Same error formatting for the incremental and monolithic API of Menhir.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
(** Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
Printf.sprintf "\027[31mParse error %s:\n%s\027[0m%!" reg value
(* Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Main functor *)
@ -12,12 +6,6 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message : int -> string end) =
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
module I = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
module S = MenhirLib.General (* Streams *)
@ -42,6 +30,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(* The parser has suspended itself because of a syntax error. Stop. *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
let failure get_win checkpoint =
let message = ParErr.message (state checkpoint) in
match get_win () with
@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) ->
raise (Point (message, Some valid, invalid))
(* The generic parsing function *)
(* The two Menhir APIs are called from the following two functions. *)
let incr_contract Lexer.{read; buffer; get_win; close; _} : AST.t =
let supplier = I.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier read buffer
@ -61,4 +56,24 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
in close (); ast
let mono_contract = Parser.contract
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode (message, valid_opt, invalid) =
let invalid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = LexToken.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme valid
in Printf.sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = Printf.sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
header ^ (if message = "" then ".\n" else ":\n" ^ message)
@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
(** Generic parser API for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
val format_error :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
string Region.reg -> file:bool -> string
(* Main functor *)
module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message: int -> string end) :
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
(* Monolithic and incremental APIs of Menhir for parsing *)
val mono_contract : (Lexing.lexbuf -> Lexer.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> AST.t
val incr_contract : Lexer.instance -> AST.t
(* Error handling *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
val format_error : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> error -> string
@ -119,43 +119,27 @@ let () =
in prerr_string msg
(* Incremental API of Menhir *)
| ParserFront.Point (message, valid_opt, invalid) ->
let () = close_all () in
let invalid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = Lexer.Token.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme valid
in sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
eprintf "\027[31m%s:\n%s\027[0m%!" header message
| ParserFront.Point point ->
let () = close_all () in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* Monolithic API of Menhir *)
| Parser.Error ->
let () = close_all () in
let token =
let invalid, valid_opt =
match get_win () with
Lexer.Nil ->
assert false (* Safe: There is always at least EOF. *)
| Lexer.One token
| Lexer.Two (token, _) -> token in
let lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme token
and region = Lexer.Token.to_region token in
let msg = sprintf "Syntax error on \"%s\".\n" lexeme in
let error = Region.{region; value=msg} in
let () = close_all () in
let msg =
ParserAPI.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode error ~file
in prerr_string msg
| Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in
let point = "", valid_opt, invalid in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* I/O errors *)
| Sys_error msg -> Utils.highlight msg
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
(** Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
Printf.sprintf "\027[31mParse error %s:\n%s\027[0m%!" reg value
(* Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Main functor *)
@ -12,12 +6,6 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message : int -> string end) =
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
module I = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
module S = MenhirLib.General (* Streams *)
@ -42,6 +30,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(* The parser has suspended itself because of a syntax error. Stop. *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
let failure get_win checkpoint =
let message = ParErr.message (state checkpoint) in
match get_win () with
@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) ->
raise (Point (message, Some valid, invalid))
(* The generic parsing function *)
(* The two Menhir APIs are called from the following two functions. *)
let incr_contract Lexer.{read; buffer; get_win; close; _} : AST.t =
let supplier = I.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier read buffer
@ -61,4 +56,24 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
in close (); ast
let mono_contract = Parser.contract
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode (message, valid_opt, invalid) =
let invalid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = LexToken.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme valid
in Printf.sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = Printf.sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
header ^ (if message = "" then ".\n" else ":\n" ^ message)
@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
(** Generic parser API for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
val format_error :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
string Region.reg -> file:bool -> string
(* Main functor *)
module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message: int -> string end) :
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
(* Monolithic and incremental APIs of Menhir for parsing *)
val mono_contract : (Lexing.lexbuf -> Lexer.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> AST.t
val incr_contract : Lexer.instance -> AST.t
(* Error handling *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
val format_error : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> error -> string
@ -119,43 +119,27 @@ let () =
in prerr_string msg
(* Incremental API of Menhir *)
| ParserFront.Point (message, valid_opt, invalid) ->
let () = close_all () in
let invalid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = Lexer.Token.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme valid
in sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
eprintf "\027[31m%s:\n%s\027[0m%!" header message
| ParserFront.Point point ->
let () = close_all () in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* Monolithic API of Menhir *)
| Parser.Error ->
let () = close_all () in
let token =
let invalid, valid_opt =
match get_win () with
Lexer.Nil ->
assert false (* Safe: There is always at least EOF. *)
| Lexer.One token
| Lexer.Two (token, _) -> token in
let lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme token
and region = Lexer.Token.to_region token in
let msg = sprintf "Syntax error on \"%s\".\n" lexeme in
let error = Region.{region; value=msg} in
let () = close_all () in
let msg =
ParserAPI.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode error ~file
in prerr_string msg
| Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in
let point = "", valid_opt, invalid in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* I/O errors *)
| Sys_error msg -> Utils.highlight msg
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
(** Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
Printf.sprintf "\027[31mParse error %s:\n%s\027[0m%!" reg value
(* Generic parser for LIGO *)
(* Main functor *)
@ -12,12 +6,6 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message : int -> string end) =
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
module I = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
module S = MenhirLib.General (* Streams *)
@ -42,6 +30,13 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(* The parser has suspended itself because of a syntax error. Stop. *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
let failure get_win checkpoint =
let message = ParErr.message (state checkpoint) in
match get_win () with
@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) ->
raise (Point (message, Some valid, invalid))
(* The generic parsing function *)
(* The two Menhir APIs are called from the following two functions. *)
let incr_contract Lexer.{read; buffer; get_win; close; _} : AST.t =
let supplier = I.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier read buffer
@ -61,4 +56,24 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
in close (); ast
let mono_contract = Parser.contract
(* Errors *)
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode (message, valid_opt, invalid) =
let invalid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = LexToken.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = LexToken.to_lexeme valid
in Printf.sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = Printf.sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
header ^ (if message = "" then ".\n" else ":\n" ^ message)
@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
(** Generic parser API for LIGO *)
(* Errors *)
val format_error :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
string Region.reg -> file:bool -> string
(* Main functor *)
module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S with module Token := LexToken)
(Parser: module type of Parser)
(ParErr: sig val message: int -> string end) :
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
exception Point of message * valid option * invalid
(* Monolithic and incremental APIs of Menhir for parsing *)
val mono_contract : (Lexing.lexbuf -> Lexer.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> AST.t
val incr_contract : Lexer.instance -> AST.t
(* Error handling *)
type message = string
type valid = Lexer.token
type invalid = Lexer.token
type error = message * valid option * invalid
exception Point of error
val format_error : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> error -> string
@ -119,43 +119,27 @@ let () =
in prerr_string msg
(* Incremental API of Menhir *)
| ParserFront.Point (message, valid_opt, invalid) ->
let () = close_all () in
let invalid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme invalid in
let invalid_region = Lexer.Token.to_region invalid in
let header =
"Parse error " ^
invalid_region#to_string ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode in
let after =
match valid_opt with
None -> ","
| Some valid ->
let valid_lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme valid
in sprintf ", after \"%s\" and" valid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ after in
let before = sprintf " before \"%s\"" invalid_lexeme in
let header = header ^ before in
eprintf "\027[31m%s:\n%s\027[0m%!" header message
| ParserFront.Point point ->
let () = close_all () in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* Monolithic API of Menhir *)
| Parser.Error ->
let () = close_all () in
let token =
let invalid, valid_opt =
match get_win () with
Lexer.Nil ->
assert false (* Safe: There is always at least EOF. *)
| Lexer.One token
| Lexer.Two (token, _) -> token in
let lexeme = Lexer.Token.to_lexeme token
and region = Lexer.Token.to_region token in
let msg = sprintf "Syntax error on \"%s\".\n" lexeme in
let error = Region.{region; value=msg} in
let () = close_all () in
let msg =
ParserAPI.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode error ~file
in prerr_string msg
| Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None
| Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in
let point = "", valid_opt, invalid in
let error =
ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets
options#mode point
in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
(* I/O errors *)
| Sys_error msg -> Utils.highlight msg
Reference in New Issue
Block a user