Merge branch 'dev' of into rinderknecht@doc
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@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
id: current-reference
title: Current - Things relating to the current execution context
## Current.balance() : tez
Get the balance for the contract.
function main (const p : unit; const s: tez) : list(operation) * tez is
((nil : list(operation)), balance)
let main (p, s : unit * tez) =
([] : operation list), balance
let main = ((p,s): (unit, tez)) => ([]: list(operation), balance);
## Current.time() : timestamp
Returns the current time as a [unix timestamp](
In LIGO, timestamps are type compatible in operations with `int`(s). This lets you set e.g. time constraints for your smart contracts like this:
### Examples
#### 24 hours from now
```pascaligo group=b
const today: timestamp = now;
const one_day: int = 86400;
const in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day;
const some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01T10:10:10Z" : timestamp);
const one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day;
```cameligo group=b
let today: timestamp = Current.time
let one_day: int = 86400
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day
let some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01t10:10:10Z" : timestamp)
let one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day
```reasonligo group=b
let today: timestamp = Current.time;
let one_day: int = 86400;
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day;
let some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01t10:10:10Z" : timestamp);
let one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day;
#### 24 hours ago
```pascaligo group=c
const today: timestamp = now;
const one_day: int = 86400;
const in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day;
```cameligo group=c
let today: timestamp = Current.time
let one_day: int = 86400
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day
```reasonligo group=c
let today: timestamp = Current.time;
let one_day: int = 86400;
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day;
#### Comparing timestamps
You can also compare timestamps using the same comparison operators as for numbers:
```pascaligo group=c
const not_tommorow: bool = (now = in_24_hrs)
```cameligo group=c
let not_tomorrow: bool = (Current.time = in_24_hrs)
```reasonligo group=c
let not_tomorrow: bool = (Current.time == in_24_hrs);
## Current.amount() : tez
Get the amount of tez provided by the sender to complete this transaction.
function check (const p: unit) : int is
var result : int := 0;
if amount = 100tz then
result := 42
result := 0
end with result
let check_ (p: unit) : int = if Current.amount = 100tz then 42 else 0
let check_ = (p: unit) : int =>
if (Current.amount == 100tz) {
else {
## Current.sender() : address
Get the address that initiated the current transaction.
function main (const p: unit) : address is sender
let main (p: unit) : address = Current.sender
let main = (p: unit) : address => Current.sender;
## Current.address(c: a' contract) : address
Get the address associated with a `contract`.
function main (const p : key_hash) : address is block {
const c : contract(unit) = implicit_account(p) ;
} with address(c)
let main (p : key_hash) =
let c : unit contract = Current.implicit_account p in
Current.address c
let main = (p : key_hash) : address => {
let c : contract(unit) = Current.implicit_account(p) ;
Current.address(c) ;
## Current.self_address() : address
Get the address of the currently running contract.
function main (const p: unit) : address is self_address
let main (p: unit) : address = Current.self_address
let main = (p: unit): address => Current.self_address;
## Current.implicit_account(p: key_hash) : a' contract
Get the default contract associated with an on-chain keypair. This contract
doesn't execute code, instead it exists to receive money on behalf of a keys
function main (const kh: key_hash) : contract(unit) is implicit_account(kh)
let main (kh: key_hash) : unit contract = Current.implicit_account kh
let main = (kh: key_hash): contract(unit) => Current.implicit_account(kh);
## Current.source() : address
Get the _originator_ of the current transaction. That is, if a chain of transactions
led to the current execution get the address that began the chain. Not to be confused
with `Current.sender`, which gives the address of the contract or user which directly
caused the current transaction.
> ⚠️
> There are a few caveats you should keep in mind before using `SOURCE` over `SENDER`:
> 1. SOURCE will never be a contract, so if you want to allow contracts (multisigs etc) to operate your contract, you need to use SENDER
> 2. -- in general it is somewhat unsafe to assume that SOURCE understands everything that's going to happen in a transaction. If SOURCE transfers to a malicious (or sufficiently attackable) contract, that contract might potentially transfer to yours, without SOURCE's consent. So if you are using SOURCE for authentication, you risk being confused. A good historical example of this is bakers paying out delegation rewards. Naive bakers did (and probably still do) just use tezos-client to transfer to whatever KT1 delegates they had, even if those KT1 were malicious scripts.
function main (const p: unit) : address is source
let main (p: unit) : address = Current.source
let main = (p: unit) : address => Current.source;
## Current.failwith(error_message: string) : a'
Cause the contract to fail with an error message.
> ⚠ Using this currently requires a type annotation on the failwith to unify it
> with the type of whatever other code branch it's on.
function main (const p : int; const s : unit) : list(operation) * unit is
block {
if p > 10 then failwith("fail") else skip;
with ((nil : list(operation)), s)
let main (p,s: unit * unit) =
if true then failwith "This contract always fails" else ()
let main = ((p,s): (unit, unit)) =>
if (true) {
failwith("This contract always fails");
} else {
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function check (const p: unit) : int is
var result : int := 0;
if amount = 100tz then
result := 42
result := 0
end with result
@ -1 +1 @@
let check = if Current.amount > 100tz then 42 else 0
let check_ (p: unit) : int = if Current.amount = 100tz then 42 else 0
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
let check_ = (p: unit) : int =>
if (Current.amount == 100tz) {
else {
@ -1820,6 +1820,41 @@ let balance_constant_religo () : unit result =
let expected = e_tuple [e_list []; e_mutez 4000000000000] in
expect_eq program "main" input expected
let amount () : unit result =
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/amount.ligo" in
let input = e_unit () in
let expected = e_int 42 in
let amount =
match Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string "100" with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~amount () in
expect_eq ~options program "check" input expected
let amount_mligo () : unit result =
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/amount.mligo" in
let input = e_unit () in
let expected = e_int 42 in
let amount =
match Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string "100" with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~amount () in
expect_eq ~options program "check_" input expected
let amount_religo () : unit result =
let%bind program = retype_file "./contracts/amount.religo" in
let input = e_unit () in
let expected = e_int 42 in
let amount =
match Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.of_string "100" with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~amount () in
expect_eq ~options program "check_" input expected
let addr_test program =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
@ -2398,6 +2433,9 @@ let main = test_suite "Integration (End to End)" [
test "balance constant" balance_constant ;
test "balance constant (mligo)" balance_constant_mligo ;
test "balance constant (religo)" balance_constant_religo ;
test "amount" amount ;
test "amount (mligo)" amount_mligo ;
test "amount (religo)" amount_religo ;
test "address" address ;
test "address (mligo)" address_mligo ;
test "address (religo)" address_religo ;
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ let md_files = [
let md_root = "../../gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user