RPC: Add CORS headers
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,10 +18,43 @@ type server = (* hidden *)
module ConnectionMap = Map.Make(Cohttp.Connection)
exception Invalid_method
exception Options_preflight
exception Cannot_parse_body of string
let check_origin_matches origin allowed_origin =
String.equal "*" allowed_origin ||
String.equal allowed_origin origin ||
let allowed_w_slash = allowed_origin ^ "/" in
let len_a_w_s = String.length allowed_w_slash in
let len_o = String.length origin in
(len_o >= len_a_w_s) &&
String.equal allowed_w_slash @@ String.sub origin 0 len_a_w_s
let find_matching_origin allowed_origins origin =
let matching_origins = List.filter (check_origin_matches origin) allowed_origins in
let compare_by_length_neg a b = ~- (compare (String.length a) (String.length b)) in
let matching_origins_sorted = List.sort compare_by_length_neg matching_origins in
match matching_origins_sorted with
| [] -> None
| x :: _ -> Some x
let make_cors_headers ?(headers=Cohttp.Header.init ())
cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header =
let cors_headers = Cohttp.Header.add_multi headers
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" cors_allowed_headers in
match origin_header with
| None -> cors_headers
| Some origin ->
match find_matching_origin cors_allowed_origins origin with
| None -> cors_headers
| Some allowed_origin ->
Cohttp.Header.add_multi cors_headers
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" [allowed_origin]
(* Promise a running RPC server. Takes the port. *)
let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root cors_allowed_origins cors_allowed_headers =
(* launch the worker *)
let cancelation, canceler, _ = Lwt_utils.canceler () in
let open Cohttp_lwt_unix in
@ -71,6 +104,8 @@ let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
let callback (io, con) req body =
(* FIXME: check inbound adress *)
let path = Utils.split_path (Uri.path (Cohttp.Request.uri req)) in
let req_headers = Cohttp.Request.headers req in
let origin_header = Cohttp.Header.get req_headers "origin" in
lwt_log_info "(%s) receive request to %s"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) (Uri.path (Cohttp.Request.uri req)) >>= fun () ->
@ -89,6 +124,7 @@ let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
| Ok body -> Lwt.return (Some body)
| `GET -> Lwt.return None
| `OPTIONS -> Lwt.fail Options_preflight
| _ -> Lwt.fail Invalid_method
end >>= fun body ->
handler body >>= fun { Answer.code ; body } ->
@ -106,8 +142,9 @@ let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
(if Cohttp.Code.is_error code
then "failed"
else "success") >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:(`Code code) (),
let headers = make_cors_headers cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header in
Lwt.return (Response.make
~flush:true ~status:(`Code code) ~headers (), body))
| Not_found | Cannot_parse _ ->
lwt_log_info "(%s) not found"
@ -123,6 +160,7 @@ let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
let headers =
Cohttp.Header.add_multi (Cohttp.Header.init ())
"Allow" ["POST"] in
let headers = make_cors_headers ~headers cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header in
Lwt.return (Response.make
~flush:true ~status:`Method_not_allowed
~headers (),
@ -132,6 +170,12 @@ let launch port ?pre_hook ?post_hook root =
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:`Bad_request (),
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string msg)
| Options_preflight ->
lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC preflight"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () ->
let headers = make_cors_headers cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header in
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:(`Code 200) ~headers (),
| e -> Lwt.fail e)
and conn_closed (_, con) =
log_info "connection close %s" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) ;
@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ type server
callable. Calling /pipe will read a sequence of services to call in
sequence from the request body, see {!pipe_encoding}.
The arguments cors_allowed_origins and cors_allowed_headers define
the cross-origin resource sharing using the headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers. The
argument cors_allowed_headers sets the content of
Access-Control-Allow-Headers. Since you cannot have multiple
values for Access-Control-Allow-Origin, the server accepts a list
in cors_allowed_origins and matches it against the origin of the
incoming request; then returns the longest element of the passed
list as the content of Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
The optional [pre_hook] is called with the path part of the URL
before resolving each request, to delegate the answering to
another resolution mechanism. Its result is ignored if the return
@ -28,7 +38,10 @@ type server
val launch : int ->
?pre_hook: (string -> string RPC.Answer.answer Lwt.t) ->
?post_hook: (string -> string RPC.Answer.answer Lwt.t) ->
unit RPC.directory -> server Lwt.t
unit RPC.directory ->
string list ->
string list ->
server Lwt.t
(** Kill an RPC server. *)
val shutdown : server -> unit Lwt.t
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ type cfg = {
(* rpc *)
rpc_addr : (Ipaddr.t * int) option ;
cors_origins : string list ;
cors_headers : string list ;
(* log *)
log_output : [`Stderr | `File of string | `Syslog | `Null] ;
@ -93,6 +95,8 @@ let default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir = {
(* rpc *)
rpc_addr = None ;
cors_origins = [] ;
cors_headers = ["content-type"] ;
(* log *)
log_output = `Stderr ;
@ -153,8 +157,10 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
(opt "peers-cache" string)
let rpc =
(opt "addr" string)
(dft "cors-origin" (list string) [])
(dft "cors-header" (list string) [])
let log =
@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
let t =
(fun { store ; context ; protocol ;
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections;
net_addr ; net_port ; local_discovery ; peers;
closed ; peers_cache ; rpc_addr; log_output } ->
min_connections ; max_connections ; expected_connections ;
net_addr ; net_port ; local_discovery ; peers ;
closed ; peers_cache ; rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output } ->
let net_addr = string_of_sockaddr (net_addr, net_port) in
let rpc_addr = Utils.map_option string_of_sockaddr rpc_addr in
let peers = ListLabels.map peers ~f:string_of_sockaddr in
@ -173,11 +179,14 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
((Some store, Some context, Some protocol),
(Some min_connections, Some max_connections, Some expected_connections,
Some net_addr, local_discovery, Some peers, closed, Some peers_cache),
rpc_addr, Some log_output))
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
Some log_output))
(fun (
(store, context, protocol),
(min_connections, max_connections, expected_connections,
net_addr, local_discovery, peers, closed, peers_cache), rpc_addr, log_output) ->
(min_connections, max_connections, expected_connections, net_addr,
local_discovery, peers, closed, peers_cache),
(rpc_addr, cors_origins, cors_headers),
log_output) ->
let open Utils in
let store = unopt default_cfg.store store in
let context = unopt default_cfg.context context in
@ -196,7 +205,7 @@ module Cfg_file = struct
store ; context ; protocol ;
min_connections; max_connections; expected_connections;
net_addr; net_port ; local_discovery; peers; closed; peers_cache;
rpc_addr; log_output
rpc_addr; cors_origins ; cors_headers ; log_output
@ -273,10 +282,16 @@ module Cmdline = struct
let rpc_addr =
let doc = "The TCP socket address at which this RPC server instance can be reached" in
Arg.(value & opt (some sockaddr_converter) None & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"ADDR:PORT" ["rpc-addr"])
let cors_origins =
let doc = "CORS origin allowed by the RPC server via Access-Control-Allow-Origin; may be used multiple times" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"ORIGIN" ["cors-origin"])
let cors_headers =
let doc = "Header reported by Access-Control-Allow-Headers reported during CORS preflighting; may be used multiple times" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info ~docs:"RPC" ~doc ~docv:"HEADER" ["cors-header"])
let parse base_dir config_file sandbox sandbox_param log_level
min_connections max_connections expected_connections
net_saddr local_discovery peers closed rpc_addr reset_cfg update_cfg =
net_saddr local_discovery peers closed rpc_addr cors_origins cors_headers reset_cfg update_cfg =
let base_dir = Utils.(unopt (unopt default_cfg.base_dir base_dir) sandbox) in
let config_file = Utils.(unopt ((unopt base_dir sandbox) // "config")) config_file in
let no_config () =
@ -317,6 +332,8 @@ module Cmdline = struct
peers = (match peers with [] -> cfg.peers | _ -> peers) ;
closed = closed || cfg.closed ;
rpc_addr = Utils.first_some rpc_addr cfg.rpc_addr ;
cors_origins = (match cors_origins with [] -> cfg.cors_origins | _ -> cors_origins) ;
cors_headers = (match cors_headers with [] -> cfg.cors_headers | _ -> cors_headers) ;
log_output = cfg.log_output ;
@ -328,7 +345,8 @@ module Cmdline = struct
ret (const parse $ base_dir $ config_file
$ sandbox $ sandbox_param $ v
$ min_connections $ max_connections $ expected_connections
$ net_addr $ local_discovery $ peers $ closed $ rpc_addr
$ net_addr $ local_discovery $ peers $ closed
$ rpc_addr $ cors_origins $ cors_headers
$ reset_config $ update_config
let doc = "The Tezos daemon" in
@ -420,7 +438,7 @@ let init_node { sandbox ; sandbox_param ;
let init_rpc { rpc_addr } node =
let init_rpc { rpc_addr ; cors_origins ; cors_headers } node =
match rpc_addr with
| None ->
lwt_log_notice "Not listening to RPC calls." >>= fun () ->
@ -428,7 +446,7 @@ let init_rpc { rpc_addr } node =
| Some (_addr, port) ->
lwt_log_notice "Starting the RPC server listening on port %d." port >>= fun () ->
let dir = Node_rpc.build_rpc_directory node in
RPC_server.launch port dir >>= fun server ->
RPC_server.launch port dir cors_origins cors_headers >>= fun server ->
Lwt.return (Some server)
let init_signal () =
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ let http_proxy port =
| None ->
Lwt.return (RPC.Answer.Empty)) >>= fun body ->
Lwt.return { RPC.Answer.code = 404 ; body } in
RPC_server.launch ~pre_hook ~post_hook port root
RPC_server.launch ~pre_hook ~post_hook port root [] []
let web_port = Client_config.in_both_groups @@
new Config_file.int_cp [ "web" ; "port" ] 8080
Reference in New Issue
Block a user