Tests/helpers: rework block to ease arbitrary signatures
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ let get_next_baker ?(policy = By_priority 0) = dispatch_policy policy
module Forge = struct
type header = {
baker : public_key_hash ; (* the signer of the block *)
shell : Block_header.shell_header ;
contents : Block_header.contents ;
@ -85,48 +86,34 @@ module Forge = struct
let default_proof_of_work_nonce =
MBytes.create Constants.proof_of_work_nonce_size
let make_header
let make_contents
?(proof_of_work_nonce = default_proof_of_work_nonce)
~priority ~seed_nonce_hash
~level ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations_hash () =
let contents = Block_header.{
priority ;
proof_of_work_nonce ;
seed_nonce_hash ;
let shell = Tezos_base.Block_header.{
level ;
predecessor ;
timestamp ;
fitness ;
operations_hash ;
(* We don't care of the following values, only the shell validates them. *)
proto_level = 0 ;
validation_passes = 0 ;
context = Context_hash.zero ;
{ shell ; contents }
~priority ~seed_nonce_hash () =
Block_header.{ priority ;
proof_of_work_nonce ;
seed_nonce_hash }
let set_seed_nonce_hash seed_nonce_hash { shell ; contents } =
{ shell ; contents = { contents with seed_nonce_hash } }
let make_shell
~level ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations_hash =
level ;
predecessor ;
timestamp ;
fitness ;
operations_hash ;
(* We don't care of the following values, only the shell validates them. *)
proto_level = 0 ;
validation_passes = 0 ;
context = Context_hash.zero ;
let sign_header { shell ; contents } pred =
(* Finds the baker that should sign from the header *)
let baker_of_a_block header =
let priority = header.contents.priority in
Alpha_services.Delegate.Baking_rights.get rpc_ctxt
pred >>=? fun bakers ->
let { Alpha_services.Delegate.Baking_rights.delegate = pkh } =
(fun { Alpha_services.Delegate.Baking_rights.priority = p } -> p = priority)
bakers in
Account.find pkh
baker_of_a_block { shell ; contents } >>=? fun delegate ->
let set_seed_nonce_hash seed_nonce_hash { baker ; shell ; contents } =
{ baker ; shell ; contents = { contents with seed_nonce_hash } }
let set_baker baker header = { header with baker }
let sign_header { baker ; shell ; contents } =
Account.find baker >>=? fun delegate ->
let unsigned_bytes =
@ -138,7 +125,7 @@ module Forge = struct
let forge_header
?(policy = By_priority 0)
?(operations = []) pred =
dispatch_policy policy pred >>=? fun (_, priority, timestamp) ->
dispatch_policy policy pred >>=? fun (pkh, priority, timestamp) ->
let level = Int32.succ pred.header.shell.level in
match Fitness_repr.to_int64 pred.header.shell.fitness with
@ -155,10 +142,10 @@ module Forge = struct
let hashes = List.map Operation.hash_packed operations in
let operations_hash = Operation_list_list_hash.compute
[Operation_list_hash.compute hashes] in
let header = make_header
~priority ~level ~predecessor:pred.hash ~timestamp ~fitness
~seed_nonce_hash ~operations_hash () in
return header
let shell = make_shell ~level ~predecessor:pred.hash
~timestamp ~fitness ~operations_hash in
let contents = make_contents ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash () in
return { baker = pkh ; shell ; contents }
(* compatibility only, needed by incremental *)
let contents
@ -296,20 +283,18 @@ let genesis
let hash =
Block_hash.of_b58check_exn "BLockGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisCCCCCeZiLHU"
let header =
let shell = Forge.make_shell
~fitness: (Fitness_repr.from_int64 0L)
~priority: 0
~operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.zero
~operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.zero in
let contents = Forge.make_contents
~seed_nonce_hash:None () in
@ -318,9 +303,9 @@ let genesis
let block =
{ hash ;
header = {
shell = header.shell ;
shell = shell ;
protocol_data = {
contents = header.contents ;
contents = contents ;
signature = Signature.zero ;
} ;
@ -332,8 +317,7 @@ let genesis
(********* Baking *************)
let apply (header:Forge.header) ?(operations = []) pred =
Forge.sign_header header pred >>=? fun header ->
let apply header ?(operations = []) pred =
let open Alpha_environment.Error_monad in
@ -361,6 +345,7 @@ let bake ?policy ?operation ?operations pred =
| None, None -> None
Forge.forge_header ?policy ?operations pred >>=? fun header ->
Forge.sign_header header >>=? fun header ->
apply header ?operations pred
(* This function is duplicated from Context to avoid a cyclic dependency *)
@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ type block = t
val rpc_ctxt: t Alpha_environment.RPC_context.simple
(** Policies to select the next baker *)
(** Policies to select the next baker:
- [By_priority p] selects the baker at priority [p]
- [By_account pkh] selects the first slot for baker [pkh]
- [Excluding pkhs] selects the first baker that doesn't belong to [pkhs]
type baker_policy =
| By_priority of int
| By_account of public_key_hash
@ -49,10 +53,19 @@ module Forge : sig
?operations: Operation.packed list ->
t -> header tzresult Lwt.t
(** Sets seed_nonce_hash of a header *)
(** Sets uniquely seed_nonce_hash of a header *)
val set_seed_nonce_hash:
Nonce_hash.t option ->
header -> header
Nonce_hash.t option -> header -> header
(** Sets the baker that will sign the header to an arbitrary pkh *)
val set_baker:
public_key_hash -> header -> header
(** Signs the header with the key of the baker configured in the header.
The header can no longer be modified, only applied. *)
val sign_header:
header ->
Block_header.block_header tzresult Lwt.t
@ -88,16 +101,20 @@ val genesis:
?no_reward_cycles: int option ->
(Account.t * Tez_repr.tez) list -> block tzresult Lwt.t
(** Applies a header and its operations to a block and obtains a new block *)
(** Applies a signed header and its operations to a block and
obtains a new block *)
val apply:
Forge.header ->
Block_header.block_header ->
?operations: Operation.packed list ->
t -> t tzresult Lwt.t
[bake b] returns a block [b'] which has as predecessor block [b].
Optional parameter [policy] allows to pick the next baker in several ways.
This function bundles together [forge_header] and [apply].
This function bundles together [forge_header], [sign_header] and [apply].
These functions should be used instead of bake to craft unusual blocks for
testing together with setters for properties of the headers.
For examples see seed.ml or double_baking.ml
val bake:
?policy: baker_policy ->
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ let no_commitment () =
(* Forge a block with empty commitment and apply it *)
Block.Forge.forge_header b >>=? fun header ->
let header = Block.Forge.set_seed_nonce_hash None header in
Block.Forge.set_seed_nonce_hash None header |>
Block.Forge.sign_header >>=? fun header ->
Block.apply header b >>= fun e ->
let invalid_commitment = function
Reference in New Issue
Block a user