diff --git a/src/node/main/node_config_file.ml b/src/node/main/node_config_file.ml
index 07ea8695c..8fd93c050 100644
--- a/src/node/main/node_config_file.ml
+++ b/src/node/main/node_config_file.ml
@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ let default_net_limits : P2p.limits = {
   incoming_app_message_queue_size = None ;
   incoming_message_queue_size = None ;
   outgoing_message_queue_size = None ;
+  known_points_history_size = 500 ;
+  known_gids_history_size = 500 ;
+  max_known_points = Some (400, 300) ;
+  max_known_gids = Some (400, 300) ;
 let default_net = {
@@ -108,49 +112,68 @@ let limit : P2p.limits Data_encoding.t =
            max_download_speed ; max_upload_speed ;
            read_buffer_size ; read_queue_size ; write_queue_size ;
            incoming_app_message_queue_size ;
-           incoming_message_queue_size ; outgoing_message_queue_size } ->
+           incoming_message_queue_size ; outgoing_message_queue_size ;
+           known_points_history_size ; known_gids_history_size ;
+           max_known_points ; max_known_gids ;
+         } ->
       ( ( authentification_timeout, min_connections, expected_connections,
           max_connections, backlog, max_incoming_connections,
           max_download_speed, max_upload_speed) ,
         ( read_buffer_size, read_queue_size, write_queue_size,
-          incoming_message_queue_size, outgoing_message_queue_size )))
+          incoming_message_queue_size, outgoing_message_queue_size,
+          known_points_history_size, known_gids_history_size,
+          max_known_points, max_known_gids
+        )))
     (fun ( ( authentification_timeout, min_connections, expected_connections,
              max_connections, backlog, max_incoming_connections,
              max_download_speed, max_upload_speed) ,
            ( read_buffer_size, read_queue_size, write_queue_size,
-             incoming_message_queue_size, outgoing_message_queue_size ) ) ->
+             incoming_message_queue_size, outgoing_message_queue_size,
+             known_points_history_size, known_gids_history_size,
+             max_known_points, max_known_gids
+           ) ) ->
       { authentification_timeout ; min_connections ; expected_connections ;
         max_connections ; backlog ; max_incoming_connections ;
         max_download_speed ; max_upload_speed ;
         read_buffer_size ; read_queue_size ; write_queue_size ;
         incoming_app_message_queue_size ;
-        incoming_message_queue_size ; outgoing_message_queue_size })
+        incoming_message_queue_size ; outgoing_message_queue_size ;
+        known_points_history_size ; known_gids_history_size ;
+        max_known_points ; max_known_gids
+      })
           (dft "authentification-timeout"
              float default_net_limits.authentification_timeout)
-          (dft "min-connections" int31
+          (dft "min-connections" uint16
-          (dft "expected-connections" int31
+          (dft "expected-connections" uint16
-          (dft "max-connections" int31
+          (dft "max-connections" uint16
-          (dft "backlog" int31
+          (dft "backlog" uint8
-          (dft "max-incoming-connections" int31
+          (dft "max-incoming-connections" uint8
           (opt "max-download-speed" int31)
           (opt "max-upload-speed" int31))
-       (obj6
+       (obj10
           (dft "read-buffer-size" int31
           (opt "read-queue-size" int31)
           (opt "write-queue-size" int31)
           (opt "incoming-app-message-queue-size" int31)
           (opt "incoming-message-queue-size" int31)
-          (opt "outgoing-message-queue-size" int31)))
+          (opt "outgoing-message-queue-size" int31)
+          (dft "known_points_history_size" uint16
+             default_net_limits.known_points_history_size)
+          (dft "known_gids_history_size" uint16
+             default_net_limits.known_points_history_size)
+          (opt "max_known_points" (tup2 uint16 uint16))
+          (opt "max_known_gids" (tup2 uint16 uint16))
+       ))
 let net =
   let open Data_encoding in
@@ -241,6 +264,7 @@ let update
+    ?peer_table_size
@@ -251,6 +275,8 @@ let update
     cfg =
+  let peer_table_size =
+    map_option peer_table_size ~f:(fun i -> i, i / 4 * 3) in
   let unopt_list ~default = function
     | [] -> default
     | l -> l in
@@ -274,6 +300,12 @@ let update
     max_upload_speed =
         max_upload_speed cfg.net.limits.max_upload_speed ;
+    max_known_points =
+      Utils.first_some
+        peer_table_size cfg.net.limits.max_known_points ;
+    max_known_gids =
+      Utils.first_some
+        peer_table_size cfg.net.limits.max_known_gids ;
   } in
   let net : net = {
     expected_pow =
diff --git a/src/node/main/node_config_file.mli b/src/node/main/node_config_file.mli
index db5d377a0..487e3ffcc 100644
--- a/src/node/main/node_config_file.mli
+++ b/src/node/main/node_config_file.mli
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ val update:
   ?max_connections:int ->
   ?max_download_speed:int ->
   ?max_upload_speed:int ->
+  ?peer_table_size:int ->
   ?expected_pow:float ->
   ?bootstrap_peers:string list ->
   ?listen_addr:string ->
diff --git a/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.ml b/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.ml
index b94de88da..99e5d1fb3 100644
--- a/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.ml
+++ b/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type t = {
   max_connections: int option ;
   max_download_speed: int option ;
   max_upload_speed: int option ;
+  peer_table_size: int option ;
   expected_pow: float option ;
   peers: string list ;
   no_bootstrap_peers: bool ;
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ type t = {
 let wrap
     data_dir config_file
     connections max_download_speed max_upload_speed
+    peer_table_size
     listen_addr peers no_bootstrap_peers closed expected_pow
     rpc_listen_addr rpc_tls
     cors_origins cors_headers log_output =
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ let wrap
     cors_headers ;
     rpc_tls ;
     log_output ;
+    peer_table_size ;
 module Manpage = struct
@@ -147,6 +150,13 @@ module Term = struct
     Arg.(value & opt (some int) None &
          info ~docs ~doc ~docv:"NUM" ["max-upload-speed"])
+  let peer_table_size =
+    let doc = "Maximum size of internal peer tables, \
+               used to store metadata/logs about a peer or about a \
+               to-be-authenticated host:port couple." in
+    Arg.(value & opt (some int) None &
+         info ~docs ~doc ~docv:"NUM" ["peer-table-size"])
   let listen_addr =
     let doc =
       "The TCP address and port at which this instance can be reached." in
@@ -214,6 +224,7 @@ module Term = struct
     const wrap $ data_dir $ config_file
     $ connections
     $ max_download_speed $ max_upload_speed
+    $ peer_table_size
     $ listen_addr $ peers $ no_bootstrap_peers $ closed $ expected_pow
     $ rpc_listen_addr $ rpc_tls
     $ cors_origins $ cors_headers
@@ -231,6 +242,7 @@ let read_and_patch_config_file args =
   let { data_dir ;
         min_connections ; expected_connections ; max_connections ;
         max_download_speed ; max_upload_speed ;
+        peer_table_size ;
         expected_pow ;
         peers ; no_bootstrap_peers ;
         listen_addr ; closed ;
@@ -245,6 +257,6 @@ let read_and_patch_config_file args =
   return @@
     ?data_dir ?min_connections ?expected_connections ?max_connections
-    ?max_download_speed ?max_upload_speed ?expected_pow
+    ?max_download_speed ?max_upload_speed ?peer_table_size ?expected_pow
     ~bootstrap_peers ?listen_addr ?rpc_listen_addr
     ~closed ~cors_origins ~cors_headers ?rpc_tls ?log_output cfg
diff --git a/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.mli b/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.mli
index dee36d295..574612dc6 100644
--- a/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.mli
+++ b/src/node/main/node_shared_arg.mli
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ type t = {
   max_connections: int option ;
   max_download_speed: int option ;
   max_upload_speed: int option ;
+  peer_table_size: int option ;
   expected_pow: float option ;
   peers: string list ;
   no_bootstrap_peers: bool ;
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p.ml b/src/node/net/p2p.ml
index 49451ca57..053aea871 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p.ml
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p.ml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ include Logging.Make(struct let name = "p2p" end)
 type 'meta meta_config = 'meta P2p_connection_pool.meta_config = {
   encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t;
   initial : 'meta;
+  score : 'meta -> float
 type 'msg app_message_encoding = 'msg P2p_connection_pool.encoding =
@@ -61,6 +62,10 @@ type limits = {
   incoming_message_queue_size : int option ;
   outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ;
+  known_gids_history_size : int ;
+  known_points_history_size : int ;
+  max_known_gids : (int * int) option ;
+  max_known_points : (int * int) option ;
 let create_scheduler limits =
@@ -91,6 +96,10 @@ let create_connection_pool config limits meta_cfg msg_cfg io_sched =
     incoming_app_message_queue_size = limits.incoming_app_message_queue_size ;
     incoming_message_queue_size = limits.incoming_message_queue_size ;
     outgoing_message_queue_size = limits.outgoing_message_queue_size ;
+    known_gids_history_size = limits.known_gids_history_size ;
+    known_points_history_size = limits.known_points_history_size ;
+    max_known_points = limits.max_known_points ;
+    max_known_gids = limits.max_known_gids ;
   let pool =
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p.mli b/src/node/net/p2p.mli
index d2cc1c64a..24967335d 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p.mli
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Stat = P2p_types.Stat
 type 'meta meta_config = {
   encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t;
   initial : 'meta;
+  score : 'meta -> float
 type 'msg app_message_encoding = Encoding : {
@@ -114,6 +115,13 @@ type limits = {
   outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ;
   (** Various bounds for internal queues. *)
+  known_gids_history_size : int ;
+  known_points_history_size : int ;
+  (** Size of circular log buffers, in number of events recorded. *)
+  max_known_gids : (int * int) option ;
+  max_known_points : (int * int) option ;
+  (** Optional limitation of internal hashtables (max, target) *)
 type ('msg, 'meta) t
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.ml b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.ml
index 68e4727a3..408051a9d 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.ml
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.ml
@@ -144,11 +144,16 @@ type config = {
   incoming_message_queue_size : int option ;
   outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ;
+  known_gids_history_size : int ;
+  known_points_history_size : int ;
+  max_known_points : (int * int) option ; (* max, gc target *)
+  max_known_gids : (int * int) option ; (* max, gc target *)
 type 'meta meta_config = {
   encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t;
   initial : 'meta;
+  score : 'meta -> float;
 type 'msg message_config = {
@@ -190,19 +195,81 @@ and ('msg, 'meta) connection = {
 type ('msg, 'meta) pool = ('msg, 'meta) t
+module GcPointSet = Utils.Bounded(struct
+    type t = Time.t * Point.t
+    let compare (x, _) (y, _) = - (Time.compare x y)
+  end)
+let gc_points { config = { max_known_points } ; known_points } =
+  match max_known_points with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some (_, target) ->
+      let now = Time.now () in (* TODO: maybe time of discovery? *)
+      let table = GcPointSet.create target in
+      Point.Table.iter (fun p pi ->
+          if Point_info.State.is_disconnected pi then
+            let time =
+              match Point_info.last_miss pi with
+              | None -> now
+              | Some t -> t in
+            GcPointSet.insert (time, p) table
+        ) known_points ;
+      let to_remove = GcPointSet.get table in
+      ListLabels.iter to_remove ~f:begin fun (_, p) ->
+        Point.Table.remove known_points p
+      end
 let register_point pool ?trusted (addr, port as point) =
   match Point.Table.find pool.known_points point with
   | exception Not_found ->
       let pi = Point_info.create ?trusted addr port in
+      iter_option pool.config.max_known_points ~f:begin fun (max, _) ->
+        if Point.Table.length pool.known_points >= max then gc_points pool
+      end ;
       Point.Table.add pool.known_points point pi ;
   | pi -> pi
+(* Bounded table used to garbage collect gid infos when needed. The
+   strategy used is to remove the info of the gid with the lowest
+   score first. In case of equality, the info of the most recent added
+   gid is removed. The rationale behind this choice is that in the
+   case of a flood attack, the newly added infos will probably belong
+   to gids with the same (low) score and removing the most recent ones
+   ensure that older (and probably legit) gid infos are kept. *)
+module GcGidSet = Utils.Bounded(struct
+    type t = float * Time.t * Gid.t
+    let compare (s, t, _) (s', t', _) =
+      let score_cmp = Pervasives.compare s s' in
+      if score_cmp = 0 then Time.compare t t' else - score_cmp
+  end)
+let gc_gids { meta_config = { score } ;
+              config = { max_known_gids } ;
+              known_gids ; } =
+  match max_known_gids with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some (_, target) ->
+      let table = GcGidSet.create target in
+      Gid.Table.iter (fun gid gid_info ->
+          let created = Gid_info.created gid_info in
+          let score = score @@ Gid_info.metadata gid_info in
+          GcGidSet.insert (score, created, gid) table
+        ) known_gids ;
+      let to_remove = GcGidSet.get table in
+      ListLabels.iter to_remove ~f:begin fun (_, _, gid) ->
+        Gid.Table.remove known_gids gid
+      end
 let register_peer pool gid =
   match Gid.Table.find pool.known_gids gid with
   | exception Not_found ->
       Lwt_condition.broadcast pool.events.new_point () ;
       let peer = Gid_info.create gid ~metadata:pool.meta_config.initial in
+      iter_option pool.config.max_known_gids ~f:begin fun (max, _) ->
+        if Gid.Table.length pool.known_gids >= max then gc_gids pool
+      end ;
       Gid.Table.add pool.known_gids gid peer ;
   | peer -> peer
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.mli b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.mli
index 7eaf08445..62f4e67a2 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.mli
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool.mli
@@ -92,11 +92,28 @@ type config = {
   outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ;
   (** Size of the outgoing message queue internal to a peer's Writer
       (See [P2p_connection.accept]). *)
+  known_gids_history_size : int ;
+  (** Size of the known gids log buffer (default: 50) *)
+  known_points_history_size : int ;
+  (** Size of the known points log buffer (default: 50) *)
+  max_known_points : (int * int) option ;
+  (** Parameters for the the garbage collection of known points. If
+      None, no garbage collection is performed. Otherwise, the first
+      integer of the couple limits the size of the "known points"
+      table. When this number is reached, the table is expurged from
+      disconnected points, older first, to try to reach the amount of
+      connections indicated by the second integer. *)
+  max_known_gids : (int * int) option ;
+  (** Like [max_known_points], but for known gids. *)
 type 'meta meta_config = {
   encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t;
   initial : 'meta;
+  score : 'meta -> float;
 type 'msg message_config = {
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.ml b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.ml
index dabbc5a96..b550d4f87 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.ml
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.ml
@@ -283,14 +283,15 @@ module Gid_info = struct
   type ('conn, 'meta) t = {
     gid : Gid.t ;
+    created : Time.t ;
     mutable state : 'conn state ;
     mutable metadata : 'meta ;
     mutable trusted : bool ;
+    events : Event.t Ring.t ;
     mutable last_failed_connection : (Id_point.t * Time.t) option ;
     mutable last_rejected_connection : (Id_point.t * Time.t) option ;
     mutable last_established_connection : (Id_point.t * Time.t) option ;
     mutable last_disconnection : (Id_point.t * Time.t) option ;
-    events : Event.t Ring.t ;
   type ('conn, 'meta) gid_info = ('conn, 'meta) t
@@ -298,42 +299,44 @@ module Gid_info = struct
   let log_size = 100
-  let create ?(trusted = false) ~metadata gid =
+  let create ?(created = Time.now ()) ?(trusted = false) ~metadata gid =
     { gid ;
+      created ;
       state = Disconnected ;
       metadata ;
       trusted ;
-      events = Ring.create log_size ;
       last_failed_connection = None ;
       last_rejected_connection = None ;
       last_established_connection = None ;
       last_disconnection = None ;
+      events = Ring.create log_size ;
   let encoding metadata_encoding =
     let open Data_encoding in
-      (fun { gid ; trusted ; metadata ; events ;
+      (fun { gid ; trusted ; metadata ; events ; created ;
            last_failed_connection ; last_rejected_connection ;
            last_established_connection ; last_disconnection } ->
-         (gid, trusted, metadata, Ring.elements events,
+         (gid, created, trusted, metadata, Ring.elements events,
           last_failed_connection, last_rejected_connection,
           last_established_connection, last_disconnection))
-      (fun (gid, trusted, metadata, event_list,
+      (fun (gid, created, trusted, metadata, event_list,
           last_failed_connection, last_rejected_connection,
           last_established_connection, last_disconnection) ->
          let info = create ~trusted ~metadata gid in
          let events = Ring.create log_size in
          Ring.add_list info.events event_list ;
-         { state = Disconnected ;
-           trusted ; gid ; metadata ; events ;
+         { gid ; created ; state = Disconnected ;
+           trusted ; metadata ; events ;
            last_failed_connection ;
            last_rejected_connection ;
            last_established_connection ;
            last_disconnection ;
-      (obj8
+      (obj9
          (req "gid" Gid.encoding)
+         (req "created" Time.encoding)
          (dft "trusted" bool false)
          (req "metadata" metadata_encoding)
          (dft "events" (list Event.encoding) [])
@@ -347,6 +350,7 @@ module Gid_info = struct
             (tup2 Id_point.encoding Time.encoding)))
   let gid { gid } = gid
+  let created { created } = created
   let metadata { metadata } = metadata
   let set_metadata gi metadata = gi.metadata <- metadata
   let trusted { trusted } = trusted
diff --git a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.mli b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.mli
index be56dcd56..2773c7743 100644
--- a/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.mli
+++ b/src/node/net/p2p_connection_pool_types.mli
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ module Point_info : sig
   val last_miss :
     'conn point_info -> Time.t option
+  (** [last_miss pi] is the most recent of:
+      * last failed connection
+      * last rejected connection
+      * last disconnection
+  *)
   val greylisted :
     ?now:Time.t -> 'conn point_info -> bool
@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@ module Gid_info : sig
   val compare : ('conn, 'meta) t -> ('conn, 'meta) t -> int
   val create :
+    ?created:Time.t ->
     ?trusted:bool ->
     metadata:'meta ->
     Gid.t -> ('conn, 'meta) gid_info
@@ -153,6 +160,7 @@ module Gid_info : sig
   val gid : ('conn, 'meta) gid_info -> Gid.t
+  val created : ('conn, 'meta) gid_info -> Time.t
   val metadata : ('conn, 'meta) gid_info -> 'meta
   val set_metadata : ('conn, 'meta) gid_info -> 'meta -> unit
diff --git a/src/node/shell/tezos_p2p.ml b/src/node/shell/tezos_p2p.ml
index 26ffe1d3a..a0c55cf7d 100644
--- a/src/node/shell/tezos_p2p.ml
+++ b/src/node/shell/tezos_p2p.ml
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ end
 let meta_cfg : _ P2p.meta_config = {
   P2p.encoding = Metadata.encoding ;
   initial = Metadata.initial ;
+  score = Metadata.score
 and msg_cfg : _ P2p.message_config = {
diff --git a/test/test_p2p_connection_pool.ml b/test/test_p2p_connection_pool.ml
index 4663e9a5e..5595a2896 100644
--- a/test/test_p2p_connection_pool.ml
+++ b/test/test_p2p_connection_pool.ml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type metadata = unit
 let meta_config : metadata P2p_connection_pool.meta_config = {
   encoding = Data_encoding.empty ;
   initial = () ;
+  score = fun () -> 0. ;
 let rec connect ~timeout pool point =
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ let make_net points repeat n =
   let point, points = Utils.select n points in
   let proof_of_work_target = Crypto_box.make_target 0. in
   let identity = Identity.generate proof_of_work_target in
+  let nb_points = List.length points in
   let config = P2p_connection_pool.{
     identity ;
     proof_of_work_target ;
@@ -135,13 +137,17 @@ let make_net points repeat n =
     peers_file = "/dev/null" ;
     closed_network = true ;
     listening_port = Some (snd point) ;
-    min_connections = List.length points ;
-    max_connections = List.length points ;
-    max_incoming_connections = List.length points ;
+    min_connections = nb_points ;
+    max_connections = nb_points ;
+    max_incoming_connections = nb_points ;
     authentification_timeout = 2. ;
     incoming_app_message_queue_size = None ;
     incoming_message_queue_size = None ;
     outgoing_message_queue_size = None ;
+    known_gids_history_size = 100 ;
+    known_points_history_size = 100 ;
+    max_known_points = None ;
+    max_known_gids = None ;
     } in
     ~prefix:(Format.asprintf "%a " Gid.pp identity.gid)