Client: rename rpc call
into rpc post
or rpc get
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Usage
In order to interact with a Tezos node, you may use RPC calls through the
client using this command ``tezos-admin-client rpc call <url>``.
client using this command ``tezos-admin-client rpc post <url>``.
For instance, if you wish to request the current balance of a given
block and contract, you can call the associated RPC via the command :
``$ tezos-admin-client rpc call
``$ tezos-admin-client rpc post
A RPC may takes an *input* and generates an *output* both in JSON
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ input, would display on the standard output : ``{ "balance":
through command-line, you will be prompted to provide the JSON input
in your default configured text editor. Alternatively, you can provide
the JSON input using command
``$ tezos-admin-client rpc call <url> with <JSON>``. Don't forget to quote
``$ tezos-admin-client rpc post <url> with <JSON>``. Don't forget to quote
the JSON according to your shell rules.
You can also obtain the list of RPCs on the command line with
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ Check out the Alphanet *constants* for this:
./ client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/constants
./ client rpc get /blocks/head/proto/constants
Check for the ``endorsement_security_deposit`` and
``block_security_deposit`` keys of the JSON record. The value is in
@ -318,7 +318,10 @@ the appropriate value:
$ ./ client list known identities
my_identity: tz1iFY8aDskx9QGbgBy68SNAGgkc7AE2iG9H (public key known) (secret key known)
$ ./ client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/helpers/rights/baking/delegate/tz1iFY8aDskx9QGbgBy68SNAGgkc7AE2iG9H with '{}'
[ { "level": 1400.000000, "priority": 2.000000,"timestamp": "2017-05-19T03:21:52Z" }, ... ]
$ ./ client rpc post /blocks/head/proto/helpers/rights/baking/delegate/tz1iFY8aDskx9QGbgBy68SNAGgkc7AE2iG9H with '{}'
{ "ok":
[ { "level": 1400.000000, "priority": 2.000000,
"timestamp": "2017-05-19T03:21:52Z" },
... ] }
.. include:: alphanet_changes.rst
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ preconfigured for communicating the same-numbered node. For instance:
$ tezos-client rpc call blocks/head/hash
$ tezos-client rpc post blocks/head/hash
{ "hash": "BLockGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGeneskvg68z" }
When you bootstrap a new network, the network is initialized with a
@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ activating the whole network. For instance:
$ tezos-client rpc call blocks/head/protocol
$ tezos-client rpc post blocks/head/protocol
{ "protocol": "ProtoGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesk612im" }
$ tezos-activate-alpha
Injected BMBcK869jaHQDc
$ tezos-client rpc call blocks/head/protocol
$ tezos-client rpc post blocks/head/protocol
{ "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK" }
Tune protocol alpha parameters
@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ run_shell() {
display_head() {
exec_docker tezos-client rpc call /blocks/head with '{}'
exec_docker tezos-client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/context/level with '{}'
exec_docker tezos-client rpc post /blocks/head with '{}'
exec_docker tezos-client rpc post /blocks/head/proto/context/level with '{}'
## Main ####################################################################
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ configure_client() {
wait_for_the_node_to_be_ready() {
local count=0
if "$client" rpc call /blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1; then return; fi
if "$client" rpc post /blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1; then return; fi
printf "Waiting for the node to initialize..."
sleep 1
while ! "$client" rpc call /blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1
while ! "$client" rpc post /blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$count" -ge 30 ]; then
@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ let list url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
end else return ()
let schema url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
let schema meth url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC_description in
RPC_description.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find meth services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
@ -315,12 +315,12 @@ let schema url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let format url (cctxt : #Client_context.io_rpcs) =
let format meth url (cctxt : #Client_context.io_rpcs) =
let args = String.split '/' url in
let open RPC_description in
RPC_description.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find meth services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
@ -366,18 +366,19 @@ let display_answer (cctxt : #Client_context.full) = function
cctxt#message "Unexpected server answer\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let call raw_url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
let call meth raw_url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
let uri = Uri.of_string raw_url in
let args = String.split_path (Uri.path uri) in
RPC_description.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { services } -> begin
match RPC_service.MethMap.find `POST services with
match RPC_service.MethMap.find meth services with
| exception Not_found ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
"No service found at this URL with this method \
(but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
| { input = None } ->
cctxt#generic_json_call `POST uri >>=?
cctxt#generic_json_call meth uri >>=?
display_answer cctxt
| { input = Some input } ->
fill_in ~show_optionals:false input >>= function
@ -385,14 +386,14 @@ let call raw_url (cctxt : #Client_context.full) =
cctxt#error "%s" msg >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Ok json ->
cctxt#generic_json_call `POST ~body:json uri >>=?
cctxt#generic_json_call meth ~body:json uri >>=?
display_answer cctxt
| _ ->
cctxt#message "No service found at this URL\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let call_with_json raw_url json (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
let call_with_json meth raw_url json (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
let uri = Uri.of_string raw_url in
match Data_encoding.Json.from_string json with
| exception Assert_failure _ ->
@ -404,10 +405,10 @@ let call_with_json raw_url json (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
"Failed to parse the provided json: %s\n%!"
| Ok body ->
cctxt#generic_json_call `POST ~body uri >>=?
cctxt#generic_json_call meth ~body uri >>=?
display_answer cctxt
let call_with_file_or_json url maybe_file (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
let call_with_file_or_json meth url maybe_file (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
match TzString.split ':' ~limit:1 maybe_file with
| [ "file" ; filename] ->
@ -421,7 +422,20 @@ let call_with_file_or_json url maybe_file (cctxt: #Client_context.full) =
"cannot read file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string exn))
| _ -> return maybe_file
end >>=? fun json ->
call_with_json url json cctxt
call_with_json meth url json cctxt
let meth_params ?(name = "HTTP method") ?(desc = "") params =
param ~name ~desc
(parameter ~autocomplete:(fun _ ->
return @@
|||| String.lowercase_ascii @@
|||| Resto.string_of_meth @@
[ `GET ; `POST ; `DELETE ; `PUT ; `PATCH ])
(fun _ name ->
match Resto.meth_of_string (String.uppercase_ascii name) with
| None -> failwith "Unknown HTTP method: %s" name
| Some meth -> return meth))
let group =
{ = "rpc" ;
@ -448,32 +462,45 @@ let commands = [
command ~group
~desc: "Get the input and output JSON schemas of an RPC."
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "schema" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC url" @@ stop)
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "schema" ] @@
meth_params @@
string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC url" @@
(fun () -> schema) ;
command ~group
~desc: "Get the humanoid readable input and output formats of an RPC."
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "format" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL" @@ stop)
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "format"] @@
meth_params @@
string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL" @@
(fun () -> format) ;
command ~group
~desc: "Call an RPC.\n\
If input data is needed, a text editor will be popped up."
~desc: "Call an RPC with the GET method."
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "call" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL" @@ stop)
(fun () -> call) ;
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "get" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL" @@ stop)
(fun () -> call `GET) ;
command ~group
~desc: "Call an RPC providing input data via the command line."
~desc: "Call an RPC with the POST method.\n\
If input data is needed, a text editor will be popped up."
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "call" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL"
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "post" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL" @@ stop)
(fun () -> call `POST) ;
command ~group
~desc: "Call an RPC with the POST method, \
\ providing input data via the command line."
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "post" ] @@ string ~name: "url" ~desc: "the RPC URL"
@@ prefix "with"
@@ string ~name:"input"
~desc:"the raw JSON input to the RPC\n\
For instance, use `{}` to send the empty document.\n\
Alternatively, use `file:path` to read the JSON data from a file."
@@ stop)
(fun () -> call_with_file_or_json)
(fun () -> call_with_file_or_json `POST)
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ $client -w none config update
sleep 2
#tests for the rpc service raw_context
$client rpc call '/blocks/head/raw_context/version' | assert '{ "content": "616c706861" }'
$client rpc call '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
$client rpc call '/blocks/head/raw_context/delegates/?depth=2' | assert '{ "content":
$client rpc post '/blocks/head/raw_context/version' | assert '{ "content": "616c706861" }'
$client rpc post '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
$client rpc post '/blocks/head/raw_context/delegates/?depth=2' | assert '{ "content":
{ "ed25519":
{ "02": null, "a9": null, "c5": null, "da": null, "e7": null } } }'
$client rpc call '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent?depth=-1' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
$client rpc call '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent?depth=0' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
$client rpc post '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent?depth=-1' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
$client rpc post '/blocks/head/raw_context/non-existent?depth=0' | assert 'No service found at this URL'
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $admin_client list protocols
#these commands cannot be used in this case because the client does not
#know about the new protocol
#$client --protocol $protocol_short bake for bootstrap1 -max-priority 512
#$client --protocol $protocol_version rpc call /blocks/head with {}
#$client --protocol $protocol_version rpc post /blocks/head with {}
echo End of test
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ protocol_version="PsxS1brZfzzXCiFwirbMtQr4X5XR6SiHQ46HajpFDdk9GBXR6vy"
$admin_client inject protocol "$test_dir/demo"
$admin_client list protocols
$client activate protocol $protocol_version with fitness 1 and key dictator and parameters $parameters_file
answ=$($client -p ProtoALphaALph rpc call /blocks/head/protocol with {} 2>/dev/null)
answ=$($client -p ProtoALphaALph rpc post /blocks/head/protocol with {} 2>/dev/null)
if ! grep "$protocol_version" <<< $answ ; then
exit 1
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $admin_client list protocols
#these commands cannot be used in this case because the client does not
#know about the new protocol
#$client --protocol $protocol_short bake for bootstrap1 -max-priority 512
#$client --protocol $protocol_version rpc call /blocks/head with {}
#$client --protocol $protocol_version rpc post /blocks/head with {}
echo End of test
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ assert_propagation_level() {
printf "\n\nAsserting all nodes have reached level %s\n" "$level"
for client in "${client_instances[@]}"; do
( $client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/context/level \
( $client rpc post /blocks/head/proto/context/level \
| assert_in_output "\"level\": $level" ) \
|| exit 2
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ assert_protocol() {
printf "\n\nAsserting protocol propagation\n"
for client in "${client_instances[@]}"; do
( $client rpc call /blocks/head/protocol | assert_in_output "$proto" ) \
( $client rpc post /blocks/head/protocol | assert_in_output "$proto" ) \
|| exit 2
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ assert_contains_operation() {
printf "Asserting operations list contains '$hash'\n"
for client in "${client_instances[@]}"; do
( $client rpc call /blocks/head/operations with {} \
( $client rpc post /blocks/head/operations with {} \
| assert_in_output $hash ) \
|| exit 2
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ cleanup_clients() {
wait_for_the_node_to_be_ready() {
local count=0
if $client rpc call blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1; then return; fi
if $client rpc post blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1; then return; fi
printf "Waiting for the node to initialize..."
sleep 1
while ! $client rpc call blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1
while ! $client rpc post blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$count" -ge 30 ]; then
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ The client is now properly initialized. In the rest of this shell
session, you might now run \`tezos-client\` to communicate with a
tezos node launched with \`launch-sandboxed-node $1\`. For instance:
tezos-client rpc call blocks/head/protocol
tezos-client rpc post blocks/head/protocol
Note: if the current protocol version, as reported by the previous
command, is "ProtoGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesk612im", you
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ module S : sig
block <id>. The optional parameter <depth> controls the size of the
tree, default is 1.
tezos-client rpc call /blocks/head/raw_context/v1?depth=2
tezos-client rpc post /blocks/head/raw_context/v1?depth=2
val raw_context:
([ `POST ], unit,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user