Alpha: introduce Delegate_storage
This commit is contained in:
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ module Assert = struct
let non_delegatable ~msg =
contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function
| Contract_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _ -> true
| Delegate_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _ -> true
| _ -> false)
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ module Contract = struct
module Delegate = Delegate_storage
module Roll = struct
include Roll_repr
include Roll_storage
@ -404,9 +404,6 @@ module Contract : sig
val update_manager_key:
context -> contract -> public_key option -> (context * public_key) tzresult Lwt.t
val get_delegate_opt:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option tzresult Lwt.t
val is_delegatable:
context -> contract -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
val is_spendable:
@ -420,9 +417,6 @@ module Contract : sig
val get_balance:
context -> contract -> Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
val set_delegate:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val originate:
context ->
origination_nonce ->
@ -470,6 +464,15 @@ module Contract : sig
module Delegate : sig
val get: context -> Contract.t -> public_key_hash option tzresult Lwt.t
val set:
context -> Contract.t -> public_key_hash option -> context tzresult Lwt.t
module Vote : sig
type proposal = Protocol_hash.t
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
end >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Delegation delegate ->
Contract.set_delegate ctxt source delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
Delegate.set ctxt source delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
let apply_sourced_operation
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt baker_contract origination_nonce kind =
match baker_contract with
| None -> return None
| Some contract -> Contract.get_delegate_opt ctxt contract
| Some contract -> Delegate.get ctxt contract
end >>=? fun delegate ->
if Compare.Int.(faucet_count ctxt < 5) then
let ctxt = incr_faucet_count ctxt in
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let init_account ctxt account =
Constants_repr.bootstrap_wealth >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract_storage.update_manager_key ctxt contract
(Some account.public_key) >>=? fun (ctxt, _) ->
Contract_storage.set_delegate ctxt contract
Delegate_storage.set ctxt contract
(Some account.public_key_hash) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return ctxt
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ let () =
| Some v -> return v) in
register_field S.balance Contract.get_balance ;
register_field S.manager Contract.get_manager ;
register_opt_field S.delegate Contract.get_delegate_opt ;
register_opt_field S.delegate Delegate.get ;
register_field S.counter Contract.get_counter ;
register_field S.spendable Contract.is_spendable ;
register_field S.delegatable Contract.is_delegatable ;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ let () =
register_field (fun ctxt contract ->
Contract.get_balance ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt contract >>=? fun manager ->
Contract.get_delegate_opt ctxt contract >>=? fun delegate ->
Delegate.get ctxt contract >>=? fun delegate ->
Contract.get_counter ctxt contract >>=? fun counter ->
Contract.is_delegatable ctxt contract >>=? fun delegatable ->
Contract.is_spendable ctxt contract >>=? fun spendable ->
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ type error +=
| Counter_in_the_future of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32 (* `Temporary *)
| Unspendable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
| Non_existing_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Temporary *)
| Non_delegatable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
| Inconsistent_hash of Ed25519.Public_key.t * Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t * Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *)
| Inconsistent_public_key of Ed25519.Public_key.t * Ed25519.Public_key.t (* `Permanent *)
| Missing_public_key of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *)
@ -89,18 +88,6 @@ let () =
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding))
(function Non_existing_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None)
(fun c -> Non_existing_contract c) ;
~title:"Non delegatable contract"
~description:"Tried to delegate a implicit contract \
or a non delegatable originated contract"
~pp:(fun ppf contract ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Contract %a is not delegatable"
Contract_repr.pp contract)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding))
(function Non_delegatable_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None)
(fun c -> Non_delegatable_contract c) ;
@ -154,30 +141,6 @@ let () =
let failwith msg = fail (Failure msg)
let get_delegate_opt = Roll_storage.get_contract_delegate
let link_delegate c contract delegate balance =
Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with
| None -> return c
| Some h ->
(c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c ->
return c
let unlink_delegate c contract =
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.get_option c contract >>=? function
| None -> return c
| Some delegate ->
Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with
| None -> return c
| Some h ->
(c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c ->
return c
let create_base c contract
~balance ~manager ~delegate ?script ~spendable ~delegatable =
(match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
@ -190,7 +153,7 @@ let create_base c contract
| None -> return c
| Some delegate ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.init c contract delegate >>=? fun c ->
link_delegate c contract delegate balance
Delegate_storage.init c contract delegate
end >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Spendable.set c contract spendable >>= fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegatable.set c contract delegatable >>= fun c ->
@ -216,7 +179,7 @@ let create_implicit c manager ~balance =
~spendable:true ~delegatable:false
let delete c contract =
unlink_delegate c contract >>=? fun c ->
Delegate_storage.remove c contract >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.delete c contract >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Manager.delete c contract >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.remove c contract >>= fun c ->
@ -319,52 +282,13 @@ let get_balance c contract =
| Some v -> return v
let is_delegatable c contract =
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some _ ->
return false
| None ->
Storage.Contract.Delegatable.mem c contract >>= return
let is_delegatable = Delegate_storage.is_delegatable
let is_spendable c contract =
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some _ -> return true
| None ->
Storage.Contract.Spendable.mem c contract >>= return
let set_delegate c contract delegate =
match delegate with
| None ->
unlink_delegate c contract >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.remove c contract >>= fun c ->
return c
| Some delegate ->
c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? function
| None | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> return false
| Some (Manager_repr.Public_key _) -> return true
end >>=? fun known_delegate ->
c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate)
>>= fun registred_delegate ->
is_delegatable c contract >>=? fun delegatable ->
let self_delegation =
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some pkh -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.equal pkh delegate
| None -> false in
if not known_delegate || not (registred_delegate || self_delegation) then
fail (Roll_storage.Unregistred_delegate delegate)
else if not (delegatable || self_delegation) then
fail (Non_delegatable_contract contract)
unlink_delegate c contract >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.init_set c contract delegate >>= fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
link_delegate c contract delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
return c
let code_and_storage_fee c contract =
Storage.Contract.Code_fees.get_option c contract >>=? fun code_fees ->
Storage.Contract.Storage_fees.get_option c contract >>=? fun storage_fees ->
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ type error +=
| Counter_in_the_future of Contract_repr.contract * int32 * int32 (* `Temporary *)
| Unspendable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
| Non_existing_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Temporary *)
| Non_delegatable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
| Inconsistent_hash of Ed25519.Public_key.t * Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t * Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *)
| Inconsistent_public_key of Ed25519.Public_key.t * Ed25519.Public_key.t (* `Permanent *)
| Missing_public_key of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *)
@ -44,10 +43,6 @@ val update_manager_key:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Ed25519.Public_key.t option ->
(Raw_context.t * Ed25519.Public_key.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val get_delegate_opt:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t ->
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option tzresult Lwt.t
val get_balance: Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Tez_repr.t tzresult Lwt.t
val get_counter: Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
@ -63,11 +58,6 @@ val update_script_storage:
Script_repr.expr -> big_map_diff option ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** fails if the contract is not delegatable *)
val set_delegate:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
val credit:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Tez_repr.t ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type error +=
| Non_delegatable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
| No_deletion of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *)
let () =
~title:"Non delegatable contract"
~description:"Tried to delegate a implicit contract \
or a non delegatable originated contract"
~pp:(fun ppf contract ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Contract %a is not delegatable"
Contract_repr.pp contract)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding))
(function Non_delegatable_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None)
(fun c -> Non_delegatable_contract c) ;
~title:"Forbidden delegate deletion"
~description:"Tried to unregister a delegate"
~pp:(fun ppf delegate ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate deletion is forbidden (%a)"
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.pp delegate)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding))
(function No_deletion c -> Some c | _ -> None)
(fun c -> No_deletion c)
let is_delegatable c contract =
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some _ ->
return false
| None ->
Storage.Contract.Delegatable.mem c contract >>= return
let link c contract delegate balance =
Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with
| None -> return c
| Some h ->
(c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c ->
return c
let unlink c contract balance =
Storage.Contract.Delegate.get_option c contract >>=? function
| None -> return c
| Some delegate ->
match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with
| None -> return c
| Some h ->
Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
(c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c ->
return c
let known c delegate =
c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? function
| None | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> return false
| Some (Manager_repr.Public_key _) -> return true
(* A delegate is registred if its "implicit account"
delegates to itself. *)
let registred c delegate =
c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate)
let init ctxt contract delegate =
Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
link ctxt contract delegate balance
let get = Roll_storage.get_contract_delegate
let set c contract delegate =
match delegate with
| None -> begin
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some pkh ->
fail (No_deletion pkh)
| None ->
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
unlink c contract balance >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.remove c contract >>= fun c ->
return c
| Some delegate ->
known c delegate >>=? fun known_delegate ->
registred c delegate >>= fun registred_delegate ->
is_delegatable c contract >>=? fun delegatable ->
let self_delegation =
match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with
| Some pkh -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.equal pkh delegate
| None -> false in
if not known_delegate || not (registred_delegate || self_delegation) then
fail (Roll_storage.Unregistred_delegate delegate)
else if not (delegatable || self_delegation) then
fail (Non_delegatable_contract contract)
Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance ->
unlink c contract balance >>=? fun c ->
Storage.Contract.Delegate.init_set c contract delegate >>= fun c ->
link c contract delegate balance >>=? fun c ->
return c
let remove ctxt contract =
Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance ->
unlink ctxt contract balance
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type error +=
| Non_delegatable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *)
val is_delegatable:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
val init:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
val get:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t ->
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option tzresult Lwt.t
val set:
Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option ->
Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
val remove: Raw_context.t -> Contract_repr.t -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ let inconsistent_pkh ~msg =
let non_delegatable ~msg =
contain_error ~msg ~f: begin ecoproto_error (function
| Proto_alpha.Contract_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _ -> true
| Proto_alpha.Delegate_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _ -> true
| _ -> false)
Reference in New Issue
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