This commit is contained in:
Suzanne Dupéron 2019-10-23 10:45:48 -04:00
parent 10362426aa
commit 535c291b3f

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@ -688,195 +688,191 @@ let propagator_break_ctor : output_break_ctor propagator =
(* TODO : with our selectors, the selection depends on the order in which the constraints are added :-( :-( :-( :-( (* TODO : with our selectors, the selection depends on the order in which the constraints are added :-( :-( :-( :-(
We need to return a lazy stream of constraints. *) We need to return a lazy stream of constraints. *)
module type BLABLA = Set.OrderedType (* Set.S *)
type output_specialize1 = { poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl } type output_specialize1 = { poly : c_poly_simpl ; a_k_var : c_constructor_simpl }
module Comparators = struct module Int = struct
module Int = struct (* Restrict use of to just `int`, because we
(* Restrict use of to just `int`, because we don't want to risk the type of a field changing from int to
don't want to risk the type of a field changing from int to something not compatible with, and not
something not compatible with, and not noticing that the comparator needs to be updated. *)
noticing that the comparator needs to be updated. *) let compare (a : int) (b : int) = a b
let compare (a : int) (b : int) = a b end
end let (<?) ca cb =
let (<?) ca cb = if ca = 0 then cb () else ca
if ca = 0 then cb () else ca let rec compare_list f = function
let rec compare_list f = function | hd1::tl1 -> (function
| hd1::tl1 -> (function [] -> 1
[] -> 1 | hd2::tl2 ->
| hd2::tl2 -> f hd1 hd2 <? fun () ->
f hd1 hd2 <? fun () -> compare_list f tl1 tl2)
compare_list f tl1 tl2) | [] -> (function [] -> 0 | _::_ -> -1) (* This follows the behaviour of for lists of different length *)
| [] -> (function [] -> 0 | _::_ -> -1) (* This follows the behaviour of for lists of different length *) let compare_type_variable a b =
let compare_type_variable a b = a b a b let compare_label = function
let compare_label = function | L_int a -> (function L_int b -> a b | L_string _ -> -1)
| L_int a -> (function L_int b -> a b | L_string _ -> -1) | L_string a -> (function L_int _ -> 1 | L_string b -> a b)
| L_string a -> (function L_int _ -> 1 | L_string b -> a b) let compare_simple_c_constant = function
let compare_simple_c_constant = function | C_arrow -> (function
| C_arrow -> (function (* N/A -> 1 *)
(* N/A -> 1 *) | C_arrow -> 0
| C_arrow -> 0 | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_option -> (function
| C_option -> (function | C_arrow -> 1
| C_arrow -> 1 | C_option -> 0
| C_option -> 0 | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_tuple -> (function
| C_tuple -> (function | C_arrow | C_option -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option -> 1 | C_tuple -> 0
| C_tuple -> 0 | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_record -> (function
| C_record -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple -> 1 | C_record -> 0
| C_record -> 0 | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_variant -> (function
| C_variant -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record -> 1 | C_variant -> 0
| C_variant -> 0 | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_map -> (function
| C_map -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant -> 1 | C_map -> 0
| C_map -> 0 | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_big_map -> (function
| C_big_map -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map -> 1 | C_big_map -> 0
| C_big_map -> 0 | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_list -> (function
| C_list -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map -> 1 | C_list -> 0
| C_list -> 0 | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_set -> (function
| C_set -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list -> 1 | C_set -> 0
| C_set -> 0 | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_unit -> (function
| C_unit -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set -> 1 | C_unit -> 0
| C_unit -> 0 | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_bool -> (function
| C_bool -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit -> 1 | C_bool -> 0
| C_bool -> 0 | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_string -> (function
| C_string -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool -> 1 | C_string -> 0
| C_string -> 0 | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_nat -> (function
| C_nat -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string -> 1 | C_nat -> 0
| C_nat -> 0 | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_tez -> (function
| C_tez -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat -> 1 | C_tez -> 0
| C_tez -> 0 | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_timestamp -> (function
| C_timestamp -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez -> 1 | C_timestamp -> 0
| C_timestamp -> 0 | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_int -> (function
| C_int -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp -> 1 | C_int -> 0
| C_int -> 0 | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_address -> (function
| C_address -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int -> 1 | C_address -> 0
| C_address -> 0 | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_bytes -> (function
| C_bytes -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address -> 1 | C_bytes -> 0
| C_bytes -> 0 | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_key_hash -> (function
| C_key_hash -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes -> 1 | C_key_hash -> 0
| C_key_hash -> 0 | C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_key | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_key -> (function
| C_key -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash -> 1 | C_key -> 0
| C_key -> 0 | C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_signature | C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_signature -> (function
| C_signature -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key -> 1 | C_signature -> 0
| C_signature -> 0 | C_operation | C_contract -> -1)
| C_operation | C_contract -> -1) | C_operation -> (function
| C_operation -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature -> 1 | C_operation -> 0
| C_operation -> 0 | C_contract -> -1)
| C_contract -> -1) | C_contract -> (function
| C_contract -> (function | C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation -> 1
| C_arrow | C_option | C_tuple | C_record | C_variant | C_map | C_big_map | C_list | C_set | C_unit | C_bool | C_string | C_nat | C_tez | C_timestamp | C_int | C_address | C_bytes | C_key_hash | C_key | C_signature | C_operation -> 1 | C_contract -> 0
| C_contract -> 0 (* N/A -> -1 *)
(* N/A -> -1 *) )
) let rec compare_typeclass a b = compare_list (compare_list compare_type_value) a b
let rec compare_typeclass a b = compare_list (compare_list compare_type_value) a b and compare_type_value = function
and compare_type_value = function | P_forall { binder=a1; constraints=a2; body=a3 } -> (function
| P_forall { binder=a1; constraints=a2; body=a3 } -> (function | P_forall { binder=b1; constraints=b2; body=b3 } ->
| P_forall { binder=b1; constraints=b2; body=b3 } -> compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () ->
compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_list compare_type_constraint a2 b2 <? fun () ->
compare_list compare_type_constraint a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a3 b3
compare_type_value a3 b3 | P_variable _ -> -1
| P_variable _ -> -1 | P_constant _ -> -1
| P_constant _ -> -1 | P_apply _ -> -1)
| P_apply _ -> -1) | P_variable a -> (function
| P_variable a -> (function | P_forall _ -> 1
| P_forall _ -> 1 | P_variable b -> a b
| P_variable b -> a b | P_constant _ -> -1
| P_constant _ -> -1 | P_apply _ -> -1)
| P_apply _ -> -1) | P_constant (a1, a2) -> (function
| P_constant (a1, a2) -> (function | P_forall _ -> 1
| P_forall _ -> 1 | P_variable _ -> 1
| P_variable _ -> 1 | P_constant (b1, b2) -> compare_simple_c_constant a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_list compare_type_value a2 b2
| P_constant (b1, b2) -> compare_simple_c_constant a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_list compare_type_value a2 b2 | P_apply _ -> -1)
| P_apply _ -> -1) | P_apply (a1, a2) -> (function
| P_apply (a1, a2) -> (function | P_forall _ -> 1
| P_forall _ -> 1 | P_variable _ -> 1
| P_variable _ -> 1 | P_constant _ -> 1
| P_constant _ -> 1 | P_apply (b1, b2) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a2 b2)
| P_apply (b1, b2) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a2 b2) and compare_type_constraint = function
and compare_type_constraint = function | C_equation (a1, a2) -> (function
| C_equation (a1, a2) -> (function | C_equation (b1, b2) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a2 b2
| C_equation (b1, b2) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a2 b2 | C_typeclass _ -> -1
| C_typeclass _ -> -1 | C_access_label _ -> -1)
| C_access_label _ -> -1) | C_typeclass (a1, a2) -> (function
| C_typeclass (a1, a2) -> (function | C_equation _ -> 1
| C_equation _ -> 1 | C_typeclass (b1, b2) -> compare_list compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_typeclass a2 b2
| C_typeclass (b1, b2) -> compare_list compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_typeclass a2 b2 | C_access_label _ -> -1)
| C_access_label _ -> -1) | C_access_label (a1, a2, a3) -> (function
| C_access_label (a1, a2, a3) -> (function | C_equation _ -> 1
| C_equation _ -> 1 | C_typeclass _ -> 1
| C_typeclass _ -> 1 | C_access_label (b1, b2, b3) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_label a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_type_variable a3 b3)
| C_access_label (b1, b2, b3) -> compare_type_value a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_label a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_type_variable a3 b3) let rec compare_type_constraint_list = compare_list compare_type_constraint
let rec compare_type_constraint_list = compare_list compare_type_constraint let compare_p_forall
let compare_p_forall { binder = a1; constraints = a2; body = a3 }
{ binder = a1; constraints = a2; body = a3 } { binder = b1; constraints = b2; body = b3 } =
{ binder = b1; constraints = b2; body = b3 } = compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () ->
compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_type_constraint_list a2 b2 <? fun () ->
compare_type_constraint_list a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_type_value a3 b3
compare_type_value a3 b3 let compare_c_poly_simpl { tv = a1; forall = a2 } { tv = b1; forall = b2 } =
let compare_c_poly_simpl { tv = a1; forall = a2 } { tv = b1; forall = b2 } = compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () ->
compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () ->
compare_p_forall a2 b2 compare_p_forall a2 b2
let compare_c_constructor_simpl { tv=a1; c_tag=a2; tv_list=a3 } { tv=b1; c_tag=b2; tv_list=b3 } = let compare_c_constructor_simpl { tv=a1; c_tag=a2; tv_list=a3 } { tv=b1; c_tag=b2; tv_list=b3 } =
compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_simple_c_constant a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_list compare_type_variable a3 b3 compare_type_variable a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_simple_c_constant a2 b2 <? fun () -> compare_list compare_type_variable a3 b3
let compare_output_specialize1 { poly = a1; a_k_var = a2 } { poly = b1; a_k_var = b2 } = let compare_output_specialize1 { poly = a1; a_k_var = a2 } { poly = b1; a_k_var = b2 } =
compare_c_poly_simpl a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_c_poly_simpl a1 b1 <? fun () ->
compare_c_constructor_simpl a2 b2 compare_c_constructor_simpl a2 b2
let compare_output_break_ctor { a_k_var=a1; a_k'_var'=a2 } { a_k_var=b1; a_k'_var'=b2 } = let compare_output_break_ctor { a_k_var=a1; a_k'_var'=a2 } { a_k_var=b1; a_k'_var'=b2 } =
compare_c_constructor_simpl a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_c_constructor_simpl a2 b2 compare_c_constructor_simpl a1 b1 <? fun () -> compare_c_constructor_simpl a2 b2
module OutputSpecialize1 : BLABLA = struct module OutputSpecialize1 : Set.OrderedType = struct
type t = output_specialize1 type t = output_specialize1
let compare = Comparators.compare_output_specialize1 let compare = compare_output_specialize1
end end
module BreakCtor : BLABLA = struct module BreakCtor : Set.OrderedType = struct
type t = output_break_ctor type t = output_break_ctor
let compare = Comparators.compare_output_break_ctor let compare = compare_output_break_ctor
end end
let selector_specialize1 : (type_constraint_simpl, output_specialize1) selector = let selector_specialize1 : (type_constraint_simpl, output_specialize1) selector =
@ -918,7 +914,7 @@ let propagator_specialize1 : output_specialize1 propagator =
let eqs = eq1 :: new_constraints in let eqs = eq1 :: new_constraints in
(eqs, []) (* no new assignments *) (eqs, []) (* no new assignments *)
module M (BlaBla : BLABLA) = struct module M (BlaBla : Set.OrderedType) = struct
module AlreadySelected = Set.Make(BlaBla) module AlreadySelected = Set.Make(BlaBla)
let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> BlaBla.t propagator -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * new_assignments = let select_and_propagate : ('old_input, 'selector_output) selector -> BlaBla.t propagator -> 'a -> structured_dbs -> new_constraints * new_assignments =