Emacs: vertical stack printing and suggestions
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ This mode is a work in progress.
Please contact us with bugs and feature requests.
All of the options mentioned below are also accessible via the customize menu.
## Dependencies:
To operate the mode, please install the following dependencies.
All are available from either melpa, elpa, or marmalade
and are available under a free software license.
| Package | Package Repository | Sources |
| -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| deferred | Melpa | https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-deferred |
## Required Configuration
To use the mode, you must load the `michelson-mode.el` file into Emacs.
Add the following to your `.emacs` file.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;; Major mode for editing Michelson smart contracts.
(require 'cl)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'deferred)
(defvar michelson-mode-hook nil)
@ -105,6 +106,12 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
"Face for Michelson annotations."
:group 'michelson-faces)
(defface michelson-stack-highlight-face
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:background "gray86") )
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:background "grey21") ))
"Face for alternating lines of the stack."
:group 'michelson-faces)
(defun michelson-customize-options ()
"Open the general customization group for Michelson mode."
@ -351,18 +358,14 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
(defun michelson-async-command-to-string (command callback)
"Asynchronously execute `COMMAND' and call the `CALLBACK' on the resulting string."
(lexical-let ((callback-fun callback))
(lambda (process signal)
(let ((output
(with-current-buffer michelson-process-output-buffer
(funcall callback-fun output))))))
(lexical-let ((command command)
(callback-fun callback))
(apply 'deferred:process command)
(deferred:nextc it callback-fun))
;; TODO: make this show only the client error
(deferred:error it (lambda (err) (michelson-write-output-buffer (cadr err)))))))
(defun michelson-clean-cache ()
"Clean the buffer's program info cache."
@ -382,36 +385,51 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
"Refresh the info about the program in `BUFFER-NAME' from the command."
(lexical-let ((tmp-file (make-temp-file buffer-name)))
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) tmp-file nil 'no-message)
(let ((command (concat
" typecheck program "
(let ((command
(append (split-string (expand-file-name michelson-client-command) " ")
(let ((file-name
(make-temp-file (buffer-name))))
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) file-name nil 'no-message)
(if michelson-alphanet
(concat "container:" file-name)
" -details -emacs")))
(lambda (output)
(condition-case err
((record (car (read-from-string output)))
(errors (cdr (assoc 'errors record)))
(types (cdr (assoc 'types record))))
(setq michelson-cached-buffer-info (make-cache :types types :errors errors)))
((error err)
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(message output)))))))))
(lambda (output)
(condition-case err
((record (car (read-from-string output)))
(errors (cdr (assoc 'errors record)))
(types (cdr (assoc 'types record))))
(setq michelson-cached-buffer-info (make-cache :types types :errors errors)))
((error err)
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(message output)))))))))
(defvar michelson-output-buffer-name
(defun michelson-write-output-buffer (data)
"Write the given `DATA' to the output buffer."
(defun michelson-output-width ()
(lexical-let* ((buffer (get-buffer-create michelson-output-buffer-name))
(if (get-buffer-window buffer)
(get-buffer-window buffer)
(display-buffer-below-selected buffer nil))))
(window-body-width message-window)))
(defun michelson-write-output-buffer (data &optional do-not-overwrite)
"Write the given `DATA' to the output buffer.
If `DATA' is a string, it is written directly,
overwriting the data in the buffer.
If `DATA' is a list of strings, the strings are written into the buffer,
with alternating lines highlighted.
If `DO-NOT-OVERWRITE' is non-nil, the existing contents of the buffer are maintained."
((buffer (get-buffer-create michelson-output-buffer-name))
@ -424,8 +442,20 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
(set-buffer michelson-output-buffer-name)
(read-only-mode -1)
(insert data)
(unless do-not-overwrite
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (listp data)
(lexical-let ((michelson-highlighting t))
(dolist (ele (reverse data))
(lexical-let ((prev-point (point)))
(insert ele)
(when michelson-highlighting
(overlay-put (make-overlay prev-point (point))
'face 'michelson-stack-highlight-face))
(setq michelson-highlighting (not michelson-highlighting)))))
(insert data))
(read-only-mode 1)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
@ -438,38 +468,333 @@ Overrides `michelson-print-errors' and `michelson-highlight-errors'"
(window-size message-window))
(defun michelson-show-program-info (types errors)
(defun michelson-format-stack-top (bef-ele aft-ele width)
((pp-no-trailing-newline (lambda (sexp)
(let* ((str (pp-to-string sexp))
(len (length str)))
(if (equal "\n" (substring str (- len 1) len))
(substring str 0 (- len 1))
(bef-strs (if bef-ele (split-string (funcall pp-no-trailing-newline bef-ele) "\n") '("")))
(aft-strs (if aft-ele (split-string (funcall pp-no-trailing-newline aft-ele) "\n") '("")))
(width width))
(letrec ((format-strings
(lambda (befs afts)
(if (or befs afts)
(concat (format (format "%%-%ds| %%s\n" (/ width 2))
(if befs (car befs) "")
(if afts (car afts) ""))
(funcall format-strings (cdr befs) (cdr afts)))
(funcall format-strings bef-strs aft-strs))))
(defun michelson-format-stacks (bef-stack aft-stack)
(letrec ((michelson-format-stacks-help
(lambda (bef aft)
(if (or bef aft)
(cons (michelson-format-stack-top (car bef) (car aft) (michelson-output-width))
(funcall michelson-format-stacks-help (cdr bef) (cdr aft)))
(funcall michelson-format-stacks-help (reverse bef-stack) (reverse aft-stack))))
(cl-defstruct michelson-stacks
"A pair of stacks, from `BEF' (before) and `AFT' (after) the instruction"
(defun michelson-get-previous-stack ()
(lexical-let ((stacks nil)
(brace-count 0)
(break nil))
(while (and (not break)
(not stacks)
(> (point) 0)
(>= brace-count 0))
(cond ((and (equal (get-text-property (point) 'face)
(= brace-count 0))
(setq break t)
(setq stacks (michelson-stacks-at-loc (point))))
((equal (string (char-after (point))) "{")
(setq brace-count (- brace-count 1)))
((equal (string (char-after (point))) "}")
(setq brace-count (+ brace-count 1)))
(t nil)))
(defun michelson-completion-at-point ()
(let ((prev-stack (michelson-get-previous-stack)))
(if prev-stack
(let* ((bds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word))
(start (car bds))
(end (cdr bds))
(completion-stack (michelson-stacks-aft prev-stack))
(instrs (michelson-get-suggestion-list completion-stack)))
(list start end instrs . nil))
(defun michelson-stacks-at-loc (loc)
(let ((types-info nil))
(dolist (elt (cache-types michelson-cached-buffer-info))
(when (and (<= (car elt) loc) (<= loc (cadr elt))
(equal (get-text-property loc 'face)
(setq types-info (make-michelson-stacks :bef (caddr elt)
:aft (cadddr elt)))))
(defun michelson-show-program-info ()
"Show the program's `TYPES' and `ERRORS'."
(lexical-let ((types-info nil)
(errors-info nil))
(dolist (elt types)
(if (and (<= (car elt) (point)) (<= (point) (cadr elt))
(equal (get-text-property (point) 'face)
(setq types-info (cadr (cdr elt)))))
(lexical-let* ((stacks (michelson-stacks-at-loc (point)))
(types-info (and stacks (michelson-format-stacks (michelson-stacks-bef stacks)
(michelson-stacks-aft stacks))))
(errors-info nil))
(when michelson-highlight-errors
(dolist (elt errors)
(dolist (elt (cache-errors michelson-cached-buffer-info))
(overlay-put (make-overlay (car elt) (cadr elt)) 'face 'michelson-face-error)
(if (and (<= (car elt) (point)) (<= (point) (cadr elt)))
(when michelson-print-errors
(unless errors-info
(setq errors-info (concat errors-info "\n")))
(setq errors-info (concat errors-info (cadr (cdr elt)))))))))
(cond ((not (or types-info types-info)) "\n No instruction at point.\n")
((and errors-info (not types-info)) errors-info)
(t (concat types-info "\n\n" errors-info))))))
(when (and (<= (car elt) (point)) (<= (point) (cadr elt)))
(when michelson-print-errors
(unless errors-info
(setq errors-info (concat errors-info "\n")))
(setq errors-info (concat errors-info (cadr (cdr elt)))))))))
(cond ((and types-info errors-info)
(michelson-write-output-buffer errors-info nil)
(michelson-write-output-buffer types-info t))
(michelson-write-output-buffer types-info nil))
(michelson-write-output-buffer errors-info nil))
(t (michelson-write-output-buffer "\nNo information available at point")))))
(defun michelson-type-at-point ()
"Display the type of the expression under the cursor."
(michelson-get-info (buffer-name))
(let ((types (cache-types michelson-cached-buffer-info))
(errors (cache-errors michelson-cached-buffer-info)))
(michelson-show-program-info types errors)))
(defun michelson-make-suggest (instr pred)
"Suggest `INSTR' if `PRED' is not nil."
(lexical-let ((instr instr)
(pred pred))
(lambda (stack)
(if (funcall pred stack)
(if (listp instr)
(defun michelson-constrained-p (var hash)
(not (equal var (gethash var hash var))))
(defun michelson-polymorphic-match (tbl match-types stack)
(cond ((not match-types) t)
((not stack) nil)
((and (consp match-types) (consp stack))
(and (michelson-polymorphic-match tbl (car match-types) (car stack))
(michelson-polymorphic-match tbl (cdr match-types) (cdr stack))))
((and (symbolp match-types) (symbolp stack))
(if (and (michelson-constrained-p match-types tbl)
(gethash match-types tbl))
(equal (gethash match-types tbl nil) stack)
(puthash match-types stack tbl)
(t nil)))
(defmacro forall (vars matching-stack)
(unless (listp ',vars)
(error "forall must take a list of vars"))
`(lambda (stack)
(let ((tbl (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
,@(mapcar (lambda (var) `(puthash ',var ',var tbl)) vars)
(michelson-polymorphic-match tbl ',matching-stack stack))))
(defun michelson-literals-match-p (types)
"Generate a predicate that matches `TYPES' against the top of the stack."
(lexical-let ((types types))
(lambda (stack)
(make-hash-table :test 'equal)
(defun michelson-suggest-literals (instr &rest types)
"Suggest `INSTR' when `TYPES' are on the top of the stack."
(michelson-literals-match-p types)))
(defun michelson-suggest-or (instr pred1 pred2)
(lexical-let ((pred1 pred1)
(pred2 pred2))
(lambda (stack) (or (funcall pred1 stack) (funcall pred2 stack))))))
(defun michelson-suggest-reorderable (instr type1 type2)
(michelson-suggest-or instr
(michelson-literals-match-p `(,type1 ,type2))
(michelson-literals-match-p `(,type2 ,type1))))
(defvar michelson-suggest-always-available
(defun michelson-comparable-p (type)
"Is the `TYPE' comparable?"
(memq type '(int nat string tez bool key timestamp)))
(defun michelson-suggest-pairs-help (pair-type accessor-prefix)
"Suggest all possible pair accessors on the given `PAIR-TYPE' and `ACCESSOR-PREFIX'."
(cons (concat accessor-prefix "R")
(if (and (consp pair-type) (equal (car pair-type) 'pair))
(let ((car-ele (cadr pair-type))
(cdr-ele (caddr pair-type)))
(michelson-suggest-pairs-help car-ele
(concat accessor-prefix "A"))
(michelson-suggest-pairs-help car-ele
(concat accessor-prefix "D"))
(defun michelson-suggest-pairs (stack)
"Suggest all possible pair accessors on the given `STACK'."
(if (and (consp (car stack)) (equal (caar stack) 'pair))
(append (michelson-suggest-pairs-help (cadar stack) "CA")
(michelson-suggest-pairs-help (caddar stack) "CD")
(defconst michelson-comparison-operations
'("EQ" "NEQ" "LT" "LE" "GT" "GE"))
(defun michelson-suggest-comparable (stack)
(let ((first (car stack))
(second (cadr stack)))
(if (and first
(michelson-comparable-p first)
(equal first second))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (concat "CMP" x))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (concat "IFCMP" x))
(defun michelson-suggest-depth (instrs depth)
"Suggest `INSTRS' if the stack depth is greater than or equal to `DEPTH'."
(lexical-let ((depth depth))
(lambda (stack) (>= (length stack) depth)))))
(defun michelson-suggest-prefix-depth (prefix additional suffix)
(lexical-let ((prefix prefix)
(additional additional)
(suffix suffix))
(lambda (stack)
(reverse (car (reduce
(lambda (acc ele)
(lexical-let ((existing (car acc))
(prefix (concat (cdr acc) additional)))
(cons (cons (concat prefix suffix) existing)
:initial-value (cons nil "D")))))))
(defvar michelson-type-completion-list
(michelson-make-suggest "EXEC" (forall (arg ret) (arg (lambda arg ret))))
(michelson-make-suggest "MEM" (forall (val-type) (val-type (set val-type))))
(michelson-make-suggest "MEM" (forall (key-type val-type) (key-type (map key-type val-type))))
(michelson-make-suggest "UPDATE" (forall (val-type) (val-type bool (set val-type))))
(michelson-make-suggest "UPDATE" (forall (key-type val-type)
(key-type (option val-type) (map key-type val-type))))
(michelson-make-suggest "MAP" (forall (lt rt) ((lambda lt rt) (list lt))))
(michelson-make-suggest "MAP" (forall (k v b) ((lambda (pair k v) b) (map k v))))
(michelson-suggest-literals "IF" 'bool)
(michelson-suggest-literals "LOOP" 'bool)
(michelson-suggest-literals michelson-comparison-operations 'int)
(michelson-suggest-prefix-depth "D" "I" "P")
(michelson-suggest-prefix-depth "D" "U" "P")
(lambda (stack) (and (cdr stack)
(funcall (michelson-suggest-prefix-depth "PA" "A" "IP") (cdr stack))))
(michelson-suggest-literals "NOT" 'bool)
(michelson-suggest-literals '("OR" "AND" "XOR") 'bool 'bool)
(michelson-suggest-literals "ABS" 'int)
'("ADD" "SUB" "MUL" "EDIV")
(lambda (stack)
(let ((first (car stack))
(second (cadr stack))
(intnat '(int nat)))
(and first
(memq first intnat)
(memq second intnat)))))
(michelson-suggest-reorderable "ADD" 'nat 'timestamp)
(michelson-suggest-literals "NOT" 'int)
(michelson-suggest-literals '("OR" "AND" "XOR" "LSL" "LSR") 'nat 'nat)
(michelson-suggest-literals '("CONCAT") 'string 'string)
(michelson-suggest-depth '("SOME" "LEFT" "RIGHT") 1)
(michelson-suggest-literals '("ADD" "SUB") 'tez 'tez)
(michelson-suggest-reorderable '("ADD" "SUB" "MUL") 'tez 'nat)
(michelson-suggest-literals "EDIV" 'tez 'nat)
(michelson-suggest-literals "EDIV" 'tez 'tez)
(michelson-suggest-literals "DEFAULT_ACCOUNT" 'key)
(michelson-suggest-depth "SWAP" 2)
(michelson-suggest-depth '("DROP" "H") 1)
(michelson-suggest-literals "CHECK_SIGNATURE" 'key '(pair signature string))
(michelson-suggest-literals "CREATE_ACCOUNT" 'key '(option key) 'bool 'tez)
(michelson-make-suggest "IF_NONE" (forall (x) (option x)))
(michelson-make-suggest "IF_LEFT" (forall (x y) (or x y)))
;; This is not exactly the type of TRANSFER_TOKENS.
;; It will be changed once the concurrency model is worked out
(michelson-make-suggest "TRANSFER_TOKENS" (forall (p r g) (p tez (contract p r) g)))
(forall (p r g) (key (option key) bool bool tez (lambda (pair p g) (pair r g)) g)))
(michelson-make-suggest "MANAGER" (forall (p r) ((contract p r))))
(michelson-make-suggest "CONS" (forall (a) (a (list a))))
(michelson-make-suggest "IF_CONS" (forall (a) (list a)))
(michelson-make-suggest "GET" (forall (k v) (k (map k v))))
(michelson-make-suggest "UPDATE" (forall (v) (v bool (set v))))
(michelson-make-suggest "UPDATE" (forall (k v) (k (option v) (map k v))))
(michelson-make-suggest "REDUCE" (forall (elt b) ((lambda (pair elt b) b) (set elt) b)))
(michelson-make-suggest "REDUCE" (forall (key val b) ((lambda (pair (pair key val) b) b) (map key val) b)))
(michelson-make-suggest "REDUCE" (forall (a b) ((lambda (pair a b) b) (list a) b)))
;; Special handling
;; PA+IR
(defun michelson-get-suggestion-list (stack)
(lexical-let ((stack stack))
(reduce (lambda (func acc) (append (funcall func stack) acc))
:from-end t
:initial-value michelson-suggest-always-available)))
(defun michelson-toggle-live-editing ()
"Toggle `michelson-live-editing'.
@ -482,6 +807,7 @@ Enables or disables stack and error display."
(setq michelson-live-editing (not michelson-live-editing)))
(defun michelson-update-minibuffer-info ()
(when (nth 2 michelson-state)
(cancel-timer (nth 2 michelson-state)))
@ -531,8 +857,12 @@ Enables or disables stack and error display."
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq show-trailing-whitespace t)
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'michelson-completion-at-point nil 'local)
(setq-local company-backends '(company-capf))
(setq-local process-environment (cons "ALPHANET_EMACS=true"
(run-hooks 'michelson-mode-hook))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tz\\'" . michelson-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tez\\'" . michelson-mode))
@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ let print_location_mark ppf = function
let no_locations _ = None
let rec print_expr_unwrapped locations ppf = function
let rec print_expr_unwrapped_help emacs locations ppf = function
| Script.Prim (loc, name, []) ->
begin match locations loc with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
| Some _ as l -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s%a)" name print_location_mark l
| Script.Prim (loc, name, args) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s%a@ %a@]"
Format.fprintf ppf (if emacs then "%s%a %a" else "@[<hov 2>%s%a@ %a@]")
name print_location_mark (locations loc)
~pp_sep: Format.pp_print_space
(print_expr locations))
(print_expr_help emacs locations))
| Script.Seq (loc, []) ->
begin match locations loc with
@ -71,30 +71,37 @@ let rec print_expr_unwrapped locations ppf = function
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@] }"
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " ;@ ")
(print_expr_unwrapped locations))
(print_expr_unwrapped_help emacs locations))
| Script.Int (loc, n) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a" n print_location_mark (locations loc)
| Script.String (loc, s) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%S%a" s print_location_mark (locations loc)
and print_expr locations ppf = function
and print_expr_help emacs locations ppf = function
| Script.Prim (_, _, _ :: _) as expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" (print_expr_unwrapped locations) expr
| expr -> print_expr_unwrapped locations ppf expr
Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" (print_expr_unwrapped_help emacs locations) expr
| expr -> print_expr_unwrapped_help emacs locations ppf expr
let print_expr_unwrapped = print_expr_unwrapped_help false
let print_expr = print_expr_help false
let print_storage ppf ({ storage } : Script.storage) =
print_expr no_locations ppf storage
let print_stack ppf = function
| [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "[]"
let print_stack_help emacs ppf = function
| [] -> Format.fprintf ppf (if emacs then "()" else "[]")
| more ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>[ %a ]@]"
Format.fprintf ppf (if emacs then "(%a)" else "@[<hov 2>[ %a ]@]")
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " :@ ")
(print_expr_unwrapped no_locations))
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf (if emacs then "@ " else " :@ "))
((if emacs then print_expr else print_expr_unwrapped) no_locations))
let print_stack = print_stack_help false
let print_emacs_stack = print_stack_help true
let print_typed_code locations ppf (expr, type_map) =
let rec print_typed_code_unwrapped ppf expr =
match expr with
@ -736,17 +743,13 @@ let commands () =
| _ -> Lwt.return ([], [])
end >>= fun (types, errors) ->
"(@[<v 0>(types . (@[<v 0>%a@]))@,\
(errors . (@[<v 0>%a@])))@]"
"((types . (%a)) (errors . (%a)))"
(fun ppf (({ Script_located_ir.point = s },
{ Script_located_ir.point = e }),
bef, aft) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%d %d \"%s\")" (s + 1) (e + 1)
(String.concat "\\n"
(String.split_on_char '\n'
(Format.asprintf "@[<v 0>%a@, \\u2B87@,%a@]"
print_stack bef print_stack aft)))))
Format.fprintf ppf "(%d %d %a %a)" (s + 1) (e + 1)
print_emacs_stack bef print_emacs_stack aft))
(fun ppf (({ Script_located_ir.point = s },
Reference in New Issue
Block a user