More of the type annotator structure
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,6 +121,11 @@ let shadow (name : string) (typ : O.type_expr) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
: O.type_expr list SMap.t =
SMap.update name (function None -> Some [typ] | Some tl -> Some (typ :: tl)) env
let lookup (name : string) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t) : O.type_expr =
match SMap.find name env with
latest :: shadowed -> latest
| [] -> failwith "Unbound variable"
let string_of_name ({name;_} : I.name_and_region) = name
let a_name_and_region ({name; orig} : I.name_and_region) : O.name_and_region =
@ -162,8 +167,53 @@ let a_types (tve : tve) (l : I.type_decl list) : tve * O.type_decl list =
let a_storage_decl : tve -> I.typed_var -> tve * O.typed_var =
failwith "TODO"
let a_declarations : tve -> I.decl list -> tve * O.decl list =
failwith "TODO"
let type_expr_case_equal (t1 : O.type_expr_case) (t2 : O.type_expr_case) : bool = match t1,t2 with
Sum m1, Sum m2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of (O.name_and_region * O.type_expr) SMap.t *)
| Record m1, Record m2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of (O.name_and_region * O.type_expr) SMap.t *)
| TypeApp (tc1, args1), TypeApp (tc2, args2) -> failwith "TODO" (* of O.type_constructor * O.type_expr list *)
| Function {arg=arg1;ret=ret1}, Function {arg=arg2;ret=ret2} -> failwith "TODO" (* of { arg : O.type_expr; ret : O.type_expr; } *)
| Ref t1, Ref t2 -> failwith "TODO" (* of O.type_expr *)
| String, String -> true
| Int, Int -> true
| Unit, Unit -> true
| Bool, Bool -> true
| _ -> false
let type_expr_equal (t1 : O.type_expr) (t2 : O.type_expr) : bool =
type_expr_case_equal t1.type_expr t2.type_expr
let check_type_expr_equal (expected : O.type_expr) (actual : O.type_expr) : unit =
if type_expr_equal expected actual then
failwith "got [actual] but expected [expected]"
let a_var_expr (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (var_name : I.name_and_region) : O.expr_case =
check_type_expr_equal expected (lookup (string_of_name var_name) ve);
Var { name = a_name_and_region var_name;
ty = expected;
orig = `TODO }
let a_expr_case (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) : I.expr -> O.expr_case = function
App {operator;arguments} -> failwith "TODO"
| Var var_name -> a_var_expr (te,ve) expected var_name
| Constant constant -> failwith "TODO"
| Record record -> failwith "TODO"
| Lambda lambda -> failwith "TODO"
let a_expr (te,ve : tve) (expected : O.type_expr) (e : I.expr) : O.expr =
let expr_case = a_expr_case (te,ve) expected e in
{ expr = expr_case; ty = expected; orig = `TODO }
let a_declaration (te,ve : tve) ({name;ty;value} : I.decl) : tve * O.decl =
let ty = a_type_expr (te,ve) ty in
let value = a_expr (te,ve) ty value in
let ve = shadow (string_of_name name) ty ve in
let name = a_name_and_region name in
(te,ve), {var={name;ty;orig=`TODO};value;orig = `TODO}
let a_declarations (tve : tve) (l : I.decl list) : tve * O.decl list =
fold_map a_declaration tve l
let a_ast I.{types; storage_decl; declarations; orig} =
let tve = SMap.empty, SMap.empty in
Reference in New Issue
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