cleaning & documenting
This commit is contained in:
@ -989,105 +989,80 @@ and simpl_for_int : Raw.for_int -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun fi ->
and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun fc ->
and simpl_for_collect : Raw.for_collect -> (_ -> expression result) result = fun fc ->
let statements = npseq_to_list fc.block.value.statements in
let statements = npseq_to_list fc.block.value.statements in
(* building initial record *)
(* build initial record *)
let aux (el : Raw.statement) : Raw.instruction option = match el with
let filter_assignments (el : Raw.statement) : Raw.instruction option = match el with
| Raw.Instr (Assign _ as i) -> Some i
| Raw.Instr (Assign _ as i) -> Some i
| _ -> None in
| _ -> None in
let assign_instrs = List.filter_map aux statements in
let assign_instrs = List.filter_map filter_assignments statements in
let%bind assign_instrs' = bind_map_list
let%bind assign_instrs' = bind_map_list
(fun el ->
(fun el ->
let%bind assign' = simpl_instruction el in
let%bind assign' = simpl_instruction el in
let%bind assign' = assign' None in
let%bind assign' = assign' None in
ok @@ assign')
ok @@ assign')
assign_instrs in
assign_instrs in
let aux prev ass_exp =
let captured_name_list = List.filter_map
match ass_exp.expression with
| E_assign ( name , _ , _ ) ->
let expr' = e_variable name in
SMap.add name expr' prev
| _ -> prev in
let captured_list = List.filter_map
(fun ass_exp -> match ass_exp.expression with
(fun ass_exp -> match ass_exp.expression with
| E_assign ( name, _ , _ ) -> Some name
| E_assign ( name, _ , _ ) -> Some name | _ -> None )
| _ -> None )
assign_instrs' in
assign_instrs' in
let init_record = e_record (List.fold_left aux SMap.empty assign_instrs') in
let add_to_record (prev: expression type_name_map) (captured_name: string) =
SMap.add captured_name (e_variable captured_name) prev in
(* replace assignments to X assignments to record in the for_collect
let init_record = e_record (List.fold_left add_to_record SMap.empty captured_name_list) in
block which will become the body of the lambda *)
(* replace references to the future lambda arguments in the for body *)
let%bind block' = simpl_block fc.block.value in
let%bind for_body = simpl_block fc.block.value in
let%bind block' = block' None in
let%bind for_body = for_body None in
let replace exp =
let replace exp =
(* TODO: map and set updated/remove must also be captured *)
match exp.expression with
match exp.expression with
(* replace asignement *)
| E_assign ( name , path , expr ) ->
| E_assign ( name , path , expr ) ->
(* replace references to fold accumulator as rhs *)
let path' = ( match path with
let path' = ( match path with
| [] -> [Access_record name]
| [] -> [Access_record name]
(* This will fail for deep tuple access, see LIGO-131 *)
(* This might fail for deep tuple access, see LIGO-131 *)
| _ -> ( (Access_record name) :: path )
| _ -> ( (Access_record name) :: path )
) in
) in
ok @@ e_assign "_COMPILER_acc" path' expr
ok @@ e_assign "_COMPILER_acc" path' expr
| E_variable name ->
| E_variable name ->
if (name = fc.var.value ) then
if (name = fc.var.value ) then
(* replace reference to the collection element *)
(* replace references to the collection element *)
ok @@ (e_variable "_COMPILER_collec_elt")
ok @@ (e_variable "_COMPILER_collec_elt")
else if (List.mem name captured_list) then
else if (List.mem name captured_name_list) then
(* replace reference fold accumulator *)
(* replace references to fold accumulator as lhs *)
ok @@ e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") [Access_record name]
ok @@ e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") [Access_record name]
else ok @@ exp
else ok @@ exp
| _ -> ok @@ exp in
| _ -> ok @@ exp in
let%bind block' = Self_ast_simplified.map_expression replace block' in
let%bind for_body = Self_ast_simplified.map_expression replace for_body in
(* append the return value (the accumulator) to the for body *)
(* append the return value *)
let rec add_return (expr : expression) = match expr.expression with
let rec add_return expr = match expr.expression with
| E_sequence (a,b) -> e_sequence a (add_return b)
| E_sequence (a,b) -> e_sequence a (add_return b)
| _ -> e_sequence expr (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") in
| _ -> e_sequence expr (e_variable "_COMPILER_acc") in
let block' = add_return block' in
let for_body = add_return for_body in
(* prepend for body with args declaration (accumulator and collection element)*)
(* prepend the body with let accumulator = argument.0 in let collec_elt = argument.1 in*)
let%bind elt_type = simpl_type_expression fc.elt_type in
let%bind elt_type = simpl_type_expression fc.elt_type in
let acc = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 0] in
let acc = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 0] in
let collec_elt = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 1] in
let collec_elt = e_accessor (e_variable "arguments") [Access_tuple 1] in
let block' = e_let_in ("_COMPILER_acc", None) acc @@
let for_body = e_let_in ("_COMPILER_acc", None) acc @@
e_let_in ("_COMPILER_collec_elt", Some elt_type) collec_elt (block') in
e_let_in ("_COMPILER_collec_elt", Some elt_type) collec_elt (for_body) in
(* build the X_FOLD constant *)
(* build the X_FOLD constant *)
let lambda = e_lambda "arguments" None None block' in
let%bind collect = simpl_expression fc.expr in
let%bind collect = simpl_expression fc.expr in
let lambda = e_lambda "arguments" None None for_body in
let op_name = match fc.collection with
let op_name = match fc.collection with
| Map _ -> "MAP_FOLD"
| Map _ -> "MAP_FOLD" | Set _ -> "SET_FOLD" | List _ -> "LIST_FOLD" in
| Set _ -> "SET_FOLD"
| List _ -> "LIST_FOLD" in
let fold = e_constant op_name [collect ; init_record ; lambda] in
let fold = e_constant op_name [collect ; init_record ; lambda] in
(* build sequence to re-assign fold result to the original captured variables *)
(* append assigments of fold result to the original captured variables *)
let assign_back (prev : expression option) (captured_varname : string) : expression option =
let aux (prev : expression option) (captured_varname : string) =
let access = e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_folded_record")
let access = e_accessor (e_variable "_COMPILER_folded_record")
[Access_record captured_varname] in
[Access_record captured_varname] in
let assign = e_assign captured_varname [] access in
let assign = e_assign captured_varname [] access in
match prev with
match prev with
| None -> Some assign
| None -> Some assign
| Some p -> Some (e_sequence p assign) in
| Some p -> Some (e_sequence p assign) in
let ( reassign_sequence : expression option ) = List.fold_left aux None captured_list in
let reassign_sequence = List.fold_left assign_back None captured_name_list in
(* attach the folded record to the re-assign sequence *)
let final_sequence = match reassign_sequence with
let final_sequence = match reassign_sequence with
(* None case means that no variables were captured *)
(* None case means that no variables were captured *)
| None -> e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold (e_skip ())
| None -> e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold (e_skip ())
| Some seq -> e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold seq in
| Some seq -> e_let_in ("_COMPILER_folded_record", None) fold seq in
return_statement @@ final_sequence
return_statement @@ final_sequence
- have a E_unsimplified 'a which is then transformed in a self pass ??
- need to forbid that ?
for i in somelist
i := ..
- global definition of strings
let simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result = fun t ->
let simpl_program : Raw.ast -> program result = fun t ->
bind_list @@ simpl_declaration @@ nseq_to_list t.decl
bind_list @@ simpl_declaration @@ nseq_to_list t.decl
@ -626,22 +626,21 @@ and type_expression : environment -> ?tv_opt:O.type_value -> I.expression -> O.a
] ) ->
] ) ->
(* this special case is here force annotation of the untyped lambda
(* this special case is here force annotation of the untyped lambda
generated by pascaligo's for_collect loop *)
generated by pascaligo's for_collect loop *)
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (type_expression e) [collect ; init_record] in
let%bind (v_col , v_initr ) = bind_map_pair (type_expression e) (collect , init_record ) in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
let tv_col = get_type_annotation v_col in (* this is the type of the collection *)
let tv_col = List.nth tv_lst 0 in
let tv_out = get_type_annotation v_initr in (* this is the output type of the lambda*)
let tv_out = List.nth tv_lst 1 in
let%bind col_inner_type = match tv_col.type_value' with
let collect_inner_type = match tv_col.type_value' with
| O.T_constant ( ("list"|"set"|"map") , [t]) -> ok t
| O.T_constant ( ("list"|"set"|"map") , [t]) -> t
| _ ->
| _ -> failwith "impossible" in
let wtype = Format.asprintf
let input_type = t_tuple (tv_out::[collect_inner_type]) () in
"Loops over collections expect lists, sets or maps, type %a" O.PP.type_value tv_col in
let output_type = Some tv_out in
fail @@ simple_error wtype in
let input_type = t_tuple (tv_out::[col_inner_type]) () in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder lname input_type e in
let e' = Environment.add_ez_binder lname input_type e in
let%bind body = type_expression ?tv_opt:output_type e' result in
let%bind body = type_expression ?tv_opt:(Some tv_out) e' result in
let output_type = body.type_annotation in
let output_type = body.type_annotation in
let%bind lambda' = ok @@ make_a_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) e in
let lambda' = make_a_e (E_lambda {binder = lname ; body}) (t_function input_type output_type ()) e in
let lst' = [v_col; v_initr ; lambda'] in
let%bind lst' = ok @@ lst'@[lambda'] in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
let tv_lst = get_type_annotation lst' in
let%bind (opname', tv) =
let%bind (opname', tv) =
type_constant opname tv_lst tv_opt ae.location in
type_constant opname tv_lst tv_opt ae.location in
Reference in New Issue
Block a user