Merge branch 'feature/tests-catch-failwith-and-pack' into 'dev'
Test framework catch failwith and pack See merge request ligolang/ligo!203
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,40 @@ let run ?options (* ?(is_input_value = false) *) (program:compiled_program) (inp
Memory_proto_alpha.interpret ?options descr (Item(input, Empty)) in
Memory_proto_alpha.interpret ?options descr (Item(input, Empty)) in
ok (Ex_typed_value (output_ty, output))
ok (Ex_typed_value (output_ty, output))
type failwith_res =
| Failwith_int of int
| Failwith_string of string
| Failwith_bytes of bytes
let get_exec_error_aux ?options (program:compiled_program) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) : Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Script_repr.expr result =
let Compiler.Program.{input;output;body} : compiled_program = program in
let (Ex_ty input_ty) = input in
let (Ex_ty output_ty) = output in
let%bind input =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing input") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson_data input_michelson input_ty
let body = Michelson.strip_annots body in
let%bind descr =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing program code") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson body
(Item_t (input_ty, Empty_t, None)) (Item_t (output_ty, Empty_t, None)) in
let%bind err =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "unexpected error of execution") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.failure_interpret ?options descr (Item(input, Empty)) in
match err with
| Memory_proto_alpha.Succeed _ -> simple_fail "an error of execution was expected"
| Memory_proto_alpha.Fail expr ->
ok expr
let get_exec_error ?options (program:compiled_program) (input_michelson:Michelson.t) : failwith_res result =
let%bind expr = get_exec_error_aux ?options program input_michelson in
match Tezos_micheline.Micheline.root @@ Memory_proto_alpha.strings_of_prims expr with
| Int (_ , i) -> ok (Failwith_int (Z.to_int i))
| String (_ , s) -> ok (Failwith_string s)
| Bytes (_,b) -> ok (Failwith_bytes b)
| _ -> simple_fail "Unknown failwith"
let evaluate ?options program = run ?options program Michelson.d_unit
let evaluate ?options program = run ?options program Michelson.d_unit
let ex_value_ty_to_michelson (v : ex_typed_value) : Michelson.t result =
let ex_value_ty_to_michelson (v : ex_typed_value) : Michelson.t result =
@ -44,3 +78,14 @@ let ex_value_ty_to_michelson (v : ex_typed_value) : Michelson.t result =
let evaluate_michelson ?options program =
let evaluate_michelson ?options program =
let%bind etv = evaluate ?options program in
let%bind etv = evaluate ?options program in
ex_value_ty_to_michelson etv
ex_value_ty_to_michelson etv
let pack_message_lambda (lambda:Michelson.t) =
let open Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Script_typed_ir in
let input_ty = Lambda_t (Unit_t None , List_t ((Operation_t None),None,false) , None) in
let%bind lambda =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error parsing message") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson_data lambda input_ty in
let%bind data =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "error packing message") @@
Memory_proto_alpha.pack input_ty lambda in
ok @@ data
@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ let run_typed_program (* TODO: this runs an *untyped* program, not a t
let%bind ex_ty_value = ?options code input in
let%bind ex_ty_value = ?options code input in
Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry ex_ty_value
Compile.Of_simplified.uncompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry ex_ty_value
let run_failwith_program
?options ?input_to_value
(program : Ast_typed.program) (state : Typer.Solver.state) (entry : string)
(input : expression) : Of_michelson.failwith_res result =
let%bind code = Compile.Of_typed.compile_function_entry program entry in
let%bind input =
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment program in
compile_expression ?value:input_to_value ~env ~state input
Of_michelson.get_exec_error ?options code input
let evaluate_typed_program_entry
let evaluate_typed_program_entry
(program : Ast_typed.program) (entry : string)
(program : Ast_typed.program) (entry : string)
@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ let expect_fail ?options program entry_point input =
@@ Ligo.Run.Of_simplified.run_typed_program ?options program Typer.Solver.initial_state entry_point input
@@ Ligo.Run.Of_simplified.run_typed_program ?options program Typer.Solver.initial_state entry_point input
let expect_string_failwith ?options program entry_point input expected_failwith =
let%bind err = Ligo.Run.Of_simplified.run_failwith_program
?options program Typer.Solver.initial_state entry_point input in
match err with
| Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.Failwith_string s -> Assert.assert_equal_string expected_failwith s
| _ -> simple_fail "Expected to fail with a string"
let expect_eq ?input_to_value ?options program entry_point input expected =
let expect_eq ?input_to_value ?options program entry_point input expected =
let expecter = fun result ->
let expecter = fun result ->
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open Memory_proto_alpha
let (>>??) = Alpha_environment.Error_monad.(>>?)
let (>>??) = Alpha_environment.Error_monad.(>>?)
let alpha_wrap a = Alpha_environment.wrap_error a
let alpha_wrap a = Alpha_environment.wrap_error a
let alpha_error_wrap x = Memory_proto_alpha.Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error x
let force_ok_alpha ~msg a = force_ok ~msg @@ alpha_wrap a
let force_ok_alpha ~msg a = force_ok ~msg @@ alpha_wrap a
@ -1095,3 +1095,31 @@ let interpret ?(options = default_options) (instr:('a, 'b) descr) (bef:'a stack)
let step_constants = { source ; self ; payer ; amount ; chain_id } in
let step_constants = { source ; self ; payer ; amount ; chain_id } in
Script_interpreter.step tezos_context step_constants instr bef >>=??
Script_interpreter.step tezos_context step_constants instr bef >>=??
fun (stack, _) -> return stack
fun (stack, _) -> return stack
type 'a interpret_res =
| Succeed of 'a stack
| Fail of Script_repr.expr
let failure_interpret
?(options = default_options)
(instr:('a, 'b) descr)
(bef:'a stack) : 'b interpret_res tzresult Lwt.t =
let {
tezos_context ;
source ;
self ;
payer ;
amount ;
chain_id ;
} = options in
let step_constants = { source ; self ; payer ; amount ; chain_id } in
Script_interpreter.step tezos_context step_constants instr bef >>= fun x ->
match x with
| Ok (s , _ctxt) -> return @@ Succeed s
| Error ((Reject (_, expr, _))::_t) -> return @@ Fail expr (* This catches failwith errors *)
| Error errs -> Lwt.return @@ Error ( (alpha_error_wrap) errs)
let pack (data_ty: 'a ty) (data: 'a) : bytes tzresult Lwt.t =
pack_data dummy_environment.tezos_context data_ty data >>=?? fun (packed,_) -> return packed
let strings_of_prims = Michelson_v1_primitives.strings_of_prims
@ -764,6 +764,12 @@ module Assert = struct
let assert_equal ?msg expected actual =
let assert_equal ?msg expected actual =
assert_true ?msg (expected = actual)
assert_true ?msg (expected = actual)
let assert_equal_string ?msg expected actual =
let msg =
let default = Format.asprintf "Not equal string : expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" expected actual in
X_option.unopt ~default msg in
assert_equal ~msg expected actual
let assert_equal_int ?msg expected actual =
let assert_equal_int ?msg expected actual =
let msg =
let msg =
let default = Format.asprintf "Not equal int : expected %d, got %d" expected actual in
let default = Format.asprintf "Not equal int : expected %d, got %d" expected actual in
Reference in New Issue
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