additional schemas the value must verify if a property is
+ present (property, additional schema). *)
+ property_dependencies : (string * string list) list
+ (** Additional properties required whenever some property is
+ present (property, additional properties). *) }
+(** Parameters of the [String] type specifier. *)
+and string_specs =
+ { pattern : string option ;
+ (** A regexp the string must conform to. *)
+ min_length : int ;
+ (** The minimum string length. *)
+ max_length : int option
+ (** The maximum string length. *) }
+(** {2 Combinators to build schemas and elements} *) (*************************)
+(** Construct a naked element (all optional properties to None). *)
+val element : element_kind -> element
+(** Construct a schema from its root, without any definition ; the
+ element is checked not to contain any [Def] element. *)
+val create : element -> schema
+(** Extract the root element from an existing schema. *)
+val root : schema -> element
+(** Update a schema from its root, using the definitions from an
+ existing schema ; the element is checked to contain only valid
+ [Def] elements ; unused definitions are kept, see {!simplify}. *)
+val update : element -> schema -> schema
+(** Describes the implemented schema specification as a schema. *)
+val self : schema
+(** A completely generic schema, without any definition. *)
+val any : schema
+(** Combines several schemas. *)
+val combine : combinator -> schema list -> schema
+(** Tells is a schema accepts null. *)
+val is_nullable : schema -> bool
+(** {2 Named definitions} *) (***********************************************)
+(** Merges the definitions of two schemas if possible and returns the
+ updated schemas, so that their elements can be mixed without
+ introducing dangling references ; if two different definitions are
+ bound to the same path, {!Duplicate_definition} will be raised. *)
+val merge_definitions : schema * schema -> schema * schema
+(** Remove the definitions that are not present in the schema. *)
+val simplify : schema -> schema
+(** Adds a definition by its path. If the path is absolute (starting
+ with a ['/']), it is untouched. Otherwise, it is considered
+ relative to ["#/definitions"] as recommended by the standard. May
+ raise {!Duplicate_definition} if this path is already used or any
+ error raised by {!Json_repr.path_of_json_pointer} with
+ [~wildcards:false]. Returns the modified schema and the [Def_ref]
+ node that references this definition to be used in the schema. *)
+val add_definition : string -> element -> schema -> schema * element
+(** Finds a definition by its path, may raise [Not_found].
+ See {!add_definition} for the name format.*)
+val find_definition : string -> schema -> element
+(** Tells if a path leads to a definition.
+ See {!add_definition} for the name format. *)
+val definition_exists : string -> schema -> bool
+(** Build a reference to a definition.
+ See {!add_definition} for the name format. *)
+val definition_ref : string -> element
+(** {2 Predefined values} *) (***********************************************)
+(** Default Parameters of the [Array] and [MonomorphicArray] type specifiers. *)
+val array_specs : array_specs
+(** Default parameters of the [Object] type specifier. *)
+val object_specs : object_specs
+(** Default parameters of the [String] type specifier. *)
+val string_specs : string_specs
+(** Default parameters of the [Integer] and [Number] type specifiers. *)
+val numeric_specs : numeric_specs
+(** {2 JSON Serialization} *) (*********************************************)
+(** Formats a JSON schema as its JSON representation.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val to_json : schema -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
+(** Parse a JSON structure as a JSON schema, if possible.
+ May throw {!Cannot_parse}.
+ This function works with JSON data represented in the {!Json_repr.ezjsonm}
+ format. See functor {!Make} for using another representation. *)
+val of_json : Json_repr.ezjsonm -> schema
+(** Formats a JSON schema in human readable format. *)
+val pp : Format.formatter -> schema -> unit
+(** {2 Errors} *) (**********************************************************)
+(** An error happened during parsing.
+ May box one of the following exceptions, among others.. *)
+exception Cannot_parse of Json_query.path * exn
+(** A reference to a non-existent location was detected. *)
+exception Dangling_reference of Uri.t
+(** A reference litteral could not be understood. *)
+exception Bad_reference of string
+(** An unexpected kind of JSON value was encountered. *)
+exception Unexpected of string * string
+(** A non-[Dummy] definition appeared twice on insertion or merge. *)
+exception Duplicate_definition of Json_query.path * element * element
+(** Produces a human readable version of an error. *)
+val print_error
+ : ?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
+ Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
+(** {2 Advanced interface for using a custom JSON representation} *) (**********)
+module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) : sig
+ (** Same as {!to_json} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val to_json : schema -> Repr.value
+ (** Same as {!of_json} for a custom JSON representation. *)
+ val of_json : Repr.value -> schema