Alpha/Tests: add self-delegation on origination test cases
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Test_tez
open Test_utils
(* bootstrap contracts *)
@ -979,6 +980,97 @@ let double_registration_when_recredited () =
| Delegate_storage.Active_delegate -> true
| _ -> false)
(* originate and self-delegation on unrevealed contract *)
let unregistered_and_unrevealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i ->
let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in
let { Account.pkh ; _ } = Account.new_account () in
let contract = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in
Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap contract (Tez.of_int 10) >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
(* origination with delegate argument *)
Op.origination ~fee ~delegate:pkh (I i) contract >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) ->
Context.Contract.balance (I i) contract >>=? fun balance ->
if fee > balance then
Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function
| Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true
| _ -> false)
(* origination did not proceed; fee has been debited *)
~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key pkh)
i op >>=? fun i ->
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract balance fee >>=? fun () ->
(* originated contract has not been created *)
Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err ->
Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function
| RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true
| _ -> false)
(* originate and self-delegation on revelead but not registered contract *)
let unregistered_and_revealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i ->
let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in
let { Account.pkh ; pk ; _ } = Account.new_account () in
let contract = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in
Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap contract (Tez.of_int 10) >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
Op.revelation (I i) pk >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
(* origination with delegate argument *)
Op.origination ~fee ~delegate:pkh (I i) contract >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) ->
Context.Contract.balance (I i) contract >>=? fun balance ->
if fee > balance then
Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err ->
Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function
| Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true
| _ -> false)
(* origination did not proceed; fee has been debited *)
~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key pkh)
i op >>=? fun i ->
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract balance fee >>=? fun () ->
(* originated contract has not been created *)
Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err ->
Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function
| RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true
| _ -> false)
(* originate and self-delegation on revealed and registered contract *)
let registered_self_delegate_key_init_origination () =
Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) ->
Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i ->
let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in
let { Account.pkh ; pk ; _ } = Account.new_account () in
let contract = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in
Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap contract (Tez.of_int 10) >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
Op.revelation (I i) pk >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
Op.delegation (I i) contract (Some pkh) >>=? fun op ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
Context.Contract.balance (I i) contract >>=? fun balance ->
Context.get_constants (I i) >>=? fun { parametric = { origination_burn ; _ }} ->
(* origination with delegate argument *)
Op.origination ~delegate:pkh (I i) contract >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) ->
Tez.(origination_burn +? >>?= fun total_cost ->
Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i ->
Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract balance total_cost >>=? fun () ->
Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun () ->
let tests_delegate_registration =
(*** unregistered delegate key: no self-delegation ***)
@ -1034,6 +1126,22 @@ let tests_delegate_registration =
Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation, large fee)"
`Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ;
(* origination with self_delegation on unrevealed and unregistered contract *)
Test.tztest "unregistered and unrevealed self-delegation (origination, small fee)"
`Quick (unregistered_and_unrevealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ;
Test.tztest "unregistered and unrevealed self-delegation (origination, large fee)"
`Quick (unregistered_and_unrevealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ;
(* origination with self_delegation on unregistered contract *)
Test.tztest "unregistered and revealed self-delegation (origination, small fee)"
`Quick (unregistered_and_revealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ;
Test.tztest "unregistered and revealed self-delegation (origination, large fee)"
`Quick (unregistered_and_revealed_self_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ;
(* origination with self_delegation on registered contract *)
Test.tztest "registered and revelead self-delegation (origination)"
`Quick registered_self_delegate_key_init_origination ;
(*** unregistered delegate key: failed self-delegation ***)
(* no token transfer, self-delegation *)
Test.tztest "failed self-delegation: no transaction" `Quick failed_self_delegation_no_transaction ;
Reference in New Issue
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