Data_encoding: stylistic changes in printer of binary schema
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ end = struct
open Binary_schema
type ele = Ref of string | Root of description
type t = (string, ele) Hashtbl.t
let add t x = Hashtbl.replace t (Root x)
let add t x = Hashtbl.replace t x.title (Root x)
let rec find tbl key =
match Hashtbl.find tbl key with
| Ref s -> find tbl s
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ end = struct
let union tbl ~new_cannonical ~existing =
add tbl new_cannonical ;
let root = find tbl existing in
if =
if root.title = new_cannonical.title
then ()
else Hashtbl.replace tbl (Ref
else Hashtbl.replace tbl root.title (Ref new_cannonical.title)
let empty () = Hashtbl.create 128
@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ end = struct
(Hashtbl.iter (fun k v ->
Format.fprintf ppf "'%s' ---> %a@,"
k (fun ppf -> function
| Root { name } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Root '%s'" name
| Root { title } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Root '%s'" title
| Ref s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Ref '%s'" s) v))) tbl
let fixup_references uf =
let open Binary_schema in
let rec fixup_layout = function
| Ref s -> Ref (UF.find uf s).name
| Enum (i, name) -> Enum (i, (UF.find uf name).name)
| Ref s -> Ref (UF.find uf s).title
| Enum (i, name) -> Enum (i, (UF.find uf name).title)
| Seq layout -> Seq (fixup_layout layout)
| (Zero_width
| Int _
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ let z_encoding =
Binary_schema.Obj { fields = [ Named_field ("Z.t", `Dynamic, Bytes) ] }
let add_z_reference uf { descriptions } =
UF.add uf { name = z_reference_name ;
UF.add uf { title = z_reference_name ;
description = Some z_reference_description } ;
{ descriptions = (z_reference_name, z_encoding) :: descriptions }
@ -114,16 +114,54 @@ let n_encoding =
Binary_schema.Obj { fields = [ Named_field ("N.t", `Dynamic, Bytes) ] }
let add_n_reference uf { descriptions } =
UF.add uf { name = n_reference_name ;
UF.add uf { title = n_reference_name ;
description = Some n_reference_description } ;
{ descriptions = (n_reference_name, n_encoding) :: descriptions }
let dedup_canonicalize uf =
let tbl : (Binary_schema.toplevel_encoding, Binary_schema.description) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 100 in
let rec help prev_len acc = function
| [] ->
let fixedup =
(fun (desc, layout) -> (desc, fixup_references uf layout))
acc in
if List.length fixedup = prev_len
(fun (name, layout) ->
(UF.find uf name, layout))
Hashtbl.clear tbl ;
help (List.length fixedup) [] fixedup
| (name, layout) :: tl ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl layout with
| None ->
let desc = UF.find uf name in
Hashtbl.add tbl layout desc ;
help prev_len ((desc.title, layout) :: acc) tl
| Some original_desc ->
UF.union uf
~existing:name ;
help prev_len acc tl
help 0 []
type pdesc = P : 'x Encoding.desc -> pdesc
let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
let describe (type x) (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
let open Encoding in
let uf = UF.empty () in
let uf_add_name name =
UF.add uf { name ; description = None } in
let uf_add_name title =
UF.add uf { title ; description = None } in
let add_reference name description { descriptions } =
{ descriptions = (name, description) :: descriptions } in
let new_reference =
@ -203,10 +241,10 @@ let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
tag_size = size ;
cases }) references in
(name, references)
and describe : type b. ?description:string -> name:string ->
recursives -> references -> b desc -> string * references =
fun ?description ~name recursives references encoding ->
let new_cannonical = { ; description } in
and describe : type b. ?description:string -> title:string ->
string -> recursives -> references -> b desc -> string * references =
fun ?description ~title name recursives references encoding ->
let new_cannonical = { Binary_schema.title ; description } in
UF.add uf new_cannonical ;
let layout, references = layout None recursives references encoding in
@ -291,13 +329,14 @@ let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
| Union { kind ; tag_size ; cases } ->
let name, references = union recursives references kind tag_size cases in
([ Anonymous_field (kind, Ref name) ], references)
| (Mu { kind ; name ; title = _ ; description ; fix } as encoding) ->
| (Mu { kind ; name ; title ; description ; fix } as encoding) ->
let kind = (kind :> Kind.t) in
let title = Option.unopt ~default:name title in
if List.mem name recursives
then ([ Anonymous_field (kind, Ref name) ], references)
let { encoding } = fix { encoding ; json_encoding = None } in
let (name, references) = describe ~name ?description (name :: recursives) references encoding in
let (name, references) = describe ~title ?description name (name :: recursives) references encoding in
([ Anonymous_field (kind, Ref name) ], references)
| Bool as encoding ->
let layout, references =
@ -423,12 +462,13 @@ let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
(* FIXMe ref_name ?? *)
let name, references = union recursives references kind tag_size cases in
(Ref name, references)
| Mu { name ; description ; fix } as encoding ->
| Mu { name ; title ; description ; fix } as encoding ->
let title = Option.unopt ~default:name title in
if List.mem name recursives
then (Ref name, references)
let { encoding } = fix { encoding ; json_encoding = None } in
let (name, references) = describe ~name ?description (name :: recursives) references encoding in
let (name, references) = describe name ~title ?description (name :: recursives) references encoding in
(Ref name, references)
| Conv { encoding } ->
layout ref_name recursives references encoding.encoding
@ -439,51 +479,16 @@ let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
| (Dynamic_size _) as encoding ->
let name = may_new_reference ref_name in
let fields, references = fields None recursives references encoding in
UF.add uf { name ; description = None } ;
UF.add uf { title = name ; description = None } ;
(Ref name, add_reference name (obj fields) references)
| Check_size { encoding } ->
layout ref_name recursives references encoding.encoding
| Delayed func ->
layout ref_name recursives references (func ()).encoding in
let toplevel_name = Option.unopt ~default:"Toplevel encoding" toplevel_name in
uf_add_name toplevel_name ;
let fields, references = fields None [] { descriptions = [] } encoding.encoding in
let rev_references = (toplevel_name, obj fields) :: references.descriptions in
let dedup_canonicalize =
let tbl : (Binary_schema.toplevel_encoding, Binary_schema.description) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 100 in
let rec help prev_len acc = function
| [] ->
let fixedup =
(fun (desc, layout) -> (desc, fixup_references uf layout))
acc in
if List.length fixedup = prev_len
(fun (name, layout) ->
(UF.find uf name, layout))
Hashtbl.clear tbl ;
help (List.length fixedup) [] fixedup
| (name, layout) :: tl ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl layout with
| None ->
let desc = UF.find uf name in
Hashtbl.add tbl layout desc ;
help prev_len ((, layout) :: acc) tl
| Some original_desc ->
UF.union uf
~existing:name ;
help prev_len acc tl
in help 0 [] in
let fields, references =
fields None [] { descriptions = [] } encoding.encoding in
uf_add_name "" ;
let _, toplevel = List.hd (dedup_canonicalize uf ["", obj fields]) in
let filtered =
(fun (name, encoding) ->
@ -492,10 +497,9 @@ let describe (type x) ?toplevel_name (encoding : x Encoding.t) =
UF.union uf ~new_cannonical:(UF.find uf name) ~existing:reference ;
| _ -> true)
rev_references in
let filtered = dedup_canonicalize filtered in
let is_top = (fun (Binary_schema.{ name }, _) -> name = toplevel_name) in
let description, toplevel = List.find is_top filtered in
let fields = List.filter (fun d -> not (is_top d)) filtered in
{ Binary_schema.description ; toplevel ; fields }
references.descriptions in
let fields = List.rev (dedup_canonicalize uf filtered) in
{ Binary_schema.toplevel ; fields }
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
(* *)
val describe : ?toplevel_name:string -> 'a Encoding.t -> Binary_schema.t
val describe: 'a Encoding.t -> Binary_schema.t
@ -41,85 +41,86 @@ and toplevel_encoding =
cases : (int * string) list }
and description =
{ name : string ;
{ title : string ;
description : string option }
type t = {
description: description ;
toplevel: toplevel_encoding ;
fields: (description * toplevel_encoding) list ;
module Printer = struct
module Printer_ast = struct
type table =
{ title : string ;
description : string option ;
headers : string list ;
{ headers : string list ;
body : string list list }
type print_structure =
type t =
| Table of table
| Union of string * string option * Binary_size.tag_size * table list
| Union of Binary_size.tag_size * (description * table) list
let pp_kind ppf = function
| `Fixed size -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d byte%s" size (if size = 1 then "" else "s")
| `Variable -> Format.fprintf ppf "Variable size"
| `Dynamic -> Format.fprintf ppf "Determined from data"
let pp_size ppf = function
| `Fixed size ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%d byte%s" size (if size = 1 then "" else "s")
| `Variable ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Variable"
| `Dynamic ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Determined from data"
let pp_int ppf (int : integer_extended) =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s"
match int with
| `Int16 -> "16 bit Signed Integer"
| `Int31 -> "32 bit Signed Integer in the range [2^30, 2^30-1]"
| `Uint30 -> "32 bit Signed Integer in the range [0, 2^30-1]"
| `Int32 -> "32 bit Signed Integer"
| `Int64 -> "64 bit Signed Integer"
| `Int8 -> "8 bit Signed Integer"
| `Uint16 -> "16 bit Unsigned Integer"
| `Uint8 -> "8 bit Unsigned Integer"
| `Int16 -> "signed 16-bit integer"
| `Int31 -> "signed 31-bit integer"
| `Uint30 -> "unsigned 30-bit integer"
| `Int32 -> "signed 32-bit integer"
| `Int64 -> "signed 64-bit integer"
| `Int8 -> "signed 8-bit integer"
| `Uint16 -> "unsigned 16-bit integer"
| `Uint8 -> "unsigned 8-bit integer"
let rec pp_layout ppf = function
| Zero_width ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Zero width data, not actually present in the encoding"
Format.fprintf ppf "placeholder (not actually present in the encoding)"
| Int integer ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" pp_int integer
| Bool ->
Format.fprintf ppf "8 bit unsigned integer: 0 for false and 255 for true"
| RangedInt (minimum, maximum) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)"
| RangedInt (minimum, maximum) when minimum <= 0 ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a in the range %d to %d"
pp_int ((Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum) :> integer_extended) minimum maximum
pp_int ((Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum) :> integer_extended)
minimum maximum
| RangedInt (minimum, maximum) (* when minimum > 0 *) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a in the range %d to %d (shifted by %d)"
pp_int ((Binary_size.range_to_size ~minimum ~maximum) :> integer_extended)
minimum maximum minimum
| RangedFloat (minimum, maximum) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Double precision (8 bytes) floating point number in the range %f to %f"
"double-precision floating-point number, in the range %f to %f"
minimum maximum
| Float ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Double precision (8 bytes) floating point number"
Format.fprintf ppf "double-precision floating-point number"
| Bytes ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Bytes"
Format.fprintf ppf "bytes"
| String ->
Format.fprintf ppf "String"
Format.fprintf ppf "bytes"
| Ref reference ->
Format.fprintf ppf "$%s" reference
| Enum (size, reference) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a encoding an enumeration (see %s)"
pp_int (size :> integer_extended)
| Seq (Ref reference) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Sequence of %s" reference
| Seq data -> Format.fprintf ppf "Sequence of %a" pp_layout data
| Seq (Ref reference) -> Format.fprintf ppf "sequence of $%s" reference
| Seq data -> Format.fprintf ppf "sequence of %a" pp_layout data
let binary_table_headers = [ "Name" ; "Size" ; "Contents" ]
let enum_headers = [ "Case number" ; "Encoded string" ]
let pp_tag_size ppf tag =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" @@
match tag with
| `Uint8 -> "8 bit"
| `Uint16 -> "16 bit"
| `Uint8 -> "8-bit"
| `Uint16 -> "16-bit"
let field_descr () =
let reference = ref 0 in
@ -130,41 +131,46 @@ module Printer = struct
string_of_int value in
| Named_field (name, kind, desc) ->
[ name ; Format.asprintf "%a" pp_kind kind ; string_of_layout desc ]
[ name ; Format.asprintf "%a" pp_size kind ; string_of_layout desc ]
| Dynamic_size_field (Some name, 1, size) ->
[ Format.asprintf "# bytes in field \"%s\"" name ;
Format.asprintf "%a"
pp_kind (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
pp_size (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
string_of_layout (Int (size :> integer_extended)) ]
| Dynamic_size_field (None, 1, size) ->
[ Format.asprintf "# bytes in next field" ;
Format.asprintf "%a"
pp_kind (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
pp_size (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
string_of_layout (Int (size :> integer_extended)) ]
| Dynamic_size_field (_, i, size) ->
[ Format.asprintf "# bytes in next %d fields" i ;
Format.asprintf "%a"
pp_kind (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
pp_size (`Fixed (Binary_size.integer_to_size size)) ;
string_of_layout (Int (size :> integer_extended)) ]
| Anonymous_field (kind, desc) ->
[ "Unnamed field " ^ anon_num () ;
Format.asprintf "%a" pp_kind kind ;
Format.asprintf "%a" pp_size kind ;
string_of_layout desc ]
| Optional_field name ->
[ Format.asprintf "? presence of field \"%s\"" name ;
Format.asprintf "%a" pp_kind (`Fixed 1) ;
Format.asprintf "%a" pp_size (`Fixed 1) ;
string_of_layout Bool ]
let toplevel ({ name ; description }, encoding) =
let binary_table_headers = [ "Name" ; "Size" ; "Contents" ]
let enum_headers = [ "Case number" ; "Encoded string" ]
let toplevel (descr, encoding) =
match encoding with
| Obj { fields } ->
Table { title = Format.asprintf "%s" name ;
description ;
headers = binary_table_headers ;
Table { headers = binary_table_headers ;
body = (field_descr ()) fields }
| Cases { kind ; tag_size ; cases } ->
Union (Format.asprintf "%s (%a, %a tag)" name pp_kind kind pp_tag_size tag_size,
description, tag_size,
{ title =
Format.asprintf "%s (%a, %a tag)"
descr.title pp_size kind pp_tag_size tag_size ;
description = descr.description},
Union (tag_size,
(fun (tag, name, fields) ->
{ title =
@ -173,19 +179,22 @@ module Printer = struct
| Some name -> Format.asprintf "%s (tag %d)" name tag
| None -> Format.asprintf "Tag %d" tag
description = None ;
headers = binary_table_headers ;
description = None },
{ headers = binary_table_headers ;
body = (field_descr ()) fields })
| Int_enum { size ; cases } ->
{ title =
Format.asprintf "%s (Enumeration: %a):"
descr.title pp_int (size :> integer_extended) ;
description = descr.description },
{ title = Format.asprintf "Enum %s (%a):" name pp_int (size :> integer_extended) ;
description = None;
headers = enum_headers ;
{ headers = enum_headers ;
body = (fun (num, str) -> [ string_of_int num ; str ]) cases }
let to_print_ast encodings =
|||| toplevel encodings
module Printer = struct
let rec pad char ppf = function
| 0 -> ()
@ -199,9 +208,9 @@ module Printer = struct
if level = 2 then '=' else
'`' in
let sub = (fun _ -> char) title in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s@ %s@ @ @]" title sub
Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ %s@\n@\n" title sub
let pp_table ppf (level, { title ; description ; headers ; body }) =
let pp_table ppf { Printer_ast.headers ; body } =
let max_widths =
List.fold_left (List.map2 (fun len str -> max (String.length str) len))
( String.length headers)
@ -218,46 +227,52 @@ module Printer = struct
(fun width _str -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a+" (pad c) (width + 2))
max_widths) in
let pp_option_nl ppf =
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf ppf "%s@,@,") in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a@,@,%a%a@,%a@,%a@,%a@,@]"
(pp_title level) title
pp_option_nl description
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n%a@\n%a@\n%a@\n@\n"
(pp_line '-') headers
(pp_row ' ') headers
(pp_line '=') headers
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,")
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n")
(fun ppf s ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@,%a"
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n%a"
(pp_row ' ') s
(pp_line '-') s))
let pp_print_structure ?(initial_level=0) ppf = function
| Table table -> pp_table ppf (1 + initial_level, table)
| Union (name, description, _tag_size, tables) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a@,@,%a@,%a@]"
(pp_title (initial_level + 1)) name
(fun ppf -> function
| None -> ()
| Some description ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,%s" description)
(fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_list
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,")
( (fun x -> (initial_level + 2, x)) tables)
let pp_option_nl ppf =
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf ppf "%s@\n@\n")
let pp ppf { description ; toplevel = t; fields } =
let s = toplevel (description, t) in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@,%a"
(pp_print_structure ~initial_level:0) s
let pp_toplevel ppf = function
| Printer_ast.Table table -> pp_table ppf table
| Union (_tag_size, tables) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
(fun ppf ->
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n")
(fun ppf (descr, table) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
(pp_title 2) descr.title
pp_option_nl descr.description
pp_table table)
let pp ppf { toplevel; fields } =
let _, toplevel =
Printer_ast.toplevel ({ title = "" ; description = None}, toplevel) in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n%a"
pp_toplevel toplevel
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,")
(pp_print_structure ~initial_level:0))
(to_print_ast fields)
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n")
(fun ppf (descr, toplevel) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
(pp_title 1) descr.title
pp_option_nl descr.description
pp_toplevel toplevel))
( Printer_ast.toplevel fields)
@ -265,10 +280,10 @@ module Encoding = struct
let description_encoding =
(fun { name ; description } -> (name, description))
(fun (name, description) -> { name ; description })
(fun { title ; description } -> (title, description))
(fun (title, description) -> { title ; description })
(req "name" string)
(req "title" string)
(opt "description" string))
@ -514,12 +529,9 @@ module Encoding = struct
let encoding =
(fun { description ; toplevel ; fields } ->
(description, toplevel, fields))
(fun (description, toplevel, fields) ->
{ description ; toplevel ; fields }) @@
(req "description" description_encoding)
(fun { toplevel ; fields } -> (toplevel, fields))
(fun (toplevel, fields) -> { toplevel ; fields }) @@
(req "toplevel" binary_description_encoding)
(req "fields"
@ -41,18 +41,13 @@ and toplevel_encoding =
cases : (int * string) list }
and description =
{ name : string ;
{ title : string ;
description : string option }
type t = {
description: description ;
toplevel: toplevel_encoding ;
fields: (description * toplevel_encoding) list ;
module Printer : sig
val pp_layout : Format.formatter -> layout -> unit
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding: t Encoding.t
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ module Binary: sig
it raises [Write_error] instead of return [None] in case of error. *)
val to_bytes_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t
val describe : ?toplevel_name:string -> 'a Encoding.t -> Binary_schema.t
val describe : 'a Encoding.t -> Binary_schema.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user